6EOBET SOCIETIES. KAWLIN8 POST, NO. IL G. A. B. Hosts t Heppner, Or., the third Saturday of each month. All veterans are invited to loin. W. W. Smith. (1. W.Kea, Adjutant, tt Commander. pHISPAPKHiskept on til at E.C. Dake's 1 Advertisiuij Anenny, IU and 85 Merchants Kxoftangs, Han FrHiieihOo. California, where OOu vac La for advertising can be inade for it. P. F1SHKH, NKWHPAPKR ADVKRTIH- ing neot, 21 iuerehants' Exchange Build ing, Ban i'raiiueo, is our anthoriiwd agent. Hhis pupr i klt on file at hie orlide. D. J. AlcFaul, iVl. D. HEPPNER, OREGON. Oftice hours, 8 to 10 a. m., and 12 to 2 p. m,, at residence, and 10 to 12 a.m., and 2 to 5 p in., at ollice in the rear of Borg's jewelry store. C E. Redfield ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office in First National Bank building. Bcppncr, Oregon. Ellis & Phelps ATTORNEYS AT LAW. All business attended to In a prompt and satisfactory manner. Notaries Pub ' lie and Collectors. Office, in Natter's Building. Heppner, Oregon. D. E Gilman GENERAL COLLECTOR. Put your old books and noteB in his bunds and get your money out of them them. Makes a specially of hard collec tions. Ollice in J. N. Brown's building, Heppner, Or. W. A. Richardson JUSTICE OF THE PEACE and CITY RECORDER. Ollice at comncll chambers. Sells and buys real estate, rents houses, pays taxes, does conveyancing and will serve you iu any way in his Hue, at reasonable figures. 0. B. Hatt TONSORIAL ARTIST. Shaving, - 15 Cents Hair Cutting, 25 " Bhop, Matlock Corner, Hoppner, Oregon. Mathews & Gentry BARBERS. Shaving 15 Cent Hair Cutting 25 " Shop two doors South of Postoftlce A. Mallory, U. S. COMMISSIONER Is authorized to tnkn all kinds of LAND PROOFS and I, AND KILINhH Collections made on reasonable terms, , Ollice at residence on Chase street. Uovernmeut hind script for sale. J. VV. Morrow ATTORNEY AT LAW ami U. S. COMMISSIONER. Ofllce Iu I'n bid' hub 1 building, Heppner, Or. S. A. D. Gourley, A TTORNIC Y.A T-LA W. I'rnctlcloner Iu all H'ntu and Federal Courts. ARLINGTON OKKUON Dr. FA. B. Alctzlcr -DENTIST- Tei'th KxtriK-ti'd and Filled J'ridging a specialty rainless Kx tract ion. . . . Heppner - - Oregon. MIIICK I V MAKKICT the oi.n snort Is Ihe pbo e In go to get your flue pork and In t ti , ehopN, alcuk and roasts. Fish Every Friday. Hoe n, 'in eiix d linins and bacon Pure leal lard, keHle remlne.l. old style. Highest casli price pai l lor ai Hoi . Bnj. Mathawi. NEW NAME I in. (lurdoii lias re-named his stand the old June livery htaUt Tlio Ooiitrnl. Balfl bay for ss'e. I 'harue ri ssonalile Call ou Itliu "no lint i tour Iioim s well ' red lor, A. Abrahamsick Merchant Tuilor 'i Mtf r T.iil.r nf Heppner Hi - s . i k l'nt-elass and . .it i-f.u-trv. (Siv e liiin i ' ill May Street HI.1TMK IKANSll.K cd:s IU-1 ..I . W ill k n w n t i s mt . i.l.Mi.r. - r li 1 1 1 nh'l ii- to N. t. Nil 1 ll-NV -f tit i iitt " Ifte We Move Anything! )) Stacro Lino O. r. MILlt.ll, Pre 'ltlM l . ,H. U ' Ulbet lolio i Hlairi-a ' rpi."l n III : hours. t4t Bt III .1 l if lo Jolin fHt ,1' .ll.l m t. Iiiin.i au II t i.'f l'iltr. Anlie al Mlidaf I i )oii ( liy KOI I II V I p in , rlt a l...p- Hill llallis. II II I'M It I'. lr,tian Molli.ll,l llmlltoM l.ng l t.. k . r-s ' i r John lt ( ,,,, i ii, ii rtai V. I l t V' ; s h i in ii i in ' i ' KU;. , ,, , No'. i Ol.t M, I - Jf II Ml i t ii. t i in f p tl l Ii i,r I'h li -i i i i piiisrwl 'nri Ui lo fuhitd. in packages at grocers' if 131 i unfits Best HAH MOKE THAN ONE WIFE. Congressman From Otah May Not Allowed to Take His Seat. Washington, Nov. 24, Many persons in Washington believe Representative elect Brigbam EL Roberts of Utah, may be f joted from the bouse of repreaeuta tiveo if the ohsrsre that be ia a poly nmifit, living openly and avowedly with more than one wife, can be bua taii ed. Daring the congressional oan paign in Utah Mr. Roberts, who was the democratic candidate, was charged with biug a polygamiet and with living with more than ore wife. Il was eaid be bad admitted be was practicing poloy. Kftmy, and defended bis aotion on the ground that it was permitted by bis religion. Heretofore Utah has sent Mormons to the senate and boase of representative, bat they were not Mormons who praotioed polygamy. Dr. King, the state's present congressman, is a thorough believer in Mormouiem, and last winter delivered addresses from time to time explaining and defending its teaohiogs, hut be does Dot advocate or prnotioe polygamy, Since Utah has been admitted to tbe union the anti-polygamy laws passed by congress have censed to be operative there, but if Mr. Roberts is a polygamiet it is held that be is violating tbe consti tution and