THE FAIR Our Guarantee Aloney Kord HE PLACE To Save Money wv ARE NOT SATISFACTORY THE FAIR Has Been In Existence Just THREE MONTHS Your IPatroinoe Has exceeded our expectations ten fold. The genuine quality of our goods and the Low Prices HAVJD SOLVED THE PROBLEM We will continue to merit your patronage. We have just received and opened up a fine line of Direct from the factory at prices that wiil astonish you An Immense Line of UNDERWEAR The best quality and finest finish Cheaper tlioti tl& Cheapest. 333ESDS33:BSrC3r9 BILhSlBJESLEMTS, CgJESLilTS, S2E3E3ES2LTOS3f lESto. Oaii and Examine. HATS, GAPS, BOOTS, SHOES. Galvanized Ironware, Tinware, Graniteware, Etc. Rubber Boots, Hardware, Lamps, Corsets, Laces, Towling, Umbrellas, B.,.. WfBP ..J flflflBPflfl(! Overshoes, Whips, Dishes, Gloves, Ribbons, Handkerchiefs, Stationery. -WyS- llUlla SUU UMUUfllU, We have earned recognition throughout the world as the strongest co-operative association engaged hv the mercantile business and can buy and sell at prices that is astonishing to not only those who are our . customers but the merchants who are in competition with us. Before we arrived they disputed the value TTLJ C T2 A I T of our goods. When we make comparison they have nothing more to say. Our goods are marked in 1111"" I II 1 11 plain figures. We have but one price. , Ik THE FAIR Oil, How Thankful Pain Was Maddening and Hope Had Been Abandoned Wonder ful Results of Purifying the Elood. "A very severe pain came in my left knee, which grew worse and worse, and finally a lore broke out above the knee. It discharged a great deal and the pain from my thigh down was maddening. Large, hard, purple spots appeared on my leg. I suffered In this way lor years, and gave up all hope of ever being cured. My wife was reading of a case like mine cured by Hood's Barsaparilla, and ebe advised me to try it. I began taking it and when I had used a few bottles I found relief from my suffering. Oh, I how thankful I am for this relief t I a:r stronger than I have ever been in my life. I am in the best of health, have a good appetite and am a new man altogether." J. P. Moors, Lisbon Falls, Maine. Sarsa-pariHa Is the best in fact the One True Blood Purifier. Hood's Hood's Pills cure all liver Ills. 25 cents. METH. EPISC. CHURCH. SEBVIOSS. Sunday 11 a. m. and 7 p. m. Sunday school 10 a. m. Clause! No. 1 and 2 at 12:10 p. m. Ep worth League Devotional meeting at 7 p. m. Prayer meeting, Thursday, 7 p. m. 'The Spirit and the bride say. Come." The pastor may be fonnd at the parsonage ad joining the ohnrch, where he will be siad to meet any w' o may dfBire to consult him on relisioue, bomhI, civic, philosophic, educational, or any other subjects. J. W. FLEHHER, Minister. CHRISTIAN CHURCH. Services each Sunday at 11:00 o'clock a. m. and 7:00 p. m. Prayer meeting Thursday even ing at 7:00. Choir practice Saturday evening at the church, . R. I bukixv. Pastor. The Ladles' Guild of the Episcopal church will meet at 8 o'clock, p. in., on the first Wednesday of each mouth, at the home of Mrs, T. 1. Matlock. Local Notes. Choice fruits at Tbe Maine. Turkey shooting at Tbe Maine. Fresh oysters at tbe Candy Factory. Bee M. Liclitentbal A Co. for shoes, a For cboioe ooofeotiooary go to The Maine. Bay your tobscoos of Qeo. 0. Rome, at Tbe Maine. Where can you test your marksman- bipT At Tbe Maine. Where oan you bay tbe best cigar on earth? At The Maine. Llobtenlbal A Co. for shoes. Exolnsive hoe store. Handles tbe best. 83tt This morning was tbe coldest of tbe season, and a warning for outdoor farjoets. Bmoke Heideob-rg A Co's. Arabian Night and E'ponole cigirs at Cornier & Warren's. 1 Sows Dr. J. W. Vogel, specialist for refrac tion and defects of the eye, will be br very three months. 