Image provided by: Morrow County Museum; Heppner, OR
About Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 22, 1898)
The-Gazette. Tuesday, Nov. 22, 1898. The fearful havoc, the result of the Canyon City fire, should cause the city of Heppner eeiious re flection. Our town is bo situated, and a majority of its buildings of such inflammable material that un less we are constantly on our guard and thoroughly organized for an emergency, the future may have in store for us a conflagration equal to that cf our neighboring city. It behooves our young fire department to spare no effort that will perfect them for skillful work when the issued requires it. A 8COCNDRELLY THICK. How CoiiAdeaee Sharp Swlndlrd u Aged Con pie ob Lut Night' , CtliroraU ExpreM. Friday morning's overland train oo tbe "Short Liue" brongbt to Portland an aged oonpleby tbe Dame of Davit; Mr. Rod Mia. . Davie, of Medford. Tbe man is 82 years of age, bis wife some what bis Juuior. They were enroute to tbe Southern Oregon borne, after a happy visit to a married daughter in Kansas, and were contemplating their home-ooming with a great deal of pleasure. While strolling abont Portland daring tbe day, awaiting the departure of tbe evening overland, Mr. Davis waa aeoost ed by a fairly well dressed, pleaaant spoken man, who asked: "la not tbit Mr. E A newspaper whose columns overflow with advertisements of business men has more influence in attracting the attention to and building up a city or town than any other agency that could be em ployed. People go where there is business. Capital and labor will looate where there is an enterpris ing community. No power on earth is so Btrong to build up a town as a newspaper well patron ized, and its power should be ap preciatedOregon Scout. President McKinley is still re ceiving congratulations, by mail, from every section of the country on the eadorsement given him and his administration one of the most remarkable indorsements ever given to any president in the middle of his administration by the vorers of the country. The big head is an affliction unknown to him, but the president is natur ally proud of the confidence in him, whioh the re-election of a re publican majority of the house and the election of state legisla tures, which insure a big repub lican majority in the senate, ex pressed, aDd anxious that his future policy in connection with our newly acquired territory and his recommendations to congress, shall be of such h nature as to merit a continuance of that con fidence. If a conscientious desire to do the right thing for the country will enable him to do it, he will succeed. admiral ecu ley, wno was one of our military commissioners charged with the duty of arrang ing for the evacuation of Porto Ilico, is in Washington. He brought a full report of the work of himself and colleagues in Porto llico, with him, and it is now in tne nanus or tne president, tie refuses to discuss any of the numerous sensational stories deal ing with tbe relations, both per Bonal and official, between himself and Admiral Sampson, but has ex pressed an ardeut desire to get hold of tbe man who started tbe story that he was a democrat, li says that as a naval officer he has no politics other than his country and does not consider any other necessary; that his first and para mount duty is to the administra tion, Secretary Long has not de cided what duty Admiral Schley will next be assigned to, but will eudeavor to meet the admiral's wishes after conferring with him. . Davie of Medford?" "Yes, sir," responded tbe nneospioione old gentleman. Tbe ioe thus being eneoeefnlly broken the yonng stranger went on aek if Mr Davie bappended to be aoqnainted with Mr. Blank, of Medford, one of tbe lead ing cilzeoa there, and on reoieviog an affirmative reply, said be waa a nephew of Blank's and was going down thereto live and engage in business with hia nnoleand wound up by asking tbe Divis- es it they were going oat on tbe evening train. Being as so red that they were, tbe party separated with mutual expression of pies ore in tbe anticipated journey together; the stranger intimating that bis sister and ber two obildren would ia bim on tbe trip. Evening came and in due season Mr. and Mrs Davis were comfortably install- eb in one of the coaches ct the South bound express and qnietly wondering if they were to enjoy tbe company of tbe young stranger, bis sister and ber two ohildren. While they were speaking of the party, in they oame, tbe young man making straight for