THE FAIR T HE PLACE To Save Money wii Our Guarantee Money Returned If Goods ARE NOT SATISFACTORY. THE FAIR Has Been In Existence Just THREE MONTHS Your Ivilbei?al IPaLtrojnLaLge Has exceeded our expectations ten fold. The genuine quality of our goods and the Low Prices H A.VJH SOLVED THE PEOBLEM We will continue to merit your patronage. We have just received and opened up a fine line of Direct from the factory at prices that wiil astonish you. An Immense Line of XJIVPKRWKAR The best quality and finest finish Cheoper than tlxe Cheapest. ttJEnOX3XN&9 SSWIKLIESTS, CgTOTLBTS, gs n- rva.TFS jgy Tfifg 3E5to. can and Examine. HATS, GAPS, BOOTS, SHOES. Galvanized Ironware, Tinware, Graniteware, Etc. Tfc 1 1 TT-S i Ww -m . . . nuDDer tfoots, Hardware, Lamps, Corsets, Laces, Towling, Umbrellas, fU fflTW ,J AWBNIIW Overshoes, Whips, Dishes, Gloves, Ribbons, Handkerchiefs, Stationery, wfi bUUb Uft UlfiAbUIUBy We have earned recognition throughout the world as the strongest co-operative association engaged in the mercantile business and can buy and sell at prices that is astonishing to not only those who are our customers but the merchants who are in competition with us. Before we arrived they disputed the value TTIJ C C A I IT. of our goods. When we make comparison they have nothing more to say. Our goods are marked in I f P pl I Lf plain figures. We have but one price. I 1 1 1 I till Mb. THE FAIR BABY'S SMOOTH, FAIR SKIN A Grateful Mother Writes this Letter Tells all about Her Troubles when Baby Broke out with Scrofula Sores. " At the age of two months, my baby began to have sores break out on his right cheek. We used all the external ap plications that we could think or hear of, to no avail. The sores spread all over one side of his face. We consulted a physi cian and tried his medicine, and in a week the sore was gone. But to my surprise in two weeks more another scrofulous look ing sore appeared on baby's arm. It grew worse and worse, and when he was three months old, I began giving him Hood's Sarsaparilla. I also took Hood's Sarsaparilla, and before the first bottle was finished, the sores were well and have never returned. He is now four years old, but he has never had any sign of those scrofulous sores since he was cured by Hood's Sarsaparilla, for which I feel very grateful. My boy owes his good health and smooth, fair skin to this great med icine." Mrs. S. S. Wboten, Farming ton, Delaware. Get only Hood s. ui a rii are prompt, efficient and rlOOa S PHIS easy in effect. 25 cents. MET II. EPISC. CHURCH. 8EBYJ0BS. Bjnday It a. m. and 7 p. id. Sunday school 10 a. in. Classes No. 1 gid 2 at 12:10 p. m. Epworlh League Devotiooi'1 irceting at T p. m. Prayer meeting, Thursday 7 p.m. 'The Spirit H.'d the liroa spy, Come." The i-aslor rosy be fo.iod ft tile narsonass ad. Joining the church. wliere he will be glad to meet any wo may Ufsne to consult him on religions, sih.v'1, civio. philosophic educational, or any otrer subjects. J. W. FLKSilKH, Minister. CHRISTIAN CHURCH. Services eech Sunday at 11:00 o'clock a. m. and 7:00 n.m. Prayer meeting Thursday even ing at 7:l). Choir practice Saturday evening at the church. K. It. Hhri.i.y. Pastor. The Ladles' Guild of the Episcopal church will meet at it o'clock, p. in., on the first Wednesday of each mouth, at the home of Mrs. T. J. Matlock. ADVERTISED LETTEK8. T ETTER9 lj Or., November 21, ADVERTISED AT HEPP.SEH Anderson, O D Brown, E L Campbell. Mr Gordon, Wm Hanson, Peter Henskel, H F Heuskelley, Canter McUiiuils, Lettle Means, Q H McNally, Win Modlock, W 8 Pem, J Phipps, Harvey Smith, A B When calling