ThsGazette. Thursday, Dec. 8, 1898. Owing to an accident two im ptrlact articles pertaining to our cattle industry as improved by Oscar Minor and N. C. Maria, and tbe loss to our county owing to the idleness of Heppner's flouring mill were left over for next issue. We take pleasure in introducing the new Wepkly Heppner Gazette to our Bubecribers, appreciating their ability to judge its merits. We invite them to make compari son with the other county publi cation, and as far as the number of our subscribers is concerned, we refer you to our lists which carry a big mnjority of the county resi dents, and are being increased daily by volunteers, from the ranks of our intelligent taxpayers who appreciate honest pretense and effort. CoxGitEKS convened in Washing ton Monday, and during a session, between now and March 4, 1890, it THE FIRE BRIGADE Elrrliua of ORicrrt nd First Hun of th Team. At 2:30 P. M. Sunday (be Heppner Fire department met Bt council chamber and elected effiatra as follow: Fritok Natter, obief; J as. Hart, assis tant chief; Frank Huberts, captain No. 1 ; E. L. Freeland, captain No 2, with E. W. Rliea and E. M. ShaH assistants. James Hart wag elected treasurer nod Jess Stewart, "eoretary. Arrangements were made to 8 eon re nail tor tbe oee of tbe oompany. Any failure to report at beadqnar'era cpon an alarm being turned in means s fine of from 50 oents to 81.50. The Dames of those who have enlisted in tbe companies so far are: Fraok Natter, Jap. Hirt, Jess Stewart, E. L. Freelaml. E. W. Rhea, Frank Roberts, Bert Phelpa.E. M. Shutt, Wilt Riebr.rdson, H. LI. Harrington, Jes Shelly, Will B ill, Thos Brentian, Jag Thompson, Jack Horner, P. Devlo, Frank Rasmus, Dave McAtee. Geo. Vin cetit, Frank Bnra, Will 8mith, E. E. Minor, Pearl Jones, Lee Cantwell and Clyde Wells. Tbe organization of the department affords tbe city a feeling of seoarity that it has not enjoyed in tbe past, owing to the fact, that to be effective a fire depart ment must have a head, and to work to the best advantage drills are absolutely necessary. Tbe mayor and oity conned reooeni,"d these rqnirements in enter taining tbe following petition nnder will be confronted bymore perplex- j "ienataresof most of the present mem- ing questions than at any time since the close of the civil war. These questions will be of an en tirely different nature than were thone of reconstruction, etc., but in many instnnces they may prove of more vital import, as upon the out come may possibly depend peace or more war with other envious European nations. Telegram. CorxTitY publishers receive sub scrptions now and then from city firms who can have no interest in the loc il news of the paper. This paragraph in the New York Times may explain the reason for these "foreign" subscriptions: "A whole sale grocer in this city who has be come rich at the business, says his is that when he sells a bill of goods on credit ho immediately sub scribes for the local paper of his debtor. Ho long as his customer advertised liberally, he rested; but ih soon as he began to con tract his advertising space he took the fact as evidence that there ' is trouble ahead, and invariably went for the debtor. Said he, 'The man who in too poor to make his busi ness known is to poor to do busi iifHM. Tlio withdrawal of an ad vertincment is evidence of weak ncm tlnit, business men are not slow to net upon. Theie's noth ing like it."' NKW l,OCAli INDIJBTKY. Iik! iircmiMit ( ir rcil In l xirrliurnt Willi t'lm Growing. Mr. Ororge W. Turner, tbo representa live i t Iln I'licilli) F.levator Company, wlio it mi ex eerienoed tliiX "til mun, il.h.viviTi'd iba growth of wild llnx on Itio liilln in this ootiuty while iu the rnpHdity of a wool buyer (his emiimer, and submitting