-I ... A. Por'7 Advertisers . If you have bargains to offer, announce it through the columns of the . GAZETTE. OFFICIAL P A P E 11 Subscribers The Gazette will contain the latest telegraphic news Frotn the Seat of War. SIXTEENTH YEAR I1EPPNEII, MORROW COUNTY, OREGON, TUESDAY; NOVEMBER 29, 1898, NO. 705 ,1 I 3 v.:. AAvY'' TIE HEPPHER GAZETTE Published every Tuesday nnd Friday , BY '. OORL1ES . MEKRITT, SUBSCRIPTION RATES On Year Six Month . Three Months $t.BO - 73 - BO Advertising Rates Made Known on Application. Entered at the Postofflce at Heppner, Oregon, ai second-class matter.' 07PICI.L DIBEOTOBT. United States Official, Pieairtent , Vire President Secretary of State Beoretaryof Treasury.. Secretary of Interior.,., rjeorelury of War....... Secretary of Wavy .William McKiuley ...Garret A. Hobart W. R. Day . . . . . Lyman J. Gage ,. Cornelius N. Miss ....ItuseoU . Alger .....John i). ijong I'oxtinuster-Genaral Charles Kmerv Smith Attorney-General John W. Gripgs Secretary t Agriculture James Wilson - State of Oregon. GoTernor Secretary of State Treasurer Hupt. Public Instruction, Attorney General........ Senator..... Congressmen Printer ilnprema Judges..... ( K. 8. 1 i F. A. Ice. W. P. Lord ,...H. K. Kinoald ....Phil. Heteohan G, M. Irwin ....C. M. Idleman j O. W. MoBride (Tn'o8.'H.'To'ngne I W. K. ElliB . ....W. 11. Leeds K. S. Bean, Moore, Wolverton . Sixth Judicial District. Circuit Judge Stephen .Lowell P.osncnting Attorney II. J. Bean Jlorrow County Officials. - Joint Senator... ... ...J. W.Morrow Representative... . i E. L. Freeland 0 unty Judge A. G. Bartholomew' ' Commissioners J. It. Howard J. W. Beckett. " Clerk Sheriff ' Treasurer Assessor ' tiureyor School Sup't .. Vawter Crawford ....K L. Matlock ....M. Liohteuthal A C. Pettcya Julius Keithly Jay VV. employ Dr. E. 11. Huuiotk BErPNKB TOWN OITIOE71S. linyor , Thos. Morgan Omiuoilinen E. J. Slocnin, M. liichtenthal, J. il. Simons, J. J. Roberts, J. W. Itastnui and B. G. Sparry. Un order W. A. Richardson Frvuiurer L. W. Briggs Marshal.. John fiager Precinct OIBcerp. Justice of the Peace W. K. Kiohardson Constable G. 8. Gray United States Land Officers. THI DALXM, OB. . Jay P. Lnoaa Kngistcr Otis Patterson Receiver LA OIUNDE, OB. K. W. Bart'ett Register i. O. Swaokhaimer... Receiver The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been in use for over 30 years, has borne the signature of . and has been mado under his per sonal supervision since its infancy. Allowjno one to deceive you in this. All Counterfeits Imitationsand Substitutes are but Ex- ' perinients. that trifle with and endanger the health of; Infants and ) Children Experience against Experiment. What is G ASTOR lV Castoria is a substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops and Soothing- Syrups, f It is Harmless and Pleasant. It -contains neither : Opium, Morphine nor other ; Narcotic : substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms , and allays Peverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and "Wind Colic. It relieves Teething- Troubles, cures Constipation v and Flatulency.; It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving- healthy and natural sleep '.' -The Children's. Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENU I NE C ASTO R I A ALWAYS Bears the Signature of VP The Kind You Haye Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. Twr eNTue commwv. tv muswsv .Tw.tr, mwvoss city JlEST RATIONAL; JANK O. A RHEA. T. A. KBEA. OF HEPPNER. President ii. W. CONSER Caebiec .......Vio President E. L. FREELAND. .Assistant Oashinr Transact a General Banking Business. EXCHANGE ON ALL PARTS OF THE WORLD BOUGHT AND SOLD Collections made on all points on reasonable terms. Surplus and undivided profits f!5,0C0. DAT A t i rn L Mm The Deiffiands of the United States Cession of the Entire -Philippine Archipelago - and the Sulu Islands and the Sale of ; '. the Corolines is Agreed To . ; -. ' . European Powers are , ,5 Not Pleased. Associated Press Dispatches. . . , ' ' : ' . . Paris, Nov. 28. Spain has acceded to the demands of the United States, and agreed to cede the entire Philippine archipelago and the Sulu islands, and to sell the Caroline islands. This practically insures the conclusion of a treaty of peaoe between Spain and the United States in the near future. " Paris, Nov. 28. The two peace commissions were in separate session all this morning. The joint commission met at 2 o'clock this afternoon, and the Spanish commissioners immediately announoed their acceptance of the American demands. The Spanish acceptance was made verbally. When the members of the two commissions were seated, UioB, president of the Spanish commission, handed the Spanish reply to' Ferguson, the Spanish interpreter, attached to the United States peace commission. . The answer of the Spaniards was short, and less then ten minutes were consumed in rendering it into English for tbe Americans. The Spanish commissioners announced that they were authorized by their government to reply that the American proposi tions were inadmissible on legal principles, but that all diplomatic re sources were exhausted, and the Spanish commission was now asked to accept or reject the American proposition. Spain, inspired by reasons of patriotism and humanity and to avoid the horrors of war, resigns