tbe aged couple, to whom be told a sorrowful tale of bag' gage held up for want of ready money, though be bad (and showed) plenty of checks wherewith to settle all possible expense, il be oonld bat oash them, but being a stranger and sway from end ore log friends, be could not get inch a favor etc, etc., and so could not make tbe trip but just wait until be heard from uoole, Blank etc, etc, This mournful(? story was accompanied by all the lugubrious signs necoessnry to make it effective, tears even figuring to eks out tbe desired im pression. Mr. aud Mrs. Davis, with the genuine honesty of long lives honestly lived, and in the warm kindness that possesses hearts inured to trouble aud dissapoint ment, opened their meagre purses and save to the aorouudrel $60 the old gentlemen furnishing $43 aud bis gentle old wife the balanoe. Tbe stranger hurried nway to release bis baggage (bis eister having quietly disappeared in tbe meantime,) promising to return instant ly and settle down for the night journey That be did not return, when tbe train got under bead way, gave the old people tbe first one to tbeontrage that bad been imposed upon Ibein, and they were very iodiunantand very sorrowful. A friend whom they met en route to the east side, promised to put the city police oo tbe traok of the ooofldsnce operator and it is hoped they may run bim down. Tbe game is aa old as the bietory ordne, and so ie the kindliness of deoeu bnman nature. The old gentlemen suffered most, ap pereutly, Irom tbe wrong done bis wife making light of hie own loss, and reiter atin g his assurance that he "would work bard and make it all god to ber even to tbe last cent." TELEGRAPHIC BRIEFS Boise. Nov, 16. Horaoa Yat fleet, of St. Antboay waa tbol and killed by F J. MoFarland while of elk banting on Squirrel Greek in tbe Teton mountains Monday . Tbe shooting waa accidental. Tbe men bad sighted band of elk, and crouching down, fired several shots to gether. Vanfleet suddenly jumped ap exoitedly crying, 'Tve got bim. I've got bim." MoFarland, also excited, turned swinging bia gun that way and by some means exploded, sending a ball through Vanfleet from aboulder to shoulder. A coroner's jury pronouuood the shooting accidental. McFarland carried tbe viotim of bis fatal aocident to camp in Squirrel Creek meadows. Both men were highly tbongbt of at St. Anthony. Portland, Nov. 15 Miat Abbie H. Zaoer, direotresa of nurses at Portland hospital, to-day reoeived a dispatoh from Sargeon-Geoeral Sternberg of the United States Army to proceed to Ma nila immediately with as many trained urees aa conld be secured in Portland. Miss Ziner will leave for San Franoieoo tomorrow and will be aooompanied by the following trained nurses: Miss Josephine Dunn, Mies Cecelia Earhart and Mable J. Lake. They will probably sail tor Manila Friday. Pobtbhojth, Eng., Nov. 17. Thousands of people today witnessed the launohing ot tbe battleship For mid able. She ie said to be tbe largest battleship in the world. A notable feature cf tbe launch of the battleship was tbe entwining ot tbe British and tbe American flags on the official stand. La Oiundb, Or., Nov. 15. John Col lins, an employee of tbe O. R. AN. Com pany, who waa fatally injured by a pre mature blast near Mecbam yesterday, died at 6 o'olock Ibia morning. He bad been employed by tbe company for i long time, at one timebeing night watoti man in the yards here. He waa 62 yeara of age, and a native of Ireland. He was unmarried and had no relativee in this oountry. Cliviland, Nov. 15. Republican national headquarters, according to Seoretary Dick, will be opened in Wash ington as soon as congress convenes and preparations tor the oampaign ot 1900 will go forward rapidiy. Pabis, Nov. 16 The court ot csea- tion bas informed the minister ot oolo' nies that it deoided that Dreyfus be in' formed by telegrapy of tbe revision of the proceedings commenoed and that h prepare his defense. Seat fLi, Nov. 15. The steamer Ceo tenuial, which arrived from Hilo, today reported that tbe steamer Columbia bound from Honolulu to this port sank in the harbor ot Hilo November 2nd Tbe Columbia opened seams when about 400 miles off the Hawaiian ooast and put back to Hilo, She bad a number of paesengere on board but there were no casualties, Saw Fbanoisoo, Nov. 12. Cap'ain Qreenbill Palmer ot tbe Wyoming light artillery ooinmitted suicide last night by shooting himself througn tbe bead. When Palmer's oompany sailed oo the Newport for Manila be waa left be niud owing to bis