Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, December 08, 1898, Image 5

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iHEPL?oCE Our Guarantee AloneyKrd
We have now opened and on display a beautiful line of Holiday Goods, including Toys of every description. Now is the time to call and make your
selections. These goods have been bought at a figure that will enable you to purchase at prices that will astonish you. Among these goods are
. many beautiful and useful presents. Our shelves and counters are teeming with them. Call at once and inspect our display.
A. fine additional line of
. Which we are prepared to sell at prices lower than ever.
Fao, Hands and Arma Covered With
Sorofulous Humors How a Cure
Waa Effeoted.
"When five years old my little boy had
orofula on hi face, bands and arms. It
was worst on his chin, although the sores
on his cheeks and hands were very bad.
It appeared In the form of red pimples
which would fester, break open and run
and then scab over. After disappearing
they would break out again. , They caused
Intense itching and the little sufferer had
to be watohed continually to keep him
from scfetohlng the sores. W became
greatly alarmed at his condition. My
wife's mother had had scrofula and the
only medicine which had helpd her was
Hood's SarsaparUla. Wo decided to give
It to our boy and we noted an improve
ment in his cise very soon. After giving
him tour bottles of Hood's SarsaparUla
the humor had all been driven out of his
blood and It has never since returned."
William Babtz, 418 South Williams St.,
South Bend, Indiana. .
You can buy Hood's SarsaparUla of all
druggists. Be sure to get only Hood'B.
j j rj 1 1 enreLWar Ilia: easy to tnk,
1 10UU S r MIS ea.y to operate. as cents.
Or., November 28, 1898.
Cox, Mri Lettle
Crow, Master Delberi
Feezell, Mr Nathan
French, Mr Qeorge
Uenfthetran, E. T,
Hlsler, Mr Paul
Honeubker, MrB.8.
Marcutn, Mr Lon
Martin, Mangle
McOabe, Mr r. B.
McCollum, Mrs Alher
McCollum, Mr A.
Waulnr B. F.
Web, Mr Nat
When calling
(or theae letters please lay
B. . Vauumam, P. M.
Local Notes.
Lion Braod hats are the best.
Liobteuth'tl k Go. for aboaa. Ex
clusive sboe store. Handles tb best.
8moke Beldenberg k Go's. Arabian
Night and Espaoola oigara at CDser k
Warren's. 1 Smos '
R. 0. Wills is patting np a neat little
oottage to ba onoupied by Jake Griffith,
the brakemao.
Dr. J. W. Vogel, tba ooculist, will ar
rive in Heppner Deoember lllb, to re
main one week. tf
Dr. J. W. Vogel, ipeelaliit for refrac
tion aod defects of tba aye, will be here
very three months. 618-1; r
Tba Orrgooian promiaes its readers a
New Tear's edition tbat will aolipse all
former publications.
Painless remedy for extracting feetb
It not as stated, no oberxes. Try Dr
Vaogbao't new plan. 604-tt
Tba pound man will ba after your dng
in a few days. Secure bis lag and sav
him tba humiliation of arreat.
Wood, wood, wood. Hea R. 0. Wills
for voor wood. Ceatroa delivery. Orders
left at Minor & Go's., Gilliam k Bisbee's
or Brown 4 Hogbea.
Marshal Thornton aod Recorder
Kiobardeon have been adding to tbe
revenue of the oily nomerona floealbt
past few days lor minor offenses.
A grand ball will ba given in tbe opera
bouse Friday night, Deoember 10tb, tor
tba benefit of tba fire department. Tbe
tiokets will ba $1 aod everybody will be
there. ; ,
Be not deeeivedl A coogb, hoersoese
or croup are not to ba trifled with. A
doae in time of Bbiloh'a Cure will save
inn mnrh trouble Sold by CooaarA
Varrwo. T
Cnrelbat cough wltb Sbilob'e Core
The beat eoogb oar. Believea eronp
promptly. One millioo bottles eold last
year. 40 doaes for 25cta.
ear k Warren.
Call at Ibe Candy Feetory when yoo
waot a good oop of hot ooffee, mo or
rhorolate. Freeh oysters in aoy style.
Hot end eold loocbaa. Try
oyster oookleU'e.