speoimnni to authorities it was couolnded I hut the foil I.erM ii particularly adapted to the cultivation nt 11 14 k . Where the wild tlnx lliiiiri;.n s an lnxuriently there is no ilinil! ulmiil the result of an endeavor to rni"' n crop, he argues, and has made an in v.'M'nient in a pert ion (if Und in this CKintv and will sow as large a crop as pi.m.lilii II, in senium. He has enliated tin intiTHNt el ihtt Portland LitiNeed ( III Wo: k in thin piohalile suoiVMsfnl In, In try, who are fnri)ii.liiiig sued to fiinn, ih in this county, on application, lo i(. p ml for from priK-eeils uf cro To the Honorable Mayor and Conno'l of the Town of Heppner: We the undersigned oit'Zjns of Hepp' per, being interested in fire protection, will agree to form ourselves into a fire company, and will agree to drill once enob month, for the first six months, one hour each drill. After the firnt six months have expired, we will agree to drill onoe in every two months, or rftener, as may seem necessary to keep tbe company in training, and proper drill, to respond in case of fire. We will expeot to bold ourselves in read Iness M all limes at a moment's warning for work in fighting any fire in tbe town of Heppner. We will also sgree to keep the hose and all of the material in pi-oppr order for service. The oumpany shall con sist of not less than ten at all times. We fnrthnr agree to hold all property used by said oompiny, subject to the orders of the council of the town of Heppner, and to surrender it to the proper author ities upon dirfotion of eaid ootihoil. In consideration of this servioa to be performed, wo request and petition youi bonorntile body, to allow as a part com pensation, for said work, the sum of $10 per month, to eanh oompaoy eoorgani.ed (companies to oonsist of not loss than ten and not to be mors than two omnnanica ; also that the sura of $25 00 be allowed the oompanies so orgauized, for their at tendanoo and service io ixliniiuiahitm any tire, whenever it shall beoome neces Bary for the coinpny to turn out, and ulny water upon said fire, tbe necessity to be judged by said oonnoil. Twenty dollars to Bret and five to second. No. i' txpeiimetital run took nlaoe TueMliiy on Mniu Htreet, beginning at the room in which the hose cart is kept, mulling ths attuuhiueut to the hydrant on the corner occupied by the "Orange From." A tu ij irity of the members, line 1 tip in front .f the curt and at a hiiitml Krire IT with the pridect the team in tlx h ad. Owing to the snow and hIii 'I', iinntniy to the expectation of Mis lonh.-r i nti, they oovered half the dirilance before the invitnbl mix up oaaurrod. A "inl!or dog" belonging to E. W. Rhen, was the obstacle the "quill driver" overl inked in Ids eagerness to pilot Oct orew to its goal in bandnoine style. The first rami Kditnr hhutt took down with him was Kicniiitir Kii'linr,lon. and thejudgrt wm ilm stumbling blocli f,,r several others. Mii.Vee proved tin brake that broimhl he c rt to a Hliiiidftill In time to prevent i "run nvrr", The memhets who were nelicret eiiungh to wear L"i r best suit lost their eiitliiiHimm and left the at iHchment procee. lings to the others. Must of the department were disappoint ed at the low pressure of Ilm wa er, In n tunieil on hich would fall short nf the hlghth of our bigbeet bniklinus. It ih the determination of the hnva A BBIQHT LIGHT. Low THIard's PUrs Abltie With Bhialsg Lights. Mr. Wm. O. Brown, of Portland, gen eral egent for the Epwortb Acetylene Gas Generator, baa pot plant with even tampi in Low Tillard'a place. Mr. Tillard is highly pleased with tbe result, and many business men have been in specting them. The intense brilliancy of the little flames seem to extinguish all the surrounding lights. In fact they fairly