6ECEET SOCIETIES. KAWLIN3 POST, NO. U. G. A. K. N net at Heppner, Or., the third Saturday of r ch month. Ail veterans are invited to loin. W. W. Smith. Adjutant. tt Commander, TJI18 PAPER is kopt on file at E. C. Dake a L AdvertisinK Agency, 6 and 68 Merchant KxcSantrs, Ban Francisco, California, where oou tacca tor advertising can be made lor it. LP. FISHER, NEWSPAPER ADVERTI8- ing awnt, 21 Merchants' Exchangn Butld in, Bun Francisco, Is our anthorized agent Tibia prtpar is kept on file ft his aii. D- J. McFaul, M. D. IIEPPNER, OREGON. Oflice hours, 8 to 10 a. m., and 12 to 2 p. m., at resilience, and 10 to 12 a.m., and 2 to 5 p in., at office la the rear of Borg's jewelry store. G E Redfield ATTORNEY AT LAW. Oinco in First National Bank building. Heppner, Oregon. Ellis & Phelps ATTORNEYS AT LAW. All business attended to in a prompt and satisfactory manner. Notaries Pub lic aud Collectors. Office In Nattor's Building. Heppner, Oregon. D E- Gilman GENERAL COLLECTOR. Put your old books and notes In hi hands ami Ret your money out of them tliom. Wakes a specialty of hard collections. Oftlce in J. N. Brown's building, Heppner, Or. IV. A. Richardson JUSTICE OF THE PEACE and CITY RECORDER. Ollicc at comncll chambers. Sell ami huvs real estato. rents houses, pay taxes, does cniiveyaiiclni? and will serve you li auy way in his line, at rcasonuuie ligurc. G. B. Hatt TONSORIAL ARTIST. 15 Cants 25 " Hoppner, Oregon, Shaving, Hair Cutting, Shop, Matlock Corner, Mathews & Gentry BARBERS. Shaving - 15 Centa Hair Cutting Shop two 25 " doors Pouth of Postofllce .s Scmilings Best money-back tea and baking powder at - Your Grocers NOT HIS DAY. Onl; Timber Culture Final Proof. THE TTNITED BTA1E8 LAND OFFICE U Dalles, Ore.. Nov. la, !'. Notice is hereby given that Albert Matteson, of Heppner, has tiled notice of intention to make final proof before J. W. Morrow, United States commissioner, at his otllce in Heppner, Ore., on Wednesday, the '2ih day of December, 18iiS, on timber culture application No. HUM, for the sej of sec No. m, iu p No. 4&, r No. 28 E, W M. - He names ss witnesses: Kobert P. Matteson, Reuben J. Gaunt, John Uauut and Milton Brown, all of Heppner. tire. 2-13 Jay P. Lucas, Register. NOTICE. Timber Vulture Final Proof. Timber Culture Final Proof. UNITED STATES LAND OFFICE, THE Dalles, Oregon, Nov. 16, ISM. Notice is hereby given that Reuben J. Gaunt, of Heppner, has tiled notice of intention to make final proof belore J. W. llorrow, United States commissioner, at his ollice in Heppner, Ore., on Wednesday, the ah day of December, 18!i8, on timber culture application No for the sei nw?4, wi neM and cH gw4 of sec No. 28. in to No. 4 8. r No. 2ti E. W M He names as witnesses: Robert P. Matteson, Albert Matteson, Milton Brown and Robert Large, all of Heppner, Ore. 2-18 Jay P. Lucas, Register. Timber Culture, Final Proof. Unitkd States Land Office, The Dailus. Or., Oct. 27. 1S'J8. XTOTIOE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT AR- iv thur Henhcns. of Ilardman, has filed notice of intention to make final proof before V. Crawford, County Clerk, at his ollice in Hcnimer. Oretion. on Saturday, the 10th day of December. lH'JH. on timber culture application No. SUM, for the Wy, N and WW 8W" of sec tion No. 17, in Tp No. 4 8, K. No. 25 E. W. M. He names as witnesses: unarieB AsnDaugn, j. K. Moreland and Stanford Howell, of Hardmau, and Fred Aslitmugh, of Heppner, or. ya-7 JAY f. L.UCAS liegister. NOTICE. V. lie Did Hit SlatiBhtcrina: "Week Day. "Whoop! Whoop-ee!" he shouted M h rode into the town of Pizen Hill one day and started a stampede of people. Whoop! Whoop-ee." he continued, ea he halted before an insignificant-looking little man who was whittling: a stick in front of the Red Dog saloon the only man to stand his ground whero the terror made his appearance l m the human avalanche from Snake Hill, and it's my day for wipiu' hull towxm off'n the airth!" "Glad to meet ye, pard," was the calm reply of the little fellow, as he whittled away vigorously. 'Waugh! but h'ar him talkl" roared the other in a voice that seemed to shake every building in town. "H'ar the f ule speak o' bein glad to meet ole aure death. Why, cyclones daen t meet me in a fa'r fout, and mountains tremble when they see me comin' ! " "What fur?" was asked. "What fur! Why, ye durned ijet ye, 'cause they know I deal in death, and death only!" "Ar' it a pay in' bizness?" "Ar' it a pa vin' buzness!" echoed the are hereby summoned to appear at this ofliee on t i 'ivi! Kt the 21 day of December, 18, at 10 o'clock a.m., awful voice. 