THE FAIR T JUST AEEIVED We have now opened and on display a beautiful line of Holiday Goods, including Toys of every description. Now is the time to call and make your selections. 1 hese goods have been bought at a figure that will enable you to purchase at prices that will astonish you. Among these goods are many beautiful and useful presents. Our shelves and counters are teeming with them. Call at once and inspect our display. WE HAVE ALSO JUST RECEIVED .-A. fine additional line of THE FAIR FROM FOOT TO KNEE Ohio Woman Suffered Great Agony From a Terrible Sore Her Story of the Case, and Her Cure. "For many years I was afflicted with a milk leg, aud a few years ago it broke out in a sore and spread from my foot to my knee. I suffered great agony. It would burn aud itch all the time and discharge l great deal. My health was good with the exception of this sore. I tried a great many kinds of salve, but some would irritate the sore so that I could hardly stand the pain. I could not go near the fire without suffering intensely. Some one sent me papers containing testimonials of cures by Hood's Sarsaparilla, and I told my husband I would like to try tliie med icine. He got me a bottle and I found it helped me. I kept on taking it until my limb was completely 'healed. I cannot praise Hood's Sarsaparilla enough for the great benefit it has been to me. If cleanses the blood of all Impurities ana leaves it rich and pure." Mrs. Anna E. EAKEN, Whittlesey, Ohio. You can buy Hood's Sarsaparilla of all druggists. Be sure to get only Hood's. H are the favorite family Price 25c. METH. EPiSC. CHUKCU. BURVIOKS. Hunday 11 a. m. and 7 p. m. Sunday sohool 10 a. in. Clauses No. 1 and 2 at 12:1(1 p. in. Kpworth League Devotional meeting at 1 p. m. Prater meeting, Thursday. 7 p. in. The Spirit and the bride say, dome." The pastor may be found at the paraonam ad joining the church, where he will be slad to meet any wl o may desire to consult him on religions, social, civio, philosophic, educational, or any other subjects. J. W. FLK83KR, Minister. CHRISTIAN CHURCH. Bcrvlcea each Bunday at 11:00 o'clock a. m. and 7:U0 p. m. Prayer 'meeting Thursday even ing at 7:00. Choir practice Saturday evening at the church. K. L. Pastor. The Ladles' Guild of the Episcopal church will meet at 8 o'clock, p. m., on the first Wednesday of each month, at the home of Mrs, T. i. Matlock ADVERTISED LETTKHS. LETTERS ADVERTISED AT HE1TNEH Or., November IwtS. Atwood, Mary A Hll p. D B Brown, J K Hnweu, F W Fields, Hugh Kurloiic, James Germain, Mr W Hlghy. Charlie Long, Mrs J H Mollahau, John Murray, Mr W McCarty, J (J Ham pie, H C Temple, T Vincent, Ike Vaugban, Henry Wells, LUzia jonusion, jas When calling for these letters please advertised. B. t. Vauuhah, P. Local Notes. Choice fruifs at Tbe Maine. Turkey shooting at Tbe Maine. Fresh oysters at tbe Candy Factory. Bee M. Liclitenthal k Co. for shoes. For cboioe oonfeotiooary go to Tbe Maine. Buy yoor tobacooa of Qeo. (1. Rome, at Tbe Maine. Tbe Willow oreek bridge U now com plete lo every detail. Where cao you test your marksmen- bipf At Tbe Mian. Where can yon buy tbe best cigar oo earth? At The Maine. J. O. Meggs of Ooaberry made oi a pleasant call tbls morning. Llohteolbal k Oo. for shoes. Eiclnaive hoe store. Handles tbe best. 8.1 If Cbae Manning, whose arm was broken few weeks ago, is recovering in fins form. Tl H .11 v Club will h il l ia eewnd party uf tbeseaaoo at tbe ojere bouse tonight. Tbe vrterao Wage-Driver Crahb baa transferred from the Lone Rook to tbe Ganyoo Oi-y line. Dr J. W.Yogel, specialist fur refrac tion and defeote of Ibe eye, will be bere every three montbe. 64fl-lyr Painless remedy for e.treoting teeth. If Dot as stated, do obergee. Try Dr. Vaugheo'e new plan. 6o4-tf. Matlock't famooi horse Leon wae ao ctdeoteJy killed .last week by moo log into a barbed-wire feooe. Tble It a seri ous lose lo tbe reoeboree fraternity. In ,!... fl...e.