?1 I EEOKET SOCIETIES. UAWLLNS POST, NO. SL Q. A. B. Meets at Heppner,-Or., the third Saturday of eh month. All veteran! arc Invited to loin. W. W.Hmith. (4. W. Bea, Adjutant, tf Commander, WlliS PAPKR is kept on file at E. C. JJake's 1 Advertihinn Agency, 94 and 95 Merchant KxcimiiKS, Ban Knuiciaco, California, where oou ractt for advertising can be made for it. T P. F1SHKK, NEWHPAPKB ADVERTI8 iJt ing Buttnt, iil Merchants' Exchange Build ing, San Francisco, la our authorized agent. Hue purrar is kept on fife ift his ottiab. D. J. AlcFaul, JW. D. HEPPNER, OREGON. Office hours, 8 to 10 a. m., and 12 to 2 p. in., at residence, and 10 to 12 a.m., and 2 to a p in., nt ollice la the rear of Borg's jewelry store. Schillings Best tea sold only ia Packages Timber Culture Final Proof. UNITED STATES LAND OFFICE, TUS Dalle, Ore.,- Nov. 19. 1HS8. Notice U herabv etven that Albert Matteson, lot Heppnar, dm filed notice of Intention to make final creof beiore J. W. Morrow, t inted I State commissioner, at his office In Heppner, Ore.,u Wednesday, the 28th day of December, 18S8, on umber culture application f,o. -via, ior the tii of sec Ho. 34. In tp No. 4 8, r No. 26 E, He name as witnesses: Robert P. Matteson, Reuben J. Gaunt, John tiaunt and Milton Brown, U of Heppner, Ore. 4-L4 j at r. IiUcab, negisier. Timber Culture Final Proof. COKBETT WHIPPED. C E. Redfield ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office In First Natloual Bank building. Heppner, Oregon. The Sailor Bad UNITED 8TATEB LAND OFFICE, THE Dalles, Oregon, Nov. 16, 1898. Notice Is hereby given that Reuben J. Gaunt, of Beppner, ha filed notice of Intention to make Dual proof before J. W. Horray, united f It From ti"te commissioner, at nil omce in Heppner, 18D8, on nmoer culture application no. sat, ior the seVi nwV. iwk neK and e iw! of sec No. 28. in tp No. 4 8, r No. 26 E, W M. If prize-ring contests OOtlld DS WOO by l Albert MaMeson, Milton Brown and Robert mfilrl win - all ler(, ail ! Heppner, ure. WODIa WID Hill T i. V lung Rratr the Beat Btart. Portland Telegram. Ellis & Phelps ATTORNEYS AT LAW. All business attended to In a prompt and satldfKf.tory manner. Notaries Pub lic and Collectors. Office in Nattor's Building. Heppner, Oregon. D. E Gil man GENERAL COLLECTOR. Put your old books and notes in his hands and tret your money out of them them. Makes a specialty of hard collec tions. Ofticc in J. N. Brown's building, Heppner, Or. 4 W. A. Richardson JUSTICE OF THE PEACE and CITY RECORDER. Olllc.e at coinncil chambers. Bells and liuvs real estate rents houses, pays ruin, docs cnhvnvanclng and will serve you in any way In Ms line, at reasonable figures. G. B. Hatt TONSORIAL ARTIST. 15 Cent 25 " Heppner, Oregon, wind James J. Corbet fights weeks before they wer polled Off, and would be obsmpion of tbe world, bat nlss, it takes blows as herd as billiard balls to win a flgbt, and Pompadoie Jim bus lost bis power to deal snob tflows. Tins was demonstrated last night'befora tbe Lenox Club in New York when be met Tom Sharkey For days Oorbelt's friend bad beao prediotioff a walkover for Jim, and the bet tio it has been 100 lo 80 od ths ex obampion. i These' odda i war sbangad after tbe seoood round laat nifht to 2 lo 1 on Sharkey, who eoooeaded ia this! ronnd in knocking bis opponent down witb a right band swing. From this time on tbe battle was all going ba way of the sailor lad up to ths ninth ronnd, when "Oonnie" McVey, one of Corbetl' seoonds, jamped into tbe ring and ap- Timber Culture, Final Proof. Uhitkd States Land Office, Tbe Dalles, Or., Oct. 27, 1898. NOTICH IB HEREBY GIVEN THAT AR thur Htepbens, of Hardman, has filed notice of intention to -mane nual prooi neiore V. Crawford, County Clerk, at his ottice in Beppner, Oregon, on Saturday, ine win nay of December, 1898, on timber culture application No. S2S4, for the WH N VY and WU 8VVJ4 of sec tion No. 17, In Tp No, 4 8, R No. 26 E. W. M. tie names as witnesses: unaries Asnoaugii, J. t. Moreland and Btanferd Howell, of Hardman, and Fred Ashbaugh, of Heppner, Or. NOTICE. V. 8. Lahb Offici, Ths Dalles, Orkgon, November 1. 