Ladles. Uke tbe beet. If yon are
troubled wltb eoeelipattoo, sallow skin,
aod tired faeliog. take KerTe Clover
Tea, it U plaaeaot to take.
Ooaaer k Werreo.
gold by Con-
ooe of our
Bold by
. nJ ,r
Mr. 8. J. Lmr 'wishes to announce
to the public that be now bns secured
the service of a strictly first olass pniutcr
aod paper banger, and is now iu shun
to fill all requirements.
Wm. Butler, foreman for Cnnooret &
Boardman, was here Tuesday on M
way to Grant county buy o'tie
These gentlemen ra aui'ma our most
extensive O'tttli detlcra
Earl's Clover Root tea U a pleisant
laxative. HeguUtda the bowels, nnrinea
Ibe blond. Dinars thw complexion. Easy
to make atid pleasant to take. 25 cts.
Sold by Conser k Warren, v
W. P. Snjder, tbe livery stable pro
prietor, buys oufy thebfBt hay au1 grain.
Large oorruls and acoommodationa for
freighters. Hnoks and buggies furnished
reasonable, rttock well oared for. tf
Fire Chief Natter, during the trial ran
Monday, parted with bis Elk tooth
cbarm and a portion of the chain, and
did not reoover the same uotil the follow
ing day, when a party pioked it np iu tbe
Sunday morning the snow began fall
ing and at night had reaohed a depth of
about two iuobes, sinoe when the tem
perature baa remained pretty nearly
even. On the eammlts sbiot town it is
reported a foot in depth.
. "The Devil's Diabolical Deeds" will
be tbe snbjeot at the M. E. Cbnrob South
next Sunday night. Every body invited
oat to hear this live question. D u'i
forget the services for btiRinesi folk
Friday. . Gome one, come all.
A bright little baby girl was born to
tbe wife of Phil Oohen Wednesday morn
ing aod after a few short hours its spirit
took its flight. It's remains were taken
to Portland for interment. Mr. aod Mra
Cohen have the heartfelt sympathy of
tbe oommunity in this bereavmint.
'Io tbe morning by ti e bright light,"
In the evening at tbe "Redligbt,"
where John Rasmas oontinaes to dole to
bis patrons those sparkling beverages,
wbiob "banish melaooholy and drive
doll oare away." Drop io; warmth
greets yon these fall and wioler evening.
A. Abrabamaick, tbe merchant tailor
slipped on tbe ice Monday morning aod
left bis measurement io the snow oo the
sidewalk opposite bis plaoe of business
Ootortonately be made a rent on tbe
forehead above lbs eyebrow, wbiob fell to
tbe responsibility of "Djo" Akers tor
repair. .
The nsw feed etable of Wm. Gordon's
is Bearing completion, aod be antici
pates moving into it abiut tbe loth lost
It is an imposing atruoture, aod addi
very much to the looks of its section
Mr. Gordon is one of tbe old-lime liver)
meo. who retaioe bie vim and iotereet
In baviog things in shape.
Mike Roberts, at Ibe Belvedere, hav
ing remodeled tbe popular old-time cor
ner, extends to tbe publio a oordial wel
eome. Tbe beverages be dispenses
will be kept np to tbe highest standard
aod tbe enlargement and comfortable
eqoipmeot of bie billiard parlors and
olab-rooms are a drawing feature. 92 tf
Drs. Bwinburoe aod Haolock were
mi mooed to tbe borne of Jim Nooe
msker Monday forenoon, but before
tbeir arrival Jim was the bsppy "daddy"
of a boooeiog boy. Anticipating a fl x-k
of praria chickena weighted down with
ioeoyoles Dr. Buolook carried bissbol
gnn witb bim. Out of 6(i0 he secured
ooe, which (ell io a snowbank aod
failed to tilraot itself.
Tba rsvivsl eootioaes at lbs M. E
CLorob South. Neil Friday at 8 P. M.
Ibe pastor will preach a epeeisl sermon
to business meo aod women. Specie)
Miiiio for the oeeaaioo. Hinging by the
Qoartalte. A pleasaol a well as profllsb'e
lime le anticipated. We trait, aod it ia
boped all oor slorts aod other bnainMi
nlanei will olose for tbts oeeaaioo. A
good time assared.