for these letters please say advertised. B. K. Vauuhan, P. M. Local Notes. Choice trails at The Maine. Turkey shooting at The Maine. Fresh oysters at the Candy Factory Bee M. Lichtenthal k Co. for shoes. For cboioe eonfeotiooary go to The Maine. Bay yoar tobaccos of Geo. O. Rome, at Tbe Maine. Where coo yoa test yoar marksman- hip? At Tbe Maine. . Where csn yna bay tbe beet cigar on eartb? At The Maine. Low lilUid is sail sofTiring from bis severe attaok of rhenmatsm. The htlle ton of L N. Bagbea is under tbe doctors care with tooiilitit. Both butoberiog concerns Lave floe array of ;Tteiiksgtvu)g turkeyi. Tbe lower warehouse bss an ooliwit d soppy nt seed rye for tale. 85-lm Liohteolbal Co. for shoes. Elusive thoettore. llandlei the best. 83lf Pmoke Hideub rg A- Co't. Arabian Nigbl and Esponola cigars al Oooser k Warren's. 1-3 mot Dr. J. W. Vogel, specialist for reflec tion and defects of toe eye, will be here very three months. 648-lyi Tbe eiocum Drag Cn.'t oold snd grip tablets, defy tbe cold, tbe snow and the rain. "Pink eye" Is tbe style, Doot miss It. We the family -all have it. It yoo wish It eall on ns. Painlett remedy for directing teeth. If not as elated, no elergee. Try Dr. Vengben't new plan. W--f. If yoa need something for y onr s stem eall at the 'Fbooe Tbe Telephoue sa loon. City botel builJing. The favorablo storms during the puet few days have worked maic with tbe spirits of the farmers. Mrs. Otis Willianpon, of Six Dolls , required tbe services of Tr. MoSworas this week Tbe doctor considers the case not serious. Earl's Clover lVot Tea, f ir Constipa tion It's the best nnd if after nsinn it yon don't say so, return package and get your money Sold by Conger & Warren. x Stop that oongb! Take warning It may lead to consumption. A 25c bo tie of Sbiloh's Onr may save your life Sold by Conser & Warren. x Catarrh oared. A clear head and sweet breath secured with Shilnh's Catarrh Remedy; sold on a guarantee. Nasal injector free. Sold by Cunser & Warren. x Ctll at the Oandv Faolory when you want a good cup of hot coffee, oooo or chocolate. Fresh oysters iu Huy style. Hot and oold lacobe.4. Try one of our oyster cocktail's. tf El Oliver has purchased tbe restau rant on Main street, owned sad ma by Onina George, the laundryman, wbo will now devote his entire time to bis wesbbouse patrons. For Constipation take Karl's Clover Tea, tbe great Blood Purifier, onres hendaobee, Nervousness, Eruptions on tbe face, and makes tba bend as dear as ab-'ll. Sold by Ouuser& SVarreu. x W. P. 8.i)dBr, tbe livery stable pro prietor, buys ouly the best hay and grain. Large oorrala aud accommodations for freighters. Hacks and buggies famished reasonable. Stock well oared lor. tf Tbe Morrow County Land & Tragi company have decided to go into the wheat baying business extensively this fall, and it is important that growers in terview them before disposing of tbeir orops. " bullous Consumption (Jure oures where others fail. It is the leading Ooagh Care, bo a no home eboald be without it. Pleasant to take and goes ngbt to tbe epot. Sold by Couser k Warren. x Oae of tbe Interesting features of tbe Sunday night eervioe at the Christian oburcb wat tbe addition to membership of Mrs. Jones, of Salem, a most refined, intelligent lady, a daughter of Mrs. Dr Vauiihoo. The Gazette has In band tbe copy for printing warrant b'anks, wbiob will be immediately filled out aud served by lb sheriff on dcliiqient taxpayers. All in lerested ebould take this as foreranuer of extra costs, and come to the frontal onoe. Rbea & Welob, call attention to tbeir display "ad" in