rival tbe sunlight, and bring out in bold relief tbe delicate shades and colors of tbe various pictures on tbe wall. Mr. Brown bas, beyond a doubt, demon strated in tbe success of this machine all that is claimed for aoetylene gas, which is fast demonstrating its value for light ing purposes, and is recognized by the Underwriters Association as a safe, eer viosble and satisfactory light. Mr. J.M. Eeeney will sot as local agent for tbe maohine, while Mr. H. K. Bennett will introduce it in Umatilla county. Many of the principal bnsiness men are mak ing a very careful study of the new sys tem with a view to putting it In. HIGHBINDERS WANTED The Chinese Government is Trying to Get a Chance at them. Washington, Dm. 2. Tbe Chinese government, through its minister, Wu Ting Fang, has broaobed to tbe author ities hero the willingness of China to negotiate an extradition treaty applio ible to all criminals, but intended in part icular to reach the highbinders. Tbe Chinese government believes tbe highbinder troubles in this oonnty oper ate quite as much agaiutit lawabidiug Chinese aud the Cbiuese government as against the parties to theseoret orimes. Therefore China wishes to have such criminals returned to her domain for trial. Little doubt is entertained here that it China onoe secured possession of the highbinders, abort work would ba made of them, owing to the prji1ice they have brought upon tbe government. Moreover it ia believed that tbe senate, to which such a treaty would have to be referred to for ratification, would act favorably upon it and that it would stir up animosities and agitations on tbe Chinese question in general rather than aooomplisb any spaoial gojd in the direotion desired. The Chinese authorities have' now, theref ire, gone further than to broaoh tbe subject to the officials here and learn how auoh a treat would bi viewed, although Ibey stand ready at any time to assume the burden of dealing with tbe highbinders and other Chinese criminals, if a naturalization treaty should give tbem jurisdiction over tbe offenders, ir COUNCIL HKKT1NG. Tbe regular session of tbe city council was held Monday evening cud th et present were: Mayor Morgan, C nn.iil meu J. J. Roberts, J H. Simons, J W Rasmus, M. Lichentbal, E U. Hperry aud E. J. Slooum. On motion warrants for tbe following amounts were drawn: R. O. Whited $ 6 40 Geo. Thornton 5 75 Minor A Co 3 60 Jim Fitz.. 15 00 Wm. Witberell 26 10 Wm. Smith 6 35 J. B, Simons A 8on 1 50 Hepplier W. & L. Co 86 00 W. A. Richardson 16 70 Geo. Thornton 60 00 L. W. Briggs 25 00 The committee nu streets and public property refused to sell property ad joining the pfaning mill. A. M. was ordered to remove fence from street. Tbe following resolution was present ed by Rasmus, seconded by Simons and by ballot adopted by oouncil and tbe same ordered published in both city papers. " ' . To tbe Public: We the board of connoilmen of tbe town of Heppner, Resolved, Tbat the sermon delivered by Mr. St. Claire denouncing tbe offioials of this city was uncalled for, nngentle maolike, nnchristianlike, delivered with malice, and not in the spirit of the Divine Master, whom he professes to serve. Qiarterly reports of recorder and treasurer were read and aooepted. Tbe committee on streets aud public property were instructed to confer with the Heppner Light and Water Co., and have four arc lightscbacged. Tbe light at power bouse to be plaoed in front of Peter Borg's residence; tbe Palace hotel light to corner at Yeager's store; light at lower bank to oorner M. E cburoh North; light at Ellis' corner to oorner of E. G. Sperry's property. The marshal was instructed to enforce the sidewalk ordinance, Hue ordinance and the dog tax ordinance. Wasting Two Pointed Questions