laws of Utah, for the new stute was required by the aot ai'mitting it to the anion to frame a constitution and make laws prohibiting and punishiu polygamy. The anti-polygamy laws of oongresS apply, however, to the District of Columbia, and it is possible that Mr. Roberts, if be is a polygamist, might be liable to arrest and punishment here These laws bave been constructed by the district oourts in several oases, but law vera litre do not believe they would apply to an offense committed in Utah. Should Mr. Roberts bring more thnn one wife to Washington with him, how ever, it is bulioved be would be liable to prosecution. Robbed the Gray A startling incident of which Mr. John Oliver of Philadelphia, was tbe subject, is narrated by bim as follows: "1 was in a most dreadful condition. My skin was ulinost yellow, eyrs sunken, tongue ooated, pain continually in buck and sides, no appetite gradually growing weaker day by day Three physicians nan given me np. Fortunate ly, a friend advlsml trjmg 'Weolric bitters,' and to my great v and surprise, tbe first botUn rondo n derided improvement. I continued their nee for three weeks, and now I am well man. I know they saved mv life and robbed (lie grave of Bnother victim." No one should fail to trv them. Only 50 cents per bottle at E. J. Slo oum's drug store. Thu aiw fluent roll of Union county for S!H Iiijh jnat licoti ittimiileted, aud hIiowh tbo total tuX'ibli) iropf ty (if t: t oonuty to lm :i,4:w,o;io. Lev that Altera. ' Love Is not lovt that alters whrn tt alteration nniis. That ii one of the aulilimrst linn in all literature. It in the final definition of love liy the world's greatest readrr of the human tnitiil, Shakrsprate. Nearly all women who truly love, love in thin sublime way. Men seldoru do. Woman's moat ilorion endowment i the power to awaken and hold the pure and honest love of a worthy man. Wlirti ahe loses it and still loves on, no one in the w ide world cn know the heart agony he rniluies. The woman who sutlers ftotn wraknrss and derangement of her special womanly organism soon loses the power to swsy ihr Wart of a msn. Her general health suffers and she loses her good looks, her attractiveness, her suiia- iniiiy ami ner power ami prestige as a wimian. in K V. l'irrce, of ltuffalo. N.Y.. with the assistance of his staff of slile phy. nil-tans, has prescribed for many thousands of women. He hss devised pet feet and avicntilic remedy for women's ailments. It is known as Dr. I'irrce's Fsvutite Prescrin. tion. It is a positive specific for alt weak nesses, diseases, disorders, displacements, irregularities, and debilitating drains pe. viiimi iu women. it purines, regulates. sttengthens and heals. Medicine dealers sell H, and no honest dealer will advise yon to accept substitute that he may make a little Isigrr profit. ' I was afflicted with kidney trouble and I nsvr i nn.i i,,i,,i, iivrr." wnlei Mr. K ttiiiiic.i4iuiiia K ml h Co . Teias - vt hea I ct.mmrtiretl v,,tir ntetlirine I was n4 sl.le to u,i ira hit iee i iwi one l4tlr ol l-itrt-e-s f.voiilr I'retcttixion an, ht viali f nis nrtwiii reiiets I am now well I had .H tsulkrd in kmt ntonths when I , mm the iteniiueiit. hul iu tea days I was sbls o SO TICK OF INTENTION. I AM OFKK K AT THK DAl.l f.S. I 4 Sot, uiN r, "i w ORKGON Nolu Is lieiehv given Ihst Ihe full, Ins Itsini',1 lllft lis. riled notice ol tils Intention to ' l"'"'l In npi-trl of l is claim, and mm ,., ,.r., .ill lw l,-!,,,,, y r ,,r, i ton It Cleik.al lleiunier. Oregon. on Kainrtlar fan , I"". Mi . K'tMKHT f KIKM1, id Heppner 'I So lle.l,.n V ,., fur llif se V M. 1. Ii. 1. . V U t, "it loilitwiiif Hilnoa.alo prole . ..o'I'oi i. .i., . r it f..t and , n ittai,,n ""'"Hill ftKlhsmel 1, vliaat an. Arthur " " l I""-!, t'fr JtrobKrtol.n l Kalnli fi't,tfrf i.i i..,i..,.. nh. 1 i; ' J P, l l as, Kerl.ter. AthVtXISTK.iro US S O TICK. Volli lt M llfgmv til?!- HUT Til r . . ,.-raisimi n aa raii oma apM,iii ,v itttinlv tonrl t Hot sisi oli.i,..,n ,. T, st mliiiatf at,,f o !! et,l 0 Ho an. I M I ItontlHtain. tlptt at4ji All -ra.t,t batmi rla ma ia nil Mli Mtat( r he l. r .iilisl In rM.tl the aatme lo nt ! lll flln.. a h las teonlt-l a the law r ua rite. al li.-ppii r. tii,u . i i . ni'ii'ini iiiiiii ilaie lt.