THE FAIR The place To A Save Money v- Our Guarantee E ARE NOT SATISFACTORY. JUST AEEIVED We have now opened and on display a beautiful line of Holiday Goods, including Toys of every description. Now is the time to call and make your selections. These goods have been bought at a , figure that will enable you to purchase at prices that will astonish you. Among these goods are many beautiful and useful presents. Our shelves and counters are teeming with them. Call at once and inspect our display. WE HAVE ALSO JUST RECEIVED A. fine additional line of THE FAIR Which we are prepared to sell at prices lower than ever. THE FAIR Poor aid Weak Catarrh and Bronchial Trouble -Had no Appetite-Now Better In Every Way-A Delicate Child. "Some time since I took a sudden cold and could not get rid of it. Being subject to catarrh and bronchial trouble I coughed terribly. I lost my appetite and grew poor and weak and I did not feel like work. I began taking Hood's Sarsapa rilla. In a short time the cough disap peared, I slept well, had a good appetite and I was better in every way. Last spring I was not feeling well, I had no ap petite and no strength. I resorted to Hood's Sarsaparilla and soon felt more like work. My little nephew was a deli cate child and had a humor which trou bled him so he could not rest at night. He has taken a few bottles of Hood's Sar saparilla and now be has a good appetite and is able to sleep." Miss Abbik J. Fbeeman, South Duxbury, Mass. Hood's53 parilta Is the One True Blood Purifier. All druggists. $1. Hood's Pills are the best after-dinner pills, aid digestion. METH. EPI8C. CHUKCH. acnvioro. Sunday 11 a. m. and 7 p. m. Sunday school 10 a. m. uiaeses wo. l ana i at yi.w p. m. Epworth League Devotional meeting at 7 p. m. rrayer meeting, i nuroaay, p. m. 'The Spirit and the bride say. Come." The UMtor may be fonnd at the iHiinonaire ad joining the church, where he will be glad to meet any w'o may dnure to consult him on religions, social, umo, philosophic, educational, or any otuer subject. J. W. FLEHHEK, Minister. CHRISTIAN CHUKCH. Services each Sunday at 11:00 o'clock a. m. and 7:00 p. m. Prayer meeting Thursday even ing at 7:00. Choir practice Saturday evening at the church. K. U skilly. Pastor. If yon need something for your system call at the 'Phone The Telephone sa loon, Oity hotel building, tf To-night and tomorrow-night Ole Olson will entertain mn-t of oar oitizeng Don't mifs a good thine. Marshal Thornton is making marked improvement on the upper end ol Main street, widening it considerable. While Mrs. Manning ia recovering slowly (rom her fraotured hip, Mr. Man ning's condition is growing worse. Dm't forget to get tiokets early tor "Ole Olson Jr,." Bt Consei & Warren's. If yon enjoy luugbiug, see "Ole Olson Jr." The Ladies' Guild of the Episcopal church will meet at It o'clock, p. m., on the first Wednesday of each mouth, at the home of Mrs. T. J. Matlock. ADVERTISED LETTEKS. KTTER8 AnvKRTTftED AT HKI'I'NEH f E 1j Or.. November lis, lttutk. At wood, Mary Alsup, D B Bruwn, J R Hnwen, F W Fields, Hugh Furlong, James Uormain, Mr W Hlgby. Charlie Johnston, Jas When calling advertised. I.onir. Mrs J H Mollahau, John Murray, Mr W McCarty, J O Sample, H C Temple, T Vincent, Ike Vaughan, Henry Well., Lizzla for these letters please B. F. Vauuhan, P. say Local Notes. Choice fruits at The Maine. Turkey shooting at Tbe Maine. Fresh oysters at tbe Candy Faotory. Bee M. Liclitentbal k Go. tor shoes. For cboioe confectionary go to The Maine. Boy your tobaceoe of Geo. O. Rome, at Tbe Maine. Where can yon test yonr merkernen- bipf At Tbe Maine. Where can yen bay tbe best cigar on artbr At Tbe Maine. Llohteolbal k Co. for shoes. Exclusive hoe store. Handles tbe best. K3t( Numeroni traveling musiciaoe are lu town, and some ot them strictly first olase. The Belvedere ia building ao addition for tbe purpose ot potting in a lighting plant Rmoke Heideoberg k Co'. Arabian Kigbt and Espooola cigare al Ooneer