Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, December 02, 1898, Image 1

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    II , 1 7 , . 5!! !
j Tf you have bargains to
offer, announce ii through
the columns of the &
The Gazette will contain
the latest telegraphic news
Ffoin the Seat of War.
Published every Tuesday and Friday
rights at points within the Spanish
D nun r
1 trr --warn WwwMiE I
Z- . ) a 7 S W W " - V V -
nwniixTriT. " " ! , . $tESSSSF - . " '' '' '
-r I ii iill riinilimTT J Aentn ihe cab a land;
Ik. - -"1 A A . I I 7 I I I 111'' III i1 i I II I I. !! I
.FTTmMMmmmimmilll I imiHIl Ilimiu Km Wri m m BBk - mmm . I IU BX J m B I I
Editor aad J&i.&e9r.
On Year
Six Months
Three Montha
mnm mmw mm
m i , i
Advertising Rates Made Known on I
r'A" 'vuu VII
Entered at the Postofflce at Heppuer, Oregon
United States Officials.
i ....William MnTr;,.l,
georetaryof Treasnry.. '"Lvml'l n "y
Hecretary of Interior p vM JS" Pi6
SeoretarJ of War! . .V.V.V.'.'.'.'00! ?' U
Buoretarjr of Navv nussoll Alger
Secretary f AgriouUare".::;:..
" or Oregon.
governor TO T
Secretary of SMfo vv : P. Lord
Treannrer. 1S,.,";,Kj"cud
Attorney General """".'.'cm' hi "
Senators j G. W. MoBiidt-
Congressmen j Thoe. H. Tonsnn
Printer........ &!.
Supreme Judge. if ?" fcn'
. - . ... .n j i !,
I C E. Wolverton
oiaiu judicial UlHtilot.
rOBwuting Attorney H. J. bean
morrow Uonnty Officials.
J. W.Beckett: '"nowani
shedir Vawter Crawford
Aseesaor A C. Pettey.
Surveyor.... Julius Keithf
.. School Hap't jay W. Hhiplei
0oroIler Dr. E. R. Hnniolk
1-ichtenthaU. B. Himone, J.' jfjtobSSSi w
Ilaemng and E. G. Sperry. ou. V .
itr?"r.' W.A. Rirhard8on
Precinct Offlcerc.
Cble'1119 P68 W- E- KiohardBon
u.mntaoie..... G a Hray
United Stateg Land Officera.
i t. i THR DALLI8, OB.
E-W-Bart'ett,.0.!1"'08- RwtI((tflr
-rfyegetablcPreparationfor As
similating theroodandRegula
ling S tomachs andBowels c .
PrnfnnKpQTHdocfmT. ri..p..f
w t,"uuii)jjiccjim
HPanrt PpcK Tnnf nine
wuiuiii.ivim nninn nnr Mtneui
(- . .w 1" " i I I 1 1
Ktape afOldflrSXMUILPirUBEIl
ftocJulU Sal, -
iA Carbonate Sofa, 4
IVonnSced -CUfftned
1A7 v"iii-iuii iiuca
TIUI1MS I .nnVIMCIAnC kntnn.k
ue&5 anaiOSS OF SLEEP,
Tac Simile Signature of
mew von K.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the
&' Kin
Leading Points of Agreement Made
oy Feace Commission.
You Have
Always Bought.
raw Rto mm m
The Thirteen Articles Laid Before the Two Com-
xxnssions-Hebel and Spanish Prisoners
to Be Released-70,000 American
Trooos Necessary to Cope
With the Insurgents.
tm. ctmun caTOI,y. ,ww 6lTY
WM"'m' I
t. a. RaEA::::::::;::::vin:S!:
e. l. FRERi wri'-iv.
Transact a CenerarBanklnn R.,ci.
Amociated Prei Dispatcher
made .esterdav bv K. 3 " !? treaty "tides
Hon of these . Ho e- .n, .-" 7-be final
to the typewriters. 'a revised draft turned over
1'he ioidU session nf th Am:- . .
sion of frt r'm ni.4 wu,u""won inen met ftDl began disoas.
fin r I V i 1 agreement and subjects for negotiation
ble to the Americans. Uher wr w . . . &C06Pt&-
missions, coveriDg the fo owi ",u D6rre 1,36 two cn.
ft JOV io.
to Cuba. relict of sovereignty over and claim of title
Second The
I hird The cession of the Philippines
Fourth-The terms of the eva.untion of the Phiiippines.