1898. COMPLAINT HAVING BEEN ENTERED AT J this omce by David H. Henshaw against Frank Mclutvre for failure to comply with law as to Homestead Entry No. 4792, dated August 11, 1893, upon the oh S1S!4 ec. Z4, aim r.'4 kv. sections za. Townamoss. nan ire m r.. n NOTICE. V. 8. Land Oi ru . Tiik Dai.le. Ob., November 6. l.sa8 COMPLAINT IUVING BEsN ENTEkED AT thife otlire by Eliza A. Heymer aK'iinbt Jour dean f.eatlH'rs for abHiidonhii? hi hoitiestea.'l entry No. 41. tlatt-d Auvriiht 24. lfC.t::, ii on the bw'4 of section 29. tow nithip 8 ri, ranRe K, Vt' M, in Mtirmw ccniniy. ureuttn, wun a view to tle CHiiceiltitlou of find entry, the stiid parties are hereby smnniftned to Rptar at this oflice on the 4in day ol January. IK'J, at lu o clock a. m., ttt rei:Ml and fnr:i:t;!i lKti : ony conceriiinir aaid aslect'tl Hbandtiuinent. Vawtur Crawford, county ciei k, is atntiorizetl to take the twliino- n hert-in, t his tjilice ttt Ht'ppner, Oregon, on Dt'ceuioer 27, 1S9, al m " cloes a in. Jay P. LL'cah, hegister. Hotwe of Intention. Land Offu b at LaGbanoe, Oheon, Orlober 19. l'.'S. NOTICE TS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE following-named settlor has filed notice of his inteutio,! t ' make final proof in support of hinduim, at:d thai saitl proof will be lnade be fore the County ( lork of Morrow county, Ore gon, at Heppner, Oregon, on December 5, 198, viz: LEVI L. HI.VTT, of (iiirdani1. Orceon, ho'ricstend No lilllJ, for the lota land gum! 8! i Nfci sec. 1 1 p 4 s, K 2.1 U,. He naines the ioliowing witnesses V, prove his eoutinni;iiR resilience upon anil cultivation of said land, viz: Mat Hughes and A. J. Cook, nl Heppner, Oregon: James A. Pearson and A. VV Mirtoii, 01 ouruane, Oregon. 94 !" E. W Babtlett, Koelster. the said parties fliee on the cancellation of said entrv are hereby summoned to arniear at this o the 'M uav oi uecemner. i98. at iu o ciock a. in to respond and furnish testimony concerning said alleged failure. Vawter t;rawiora. uounty Clerk, Is authorized to take the testimony here in at his office at Heppner, Oregon, on Decern im, at 10 o'clock a. m. bail Jay P. Lucas, Register. Shaving, Hair Cutting, Shop, Matlock Comer, Mathews & Gentry BARBERS. Shaving - 15 Cant. Hair Cutting 25 " Sdop two doors Houth of Postofflca n Morrow county, Oregon, with a view to pealed to tbe referee in Oorbetfs behalf. ?n! Wve"m i bis aot brought tbe encounter to a close with a deoision in favor of Sharkey. It is not konwo why MsTey aoted so, unless it was to save Corbatt from a complete knookoat or to osose all beta to be declared off wbion was dona. The winners protested, bol tbe losers oulnnmbered tbem and lbs referee stuck to bis first dicisioa and no beta were paid. When Oorbett discovered what McVey bad done he made an effort to get at him bnt was prevented by tbe poire, The orowd was estimated at 9000, and the receipts, it is said, will figure $45,000, Corbett, as osual, claims that ha had Timber Culture Final Proof. THE TTN1TED STATES LAND OFFICE, J Uallee, Oregon, nov. 16, 1898. Notice is hereby given that Luther Huston, of Eight Mile, has tiled notice of intention to make final proof before J. W.Morrow, 11 nited States commissioner, at his office in Heppnor, Ore., on Tuesday, the 27th day of Dec-ember, 1H98, on timber culture application No. :!2n9, for the ne) sec 29, In tp No. 3 8, r No. 24 E, W M. He names as witnesses: James J. Adklns, Henrv C Gay, Herbert M Olden and William Becket, all of Heppner, Ore. 2-1.1 Jiy P. I.rrts, Register. Notice of Intention. Land Office at LaGiunpk, Okriion, October 12, 1H98. OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE followi nit-named settler has tiled notice of his intention to make final proof In support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the County Clone oi Morrow county, Or egon, at Heppner, Oregon, on Nov. 26, 1898, vU: JOHN W. SCOTT, of Echo, Oregon, homestead No. 0318, for the N W'i Sec. 13, Tp 1 N K, 28 E W M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: William Conkiiu, of Nye; Frank Klllkenny, of Heppner; James McCum bor and Grant Buchanan, both of Echo, Ore gon. E. W. Bartlktt, 92-3 Register. NOTICE-TIMBER CULTURE. A. JYlallory, U. S. COMMISSIONER Is authorized to take all kinds of LAND I'KOOI'X and LAND KIUNUH Collections made on reasonable terms. (Mice at residence on CliBBe street. Government land script for sale. J. VV. Morrow ATTORNEY AT LAW and V. 8. COMMISSIONER. Office in I 'a lace hotel building, Heppner, Or. S. A. D. Gourley, A TTORNKY-A T-LA W. I'riii Mi'loner In all Slate anil jt'edern! Courts, PUBLIC LAND SALE. Uxitsd Btatb Land OfficsatTheDali.es, Oregon, October 20, 1898. T0TICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT IN PUR Li susnce of Instructions from the commis sioner of the general land office, under author ity vested In him by section 2455, United States Revised Statutes, as amended by the act of con gress approved February 26, 1895, we will pro ceed to offer at public sale on the 6th day of December, next, at 