k Werreo'e. 1-3 doi Dr. J. N. Vogel, tbe orenlist, will arrive io Deppoer Dosember Utb, tore maio odc week. Dr. J. W. Vogel, specialist for refreo- inn and defects of the will be bere ' every three montba. f34H-lyr Painless remedy for eitreetiog teeth. If not ae stated, do ebergeo. Try Dr. Vaogheo'a oew plan. &4-lf. Tbe Heopoer W. O. T. U. meete la the leolore room al Christian rbtireb every Tburedey at 2 o'clock. I... luU USt lU. Beet "u BrriR. T ' ' The Holly Club banner parly was given last Tuesday night. The masic by Mrs. Bartholomew and Miss Julia Hart was thoroughly appreciate 1. Emil Grotkoffe, who is at the Palace, under tbe oure ot the E. ot P'a., is in a serions condition witb an attack of erysipelas, Tbe sailing dates of ocean etenmers from Portland to Hon Francisco, for tbe month of Dtoember will be as follows: Deoember 3,8,13,18, '23, and 28th. Tba New York Theater Company went through the fire at Canyon City with a 84000 loss, but will be on band Friday, Deo. 21. Go and see "Ole Olson, Jr. Catarrh oured. A clear head and sweet breath secured witb Sbilob'e Catarrh Remedy; sold on a guarantee Nasal ioiector free. Bold by Ooneer & Warren. x Karl's Clover Root Tea, for Constipa tioo it' the best and it after osing it 1 . - 13 you don t say so, return pacaage ana get your money. Sold by Conger Warren. Elder tiuelley will preach tbe Eik'i memorial servioe at the Christine church Sunday night, and tbe Elks will attend is a body. Bpncial muaio is iu preptra tioo for the occasion. Mre. 8 paogler, the state evangelist W. C.T. U. will be in Heppner, Deo. 6 to remaim several days aod will deliver laotnre. the date and place tor wbicb will besnnnunoed later. Gall at the Candy Factory wbeb you want a good Oop of hot coffee, coco or chocolate. Fresh oysters in aoy style. Hot and cold lunches. Try ooe of our oyster cocktail's. If btate Oraaoie-r Cromwell made many additional members to tbe Lidgejof Art isans at Leiiogton last week, and Dr MoFanl went from bere Hatnrday to ex amine eleven new applicants. Alice McN'ey, superintendent, informs ae that there will be a trmperenoe rally for tbe children al tbe Christian cburob on Wednesday, December 7th, at 4 p. in All are cordially invited to attend. W. P. ffnyder, the livery stable pro prietor.bnys only tbe best bay and grain Larue eorrals and accommodation for freighter. Uaoks and buggies f nruieliei1 reasonable. Mm k well eared lor. It For Constipation take Karl' Clovrr Tee, the great Blood rnriflr, corn headache. Narvonaneee, Eruption 00 th- face, and make tbJ bead a dear at a 111. Sold by Coneer k Warren, t Quarterly conference and meeting next Batarday and Huuday a tbe Metb odiat Eplnoopel Chotoh. Rev. Itobert Warner, presiding el ler, will preach at both service oo Sunday. Uoly com munioo at tbe Biorcicg bonr. Shilob'e Consnmptioo Cnre cure where other fail. It I tbe lealing Cough Cnre, end no home should be without it. Pleasant to take end goee rigbl to Hie epot. Sold by Coneer Warren. In the morning by tbe bright light," In the evening at the "Redligbt," where John Rasmus to dole to bis patrons those sparkling beverages, whiou "banish melanoholy and drive dull oare away." Drop in; warmth greets yon these fall and winter evening Markbam's New York Theater Com pany will open a two night engagement at tbe opera house Friday, December 2d, n that very fanny oomedy, "Ole Olsoo, Jr," witb a change of play each night. All remember Mr. Markbam's Sweedisb impersonations last April, and should not fail to see him on bis return. Mike Roberts, at tbe Belvedere, hav ing remodeled tbe popular old-time cor ner, extends to tbe publio a cordial wel oome. Tho beverages he dispenses will be kept up to tbe highest standard, and tbe enlargement and oomfortable equipment ot hie billiard parlors and olob-rooms are a drawing feature. 