other columns, whioh offera bnyers the opportunity of the season Do not overlook tbe bargains they ( tt'r. Read the ad caret ally. Wells & Co., the leading faroitare dialers in tois section of Eastern Oregor, aunouuoe, their badness whioh is yoar business, ia another column, Look it up and then patronize them. La-ft week some misoriant broke optn the mail bi x at tbe depot and extraoted three msil socks, from whioh it is sup posed he took about $1,500 in notes and p-wiblyiSoO in cash. Of late sni ijims cba aoters have ben noticed about cat town, and from this on they will le oloscly watohed. BROTHKULY LOVE. Canyon City's Destltme Need Assltauee We should Respond. The Qrant ooonty papers announce the desolntioo of C nyon City and tbe destitution of many of its unfortunate people, wbo, before tbe fire, were in good oomfortable oircametances. Tbe fire has occurred at a most nnt irtnnate time, as the winter season is upon us. and be yond a doubt tbe many homeless and deserving people are in a serious plight, and it seems a most appropriate time for tbe neighboring cities to respond to their relief. Beppner ebould take action in tbe matter nt once, and an effort made to show the city of Canyon a disposition we might expeot from ber bad tbe calamity beMl our little city. A sub scription paper oiroalated by a promi nent citizea of our town, would surely meet with ready response. A citizen's oommittee has bceu organized there to r ot'ive donations tbat will oontribote to tbe wants of those justly deserving, and tbe Gazette args that our citizens re spond at onoe. Taking into consider ation the discrimination of fire iusnr anoe companies against tbis town wt oan appreciate tbe laot tbat the msj irity of those burned ont are probably in a lik.4 oocdition of went. Since writing tbe above we take satis faction in announcing tbat number of onr citizens have taken tbe matter in band and Henry Qcppuer, wbo always respoud lo a condition of distress, baa beo making tbe rounds of our oity with a subscription list, and reports most of oar cit x ns snxiom to relieve our nn for- taua'e neighbors, and will have a sub statitial donation for them. MICE IIOKS'i ChUr. An Well If i tut u.,k Alt LSI lH In tim hf rtptirr'" Where oan yon get a good fresh snd botoupof pare Java and Moolia ooff-e for So? At The Maine. OpD day Htid niuht. Also, bam sandwich, 5o; quarter of a pie (home made), 6c; pieoe of ck" (home made), Co; two boiled eggs, 5a; cheese, crackers aud lunch goods. One of oar leading society gents, em ployed by popular ooocern is giving 1 scons in the art ( lai cy e. itching for "crszy q iilts." One of bit yon g ld pupils U unruptured with hit work, and bat well nnder way a dizzhng pieoe of work, wbicb will be oonspicnoasly dis played in prominent show windows soon. Mike Roberts, at Ibe Belvedere, hiv ing remodeled tbe popular old-lime onr ner, extends to the publio oordisl wel come. Tbe bevsragwe h dispenses will be kept op lo tbe bigbeel standard, and the enlargement and oomfortable equipment of his billisrl parlors and olnb-rooms are a drawing feature. W tf "lo the morning by Its bright light,1 In the eveoiog at the 'R-dlight," where John Rasmus oootiones to dole to bis patrons those sparkling bevrsgs, r. "baotsb melaonholy and drive doll eve away." Drop lo; warmth greets yoa these fall snd winter evening Barton, Ibe 12 esr old eon o( Cb. Falter, wbo bst ben nftVer from heart die for over tit yeem( disl the borne ol bis j'Sr-i ts Monday morn ing at 4 o'clock. Uis ease has bn prononace 1 bopelrss for some lime, and at last Iba patleot litiU f-lhw