-t, l''i -I l.s .'tii tlatv ttf ott iol.r. a at P I'. lM..He..,, A..., a,' ', f hr tattle ttf It iistttaud V. Tkoicpsiu, Uisvsss', Be Timber Culture Final Proof. TTNITED 8TAIES LND OFFICE, THE J Dalies, Ore., Nov. IK. hvn. Notice is herebv friven that Attert Matteson. of Hcppner, baa filed nolice of intention to niaketlual proof before J. W. Morrow. United States cominivsiioiier, at hi? ollice In Heppner, Ore , on Wednesday, the '.JMh ilay of December, ISiW, on timber culture application No. :):, for the ie4 of sec No. :4, iu tp No. id, r No. 26 E, n ai. He names as witnesses: Kobert P. Matteson. Reuben J. Haunt, John (jaunt and Milton Brown, all of Heppner. Ore. i-u jay r. i.rcAs, negiBter. Timber Culture Final Proof. TTNITED HTATES LAND OFFICE, THE U Dalles, Oregon. Nov. lei, KK. Notice is hereby given that Keuben J. Gaunt, of Heppner, lias liled notice of intention to make final proof beiore J. W. Morrow, United Ktates commissioner, at his ollice iu Heppner, Ore,, on Wednesday, the J.stli day of December, 1H'.I8, on timber culture nmilicatlon No (or the se'i nw'j, ' uu. and e',4 siv'i of sec No. 28, in tp No. 1 S, r No. lit; E, W M He names as witnesses: Kobert r. Matteson. Albert Matteson, Milton lirowu and Kobert Large, all oi ileppuer, Ore. a-is jay f. ixcas, Kegister. Timber Culture, Final Proof. Unitkij state Land Office, The Dalles. Or , Oct. 27. 18'J8. NOTICE IS II EKE BY GIVEN THAT AR thur t-tcphens, of Hardmuu, has riled notice of intention to make lliml proof before V. Orawford, County clerk, at bis office in Heppner, Oregon, ou Saturday, tho loth day of December, 18'W, on timber culture application no. 3&U, tor the w y, y vt aim 'A y m sec tion No. 17, in Tp No. 4 8, K No. 25 K. W. M. He numes as witnesses: Charles Ashbaugh, J, E. Moreland and Htanfnrd Howell, of Hardman, and Fred Ashbaugh, of Heppimr, Or. sio-7 jay v. jlucas Kegister. NOTICE. i U. S. Land Office, The Dalle, Okeuoh, November 1. 18'J8. COMPLAINT HAVING BEEN ENTERED AT this ollice by David H. Heushaw against Frank Mefntyre ior failure to comply with law as to Homestead Entry No. 47m, dated August 11, 18!M, upon the S's SK'-i Sec. 24, and NVi N K'A Section; 2h, Township :f 8, KangeV.fi E. W. M , in Morrow coiintv, Oregon, with a view to the cancellation of said entry, the said parties are hereby tmmmnned to appear at this oltiee on the 2id day of December, 18H8, at 10 o'clock a.m.. to respond and furnish testimony concerning sam alleged taiiure. vawter t;rawiora, uounty Clerk, is authorized to take the testimony here in nt his ollice at Heppner, Oregon, on Decem ber iu, 18U8, at iu o clock a. in. ua-iu jay r l,uca8, Kegister. PUBLIC LAND SALE. United Statrh Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, uctotjer 2U, IH'J8. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT IN PUR simnce of instructions from tho commls sloner of the general land ollice, under author ity vested in him by section 2l.ri5, United States Revised Statutes, as amended by the act of con. greBB approved February an, 189ft, we will nrO' ceed to oiler at public sale on the fith day of December, next, at 111 o'clock a. in,, at this ollice the following tract of laud, to-wlt: NE!4 NEIi Sec 19, Tp 3 S, K 2(i E. W. M , containing 40 acres. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above-described lands nre advised to file their claims in this office on or beiore the day above designated lor tbe commencement of said sale, otherwise their rights will be forfeited. JAY P. LUCAS, Register. 94-5 OTIS I'l'iTEKSON, Receiver. NOTICE OF INTENTION. Land Office at The Dalles. Okkoon, October 2li, 189H, NOTICE IS HK.KEBY GIVEN THAT THE following-named settler has tiled notice of his intention to mskc tluiil prof in support oi nis claim, ano inai sum prnot win no mane before V. Crawlord, County Clerk, nt Heppner, uregon, on Batuiuay, December iu, I8'.i8, via: PATRICK KILKENNY, of Heppner, Homestead Application No 4981, for the KV, NK'i and N', HEU Sec. 21, Tp 2 N. R 2IS E W M He names Ihe following witnesses to prove his continuous rcHiileuee upon and cultivation ol sali! land, viz: t:hiis. mitt inkle, John Slier Idaii, James Curly and John Curly, ail of Hcpp ner, wrcgou. 9il-7 Jay P. Ll't ah, Register. NOTICE OF INTENTION. Land Office at The Dai.i.f.s, Okkoon, Octobers). IH'.H. NOTICE IS HEUEISY OIVEN THAI' IHE follow iiig.nniiieil cottier has liled notice of his Intention to iniiko linal urnof in support of his claim, and Hint snld proof will lie maue ueiore t. i rawiont I onnlv I lerk, al eppner, Oregon, ou Wtdiicsday. Ucccmber7. 1898, viz: JOSKl'II II. (; EMM ELL, ol Lexington. Hnmcsteiid application No. 1187 for the SEU Sec 2:1, I p 1 S, It 2-"' IC. He names the Pillowing w lliiesies to prove his eonliiiiioui resident pon and cultivation nf said land, vl: J. I. Print n, J. L. Gibson, of Heppner, (M'. gon, nod Thoni.is Hoothby and David Potter, ol Lexington, (u.";on. Hid JA r. LUCAS, Kegister. NOTICE OF INTENTION. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, LAND Ollice st La Grande, Oregon, Nov II. Ih'im. Notice Is hereby uiven Unit the lolluwinu named netller has tiled mniee of his Intention to to make lliuil proof In fmppoi-t of lijn claim, nml that said proni will be liia.le before J . W, Mor row, I'nlied Htaies eutnminioiicr, at Heppner, Ore,, ou lieeenilier 2u, lti U: GEORGE W. VINCENT, of Heppner, Ore,, Home tesd entry No. rVHii, for the e'. swU and s'i nw'4. sen 1 1, I'w p 1 N, r 27 E ite names the ioihik ii u u itneKFcN to prove his continuous residence upon ami eul'lvallon of said land, vl: John I llosklna, W il lam Wat. U-nheriier, Jamea I.. llo nr.l and Allitt U. Bur tholomew, nil of Heppner, I iregon, 2 i:i L. . n.in,.Kir, Hegiater. NOTICE OF INTENTION. nKi'tiiTMKsr i ik nil-: im-kriok, i.asu nlbeest !j Giainle, HrrciMi, Nov. II, 1:ih. Nollie la lo ii'lv kim'Ii l.n.l the following Iikiik-.I . tller Ima tiled uollee oi hi Intention to make final prooi In up.ort ol bis elaini, soil that said pioii, vull ! nnnle beiore J. W, .Mor row, I ntleti hiiitea contniip".ioiHr, at Heppner, Ore , oil Dirt'ii, hei '., ! : Id A AC INCKN I , of U.-i pner, Ore,, Iloineatead eulrv No. n, for the n1 i be1! and US in'4 kt In p I N. r 27 E. He l a n. a ti e follon lnw lluersis to prov hla eiiuilnnoiia icai icnce upon and eultli stton ol said Intnl. vi' .tunna M. HW, Jauics L. tlouard, iVItliain Ait-iRaml Ueoiue I'earaoii, all of Heppner, Oh-koii. I l.l Y. . IUHTI.S1T, KiglJ'er. SOTICE VF INTENTION. nn-ARTMlM-I K U K IN1I KMR. UNI) Ottlee nt 1 S lilitu.le. Ou too. Nov. II, last. Notice la l,,t. ..i mien I nut Ihe lntloHlug named iM-tiU'r lia lUd notice of bis liiteitllon tn make linal pio il In anppott ol 1,1a i-IhIiii, and that snld pr.Hii will l,e m,U Ih.ou J. . Wor w, I idled -till, a contlnlaaionrr, at ileppuer, Oregon, on Ihi-cmU'r .i, 1', W: jAMm U I OW AKH, l Heppner, tire,, lloinealesd entry No V Ui. lor tbe i and s ii 1 1 ", t p I N. i '7 K. lie iiniiiea ilm i.nl.nin uiin,a,i to prove hlscoiiMitiioir, ii-.cn , i, po:i ami i-ulth atlon ol Mid land, Jam, a M. flia , laa V In cent, VMIItnni Avers and iieorae 1'i-srao i, all of Heppm-r, Oiegon. il 1.1 K. . Ilvrii i ir, llc.later. NOTICE OF I MENTION. f AM oirii K t II K I'il. t-S, (IKKiitiN, J 4 Novemi er p.. I Nolle la lo-lvl l , tl e'l t : I i ...I, ,- t the following. raimtl acttlci hn. ni. tllMS tit'Ml pr -,.i in that anl picot il i row, I oil, il Ms 1 a t , Otesoli, ott 1 ,.-)ai, 1-11 II K It. Ill - llolnrtea 1 al'l-lii 'i t. Iiv1, sr'j ami a, 4 a l, i.a a in,, t, ,,,, CMtllton' ,a ti -l.t 1, Mid land vt J.ti l.ar, ol II. 1 pi t, 1 lour, and I llact t I II c ol h! l,.tentloi to t ol 1,1a 1 '.. lm, and I b. lore J , Mor I i Hi r. st lli-ppiier, ' er tt , U; ! l.Ubt M:li; i ! lor toe 1 a, 1. . . ip ii rl T. 1 ,1 , ... a lo I e,.ic hit n -I coltOatloii of U 1 11,11,1 ll.'iirt c . II " M onle.i. ol ,1 1 ! iitit Mti... on. t V I', l.l . 4. Ill .-later. Timber C;i.t.:ro,rin,il Proof. IIMIFP HUM I I l.,n r 1 .. N ., N-ti. la 1,0, I : , 1, baa r .v-i In M, t IwlotO J. VI . M.-r, ., 1 alotirf, nt ua .:,i e MoniUv ilia ,i'h Mv , br vilni pio H, at ni a a '.I , a.. No .K a. I Mt 1 ' I f II K, I A il,i. i' ,. iv lill i 'i A Aieis , ' to Inaa !1nl pr,a. I 1 tl.,1 platea 1 oiunits m Mm t-ni-r. 1 1,, ami. mt i 1 , r. M a, on tlin m No ; o. tor tti t . in l p No. 4 , r lis I ll. tl, I I j 'i IU a'i'ea a 1'. t l.,.f,1 ,, r i o .i 1 r.. rl F Kr, I A m oat , an ot w y b. w, btirr, Kiifilf. 1 NOTICE. V. 8. Land Owes, Ths Dalles, Ob.. November 5, 1tj8 COMPLAINT HAVING BEKN ENTERED AT this office by Eliza A. Heyraer against Jour dean leathers for abandoning his homestead entry No. 4871, dated August 2i, 189:t, upon the s ;4of section , township 8 8, range la E. W M, la Morrow county, Oregon, witli a view to the cancellation of said entry, the said parties are hereby summoned to appear at this ollice on the 4i h day of January. I8W, at 10 o'clock a. m , to res-pond and furnish testl irony concerning said alleged abandonment. Vawter Crawford, county clerk, is authorized to take the testimo ny herein, at his office at Heppner, Oregon, on December 27, 181)8. at 10 o'clock a m. 't-Vi Jy f. Lucas, Register. Notice of Intention. Land Ofpick atLaOkandk, Oreoon, October 1st. 189S. JOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE following-named settler has Hied notice of his Intention to make final proof in support of ins claim, aim tnat suiii proot will tie maae be fore the County Clerk of Morrow county, Ore gon, at Heppner, Oregon, on December 5, 18U8, LEVI L. HI ATT. of Gurdane, Oregon, homestead No 6ft 12, for the lots 1 and 2 and S'A NE Sec. 1 Tp 4 S, K a E. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: Mat Hughes and A. J. Cook, of Heppner, Oregon; James A. Pearson and A. W Norton, of Uuidane, Oregon. 