Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, December 08, 1898, Image 7

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Important Features of
the President's
Suggestions Made Retarding the
Government of Our New Territories
Foreign Relations Generally Satis
factory Hawaiian Annexation.
To the Senate and House of Representa
tives: Notwithstanding the added burdens
rendered necessary by the war, our people
rejoice In a very satisfactory and steadily
Increasing degree of prosperity, evidenced
by the largest volume of business ever
recorded. Every manufacture has been
productive, agricultural pursuits have
. yielded abundant returns, labor in the
fields of Industry Is better rewarded, rev
enue legislation passed by the present
congress has Increased he treasury's re
ceipts to the amount estimated by Its
authors, the finances of the government
have been successfully administered and
Its credit advanced to the first rank; while
Its currency has been maintained at the
world's highest standard. Military serv
ice under a common flag and for a
righteous cause has strengthened the
national spirit and served to cement more
closely than ever the fraternal bonds be
tween every section of the country.
A review of the relations of the United
States to other powers, always appropri
ate, is this year of primary Importance,
In view of the momentous Issues which
have risen, demanding in one Instance the
ultimate determination by arms and In
volving far-reaching consequences which
will require the earnest attention of the
In my last annual message, very full
consideration was given to the question
of the duty of the government of the
United States toward Spain and the Cu
ban Insurrection, as being by far the
most Important problem with which we
were called upon to deal. The considera
tions then advanced, and the exposition
of the views therein expressed, disclosed
my aense of the extreme gravity of the
Setting aside, as logically unfounded
or practically inadmissible, recogni
tion of the Cuban insurgents as belliger
ents, recognition of the Independence
of Cuba, neutral Intervention to end the
war by Imposing a rational compromise
between the contestants, intervention in
favor of one or the other party and the
forcible annexation of the island, I con
eluded It was honestly due to our friendly
relations with Spain that she should be
given a reasonable chance to realize her
expectations of reform to wmcn sne nuu
become Irrevocably committed.
Within a few weeks previously she
bad announced comprehensive plans
which It was confidently asserted would
be efficacious to remedy the evils so
deeply affecting our own country, so in
jurious to- the trua Interests of the
mother country, as well as to those of
Cuba, and so repugnant to the universal
entlment of humanity.
Destruction of the Mnlne.
At this juncture, on the loth of Febru
ary last, occurred the destruction of the
battle-ehlp Maine, while rightfully lying
In the harbor of Havana on a mission of
International courtesy and good will, a
catastrophe the suspicious nature and
horror of which stirred the nation's heart
profoundly. It Is a striking evidence of
lhA nnlse and sturdy good sense dlstin
gulshlng our national character that this
hocking blow, falling ufon a generous
people already deeply touched by pre
ceding events in Cuba, did not move them
to desperate resolve to tolerate.no longer
the existence of a condition or danger ana
disorder at our doors that made possible
such a deed by whomsoever wrought
Yet the Instinct of Justice prevailed, and
the nation anxiously awaited the result
of the searching Investigation at once set
on foot. The finding of the naval board
of Inquiry established that the origin of
the explosion was external by a gubma
rine mine, and only halted, through lack
of positive testimony, to fix the responsl
billty of its authorship.
Congress' Appropriation of Fifty Mil
lions for National Defense.
All those things carried conviction to
the most thoughtful, even before the
finding of the naval court, that a crisis
in our relations with Spain and toward
Cuba was at hand. 8- ttrong was this
belief that it needed but a brief execu
tive suggestion to congress to receive im
mediate answer to the duty of making
instant provision for the possible and per
haps spetdily probable emergency of war,
and the remarkable, almost unique, spec
tacle was presented of a unanimous vote
of both houses on the 9th of March ap
propriating 150,000,000 "for the national de
fens and for ech and every purpose con
nected therewith, to be expended at the
discretion of the president."
That this act of provision came none
too soon was disclosed when the applica
tion of the fund was undertaken. Our
porta were practically undefended; our
navy needed large provision for Increased
ammunition and supplies, and even num
bers to cope with any sudden attack from
the navy of Spain, which comprised mod
ern vessels of the highest type of conti
nental perfection. Our army also re
quired enlargement of men and muni
tions. The details of the hurried prepa
rations for the decided contingency Is told
In the reports of the secretaries of war
and of the navy, and need not be repeated
here. .
It Is sufficient to say that the outbreak
Of war, when It did come, found our na
tion not unprepared to meet the conflict,
nor was the apprehension of coming strife
confined to our own country. It was felt
by the continental powers, which, on April
I, through their ambassadors and envoys,
addressed to the executive an expression
of hope that humanity and moderation
might mark the course of th's govern
ment and people, and that further nego
tiations would lead to an attempt, which,
while securing the maintenance of peace,
would affirm all necessary guarantees for
the re-establlshment of order In Cuba.
Proposal of mm Aranlatlre.
Still animated by the hope of a peace
ful solution and obeying the dictates of
duty, no effort was relsxed to bring about
a speedy ending of the Cuban struggle,
Negotiations to this effect continued
actively with the government of Spain
looking to the Immediate conclusion of a
lx months' armistice In Cuba with a
view to effect the recognition of her peo
ple's right to Independence. Bilde this,
the Instant revocation of the order of re
concentration was asked, so that the suf
ferers, returning to their hom and
aided by united Amerlrsn and Hpanlah
effort, might be put In a wsy to support
themselves, and by orderly resumption of
the well-nigh destroyed productive ener
gies of the Inland contribute to the res
toration of Its tranquillity and well-being.
Aaibarlty to Intervene.
Grieved and disappointed at this hrrrn
Outcome of my slncrre endesvors to Trai n
practicable solution, I fait It my duty to
remit the whole question to congress. In
the nmm of April II, 1IM, I announced
that with this last overture In the d; ruc
tion of Immediate peace In Cuba and Its
disappointing reception by "pain the ef
fort of the executive wss brought to sa
and. I again reviewed the alternative
eouree of action which 1 had prepared,
concluding that the only course eonwnn
with International policy and eomi'Stlbe
with our firmly set historical traditions
was Intervention as a neutral to stop the
war and check the hopls serin. of
life, even though that resort Involved
'hoastlle constraint upon both parties to
the contest, at well to enforce a truce a
to provide for eventual settlement."