has ben rel'ased from his tirfT.'ing. The eom maoty extend i t tls family tUvrr )ta i pbtby. Personal. Tom .Caine, of Lone Rock, was In Heppner yesterday. F. O. Smith, J. A. and Otis McCarty came over from Echo Monday. Mrs Mclrwin and Mrs. Dora Woise came up from Arlington yesterday. ( Justice of the Peace Haguewood, of lone. spent yesterday in Heppner, H. C. Ashbaugh and C. E. Jones, of Eight Mile, were In on business yesterday. G. 1. Robinson and Orville Brown, of Hard, man, registered at the Palace yesterday. F. A. Hollabaugh, a theatre-man of Seattle was In Heppner In the capacity of a drummer Monday. William and Sam McDaulel accompanied by their wives were In town on a shopping tour yesterday from Hard man. Handbook of the Tariff. The understanding of the complicated pro visions of the new tariff has been greatly sim plified by the issuance of tills manuel. To digest the tariff law Is no easy task, but to digest the food taken into the gastric receptacle is rendered easy by the use of that thorough stomachic, Hostetter's Stomach Bitters. It pre vents and cures malaria, kidney and rheumatic trouble, remedies nervousness and insomnia, aud removes constipation and biliousness. Ap petite, as well as the ability to satisfy it without subsequent abdominal disturbance, is restored by this fine stomachic, which also accelerates convalescence. Persons In trfff decline of life. and the Infirm of evory ago and sex, find it of CHANCE to BUY WINTER CLOTHING BROWN BROS' Famous Tailor-made Suits that are Fash ionable, serviceable and fit to perfection. At Prices that are All Right. Our complete winter line of clothing has just arrived. It is strictly in fashion, and the material, make, cut, and fit, could not be better and the prices are what you can afford and are satisfied to pay. MEN'S SUITS and a line of OVERCOATS oteivlrw With J ark Psrker, t knows Jotkry, Jaok Farker, with Dairy Bennett, re tnrned from 1'rirjeville lust Tburslsy, and reports tbat the ti lirest In tbe raoas there was considerabl) marred, owing to tbe fact thai Neil, the owner of Tat Tucker, II airy N and Ltal, outotassi-d tbe other Imrs' e to the titent tbat no prso:ical hni' i ap oou'd evn u at ire and in c oinq'ii-nce to k everything un til Jaok to k the ssdlle oo IVn'aml Buttes, sal rod a wione- In a 'h e.. Hitihis dull , after a dnvi Ir ira tbe ttari to 'finish. L I h, after wintiig two races, wat sold by Mr. Neal t John Cbrismau of Long Ofek for 8250 and it ron-ilered a cbeau b"rs at toit 6wnr, llirry Bunetl bntngai P n to I O il bo it owned by Bn Hg,a'i, w b him, and lit wi'l bt kept on Haagga-t'-rsuch this winter. Tbis h ir mt'e remarkable rno at Anaooode last ia i mr, winning easily from a m ubt nf blgh c'ass horses, aud too I er season will py to keep vour eyson, HI Oi'v- came lo l"wn Hi n'.sy with the (bit distance b 'H Frisk a- d Fre -0 on , premising two js-r cld. which he will winter here. Oo Tbmktgin; dy Fossil will I ae a ran n t fling, to wblob Mr. Parker and oib-re Inten le.1 o ng, bnl the p'rmpects f a storm Las ehang'd their miodt. Jaok si g ( sl lb probable tncOf-se nf rsoe neetmge lo Q ppnsr, as there are onmro')s rsns borsi brrsdere lo this vloioity, providing a si's for tbe trick can le found. A moveaeot Is nn foot lo bnild a trark at lo'ie, n I II is probable lh M irrw I ponnty will have rhsbee li tr iio its rlo k at borne, Attention, Knight. The Hardman Lodge will be instituted Friday Nov. 25th, commencing at 1:80 o'olook P. M. All Kniuhts of Pythias oordinlly it vited to attend) and assist in the work. W. W. Kmkad, D. D. a. c. FUN IN TilK