94 ft E. W. Bartlett, Register. NOTICE-TIMBER CULTURE. U. S. Land Office, The Dalles, Oregon, Novemher 9. lH'JS. COMPLAINT HAVING BEEN ENTERED AT this office bv Ernest C. Montanden airainst John D. Matheson for failure to comply wi h law as to timber culture entry No. 2187, dated May 24, 1880, upon tne nw4 section 32, township 1 N, range 24 E, W M, in Morrow .county, Ore gon, with a view to the cancellation ot said en try, contestant alleging that said entryman has wnony taiiea to plant trees tnereon or cultivate the land to trees, seeds or cuttings as prescribed by law, since filing thereon, that no improve ments whatever have been placed thereon dur ing the last four years; the said parties are here by summoned to appear at this office on the 9th aay or January, 1899, at iu o clock a. m., to re spond and furnish testimony concerning said alleged failure. Vawter Orawiord, county clerk, is authorized to take the testimony herein, at his ollice at Heppner, Oregon, on Jan. 4, 1899, at 10 o'clock a. m. 2-13 Jay P. J.UCAS, Register. ' Notice of Intention. Land Office at Tub Dali.es, Oregon, Oetober 20. law. NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT THK following-named settler has filed notice ol his intention to make final proof in support ol his claim, and that said proof will be made before N.J.Hale, U. B. Commissioner, at lone, Oregon, on Saturday, December 10, 181)8 viz: FREDERIC W. BAL8IGER, of lone, Homestead Application No. 4240. for the lots 1 asd 2. Hec 5. Tp 1 S. R 24. E W M. lie names tne following witnesses to prove his continuous residence nnon and cultivation of said land, viz: Gustav Glock, Edwsrd Glock Ed Cluil'and Reuben C. Sperry, all of lone, Ore- iton. -7 Jay P. Lucas, Register. Notice of Intention. Land Office at The Dalleh, Oimioft, Oetober 26, 1898. NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE following-named settler has Bled notice of his intention to make final proof in sup port of his claim, and that said proof will be made before V. Crawford, County Clerk, at Heppner, Oreiroa, on Friday, December 9, 1898, viz: JERRY J. McELLIGOTT, of lone. Homestead Application No. 4806, for the WW 8E4 and EU DWV Hec. 24, Tp. 2 8, R 23 E W M. He names the following witnesses to prove bis continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: Frank Wilson, John Williams, David H. Grablll and James Nolan, all of lone, Oregon. 96-7 Jay P. Lucas, Register. NOTICE OF INTENTION. Land Office at The Dalles, Orkiion, Oetober 26, 1898. NOTICE. 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE following-named settler has bled notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before V. Crawford, County Clerk, at Heppner, Oregon, on Friday, December 9, 1898, DAVID II , GRABILL, of Iouo; Homestead Application No. 42:15 for lot 1, and the HK4 NE) and N'i SE! Sec 19, Tp 1 B, R 21 E W M He names the following witnesses to Drove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of sain land, vi.: crank Wilson, John Williams, Jerry MeKlligott and Joe Woolery, of lone, Ore gon. . Mi-7 JAY y. LUCAS, Regl NOTICE OF INTENTION. Land Omcit at Thk Dai.i-rs, Okkoon, Oetober 20. 1WH. VOIICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE I y follow lng-nained settler has liled notice ol his Intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made be iore v. t rawiom, t:ounty tuerit ot Morrow run ii t v. Oregon, at Heppner, Oregon, ou Tues day, December tl, 1H98, viz: EVEN GKEGER80N, of Lexington; homestead application No. 4I7H ior i ne ii. vt ,r.'4 ami n w ji j aim flniebji A-e. 14, Tp 1 8, K 2i K. W. M. He nsines the following witnesses tn prove ids cnmlnii mis resilience upon and cultivation of tald land, viz: Ernest Hner, of Lexington, Oregon; B. E, Hwaggsrt and Robert Turner, of Heppner, Oregon; J. H. Piper, ot Milton, Ore gnu J. I1. Li rss, -91-3 Register, Notice of Intention. Land Officr at La Grand, Ohruon, tK-tober 19, 1S98. NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT 1 II E following named settler has tiled notice of his Intention to make final proof In support of his elaini, and that said proof will lie made before the County Clerk ol Morrow county, Oregon, at Heppner, Oregon, on December &, ln-.w, vl: JAMES A. PEARSON, of Gurdane, Oregon, homestead No. 66(1, for the SWi, ssi. Sec. 2 and NW4 Mf and NWU See. UTptS, K29K. He nsines the following witnesses to prove his coutliiiiovs residence upon and cultivation of said laud, vis: Mat Hughes and A. J. Cook, ol Heppner. Oregon; Levi L. Ulatt and A. W Norton, of Gurdans, Oregon. K. YY. BARTLETT, W-s Register. NOTICE OF