Answered What is the use of making a better article than your competitor if yon oan not get a better prioe for iiT -1 Ana. As there is no difference In the prioe tbepublio will bny only the better so that while our profits may be smaller on a single sale they will be much great er in the aggregate. Uow can you get tbe public k know' your make is the best? T.t.l ... ji ooiu articles are brought promm ently before the piiblio both are certain to be tried nnd the puhlio will very quickly pass jndgoment on thera and use only the better one. ThlB explains the large sale on Cham berlain s Cough Keraedy. Tbe people in Children can be overcome in almost all cases by the use of Scott's Emulsion of Cod-Liver Oil and the Hypoplios phites of Lime and Soda. While it is a scientific fact that cod-liver oil is the most digestible oil in ex istence, tn SCOTT'O EMULSiOfJ it is not only palatable, but it is already digested and made ready for immediate absorption by the system. It is also combined with the hypophosphitestWhicn supply a food not only tor the tissues of the body, but for the bones and nerves, and will build up the child when its ordinary food does not supply proper nourishment. Be ure you get SCOTT'S Emulsion. See that the nun nnd fish are on the wrapper. " All druggists; 50c. and fi.oo. SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists, New York. WHOSE BUSINESS IS IT? If a man's in love that's his basinets; If a girl's in love that's her basinet; - It tbei get married it's oar bnsiness to tarnish their bme from kitchen to parlor as we oarry moat oomplets slock of Fumitnrt, Carpels, Mattings, Wall Taper, Stores, Ranges, Graniteware, Tinware, Ete. And ityonr bneicess to drop in, examine goods and get prioee. ; WELLS & CO., Heppner, Or. Try a box of COLD AND GRIP TABLETS W. R. EWINS IN TKODBLE. 1 Placed Under Bunds to Await Action of Ui'aiul Jury. Tuesday afternoon the case of tbe state vs. W. B. Ewiug, cbiirged with assault with a dnngerous weapon by Mrs. Hrtttie Cecil, was tried before Re corder Richardson, and tbe defendant bound over to await the action of tbe grand jury nnder binds of $250, for which Peter Bauerfiend, W. A. Brown, of Oeoil station, and Kibert Bayer, of Oonglas, qualiQed. City-attorney Red a id proseoated tbe esse, while Mr. Ewirjtf acted as his own attorney in de- tense. He displayed coupiderbble pro rational ability, and hud he taken np tbe study of law earlier in life, he prob ably would avoid the trouble whiob skems to heap itself about him. A Plfaiant Kntertalniuent. Our correspondent rites ns that on Wednesday eveoing, Nov. 30th, a large orowd congregated at the Brosman sobool bouse on Littla Butter Creek to attend an entertainment given by Mrs. Piokardson's sohool, consisting of mnnio, speakiogand dialogues. Tbe musio was furnished by L. L. Biatt violinist and (i. W. Pearsoo, organist, while VV. E. Hiatt rattled tbe bones in an able man ner and J. H. Pearson aoted as floor man age?,while the young people tripped time to tbe musio from ten o'clock at night until six in the morning. A pleasant time was enjoyed by all, wbo hope for another pleasant time in the near future. Ttiey Gure a Gold in One Day. PRICE TWENTY-FIVE OT. Sold by S1VOCUM IRXJO COMPANY The Cutting Remarks made by our competitors are inspired by jealousy at the rer markable cutting qualities of the fine line of , cutlery lately received by ft I ..TfssssW P.l THOMPSON Fine three-piece carving et, of guaranteed quality, at fl.25 per eef. Tbe largest and best assortment o! scissors and shears ever shown in Heppner, with pocket knives, butcher knives, bread knives, paring knives. 