herself to the power of the vioton She accept the offered conditio in order to conclude a treaty of peaoe. - Throughout the controversy ' Bpain had . the strongest arguments, and as between positions so diametrically opposed, the Americau offer of $20,000,000 was not a fair sum. Never vieless. the renlv eontinnnrl Snnin oaiVari tA further effueion of bldod and further disorder, and concluded to accept the American offer unconditionally and thus bow to the suDerior nnwsr . of the victor. The . secretaries ere then.. ordered .tn articles, embodying the cession of Cuba; Porto , Kioo and the Philip, pines and payment of the United States of $20,000,000. to a meeting which will be held Wednesday next.u i; y. i, The Amerioan demands include the adauisition of th whnla nf th Philippine and Sulu stouds for J20.000.000. and it the United States will purohase the Caroline group The question of .ne aeps oi yuDa is lert unsettled. The next meeting will take Dlacn Wednesday next ' c - . v vThere is no-denying that the, whole European' continent will , bitterly teseni the Amerioan acquisition , of the Philippines. This sentiment is not confined to diolomatn. bnt'AanAninllvV is the opinion constantly heard in the highest French Boclety. It is ' Known mat a nign ottioial of the French foreign offioe said yesterday; "The appeaianoe of Americans in Eastern waters is k dintrirbinrt factor to the whole of Europe. ' The Xmerioans. an wM brinn' r.b diplomatio manner, and will surely bring constant trouble tcy all of us." v . As to the general sentiment, W. T, Stead,' Vho has just returned from a touror France, Belgium,' Germany, Russia, Austria, Turkey and Italy "and who has seen the' highest politicians ' in each country, "' and in some cases their rulers, "said today td! a: correspondent of the" Associated Press: , ' !';. 1 r' : "An immense majority of Europeans are, of course, absolutely, ignorant of what' has happened. " Interested in their daily toil, they neither know nor care what occurs in the other hemisphere, but other Europeans, who read the newspapers, are. able to form what may be called public opinion in the old world. They are practically unanimous on the matter. , Outside-of England I have net met a single non. American who was not opposed to expansion of Ameriss; nor through my whole tour of Europe have I met a European who did not reoeive the protestations of senuine sincerity with "which th A m on Ann a vbtered upon the war with more or less mock incredulity." v ; Htead reports that the bitterest hostility of all was found at the Vatican. , Losdos, Nov. 28. The Paris correspondent of the Times says: It may be regarded that Spain will accept the Amerioan conditions, and sign the treaty, perhaps even without a protest. . Thus her colonial empire will disappear forever, and the day is net far distant when the patrimony of the United States, booming : to them under prosperity from exploiting the islands and with good administration, will have in creased to fourfold the sum total of the' terrible war indemnity France paid Uermany. v-t SI fackets Hrom IMilss Onto On. WE WILL SELL 4 03oaL.at Cost smicD. ome slU XLocbss tUcsLSanm oisit. There is an elegant line of these goods about 100 or so. The prices we sell them at are startling, but genuine., . Every single garment in . the lot is a genuine snap. They are all in latest styles this season's goods. - Nothing- old and out-of-date. Bright, new,-clean garments at extremely low prices. WTZ rJlVIR ADVERTISED A BARGAIN THAT WAS JOT A GENUINE OIVE. Whenlwd sell you goods at what they cost us wholesale we consider that we' are giving :you a good bargain. O Jh. IE 3ES IS Plush1 Cape, Trimmed" in Black Soutache Braid, Thibet Fur Collar, reduced from .... S5.50to400 Black Kersey Cape, 3 IHnches Long, Trimmed in Fancy StitcheoTStraps in Silk,! Soutache Braid, High Storm Collar, reduced from - : - - 12.50 to 9.00 Fine Black Kersey, Front and Back Trimmed with Fancy ; 1 Straps, Storm Collar, - Lined with Silk Rhadama, ? Lengtlf of, Cape 25 inches, reduced from 1 0.00 to fi.OO Fine Cadet Blue Kersey Cloth, Silk-Velvet. Collar, Red Silk Lining, Trimmed with Black Silk Soutache, and, Narrow Satin. Ribbon-rthe most stylish thing in'-1 c - : - ; the housereduced from .... 15.00 to 11.00 1 JT O 3ES1 2E2S "OP CB A Black Boucler Rhadama -Lining,. Trimmed-in -Black Hercules Braid, reduced from - - - S14.00 to 10.00 Black vBoucle, Trimmed Applique in Broadcloth Straps N' ' v J and Small Round Buttons, from " 2.00 to 9.00 Green Bouclc Cloth, Changeable Green, Rhadama lining, i a High Grade Article, from .... 15.00 to 10.00 A Light Tan Kersey Cloth, Changeable, Taffeta.Lining, . ;; T .U reduced from - - - - 'y . 15.00 to 11.00 An English Tan Kersey Cloth, Lined Throughout with Tan Rhadama Satin, reduced from - - 15.00 to 11.00 A Navy Blue Kersey. Cloth, Trimmed -with Straps of Same Material, and Pearl Buckles Front and Back, . reduced-fro J t' 12.50 to' 10.00 Black Kersey Cloth, Box-Front, Tailor-Made, from . 7.50 to 6.00 Wc can enumerate only a lew of these bargains in Ladies' Cloaks and Capes. The price-cutter cut a decp.gash . in everything in this department a wide, deep, sweeping gash. A Beautiful Line of Children's Jackets and Reefers Unmercifully Slaughtered 1 1 JVIiiTor & Co. te and Get YOLK SIZE ffliliSIfc r