OFFICIAL sv PAPER Advertisers If you have bargains to ' offer, announce it through the columns of the GAZETTE. Subscribers The Gazette will contain the latest telegraphic news a From the Seat of War. SIXTEENTH YEAR HEPPNER, MORROW COUNTY, OREGON, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 25. 1898. NO. 704 y L TIE JOTS, GAZETTE Published every Tuesday and Friday i BY OORLIES MEKRITT, Editor sv.d. Manet. -SUBSCRIPTION HATES On Yer Six Months Three Months Sl.BO 73 50 Advertising Rates Made Known on Application. Entered at the Postofflce at Heppner, Oregon, at second-class matter. OTPICIAIt DIEEOTOST. United Btates Officials. President ....William McKinley Vine President Garret A. Hubart Sec rata 17 of Bute W. H. Day Secretary of Treasury. Lyman J. Gage Secretary of Interior ...Cornelias N. BUbb Secretary of War Bnssell . Alfter StwretAry of Navy John D. Lour Pootmaater-Geaeral Charles Emery Bmilh Attorney-General John W. Griirgs Secretary ,.f Agrioulture James Wilson State of Oregon. Governor W. P. Lord Secretary of State H. R. Kinoaid Treasurer. Phil. Metschan 8npt. Public lnstroction G. M. Irwin Attorney General C. M. Idleman Senator. j W-MBrid Co-.- : I'ul0"8 Printer W. II. Leeds ( R. 8. Bean, Supreme Judges.... F. A. Moore, ( C E. Wolverton Sixth Judicial District. Circuit Judge Stephen . Lowell Prosecuting Attorney H. J. Bean Morrow County Officials. Joint Senator... ... - 'ieprosentative (! tojity Judge... ........ Commissioners., 3. W. Beckett. - Clerk.. J, W. Morrow E. L. Freeland .A. G. Bartholomew I . IS. Howard , V awter Crawford ' Sheriff K. L. Matlock ' Treasurer 01. Lichteuthal Assessor A. C. Petteys ' Surveyor Julius Keithly School Sup't Jay W. Shipley ' Coroner Dr. E. R. Hnniock HIPPMCB TOWN OrnOKBH. Mayor Thos. Morgan Oauncilinen E. J. Hlocum, M. Lichtenthal, J. It. Simons, J. J. Roberts, J. W Hiuniaa und K. G. Hoerrv. Ui-HMinr! W.A. Richardson T suror L. W. Brisks Hi-shai John iiager Precinct OffleerF. ' notice of the Peace W. K. Kiohardson n n "table G. B. Uray ITnited States Land Officers. - THC0A.IXM, OR. ay P Luoas Kegister Oti Patterson Receiver LA GRAND!, OR. K W BarOett, Register .r O Swankhnimer Rooeivcr ir",nTiTn tTsii AegetablePreparattonfor As similating theToodandRcgula ling theStomachs anlBoweis of Promotes DigesUon,Cheerful ness andRest.Contains neither Opwm.Morphine nor Mineral. 3 OT NARCOTIC. Kcape ofOldllrSAMUItlXrVBEa Pumpkin St Alx. Senna JitKhtlle Saltt -' Aitist Seed Ihtpfrmint iii CtutonatoStda fVormSud -Oarihtd Atgar A perfect Remedy for Constipa tion, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea Worms .Convulsions Jeverish liess and LOSS OF SLEER Tac Simile Signature of NEW "YORK. For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears tie Signature of AT AW SPAIN ILUil YIELD. Member of the Spanish Commission Admits Spain's Intention. ra BLANCO ji HIS mm The Kind You Have Always Bought. IXACT COPY OF WRAPPEBi j g TMC CENTAUR COM PA ft V, NIWVONK CITV. Spain Doubts the Renewal of War Should She Withdraw From the Peace Negotiations. Blanco Unwilling to Surrender to the Americans. This was the semi-evasive manner in which the Spanish diplomat answered the questions. His questioner con tinned: "Then it has been affirmed that Spain, will refuse to sign the treaty, decline the money offered and protest to the Dowers and that her commissioners will go home. Is that the most likely result?" Ah, but we should not anticipate, we should know day by day what happens day by day." The Petit Bleau reaffirms today as a certanity that the Spanish will refuse the American offer of $20,000,000 for the treaty, cession of the Philippines. The Temps saya; "If the , Spanish should withdraw . from the peaoe negotations, the war would not, be resumed, f but , the protocol would come into force again. The Spanish army would evaoute Cuba and Porto Rico, while the Philippiues will remain in Dewey's occupa tion, but not-America's posse-sion. The only result would, be that diplomatic relations would not be renewed. Such a course is preferable to a renewal of hostilities, . but one would rather wish to see a movement of reason and conscience in the United States, and not an abuBe of the rights of a conquror, or, at least, an avoiding of a recourse to force whioh the civilized world , would neither understand nor approve." Madrid, Nov. 23. The pfficial gazette publishes a decree accept ing the resignation of General Blanoo as governor-general of Cuba. irst Rational Jank OF HEPPNER. O. A RHEA President I (i. W. TONSER Cashier T. A. KBEA Vio President I E. L. FREELAND. . AneistRiil (Jnsliir Transact a General Banking Business. EXCHANGE ON ALL PARTS OK THE WORLD BOUGHT AND SOLD Collections made on all pointson reasonable terms. Surplus and undivided profits $3.rj,0C0. Associated Press Dispatches. Paris, Nov. 24. The Spanish cotnm csioners at noon today had