'Whoop! but why don t0 re8pona aml furnish testimony concerning some one remove this child from my path afore I swaller him up hull! Why don't" "Look -a-y ere!" interrupted the quiet man, as he turned red in the face and walked straight up to the big fellow. "I'm a lectle critter, I know, but when folks git to cull in' me a baby my dander alius takes a riz, and I kin lick a few mountains myself!" "Woof! Bring cn yer cyclones! Bring ity vested in hiin by section 24,r5, United H ,i. rTV-v l.'nrs! Tirinc nn Heviscd Statutes, as amended by the act of on yei dens o gnziy u arsi wring on KreB8 apl,rvoi February an, ), we will yer armies o human avalanche chaw em up in a bunch! Whoop! but I'm liable to sneeze any minit and blow this infant and hU hull town clean out o' the state o' Texas! " V. 8. Land Orricc, Tag Dali.kk. Or., November 5. 1H COMPLAINT HAVING BEEN ENTERED AT .J this office by Eliza A. Heymer akinat Jour dean Leathers for abandoning his- homestead entry No. 4871, dated August 21, 1W13, upon the swof section 29, township 8 8, range 25 E, W M, in Morrow county, Oregon, with a view to the cancellation of said entry, the said parties are hereby summoned to appear at this orhce on the 4th day of January. 1M. at 10 o'clock a. m., to respond and furnish testi-nony concerning said alleged abandonment. Vawter Crawford, county clerk, la authorized to take the testimo ny herein, at his office at Heppner, Oregon, on uecemner zi, i'js, at iu o cioctc a m. 8-13 Jay P. Lucas, Register. Notice of Intention. Land Offics at LaGrandk, Oreuon, October 19. 1898. XJOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE ll followlnir-named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of Us claim, ana that salil nrom win oe maae ne- fore the Countv Clerk of Morrow county, Ore gon, at Heppner, Oregon, on December 5, 1898, vu; LEVI L. HIATT, of Gurdane, Oregon, homestead No fii',42, for the lots 1 and 2 and 814 NEK Sec. 1 Tp 4 8, R 29 K. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said lana, viz: Mat ungues and A. j. look, of Heppner, Oreeon; James A.Pearson and A. W. tvorton, oi (iurdane, Oregon. 94 6 IS. YV BARTLKTT, KeglSter. NOTICE TIMBER CULTURE. UNITED STATES LAND OFFICE, THE Dalles, Oregou, Nov. 16, 189S. Notice is hereby given that Luther Huston, of Eight Mile, has filed notice of intention to make final proof before J. W. Morrow, United States commissioner, at his office in Heppner, Ore., on Tuesday, the 27th day of December, 1898, on timber culture application No. 3289, for the ue! sec 26, in tp No. 3 8, r No. 24 E, W M. He names as witnesses: James J. Adkins, Henry C. Gay, Herbert M Olden and William Becket, all of Heppner, Ore. 2-13 - Jay P. I.rrrts, Register. 8. Land Office, The Dau.es, Orf.gon, November 1. 1898. COMPLAINT HAVING BEEN ENTERED AT KJ this office by David H. Henshaw against Frank Mclntyre for failure to comply with law to Homestead untry so. 4ra, oatea August 11, 1KB, upon tne 84 sec. w, ana NE14 8cctionl25. Township 3 8, Range 26 E. W, M . In Morrow countv. Oregon, with a view to the cancellation of said entry, the SRid parties U. S. Land Offics, The Dallrs, Oregon, November 9. 1898. COMPLAINT HAVING BEEN ENTERED AT this office by Ernest (J. Montaudeu against jonn l. oiaineson lor lauure to comply wi n law as to timber culture entry No. 2187, dated May 24, 1886. upon the nwVi section 32. towusliip 1 N, range 24 E, W M, in Morrow coanty, Ore gon, with a view to the cancellation of said en try, contestant alleging mat saia encryman nas wholly failed to plant trees thereon or cultivate the land to trees, seeds or cuttings as prescribed ny law, since nnug tnereon, mat no improve ments wnatever nave Deen piacea tnereon dur ing the last four years; the said parties are here by summoned to appear at this oflice on the 9th day of January, 1899, at 10 o'clock a. m., to re spond and furnish testimony concerning said alleged lauure. vawte.r urawiord, county cierK, is authorized to take the testimony herein, at 111s otiice at neppner, Oregon, on Jan. 4, 1899, at iu o'ciock a. m. 2-13 Jay P. Lucas, Register. Notice of Intention. . can cured If you suiter from any of the ills of men, come to the oldest Specialist on the Pacific Coast, DR. JORDAN & CO.. ,1051 Market St Est'd 2852. Young men and middle aired men who are suiTerine I from the effects of youthful inuiscretions or ex cesses in maturer years. Nervous and Physical iteRiiiiiy ,impiency ,mmi man itooti in all its complications; NperiHatyrriiflea, Prottatorrlicpn, Caoiaorrliepa, dilect, Frequouc.r off lTiliiatlii, ec. By a i combination of remedies, of great curative