R. nit.be' etey in oor city was both
pUaiaot aod profiUbl'. Tbe boi
meeting Bsturdir night was oeoially
II at landed. Tbe off! dial members
made liberal provision for their paaior'a
support. Tbe eldar was much delis b'J
at tbe outlook for the ohoreb le II por
ta wall as spiritual affairs. Il was
derided to begin opareil.ioi upon tbe
orcbaooo. Tbe loaide will be rear
rreeged Io modern style.
Gbnmbt rlaio'a Colic, Obolera aod Diar
rhoea remedy oao always be depeoded
upon nud is pleasant and safe to take.
Sold by Oonser k Warren.
Tht) O. R k N. Go's, new book on tbe
R aournes of Oregon, Washington and
Undo is being distributed. Our readers
are rr quested to forward toe addresses
of their Eastern friends aod acquaint
ances, and a oopy of the .work will be
sent them free. This a matter all should
be interested in, and we would ask tbat
everyone take ao interest aod forward
auoh address to W. H. Harlbarl, Gen
eral Passenger Agent, O. B. k N. Go.,
Portland. 81-tf
Alarm of Fire.
Wednesday, about noon, the newly or
ganized tire companies were given en
opportunity to demonstrate tbeir ability
to oope with tbe fireflend. The Matlock
building, used as a home by a colored
family, adjoining tbe opera house on the
south, was discovered on tire between
tbe ceiling and root. The cry of "Are I"
dispatched some one to tbe fire bell.
Its first tap was a aigual for race b
tbe hoee oompanies. No. 1, looated at
tbe ocrner adjaoent to tbe recorder's
offioe, was the first to make ooooeotiona
with tbe hydrant, thus earning tbe
prize of 820 offered by Ibe oity ooancil.
fbe boys proved themselves aui-aeneful
firemen by extinguishing what seemed
determined to develop In a bolooanst,
rbe chief, assisted by Tom Brenau,
oivered bimeelf witb glory by tele
aooping tbe left, while tbe leee heroic
firemen from the lop applied tbe boae to
them through a hole in the roof. Limit
ed spaoe prevents' bur detailing the
efficient work of the individual members,
but taken aa a whole we feel safe io
challenging Lexington, Ione,Gooaberry
or aarumau, for a trial or speed or
quiok work. Tbe by-standers were all
chiefs," aod tbeir orders kept tba boys
Jumping right and left, bat they got
ihsrs just the same.
Twyit Teyal Toyi! '
Mrs. L. J. Etes bss a large aod varied
itookof toya wbiob the most sell, coo
silting of numerous games, dolls, toy
disbes, sorsp albums, photo albuma,
boood books for children, work baeketa,
writing desks, haodkeroblef aod glove
oases, oeoktie oases, doll buggies, wheel
borrows, silver plated eel kolfe, f irk aod
ipooos, doll cradlee, rocking boree, and
many other Ibinge loo numerous te
mention, whioh she will sell at a very
little above oil aod soms at eost.
Dreadfully Nervosa.
Geoli: I waa dreadfully nervone. and
for relief took your Garl'a Clover Root
Tea. it qoleled my serves and strength
ened my whole nervous sys'oin. I waa
troubled with constipation, kidney and
bowel trooble. Your Tea sown cleansed
my system so thoroughly that I rapidly
regained health aod atrengtb. Mrs. 8
A. Sweel, Hertford, Coon. Sold by
(Jonser c Warren. v
BUII.ery at Coat.
Mra L. J. Katss elill baa a large stock
of milliosry which sbe will elose oat el
cost, eonsisliogof elylieb wilkiog bats,
obildren's ' ailk bonnets, M(aos" and
trimmed bats. Remember tbey will be
sold at ooat and many below coat. Re
member Mra. L. J. Kites, opposite Pal
aee hotel.
A riae Palatial
paiotiog of Mt
The oil
Povallop river at M
studio is Ibe fliteil of
turned out Io tbie oily.
llaoler aod
B. Gallowes
Iba kiod ever
Il was painted
The imall child ol Rev. St. Claire ii lerioualy
ill. - ,.