FOOTHILLS, Neighbors Unile la fnioothhig the Uosd of Life's .loarufy. Yesterday we listened to a recital of one of those "old-time house-warm logs," wbiob took place at the mountain home of Bab Dexter at the oomplelion of bie new bouse. Eagerly Ibe country folkt watobed its progiees, and at tbe first signal of smoke ciroling from its obimney and twinkling lights flickering from tbe cnrtainlest windows, gathered from near and far. Professor Iiomjack, famed for bit ability at a tcoul, declared oondltioot favorable to tu assault, and at once tbe baud of jlly neighbors througrd the threshold of bis door, find ion ine isicu siring naugtng out I t them. Bb, teimlig w.tb hispitilii , opened wide tbe door, where his wile stood ready to dispose of tbe load of good Ibi gi, impirtaot 1 1 an ooousion of ibis kind, r.uud the cheerful fire a short season of "jaro spinning" and neighborhood obal was indulged lo when the ' K" siting of a violin signaled nt Ibe announcement tbat the gay f siiviii; s of tbe night wi-re about to be giu. While those )onng i i years sod spirits wbiled aaay tbe nigbt lo tb"e idi) familiar limes, many t.f tl.e old. r le.ds sat back etciroliug tbe hearth, lost iu reveries of the past, their mid ds ru-cling n-ider the inspiration of this uigbt's gathering "honse-warmlog' tbey at'-uded years ago, before tboobtt of lbs waaterti frootier ever notared tbeir minds The luidulubl alarm was Ibe signal f r the ''grand mkroh" to where Mrs. Deiter aod others bad a temptii g luttd. Not nntil tbe gray of early rn rniug wae Ibaooriosity of Ibe prowl i ooyoies gsiosrwi on toe aarroaridi g billiops eitrstll Ibstt'ix night's ml liinment hl emhrol bnl twso'y five roogenUI neighbirs. This is but tbe oommenoament of tbe s-esoos sooiabdiiy among Ibe resiJenis of M rrow e routy's hi. Is, and especially in this vleinily w, b Bob Wntklos as lha moving spirit. Suitable for this Climate T , Call and Carefully Inspect Stock . ... An all-wool, serviceable suit, formerly sold for $10, now 7 " v - Black diagonal clay worsted suit, formerly sold for $15, now $12 All-wool overcoat, durable and neat fitting, $4 50 ' D f f D I C" Q I An extensive stock arriving every day. UnULLRI t.o . Frcsh and o the latest staple ines BoolSp ShoeSp and QvershoeSp Felts9 New line of Underwear, Hosiery, and Dress Goods just arrived. Blankets of all grades. The best 50c Blanket on the Market. We want your trade and will give you the best value for it. BROWN 4 lUCHES. A Clever Triek. It rerlainly looks lis it, bnl there le rally no trick about il. Anybody ceo try it wbo bss Isuie back and weak kl I- oeys, maiana or nervous troubles. We meau becao cars himself right away by taking LUotrio Hitlers. Una modiolus tones op Itie wool systrm, sots as a limn lent lo the liver sod kl due ) t, is e oukkj partner soil neiva lonlo. il cures O-instlpatioo bealache, fainting spoils, sispesos end nelancnoly, It Is purely vegetable, mild Isialiv. aod restores ths system to its oatnral vigor. Try Kleetrle Hitters aod m convinced that thry srs a mirame worker Kvery i"'ie trusrsnieel Uniy W rsols s bottia at hlocuru l)rnt .:,', K. i bl'r eatii, tuiogr. 