pow er, the Doctor has so arranged his treatment l that it will not only afford immediate relief but permanent cure. The Doctor does not claim to I perform miracles, but is well-known to be a fair and square Physician and burgeon, pre-eminent in his specialty IHsasea of Meta. S.t ph ilia thoroug ill v erndlcated frum the System without using Jtt erouv? KVl'.RV lltN ntintvintr 'm llflWill TA. , celve onr honest opinion of hiarnmplnint. nemu uuarantee a rusrri vm vuitis in every caae we undertake or forfeit One Thousand Iollar8. Consultation FREE and strictly private. CBAMQES VERY REASONABLE. Treat ment personally or oy letter. Send for book FflST TBBIH SERVICE DflILK TO THE EAST : V DAP! TCn11 1 m W DAT1T17 RUU1Y mmv RUUlfi. Fast Express Leaves DENVEll, PUEBLO, " COU). SPHlNQrt :) p. m. 1 m p. m. 8:40 p. m. Arrives TOPEKA Arrives K-NRA3 CITY 8:55 p. m. HO0 p. m. Arrives LIN JOLN OMAHA " DVM MOINES ' l'EO! IA " CHICAGO 2:11 p. m. 4:25 p. m. 9:30 p. m. 11-20 a m. 8:(J0 a. in. Thrnngh Sieepors and Chair Cars Colorado to Chioaffo. W ide ' etibule througbont. The tiuest train in the West. Colorado Flyer Leaves DENVER " COLO. SPRINGS Arrives TOPEKA " KANSAS CITY 2:35 p. m 2:36 p. m. 7:30 a. m. 9:15 a. m. Ar. ST. LOCI8, (Wab. U'y) 8:15 p. m. Arrives ST. JOSEPH . 10:40 a.m. Arrives LINCOLN (Ex Sun) 8:45 a.m. " OMAHA (Ex Sac) . 8:f,0 a. m. " CO. BLUFi 8, . . 9.10 a.m. Through Skepers Colorado Springs to Bt. Louia via Wabash B'y. For particulars ami folders giving time of these trains write e. e. M' A. (i. J. L. DE BEVOISE, PORTLAND, OP.E 'LEOD, P. A.. TOPEKA. JNO. SEBASTIAN, G. P. A.. CHICAGO. " The Philosophy of Jlarilase free (A valuable book for men.) VI? IT DE. JOKDAN K Great Museum of Anatomy ( the finest and largest Museum of its kind in the world. Come and learn how wonderfully you i are maae; now to avoia sickness and disease. We are continually adding new specimens. VA.iAijUijtut x a ail: jau or write. A 1051 Market Street, San Francisco, Cn!, THROUGH TICKETS M Ea?t and Southeast OTjL9"V VIA THE UNION PACIFIC IL R. said allotted failure. Vawter Crawford. County Clerk, is authorized to take tne testimony Here in at his omoe at Hiippucr, Oregon, on uecem- ber Hi, lS'JH, at iu o clonk a. m. 99-UJ Jay r. Locah, Keglster. PUBLIC LAND SALE. United States Land Office at Tub Dali.bs, Oregon, October 20, 189H. VTO'I'ICE IS HERHBY il VEN THAT IN PVR- l.v suance of liiBtrnntions from the commis sioner of the general land oliiee, under anthor- i mates of con- irreRfl Annrdven Kehrurtrv 'Zh. lH'.io. we will nro- litrhtsrs and watch the eeed to oiler at public sale on the fith day of the follow'liiB tr'net of land, to-wit: NE NE' Wee ltf, Tp 3 B, K 20 K. W. M , containing 40 acres. Anv and all nersons claiming adversely tne above-rtescribed landB are advised to file their claims in this office on or belore the day above ..Un..f.i1 f,. lin nAlnntiitinimiont nF tillll huIa ; , it ., i x ji JV I . ...... ui nimi iiown on n uinu ma niiu otherwise tneir rigniB win ue lorieiieu. jai 1". IjI h;as, Kcgister. OTIS PATTERSON, Receiver. A. Mallory, U. S. COMMISSIONER Is authorized to take all kinds of LAND PROOFS and LAND KIUNUH. Collections msde on reasonable terms. Olllee at residence on Chase street. Uovernmeut land script for ralu. J. W. Morrow ATTORNEY AT LAW and U. S. COMMISSIONER. Oflice in I'aliu e hot 1 liulldlng, Heppner, Or. S. A. D. Gourley, A TTORNE Y-A T-LA W. pit licked!" Hhbuted the little man, as he bejirnn rvmovinp: h!3 cont in a bui' noftfllike way, but the other only glared at him and went nn: "Wnugh! but I ve (rotter begin my daily liiasu rean' on a midget, and lie stopped suddenly and softly in nu i red, as a look of perplexity cam over his face: "Say, ar' to-dny Saturday or Sirtv (lay?" "It's Sunday, but I'll lick ye jest ttw same. 'What.! Ar' it Sunday? Wall, how could I hov made sich a miHtake? My 94-5 NOTICE OF INTENTION. Land Office at Tub dai.i.kh. Oueoon, October 20. IH'.iS. NOTICE 18 HEREBY (UVEN THAT THE following-named settler has filed notice of till intention to make final pr of in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before V. Crawford, Comity Clerk, at Heppner, Oregon, on Saturday, December iu, lh'.ih, via: I'ATRICK KILKENNY, of Heppner, Land Offick at Thk Dali.es, Oregon, October 26, lm. NOTICK 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE following-named settler has filed notice oi his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before N.J.Hale, U. 8. Commissioner, at lone, Oregon, on Saturday, December 10, 1898 vix : FREDERIC W. BAL8IOER, of lone, Homestead Application