In view of all this congress wss asked to
authorise and empower the president to
lake measure to secure a fuJ and Boat
termination of hostilities between Spain
and the people of Cuba and to secure to
ismim me establishment of a etabe
government, capable of maintaining or.
uer ana oDwrving its International obli
gations, in securing peace and tranquil
lity and the security of ita citizens as
well as our own, and for the accomplish
ment of those ends to use the military and
naval forces of the United States as
might be necessary, with added authority
to continue generous relief to the starv
ing peop'.e of Cuba.
The response of congress, after nine day
of earnest deliberation, during which the
almost unanimous sentiment of your body
was developed on every point, save as to
the expediency of coupling the proposed
action with a formal recognition of the
republic of Cuba as the true and lawful
government of that Island a proposition
wnicn tailed or adopt on the conercas.
after a conference on the 19th of April, by
a vote of 42 to 34 In the senate and 311 to
6 in the house, passed the memorable Joint
resolution declaring:
First That the oeODle of the Island of
Cuba are, and ,by right ought to be, free
and Independent.
"'Second-That It is the duty of the United
States and the government of the United
States hereby demands that the govern
ment of Spain at once relinquish Its au
thority In the island of Cuba and with
draw Its land and naval forces from Cuba
and Cuban waters.
"Third That the president of the United
States be and Is hereby directed and em
powered to use the entire land and naval
forces of the United States and the militia
of the several states to such extent as
may be necessary to carry these resolu
tions Into effect.
"Fourth That the United States hereby
disclaims any disposition or Intention to
exercise sovereignty, Jurledlctlon or con
trol over said Island, except for the pacifi
cation thereof, and asserts Its determina
tion, when that Is accomplished, to leave
the government and control of the Island
to Its people."
- Rapture of Negotiations.
This resolution was approved by the ex
ecutive on the next day, April 20. A
copy was at once communicated to the
Spanish minister at this capital, who
forthwith announced that his continuance
In Washington had thereby become impos
sible, and asked for his passports, whloh
were given him. He thereupon withdrew
from Washington, leaving the protection
of Spanish Interests in the United States
to the French ambassador and the Aus-tro-Hungarian
Simultaneously with Its communication
to the Spanish minister, General Wood
ford, the American minister at Madrid,
was telegraphed confirmation of the
text of the Joint resolution and directed
to communicate It to the government of
Spain with the formal demand that It at
once relinquish its authority and govern
ment In the Island of Cuba, and withdraw
Its forces therefrom, coupling this demand
with announcements of the Intentions of
this government as to the future of the
Island, In conformity with the fourth
clause of the resolution, and giving Spain
until noon of April 23 to reply.
Spain, having thus denied the demand of
the United States, and initiated that com.
plete form of rupture of relations which
attends a state of war, the executive pow- 1
or. ntwi,.i u.. .u. ...
w.- , i..t icsu.ui.uu wcitj uau. ;
by me to meet the enlarged contingency of
actual war between Spain and the United
On April 22 I proclaimed a blockade of
the northern coast of Cuba, Including
ports on said coast between Cardenas and
Bahla Honda and the port of Clenfuegos,
on the south coast of Cuba; and on the 23d
I called for volunteers to execute the pur
pose of the resolution. -
The Declaration of War.
By my message of April 25, congress was
informed of the situation, and I recom
mended formal declaration of the exist
ence of a state of war between the United
States and Spain, Congress accordingly
voted on the same day the act approved
April 25, 1898, declaring the existence of
such war from and Including the 21st day
of April, and re-enacted the provision of
the resolution of April 20, directing the
president to use all the armed forces of the
nation to carry that act Into effect.
Due notification of the existence of war
as aforesaid was given April 25 by tele
graph to all the governments with which
the United States maintained relations, In
order that their neutrality might be as
sured during the war. The various govern
ments responded with proclamations of
neutrality, each after Its own method. It
Is not among the least gratifying Incidents
of the struggle that the obligations of
neutrality were Impartially discharged by
all, often under delicate and difficult cir
cumstances. In further fulfillment of International
duty, I Issued, April 26, a proclamation an
nouncing the treatment proposed to be ac
corded to vessels and their cargoes as to
blockade, contraband, the exercise of the
right of subjects and the Immunity of neu
tral flags and neutral goods .under the
enemy's flag. A similar proclamation was
made by the Spanish government. In the
conduct of hostilities, the rules of the
declaration of Paris, including abstention
from resort to privateering, have accord
ingly been observed by both belligerents,
although neither was a party to that dec
laration. The national defense fund of 150,000,000
was expended In large part by the
army and the navy, and the objects for
which It was used are fully shown In the
reports of the several secretaries. It was
a most timely appropriation, enabling the
government to strengthen its defenses and
to make preparations greatly needed In
case of war. This fund being Inadequate
to the requirements of equipment and for
the conduct of the war, the patriotism of
congress provided the means In the war
revenue act of June U by authorising a
I per cent popular loan, not to exceed
$100,000,000, and by levying additional Im
posts and taxes. Of the authorized loan,
$200,000,0(10 was offered and promptly taken,
the subscriptions so far exceeding the
call as to cover It many times over.
While preference was given to the small
er bids, no single allotment exceeded
$o000. This was a most encouraging and
significant result, showing the vast re
sources of the nation and the determina
tion of the people to uphold their coun
try's honor.
Brilliant Series of Victories
American Arms.
It Is not within the province of this
message to narrate the history of the
extraordinary war that followed the
Spanish declaration vf April tl but a
brief recital of Its more salient features
Is appropriate. The first encounter of the
war In point of data took place April
27, when a detachment of the blockading
squndron made a reconnolssnnce In force
at Maiansas. shelhd the harbor fortifica
tions and demolished several new works
In construction.
Dewey Manila.
The next engsgsment was destined to
mnrk a memorahls eio. In maritime war
fare. The Pacific flest, under Commo
doreGeorge Dewey, had Iain for some
weeks at Hong Kong. Upon the colonial
proclamation of neutrality being Issued
and the customary 24 hours' notice being
given. It repaired to Mlrs bay, near Hong
Kong, whence It proceeded to the Philip
pine islands under telegraphic orders to
cspture or destroy the formidable Span
ish fleet thn assembled at Manila. Al
daybreak n May 1 the American force
entered Manila bay, and after a few hours'
engsgrment effected the total destruction
of the Spanish fleet, consisting of 10 war
ships and a transport, besides capturing
the nsvsl station and forts al Cavlte, thus
annihilating the Hpanlxh nsvsl power in
the I'si llle ocean and completely control
ling the bay of Manila, with the ability
to take the rlty at will. Not a Ufa wss
lost on our ships, the wounded number
ing only B'ven, while not a Vessel was
materially Injured. For this gallant
achievement congress, upon my rerorn-
mrndstkin. fitly bestowed upon the actois
preferment and substantial rrwsrd.
ft 1)1144 t la-lory.