1'OllR DAYS ONLY. Is the Karly I'srt of Dweoibsr. Ths German Npeoialists, from Port land, Oreg in, will be in Ueppner, at tbe Palace botel, aod wilt return once a month. If you bave cbronlo catarrh, consulta tion is free of obarge, V'i you blow moons from tbs nose? Are you troubled with bleeding of tbe nose? Are tbe noetrils obetrooted, making breatbiog difficult? Are you boaree al limes? Is Ibe mucus dropping down from the bank or nose loto the throat? Is your noes stopped op? Is ynor bearing alfeoted? Is your tbroal sore al times? I) i you sptl a good deal wben rising in lbs morning? Do you hrra and bek to clear your tbroal? Catarrh is a dangerous dlsesse, wbicb lals Into consumption. Weak eM corttd ; cross eyes tlationed without culling Ibe cord. Otarsota rmnvsd wlth"Ot a knife; glaaasa fitted where otbsre have Istled ; rnptore and bsrnls eornd wltbonl npsra lion. Ctiroolo rhsomatism aod kidney tronblse a specialty. 1 not fail lo sse lbs Osrman Hpeclal mts. A friendly talk will ooel you noth ing, and la boiiod lo reeull In a great dsl of good lo yoa, KsmrmUr tbe date. Time's Up Jssaary 1st. The attention ofeetllere oo railroad I md within tbe borden of Morrow omiity it called to tit fan tbat Iht lima for making Ibeir proofs on Iht tame expiree on Jsnnary let, 1819. Vawter Crawford, eonoty rlsrk, is aolboritsd to lake land filiogt and proofs, and Irsns- tt a general publio land bnsioese at hit office io tbe oonrt boots, at reason- le rstet and satlsfscllon guaranteed. 72 jao 1 Vrw Uoods. Ws are eoostsntly adding new goodt and now have ready for Inspection fine aoeortmeot of watobet, clocks, jewelry, silverware, nevaltiet and musical Inetro u.n.11, p, O. lu, jwffc An fieeedlsglf Closs TaU. N. A. Leach, Leilngton'a merchant and wool buyer, Informs oi of frolic one treeing last week tbat came near toding the eareer of Jaok Lane of tbi I place. A onmbor of the boyt bad gatb area together in oomfortsbls room for 1 a ellronnd good time, end upon Ibe in troduction of pitcher of older, dollar, Intended forjpsymenl, wat dropped Into Jack't glass and jokingly be remarked t int "everything goes." and smulvina the tame mads a miecsloolstioo on tbe oolo, wbicb bo intended awilobing off aod it wtol down bit threat. In thirl order trouble begso. All efforts to re move it proved unavailing for torn lima aod ti bit eyst were foroed from tbeir tooreU and ha wat fast develop log a eoodilioo of eoevolsloos, bis frsolio sffirleto raacblt by inserting bie flu gere down bia tbroal, eauaed blm to fortunately "heave It overboard," not only to bit own relief bnl lo Ibal of the byeiaodert. lit will k bit eider tlghr (rem Ibii tin. HAIUiOAO UNU. Betllsrs tributary lo Ion having rail road land and bave not made proof yet, by calling at tbe office or N. J. Hale, loot, Oregon, can make tbeir proof anJ tava lott of money. Time expire! Jan. 1, 8t8. All kindt of land butlnett tranttoted. Battlers located on vacant land. ' What lit. k. K. Halter Bays. Buffalo, N. I. Oeote: From my personal knowledge, gained in observing tbe effect of yoor Hhiloh't Cur lo oesee of advanced oontnmptioo, I am prepared to eav it it tbe most remarkable remedy Ibal Las ever been brought to my atten tion. It bat oerlelnly saved many from consumption. 6old by Coneer k Werreo. I Lost. One hundred and seventy five head of abeep io the mountain! near Ibe bead nl Bear ereek, Morrow oounly. A reward of 33 oeota per bead will be paid for lb recovery or information leading to tbe recovery of the stij abeep. E see aod lambe branded 11 ; yesrlioge branded V oo ahoubled; 2 ysar-oldt branded P oo blpa. Address, It r. M. Puna, Condon, Or Tlit O. R. fi.ciae. umm book oo the Reeoofo of Oregon, Washington aod Idaho ia being distributed. Our reedert are requested lo forward Ibe addresses of their Eastern friende tod acquaint anoea, and o oopv of Ibe work will bo sent tbem free. Tbis a metier all sboold be Interested lo, aod we would sk Ibst evsryooe take an Interest aod forward each ed U In W. 11. Ilorlbori, Oso ertl Pe-esnger Agnt, UB, N.Oo, I'ttmaod. 14. tt