No. 4240, lor the lots 1 and V, wee 0, I p is, u B w M. He names the following witncses to prove Ills continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: Gustav Glock, Edward Glock ld Clult'and Reuben C. Sperry, all of Ioue, Ore gon. 96-7 Jay r. Lucas, Register. Notice of Intention. Land Office at The Dali.es, Oregon, October 26, 1898. NOTICE 13 HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE following-named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in sup port of his claim, and that said proof will be made before V. Crawford, County Clerk, at Heppner, Oregon, on Friday, December 9, 1898, viz: JERRY J. McELLIGOTT, Of lone, Homestead Application No. 4806, for theWty 8EA aim s.v. bw y. sec. u, i p. z a. a js w m. He names the following witnesses to prove hie continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: Frank Wilson, John Williams, David 11. urablll ana James Nolan, an ot lone, Oregon. 96 7 jay v. mjcas, Kegister. NOTICE OF INTENTION. ARLINGTON-FOSSIL STAG E LINE H. KEED & A. FARE FROM ARLINGTON TO FobsU (60 miles)... ?5 00 Round trip 900 May ville (53 miles). 4 00 Round trip 700 Condon (39 miles) . . 3 00 Round trip 600 Clem (28 miles).... 2 00 Round trip 350 Olex (19 miles) ... . . 150 Round trip 350 8tee leaves Arlington every mormon (Sunday excepted) at 6 o'clock; is dne at (Jondon at i p. to. and arrives at rot' nil at 7 P. m. Comfortable covered coaolipsand care1 fill, experienced drivers. THE THROUGH OAK LINE. PULLMAN PALACE SLEEPERS. PULLMAN TOURIST SLEEPERS. FREE RECLINING CHAIR CARS, Portland to Eastern Cities Change. Without Quick Time. Union Depots. Personally Conducted Exonrsions. Baggage Checked to Destination. linn, ftntoa. Direct line to Trans-Missiselppi and Inter national Exposition held at Omaha, Nebraska, June to November, Write undersigned for rates, time tables and ntlier information pertaining to Union Pacific K J.UH. LOTHHOP. or J. C. HART Agt. fton ut... las 8d St.. O. R. & N. Co Portland. Or. Heppner, Or, OHIOAQO Homestea Application No 4981, for (he EVi NE'A and NV4 BE 'a Bee, SI, '! a i N, R in K W M- He names tne inuowing witnesses to prove hlB continuous residence upon and cultivation nl iald Innd viz: Chun. -nn W 1 1 1 k 1 1'. John Hher- unys fur slilliRhwrln', ye know, ar only ldan, James Carty ami John Cany, all of Hepp- m ppU ilnvi nml " i iier, i.reawn. The other reached for hinv, but he Jay 1. I.I'cab, Register. I'rni tli'loncr In all Biute and Federal Courts. ARLINGTON OREGON saw the movement nnd put spurs to hi homo and ot nwny, whilo the little man lool,ed lonpinply after him with tears In lii ev' hikI muttered: ".lent my durned luclt! lie writ the fust feller who uvt r missed tne that I writ sure I could link, and he wm afeared to flf;ht! Jest my dnmcd luck, I'm durned if it hain't!" X. Y. Journal, NOTICE OF INTENTION. Dr. M. B. Alctzlcr DENTIST Tooth Extracted and FUlod. l'ritlging a specialty 1 rainless Extraction. . . . Heppner - - Oregon. rIIHCI'rV MAHKItT THE OLD SHOP! Is the place to o to get your fine pork and Uulli rlii'im, steaks and roasts. Flh Every Friday. Kin aiik'nr I'titi'il liams anil bacon. Pure leaf lard, kellle ruinleri'd. old style. HiKtlcst casli price pul.l for at stock. Benj. Me thews. NEW NAME I Wm. (lurdi)n Iuh re-nailunl his Htaiul tho-oia Jones livery Htahle Oeiitrcil How to Look Good. Goo.i looka ere really more tbao ekin dncp, depbodiog entirely on a healthy oondilioo of all the vilm orirntie. It the liver be innctive, you have a billione look, if your etornach be JigQTiJred you Iirvp a dyspeptic look; it. your kidoejs be ffnctd, ytn have a pinehed'Ioiik Secure good health, and you will gurel have cond looks. "Eleotrio Bitter" i a tfood alternative and touio. Acts di recti v on the stomach, iivernd kidneys. I'uritlea the . blood, cures Dlmtilei. Ulotohr atnl boila, soil gives a good 'otnpieiinn. hvery bottle gnarantced. Solil by Hlrmnra DrtB Co., E. J. rJInoum, nmmifer. ) owits per bottle. The cartiafre of a bust saw docan't move ver fast, but if a man i ays on it lonif rnonijh he will pre sriitly 1 sawn asunder. Tli pro fess of gradual bodily diilin and Balol hay for Mlu. Utarae rvasouablit. Call j oil him and ila vur km lor,. A. Abrahamsick Merchant Toilor Lind Offick at The Dam.f.s, Ohroon October JO, 1W TOTICE H HKREBY filVKN THVl'THE followliiB-nained settler lias nlcil notice of Ins Intention to ninko final proof In support of Ills clHim, ami that said proof will ha mane neinre v. v.mwiorci neuiny i.icik, ni Heppner, Ore(on, on Wednesday, December?, 1IW8, viz: JOSEPH II. OElMEIX,of LexliiKton Homestead anpllcHtlon No. lis" for the, SE Sec 1, Tp I H, K 2- K. HO names tne lounwniK unesHeK 10 prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: J. 1). Drown, J. I,, lilhson, of Heppner, (irciron, ami i nomas iiiioiiiny anil David Hotter, of Lexlnirlon, (irenoii. 