-" r.t . HE PLACE Smoke Beidanberg & Ca's. Arabian Night and Esponola cigars at OooBer & Warren's. 13 mos Dr. J, N. Vogel, the ocaulist, will arrive in Heppuer December 11th, tore main one week. tf If you need something for yoor system call at tliii 'Phooe The Telephone sa loon, City hole! building. tf Ii is rumored thai " Tbe Dekum,"oor ner of Third and Washington, Portland, was burned last night. Dju't forget to get tickets curly tor "Ole Olsou'jr,." at Censer A Warren's. If you enjoy laughing, Bee "Ule Oiuun Jr." James Carrou and bis cousin Mike, who are etupiojed on tbe Carty & Kil keuuy ranches, made the Gzlte otfioe a visit today. Win. Peuiaod made a consignment of about 143,000 pounds of wool Ibis week to J, K(.falilnml,ol Boston, through their reureseutntive, Mr. 8. Wiikiusuu. Ou t'xluuiu u at Jut). Hart's last even, lug was a b.ll.iuut gudoiiue lauip wbluh attracted a great deal of attention, and mauy business men were insisting it. Tbe New York Theater Compauy weut brongb the fire at Obujod City with a $40001o8F, but will be ou band Friday, Deo. 2J. Go uod see "Die Olson, Jr. ' 'Catarrh cured. A dear head and sweet breath s-cured with Bbilob's Catarrh Remedy; sold oo a guarantee. Nasal injector free. Sold by Conser & Warren. x Karl's Clover Root Tea, for Constipa tion It's tbe best and if after using it you don't say so, return package and get your money. Sold by Conser k Warren. Mr. 8. Wilkinson, the wool buyer, in forms os that Tbe Dalles is fast rebuild iog her burnt dietriot witb a much better class of buildings than destroyed by tbe fire. Call at tbe Gaudy Faotory when yon want a good oup of hot coffee, oooo or chocolate. Fresh oysters in any style. Hot and oold lunches. Try one of our oyster cocktail's. tf W. P. Snyder, tbe livery stable pro prietor, buys only tbe best bsy and grain. Large oorrals and accommodations for freighters. Daoke and buggies furnished ressonable. rttotk well oured (or. tf For Constipation take Karl's Clover Tea, the great Blood Purifier, oures headaches, Nervousuegs, Eruptiona on tbe face, aod makes tbe bead as dear aa a bell. Sold by Conser k Warren. I Tbe Morrow County Land k Trust company have decided to go into tbe wheat buying business eitensively this fall, and it is Important that growers in terview them before disposing of their erops. Bbilobe Cooaoroptioo (Jure ourea where others fail. It ia the leading Cough Core, aod no borne should be witbont it. Pleasant lo take and goes i right to tbe spot. Sold by Conser k Warren, X Where eao yon get a good fresb and hot enp of pare Java end Mocha eoffe for be? At Tbe Maine. Open day aod nlubt. Also, bam eendwinb,5; quarter of a pie (home made). Do; piece of cake (home made), So; two boiled egg, fie; cheese, crackers and lunch gonda. Markham'e New York Tbetr Com. pany will open a two ntght engagement at the opera bouae Friday, D'Cetnbrr 2 1, lo that very feooy oomady. "Ola OIir, Jr." with a change of play each nigh. All remember Mr. Merkhana's Bweedieh (topers oalioos last April, end should not fail to im him on hit return. Mike Roberts, at tbe Belvedere, hav ing remodeled the popular old-time cor ner, titendt to the public a cordial wel come. Tbe bveiege be dispense will be kept np to tbe bigbeet standard. and tbe enlargement and oonfortable eonipmeal of bis billiard parlors and club-rooms are a drawiot feature. W tf "Io the morning by tie bright light,' In the sveniog at tbe -lUillgbt," wbsre John It asm us aootiaaee to dole to bis patror-e thoM sparkling bverag, hinh "LaniKh meUocuol ari l drive .li I e." Drop io: rarin'b grs you itit-ee fall ao J idler tvauiog To Save Money wv. Which we are prepared to sell at prices HIGH SCHOOL NOTES. Rbetorioal exeroises Friday. AH are invited to attend. . The school enjoyed a short vaoation Thursday and Friday. Miss Estella Rbea was enrolled us a member of tbe 4th grade Monday. Mr. Frank Rood was enrolled as a member of tbe High eohool Monday. Mr. Hep. Blaokman is very sick, wbioh prevents him from attending sohool. Miss Scell is still quite eick, at ber home near 01i, Ore. During ber ab sence from school Mrs. J. D. Brown is teaching her room. List Tuesday and 'A'edncsiay tbe ex aminations for