10 o clock a. m., at this ottice, the following tract of land, to-wit: NE!4 NE4 Sec 19, Tp 8 8, R '26 E. W. M , containing 40 acrea. Anv and all Dersons claiming adversely the above-described lands are advised to file their .aim. I,i thla sifflnn nn nr Vtnfttra thf, rtttv nhnVA bis man whipped and only Deeded a few I designated for the commencement of said sale, i Qtoerwise meis ngnu win ue iurieiiu. alaSOSIl jAY P. LUCAS. Renister. PIOJfYou can? If IL II ibs cared f If you suffer from any of the ills of men, come to the oldest Specialist on the Pacific Coait, i DR. JORDAN & CO.. ,1051 Market oi. Est d 1062. Yonus men and middle aired men who are sufferir-e I from the effects of youthful indiscretions or ex- cesses in maturer years. Nervous and Physical JUeuitiiy,lmpotenc7,jijOMS irinnniivu , inallitscomDlicatiotis; Kiermatorriira. l'Mau'uer of Ilrlnatinir. ete. By a 1 I combination of remedies, of great curative pow- er, the Doctor Has so arranged his treatment that it will not only afford immediate relief but , nermanent rure. The Doctor does not claim to i perform miracles, but is welt-known to be a fair j and square Physician and Surgeon, pre-eminent in his specialty aiTiHeageM ii iTH'ii, , Kyphlllai thorouffhtyerndicntedlromtne at'uffm wit linn ueincr lilfiroiir I' VI'RV A V Dimlt'tntr In nn will rV 1 , ceiveour honest opinion ot ni3(orni)iftint. every case we undertake, or forfeit On xnouNanu xpounrs. Consultation FREE and strictly private. CHARGES VER Y REASONABLE, Treat- ment personally or by letter. Send for book, ThA PhliAaiAnhv Af 'art la m uj m asaAWDVruj wm ai sjajm awt, i free. (A valuable book for men.) VISIT DB. aOBDANH Great Museum of Anatomy ( the finest and largest Museum of its kind in the world. Come and learn how wonderlully you are made; how to avoid sickness and ciear.i We are continually addinsr new specimens. 1 VA TALOCf vis j!'iiJiJ& C'aii or write, 1051 Market Street, San Francisco, Cal. Fast Express Colorado Flyer Leaves DENVER . . 2-jjs p. m Leaves DENVEK, . . :30 p. m. " COLO. SPRINGS 2:86 p. m. ' PUEBLO, . . 105 p.m. Arrives TOPEKA . . 7 M a. m. . " COLU. SPBINGa . . 8:10 p. m. " KANSAS CITY . 8:15 a. m. Arrives I'OPEKA ... 8:55 p. m. . s . nrIIa . . Arrives K NBAS CITY . . Mp,m. Ar. tif. 1.ULIH. (Wab, H y) ; 8:15 p. m. Ar""WOMAHA'N ' ' Wp Arrives ST. JOSEPH . 10:40 . m. " SjES,'iAINE8' ' ' ifilP:m' Arrives LINCOLN (EiBnn) 6:45 a. m. " PfcO' l . . 11-20 a. m. OMAHA iFt Hnnl ' o.rn . CHICAGO 8Ha.m. .. I Throngh Sleepers and Chair Cars Colorado to . , - . . . Chicago. Wide entibule throughout. The Through Bleepera Colorado Bpnnga to Bt. Loui finest train in the West. J via Wabash K. U. S. Land Office, Thf. Dali.es, Oreenn, November 'J, 18U8. COMPLAINT HAVING BEEN ENTEUEI) AT J this oilii'V by Ernest C. Montaiiilen niriiiust John 1). M;itliuson for failure toeoinply 'ih In v tin to tiiiiber culture entry No. 2187, dated May 21, MM, upon the nwU Miction 112, towrisliip 1 N, range 21 h, W M, in Morrow county, Ore gon, with a view to the cancellation of said en try, contestant itik Kintr that said entryman has wholly failed to plant trees thereon or ciilti-ate the lain! to tiers, seeds or cnttiiiRS as prescribed by law, since iilins? thereon, that no improve ments whatever have been placed thereon dur ing the lust four vears; the said parties are here by summoned to'appear at this otlice on the nth day of January. IK.W, at IU o'clock a. 111., to re spond and furnish testimony concerning said aliened failure Vawter Crawford, county clerk, Is authorized to take the testimony herein, at his otiice at Heppner, Oreicon, on Jan. 4, 189'J, at 10 o'clock a. m. 2-13 Jay P. Lucas, Register, Notice of Intention. ARLINGTON-FOSSIL STAGE LINE II. REED & I ProDrietorg A. G. OQILVIE "Prietori- FARE FROM ARLINGTON TO Fossil (60 miles) . . .S 3 00 Round trip $9 00 May ville (53 miles). 4 00 Round trip 7 00 Condon (89 miles) . . 3 00 Round trip 6 00 Clem (28 miles) .... 