8. K. Luna, of Lone Rock, was in town Tuei
day, W. M. Butler, of Canyon City, came over thla
Sheriff Matlock took Tueiday night'l train
for Portland.
Harrr Halitead, a resident of Condon, ii visit
ing cur town.
M. 8. CorrlgiU, the iheepuian, wai In town
during the week.
J. R. Ralston, of Lone Rock, was lu town this
week on business.
N. R. McVey was doing business with our
merchant this week. '
Robt. Bayer, of Douglas, was here as a wltueas
In the Ewing assault case Tuesday,
Geo. Weill went to Portland Monday night for
goods and will return Saturday.
Frank Sloan came iu from Butter creek the
first of the week, remaining a few days.
Wm. Bwlck, brother of Tunis, tbe ex-county
commissioner of Omit, was here this week.
Carl Rhea, youngest sou of Luin Rhea, broke
his aukle while coasting Wednesday ulght.
E. C. AshbauKh and brother, Albert, of Eight
Mile, were in town for a few days this week.
Wm. Hamilton, son of the founder of Hamil
ton, Grant county, was In our city this week on
Attorney Phelps returned; .from The Dalles
Monday morning, where he went to attend the
Hlk memorial aervice.
John McCarty, the popular buyer for the Un
lon Meat company, of Portland, is ilitpptua cat
tle from here this week.
Fred D. Brumuer who has been spending
the summer on Butter Creek, left for bis home
at Uurdaue Wednesday.
Oa.ar Minor waa takeu with quite a severe at
tack of la grippe the early part of the week and
Is yetuonttued to the house.
Judge Bartholomew has been ou the iluk Hit,
several days.but Is now convalescent and able
to attend bis numerous responsibilities.
lunli Bwlck, ex-eounty commissioner of
Uraut county and one of Its moat exteualve
sheep and laud owners, was iu our cltx tills
A. Lovegreen was iu town tbe Brit of the
week. He has beeu employed by Jt. C. Ash
baugh lor some time rebuilding and repaperlug
his home.
Henry Blackwell, the returned Klondike!,
who la uow devoting I' is attention to the mining
luterests of Kox valley, U iu town among bl
old friends.
Beu Roieufeld, the gentleinauly representa
tive of Trlest 4 Co. ol bail frauclsco was lu our
cliy this week, audj Introduced theLlou Brand
ol bats. 1 hey are uobby ,.
Mra, N.J. Pollard, sister of Attorney i. M
Browu, loriuerly ol Heppuer Is cauvaaslng for
a book ol woi lb suUtled "Home School ol
American Literature," aud la meeting wltb suc
thai. Barnett, the portrait man, returned tht
week from tbe interior, alter a lucoeaalul detiv
erytrlp. Mr. Barnett report! tbe farmers geu
erally ln s condition of couteiiliueut, enjoying
their prosperity, aud are looking lorward to a
repetition ol llila year's emp.
Joseph Muller tba popular piano salesman.
wltb Mr. Bartholomew a son ol Judge, reached
Huppuer Monday Mr. Muller's urgent business
necessitate! a very short stay among his old
friends. He has considerable business io store
for him here and will be wltb us soon.
A. Roblson of Wagner came in Tueiday and
reports the dee peat mow oo the route oo tbe
summit above town, which Is about one foot
deep. At Wagner, when he left tbera, no mow
had fallen ate alio reports the young
folks of that section taking unusual Interest
In social attain, aud on ChrlslinM a party will
be given, and many from Mardman aud other
sections are expected.
Mra. H. M. Hunter, wile of the lone boles
proprietor, accompanied by Mra, Rum, paid
Heppner a visit Saturday, Mia, Hunter, who waa
one of our Intimate Portland neighbors, before
coming to Heppner, eipreases herself well
pleased with the Utile city of lone, and Is ea
Ihusiutic over Its development, l bs bote), un
der the supervision ol bersell and husband, bai
proven more than aatlslactory as a bushiest
venture, and they have decided thai lone shall
be their permanent home.
Call and see our Christmas Dolls, Toilet Articles,
Glove Boxes, Ornamental China, Etc.
to BUY
Famous Tailor-made Suits that are Fash
ionable, serviceable and fit to perfection.
At Prices that are All Right.