1 nd hay knives constantly in stock. Gopd Goods.... Fair Prices.i VMS Dressing Cases Manicure Sets Albums -latest designs-superb MH(zlno llluiti'atliiK . How general the nee of photography is oooiiug to be adopted by the modern magazine as a means of illustration, is the announcement 0$ The Ladies Some Journal thwt is about, to puolish six new, dis'iuct series of artiole', which will in cluli not less thuu I'll) pho ographs. The idea of the magazine is to prexunt one hundred of the prrttiHst country homes iu America, to en anuraite artistic urohiteoture ; one hundred nf the pretlifst gardena. to en courage taste in ft iriculture ; seventy olinrches decorated for festal occasions of all kinds, suoh as waddings. Ciirismas nnd E liter servioes, e'.o.j twenty ft floral porches and vine uUd h mis; and the story of the native wild flnwe'A in America, tola in suve-ity-five pbolo uraplis. Ovr-r 8,(XI0 phut igmpher?. i.i have been using it for years and bve!,,verV part of the o.uinty, were employed found that it oan alwavs be depended I by,,he mHf J""" ,0 f piotures, ,. ,, aud several thonsand dollars were piid upon. Ibey may occasionally take up in Drize -.,. . hlM,,,,,,.,,,,. witb some fashionable novelty pnt forth 1 TbJ ohoice was made out of over 10,000 itb exaggerated claims, but are certain to return to the one remedy that they know to lie reliable, and for coughs, colds aud croup there Is nothing cijiihI lo Chamberlaiu's Congb Remedy, b'ot sale by Conner & Warren I.......; I .f.;il .1 I... -1 : . . f..r whirl) crop they will oontrart I ""'"" '"'""""g meir 1 iiium r-i-iiti 1'in 111 11 h riii'iniriiuiiiiaiir oivtin . I " illll. Ilirmi ItlllllirillUC, It'lllllir, sliniil 1 thit 1 iH'iiiiifiit prove a tiuot't'M. tliMi, liy the council, wbioh will please me propi'riy nvruers, Th llmt Plaster. A pieoe of tiaunel dampeiiel with Chamberlain's Pain Balm and bound on to the anVcted parts is superior lo any plsater. When troubled witb a pain iu the cheat or sido, or lamo back, give it a trial. You aieoertsln tn be more then plnwieil with the prompt relief which it Hlforcis. l'ain H11I111 Is also a ceitmu enn for rheumatism For sale by Concert Warren. photographs received by tbs maaziae. Positively the finest goods ever brought to Heppner. T. R. AT- - HOWARD'S. Groceries, Provisions, Glassware, Tinware and Furnishing Goods. Staple and Fancy Groceries Fine Teas and Coffees. in T. R. HOWARD, Heppner, Bibles Watches Jewelry' Elegant Christmas Presents. Call beforo the choice selec tions are made. B 00TS AND SHOES .xUaV TH E PLACE TO GET TH CM tt Of JST. WCHTENTHAIv & CO, They have anything in thU line that yon may desire and you can depend on It you it a sood srtlol when they lumnlMll, - ' - " - SHOES IN ALL THE LATEST STYLES. Old Stand. Main Street RMlrinf 8lalty . - , ,4 Prices within the reach of all Conser& Warren. The Central Market O..H. BEYMEE I Dealer in Fresh. Salt and SmokRii Mmis Sausoge, - Lnrcl, . Poultry, That 14-Year Old Stuff, A BEAUTIFUL DISPLAY!"Kohn's Best " Is that of plain and decorated ! On Tap Down at The .... Chinaware & Queensware At Gilliam & Bisbees And by the way they pure anythlns yon cn call for lu th Hue of Hardware, 8tove and Tluware. GO WHERE YOU CAN GET WHAT YOU WANT. Telephone Saloon it ra HAHB OOOOM Nsw Btsnd, Oity Hotsl fioildipf , IOW TILLARD. Prop. Clothing Clothing Clothing W linvc in slock J " jVn elcnant lino ol. MEN'S These goods are positively the best made, and will bo sold at a sweeping reduction MENS SUITS - $5.00 UP YOUTH'S SUITS $2.00 UP Th ; tele brated ICmit WtMir Out" brand of Boy's all-wool Suits i' ii li ii I! i! H ! N '! ; i n ii ;i Mcn S OvPITOntS An eani ,ine of Dss Coats and Warm" WVLlLUdl- UlstersHust what you want Irom (J.HO to OlS.OO Boy's Overcoats sa.oo coat for 82.00 S5.00 Coat for S3.50 lVopm-tionnti reduction on ull grades 1 , RHEA & WELCH, - Heppner, Oregon