INTENTION. nKPARTMENT OK THE INTERIOR, LAND Othce at la Grsnde, Oreiroii, Nov. V, lsn. Notice Is hereby given that the billowing nsmeil settler has Hint notice of her liitenllon to make final rtriaif in supimrt n her clstin, and that said proof will lie made la-fore J. Vt. Mor row, C. S. Comiiilulnner at Heppner, Oregon, ou Uccenilier dlst, y.m, vis: ALICE UARR, nee AL'CB IILLARD, of Heppner, Oregon H. K. No. 6.117. for the N', 8W4 and Die .' HK', of fee. Tn. X 8, K. . K. W. M. She naiiiiHi the following w Itneam t prnrs herrouilinioiis residence iipou and cultivation ol said land, vl: lisvld I'rc.ley. Thomas A. Klies. Willlsm Brown and Hugh Fields, all of Ileppuer, Ore gon, t. W, BAKI LICIT, 4 l'i Kegister Timber CultureFinal Proof. SJ 111 1 1 UN1TEII STATES LAND OFFICE, THE lialles. Ore.. Nov. I. Iwsi. -Nolice Is bcreliv alien that laenh H. Wllllsms. of llardtnsti, hsa bled uotlee ol his Intention In intake filial prinif la-fore i. W Morrow, I' nltnj Mitca coniinlaaloncr, at Ins nftli-s In Heppner, ore , 1111 wnlnrhtav. I be th ila ol liriemta'r. Ww, on tlinlier ritlttir sppllcstlott S" '1. for the la lieV, nw l and r1, sw V, of stv No, 1. 111 lp .no im o, ii t, w M He nsines as a Itneaaea James H Allen. John i Allen sod J. C. kelthly all ol llstdmau, and William K. U-slliera, ol tight Mllo. Ore. I I I Jat I', l ilt as, KcgUter j limber CultureFinal Proof. UNITFP HTATF I.ASD I'FFllF, I.A lirainle. tin goii, Nov .'.1, 1" i Noln e Is l.cr. I jr jtien tliat V illlsm j-trc baa tlla.1 nollee ollnleiitioti lt mas nitsl priatf t-iore 1 vt Morroo, 1 nitni Mat-a r 'Uitnla at., t,, r al bla '.til, r III Heppner, ir,-on, nn aal- iii.Ibv, the ..la ,ly of (H-,.it,tM'r, I on llmlirr rnil'ire appllcalioii No, 11.V, lor the ', V and , ' ol sav No II, In Iwn No. 1 , I No. 27 i He nsmos as wltnrm-s Fdwar.1 F mv. Mor. r!a Ha l. l,,-.c iay and Koln-tl llynd, all ol Hi 1 pni r, or gnu. 4 l K, W. ItisTlsn. Reglater, NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. KJOI H R 14 H KRFhY GIVF.-4 TH T THU lin,ter1gir,, aaaignr ol lis rslate rf I. W "ia,rl Ittaxivvnl dMor, w HI mats fnal seiilrniviil t, his aa-monts with sal,l ratal aa siich eata-ni, a an sIJ'iiiri'e. term ol Ihe rir etui eonri i.r M.tro noititv. Ongon, i llejip I'.t. It, i hol.leii si lbs curl hotiae In ,nl routitv, o l liie J"f day ol Iwrniiw, A i. ata Au. K. .gor. lit A sail use, Timber Vulture Final Proof. UNITED 8TATE3 LAND OFFICE. THE Dalles, Oregon, Nov. 1(1, 1898. Notice Is hereby given that Luther Huston, of Eight Mile, has tiled notice of intention to make final proof before J. Vt. Morrow, United States commissioner, at his olhce in Heppner, Ore., on Tuesday, the 7ih day of December, 18;i, on timber culture application No. :t-.9, for the ne) sec 26, in tp No. 3 S, r No. 24 E, W vi. He names as witnesses: James J. Adkins, Henry C Gay, Herbert M Olden and William Becket, all of Heppner, Ore. -2-li JtY P. Lrctft, Register. MEN !bec. can be cured If you suffer from any of the ( ills of men, come to the oldest Specialist on the Pacific Coast. DR. JORDAN & CO.. J 05 1 Market St Est d $852. Yonnz men and middle . aired men who are suiTerint? 1 from the effects of youthful indiscretions or ex j cesses in maturer years. Nervous and Physical ltebllity .Iiupoleopj.Loftt Jlnnlootl j inaniiscuinpiicauons; r-.ri'iiiunjL'j'HM-?i, Protatorrlif, iJiii4rrlieat C-fo4t, Q l rr(ii-uo,r of rrtuallnv, etc. By a T i combination of remedies, of great curative pow , er. the Doctor has so arranged his treatment ' i that it will not only afford immediate relief but , permanent cure. The Doctor does not claim to ' i perform miracles, but is well-known to be a fair i and square Physician and Surgeon, pre-eminent ' in his specialty IMfteaseM of Men. K.v'piiiii tnorouKiiiy eriifiirdteaixoriitne fivstem without u4mi? Itliri'urvs KVKRY MAX HimlvhiR to H9 Will ro- I ( ceive our nonest ojnnumm niscnmpltitnt. w t mil guarantee a rum ti vk uuxk tn ewry ease we undertake, or forfeit One invuNiinu iroiinrs. Consultation FREE and strictly private. CHARGES VERY REASONABLE. Treat- ment personally or by letter. Send for book The l'llilosoiihv of llarrinrrp.' free. (A valuable book for men.) VISIT D8. JORDAN'S Great Museum of Anatomy the finest and largest Museum of its kind in the world. Come and learn how wonderfully you arc umuc; now to avoid sicxness ana a'.sense. We are contmunNy addmff new specimens. X CATALOGUE FltEff. CaH or write. ' 1051 Market Street, San Francisco, Ca!. f flRLINGTON-FOSSIL STAGE LINE H. REED & OGILVIE 'Priefor8. A. G. FARE FROM ARLINGTON TO Fossil (60 miles) . . .5 00 Round trip ?9 00 Mayville (53 miles). 4 00 Round trip 700 Condon (: miles).. 