mental oondition. This worried bim considerably onlil bis oondition became worse, ending in suioide. He leaves a wife and two children . IONS MOTES. From Jastloe of the Peaoe Haywood, who spent yesterday in our city we made note of tbe following items of interest: New enterprise are being talkid and Ione's prospects are bright. Thursday night Hal Ely was held up by a thag, and relieved of $54 at Douglas M. M. Hunter, the hotel man, seems well pleased with his baaiuess experi ment, and tbe town feels that he ie the kind of oitixen a progreesive commun ity needs. While tbe town Ie not overcrowded as was tbe case during the grain and wheat hauling season, those who come to town are here fur business, which keeps tbe merchants buey. lone is going steadily ahead, a num ber of business men building neat homes ia addition to the numerous business Louses ereoted there daring the epring and summer. Among those who have their homes under bead way of uonstruo tion are, Bert Woods, O. II. Colvio, Frank Ingleman and Mrs Hale. Tbe Best Plaster. A pieos of flannel dampened with Chamberlain's Paia Balm aod bound on to the affeoted parts is superior to fitly plaster. When troubled with a pain iu tbe cbeet or side, or a lame back, give it a trial. Tou ate oertain to be more than pleased with tbe prompt relief wbiob it affords. Pain Balm is also a oertain cure for rheumatism. For sale by Couser & Warren. Hood's Restore full, regular action of the bowels, do not Irri tate or Inflame, but leave all the delicate digestive or- mnlim in perfect condition. Try them. 35 centl. hie pa red only by C. I. ,Uood & Co., Lowell, Mast, His He solutions. Wbrbias, it has pleased the supreme ruler ot the Universe, to remove from our midst oar beloved sister, Mrs. Nancy Sloan. Therefore, bs it resolved, that Ruth Chapter No, 82 tenders its most heart felt sympathy to the immediate family ot said deceased, realizing fall well that in ber death they have lost a kind and loving mother; Ruth Chapter, one o its most respeoted members; the com munity in whioh she lived, a noblo wo man and neighbor. Be it farther resolved, That a copy of these resolutions be spread npoo tbe reords ot tbe lodge, and a copy banded to eaob of tbe Heppner papers for publi cation. Katie Morrow, Helen M. Warren, Effib Gilliam, Committee. Millions Given Away. It is oertainly gratifying to the pub lio to know of one concern in the land who are not afraid to be generous to tb needy and suffering. Tbe proprietor of Dr. King's New Discovery for Con sumption, Coughs aud Colds, have giv en away over teu milllioo trial bottles of this groat medicine and have tbe sat mfaolion of knowing it bas absolutely eured thousands ot hopeles easee. Asluia, Hronoliitis, Hoarseness and all diseases of the Throat, Chest and Lungs are surely oured by it. Call oo E. J. Klocutii, Drnggiet, aud get a trial bottle tire, regular site 50o and $1. Every bottle guaranteed or money refunded. your Brit Interests Will be served by making snre ot health It will be a loss ot time aod money to be stricken with serious illness, Take Hood's Saraaparilla and purify your blood. Io this way all germs of disease will be expelled, sickness and suffering will be avoided, and your health will be preserved. Isn't this a wise ooarseT HOOD'S PILLS are tbe only pills to take with Hood's Sarsaparilla. Prioe 25 oenls. Bncklen's Arnica Salve. Tbe Best Salve in the world for Cuts, Braises, Sores, Uloers, Salt Rbeum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, ant", all Shin Ernp tions, and positively cures Piles or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfeot satisfaction or money refunded. Prioe 25 cents per box. For sale by Bloonm Drug Co., E. J. Slooum, manager THE BENE ("IT CONCEttT. Tbe Entertalumcnt a Decided Success and Well Attended. The Qazettb tenders its readers en apology for failing to report tbe inter esting features ot tbe Benefit Concert, given at tbe opera house last week, whereby the amount of thirty-four dol lars was realized, to i ply to tbe indebt edness of tbe Christian ohuroh, for the removal of which Rev. Shelley is devot ing considerable energy, and while he is enable to gain employment At a salary, has donated bis professional oompenea' tiou to help raine the debt. Demoralization oonsequment upon tbe installation of new printers, necessitat ing atteution to so muuy details, is re sponsible (or the overlook. We earnestly feel that loo il talent ii entitled to all encouragement passible, aa in an iuolnted a otijn