Only reluctsnce to cause asedlesg ls
of life and property prevented the erly
so.rm.rg ana capture or tne city, and
therewith the absolute military occupation
of le whole group. The Insurgents,
mesnwhil. had resumed the active hoa
tll.tim swapnl4 by lb uncompleted
truce of lomber. 17. Their forces In
vested Msnlla on the northern and east
ern side, but were conetrstned by Admiral
Jyewt and Oeoerai Uemtt from attempt-
Inr "an assault. It wss fitting that what
ever was to be done In the way of de
way of de-
c sive operations In that quarter should be
accomplished by the strong arm of the
L nited -States alone.
Obeying the stern precept of war, which
enjoins the overcoming of the adversary
and the extinction of his power wherever
assailable as the speedy and sure means
to win a peace, divided victory was not
permissible, for no partition of the rights
and responsibilities attending the enforce
ment of a Just and advantageous peace
could be thought of.
Following the adoption of a comprehen
sive scheme of general attack, powerful
forces were assembled at various points ou
our coast to Invade Cuba and Porto Rico.
Meanwhile, naval demonstrations were
made at several exposed points. May 11
the cruiser Wilmington and torpedo-boat
Wlnslow were unsuccessful in an attempt
to silence the batteries at Cardenas, In
Matanzas, Ensign Worth Bagley and four
seamen falling. These grievous fatalities
were strangely enough among the very
few which occurred during our naval
operations In this extraordinary conflict.
Meanwhile, the Spanish naval prepara
tions had been pushed with great vigor.
A powerful squadron under Admiral Cer
vera, which had assembled at the Crpb
Verde Islands before the beginning of hos
tilities, had crossed the Atlantic ocean and
by Its erratic movements In the Caribbean
sea delayed our military operations, while
baffling the pursuit of our fleets. For a
time fears were felt lest the Oregon and
Marietta, then nearlng home after their
long voyage from San Francisco of over
15,000 miles, might be surprised by Admiral
Cervera's fleet, but their fortunate arrival
dispelled the apprehensions and lent much
needed reinforcements. Not until Admiral
Cervera took refuge In the harbor of
Santiago de Cuba, about May 9, was It
practicable to plan a systematic military
attack upon the Antlllean possessions of
Several demonstrations occurred on the
.coast of Cuba and Porto Rico In prepara
tion for the larger event. On May 13 the
North Atlantic squadron shelled San Juan
de Porto Rico. On May 30 Commodore
Schley's squadron bombarded the forts
guarding the mouth of Santiago harbor.
Neither attack had any material result. It
was evident that well-ordered land opera
tions were Indispensable to achieve a de
cided advantage.
Hobaon's Heroism.
The next act in the war thrilled not
alone the hearts of our countrymen, but
the world, by Its exceptional heroism.
On the night of June 3 Lieutenant Hob
son, aided by seven devoted volunteers,
blocked the narrow outlet from Santiago
harbor by sinking the collier Merrlmac In
the channel under a fierce fire from the
chore batteries, escaping with their lives
as by a miracle, but falling into the
hands of the Spaniards. It Is a most grat
ifying Incident of the war that the brav
ery of this little band of heroes was cor
dially appreciated by the Spaniards, who
sent a flag of truce to notify Admiral
Sampson of their safety and to compli
ment them upon their daring act. They
were subsequently exchanged. Julv i.
By June 7 the cutting of the last Cuban
cable Isolated the Island. Thereafter the
vsn'" WJ " v's orous Iy Prosecuted. June
7"" "'. a
Ins force of 600 marines from the Oreeon.
M ,,rhl-hd . v.,,! ...?
Guantanamo bay, where It had been de
termined to establish a cable station. This
Important and essential port was taken
from the enemy after severe fighting by
the marines, who were the first organized
force of the United States to land in Cuba.
The position so won was held, despite the
desperate attempts to dlslodgje our foroes.
By June 16 additional forces we,re landed
ana strongly intrenched
June 22 the advance of the Invading
army under Major-General Shatter landed
at Daiquiri, about 15 miles east of Santl
ago. This was accomplished under great
difficulties, but with marvelous dispatch.
On June 23 the movement against Santiago
was Degun.
On the 24th the first serious engagement
took place in which the First and Tenth
cavalry and the First volunteer cavalry,
General Young's brigade of General
Wheeler's division, participated, losing
heavily. By nightfall, however, ground
within five miles of Santiago was won.
The advantage was steadily Increased
On July 1 a severe battle took place, our
forces gplnlng the outer works of Santiago.
and El Caney and San Juan were taken
after a desperate charge and the Invest
ment of the city was completed. The
navy co-operated by shelling the town
and the coast forts.
Destruction of the Armnda.
On the day following this brilliant
achievement of our land forces, July 3,
occurred the decisive naval combat of the
war. The Spanish fleet, attempting to
leave the harbor, was met by the Ameri
can squadron under command ot Commo
dore Sampson. In less than three hours
all the Spanish ships were destroyed.
Two torpedo-boats were sunk and the Ma
ria Teresa, Almirante Oquendo, Vizcaya
and Cristobal Colon were driven ashore.
The Spanish admiral and over 1300 men
were taken prisoners. While the enemy's
loss of life was deplorably large, some
200 perishing, on our side but one man
was killed and one man seriously wound, d.
Although our ships were repeatedly struck,
not one was seriously Injured. The men
also conspicuously distinguished them
selves, from the commanders to the gun
ners and the unnamed heroes In the
boiler-rooms, each and all contributing
toward the achievement of this astound
ing victory, for which neither ancient nor
modern history affords a parallel in the
completeness of the event and the marvel,
ous disproportion of casualties. It would
be Invidious to single out any for special
honor. Deserved promotion has rewarded
the mere conspicuous actors the nation's
profoundest gratitude Is due to all of those
brave men who by their skill and devo
tion In a few short hours crushed the sea
power of Spain and wrought a triumph
whose decisiveness and far-reaching ef
fects can scarcely be measured. Nor can
we be unmindful of the achievements of
our builders, mechanics and artisans for
their skill In the construction of our war
ships. With the catastrophe of Bantlsgo,
Spain's effort upon the ocean virtually
ceased. A spsjrmodto effort toward the
end of June to send her Mediterranean
fleet, under Admiral Camara, to relievo
Manila was ahsndoned, the expedition be.