92-tf Tbe O. R. & N. Co's. new book on tbe Resouroee of Oregon, Washington and Idaho is being distributed. Our readers are requested to forward tbe addresses of their Eastern friends and acquaint auoee, and a oopy of the work will be sent them free. This a matter all should be interested in, aod we would ask that everyone take ao interest aod forward such address to W. H. Horlburt, Gen eral Passenger Agent, O. R. & N. Co., Portland. 8l-tf The Wheat Trade. The Commercial Review ol the 24th says tbe looal market is very inactive, aod the same ia true of interior markets, Tbe export value ot wheat is too low. for boldera aod they prefer to take cbanoee on a raise in prioee after tbe torn ot tbe year rather than market at preeeot quo tation. Tbe foreign demand for our cargoes is slow, aod it is quite diQloult for exports to effeot sales. Our shippers realy bave no present need of wheat, (took io store bere being large, aod will cover tbe wants ot exporter for tome to oome. Tbe situation here may be summed ss op follows: Buyer will only Irade on real export value, and boldera won't eell except at an advanoe. Iti etat ed tbat a considerable portion of wheat in warehouse io tbe Palouse oouoty ia of poor quality, aod Dot of grade wbiob eao be exported to Europe. Most of it will go to Bao Francisco, where there Is fair market for rejected wbeat for feed KeceiDte bave been email during tbe week. Bale bave been few, mostly in very (mall paroela. Report bave been made tbat heavy prices were bid, bul tbey lack confirmation. Quotation lor Walla Walla olub. 00 ft 61 bluestem. 63 ft C4c, and Valley, C3o per boehel, and exporters limit, the latter figure for good, round lot. Interior boldera will ell club at 65c; bluestem, 680, witb do takera. Personal. B. B. Smith, of Fossil, was in town this week. J. S. Young, of Eight Mile, is registered at the Palace. H. K. Bennett, the musical man, Is In town again. G. W. Vincent, of Butter creek, was In town yesterday. E. H. Clark, the wool man, left on Wednesday night's train. County Commissioner Howard was in Hepp ner this week, Tom Barnett is now clerking for N. A. Leach, the Lexington merchant. Chas. and Ed Royce, tho prominent stockmen of Hardman, are in town. P. C. Lacoy arid wile, of Salem, are in Hepp ner In search of a business location. B. F. Miller, the stage man, came from the in terior yesterday, and proceeded to Portland on last night's train. Luther Huston came in from Eight Mile yes terday, to meet his family this morning, on their return from a visit to Portland. Ben F. Bwaggart, the well known racehorse man, of Sand Hollow, Is stopping in towu. R. 8. Beach is here under treatment of Dr. Swinburne, with a very bad hand, the result of silver, which was on the verge of blood poison- inn. Fred Rudlo, the young man who returned re' cently from the Klondike, took last evening's train for Weston, where be will attend the state normal this winter. CHANCE to BUY WINTER CLOTHING BROWN BROS' Famous Tailor-made Suits that are Fash ionable serviceable and fit to perfection. At Prices that are All Right. Our complete winter line of clothing has just arrived. It is strictly in fashion, and the material, make, cut, and fit, could not be better and the prices are what you can afford and are satisfied to pay. MEN'S SUITS and a line of OVERCOATS A Weddiag lo tbeperlort of the Deppoer li tel Wednesday evening at 8.3) o'clock, Mr. Jack Livingston aod Mrs Adub Hmiib were married by Rev. Hbelley aod Io lb preeeuoe ol Mr am aire wunuey II. kiobardeon and wife. Mr. and Mr. J. Willis, Mr. O D. ll-noi , Mia Minnie Flake, Miss Myre L and Mr. U Perry. Numerous present were bestowed upon the happy oouplo. After the ceremony refreshment were partaken of and a eeaaoo of e'Migratala ion enjoyed. Mr. H nitbl generally and favorable known lo Uenpoertt who ooite ia wishing ber bppios. Mr Liviogto I well known along "ibe trail" havine tissaed over It at different limes with sbeep. lie ba taken a po itioo oo lb O. It. N. ae bridge ear Muki and left on last tUbi' tram f r - work Dear Portland. TUB EASTERN BLIZZVUD Tbe Entire Atlantic