45 JAY H. l.lH'Art, KCKlnter. A'QTICB OF INTENTION. f.'-'.i ? ' ' '.. . . DIl'AUTMENT OF THE INTEItlOH, LAND Olllen at l.a (Irande, Oregon, Nov II, 1 Notice Is liereliy ulveu mat ttie loiiowinn named settler has Hied uolicn of his iutciitioii In to liinkii tlual prool In support nf Ills claim, and that said prool will ha made la-fore J. W, Mor row, United ftates coniinlssiouer, at Heppner, Ore,, on December 'Jii, Imw, viz: 0K0(3K W. VINCENT, of Hoppner, Ora Homestead entry No. 6710, for the eH s'5i and H ! ', ec 1 1, Twp 1 N, t V T. i Mil Haines the folloMrx tlnri-atn prove his cnntlliuous residence upnii anil cultivation ol said laud, viz: John T. Hosklns, Mlliam Wt- tWUK-nier, Jftnii-s l,. iiunani hiki aiuk u. nnc thulomew, all o( Heppnt-r, urenoii, 2 III r.. t. it a K i lk T, ncKisier. I,and Office at Thk Dallks, Obkoon, October 26. 1H9R. VTOTIOE 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE I 1 followlnir-named settler has tiled notice of his intention to make final proof In support of his cluim, and that said proof will be mane ociore v. urawioru, ununty v lera, ai Heppner, Oregon, on Friday, December , 1'J8, viz: DAVID 11. GRAB1LD, of lone; Homestead Annllcation No. 4235 for lot 1. and the N E4 and N B Sec 19, Tp 1 S, It 24 K W .M. Ho names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: Frank Wilson, John Williams, Jerry JlcKlll()tt and Joe Woolery, ol lone, Ure- iron. Wi-7 Jay P. I.ucas, llegi NOTICE OF INTENTION. Land Offics at Ths Dallks. Obkhok, October 'A). 1WW. OT1CK 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE following-named settler has filed notice of N his intention to make final proof In support ol ids cluim, aud that said proof Will be made be fore V. t raw ford, t'ouiity nerlt ot Morrow countv, Oregon, at Heppner, uregou, on Tues day, December fl, I8U8, viz: EVEN ORKGERHON, of Lexington; homestead application No. 41781 t. i tl ....1 ul 1 V 1 l a u ...4 XT VI- UL'I, I lor me Ey l-a ami c, WJ .uu cn K(c. 14. InlB. It i K. W. M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land. vU: hrnest I lper.ol lxlngtou. Oregon; B. r, Hwaggart and Robert Turner, oil Heppner, Oregon; J. H, Hlper, of Milton, Ore gon , . J. I . i l l as, 4-3 Register. NOTICE OF INTENTION. ItPaRTMKST (sr' THE IStKRfOll, LAN I) 1 lit ire at L iMude, lirf iHi. Nov. n. H-'JH, Nol,i Is tieridi cHi'ti tlil h folloiig natural sctilcf Ins lucl liotli ,,ul 1 1 1 - Intaiiltop to niskf final pifof Ui dl f"' I nl hiti'latm, thatlHliI liroof will b.-1 ins l bjfol J. W. 4 row, I'nlU'd mate coivd.iiiier, at IfeppatT, Ore, on DeceinlHT it-, I mm, vu: 18A AC VlNfEN I', ol Heppner, Ore,. llomraU'sd entry No. 'c, tor the n't ne't and n'i iik1 sec SI. tw l I r, t i r. till llHllleS tlie liilniMll'g miub-.w-s in prove him ciiiititniiiiis res ilciu iiixii ami cu lUatlutl of said land, vu. 'Jamen .!.'. ''haw, Jarnn 1. Howard. ItlUiir Ayi-ra am) Ueoigu I eamui.ttll ufllepplmt. Oluiu.. i i. r.. n. nuiiLki ! ivtK"H"r, l'ioneer His luve liulor or Heppner. work litst-elass KitisfiU'tory. litu n rail Mav btreet. Hhl'l'M K IKANM i:K CO.'S pi-Hid I'M"-' l l oiiiliig. Don deliver itk on -it " ,, r, H' lenti and np- wsr-ls I hi i ! Nn 4. and vm9 your i-r ' r '' I1 h 11. "I ' t'eiilial" telw I'Imom' o;:.- t-, We Move Anything! S b go Lino - B. r r.MLLER, Prop .,- ellu-r liili-fi" aig.' i--r-t,t,, t a In U hours. tav4 rmiv net In M noun ' ),,. D - . ii t..i uisift t, burtis sn4 - M,ii. - w 11,.- ,.-f 1-sllr. ' Pun-lay i rtim ai t aaywt 4'tty 1 . lose of merry which IteiU finally to con. suniplion is not alwa'l very rapid, but if it i-n'l stopped it will (HraenUy brgi.l to saw its way into the tuual vital part uf tht Innly, the lungs. There would be very little coiiKUtui'lion if every family would krrp Ilr. I'lrive'a LiolUi-a klsdical Ihcov cry in the house, ami use it wttmevcr leei- in out of aorta.' It keept the entire body In such a high condition uf hralth anil foroefiilnrss that wasting ilirc hv no chance to get a foot hntiT A teaspoon fill or two belore meats, in a little water. give the digestive organism power to as. Minllute the blooj making, nerve-toning, aliritgth - buililing propeniea of the food. It enable the liver and everetory vtem to rlear the cticulalion uf bilious t " and ti uiove all waste mailer fmm the body.. It rriiliicra wtm out tine with hard mus cular flesh, aud ehatigr wko an4 debility into active power end nerve force, The original) of Ibis great Ulscovery." R V. I'liree, M. l., t ehief rnmmltinf f-hyaidan In the gi.