Ing recalled after It had passed through
the Sues csnal.
Surrender of San tin bo.
The capitulation of Santiago followed.
The city wss closely besieged by land,
while the entrance of our ships Into the
harbor cut off all relief on that side. After
a truce to allow of the removal of the
noncombatants, protracted negotiation!
Continued from July t until July 16, when,
under menace of Immediate assault, the
preliminaries of surrender were agreed
upon. On the 17th General Shatter occu
pied the city. The capitulation embraced
the entire eastern end of Cubs. The num
ber of Spanish soldiers aurrendj-red was
22,0110, all of whom were subsequently con
veyed to flpaln at the charge of the
United States. The story of this success.
ful campaign is told In the report of the
secretary of war which will be laid be
fore you.
Invasion of Porto Rico.
With the fall of Santiago, the occupa
tion of Porto Illco became the next strat
egic necessity. General Miles had pre
viously been assigned to organise an ex
pedition for that purpose. Fortunately,
he was alreudy at Bantlugo, where he had
arrlwd on the 11th o' July with reinforce
munla for General Hnafter's army. With
these troops, consisting of 1415 Infantry
and artillery, two companies of engineers
and one comixny of the signal corps. Gen
eral Mllis left Guantanamo July 21, hav
ing nine transports convoyed by the nv t
under Captain lllsglnson. with the Mna
sschusetts fflaghlp), iJlile Gloucester,
Columbia and Tale, the Iwo latter carry-
Ing troope. The expedition Isndrd at
Guanba. July 8, whkh port wss entrred
wlth little opposition. Hr the fV'-t was
Joined by the Annapolis and Wsp, while
, ,h, i.uriten ,d Amphltrlte went 'to Pan
Juan and Joined the New Orleans, whb h
was enasg'd In blocksdlng that port. The
msjor-genersl commanding wss subse
quently reinforced by General HVhwsnn's
brlgsde of the Third army corps, by Oen-
j ,t Wilson with a pert of his division.
and also by General llrooks. with a part
of his rorpe. numbering In all I VT1 omrs
and m-n. On July tl he entered I'once,
one nf the moat Imtxirtsnt points In tha
Island, from whteh he thrsfr directed
opralons for the cepture of ths leland.
A a potnt infiuonce inward pac. the
outcome of the Porto ftlcan etpodltloa
Ie flu le these wbe participated U II
Last Battle of the War.
The last scene of the war was enacted
at Manila, Its starting place. On August
15. after a brief assault upon the works
by the land forces, in which the squadron
assisted, the capital surrendered uncondi
tionally. The casualties were compara
tively few. By this conquest of the Phil
ippine islands, virtually accomplished
when the Spanish capacity for resistance
was destroyed by Admiral Dewey's vic
tory of the first of May, the result of the
war was formally sealed. To General
Merritt, his officers and men, for their un
complaining and devoted services, for their
gallantry In action, the nation Is sincerely
grateful. Their long voyage was made
with singular success, and the soldierly
conduct of the men, of whom many were
without previous experience In the mili
tary service, deserves unmeasured praise.
Total Casualties.
The- total casualties In killed and wound
ed In the army during the war was as fol
Officers killed, 23; enlisted men killed.
257; total, 280; officers wounded, 113: en
listed men wounded, 1464; total, 1577.
Of the navy, killed, 17; wounded. 67:
died as result of wounds, 1; Invalided from
service, 6; total, 91.
It will be observed that while our navv
was engaged in two great battles and In
numerous perilous undertakings In the
blockades and bombardments, and more
than 50,000 of our troops were transported
to distant lands and engaged In assault
and siege and battle and many skirmishes
In unfamiliar territory, we lost In both
arms of the service a total of 1668 killed
and wounded, and In the entire campaign
by land and sea we did not lose a gun or
a flag, or a transport or a ship, and, with
the exception of the crew of the Merrl
mac, not a soldier or sailor was taken
On August 7, 46 days from the date of
landing of General Shafter's army In
Cuba, and 21 days from the surrender of
Santiago, tho United States troops com
menced embarkation for home, and our
entire force was returned to the United
States as early as August 24. They were
absent from the United States only two
Spain's Overtures for a Cessation of
The annihilation of Admiral Cervera's
fleet, followed by the capitulation of San
tiago, having brought to the Spanish gov
ernment a realizing sense of the hopeless
ness of continuing a struggle now becom
ing wholly unequal, it made overtures of
peace through the French ambassador,
who, with the assent of his government,
had acted as the friendly (representative
of Spain's Interests during the war. On
the 26th of July, M. Cambon presented a
communication, signed by the Duke of
Almodovar, the Spanish minister of Btata,
inviting the United States to state the
terms upon which It would be willing to
.v 1 . - T . . i -A 1 - , ...
man.? yoauo. uijf OU, uy & Communication
addressed to the Duke of Almodovar, and
handed by M. Cambon, the terms of this
government were announced substantially
in the protocol, afterwards signed. On
August 10, the Spanish reply dated August
7 was handed by M. Cambon to the sec
retary of state. It accepted uncondi
tionally the terms Imposed as to Cuba,
Porto Rico, and an Island of the Ladrone
group, but appeared to seek to Introduce
Inadmissible reservations In regard to our
demand as to the Philippines.
Conceiving that discussion on this pjslpt
could neither be practicable nor profitable, .
I directed that, In order to avoid mis
understanding, the matter should be
forthwith closed by proposing the em- i
bodlment In a formal protocol of the
terms In which the negotiations for peace j
were undertaken. The vague and inex
plicit suggestions of the Spanish note
could not be accepted, the only reply be
ing to present as a virtual ultimatum a
draft of the protocol, embodying the pre
cise terms tendered to Spain in our note
of July 80, which added stipulations of
details as to the appointment of com
missioners to arrange for the evacuation
of the Spanish Antilles. On August 12,
M. Cambon announced his receipt of full
powers to sign the protocol as submitted.