Seaboard Swept By TerrlfloQalea. By the Associated Press. Boston, Nov. 30. From report that have oome by wire, mail aod passengers to tbe Associated Press from New England poiota op to 10 o'olock this morning it was difficult to estimate Ibe total lose of life and damage to tbe ship ping along this coast, as tbe result of re cent storm. Tbe liat of disastera seems to groi every boor and from dispaiohe thus far received it appear tbat at leaal 30 schooners bave been wrecked al differ1 eol point from Eastport, Main, to New Haven, Good. Eigbty-aix schooners bave beeo driven ashore and fourteen ashore and fourteen bargee are aground. Tbi list doee not include tbe thirty vessels, either wholly or partially wreck ed io Boston barb-ir, nor half a dozen or more crafts wbiob are reported missing. Wbeo lists are added, tbe nun: ber ex ceed 110 veseele Tbe lose of life is bard to determine. It Is known tbat about 50 people per ished Id aod about D eton harbor. He porta from otber place io aome case late tbat Ibe erew of tbi or tbat vessel esoaped. Many, however, state tbe fate of crew i ooknowo and no survivor bave turn ed np. Life saving station and incom ing vessel have brotgbl but few sailor from wreck. Perhaps a sonr would over thoeeof wbom nothing ie known, not including Hie 10 or more who were od board Ibe Portland. Suitable for this Climate Call and Carefully Inspect Stock An all-wool, serviceable suit, formerly sold for $10, now $7 Black diagonal clay worsted suit, formerly sold for $15, now $12 All-wool overcoat, durable and neat fitting, $4 50 GROCERIES! An extensive stock arriving every day. Fresh and ot the latest staple lines. Ms, Shoes, d Overte, Fells, Biers, Etc New line of Underwear, Hosiery, and Dress Goods just arrived. Blankets of all grades. The best 50c Blanket on the Market. We want your trade and will give you the best value for it. BROWN flJGHES. " Q A bind of sfcrep belonging to Phil Trenton passed through Iowa yesterday aod were ia a very poor e o libo, eaoe- log tbe sbt-ep meo who w Ihem ooo idereble alarm. Nothing bul a liberal ODDly ef feed will carry them through (be wiaUr. Where eao yon ! a gi l freb and botenpof pore Java and Mocha eoffce for 6' At Tbe Maine. Open day and tiLht. AIo, btm odwleb,c; quarter ol a pir (fiom ma l), &; piec of cake (hoius madsl, tie; Iwo boitl egge, Ce; c'ueeee, eracker aod lODCb gooJe. Ae ribikil Oo Ibe eouoUre ot Hue k Welob i a dieplay ot doll a atroke ot good foriooe, curd, wblrb are positively bejoad tbe rflb of aoy'boet ia Ibe Northwest. They are p.itively "gem." and are selling al eiabl la consideration of lb tieeedleglv low rtfw fir etrictly bigh-prieod good. Yon will marvel al Ibesseriflce. We are presenting eaob customer who Lay to the eiUnl of one AnMmt ao elegant eoavenir, which ttsoat be vera to be epprtetele 1, lllr la f alifurala. Mr (it-org Hwaggarl ir.f irms a of the d.Btb of ber brother, N. H. Clerk, at Fortune, California, Nov. Tli. aged C6 year aod day, ana oonirirjnw tue following lines to In tnemorv: A prsrlous one, lorever (on; A voir w lots isstilM; A lws Is varant In our hnm, Willi h never can be AIM. (xt, Id tila wisdom, riss recalled th boon his lovs hath given; And, although lb hodv slumbers bar, the soul Is safe la heaven. Hinss MiLiiaiu. Hies Leark Aaaeanreasat. In view of the bolldave Mis Alt) a Leach wish to Inform I he public thai fit will eloe out her stock of stylish. winter bat at a narked reduction Id t rice; also, tbat her drees making depart writ, under supervision of Mim Clara Meaoo, I prepared to eieoule work oo short Dolice, al prioee very reasonable. Mie II aeon ie meeting witb decided tno. eees, aed pleasing patroa. Tour boll day work should bw brought in al ooe. Pasta Class' lleadqiarter. Mr. L.J. Eatee baa tbe beat aaeorltaeo! of holiday good b ba ever brought lo Uppner, consisting of doll, loya, and many useful artiolt for both old and young. Hoe also baa a complete atook of millinery. All good eold at