2 00 Round trip 3 50 Olex (19 miles) 1 50 Round trip 3 50 Stage leaves Arlington every morning (Sunday excepted) at 6 o'clock; is due al Condon at 6 p. m. ana arrives at ros' ail at 7 D. m. Comfortable covered ooaohesand care ful, experienced drivers. mora rounds, bat Ibs apsotatorw 1 lo a man talk ia a different way. Ml OTIS PATTERSON, Receiver. Tht tarrlajra of buia-aaw doesn't 1 move very last, bat If a man t ay on it lone; enough h will oreaently ae asunder, Tbe pro cess or inouti bodily decline and NOTICE OF INTENTION. Lad Ornci at Ths Dalles. Okkqon, October 26, 189S. NOTICE 18 HF.REBY GIVEN THAT THE lolkwlii-nmed aettler has filed notice of hi Intention to make Anal proof in support of hi claim.' and that said proof will be made before V. Crawford, County Clerk, at Heppner, Oregon, on Saturday, December 10, 1898, viz: PATRICK KILKENNY, of Heppner, NB"i and NSi BEV4 Sec. 23, Tp 2 N, K 26 E W M. He name the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, via: Chas. VanWlnkle, John Hher- Idan, James Carty and Johu Carty, all of Hepp ner, Oregon. WW 4 A j v, put An, negisier, FHST TBfllH SEBY1GE DMLT- TO THE EAST VIA GREAT ROCK ISLAND ROUTE. For particulars and folders giving time of these trains write L. DE BEVOISE, POllll.AND, ORE. M'LEOD, tt. P. A.. TOPEKA. JNO. SEBASTIAN, O. P. A., CHICAGO. TBROUGH TICKETS Ml East and Southeast P0 VIA THB ONION PACIFIC It R. THE THROUGH OAR LINE. PULLMAN PALACE SLEEPEB8. PULLMAN TOURIST BLEEPEB8. FREE RECLINING CHAIB CABS. Portland to Eastern Cities Change. Without Qniok Time. Union Depots. Personally Con dnetoa meiirmons. Baggage Checked to Destination. Low Rates. DJront. line to Trans-Mississippi and Inter national Exposition held at Omaha, Nebraska, June to November, Write undersigned for rates, time tables and other information pertaining to Union Paoifio B-JJH. LOTHROP, or J. C. HABT Agt., Gen. At.. 135 3d St., O. B. AN. Co , Portland, Or. Heppner, Or. H. W. Fall, PROPRIETOR Of the Old Reliable Gault House, CHICAGO. ILL.. Half block west of the Union Depot of C. B. Q-, C. M. & St. P., C. & A P. Ft. W. & C. and the C. St. L, St P. Railroads. RATBM S.oo PER Cor. W. Madison and Clinton 8M OHIOAGrO Iwatee & St. Paul fry Land Office at Tub Dali.es, ORKfioN, October 26, 1898. VTOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE 1 following-named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before N.J.Hale, U. H. Commissioner, at lone, Oregon, on Saturday, December 10, 1898 viz: FREDERIC W. BALSIGER, of lone, Homestead Application No. 4210, for the lots 1 and 2, Hec 5, Tp 1 S, 21, K W M. He names the following witnes-es to prove hla continuous residence upon and cultivation of said laud, viz: (histnv (Hock, Edward Glock Ed Cliill'aud Reuben C. Sperry, all of lone, Ore gou. '.iii-7 Jay P. Lucas, Register. O. R. & N. Denver & Rio Grande RAILROAD SCENIC LINE OF THS WORLD NOTICE OF INTENTION. ARLINGTON - OREGON Dr. M. B. Mctzlcr -DENTIST- Tecth 1 a Iging a specially Kxtractod and Filled. I a ! line rainless Extraction. . . . Heppner - - Oregon. iiiii;i'rY MAHiticT THE OLD SHOP! In tin- place to go lo get your line pork and liiiini i liiipa, steaks and roasts. Flah Every Friday. r i'ie MttuH i i iii -! Iihiim ami bacon. Pure leal lard, kt iiltt rt'iitlert'tl, old style, lllghrat cash price pnltl lor at stock. BnJ. Mathawa. NEW NAME I Win. (itinloiilias re-named his stand tlio oll Jones livery xlalde 1Alio Oentrol. BaUtl bav fcr nsle. i'liargi reasonable. Call nil 1st ami bant vinir hum well arvd lor. loss of enenrr which lead finally' to cm' nutiintfon ia not alwsv 'very rapid, but if it isn't stopped it will presently brgia ta saw its way into tb moat vital part of tht body, the lungs. There would b vry little conaumption ir every family won Id keen Dr. Pierce' Golden Medical Discov ery in tbe bouse, and ua it whenever fed. ing "out of sorts." It keeps tb entire body in sucb a high condition of , health and forcerulness that wasting diseases bav no chance to ret a foot-hold. A teaspoon- ful or two before meal, iu a little water. gives the digestive organism power to ae- aiiuflate the blood makiny, nerve-toning:, strength -building properties of th fooo. It enable tbe liver and cieretorv system to clear the circulation of biliona polsoas and remove all wast matter from tb body. It replace worn out ttasu with hard mus cular flesh, and change weakness and debility into active power and nerve fore. The originator of tnta great Discovery.' II. V. Pierce, M. V., I chief consulting physician to the great Invalid Hotel aad Surgical Institute of Buffalo. N. Y.. at the bead of a staff of nearly a mov of eealaesrt aaaociat physician and surgeon. H he acquired, in hi over thirty year of acliva practice, n reputation Meant to1 no living physician in in treatmaat. ot orxnmtte, chronic disease. Hi prasvriptloaa nasi not be confounded with the sMMaciwaa boom" remedies, "(street," "cos' pound," and saraepart Has, " which a profit-seeking druggist i often ready to urge a a substitute. Dr. Pierce's medi cine arc the product of wide ciperieno and deep study. Asy on may coat a bim tr mail Ire or Charge. LAhb Orrica at Ths Dam.kr, Okriion, October 