Fif th-The pledKe.of the United States to preseVye order in th.
Philippines pending the ratification of the treat,
Sixth-The release of military prisoners mutually.
Seventh The cession hv HnS;n t t , ....
island, in the Carolines. , " na or Kusai, or Strong's
E,ghth-Tbe rnutual relinquishment of indemnity claims.
JNinth The re Jiciona traA ia.n.. .
of American missionaries there 8' a88U"Dg Hght9
Twelfth Th
Philippines an w aT- -T Mtates to inagate in the
for at least 12 years" " gUftraDt66 the Bame to Spain
I hirteenih-A revival of the treaties broken by the war.
. xne first throA nrfiVlao - . i
also the articles ZTL. & on today, as were
Pines, which will MTT Pi,iIip"
and Porto Rico. pr,naPal, the fiame as in the evacuation of Cuba
The mutual ralAAoa nt .;t:iJ
liberating the rebel J?1JV W Spain
-la garrison and theSpaniiMd 3
oners to be ikX- y. h;- ".;.?ttlna,da The P0,ltlal prie-
8 not probnble. ' "g ,0 t'n.mtin
.b. SlJlrl"1---'"-'.on doe, n, 8Lo.
After the
eeS.ion. The .dioarDmal ... t.i... .ioM ln ""Mhw
j woiocK tomorrow.
It IS also clatmArl flinf fk Tt.-V.'a iM. . ! ...
to put down tbe JuZ
Pabb Deo. 1,-Tt, work 0, Pe,M . pr0Kre8Bino
The Peace OOmmiaalnn AiA Mni L.n . .
thfl f-ot i i . " uom 8 JIDt Be881n today, owing to
the fact that it was ascertained at 2 p,. that the' preliminary cler" ?
work was not completed. It L ,P ""nary clerical
defer h m.n . "1" Brue oy tne presidents to
defer the meeting until tomorrow afternoon.
Irom This Date On
fordsiets and O
aJSTSL!!!'. T -P-M to ,be .t.,e
---owbb or central Amerioa.
apes vuu
There is an elegant line of these gocds-abput 100 or so. The prices ue sell them at are startling but genuine Ku T "
When we so,, you goods at what they cost us wholesale we consider that we are giving you a good bargain - T ,
C3 1 TP2 cs
Plush Cape, Trimmed in Black Soutache Braid, Thibet
Black Kersey Cape, 31 inches Longr, Trimmed in Fancy
Stitched Straps in Silk, Soutache Braid, High Storm
85.50 to 4 00
12.50 to 9.00
Fine Black Kersey, Front and Back Trimmed with Fancy
Strnnc: firm Pallor T ',A ...M. c:ii ri i
wvw.,,, vuimi, Awun.li wiui oiiK ivnatiama
Length of Cape 25 inches, reduced from - ' 1Q.00
to 8.00
Fine Cadet Blue Kersey Cloth, Silk-Velvet Collar, Red
niv fining, inmmca wnn liiack bilk boutache,
aim iwiiuu jMm ixiuixm uic most stylish thing in
me nuubf reuuecu irom
15.00 to 11.00
We can enuinei
A Black Boucle, Rhadama Lining, Trimmed in Black
Hercules Braid, reduced from . . q,4m( ,
Blade Boucle, Primmed Applique in Broadcloth Strapf ' Wa
and Small Round Buttons, from . . P ,. ()nn
Green Boucle Cloth, Changeable Green. Rhadama lining ' ft
a High Grade Article, from - .
A Light Tan Kersey Cloth, Changeable, Taffeta Lining 10 00
reduced from ... '-
An English Tan IW y Cloth, Lined Throughout with UM
1 an Rhadama Satin, reduced from . . , e ,
A Navy Blue Kersey Cloth, Trimmed with Straps of ' 1 lM
Same Material, and Pearl Buckles Front and Back
reduced from ... acK' . ., ,
HlnckKersey Cloth. Box-Front, Tailor-Made, fm H 1Q
)rate only a few of these bargains in Ladies9 Clnik n,i r,, . """"
i everything in tlirt,, t a deep ,sl,
Pleml Line fhildren's J301 and Reefers Unmercifully Slaughtered
Minor & Co.
Minor & Co.
fa ui Get WOll SiZK WW STVLKS ao arc Wit