tbe past quartes were held io tbe various departments. Excellent woik whs d me. V no? HARRIED. Last Tuesday evening Rev, J, V, Flasher united io marriagn Mr. M. E. Bull and Misa Delia E Rjbinson at the Methodist Epleoopal cbnruh. Extensive preparations bad been made tor tbe im portant event, owing to tbe popularity of the couple, and those present declare it one of tbe prettiest oeremonines in tbe history of Heppner. Tbe oonple, ac companied by Messrs. Ed and Clyde Bailing as groomsmen and Missra Eva Brians and Grace Ball as bridesmaids mnrobed to tbe alter nodei inspiration of Mendelsobu's marob. played by Miss Myrtle Horner, where they were Joined la holy wedlock. Tbe bride was elt aotly attired, likewise tbe bridesmaids. At tbe close of the oeremony a reoeption i.nd banquet waa given tbeni at the resi dence of Mrs. J. C. Ball, at which tbe following list of presents were bestowed upon them: Grandma Yerkee, oonoterpaue; Mr. aod Mrs. D. W. Hornsr, rose bowl; J. W. Horuor, glass set; Misses Alice and Mable Glasscook, quilt; Mr. and Mrs. E, J. Blooum, water set; Miss Eva Brians, tea set; Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Vangbau, silver tea spoons-, Mrs. G. M. Jonfi aud Miss Edith Yaogban, berry aet; Forrest Brians, ailver soger shell aod batter knife; Hairy Brians, silver salt and pepper ebakers; Mr. and Mra. ). W. Shipley, water set; Mr sari. C. O. and E. E. Sailing, pair vases; Mrs. Etta Maris, vase; Mr. and Mrs. N. A, Kelley, center table; Miss Iraie Devore, obenille table OJver; Mr. Q O. Thomas, lamp; Mr. and Mra. B. P. Dovios, ailver bntter knfe and sugar shell; Mr. and Mrs. B. P., rocking cbair; Mra. Ed Blo oum, mash set end lea pot; Mr. aod Mra. W.L. Mallory.set of diniogroom obairs; MiM Myrtle Horner, silver fruit knives; Miss EduaMallory, set of tumblers; Mr. and Mrs. J, C- Ball, silver table spoons, rooking chair and pair of pillows; Mr. Will Ball, lamp; Miss Grace Ball, Imeo table oloib; Mrs. G. W. KfT, salt and pepper sbakera and looih pick boide'. FlreasrB, Knllee. Tbs members of tbe newly orgsnised fire department are reqnested to be pres ent at a meeting tobebeld Huoday alter oooo at 2 o'clock, sharp, io the city re. eorder's ofDa. It is ritrerorly neces sary that every one should be presi ol, as complete organisation must i.ol be de layed longer. Tbaoityeoaertil promptly sooepted your proposition, aod now it ia your doty to qialify yoarselvet lo read owes for every emergency. "oaks' aa a Dollar "I have s offered for tbe last (to yrars from piles, and daring tbe last tare years I was Completely laid np iih (Ma His- ease. I begao taking flood's 8araaparllla, tbe first dose of wbiob did me much good. I Oontinnal tbe use of tuts nJi etna, aod today I em sound as a dollar." (J. W. Hwayoe, Teanasrav, Waab. Jiwrf Mosllrr Caaslag. Josef Moeller sads os wor t that b will rearh Ilsppner e4 laUr than neii Hatorday. Mr. Iloeller la well and fa vorably knon lo onr reaidsata and II seems noneeessary for ns to predlel that be will do a sacoesafal bosioeae in the Sale of piano. F.I bore 111 eeavio'e buairnwa wlh bln baa bn phioninsl aod be lis f.o l it aluo! an lfn i ility 1 1 keep bia appoioUantt sbrs 1. Personal. C. H. Keithley is iu town. M. C. Fuqua is registered at the Palace. J. C. Gallagher of Echo came over Friday. W. c. Laycock came over from Izee this week Lee French of Lexington spent Sunday In town. - . W. H. Davis came over from Hamilton this week. Kev. Frank Adklns was on the outgoing train last night. D. E. Oilman and Wayne Howard are down with la grippe. Deputy-Surveyor MuOee has been iu town the past few days. C. A. Repass of Hardman spent several days iu town this week. Ralph Binge of Lexington made us a pleasant cill last Saturday. M. S. Maxwell of Hardiuan was iu town on business yesterday. George Whltels of The Fair went to Portland on last night's train. Dr. Adklns left on last train having finished his professional visit. John Harrlnon and R. 8. Bradley of Hardumn are in town on business. John Padberg of Rhea creek came in town for treatment with Dr. McBwords. O. A. Jones and A. Graves are registered at the Palace from Dawson City, Alaska. W. C. Gibson, representing the Irwin, Hodson Co., of Portland, was in the city this week. Mr. J. E. McCormlck, representing a publish company, li placing orders for Christinas books lu town. Mrs. Jones, daughter of Mrs. Dr. Vaughan re turned home last night after a pleasant visit with her mother. Miss Kline of Corvallis, president of tbe He- bekah Lodge of Oregon, was here last week In the Interests of the order. 