6W-lyr The Bloonm Drog Co.'ecold end grip tablets, defy tbs ojIJ. tbe enow and tb rain. Painless remedy for extracting teeth. It not as slated, no charge. Try Dr. Vaugbao'a new plan. Co4-lf. If yoa need something for yonr system all at the 'Phone The Telephone sb loon. City hotel building, tf Tbe hallways of tbe lower brick are being ertis'lcslly papered and painted, which is thoroughly appreciated by tbe tenants. Preeidiog Elder Oibba will be here oext week and aeeiat in the mtio at tbe M E Chnroh 8 .oth. He will bol I quarterly eonffrttnee, Deo. 4'b. and 5 b. t)vaiMia cored. Hnilob's Vitalizer immediately rHieves sour stomach, com log op of food distress, and is the great kidney and liver remedy. Bold by Uoo er Warreu. Call at tb OanJf Factory wbeo yoa want a food cup of hot coffee, oooo or chocolate. Fresh oyelsrs io any style. Hot and sold laocbes. Try ooe of oor oyster cocktail's. ,f uk Srraa. Tw In oh l"'! aWj3 a The Beppner Canyon City stage rou'e now supports a 'our-horsa toam, which brings buck to the mind the famous pioneer htflge service.! Deputy Grand Ouausellor Scnead, of Doric No. 20, and about twenty members started for llur im m this morning to or organ ziii Kuigbte of Pythias Lodge. "Wedding Bllu" are tinkling iu every direction, Otbar prominent numbers of our social circle will sliortly resign thtinselvea to wedded bliss, so it is rumored. Cure that couth with Shiloh's Cure. Tbe beat cough oure. Relieves croup promptly. One million bottles sold last year. 40 doses for 25cte. 8old by Con ser & WarteD. v Ladies, take the best. If yoa are troubled with constipatiou, sallow skin. aud a tired fueling, take Karl's Clover Tea, it is pleasant to take. Sold by (Jouser & Warreu. v Rev. Fiesher'a Thanksgiving sermon at the Union Church rvioes yesterday, was pronounoed ooe of the boat ever de livered in U -nouer by those foituoatr euough to be present. W. P. Snyder, the livery stable pro pnetor, buys only the br'Bt hay and graio Large and accommodations for freighters, Ilaoksand buggies furnished reuHonable. iStock well oared for. tf Karl's Clovor Riot Tea is a pleasant Ixxative. Regulates tbe bowelH, DuritJe tbe blood. Clears the eompleiion. Easy to make and pleasant to take. 25 cts Sold by Conser As Warren. v "Lost In Hc-ppner a soull" Whose? Cume to rivival aud sen. It might be yonr's. Yonug people's eetvioe tonight Weloorae for all. " Satan's Wa?es" Sunday night. Come one, oomc all. J. J. Atlkiua bus received and baa framed a large group picture of tbe dole gates to tbe general conference of tbe M. E Church South, held at Baltimore, Md., in May, of which be was a membu Tbe Morrow County Land & Trust company have decided to go iuto the wheat buying business extensively this fall, and it is important that grove's in. terview them b?f re disposing of tbei crops. A opeoial meeting of the OMinoil was held Wednesday oigbt, at which a res olution wbs read aod panned eubsorib- ing $100 to the Cunyon City sufferers the warrant to be drawu in favor of tbe mayor and tendered to tbe mayor of the unfortunate city. Where oao yoo gi t a good fresh and bntonpot pare Java and Mocha coffee for5o? At Tbe Maine. Open day and ni.-ht. Also, bam saodwinb, 5c; quarter of a pie (home made), So; piece of cak (home made), 5c; two boiled eggs, 5fl Obaese, crackers ami lunch good. Mike Robeite, at the Belvedere, ha? log remodeled the popnlnr old-time cor ner, extends to the public a cordial t-l-oorne. Tbe beverage be dispenses will be kept tip to the bitif-nt standard, sod the enlargement end comfortable eqiiitimxot nt liii billiard parlors end club-rooms art a drawing feature. fritf "Io tli morning by f. e bright light," Io the evening at the IUlligbl," where John Uiismus onnunnes in oom io bis pstrons those sparkling beverages, wbieU "banish melancholy and drive dull care away." Drop in; warmth greet you these fall and winter eveuing Mrs. N. A. K"lly lemWeJ tbe bospi. tality of her Willow crick home to a nomber of our distinguished citiit.ns yesterday, atnoi g whom wr Judge liar thi lomew sod wile, H P. OarrigUfs and wile. C. U. Drew. D K. i!roan and wife, W. L Mallory aud wife, and J. V. liM j and wife. Tli gysts v p irt a uiagtnfl- oeot spread. Io tbe December unmbr of MoClnr's Magaxin, Cpttm Vabtn will tx-gin a serif of srtielt-s on Ine oavnl nperatiotis Io tbe recast war. T ina artielo eao not fail to It of gr-at interest. Io the history snd theory if nil, Ctptalo Msban scknowltdgod tl.e world over is about the highest living atltbnit; ; and as he was ooe rf tlii mmterr of the Btard of Mf4l gy wi.tih largely A tlsd ti I die -cl I n ir 4 t ' n ' ' It tl" illASQCBRAUB BALL. MiiHtEnjiiyable Conclusion of Thanksglvlug - Day. Tbe masquerade given at the opera- house last night proved a most enjoyable affir,ab Jut twenty-five couple uteriug the grand maroh at 8 :30. Many others came io later, and after tbe usual amount of hilarity under disguise, masks were removed and the cariosity o! epeo tutors and participants satisfied. Several v-ry neat ooBtumes were worn by both gents and lnidies and it necessitated con siderable discussion bit ween tbe judges to didnriniu where tbe prizes should go. Their final seleotions were: Miss Bartha Jones, tbe best dressed lady, a very neat watob charm; Ben Leland, tbe best dressed gentleman, an opbal pin ; Misses Leo a and Stella Rhea, tbe fatiuiest sus tained charatere, a cuspidor; Waldon Rhea and Mrs. W. A. ltiohardson, best sustained characters, glass oard bisket. Tbe judges were Cubs. Tefft, Mrs. Jacob Waticuberger and Mrs. Chaa. Beymer Afier tbe award of prizes the spectators iufd in tbe dancing, which continued until tbe morning boars were approach ing. Art Minor's Pride. On exhibition at Minor & Co.'s, from Friday until yesterday was the maguifl- eetit specimen bull elk, killed September 1st by Art, end just reoeived from the taxidermist, L. F, Richolt, of Centrlia, Wash., wbeie it bad been sent to be mo u n led for tbe Elk Lodge at this place. Without doubt, it is tbe finest specimen in possesion of the rratcrnity ou this coast, aud knowing ones, in considera tion of its ey metrical proportions, color, uPBtitiful shaped antlers and, perfect pose, assert that its value in an pastern market would be not less than S 1,000. Yesterday it whh placed in the lodge room, and the members of the order will oelebrate its initiatiou in royal style in the near futare, wbeo Elki will band together from every seotiooof this north west wilderness. Wedding Bells. At Lexington, Oregon, Nov. 20th. at 2 o' tbe home of Mrs E A. Beymer oooured tbe marriage of Mr. Thomas Bootbby, and Mrs. Llllie Horner, by Ruv. Beaucamp. Only near relatives aod intimate friends of the bride aod groom were present. Many baudsome and use ful presents were given tbe happy outiple. After the ceremony all were invited Into tbe dinuiugroom, where a beautiful din ner as served, suoh as Mrs. Beymer is oapable of serviDg. Tnns the iooer mao wss thoroughly satitfied. Tbo bride is a most estimable lady and lovetj by all who know ber. Having previuosly lived in this oity, she bas many warm friends here. Tbe groom is a suooess'ul farmer ai il stock raiser. They will make their fii.ure, home near Lexington. Personal. J. A. McCarty of Echo was lu town this week, 8. Wilkinson of The Dalles is registered at the Palace. J. Bheurman of Pendleton was in town yes terday. W. J. Brown of Buttor Creek came to town Wednesday. Tice Adkins of Hardman was on our streets this week, C. A. Repass and A. Carsner of Hardman were In town Wednesday. The Balslger brothers and Ed. Keller are at Arlington goose shooting. Mr. Frank Lacey, the well known sheep buyer Is in Heppner, where he will remain several days. Harry Bartholomew and wlfo, accompanied by'MIss Jennie Bartholomew leave next Monday for Westou and Milton to visit with relations. Mrs. Wright Sailing of Eight Mile required the service of Dr. Hunlock this week. No serious condition. Mrs. Dave McAtee returned yesterday from, Moscow, Idaho, where she went a few days ago to attend the funeral of her father, Rev. F. C. Adkins, pastor of the M. E. Church south ot Weston, Oregon, is In Heppner lor a few day's visit with members of his family. He reports a fine enrollment of pupils at the state normal school at that place. R. H. Akers, brother of Leonard Alien, return ed from Walla Walla this morning, where he went to inquire into the merits of the com mercial college at that place, but it undecided about returning. Jack Matlock is expected here this evening with his bride from Canyon City. Miss Lizzie and Leslie Matlock went over to attend the wed ding Saturday morning. Thebndowasa Miss Woods living In that city. CHANCE to BUY WINTER CLOTHING BROWN BROS' Famous Tailor-made Suits that are Fash- ionable, serviceable and fit to perfection