Terms of the Protocol,
Accordingly, on the afternoon of August
12, M. Cambon as the plenipotentiary ot
Spain and the secretary of state, as the '
plenipotentiary of the United Btates,
signed the protocol providing: I
"Article 1. Spain will relinquish all
claim of soverelanty over and title to""'
Cuba. I
"Article 2. Spain will cede to the United
States the Island of Porto Rico and other
Islands now under Spanish sovorelgnty In
the West Indies, and also an Island In
the Ladrones to be selected by the United
"Article S. The United States will occu
py and hold the city, bay and harbor of
Manila, pending the conclusion of a treaty
of peace, which shall determine the con
trol, disposition and government of the
The fourth article provided for the ap
pointment of Joint commissions on the
part of the United States and Spala to
meet In Havana and San Juan, respective- '
ly, for the purpose of arranging and car
rying out the details of the stipulated
evacuation of Cuba, Porto Rico and other
Spanish Islands In the West Indies.
The fifth article provided for the ap
pointment of not more than five commls- (
sloners on each side to meet at Paris not
later than October 1, and to proceed to
the negotiation and conclusion of a
treaty of oeace. sublect to ratification ac- 1
cording to the respective constitutional
forms of the two countries.
The sixth and last article provides that
upon the signing of the protocol, hostili
ties between the two countries shall be
suspended, and that notice to mat encct
should be given as soon as possible by
each government to the commanuers oi
Its naval forces. , ,
Immedlately upon the conclusion of the
nrntneol. I Issued the proclamation Of Au-
gust 12, suspending hoctllltles on the part
of the United mines, ine necesrjr calla for control by this government,
ders to that end were at once given by lei- Br propositions which I doubt not con
egreph. The blockade of the ports of Cu- Rrel- wlj duy ippreclate and wisely act
ba ana or nan juan oe runw m;
like manner rsisen. un August u, m
muster-out of 100,000 volunteers, or ss near
that number as was found to be practica
ble, was ordered. On December 1, 101,655 of
flcera and men had been mustered out and
discharged from the service; loo! more will
be mustered out by the loth of the month;
also a corresponding number of generals
and genersl staff officers hsve been hon
orshly discharged from the service.
The military commissions to superintend
the evscustlon of Cubs, Porto Klco and
the adjacent Islands were forthwith ap
pointed: For Cuba Major-Genersl James F.
Wsde, Itcar-Admlrnl William T. Sampson,
Majcir-Genersl Matthew C. Duller.
For Porto hlco Major-General John C.
Brooke, Rear-Admiral Wlnlteld Scott
fcVhley, Brigadier-General W. Gordon.
They soon afterwards met the Spanish
commissioners st Hsvana and Ban Juan,
respectively. The Porto Illco Joint commis
sion speedily accomplished Its tssk, snl
by October IS tho evscustlon of the Inland
was completed. The United Rials flag
wss rained over the is'snd at noon that
day. The admlnlatrstlon of Its affairs has
been provisionally Intrustrd to a mllltsry
governor until congress shall otherwise
provide. The Cuban Joint high oommls.
slon has not yet terminated Its labors. Ow
ing lo the difficulties m th wsy of remov.
Ing the large number of Spanish troope
1111 In Cuba, the evscustlon cannot be
completed before the 1st of Jsnusry next,
the Pears Commlaaloa.
Pursuant to the fifth article of the pro
tocol, I appointed Wi.llam It. Inr, lately
aecrrtsry of stste; Cushman K. Davis,
WllllsmP. Fry snd George Grsy, senators
of the United f4ut, snd Whltelaw Held,
lo lie peace commissioner on the psrt of
i the f'nlted "tstes. Proceeding In due
' ssson to Psrts, they Inert met, on the
lt of fw!obr, five commlnnlonrrs slm-
llsrly appointed on the psrt of Hpsln. The
! negoltstlrs hsve msde tioprful progress,
an thai I trust soon to b able to lay
definite treaty of pesee before the aenate,
with a review of the steps baling to Its
1 do not discuss at this time Ihe govern
ment or the future of ths new p'xaMions
which will come to us ss the result of ths
sr with Hpsln. Huch a discussion wal
be spproprlste after ths treaty of peace
shsll be ratified. In the mntlm, anl
until eongree hss legislated otherwise. It
win be my fluty to continue the mllltsry the two rountrles to their mutual sd
government which hss eilsted s nee our . vantsae. Negotiation with other sovrrn-
orcupstion an give thlr people security
ln n property sod neour(ratat
"' ac kensOesnt rule.
Aside From Spain We Hare Had No
Serious DlnVrrnrrs Willi Other
With the exception of the rupture with
Spain, the Intercourse of the Unlled States
with the great family of nations has been
marked with cordiality, and tht close of
the eventful year finds most of the Issues
that'neccssarily arise In the complex rela
tions of sovereign states adjusted or pre
senting no serious obstacles to adjust
ment and honorable solution by amicable
A long-unsettled dispute as to the ex
tended boundary between the Argentine
republic and Chile, stretching along the
Andean crests, from the southern bor
der of the Ataeama desert to the Magel
lan straits, nearly a third of the length
of the South American continent, as
sumed an acute stage in the early part
of the year and afforded this government
occasion to express the hope that the re
sort to arbitration, already contemplated
by existing conventions between the par
ties, might prevail, despite the grave diffi
culties arising In Its application. I am
happy to say that arrangements to this
end have been perfected, the questions of
fact upon which the respective commis
sioners were unable to agree being in
course of reference to her Britannic ma
jesty for determination. A residual dif
ference, touching the northern boundary
line across the Ataeama desert, for which
existing treaties provided no adequate ad
justment, bids fair to be settled in liko
manner by a Joint commission, upon which
the United States minister at Buenos
Ayres has been Invited to serve as um
pire in the last resort.
International Cable Agreement.
I have found occasion to approach the
Argentine government with , a view to re
moving differences of rate charges im
posed upon the cables of an American
corporation In the transmission between
Buenos Ayres and the cities of Uruguay
and Brazil of through messages passing
from and to the United States. Although
the matter is complicated by exclusive
concessions by Uruguay and Brazil to
foreign companies, there Is a strong hope
that a good understanding will be reached
and that the important channels of com
mercial communication between the
United States and the Atlantic cities of
South America may be freed from an al
most prohibitory discrimination.
Forelirn Exhibitions.
Despite the brief time allotted for prep
aration, the exhibits of this country at
the universal exposition at Brussels in
1897 enjoyed the singular d'stlnctlon of a
larger proportion of awards, havtne: re
gard to the number and classes of articles
emereu, man tnose oi otner countries. The
worth of such a result In making known
our national capacity to supply the world's
maritets is obvious.