bedrock prloea. What Dr. A. K. Halter Hay. Buffalo, N. T. Gent: From my personal knowledge, gained in observing tbe effect of yonr Hbilob'i Cure Id oaee of advanced consumption, I am prepared to aay it ia tbe mo remarkable remedy Ibal ba ever been brought lo my at lea. lion. II ha certainly avtd many from ooneumptioo. Sold by Coneer A Warren 1 Uwt. One hundred aod aeventy five bead of sheep io the mounlaina Dear tbe bead of Hear ereek, Morrow county. A reward of T cent per bead will he paid for Ibe recovery or Information leading to tbe recovery of tbe eal.) beep. wee and lamkf branded 11 ; yearling branded P oo eboolded; 2 year-old branded P oa blpe. Address, If r. M. I'MTia, Goodon, Or. N( THIAHUBKH e) NOTICI. OTIOK IS IIKRKBY OIVgM THAT ALL outstanding Morrow comity warrants reg istered lirlor to Aneust 1st. 1NV7. will lie paid auon nresenutlon at the orhue ol Ihs trees urerofMld county. latere! cease after tbe date of this notice. Iistwl at lleiiuuer, nr.. Nov Jft. lm& M X1CHTKNTHAL, it Trswtuer of Morrow Couuty. Tine Up Jaaaary 1st. Tba attention ot aetllera oo railroad land witbln Iba bordera of Morrow county ia called to Iba fact tbat the lima for making Ibeir proof oa Ibe aama FOUR DATS ONLY. ipire. oo January let. 1800, V.wter!' r?,b,,", d'ffl,nl,T la lb Karly Part of Deeeaiber. Tba German HpeolelUU, from Port land, Oregon, will be io FJeppber, at tba Palace bolel, aod will relura eeeea month. " If you bave chronic oatarrb, ooulta tioo la free of obarge. Do you blow moooe from tba ooee? Are you troubled with bleeding of tke ooeeT Art Ibe aoetrila o bet r acted, makiog gjej twfwFaj iw rw wyr.e' - i lae of CLrulmu goooi ara lo io ttock. wer, Or. ebei ' A young man f aeveo year'a eiperl enre, holding a Orel-grade state cert 1 8 eate, ie i!lrm t.f otlaleleg a setool In Morrow eounty at oure Inquire of Aa elegant O-ooty Koperiateudebl bblplry, Ilepp Itf aossd ae alellsr "I t eve anff-red for Ibe laal leo year from pi lee, and during the last two year I wae completely laid op with Ibla di esse. I bean taking Hood's Bar pari la, Ih Aral doe of wbiob did me DiOob good. I eon'inuel lb oae of Ibie medt- cioe, and today I am aoad ae a dollar.' i. W. Htyae, Teaoawar, Weab. Crawford, eooaty clerk, u aulberiaed to take land flllegi and proof, aod Irao aeta general public land boaiaeaa at ble offlee io tbe court boue, al re aeon -al ia rate aod latlsfaclioo guartuUed. 73JaoI Baoklea Ara lea Balv. Tba Beet Halve io Ih world for Cola, Droiwea, Horea, Uleera, Salt Khaam, Fever Horee, Tetter, Chapped Uaod, Chilblain, Corn, aod all ftklo Eroo- nona, anu poemveiy caret I'llee or oo pay required. Ii ia guaranteed to give parteoi sausraenoo or money refunded. Price 30 eeola per boi. for eala bt Hlooom Drag OoH E. J. Hloeua, meeager KAILKOAD LARD. Hetller Iribolary lo Ioa baviog rail road land aod bat not made proof yel, by calling al Iba offlca of N. J. Hale, Iooa, Oregon, cao make Ibelr proof aoJ eve loteof money, Time espirea Jao. I, 1H9S. All klod of land business trafcaeoted. Betllert located oo vacant nrei. 1 If Ara you boar al limeef Ia tba muooa droDDlna down from the back of nose loto tba throat f Ie yoor Doee (topped opt la yoor bearing effected f Ie your tbroal eore al times? Do you ptl t good deal wbeo rising lo Ibe morning f Do you hem aod beak lo clear your throat r Catarrh ie a dangeroo disease, wblrb lead oto consumption. Weak eye oured ; cross eye stationed without cutting Iba cord. Cataract removed wilboot o knife; gleeeea fitted where other have felled ; rupture aod brnle oured without opera, lion. Chroalo rbeometiain aod kldoey tmoblee a specialty. Do ool fall lo ae tba German Special, lata. A friendly talk will cost you ootb Ing, aad ia bouod to result io o greet deal of good lo yon. Iteinember tba date. New Uooes. Wt ara constantly adding new good aod Dow bare ready for lospeciloo a One aeaorlmsnlot watches, elook, Jewelry, (ilTeeware, novaltiew ta4 tatuioal Injlrtj. Itrtiw, 1 ' f. O. Ir4eT, Utht