At Prices that are All Right. Our complete winter line of clothing has just arrived. It is strictly in fashion, and the material, make, cut, and fit, could not be better and the prices are what you can afford and are satisfied to pay. MEN'S SUITS and a line of OVERCOATS llaiidhiiok of the Tariff. The understanding of tho complicated pro visions of the new tariff has been greatly sim plified by the issuance of this manuel. To digest tho tariff law is no easy task, but to digest the food taken into the gastric receptacle is rendered easy by the use of that thorough stomachic, Hostetter's Stomach Bitters. It pre vents and cures malaria, kidney and rheumatic trou Me, remedies nervousness and Insomnia, and remove constipation and biliousness Ap petite, as well as the ability to satisfy It without subsequent abdominal disturbance, Is restored by this flue stomachic, which also accelerates convalescence. Persons In the decline of life, and the Infirm of every age and sex, find It of material assistance. Dreadfully Nervosa, (ienle: 1 was dreadfully nervous, and for relief look your Carl's Clover lloot Tea. It quieted luy oervts and strength, tued my whole nervous nye'ein. I wss troubled with Constitution, kidney and bowel trouble. Your Tea sojd cleansed my system so thoroughly that I rapidly regained health aod strength. Mrs. 8. A. rtweel, Hartford, Ooon. .Id by Conaer Warren. v , Lost. One hundred and seventy five head ot sheep in tbe mountaius near tbe bead of Bear oreek, Morrow county. A reward of 25 oeots per bead will be paid for the reoovery or information leading to tbe reoovery of the said sheep. Ewes and lambs brauded 11 ; year'ings branded V nn shoulded; 2 yeur-olda branded P I bips. Ad dr chs, tf F. M. PtiTSK, Condon, Or The O. K. & N. Co's. new book on the Resources of Oregon, Washington and Idaho is beiog distributed. Our readers are ft quisled to forward (headdresses ot their Kastern friends and scqnaiut anoes, and a copy of the work will be sent them free. This a mailer all should be interested in, aud we would sak that everyone take an interest and forward Sticb ad Ires to W. li. llurlbutt, Oeo eral Pkaspuger Agent, OK. AN. Co., Portland. Hl-lf Suitable for this Climate , , Call arid Carefully Inspect Stock An all-wool, serviceable suit, formerly sold for $10, now $7 Black diagonal clay worsted suit, formerly sold for $15, now $12 All-wool overcoat, durable and neat fitting, $1 60 O f O C" R I P" C I An extensive stock arriving every day. LO 1 Fresh and ot the latest staple lines. . - Boots, Shoes, an! Odioes, Fells, Biers, le. . New line of Underwear, Hosiery, and Dress Goods just arrived. Blankets of all grades. The best 50c Blanket on the Market. We want your trade and will give you the best value for it. BROWN 0 S, WHY IIOIIHKH HIIOt'Ll) HO. Thanksgiving Day. Keppner's business bouses, by uintoil ooiiseut, closed at ll) , thns giving their employees a day of rcriestioii and feasting, tbs moat ot wbom erj-iyex tbe privilege to the fullest exteol. Turkey, minoe pie sod eggoog were the ri ioi pal features ot ths oelebrstioo. Tbs streets wers conspicuous for the absnos of freight and farm wagons Tbs city was unusually 'j nle, uo noiae or Jronk- eness marred its pstcs. At the approach ol tvenibg, hurrying t) sod fro, both bujsattil girls oould h-t su with sus picions lookiog bundles binatb thsir arms, s. poeed to tm inasq'isrsde suits for the bill in the evening. K t HI) LtNU Children 1 J Who would prescribe only tonics and bitten for a weak, u puny child ? Its muscles and $ t nerves are so thoroughly ex- i m t- .-J .(.. it . l. I tvhtpped Into activity. The child needs food a blood- J maldngf, nerve-strenjtheninp; w and muscle-building food. t 3! Scott's Emulsion $ of this, Hi Itivrs tributary to l os Laving rail mad land eod have not mat proof yet, bv catling at tbs ofilrs of N. J.Jlsls. looe, On goo, rao toske their proof so J lids of urtnar. Time eipiree Jen. 1, I'M. All I'D Is if land I os'ue.s tr ,.. i, -M lirs located mi vsrsnt I.