The NIenrngua Cnnol.
The Nicaragua canal commission, under
T Alml-nl Tu- c ttr t, . . .
?u?v t under thYa.f?I; aPp'n,ted
f und" the, 1ttuth."rliyT of a
"Tw I" the undry c vU act f Ju .
an"t.h" ."f?'1? ,1m
Inquiry Into the proper route, the feasibil
ity ana tne cost or construction of an in
teroceanlc canal by the Nicaragua route,
will be laid before you. In the perform
ance of Its work the commission received
all possible courtesy and assistance from
the governments of Nicaragua and Costa
Rica, which thus testified their apprecia
tion of the Importance of giving a speedy
and practical outcome of the project that
has for so many years engrossed the at
tention of the respective countries.
As the scope of recent Inquiry embraced
the whole subject with the aim of making
plans and surveys for a canal by the most
convenient route, It necessarily included
a review of the results of previous sur
veys and plans, and In particular those
adopted by the Maritime Canal Company
under Its existing concessions from Nica
ragua and Costa Rica, bo that to this ex
tent these grants necessarily held an es
sential part in the deliberations and con
clusions of the canal commission as they
have held and must needs hold In the dis
cussion of the matter by congress. Un
der these circumstances, and In view of
overtures made to the governments of
Nicaragua and Costa Rica by other par
ties for a new canal concession predicated
on the assumed approaching lapse of the
contracts of the Maritime Canal Company
with those states, I have not hesitated to
express my convictions that considerations
of expediency and International pollcv
between the eeveral governments Inter
ested In the construction and control of
an lnteroceanlo canal by this route re
quire the maintenance of the status quo
until the canal commission Bhal) have re
ported and the United States congress
shall have had the opportunity to pass
finally upon the whole matter during the
present session without prejudice by rea
son of any change in the existing condi
Nevertheless, It appears that the gov
ernment of Nicaragua, as one of Its last
sovereign acts before merging Its pow
ers In those of tne newly formed United
States of Central America, has granted an
optional concession to anothir association
to become effective on the expiration of
the pren-nt grant. It dots not appear
that surveys have been made or what
route Is proposed under this conceadon
so that an examination of tne feasibility
of its plans Is necessarily not embraced
In the report of the canal commission.
All these circumstances suggest the ur.
gency of some definite action by congress
at this session If the labors of the pant
are to he utilized and th linking of the
Atlantic and Pacific oceans by a practical
waterway ki to be reallz'd. That the
construction of such a maritime highway
Is now more than ever Indispensable to
that Intimate and ready Interc -irrmuni
cation between our eastern and western
sv-aboards demanded by the annexation
of the Hawaiian Islands and the prospee-
tlv, ex,,anslon of our Influence and oom.
mi.rr to th I'aclnn. nd thai nur nollnnnl
pilry now more Imperatively than ever
A convention providing for the revival
of the late United States and Chilean
claims commission and the consideration
of claims whlfh were duly presented to
the late communion, but not considered
I HuRfl iii rxiifaiiiin in ine lime lim
. , . U - . , I . - . . I .,
ited for the duration of the commission
was signed Msy U, 1KU7. snd has remslned
unacted upon by the senate. The term
therein fixed for effecting the exchange
of ratifications having elnrwrd, the con
vention falls unless the time be extended
by amendment, which I am endeavoring
to bring about, with the frbrtdly con
currence of the Chilean government.
The Paris Ksposltloa.
There Is now every prospect that the
partlclpstlon of the United States In the
universal exposition to lie held In Paris
In lle will be on a scsls commnrisiirate
with the sdvsnced position held by our
products and Industries In the worlds
chief marts. The preliminary report of
Moses P. Ilsridy, who, under the act
approved July l. 1W7, was appointed
Il commltmlonr with a view of ss.
curing all attaliislils Information neces
sary to a full and complete understanding
by congress tn r gsrd to the participation
by this government In the I'srls exposl
tlon. whs Isld before you by my mersngs
of Ie.emtr , 1W7. and shws the hue
oporiuiiltles to muke known our national
progress In art, silence and mnniifac.
tur-s, as Will as the urgent need of itn
med'.ats and ade'iunte provision lo enable
due advantnga thenof to be tsken. Mr.
Dandy's death soon afterward rendered
It necessary for another to take up snd
complete his unfinished work, and Janu
ary U last, Mr. Thomas W. I'rhller, third
BsxIniMnt seiretsry of stale, was deslg.
nat'd tn fulfill thst luelt. Ills report was
laid before you by my meniige of June
It, ln with the gratifying result of
awakening renewed Inlurcsl tn the pro-
u,1 o1'!'1
Tend Relatione Wllk
Krssrs and
The commercial arriingementa msde
with Km me on Msy Us, Km. under the
provlnlotis of section , of the tariff act
of V1. wenl Into effect on June I follow.
Ing. It hss relieved a portion of our ti
port trade from srlnus embarrassment.
Kurt her negot at inns era now pending
ur di-r section 4 of Ihe uma ad, with a
view lo the Inrrrsse of trade between
mnts. In part Interrupted by the war
wit a gpaln, are In progress under both
ec'twaa ef the unit aU I hope to be
able to announce some of the results of
these negotiations during the present ses
sion of congress.
Existing; tana In Force Pending Ac
tion by Congress.
Pending the consideration by the senate
of the treaty signed June 16, 1897, by the
plenipotentiaries of the United States and
of the republic of Hawaii, providing for
the annexation of the island, a joint reso
lution to accomplish the same purpose by
accepting the offered cession and Incor
porating the ceded territory Into the
Union was adopted by congress and ap
proved July 7, 1898. I thereupon directed
the United States steamer Philadelphia
to convey Rear-Admiral Miller to Hono
lulu and entrusted to his hands this Im
portant legislative act to be delivered to
the president of the republic of Hawaii,
with whom the admiral and the United
States minister were authorized to make
appropriate arrangements for transfer
ring the sovereignty of the islands to the
United States. This was simply but im
pressively accomplished on August 12 last,
by the delivery of a certified copy of
the resolution to President Dole, who
thereupon yielded up to the representa
tive of the government of the United
States the sovereignty and public prop,
erty of the Hawaiian Islands. Pursuant
to the terms of the Joint resolution and
In exercise of authority thereby con
ferred upon me, I directed that the civil.