2(1, IHtiS. NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE following-named settler has tiled in. lice of his Intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before V. Crawford County Clerk, nt. Heppner. Oregon, on Wednesday, December 7, 18u, vti: JOSEPH H. GEMMELL, of Lexington, flomeatead application No. 4187 for tbe fM Bee 23, TP 1 8, K 25 E. He name tne louowing witnesses 10 prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said laud, vlxt J. D. Brown, J. L. Gilison, of Heppner, Oregon, and Thomas Boothhy and David Potter, of Lexington, Oregon. Vt JA r. Ull,, neginicr. NOTICE OF INTENTION. Land Office at LaGiiandk, Oiiehon, October 17, 1W8. t OTICK 1-1 HEREBY GIVES rl HAT THE a fo'lnwlng itiinieil settler Iiiik filed notice of his lutein inn to malic final proof in support of Iiih claim, and tln't Miiid rcof will be niade beforu the Cieiuty (ierk of Morrow County Oregon at lleiipiicr, Oregon, on November 20, lH'.y, vi: FRANCES MERRILL, of Heppner, Oregon, homestead No. fi.Wi, for the N'i S W 'j and 8 E H V !i and NWJjiK eee. u P r, 11 11 v, . m. He iiitiuen the following witnesses to prove hh cont inuoiiH reHtdeiiee upon anil cultivation ol said hind, viz: I). A lleiren, CM. Herreu, llun llcn-dicw, Williiini Wnlbriilge, all of Hepp ner. OrcH'JIl, 1'.. Vt . rt A It T1.1CTT, 11: 1 liugister. Depart FOR 9:30 p. m. TIME SCHEDULES From Heppner. Salt Lake Denver, Kt. Worth, Omaha, Kansas City, bt, Louis. Chicago, Portland, Walla Walla, Spokane, Minneapolis, Kt Paul. Ouluth. Mil waukee, and the KaHt. Arrivb FROM 4:50 a. m. 8.00 p. m. 8:00 p. m. Ex Sunday Saturday 10:00 p. m. Ocean Stkakhhips From Portland. All sailing dates subject to change For San Kruneieco Sail Nov. 1,4, 7, 10, l:l, Hi. Ill, 22, 2a, 28 Coi.t'MniA River SlUAMKRH. To Astoria and Way Landings. NOTICE OF INTENTION. NOTICE OF INTENTION. DEPARTMENT OP THE INTERIOR, LAND Ollice at La Grande, Oregon, Nov 14, li'.w. Intlc Is hereby given that the lollowiug named settler has tiled notice of his Intention to to make final proof In support of his claim, and maisaia prooi win oe mane uuiorej. , amr row, OnHed States commissioner, at Heppner, Or,, ou December at, 1WS vis: GKOB.QK W. VINCENT, of Heppner, Ore,, HonieetMd en try No, (710, for the WiwV and svi D,t sm 14, Twp 1 N, r 27 K. He name in louowing witnesses in prove mm eonlinuous residence upon and cultivation ol aid land, vis: John T. ilosklns, William W nt- teuberger, James L Howard and Alba G. Bar tholomew, all of Henpner, Oregon, 2-iS a. rt. baktlstt, negisicr. NOTICE OF INTENTION. DirARTMKNT OF THE INTERIOR, I.N1) OBlceall Grande, Oregon, Nov. II, Imk. Land Opficb at Tiik Dali.ks, Oi ecdn, dCJoher, 17, lh'.iS. VT(iT lC IS HEREHY GIVEN THAT THE i foUmvinii-imi.ied settler has Hied notice of till Intcnllon to 111. ike llnal proof In support of his cluliu, and that Mini proof will be intiile be fore Yaw t'T Crawford, ( ouiity Clerk at Hepp ner, Oregon, 011 Saturday, Nov. art, lw'H, vl.: BIUCK HA1NKS, of Elulit Mile, bomestciid npnlieatlon No. ltl lor tin' S W '4 Sec I t 'I p :1 S, It 24 E. W. M. lie names the following witnesses to prove hi.Hconll iuons renitlence upon and cultivation of said bind, viz: John W. AMott, hank Ander son, I'. R ltoldnson, of l ight Mile, Oregon; L. I". Jones, ot Heppner, Oregon. Jay P. Lucas, Register. 8:00 a. m. Ex. Sunday 4:00 p. m. 4:00 p. m. Ex. Sunday This Railway Co. Operates its trains od the famous bio ok system; Lights its trains by eleotrioity through out: Uses the celebrated elootrio berth read ins lamp; ' Runs speedily equipped passenger trains every day and Digbt between at. rani and Chicago, and Omsba and Chicago; the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Also operates steam-heated veatibaled trains, carrying ine latest private oompartment cars, library buffet emok in? cars, and Dalace drawing room sleepers. Parlor oars, free reolining obair care. and tbe very best dining obair oar service. For lowest rates to any point in tne TTnited 8tates or Canada, apply to agent or address 0. J. EDDY, J. W. OA8EY. General Agent, Trav. Pass. Agent. f ortiana, ur. W'H.I.AMtTIS RlVRRl Oregon City. Now- Uerg, l-alem ana, , ay Landings. 4:30 p. m. Ex. Sunday 7:00 a m. Tues , Thur, and Sat. Notice la HerabT siren that the lollon tug ,x.... y-ttc ... . r r, ' I named aattlre has filed notice of hla intention lo ilOJ Of JiYilli OC j ii.aaA j . . . ,,, . tupIlort of bis claim, ami I I... .a a its.. I. a. ...... I 11' VI ... I lual MlU DrOOl Will IitJ liii'in wiotr j. N OTtCtC IS HIREBY OIVBN THAT THI uiiderstsned. aaalane ol the estate of U. W. SwagKart.liisolvent debtor, will make final settlement of his account with said estat a inch assignee, at an adjourned term ot the clr- I cult court for Morrow 0011 uty, Oregon, al Hepp ner, to be hold at tbe court house In said county, on the AlU) day ol December, A I). 