3 00 Round trip 600 Clem (28 miles) .... 2 00 Round trip 3 50 Olex (19 miles) 1 50 Round trip 3 50 Stnge leaves Arlington every morning (Sunday excepted) at 6 o'clock; ia due at Condon at 3 p. m. and arrives at Fob nil at 7 p. m. Comfortable covered ooaohes and care ful, experienced driver. O. R. & N. Df.part fos TIME 8CHEDULES' From Heppner. Arkivk kuom 9:30 p. m. Suit Lake Denver, Kt. Worth, Omaha, Kansas City, Bt. 4:50 a, in. Louis, Chicago, Portland, Walla Walla, Spokane, Minneapolis, St. Paul, Dtiluth, Mil waukee, anil the East. 8.00 p. in. Ocfan HtKIMSIUI':- 4:00 p. m. From Portland. All sailing datec subject to ehaugc For Mill VmiicIkco Hi-.il Dee. 3, , 1:;, 18, 2.1, 2H. . 8:00 p. m. Ex Holiday Saturday 10:00 p. in. Coi.t'MllIA RlVKB HT AMKHS. To Astoria and Way l.aiidlhKX. 1:00 p. m. Ex. 8unda; jWlLLAMGFTiJ RtVEttj 6:00 a. m. Ex. Sunday 4:.I0 p. m. Ex. Sunday Oregon Clly, New-I berg, r-aletn and Vi ay Landings. I 7:00 a. in. Tues . Thur, and Sat. WlLLAMKTTK N1 Yajiiim.l KlVHKS. Oreiron City, Dav ton & Way Land ings. ii:;M p. m, M011., Wed. and Frl. (1:00 a. m. Vii.lasiktt River 4.-:iop. m. Tues., Thjir Portland to Corval-I and Sat. Tues Thin. and Hat. Us & Way land- illRI. 6.NARI ItiviB. Lv. Klparla ally except Saturday iLv. Lewlstni' Rlparla to Iivistou daily except rrtusy Passengers booktd for all Foraign Countries. J. C. UAHT, Agi-nl, Uerpner. W. H. HURLBURT, (ieneral Paateiurer Aveut, Portland, Or 1)1 VT0 I), UM)A ouuiu bum V Ql'ICKEST AND MOST tIRKt'T I.IKE TO UTAH, COLOR A DO, NE BRASKA, KANSAS, MIS SOURI RIVER wtd all Points EAST ami SOUTH EAST.SSST LOOK AT THK TIME. NEW V0RK, 1J days CHICAGO, :U " ST. LOUIS, OMAHA, 3 SALT LAKE, If Free IUolinitia Chair Can UpbnUtfriiil T-inrist Hlwping Cr Follnisn Tallies Slespinii Cam For full fsrtlenlars riisrJinaT rates, time of trains, etc., c .il on t r ad Jre J. C. HAKT, Agunt l. IU S. (i., Hi"'tinr, Orseog V. (). Tunnr, W. U. Coha. Trav. I'ass. Aw'. tliti'l Aa. U Thir-I HI., rifllsn.l, Of. E FiLLS i MJRTUKRS NKLSDN i FOBT SHFJT1RD r.H)MTO!S RAILWAYS Tr Only Chang of AM U Va I l'. II ' sa I'., laieel) XVi'boiil ItiiaalanJ ainl Nrlauit. NflaiitJ 0t Itiwslan I, H1101U7 : 1MV am A M Hi.- II 111 A M Il w AM v .0 , . Al" !rtWB lUl'jT faVt si p. M. , S ' " M I'. M. ',a ni r in. at Niai-n t-aanrn f. Kat, aid aM Ki ai I as ihI. OREGON SlIOIlTUNKIly -t f -f K.-l.a liimar .4 li'lStUff ra-t 0ai aaal a Hams Vila afcw (UiIt. Ffl$T TBHIH SERVICE DAILY TO THE EAST GREAT ROCK ISLAND ROUTE. VIA Fast Express Leaves DENVEll, " PUEBLO, " COLO. 8P1I1N08 fl:30 p. m. 7 05 p. m. 8:t0 p. m. Arrivea lOl'EKA Arrives K N'HAS CITY 8:55 p. m. IMX) p. m. ArriveB LIN JOLN " OMAHA " DKS MOINES " PKO'-.IA ' OHICAMO 2:11 p. m. 4:25 p. m. 9:80 p. m. 11-20 a m. 8:UU a. in. Thronuh Sleepe-s and Chair Cars Colorado to Chieiiffn. Wide v etibule througboat. 1'he tintsc train in tbe Wont. For particulars and folders giving time of these trains writs J.L. DEBEVOISE. E. E. M'LEOD,- JNO srnaBTiasi I'OIITLAND. OHK A. G. P. PULLMAN PALACE SLEEPERS. PULLMAN TOURIST SLEEPERS. FREE RECLINING CHAIR CARS. Portland to Eastern Cities Change. Without Quick Time. I n ion Depots. Personally Conducted Excursions, Haggage Checked to Deslination. Low RateB. Direct line to Trans-Mississippi and Inter national Exposition held at Omaha, Nebraska, June to November, Write undersigned for rates, time tables and other information pertaining to Union Pacific J. H. LOTHROP, or J. C. HART Agt., Gen. Aat.. 185 3d St., O. R. & N. Co , Portland. Or. Heppner, Or, CHICAGO Iwtt & St. Paul B'y This Railway Co. Operates its trains on the famous block system; Lights its trains by eleotrioity through out; Uses tbe celebrated eleotrio berth read inglamp; Rons speedily pqaippei pAHaengor trains every day and night between St. Panl and Ohiosgo, and Omaha and Chicago the Chicago. Milwaukee & St. Paul Also operates steam-heated veelibnled trains, carrying the latest private compartment oars, library ballet eraok in a cars, and palace drawing room sleepers. Parlor ours, free reclining oL-nir cars, and the very bust dioiDg chair our service. For lowest rates to any point in tbe United States or Canada, apply to agent or address C. J. EDDY, J. W. CASEY, General Agent, Trav. Pass. Agent. Portland, Or. m m BOIIIS EAST? If so, be sare and see that your ticket reads via Tie Kotfiwesteni Line ....THE.... OHICAnO, 8T. PAUL, MINNEAPOLIS, AND OMAHA RAILWAY THIS IS THB Great Short Lir)e BETWEEN DULDTH, St. PAUL, CHICAGO AND ALL POINTS EAST AND SOUTH. Their Magnificent Track, Peerless Vestlbuled Dliilust and HleeidiiK Oar Trains, aud Motto: "ALWAYS on time has xl en this road a national reputation. All elaase