-at Invalids' Until and Stniii-al Instflule of Ituflalo, N. Y , at the head of a stall ot aeaitv a score of eminent asMH'Ute phviciun and uigeoiia, lit h aciitilipil, in hiaover thirty yeat of active pi.tctif. a reputation aerueil to no living ihvlcian In lha ttealment of obstinate, rhronle disease. Ill tueartiiKhiaa mast tint be ronfminded with the nunirtnu Ikmoh " trmedie, ' eetraeta," roiri' pound," end " aatsapailllaa," which a ptuiit weking dtuk-gial l often ready to utge as a substitute Dr I'lrrce'a niedi- rtnes ate the ptodui-l of wide eigwtlrnre and deep aludy. Anv oh may conseU bun by mail liee uf ihsige. , , , -i 1 i n a if li v,rli.s,. Hsi I'StS t- llardmaii MnniMieiit -. Ilaiulllon llllg Ocb , f Valley ,.ha liv Canyon I I'r nt. atrlna ai Uvfv I eiTklr Visit a-. to SI 1.-1 t--4 II f I is- B ued I PU roi,-', l ..'-4iKl ( Jln--lTt. Nn' - lis- I'D M Vv J Uli 114 Hti lkW eiAave-l "' l-- '"I I 'l I'll- AUMtSM T HAWKS .SOTIVS. XTTtllfV 14 Ilr li HY fllt! TM IT TUB tui4elnet haa been daly ar-pi'lnled til Ilia t-nuiktr i'1-iirl ol lh stale Of ureaon tor i.'!" f VI'H v. s.linliil.lr.tof n the tatul pwlH.lis lit..!!, O. Iff .I.HI.1 win irl,,o i-r rill tiie the tama tn me f f,..il trt!Hd, tt y lag? nH'ill-rt. al Uil olt i ot Into 3t tTiell. si Hl l lief, IHMW, litii-i mairas ttfim ! I . tnis Iwtii -Ul -l "'-. l"S fcM i. . y-f Twier'W, Notice of Intention. I.amd Oyytca at La OaAxni, Orkooh, October 111. IS'. VrOTICE I HEREBY (UVKN THAT THE Li following-named settler has moil untie of his Intention to make filial proof In support of his claim, and that said proof will be made hsfnre the t'ounty Clerk ot Morrow county, Oregon, at Heppner, Oregon, on Decembers, lH'.w, vis: JAMES A. FEABSOS, of Gurdane, Oregon, homestead No. WH1, for the hm Hen. iiand Nan NS and nwit le-. II To It. RJUK. - He iiamea the following witnesses tn prove hlscontluunvs resilience upon and cultivation olsnidland, vl: Mat Hughes and A, J. Cook, of Heppner, Oregon; Levi I. lllatt and A. Noruiu, ol (iurdane, Oregon. M. W. BAKTI ETT, HI tagliler. O. R. & N. Difart TIME SCHEDULES ARRIV8 For From Heppner. fkom 9:30 p.m. Salt Lake Denver, 4:50 a. in. Ft. Worth, Omaha, Kansas City, Ht. bonis, Chicago, Portland, Walla Walla, Spokane, Minneapolis, St. Paul, Duluth, Mil waukee, and the East. 8.00 p. in, Occam Rteamshu- 4:00 p.m. From Portland. All sailing dates subject to change For San Francisco Sail Nov. 1,4, 7, 10, 13, Hi. l'J, 22, 25, 28 8:00 p.m. Coi.tiMiHA RiVKil 4:00 p.m. Ex Sunday Stkamkbs. Ex. Sunday Saturday 10:00 p. m. To Astoria and Way Landings. :00 a. in. Willamkttk Rivkb 4::i0 p. m. Ex. Sunday Ex. Sunday Ori'imti City, New- hern, halem and I Way Landings. I 7:00 am. Wti.j,AMF.rTR anp H:30 p. m. Tuea., Thur, Yamhill Kivkks. Mon., Wed. and Sat. and Fri. , Oregon City, Dnv lon ii Way Ijnid-I ' lugs. j 1 6:00a.m. Willamitti River' 4;n0p.m, Tue Thiirs Tues., Thur aud Sat. Portland to Corral, aud Sat. Its A Way Land- -1 ' ing. . Bnakc Rivea, Lv. Riparia Lv. Lewlstoi: ally except Riparia to Lowlston dally except Saturday rrlilay H. W. Fall, PROPRIETOR Of the Old Reliable Gault House, CHICAGO. ILL.. Half block west of the Union Depot of C. B. ik y., O. M. & St. P., C. & A., P. Ft. W. & C. and the C. Bt. L. St P. Railroads. KATES a.oo 1111 DAY Cor. W. Madison and Clinton 8ts., - C2XXC.&.O-0. XXjZj. : ' ' Denver & Rio Grande RAILROAD -SCENIC LINE OF THE WORLD ' iiwaaiee & St. Paul B'y This Railway Co. Operates its trains on the famous blook system; Lights its trains by electricity through oat; Ises the oelebrated elnotrio berth read ing lamp; Rons speedily eqnipperl passenger trsine everv dav and mabt between Mt. rani and Chioago, aud Umaba ana utiiongo; the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul lso operntes steam-heated vefttibuled traiDB, carrying the lateet private oompartmeut oars, library bufifet smok ing care, and palace drawing room sleepers. Parlor oars, free reclining chair oars. and the very best diumg onair oar service. For lowest rates to any point in the United States or Canada, apply to agent or address C. J. EDDY. f. W. OASEY, General Ageut, Trnv. Pans. Agent. Portland, ur. Weekly Excursions ' : TO THE AST, -In through tourist oats without cbangt, MODERN UPHOLSTERED TOURIST SLEEPERS In charge of experienced conductors and porters. Mnnrtava To Kansas City, Chicago, Buffalo and UlllUUoJS, Boston withoutchanKe viaSaltlAke, Missouri Pacific and Chicago and Alton Uys. Titocd'M'o To Omaha, ChicaRO, Buffalo and lUCMiap, Boston withoutchanfee via Salt Lake and Chicago, Kock Island & Paciflo Ry. WnWedum To St. Joseph, Kansas City and II UUUtiiiUdJ!!, gt. img wfthout change via Salt Lake and Burlington Route. ThnseiUira To Kansas City and St. Louis with IlllirSUajS, 0ut change via Bait Lake aud Mis souri Pacific railway. A day stop-over arranged at Salt Lake and Denver. A ride through the Famous Colorado Scenery. NOTICE OF INTENTION. lAEt'ABTMKNT OK THE INTERIOR. 