of tbe country we are dependent principally upon thim for our entertainment. While three interesting numbers of tbe programme wore omitted, the packed audidnce was eutertaiued in a tnojt eatixfactory mauner. The instrumental duet, the first number on the programme by Miss Cora Hart aud Mrs. Herbert Bartholomew, uwnkeued tha musioal lovere to an appreolution of our looal talent, which called forth applause from every part of the house. Miss Margaret Eliee Bartholomew, iu her vocal piece aooompanied by Miss Fay Bartholomew on the piano, made a deoided "hit" with ber eweet voics aud popular seleolions. Miss Julia Rose Hart oame next on tbe programme with "The Biumenstuck," by Sohumaun. This beiDg her firbt appearanoes in publio since ber return from the conservatory of music, her many friends were eagerly anxious to hear her, and il goes without saying that she came up to their expectation in its full st-nse, and a continued applause demandiug a respoute from the accom plished lady, demonstrated their appre ciation of classical music, uliss Emma Aiilla Weloh in h r quaiut old songs was decidedly pleasing. Mica Eva Aj berta Bryan heldtue audience's undivid ed attention, with a selected ra citation, after whioh Miss Juliii Hart rendered "Ballade" by RUuiobdrgar, ia a manner the musical talent Ihoromiily appre ciated, when tbe putHrtuirmea t came to its conoiusian with a e d, e title' "Just as the 8uo Went D vwn," by Mie. Elsie Irene Aerf, who simply oarne the atidi'nae completely away will sweet musical voice. Professor Hoi brook, as a substitute for a missing number, made ft few impressive remutk oo Selfishnefs." Try a box of COLD AND GRIP TABLETS Ttiey Cure a Gold In One Dan. PRICE TWENTY-FIVE CTS. Sold by S1VOCUM DRUG The Cutting Remarks made by our competitors are inspired by jealousy at the re markable cutting qualities of the fine line of cutlery lately received by 7 skx r? P..C. Fine three-piece carving Bet, of guaranteed quality, at $1.25 per set. The largest and beet assortment of scissors and shears ever shown in Heppner, with pocket knives, butcher knives, bread knives, paring knives, and hay knives are constantly in stock. Good Goods.... Fair Prices.J -AT-- T. R. HOWARD'S. T?,' Groceries, Provisions, Glassware, Tinware and Furnishing Goods. Staple and Fancy Groceries- Fine leas ana voffees. IV R. HOWARD, Heppner, OOTS AND SHOES THE PLACE TO GET THEM IS OF ax. ivic ix tjszztliajl, & co. They have anything In this line that you may desire and you can depend on It you get a good article when they guarantee it. SHOES IN ALL THE LATEST STYLES. Old Stand. Main Street Repairing Specialty A BEAUTIFUL DISPLAY Is that of plain and decorated Chinaware & Queensware At Gilliam & Bisbee's And by the way they have anything you ran call lor In the lino of Hardware, Htovua aud Tinware. GO WHERE YOU CAN GET WHAT YOU WANT. WHOSE BUSINESS IS IT? If rcHn'n in love that's his b'lRima-; If girl's in Itm thst's ber business; It Ibey apt married it's our business to famish tbeir borne from kitcbeo to parlor--an w oitrry a timet ootnp!ee stock of Furnilort, Carpets, Mattings, Wall Taper, Stoves, Ranges, Gratiilnure, Tinware, Etc, Aod layout business to drop in, examine good Hid get price. WELLS & CO., Heppner, Or. The Central Market C. H. BBYMEE Dealer in -,... ..Fresh, Salt and SmoKefl Meats Fish and Oysters Every Friday. In opening this market we solicit the patronage of the public assuring them the best of meats, and gentle manly and considerate treatment. THE CENTRAL MARKET, Heppner, Or. Drugs Medicines Toilet CASTOR I A For Infantt &nd Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Artlctes Bean the Signature of school books Stationery PaiQts Oils Glass c i a A U s Conser & Warren, Dmggti That U-Year Old Stuff, "KohiVs Best," On Tap Down at The Telephone Saloon e e IT IH KAliit QOOOM e e New Stand, City Hotel Building, rOWr TIlvIvARD, JEror. WINTER I MEIie :AND; Wish to announce to the public that their entire stock ot AVIXTJSR GOODS such as Jo-oliLots crad Capes, Dress Qoods. Overcoats, 01ot3trinsr, Blankots, Will be sold at a sweeping reduction. This is your opportunity. Vinong this stock are many rare bargains. Call at once and dlVV TFTTC Iglllgr!i?.lln-IC!.L1- Special attention has been given to this department and we have a complete lino of Fancy groocrie selected especially for this winter's trade. We appreciate your trade and carry goods that will warrant it. It is a pleasure to show onr goods and familiarize you with prices and values.