0 Harry Warren returned from his Arlington goose hunt with a severe cold, which has con fined him to his home since. Mr. H. Tash came to town from Hardman yea terdy accompanied by bis son John W. and Clyde Royce, who took last night's train lor Portland, where they will aiteud the Holmes business college for the winter. Handbook of the Tariff. The understanding of the complicated pro visions of the new tariff has been greatly sim plified by the Issuance of this manticl. To digest the tarltl' law is no easy task, but to digest the food taken Into the gastric receptacle U rendered easy by the use of that thorough stomachic, Hustetter'a Stomach Bitters. It pre vents and cures malaria, kidney and rheumatic trouble, remedies nervousness and insomnia, ami removts constipation and biliousness A p. petite, as well as the ability to satisfy It without subsequent alxlomlnal disturbance, Is restored by this fine stomachic, which also accelerates convalescence. Persons In the decline of life, and the Infirm of every ago and sex, find It of material assistant. Not to Us Overlooked Mr. J. I. fJuston, the spsoial agent for tbe loteanatn.nal Indemnity Co., of Hid Franoisoo, who baa been in town io tbe interest of tbe company, bas just settled the olaim of Mr. Perry Snyder, who was unfortunate enough to brerk bis arm a dsy or two alter putting in an applica tion. This ibsureoce costs but a trilie, and Mr. Hojder can vouch for its uto sity witb one is bo is liable to a mial.ei . Mr. Huston, being a practical printer and sllroond newspaper mao, tbe de ceits bae been fortunate in securing bia aetvioes aa assistant the past two weeks. A Loeal laveator. Cbaa. Ingrabam, tbe lone druggist, mala oar city a visit y estsrdsy. Mr. tugrabam ia Ilia Inventor of en aoeyle lene lamp, which is a dnoidsd success, and its simplleity, ineipensivensss and brillianoy tire true to revolutionise lbs world's lighting. Mr. Ingrabam is very mod. at tn bis ulalm for bis lamp, bat those mho beve esrefnlly studid lbs new metb'td- of lighting olaim bie a sua easeful rival of all otbsra. An etbibi lion of one will b Kebarally made in Heppuer, aod wt predict a demand for It (tar Trosaira, Last Friday evening at ft o'clock Mrs. Corliee M., io aa endeavor to gain tbe rear entrance of the printing department. slipped on the froo surlaot of the walk, aud falling, tiss nnfortonste eaongh lo break Iratb iKinee f lb left foreann. gaining ber feel, she earn Into lha effloe and nsds the fart known. We adj iqroed lo the home at nose, and eooa bad b'r in lbs bande of Irs Hwinbaroe and ElM, and at tbta dnt she Is d-ol.l-lt ei.rrifnf'atil", with eirrplionally f.K..bU Iti luaii bs of a sperdj inuv ny. Our Guarantee money 5trd lower than ever. CHANCE to BUY WINTER CLOTHING At Our complete winter line of clothing ha8 just arrived. It is strictly in fashion, and the material, make, cut, and fit, could not be better and the prices are what you can afford and are satisfied to pay. MEN'S SUITS Suitable ibr this Climate Call and Carefully An all-wool, serviceable suit, formerly sold for $10, now f 7 Black diagonal clay worsted suit, formerly sold for $15, now $12 All-wool overcoat, durable and neat fitting, $4 60 D f ET D I ET Q I An extensive stock arriving every day. n W t-1 1 E" Fresh and ol the latest staple lines. Boots, Shoes, and Overshoes, fells, Rubbers, Etc. New line of Underwear, Hosiery, and Dress Goods just arrived. Blankets of all grades. The best 50c Blanket on the Market. We want your trade and will give you the best value for it. BROWN The l air. Tbe