-I. 1 tf of Cod-Uver Oil Is all and you still have a tonic in the hypophosphites of lime and soda to act with the food. For thin and delicate children there is no remedy superior to it in the world. It means growth, strength, plumpness and comfort to them. Be sure you get SCOTT'S Emulsion, Y tni i , .11 4fU,'fM. sj-vrT & hnwvc rk.n.iri. kv,a w i Nsmlicr of ArssmnBts Against Their t'ss la TO Is A. Tbe substitution of electrioity (or horse power io Iheoperatiuo of streetoars has o things too nimeod it. Wbeo a heavy upgrade is encountered the eleotrio motor does oot bsilate. It walks up bill as eaeily asdowo. And then tbs streets are much cleaner wiiere they are not traversed by brss. A third reason, that of economy, may be Igoorsd here, though it is of very greet Importanoe Tbs horseless cab, running not merely on strsets where there are rails, but on ids streets, and free to proas from ooe sid to tbs other, has this additional reo oa meiidatii o : Its eoshioo tires rsoder it absolutely noiseless. Tbers are so rxisoy nervous people io citiee who want to re- dace tbe olstter oo tbe streets that tbe nib1r tired vehicle le snrs to corns In favor Io snob localities. A fourth argu ment agslost horses Is J ml now being orgs J in boniloo by certain technioal pa pers. Ho loog as besry teaming la dons it is oeeeseary to make tbe pavemeot rough, to give tbe enotnaels good fool- bold. Kut the rooghoess msket tbe street omlesiialils for light vehicles, and (iiling therein le out at comfortable as It miubt b. "Industries and Iroo orges Ibis as a reason for getting rid of boraes for trsrlioo purposes in cltUs If Ibis polio wers esrrlel oot It woab be piHisihls to make smiMilher pss mailt nn on rno'i light carrsis oonlJ travel roiiif irubly. What smt merohsndise after this ohaoge was effect ed is not iodioaled by ths periodicsl re ferred to. Loodon la behind Amerlosn oities is tbs lies of etrset rsilwsys, but this talk about abolishing tbe horse al togtber from oity strsete le rather more advaooed tbao snythlog yst seriously ottered oo this side of lbs Atlantic N. T. Tribuos. Tine's Up issasry 1st, The attention, of settlers oo railroad land within tbe borders of Morrow oounty is called to tbe fact tbat the time for making tbeir proofs oo tbe same sipirss cn Jaooary 1st, 1WJ, VswUr Crawford, ooooty clsrk, is aatberiaad to take land filisgs and proofs, end traos acta geosral publie land bosisess at bis offlee io tbe ooort boose, at rsason- le rales aod satisfaction g uaraoleed. 72 jao 1 BscIIsb's A rales Halts. The lies I Halve in the world tor Cots, Braises, Bores, TJIosrs, Bait Rbeom, Fever Bores, Tetter, Obspped II sods, Chilblains, Coras. eo all Hklo Erop- iions. ana positively cores riles or oo pay reqoirsd. It ia guaraotssd to give perteei satisraoiioa or money refoodd. FrloeSS sen Is per boi. For sale b Hloeom Drag Co., K. J. Hlocum, maoagsr roUR DAYS ONLY. Is ths Early Isrt ef Dercaibsr. The Oermao Hpeolsllsts, from Port land, Oregon, will be 10 Ueppuer, at tbe Palace hotel, aod will retora esos a month. It yoa have cbronio catarrh, consults, tioo is free of charge. Do yoa blow maoas from the boss? Are you troubled with bleeding of tke ooseT Are tbe ooetrile obslroolsd, mskisg brsslhlog diffloullT Ars yoa bosrss at timesT Is tbs maoas dropping down from the beck ot noes Into the tbroeif le yoor ooee stopped apf Is yoar besricg affected? Ie your throat sore at tlmeef Do yoa eptl a good deal wbeo rising la the morning? Do yoa hem aod bsk to clssi yoor tbrostt Catarrh is a daogsrout dlsseee, which leads ioto consumption. Wssk eye cored ; cross eyes statiuoed Ithoul soiling the cord. Cstarsrls removed wtlbot akoifs; glasses fitted wbsrs others have Isllsd ; raptors aod berote eared wilhool opera lion. Chroaio rbaomalism sod kldosy Ironblse s specialty. IX) not tall lo see the Oermao Hpecisl. lets. A frisudly talk will ooel you noth ing, aod Is booed lo result to a grsal deal of good lo yoa. Rsmsmber tbe dele. ot vebiclse would warry heavy leds of I Varrew. Be sot deoelvedl A coogb, boarsoses or croop are not to be trilled with. doss lo time of Hbiloh's Curs will ssve yoa math trotble Hold by Coosr A Xsw Vooi. Vs are eoostantly adding nsw grxhls and now have ready for inspeetioa a floe Msofimenl of watches, clocks, Jswslry, sllvsrwsrs, qoveltise aod mosloal Ipitso meste, 7. 0. ThejM, 7swfr,