not fixed upon a cUy to submit a final answor to the Amerioan propo sition, but it is deemed most likely that Satarday will be the day ap appointed. Th opinion gains grounds that the Spainiards will ao cept the proposals of the Uuited States. A. significant indication of this view of the situation was a remark dropped by Senor Abenzusa, of the Spasish commission, today that they expected to remain here about a fortnight longer. The secretary of the Spanish commission, Senor Ojeda, said today that instructions from Madrid were not sufficiently matured to enable tbem to appoint the next meeting. The correspondent of the Associated Press asked Aberzusa if the commission would be able to leave Paris next week with the treaty. He replied: "I suppose we BhhU be here for another fortuight" "Why," the Spanish commissioner was asked, "is the opinion ex pressed so emphatically by a portion of the Paris press that you will decline the $20,000,000, but will siga the treaty with protest that you do so only by pressure of superior power?" "Well, it does seem thst $20,000,000 is not very satisfactory." Washington, Nov. 23. No suprise is expressed in government oircles at the news of General Blanoo's resignation. It is known that some time ago, the general sought to resign the office of captain-general of Cuba, and he was induced to retain that poBt only , by appeals to bis patrotism on the part of the Madrid government t It is suppos ed that his purpose is to avoidwbat, he may regarded as the dishonor of surrendering the Gem of the Antilles to the United 8tates. The captain-general of the Philippines took the same course. General Aro las, the seoond in command, is likely to have the unpleasant duty of surrendering Spanish sovereignty over Cuba. It ia believed that Blanoo's aotion will not in any way effeot .the evaouation, save in the possibility it contains of inoiting rouble among the Spanish troops. Havana, Nov. 23. Captain-General Blanco has directed that all suits in oaae pending against civilians or members,, of the volunteer, guerrilla or mobilized foroes under military jurisdiction shall be turn ed over to the civil authorities. - The effest of this order will be that all such prisoners now confined in military fortresses will be transfer red to the public jails. Provision is made that thiB transfer is to be completed by December 15. , All the military prisoners are to be ship ped to Spain during the first fortnight of December. General Matthew 0. Butler, of the Cuban military commission, aocompanied by his aid, Lieutenant Hampton, sailed today on the steamer Masoott tor the United btates by way of Tampa, Fla. They are expeoted to retnrn here in. about two weeks. lackets prom Tlvls Date On WE WILL SELL onto. osst aLiojdl s5o3fto.B eit ILjess TtHnsimii ILcotsti. There is an elegant line, of these goods about 100 or so. The prices we sell them at are startling, but genuine. Every single garment in the lot is a genuine snap. They arc all in latest styles this season's goods. Nothing old and out-of-date. Bright, new, clean garments at extremely low prices. WE XKVEK ADVERTISED A. JjSAJROATlV THAT WAiS NOT A. OEIVXTIIVE ONE, When we sell you goods at what they cost us wholesale we consider that we are giving you a good bargain. S5.50 to S4 00 CREPES. Plush Caper Trimmed in Black Soutache Braid, Thibet Fur Collar, reduced from .... Black Kersey Cape, 31 inches Long, Trimmed in Fancy Stitched Straps in Silk, Soutache Braid, High Storm Collar, reduced from - - - - - 12.50 to 9.00 0 Fine Black Kersey, Front and Back Trimmed with Fancy Straps, Storm Collar, Lined with Silk Rhadama, Length of Cape 25 inches, reduced from - 10.00 to 8.00 Fine Cadet Blue Kersey Cloth, Silk-Velvet Collar, Red Silk Lining, Trimmed with Black Silk Soutache, and Narrow Satin Ribbon the most stylish thing in the houie reduced from 15.00 to 11.00 A Black Boucle, Rhadama Lining, Trimmed in Black Hercules Braid, reduced from - - . 14.00 to 10.00 Black Boucle, Trimmed Applique in Broadcloth Straps and Small Round Buttons, from - . 12.00 to 0.00 Green Boucle Cloth, Changeable Green, Rhadama lining, a High Grade Article, from . 15.00 to 10.00 A Light Tan Kersey Cloth, Changeable, Taffeta Lining, reduced from - - - - . . 15.00 to 11.00 An English Tan Kersey Cloth, Lined Throughout with Tan Rhadama Satin, reduced from - - 15.00 to 11.00 A Navy Blue Kersey Cloth, Trimmed with Straps of Same Material, and Pearl Buckles Front and Back, reduced from 12.50 to 10.00 Black Kersey Cloth, Box-Front, Tailor-Made, from 7.50 to 6.00 Wo can enumerate only a lew of these bargains in Ladies' Cloaks and Capes. The priee-cutter cut u deep gash in everything in this department a wide, deep, sweeping gash. A Beautiful Line of Children's Jackets and Reefers Unmercifully Slaughtered IMriinor & Co. otic d Gtt YOM SIZE While STYLES aud SIZES are JMEimoj? &s Co