1BVS. an. w minor. Ill Assignee. A, Abrahamsick Merchant Tnilor l'loneer lailor ot Heppner, IIh work lirst-claH unil satisfactory. Give him a 'all May Street. HirrMK I KANSIUR CO. ht llf.1 rp-aa la coming. ltire deliver wink mi .hurl imier. Iu ccnU ami 11 1 sr l. Hit. wasttii Is So I, anil leav ),.,iit.r l. i xllh It, or at 'l enlial ' tele- I'llittlr IlltlCV. row. Dulteil States comnilssioner, ai Heppner. Or., 011 Oecemlter 'jn, ltw, vis: ISAAC VINCENT, ol Heppner, Ore,. Hemaataad entrv No. (WW. for the 11 ; lie1 and aH ' 1t lwP 1 N, r27 K. U sum the following wttnttawi to prove his contlnnou reeldeov upou and cultivation f said laud, vis: James M. Shaw, Jninea I . Howard. William Ayers ana Uforge 1'earwui, all of Heppnet, Oregon, J1S A, " BIITl,Klli IHK'pi, Notice of Intention. LlNII OKfll'K AT Tint Dai.i.kh, OKKIIIIN, October 2'i. ln:. OTK'E H HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE fopowiiig-iiaiiieil settler has filed notice 1, f his I" len! 1011 to make dual proof in sup port of Ins chtlui, and that said proof w ill be made before V. t'niwfonl, County Clerk, at Heppner, Oicgoii, on Eiltlav, Hecember U, IS'.id, viz: JERRY J. Mi KLI.IGOTT, of lone. Homes' 1 Application No. 41""!, for the W4 hK4 ami K' . W'4 Sec. 21, Tp. 2 H. R '.':i K W if. He Ini'ites the follow Ing witnesses to prove hll contlnuont; it'shtencc upon and cultivation of sub I Inlet. 1 i : r'rnnli limn, .loliu Wllluuis, Uttti'i II ',1,.1'iil Hint Janus Nolan, all ol lone, Oieuoll. :, V J iv 1'. l.t i'As, Register. Wiixamkttk and Yamhu.l Rivkhs. Oregon City, Day ton & way Land ings. S:00a. m. Tues Thur. and Sat, Lv. Rlparia ally except Saturday :S0 p. m, Mon.. Wed. and Frl, Wii.lahkttc River 4::10p. m. 1 rues., inur, Portland to Corral. 1 aud Sat, lis A Way Landings. Hnakb Rivsa. Rlparia to Lewlston Lv. Lewlstti daily excep rriday Paasengera booked for all Foreign Countries. J. 0. HART, Agont, Heppoer. lAf H. HURLBURT. General Passonger Agent, Portlaud, Or, Weekly-Excursions TO THE AST, In through tourist csrs without change, MODERN UPHOLSTERED TOURIST SLEEPERS In charge of experienced conductors and porters. To Kansas City, Chicago, Buffalo and Boston without change via Salt Lake. Missouri Pacific and Chicago aud Alton Rys. To Omaha, Chicago, Buffalo and 'i Boston without change via Salt Lake and Chicago, Kock Island & Pacific Ry, To St. Joseph, Kansas City and Ht. Louis without change via Sail Lake and Burlington Route. TlniBonaiTo To Kansas City and Bt. Louis with lulirMlayS, out change via Salt Lake aud Mis souri facino railway. A day stop-over arranged at Salt Lake and Denver. A ride through the Famous Colorado Scenery. REE yOO GOING ERST ? If so, be sure and see tbat your ticket reads via For rates and all all Information, Inquire of O. R, & M. and 8. P. agent, or address, B. C. NICHOL, B. K. HOOPER, General Agent, Gen. Pas. & Tkt. Agt. 291 Washington St., Denver, Col. Portland, Oregon. J. C. Hart, Local Agt. Heppner, Or. 0- warn 9 mmm n nm H NOTICE OF INTENTION. limber Culture Final Proof. TTNITED STATM LAND OrflCI, , Li J Urauil. Ortcon. Mov, 23. l. Notice I herebv (Ivan thai Wllllass Lrae has Slot nolle ol iuuutloa to mak In I proof helor i. w. Morrow. I'nlled MUiee oommla loner, at hla office In Hsppnsr. QntMs,ss Ha. urday, the Hist day of lnmlr, I mat. on Umber culture appllcatloa No, 24 Al. r the sH wu and is seta 01 sea o 14. la iwa mo. I a, I ho. if a. as. H names as witness Edward P Par. Mer. rls Rail, Koero Day aad Koben Hyud. all of n.ppner, vrgon. s-ia a. w, vLaw, Hrsw, NOTICE OF INTENTtON. We Move Anythlngl iMVvi v r rv Lino St..o-o I NMLLER. Prod 1,0 .nils. ll. t . I Olltrl llll MIX'S ! r.it l al S In li littiiia. I.urr 1 ant art in .' Han I" llartlmsil Mitiii.tttfnl lUilllll'tn l-ita 1 ! k r.. vt.ii. John list ( an. 011 ( 1 v t limit roiiln to John Day ml hi ial district, Huruaeuu lli-ppuer I'allv. a. oi. Arrive al Similar I anyou I lly 1 KPARTMKNT Of TIIK INT gal OR, I.ANP I f llm... . I I A lir.tA. llMl, W,- M laaaa as 1'iiu w a aaas iai m, vifgun, I'vi, aw, iww, Notice Is hrraby alven that lb folUiwIno named aettler ha Sled uolloe ef her la Untie a ht make final proof In support o' her elalra, an thai aalil pnail will b aaasl before J.W.MOf row, I .H I'oiiimtasliinfr al Utpattei, Vrefea, on ivnnim sisi, ins, vis: A Lit' I MARK, B AUt TILURD, of Heitpiier, OrMim I. K. No .W7, fur the Nv4 SWW and the NU ol ihv. M, Tn I S, K '. g at ah iiainM Die ftillowing wltnsnss ft arev hot roi.tliiiioua residetare ucwa and eultlvailaa ol aald land, via: Davbl l-realey, Thnwia A. Bhaa, William Rrowa aud Hugh FmIu. allot llnitpnar, Ot on. a, w, BAHILBTT, s ! h aflat NOTICE OF INTENTION. DIPiRTallNT OF THE INTERIOR, LAS I) Oflle al I Grande. Oregon. Nov. 14. In'. Notlc Is hereby ilveu that tbe fulloHlug aanaed Miliar baa Bled notice of bis Intention lo make final proof In support of his claim, and thai said proof will be made before J. VY. Mor row, lulied stale eommiasioner, al ncppiicr, Oregon, on December 2b, lava, vis: JAMES L. HOWARD, ol Heppner, Ore , iraaat a entry No SUM, ht the 4 in1, and it iia'i see JN, twp lK,r a. He lb following wltneawa to prove bis eonlinuous raaMeuc upon ami ciiiinaium ol aald land, via: James M. Shaw, Isaac Yin reus, w llltein Ayenand Oeorg l aaraoo, all of Heppnar, Oregon. lli a. w. naan tt, ncgisier, NOTICE Of INTENTION. g AND OFFICI AT THI PALI r.!, OREGON, ij t4ivber la, law. Noll, is hereby given 1 im. unit k at Tn Dai.i.kh. Okhoon, (ctolier Jit. I"ttiH. TOIP K H H EH KB Y GIVEN HUT THE J , 1 -..I.)..- 1.... .i...i 1... ol his Intenl mil lo imike llual proof in support ol hll el ilni. ami mat sani prooi v.111 nc iiimle t. re v, (rutti'M. (mniy tiers, ai Heppnei, Oiegoii, mi rrhlay, Kecciilber l, l., VI.: DAVID II. GK tlill.U ol lone; llonicsti iid Annllcatlon No. 4.'.t for lot I, and the M.i NK't ami N', SKV4 K'C III, Tp 1 8, Rat fc Vt M. He ns nil's the follou lug w Itui'sses to prove his coiiiliiuttna rt'i,1i'iici iipnii ami cultiv ntlon ol saitl laiel.vl: r rank Vt llson, John W llllama, Jerry .McKlligott a "d Jt' VNoolery, ol lono, Ore gon. , JT I'. l.l'I'AS, Regl MTH E t)F INTENTION. I.imi Omm at Tiik Ii.i . Oaroow, IVtnbrr JO. I"H, VOI"'" IIIMKRY GIVES THAT TIIK IN fiilliiulug no it. I stiller baa II If I notice of hla Inli'iilliiu to make final proof In auppnrt ol his claim, ami mat sil l prinif will Ih maile be fore V, i ra (ttt'l. County Clerk ol Morrow county, ureii'iti. al lu pfiier, iiregou, 011 Tint day, lK't v iii'cr 1'', lv". M' : EVEN HKK'.Kr.-oN, that the folloatiig aamad aeriler ba filed notice ol htetntrullon It mak Sual pro.il In support ol hie claim, and that aald pre.il will Ik mad before J U . Mor sit, I nlted Hteta ooaamtaaioiier, at lli-ppuer, Orefnn, oa Tueatlay, Oeeviulx-r n, km, 111: LCTHIR Hl'STON, ol Eight Mile: Rmal application No. nil tor the a', ary at and rt a tee. i, lp , t M a, M. lis namra tb lollowiug wltiiraarato prove bis continuous rawklenc aiMin and rultlrailou of ild land, vis: James J. Ads Ins and Henry 1 Gay, ol Heppnar, ore. s Herbert M. Oltleu. of Hiatal pain, oi rtsni piiit,, .'if. JiTl, Ltt aa, Hta-lstvr. of Lexl-igi.tii : In" l.tr 1 he r , n l., a rcc II. I c I . t He lit' 1 , s 1 1 his f of tl nil I 11 uti rt" ,. t lit. i'.'il It K "it p I put r. t'. cs'.-ad si pHiatbill No. 4I" .1 w NK', an. I N t, cK'a I- . M I'liiiiwlng ltiii'-s to prove ,it t nptoi ami cultivation 't ut I ipet , ol I.i'HlllgltMl, il n 'nt Kt't iTt I timer, ol II riper, of Milt. oi. ure J I" In . Ilrglater. OREGON SHORTLINE HyJ Ql'ICKJST AND MOST DIRECT LINK TO UTAH, COLORADO, NE BRASKA, KANSAS, MIS SOURI RIVER tind all Points EAS'l wul SOUTH. EAST. arsTTfTTy LOOK AT THE TIME. NEW YORK. Jays CHICAGO, 3.J -ST. LOUIS. H M OMAHA, 3 -SALT LAKE, 1 J " Fr Inclining Chair Cars Upholstered Tunrist Weeping Cars rullinan Palace Sleeping Cars For full particular regarding rate time of trains, etc, call on or adJree J. C. 1IAUT, Ag-mit (I. II, N. Co., Heppner, Ore goa lMt.Tr.RRY, W. E. Coman, Trsv. !'. Agl. O.n'1 Agt. lit Third Kt.. rVlland, Ore. OHICAGO, ST. PAUL, MINNEAPOLIS, AND OMAHA RAILWAY THIS IS TBI 1 Great Short LiQe BETWEEN DULUTH, St. PAUL, CHICAGO AND all points EAST AND SOUTH. Their Mairnfflrent Track. Peerless YestlbUled Dining ana rieeniug ver Trains, and Motto! Yellow Stent Park Una THE ONLY DINING-CAR ROUTE FROM PORTLAND TO THE EAST. THE ONLY DIRECT LINE TO THE YEL LOWSTONE NATIONAL PARK. Lear. 41 ALWAYS ON TIME has tl en thi road a national reputation. All elaaae of passenger carried on the veetlbnled tr.it. Htfinul itra charge, rihlo Tour freight and travel over this famous Una, All ago have ticket. w n nun F. C. RtVAQE. Oen. Agent Trav. w.m r. gt. its Washington St.. Portland. Or. IIKITNhH II ; of Intention. Ion. t4 Wl til .tin slip m . arrive al Hpp . ling DUN Heine. iLaa, raas 1 1 Mi I & tw i ai ft .. .. ..... I M' 1 i I1 I"1 . l"4 S OP I 1 .l . hi l'e'iir. I lie t line ith new Timber Cvlture Final Proof. CNITtD STATU I. and oriic. tit all. Ore . Nov. IS. lwt. Nolle u krh ilveaibM lamkSl Wllllajsi. ol II aid mail, ha Bled notice ol kls InUullu u make anal brunt ewtue J. W Morrow. Vnltod aiait con nt ll. . or, al bl nmc In Heppner, in , on Ma.luea.lay, lb iktt Aavnl t)eriaben l, on llinher riilliir applltaiion No. ?, o 'i,. 