Judicial and military powers heretofore
exercised by the officers of the govern
ment of the republic of Hawaii should
continue to be exercised by those officers
until congress should provide a govern
ment lor the Incorporated territory, sub
ject to my power to remove such officers
and to fill vacancies. The present offi
cers and troops of the republic thereup
on took the oath of allegiance to the
United States, thus providing for the un
interrupted contlnuanoe of all the admin
istrative and municipal functions of the
anjiexed territory until congress shall oth
erwise enact.
Following the further provision of the
Joint resolution, I appointed the Honor-
ables Shelby M. Cullom. of Illinois: John
T. Morgan, of Alabama; Robert R. Hltt,
of Illinois; Sanford B. Dole, of Hawaii,
and Walter F. Grier, of Hawaii, as com
missioners to confer and recommend to
congress such legislation concerning the
Hawaiian Islands as they Bhould deem
necessary or proper.
Recommendations of the Commission.
The commissioners having fulfilled the
mission confided to them, their report
will be laid before you at an early day.
ii is Deuevea mat their recommenda
tions will have the earnest consideration
due to the magnitude of the responsibility
resting upon you to give such shape to
the relationship of those mld-Paclflc lands
to our home union as will benefit both in
the highest degree, realizing the aspira
tions of the community that has cast its
lot with us ard elected to share our po
litical heritage, while, at the same time.
Justifying the foresight of thoBe who for
three-quarters of a century have looked
to the assimilation of Hawaii as a natural
and inevitable consummation In harmony
with our needs and in fulfillment of our
cherished traditions.
The questions heretofore pending be
tween Hawaii and Japan, growing out of
the alleged mistreatment of Japanese
treaty Immigrants, were, I am pleased
to say, adjusted before the act of trans
fer by the payment of a reasonable in
demnity to the government of Japan.
Under the provisions of the Joint resolu
tion, the existing customs relations of the
Hawaiian islands with the United States
anu with other countries remain ,un
changed until legislation shall otherwise
provide. The consuls of Hawaii, here and
in foreign countries, continue to fulfill
their commercial agencies, while the
United States consulate at Honolulu Is
maintained for all proper services per
taining to trade and the revenue. It
would be desirable that all foreign con
suls In the Hawaiian Islands should re
ceive new exequaturs from this govern
ment. New Maritime Policy.
The annexation of Hawaii and the
changed relations of the United States to
Cuba, Porto Rico and the Phillnnlnes re.
suiting from the war, compel the prompt
auopuun or a maritime policy by frequent
with the newly acquired Islands. Spain
furnished to Its colonies, at an annual cost
of about $2.000,XX), steamship lines com -
mTta'a. LZl'ZS
the home government. The United Btates
will not undertuke to do less. It Is our
duty to furnish the people of Hawaii with
facilities, under national control, for their
export and Import trade. It will be con
ceded that the present situation calls for
legislation which alia 11 be prompt, dur
able and liberal.
Stand In ax Korce of 100,000 Men Needed
Under Present Conditions.
Under the act of congress approved
April 2, 18'J8, authorizing the president In
hla discretion, upon a declaration of war
by congress or a declaration by congress
that war exists, I directed the Increase
of the regular army to the maximum of
12,000, authorized In, said act.
There are now In the regular army 67,.
8a otltcers and men. In said act It was
provided: "That at the end of any war la
which the United Stutes may become Hi.
volved, the army shall be reduced to a
pence hauls by transfer In the same
arm of the service or absorption, by pro
motion or honorable dlecharge, under
such regulation as the secretary may es
tablish, of supernumerary command offi
cers and the honorable discharge or trans,
fer of supernumerary enlisted men, and
nothing contained in this act shall be
construed ss authorizing the permanent
Increase of the command of enlisted force
of the regular army beyond that now pro
vided by the law In force prior to the
passage of this act except, as to the In
crease of 28 majors provided for in section
1 hereof."
The Importance of legislation for the
permanent Increase of the army Is 'here,
fore manifest, and the recommendation
of the secretsry of war for that purpose
hss my unqualified approval. There can
be no question that at this time and proh.
ably for some time In the future 100,000
men will be none too many to meet the
necessities of the situation. At all events,
whether that number shall be required
permanently or not, the power should be
given to the president to enlist that force
If In his discretion It should be necea.
sary, and the further duo-rctlon should
lie given hltn to recruit wllhln the shove
limit from the Inhabitants of the Inlands
mm iiiv ajuwi iiiiibiii ui wnit ii we sre
'!. ..r. in ii. a.. ,,
It Is my purpose to muster out the tn.
t ,niri'TO ,w iiiupii-r uui ma rii
tire volunteer army as soon as congress
hall provlds for the Increase of (he regit.
inr estatiiietiment. 1 his will be only sn
act of Justice, and will be much sppre.
claled by the brave men who lift their
homes and employments to help ths coun.
try In It emergency.
Capital Centennial,
111 III. fUP 1'llrfl M.III n...... Ik. '
nlal anniversary of Ihs founding of the1
clty of Washington for tha permsni rit '
capital of the government of the I'ultid
Mtatra by authority of an act of run.
rress approved July l, IVSs). In Msy,
lM'l, the archives and general offices of the
federal guvi mini nt were removed to this
place. On the 17th of November, IWO, the
national congress met here for tha fir!
time and assumed exclualve control of
the fi d. rsl district and city. This Inter
estlng event assumes all the more slgnlfl.
. .. .. . .....ir.iiin-isn.eaj
attending the choos ng of the site, the
naming of the c.plt.l m honor of 1
father of his country, and the Interest
taken by him In the adoption of plans for
na lui.ir urvpiupnirni on a mugniriceni
ii' R. iirKi.iK. n mni ri v n... wpiiii.ni ,
out with a ronsiiint progress and a si.
fiat aiit'ceas sven tievunit anvltili.a tl.alai
' framers had foreseen.
I Departmental Heporle.
I The several depart me-ntal reports wilt
b laid before you. Thsy give In great
d tall the conduit of the afTnlrs of the
government during the past year, arid die
I cuse many questions upon which con
1 (reea Die be called upon to art.
Seattle Markets.
Tora:itoe8, 6i)g85cper box.
Onions, 85(u;y0o per 100 poundg.
Potatoes, $1012.
Beets, per sack, $1.
Turnipa, per eack, 6065c.
Carrots, per sack, 65c.
Parsnips, per sack, $1.