1 Ottlee at la Untitle, Oreiron, NOTICE OF INTENTION. IXK.PARTMKNT F HIE INTERIOR, land 1 tnlli e at ljiiiraii.li'. Orvie-n, hn. II, Is St. hotke la lieietiv alveti I ml tin- (ollnwltif iiauinl seiner h nlwl liniti -e of Ills liiU'iitlini In make anal prtHit In sii "-i t ol his clslin, si d thai aaHl prmil will lie ms.ln In'tnte J. n. Mot rnw, t ulicd rlaaa la-miiilMioni-r, at Itepptier, Ormon.en mvemia r Im, m: JAMKH L HOW AlUi, ol Heppner, Ore., HmnMlead entry No V W. for the w n and ' n'4 sei- l- I . r .. a. He liaiuiM Hi" lull, - lint Itu. ' In prove his eotmiiimni resilience upnil ami etillltaUitn ol said land, u. Ja'ii-s M. Kliaw, !.- rent, William A)t'r auU tiKiin 1'vaiso.i, all ul Meppiiet, ure(iiti. j 1.1 , ki, W, MHimrT. lienl.ler. . NOTICE UF IN It S flow r m HiMmaiwr ti .Nolt.e l hefet'J ttw-'t lln.t tin- f .11,1'1 liur famed si-tllef has Pieil mi.e it bUtnti-iitloii t.i make aim! pnt-l In aun "4 ul ms cini'u. and Hint said r il dl !- i ' de l l.-r J V . Vlor row, 1 Mile-I stslea c-hiiih.-h m-r. lli-ppuer, Oregun, mi Tee.la) , Ihei-iutir I. u. , LI THK H III !ItN. ol Hh Mile; UoaiMlead ai-blb-aikm lr-" I l-r the ', eU, lie1, s. is ami " . 1 1' r .1 M. lUnaieo U" -"' w tui.aai a f -ne his ftMittmnm r'i,li'i- e tiu-m a...! ,titiiit.Mt ol aid land u; if). i.IH,wi gay, ul Ibt piwr, Ui ; tleti,n w oi.lrn, ol U-ne, and W llii.in IIih t.-, "I h(til Mil, , u e, J f . i ,t f I e, , tt, kti,-r. LAND Nov. 2.1, lav NtsMi-e Is herehy alven that Ihe tollowlm- Hiiial itler lias Hind notice ol her lulentloti In make Dual prool In support o' her claim, and that anld priail will tie mad belnra J, w, Mor MM.l'.e ( oinmlwloner at Heppner, OreK-.n, mi Ita-ember Jlst, isja, vt: Al.ll'K HARK, nee ALICE 11I.LAR1), el Heppner, Oregon H. K. Nh e.N.7, lor the N'i MV14 and the NS fKi, ol iw, ,. Te. I , K . K. W. M. Hlie name the following wltiiaes tn prove her continuous residence upon and cultivation el said land, 1I1: I'uvl'l l'islcv. Thomas A Khea. William lni n and llii'h KieliU, all ol llenpner, Ore inn. It. YV, BAKluK IT, 4 1J Kealsler Paasangers booked foe all Foreign I Countries. J. 0. HART, Agent. OepiDer, W. H. HURLBURT, General Paaaeniter Agent, Portland, Or OREGON S110RTUNE Ry. QUICKEST AND MOST PIREtT USE TC UTAH, COLORADO, NE III YOU 001118 EHST? If so, be en re and see that yonr ticket reads via lie niitui eslent Lius ..THR... OHIOAnO, ST. PAUL, MINNEAPOLIS, AND OMAHA RAILWAY this is tni Great Short LiQe BETWEEN DULUTn, St. PAUL, CQICAGO AMD ALL POINTS EAST AND 80UTU. Their Maxnlflceut Track. Peerless Veatlbuled mum ana eieepmt; V I Tralna, aud Mutio; For rate and all all Information, inquire of O. R. & V. and S. P. agents, or address, R. C. NICHOL, 8. K. HOOPER, General Agent, Gen. Pass. St Tkt. Agt, 251 Washington St., Denver, Col. Portland, Oregon. i. C. Hart, Local Agt., Heppner, Or. ALWAYS ON TIME Das it en thla road a national reputation. All f Dsumeiiifera carried on the vcattbnled li It A .? JT 4 TvA V."J -1 S )fl!i- "alns without eatn charita. Hhlp jour freight 1.Aa0.1O, A " ...... , .hi, (.lamia Una. All acauU have ticket. W II MKAO. F.C. SAVAOE. lien. A rent. J ra. T. A r. Aft. it n aaningtoa at, roriiana, ur. Timber 'Culture -Final Proof. KKI'PNK-t MM Tirnbcr Culture, final Proof. T 1 NITtcl 11 .rai.,1e, t-re , 1 A tii'K : nnat pr,t j -a it A 1'iii'ilf t'i"l v( U"ikl iti'.'auJ B. liiijn'-ii, dte-lt rTsir I M , l, " NMi IS lieli-l-v niilt..-.l l t has eU'-l ieiif e ol litteiiti'-'i tn nn twlore J. w, M-tr, t. (!- mlnmiwii slouer. at his Hlt,e In Hi ppner, Urt sn oil Mniilajr U th "l lie.rn.l-r. !, mi llm s ciilir i-1i.h No, j si, If-r lliaalf n and 4 sa sw. fii iu lp Vi . t lie mines as ,itn. s f l ar I t t, Cliatk-a iisnlm 1. Minis - A Iuum n attd Augusl 1 .,a alt ,J ts.,. Clier IM't . VMtV. I I TNITKn PTATK I. AND OrTlCE, THK J lalli-. r., Nov. la, i-t. NuUi Is hereby s Iran lhat laenb R. W Hllamt, id llsrilntan. has It lid notice nl bis Intention lo nmlrn Unal priad lielora J. Unrrow, I nlleil Mate ciimmlsiiier, at hi orhce In lli-ppner. Ore . on wediirl. Ill th dT nl I-eni her, It's, tin timber rnlinr applh-atlon No. V-W7, li I in- V nei,. n V, tr and e( Vg ol e No, I. In tp . 