Fair fills its adv rtisiog spsoe witb an Important announcement of tbe arrival of their holiday goods. Every thing imaginable is ia stock ia that line nnoessiteting doable daoked Counters. Now ia tbe time for the children lo gal tbeir first oboioa. Head what tbey bave to say. What Dr. A. K. Mailer Hays. uonaio, n. i. uenis: rrom my personal knowledge, gaioed ia observing tbe effect of yoar Hhilob'a Oure In oases of advanced Oonsomptioo, I am prepared tossy it is tbe most remarkable remedy that bas ever txten brought to my at tan tiou. It bas oerlalnly savsd many from consumption. Bold by (Jonser k Warren Uel. sOn hundred and seventy five bead of ebeep io the mountains near the bead of Bar ereek, Morrow count f. A reward of T cents per bead will be paid for Ibe recovery or information leading to tba rscovsry of Ibe saiJ abeep. Ease and lambs brauded 11 ; yearlings branded P oo ehonlded; 2 rear-olds branded V on bips. Addreaa, If F. M. I'm ran, Condon, Or. erkeot Waat4. A yoang man of seven year's riper I holding a flrat grade state cerliB cats, i dfsirons of obtalolog a school In Morrow eiiarity at oure. Ir.qnira of Couuty Hup. rutfudrnt Hhlpley, liepp ner, Or. 3 tf ARE BROWN BROS' Famous Tailor-made Suits that are Fash ionable, serviceable and fit to perfection. Prices that are All Right. and a line of THKAHUREK'H NOTICE. OTtCK IS UITKKBY OtVltl THAT ALL outatamlliis Morrow eoiiniy warrants rp istonxl urlor tn Ana-ust 1st. n Bill N (aid upon iraiitatlon at lha oto ol lha treas urer of said county, lutoraat ceases alter tbs data ol this liotli. Iale4 at Heupusr, Or.. Nov l I wis. M. f.lCHTKNTIIAU It Treasurer ol Morrow Couuty, TIsjs s l a Jaasary 1st, The atlenlion of settlers on railroad land within lb borders of Morrow county ia called to lha fact that lha lima for tnakinar thalr ninnfinn thm aam eiplrea on Js.nary 1.1, 18W, V.wter Crawford, oonaty clerk, is aolberiaad to take land filiags and proofs, and Irani. acU general public land busiaeea at bis office io the ooort boose, at reason ed la ratec and satisfaction gaarauteed 73 jao 1 Baeklea's Arale taivs. Tba Deet Halve in the world for (Juts, Broiees, Horse, Uloers, Bait Pbeom, Fever Bores, Tetter, Chapped Usnds, Chilblains, Oorns, and all Hk'a Kr op tions, and positively cures Piles or oo pay repaired. Ii ia guaranteed to give perfeel ealisfsclloa or money refunded. frioa io eeote pwe boi. For sale by oiooum urog uo., 4, ruoena. manager RAtUiOAO UK I). Hetlleri tributary to loss bavipg rail road land and bsvs not made proof yet, by ealliog at lb offlce of tf. J. Ilale, Iota, Oregon, can make their proof anJ save lots of money. Time eipirec Jan. 1, IW All kin Is f land basiness trai.saoted, (Ml lerc located 0u vacaut Ud- 1 tf NOT SATISFACTORY. THE FAIR OVERCOATS Inspect Stock GHES. FO0K DATS ONLY. la tbs Karly Part of Dseeaiber. Tba Oermsn Rpeoialists, from I'ort land, Oregon, will be in Oeppner, at Ibe Palace bolel, aod will return oaoe a month. It yea bave cbronlo catarrh, consulta tion is free of charge. Do you blow mnooa from tba ooseT Ara you troubled witb bleeding of tke noes? Ara tba nostrils obstructed, makintr V",blo 'l0 Arc yoo boarae at times? Is tbe moons dropping down from tbe back of nose Into tbe throaif Is yoor nose slopped np? Ia yoor bearing effected f Is your Ihroel sore al times' Lto you spll a good deal whso risiua in lbs morning? Do yoa hem and baa k to clear voor throat? Catarrh Is a dangerous disease, which Isads ioto consumption. Weak eee cured; cross eyes stationed without outllug Ibe rord. Cataracts removed witbont a knife: glasses fitted where others have failed ; raptors and Derma oared wilhonl opera lion. Chronic rheumatism and kidney Iron 1,1ms a specialty. Do not fall lo see Ibe (tarman tt pedal. lata. A friendly talk will coat yoa noth ing, and le bound lo result in a great deal of good to yoa. Kerne tuber tbe date. Msw Ueece. We are constantly adding osw goods and now bare ready for Inspeniion a One assortment of watches, olooks, jewelry, ilvwwara, novelties aod muaiosi lustra, mwolc. P. a BrsJKi, JVwtlof,