1. n, 1, as ani I'lnkM s Pta. 1 in in No . r Sa tit k. w at .ama a witita Jam ft AI1U, Jiih Timber Culture, Final Proof. I.VM HI l.'l I 0 . t hi. 1 ' 1 1,1.1 N TTrHTlD FT ATM LANI orrti K. IA 1 V.J Oraad. lre, Nov 14, I"" Rttltc la nrl.T given uiai niuiain m Saa Sled SKitlc balor ,1. W, Morrow, mum Man 1 ..ii.mii. I liiluton 10 1 A A 1 rts Itnsl prit loner, Ma4a at hi ritira In H.ppn.r, (irtumi, on Ih jaia day 4 Ponilr, l", ml llm appllcauou .'o. nr inr , nwH and e ewla o. ft, Iu tap No. . t rt a. y tb llitr ho H name aa wltneaae. Fdwartl F. 1st. ..1 U.n,. I n.u pi 0 AIIantlJ '. k.lil.lt all ol It r4 ansa, and I Cba'aa wardn. wuilaia A. Rruwa anl Aug.ial Wiiiyaia aV iaaiUiwa, il SUU1 aL. Or. I 4 . Lias Sit J US,"" 'T?2 1-". . 1 Of I I U"' t' M , a..- ll ll. II.- t . ., bl. r.t I It, ; I I Ol III I 1 Norton, tl U'.i.tH'i 1 it I 1 iiiinr, nsr.".s, ic''iU.r I 1. I""t IU il.HV l.l KM I II W IMF. . 1 ,ii", 1 M''Ht't lis. tiir.1 until it 1 ir rpiat pro.! In siipwirt I r."t .I'l tt"t will La made I 1- il nt V.irntW ritimlv, , ,1, tin ...it, tot It. i viola r vt v I 1 ti;-iN'. .,-,',. i.,.,h'.i,. is, 1 1, for the M, and N ', flW -. u .'i r I'ti. 1 . .it r-.i . I1'. .' ! lttS Wiilifl 1. II. are to prove "1 I'tll'tv.tlnn ..I A. t 't.'k. it and A. W A. W. BAliTI I T sri)K.NE falls i northers NKlON t'FOllT SHLFPARD i:f.d maintain railwits Th) Onlv All-Hail lUinla Uilbool Cbang pf Cam Ht-ta-wo Hpokan Ktx-a'.ao.l ami Nela-.o. AIo lteO Nlon aat Kilaaii, daily tort Dusitay ; am A. M Hpokae ... .. S art f. Jj lint A M It aud S-a M f iu A M p- M -rir rv,,,. rw ,. ai Nli with mea ftaj Ran, and all Ki wil lavk aartuta. rmstM. f V Kill I lr artJ f'ousdaarj Mo. a 11 A. H. Mo. 6 e r. m. Depot Fifth and I St& Paat Mall for Tacoma. Seattle, Aberdeen. Houth uena, apokane, Helena, nuiie. Anaconda, at. rani, Chicago, New York, Boston, and all points east and fioutb east. Portland, Tacoma and Heattle Express, for Ta coma, Heattla, Olympla and Intermedial main- line point. Arriv. No. 1 10:16 A.M. No. I U P. it "Tile Regulator Line" The DitlH Portl.nl 4 iiorii Nsviri'.ioD Co. DAYS In HL Paul, Minneapolis, Omana, Kansas City and other Missouri river point. t DAYS to St. Louis, Ullwauke and Chi- cago. 414 DAYS to Washington, Philadelphia, "aw ior, rxiaioa ana otner lar-KaU era polnu. Union depot connection In all principal eltt. Baa-tag checked tbroush to dtlnatloa of Uckela. Colon depot, Portland, foot of Blslh st tot aleeptnar-car reservations, tlckata. man of route and other lulormatloo. call an at writ A. D. CHARLTON, Assistant General passenger Agent, 196 Motai- soa S., Co. Third, Portland, Osegoa. DALUS CITY" AtO -RCCULATOf' Pommenclns Mooila. May Sod. tb sleamer of Ilia Keiraiaior uos win leave Portland al 6 JO a, m sod Tbe Dalles at 830 a. m. When von go to Porllaod, slop off al The Uallee and take a trip down the (JolnmbU; rod will enjoy it, aoJ save money. W. a AI.LAWAT. Yieia Ciavaai, kins GENERAL FASSENQER DEPARTMENT. MiLWACKtz, Not. 6, 1897. PATRONS ot tie WisooDain Central Lines in paasine tbrongh Oeo.ral Aneot Chicago my require tomB assist ance tn tbe way of havinff thair r SJV " band bnpgagn taken form or to train aod carriauft rr Ims a i . w . . , . 1 . w - -1 . . MCltl. HTIinwiNUU many otner aya, and the? will it i ti .i . . . And all point la Cadlrorwl. via ta kit. aaM Una tUl tliat 1 detired in tblt rt rosiwoi ww Southern Hacific Co Dva pn Mt blvtism thrwurh f'allfiwaia tn hoe gas and Month, uraad Knav.1" Ilm( Of lb I'ai.lS t .asat, lailri rwoet pWtwa. awes asanas Blifa 11 spect in tbe lerrice of tbe Uibre at the Grand Centra! raaeecger 8tation, who have recently been uniformed witb brown anit and red eap. Tbey will be in waitlniy al Attrh.iio mi train, ag.wdii wpio U trama prepared to assist naa. tctmatioaiMi r.a-M-s I -1 ii r . , f. ear. U fk. aMaptag ar raa-rwaneN m.i-iw, muj ll l uopHl inSt OUf , eallnpoaavadPaa .. I ntlrntlS Wrill frill w Ik., 1 SL giigHLEa. Mnar, c. n. limnia, r - - -. turiuaivra O-a. r a f. Pftuand. ! 0f tbl additiODal DrOTiaion tn TBBoroH tit KUTa their fxmfort Tna'l pot"'' l ,h ra.tm Sia', Canada 4 4A8. C. rOVD Kumpa eaa b i na t i" !i? 'y.UO. GWIFi ps,taa. a w w Ft urr fJsjBs 1 1 w 1 vrvhw an