of paua:ra carried 011 tlis vestlbulH trains without extra chara-a. "hip your freliiht and travel over this famous Una. All aireuta have tie sets. W. H. MEAD, K. C. 8 WAGE, Oeu. A sent, Trav. f. P. Aft. iu Washington Ht. Portland. Or, Thr WIi'S, Portland i Astoria NVijaiion fa STXA.UXSS "0ALM8 CITY" ASD "IKQUHTOn" Commsnilug Monlss, May Jul, lb' stsmrs i f Hit Rarnlator Lint, will Issv Pnrlland al Ou'10 a, m StiJ Tb milrs atHJtla.ro. When yon go to Portland, slop i.ff a Tlin Ia'lei ant) take a trip ilnsrn t It. Culnruhia; 70a will enjoy it, nj sits nmrinjr. W. CALLAWAY, Oenral Atfeot. QUIOIC TXTVtrj I TO Asd all pnieu la ('allforiila. via ttas Mt H)iaU nmis ot iM Southern Pacific Co t rt kiia? thnmara Cabfursiia 'i al lailr's faal ard H-mtii. (,ro I H.wiw I. of : I'a-lfle casal. Pailmaa Haflat h ali. HamtuWlcaa MiaanK A'ia.iha.1 In asrroa trains, affordis wiaanor ayueaiiMtati.'fi. wi1.ivaa ia"isw. ITiir Waav tlrkala. slaamlM caar IMm lalai. le, MH nii of Mdra f. KiKmkk. Manat-tir. C. It. MARCH, Raa. r. A V. st . Pnrtisi. Onnm I II UOl u II THK Eta Tn a'l pnlnls la IK faalsm aalr, TanaHs and Km. wcu I'-a-ifi ! ra; Tl"l THIt l Ul 1'as-t and Southeast UNION PACIFIC II. R. f THE TQROUGH OAR LINE. . lie Italator Line l . CURIAS. Br Colorado Flyer Leaves DENVER " COLO. SPRINGS Arrives TOPEKA " KANSA8 CITY 2:3 p. m 2:S5 p. m 7:30 a. m. 8:15 a. m. Ar. ST. LOUIS, (Wab. K'y) 6:15 p. m. Arrives ST. JOBEPH 10:40 a. m. Arrives LINCOLN (Ex Sun) " OMAHA (EiBni:) " CO.LLUF.B. . 6:45 a. m. 8:r.O a. m. 0.10 a. m. Through Bleepers Colorado Springs to Bt. Louis via Wabash K'y. A.. TOPEKA. fl P a ,uin7i'n H. W. Fall, PROPRIETOR . Of theOld Re Iible Gault House, CHICAGO, ILL., Half block west of the Union Depot of C. B. A n., . m. 01. r., Ki. at a., r. rt. w. A c.. and the C. St. L 4 P. Hailroads. WATKH 8U.00 PKH DAY Cor. W. Madison and Clinton Btg., Denver & Rio Grande RAILROAD SCENIC LINE OF THK WORLD Weekly Excursions TO THE AST, In through tourist oars without chaoga. MODERN UPHOLSTERED TOURIST SLEEPERS In charge of experienced oouduotors and porters. Mntldnva To Kansas City, Chicago, Buffalo and IUUUU013, Boston wlthoutchanire viaHHlt Ijike, Missouri Pacific and Chicago and Alton Kyi. Tlicsrt'ftvs To Omaha, Clilcaso, Buffalo and I uwuttvj, Boston withoutchaiiKe via Hairtake and Chicago, Koclc Island Si Pacific Ry. Wfidnpcrfilpa 't'o 8t- Joseph, Kansas City and II I.UUCftUUJK, 8ti LoUlB wftnout cnaI1ge va 8al, Lake aud Burlington Route. Thlll-Cilan To Kansas City and 8t. Louis wlth luuiiuavs, out change via Bait Lake and Mis souri Pacific railway. A day stop-over arranged at Salt Lake and Denver. A ride through the Famous Colorado Scenery. For rates and all all Information, inuulre of O. R. 6l N. and S. P. agents, or address, R. C. NICHOL, 8. K. HOOPER, General Agent, Gen. Pass, di Tkt. Agt 251 Washington St., Denver. Col. Portland, Oregon. J. C. Hart, Local Agt., Heppner, Or. Yellow Ston Park Lin THE ONLY DINING-CAR ROUTE FROM PORTLAND TO THE EAST. THE ONLY DIRECT LINE TO THE YEL LOWSTONE NATIONAL PARK. Leave. Depot Fifth aod I Sta Arrive. No. 3 Fast Mall for Tacoma, Seattle. Aberdeen, Month Dend, Wpokane, Helens, HiltU), Anaeonda, Ht. Haul, Chicago, New York. Boston, and all txilnti Kaat and South No. 1 11 A. M. 10:15 A. M. east. No. 8 Portland, Taroma and rVattle E 1 press, for Ta- No. I i-oma. Heattle, Olymtiia I P. M. aim iiiiermeaiate main line points. 11 P. M I DAYS to Ht Paul, Mlnnespnlls, Omana, Kansas City and other Missouri river points. S4 DAYS to Bt. Louis, Milwaukee and Chi cago. 4i DAYS to Washington, Phllsdeiphta, New York, Bostun and oihsr far-Eastern points. Union depot connections In all prlnelpal ollles. Baga-aga checked through to deatlnatloo ol tickets. I'nlon depot, Portland, font ol Sixth st For sleeping-car reservations, tickets, nisps ol mutes and other liilurmatioD, call on or wrlta A. D. CHAKLTOV, Assistant General Psssenger Agent, V Morsl son St.,Cor.Thlnl, Pnrtiand, (wegon. GENEIUL FASSENGKR DEPARTMENT. Wiacosiain ClNTSak llSIt NIT1I PACIFIC RY. Milwackee, Not. 5, 1897. TATItONS of the WisconaiD Central Lines in iianaing through Chicago may require some asuitt ance in the way of having their hand baRgagei taken form or to train ami carriage c-r bua, or ia many other waya, and they will find all that ia deeired io this re pect in the aerrice of the Uab-ra at the Grand Central TaatPDRfr Ktation, who have recently been uniformed with brown auit and red cap. They will be io waiting at all trains prepared to ansiat pM. sengere, and it ia booed that our patrona will folly avail tbemaelret cf thia additional provision for their comfcrt. JAS. C. rONI), GmT i'anar. AfX