Our complete winter line of clothing has just arrived. It is strictly
in fashion, and the material, make, cut, and fit, could not be better and
the prices are what you can afford and are satisfied to pay.
and a line of
Suitable fpr this Climate
Call and Carefully Inspect Stock
An all-wool, serviceable suit, formerly sold for $10, now $7
Black diagonal clay worsted suit, formerly sold for $15, now $12
All-wool overcoat, durable and neat fitting, $4 50
D f C" D I C" Q An extensive stock arriving every day.
unuuLni luo . presh ancj ot jatcst stape jnes
Boots, ShoeSp and OvershQes, Felts, Rubbers, Etc.
New line of Underwear, Hosiery, and Dress .Goods just arrived.
Blankets of all grades. The best 50c Blanket on the
Market. We want your trade and will give
1 ma
the best value tor it.
IJF Uibl. Lana, bo painting ability
ia reootftilaad Ibronaboat tba N rib'
at. Ur.Laaa bating tpant a inrntnu'a
taaatlog at that pilot, vineh (nr
lit BataralDaaa at tba llrua "f bia viait
tbri rigbUto 7iri ag . Drop Io aod
tea It
Bat do't otarlook tba Ooaat aod brat
Aulibasl phoiograpba avtr ia Happaar,
Yoiifi rupfotfollr, M. B. OaLtowr.
Ona boodred aod lafenty flta bad ot
abaap io tba mono lain oeac tba baad ol
Daar artak, Morrow coast?. A raward
of 25 eaola par baad wilt ba paid for tba
rooofary or ioformatioo laadiog to tba
raeovary of tba aaiJ abeap, Ewaa aod
lamba branded 11 ; yaarlinga branded P
oo ahooldad;2 jaar-oldt braodrd P oo
blpa. Adilrraa,
tf F. H. Plith, Ooodoo. Or
IU1LBO10 Lal.
Samathlag forth Na Yaor.
Tha world-raaoow! suocasa of UiMUlUr s
ttutuac h Bmrs,a(l tbilr ounUouad pupulartt
lor Mr half a Muturjr ai a slomachla, Is -ar
cilr tnuri wonderlul lhaa tha Icon thai
imla Umtaiiar'a Alinauae. Tali m4U
IrnallM II fuhllsh4 hj lha HoalMtcr CoiBanr
Pliuburgh, fa., unir Uirlr oa Inimadlati
iuprf laluo, mpUif lag ililf ha nils la that da
partnttil. Tha Isam ol tin Mm for Ua ba
orilia SBlllluna, rlnl4 la itlna lanuasa
IU(f to a op? ol II lur valuabla aod IntarMtlnf
raadlni MiMwmloi bsnlib, au4 numamui toav
luinnUH aa to 'hi tfflnarr ot Hoalsrtlar'i Mtim
arh Bithsra. Th Almanao lor vm eaa ba ob-
taload, traa of ansa, from drutf UU aod, aral
aoaulf dlr Io all parti of Iba aounu 7.
Hoaad aa a Dollar.
"I bava anff-rad (or tbe lait tao yaara
from pilaa, aod dariog tba laat taro yaara
I waa corapMalj laid op witb thia die
aa. I bagao taking Hood'iBaraaparllla,
tba Brit doaa of wbiob did ma tnoob
good. I eooiionad tba naa of tbia aaadi
oioa, aod today I am aooad aa dollar"
(J. W. Hwayaa, Taaoawar, Waab.
Tlaaa'a Up Jaaaary lit,
Tbt aiteotion of aetllera oo railroad
laod witbio lb bordar of Morrow
oonoty ia callad to tba fact tbat lb
tim for making tbair proofioo tba aama
aipiria oo Jaoaary lit, 181K). Vawtar
Crawford, ooooty dark, ia aolbarixad to
taka laod fllioga aod proofa, and traui
aeta ganaral pablio land boitoeia at
bla offia io tba eoort boot, at reaaoo
atlarataaaod tallifaction fuaraolead.
72 jao 1
laokUa'a Araica Haifa.