Beans, green, 2b'e,
Cauliflower, 5075o per doz.
Celery. 4050o.
Cabbage, native and California
tl.OOOJ 1.50 per 100 pounds.
Apples, 60cfioc per box.
Pears, 75c(Sl per box.
Prunes, 60c per box.
Peaches, 75c
Plums, 50c.
Butter- Creamery, 27o .per pound;
dairy and ranch, 18 20c per pound.
Eu'gs, 85c.
Cheese Native, 12 12 ?c.
Poultry Old liens, 15c per pound;
spring chickens, 15c; turkeys, 16c.
Fresh meats Choice dressed beef
Bteers, prime, 67c; cows, prime,
ec; mutton, 7c; pork, 67o; veal,
Wheat Feed wheat, $21.
Oats Choice, per ton, $23.
Hay Puget Sound mixed, $9.50
10; choice Eastern Washington tim
othy, $12.
Corn Whole. $23.50; cracked, $24;
feed meal, $23.50.
Barley Rolled or ground, per ton,
$2425; whole, $22.
Flour Patent, per barrel, $3.60;
etraiehts, $3.25; California brrnds,
$3.25; buckwheat flour, $3.75; graham,
per barrel, $3.70; whole wheat flour,
$3.75; rye flour, $4.
Millatuffs Bran, per ton, CU;
shorts, per ton, $16.
Feed Chopped feed, $1721 per
ton; middlings, pei ton, $17; oil cake
meal, per ton, $35.
Portland Market.
Wheat Walla Walla, 58 60c; Val
ley and BlueBtem, 63o per bushel.
Flour Best grades, $3.80; graham,
$2.6v; superfine, $2.25 per barrel.
Oats Choice white, 4243c; choice
gray, 4041c per buBhel.
Barley Feed barley, $22 23; brew
ing, $24 per ton.
Millstuffs Bran, $16 per ton; mid
dlings, $21; shorts, $16; chop, $15.50
per ton.
Hay Timothy, $910; clover, $7
8; Oregon wild hay, 6$ per ton.
Butter Fancy creamery, 5055o;
sccoikIb, 4550o; dairy, 8545o Btore,
Cheese Oregon full cream, ll13o;
Young America, 15o; new oheese,
10c per pound.
Poultry Chickens, mixed, $3.753
per dozen; hens, $3.504.00; springs,
$1.253; geese, $5.006.00 for old,
$4.605 for young; ducks, $4.00
6.00 per dozen; turkeys, live, 11
12c per pound.
Potatoes 5060c per Back; sweets,
2c per pound.
Vegetables Beets, 90c; turnips, 75o
per suck; garlic, 7o per pound; cab
bage, $1 1.25 per 100 pounds; cauli
flower, 75o per dozen; parsnips, 75o
per Back; beans, 8o per pound; celery,
70 75c per dozen; cucumbers, 50c per
box; peas, 83o per pound.
Onions Oregon, 76c$l per sack
Hops 15 18o; 1897 crop, 46o.
Wool Valley, 1012o per pound;
Eastern Oreuon. ' 80112c: mohair.
25c per pound.
Mutton-Gross, best sheep, wether,
aml ewei' 8'o; dro88ed mutton. 7c;
spring lambs, 7Jc per lb.
1 Hogs Gross, ohoice heavy, $4.75;
, j'Kht and fueders, $3.004.00; dressed,
5-60b60 per 100 poundg.
Beef Gross, top steers, 8.(i0f3.75;
cows, $2. 60 3. 00; dressed beef,
. 66)s'c per pound.
Veal Large, 66c; small, 8
7)c per pound.
Ban Francisco Market.
Wool Spring Nevada, 1012o per
pound; Oregon, hasteni, 1012o; Val
ley, 1517c; Noithern, 9llo.
Millstuffs Middlings, $19 21. 00;
bran, $14.60 15.60 per ton.
Onions Ki I verskin, 60 00c per lack.
Butter Fancy creamery, 20o;
do seconds, 2224c; fancy dairy, 21
22c; do seconds, 17(ft21o per pound.
Kkk Store, 1822o; fancy ranch,
Citrus Fruit Oranges, Valencia, $3
(32.60; Mexican 1 illicit, $00.60; Culi,
fornia lemons, $2. 00. 800; do choioe
$3. 60 4. 50; per box.
Marble Cut by Diamonds.
Many of the ttonecutten formerly at
work at the shops of the Pat is exposi
tion, between the Champs Klysees and
the Heine, have lost their join. Not,
perhaps, on account of a strike or the
lack of work, for both the Grand Palais
and the new Bridge Alexander HI ie
quire an immense amount of bewn
stone, but because of a new stone taw,
constructed by a mechanical engineer.
Felix Fromholt, ot Pans. It is the
lurgcst diamond flaw ever built on tint
continent, and the diamonds are set
into the metal in a novel manner, af
ter the Inventor carefully studied the
effect of high temperature upon tho
crystallized and the powdered diamond.
The taw is of the circular kind,
even feet six inches in diameter, and
set with 200 diiiinninls let into tha
IIM.tH disposed ol in such a way
.i . , . , i , .
"0 stones are set into the points
of the saw teeth, 80 more Into the
of l,,u t,'Ht1' ,m" l"'l ''!
40 mora into the side of the teeth.
The saw rotates at the late ot 300 revo
lutions per minute; its tangentiul speed
Is of 120 feet per second, and it outa
into the stone at the late of a foot per
minute for the hard face stones; for
Soft building stone the saw makes but
Vi "volutions per inlnuli), advanciti,;
40 inches into the ftimo during that
time. The stones are mounted on
chariot, the movement of which can ha
icgulaled to mit the adavnee of the
raw. Blocks up to ilx feet high hf
four feet aide ran be out with tit i
monster law just like o much wood.
- I T,l '' be,,n opeialion fur
some little time, and lias given xtrfect
ll(tlSiatStlon. 1 lie ll llOt OtllT ClttM.
. i . . . . . !
' llt ali trlri.i roilgh fttOed .tones, and
its use represents a great (aving to the
, exposition company for the nipple
j reason that while they bad to pay
workmen to smooth the big block (J
I per njtmie metre, the same orfiice Is
now prepared by machine at an expense
of about 25 cent.
The smallest flower known to the
botaniit I said to be that of the yeast
plant. It la miaroscopiu In aise and la
laid to be only lOUth of a inUliuiuter ie)