4 a. Su. as k, X He name a "jUiiesw: James II Allen, John P Allen ml J I'. krlllil all ot llaidniaii, tad WlSUmn kt, UeUr, ol aight Ytta.ot. ft is V . i A . Timber CulturtFlnal Proof. UNITED eTATM I .AUD omcf. tA l. tan Je. Oregon, Ninr t,t S.iliie la hereliv gleea trial William letme has tllvt lnHlre ul Intention In maka Anal tr--l ...t I. . worrow, I nlteil Jttate eiimmls 1 sinner, at Ms olhc tn Heppner, Oregon, " , ur-Uy. tne .list df ot tVeemher, l. e llmher I cult 11 - ai pUi-alliiii Si i. l-r h s ,s land a1, a"1 t He M. la tap S. 1 a, 1 ,s a: I K w M ; H bWM ai wltaease Cdward f ti. Vor. iris ail, H'ir. Intf and Hubert H)t ad. ail ol I ICi-ppiier, tireg'in, I . W. p.aTvarr. RegMer. id t ii'K. 1 f A oticf OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. SOURI RIVER and all Points EAS7 and SOUTH- EAST.SOS LOOK AT THE TIME. NEW YORK. 4' days CHICAGO, 3i ST. LOUIS. H OMAHA, 3 SALT LAKE. 1 Free lteeliolna Chair Cari ho lite red Turuiat Sleeping Cars Tollman ptiaee Hle'pitiki Carf For full partienUr regenlinfj rate, lima of trains, elo., e Ul on or ed Iresg J. O. UAUT, Ateot t. Ii N. On., He, pner. Oreor C. 0. TitnBV, W. E. Coiiaji. Tre. Pa. Ag. 0n I Ajt. 121 TUtr Pt.. r.nHanit.Ore, SFOR.iNE FILLS I NOETllS SELSOS 4 FOUT SHU'PARD Ike Regulator line' The Dullrs, Purtliod 4 Astoria Naviuoa f s. PJflffiiT. Yellow Stone Park Lin THE ONLY DINING-CAR ROOTK FROM PORTLAND TO THE EAST. THE ONLY DIRECT LINE TO THE YEL LOWSTONE NATIONAL PARK. Lmv-" Depot Fifth 4utd I Sia. No. a Fast Mall (or Tacoma, No. 1 . . (Seattle. Aberdeen.Honth Dend, Hpokane, Flelena, U A. M. Butte, Anaconda, Mt. 10:1SA.M. Paul, Chicago, New York. Boston, and all point East and eoutu rast. No. 0 Portland, Tacoma and ' No. I Seattle El press, lor Ta coma, Heatlle, Otympla " "' t P. M. and Intermediate main- It P. It Hue point. .UT3tJk.Xt.XJim. "DALLfS CITt" AS0 'RlCULiTQI" CotntrjeDi-lDK Monday, Mav Sort, Ibe ale a mere of Ihe Kesnlator Liu ill leave I'lirtianrl at 0.30 a, m. aud Tb Dalle, at a. m. Wheo tnq go to Portland, imp ( IT al Tbe I)l!ee aoj take trip down lb (ilombi; you will eojof tt, an J gsve money. UC. Af.LAWAT. Oenerat Aot. TO H Vsf' MOIH K a HKItabY l TIIATTMI 1 un.lemc-wd. aaslgne ol th es'ale et It. W . art Insolrnit ilehUw. will msss goal avitleineiit ol rtl aeemiiii with said esial as it l assign al an il;uf t teroi 4 te elf. i nil ei.nit , f VI. m i.iml. trrn, a lle.e ber, lo l hnl.ten at tit eonrt Mouse In m iuni), uu Ihe jmh Ul ! t.ihr, A l. isea. Tb Only Chang of HtlMlaoJ auj NnlMu, Nloo ait lU"nl IDaoday: HID M!)CNT.UN RAILWAYS Allliall JUnil. Wnl.onl Cam Ilftween fprtli n, AI Mtrsi I tltlly etreH Ijsis in A. M ino a. y 10 AM . N.,)ll 11.-. W4, A rl n I. M -n , w P. M Cl.w t Nla,Hi w.lk xsaiiaer (u lawks, ami ail aus-Smtal Umi p.pt. t H Awignte, ,. . s ... , i gt H w'ns s att jr-Ury . VJ ll tmtat la I aji'iamla, via tM ML ruui it u Southern Pacific Co ft ttt hil,w thmogH al. (! In l ga in -.l an-1 a-mta. toraad Hssxite ha.ie ss tha r1& ! . I'ait.nu Unff. (tlsvs. Sbsmmd-clasM eit. Alia- bad l.i agpesM Irmin. alfuritme wmiii se,asists4at4w Ow sswwntUss m0mmef. f.nr , ttekat. slaajui r rssMrea:!- si, aa-l ntw n A4mm V gtl.H. gsnifsf. r, m. M AR K M AM. tn e ik r f"isA tur.it iw f DAYS to Ht. Pant, Minneapolis, Omana, Kansas CUT aud olhar Missouri river point. 4 DAYS to Dt. Louis, Milwaukee and Chi cago. i DAYS to Washington. Philadelphia. Nw York, Boston and other far-Eastern point. Colon depot connection In all principal cities. Baggage checked through to destination of Hcksta. Colon depot, Portland, font ol SUth St. For sleeping-car reservation, ticket, map ol rout n4 other lnlormatlon, call ea or writ A. D. CHARLTON, AaaUsant General Passenger Agent, V$ Mont- son St., Cot. Third. Portland, Oregon, wiecoa! Ckavaii, Liate Tlimn iiH TUKITi ls I 'he rs'rn fi. rna ti OENEIIAL ' rASSENQKR DEPARTMENT. Milwaukee, Not. 5, 1897. PATRONS of tbe Wisconiin Central Lioes to pRaaiDg tbroagh Chicago may require some Maict- oc in tbe y of having tbeir band bapgagu taken form or to train and carriaga it bun, or In many olbtr waya, and tbey will God all that ia deeired in tbia ra. spect io th aerrice of tbe Uabvri at the Orand Central PaaaeDger Station, ho bY recently been aniformeal with brown aait and red , cap. iney will be m waiting at . all traioa prepared to aaaiat paa engera, and it ia hnDd that oar patrona will folly avail tbernielvea I tbi additional 'pfuriiion fors. tbtir comfort JAS. C. TON I), Oral Vwm Art gfr nasi prrne. u - ,tm H '..1 " S ' t.'-'