Tba Beat BaWa in tha world for Cole,
jBroiaaa, Horea, Uieara, Salt Kbaom,
Favr Horei, TatUr, Cbappad Uaada,
j Obilblaina, Ooroa, aoo all Hklo Erop
tioua, aod poaltiaaiy cora Pilaa or oo
pay raqoiratL Ii ia goaraotaad to giva
oarfeat aaliafaetioo or money rafoodad.
frlo 'io eaola par boi. For aal by
8Iooom Drag Oa. E. J. Hlooam, maoagar
Helllara tribetary to laa bavmg rail
mad laod aod baa not mad proof ytl,
br calling al Iba effle ot N. J. Halt,
looa, Orrgno, rao maka thrlr pruof aoJ
sit Mi of mooar. Tin npiraa Jao.
I, IfM. All kiadt (if land toiloi
traoaaotad. rMtUtri loatd no yaot
laod. IU
ltaWn Hatblag Uka II.
"I waa Iroablad witb oaToa baad
a tii aod did not fl lika duieg aay
work. 1 bwgao laklof 11 tnd'a Maraapa
rills aal tba Uaa.lwiti I if I ma. Wbtu I
bal lakao lw bnitle I fall lika work
log. 1 oo faal bctur tba 1 ar r
maaibar of llioa; baf r " EitnoodU.
Doanar, bod tiprloga, Idabo.
A Narrw Caea.
Thankfol worda wrltteo by Mra. Ada
E. Hart.of Orotoa, 8. D "Waa takio
witb bad oold wbieb aetllad oo my
longi, oogb aal in aod Anally tarml.
oatad Io aooaomptmo, Foo dootora
gat maopaayiog I aoold ilv bat
abort lima. 1 gava nraalf p Io ay
ftavlor, daUrmioad If I aoold Dot atar
witb my frtaoda oo aarth, I would maal
my abaant ooaa abn. My boabaod waa
adflaad Io gal Dr. Klog'a Naw LHaaotary
for ouiqmptKiti, cougha aad eolda. I
aa It a trial took ia all atgbl bnttlr
II baa aari ma, an1 thank Ood I am
aat and now wall and baa Kb y o
itaa.H Trial botllaa lra al E. i Bin.
rnm'i drag stnra, Ktrular 60 aod
i.OQ gaMaoM4 or prto nfaudad.
Hekswl Waalad.
A yooog mao of aao yaar'i a i pari
oc, boldiog o flrat-grad itat eartifl
at, ia daalrooa of oblalolog obool Io
Morrow ooonty at ooe. Inaolr of
Ooooty Roparlolaodaot Bblplay, Hipp-
oar, Or. 8 tf
For Xafaat lad Childrtn.
Bi Kind Yon Hare Always Bought
Boar the
la Iki Karly Part of Dacanbrr.
Tba Oarmao Bpaolallata, from Port
land, Oregon, will b io Dippbor, at tb
Palao bolel, and will relaro oooa a
It yoa bav cbronio oatarrb, eooaulta
tioo I fra ot obarge.
Do yoa blow maoai from tba ooii?
Ar yoo troubled witb blaading of tb
Ar tb ooatrila obalraotad, makiog
braalblog difflonllT
Ara yon boaraa al timaa?
Ia tba muona dropping down from tb
baok of noia ioto tbatbroaif
la yoor ooaa atoppad op?
la yoor baarlcg atfafltcdf
la your tbroal aora al timaa 7
Do you apll good dial wbeo rising io
Iba morning f
Do yoa bam aod bak to dear yoor
throat f
Catarrh ia a daoacroai dlifiia, wblcb
laata Into enDiumplloo.
Waak aya corad ; ornai ayra ttatiooad
withnnl eotting tba cord.
fjataraota ramovad wilboot akuifa;
glaaaaa flttad wbar o'bara ha fallad ;
roptora aad barola oarad wilbool opara
lioo. Chrool rbaomaliim aod kidoay
Irooblaa a ipaoially.
Do ool fail lo aaa tba Oirmaa Bpacial.
lata. A fricodly talk will ooal yoo ootb
Ing, and la bood to rranlt In a graat
daal nf gnod In )oo.
K'mrmbar tba data.
Dytpapala eurad. Hbllob'a Vitaliair
itnoiadiatfly rallavai lour atomaob, on co
log op of food diilran, aod ia Iba graat
kidoay aod liter rrady. Hold by Ooo
fr A Warro. "'