Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, November 22, 1898, Image 1

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If you have bargains to
offer, announce it through
the columns of the
The Gazette will contain
the latest telegraphic news
From the Seat of War. '
NO. 703
Published every Tuesday and Friday
EiLltor and Uaaag'-
One Year
Six Months
Three Months
Advertising Rates Made Known on
Entered at the Postofflce at Heppner, Oregon,
as second-class matter.
United Btates Officials.
Ptfoicient. William McKinley
Vi President, Garret A. Hobart.
Seoretary of Stats W. H. Day
(sacrntsry of Treasury Lyman J. Snpe
Secretary of Interior Cornelius N. Bliss
SeiH'otaty of War Kuseell . Alger
SwereUry of Navy John D. LonK
I'ostinnster-Geaoral Charles Emery Smith
Attorney-General John W. Griggs
SiXi-f'tary f Agriculture James Wilson
State of Oregon.
Govornor W. P. Lord
Secretary of State H. it. Kincaid
Xreasnrer Phil. Metechan
Bupt. Public Instruction U. M. Irwin
Attorney General C. M. Idleman
dsiutor. !G. W.iloBride
Con.., wa.K.EillDBne
Printer W. II. Leeds
!R. 8. Bean,
Y. A. Moore,
C. K. Wolverton
Sixth Judicial District.
(! nsnit Jailurc Stephen .Lowell
Pocwmtiog Attorney H. J. Bean
Horrow County Oniciala.
Joint Senator J. W. Morrow
i ODresentative ri. L. rreolaud
'onnty Jaice A. U. Bartholomew
'omniissioners J.K. Howard
J. W. Heokett.
" Clerir Vawter Crawford
' Sheriff li- L. ftiatlock
' 'i'roiisurer M. Licbte::thal
' Asfttafcor A C. Pettcya
' .Surveyor Julius Keithly
Aohooi Hus't..... Jay W. Shipley
I iortmM ui. li. . tiuniojK
nr.i PNER Town opfioebs.
Mayor Thos. Morgan
("wncumeii K. J. Kloeum, H
l.ichtonthal, .1. B. Simons, J. J. Huberts, J. W
Hnnmiifl find K. ii. Hnerrv.
It xMiiiii.r W. A. HichardHon
Trowiursr L. W. Urines
Marshal John Haer
Precinct Offlcerc.
Justice of the Peace W. E. Kichardson
(Vnetablo G. B. Gray
United States Land Officer.
Jay P Lucas B.i?r
Otis I'attorsoa ltacciver
LA anAHDS. on.
E. W. Harriett,...-. Hnrfntor
i. O. Swackheimer ...Keceivbr
A7egetablePreparationfor As
similating tkToodandBegula
ling the Stomachs andBowels of
ness andRestContflins neither
Opium.Morphine nor Mineral.
Not Nabcotic.
i , r
1 IS
; in
i'"HHIIIliih"'li;iia I I I
Kraft arOldVrSAMUELmimJl
Pumpkm Sml
Anitt Setd
Jifpermint .
famSud -Cfanud
Soger .
Arjcrfect Remedy for Constipa
tion, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea,
Worms .Convulsions .Feverish
ness and LOSS OF SLEEP.
Tac Simile Signature of
1 For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears tie
WAR ill
President of the Spanish Peace
Commission Rebels.
You Have
Always Bought.
America Demands 'Cession of Philippines, One
of the Carolines and Cable Rights of Other
Island to Be Complied With Not
Later Than November 28th.
fmsT Rational Jank
U. A RHEA....
T. A. RHEA. . . .
President I (J. W. CONSER Cashier
.Vio PreeiJent E. L. FHEELAND. . AesiBtant Uttobier
Transact a General Banking Business.
Collections made on all polntson reasonable terms. . Surplus and undivided prutlts :i5,(X0.
Associated PrcBi Dispatches. .
Pabis, Nov. 21. The Spanish and American peace commissions
met in joiot session at 2 o'clock this , afternoon. The Americans de
clared they must have the entire Philippine archipelago, and asked
for a treaty cession of the inlands. The Americans tendered to Spam
$20,000,000. It is further declared it is the purpose of the United
States to maintain the Philippine islands as an "open door" to the
world's commeice. v
On the terms named, the United States proposes the mutual re
linquishment of all olaims for indemnity, national or personal, subse
quent to the outbreak of the last Cuban insurrection.
; November 28th is fixed as the date on which the United Btates
commission desired a definite response to today's propositions, and all
other subjects at issue.
It is also declared the United States desires to treat on the re
ligious freedom of the Caroline islands as agreed upon between the
United States and Spain in 1886, and also the acquisition of one of the
Caroline islands for an American naval station, and of cable-landing
rights at other places in Spanish jurisdiction and revival of oertain
Spanish-American treaties as heretofore in force.
The Americans also refuse to arbitrate article 3 of the peaoe pro
tocol, bearing upon the future disposition and control of the Philippine
islands. ... w...t - ' ' -'
The meeting then adjourned until Wednesday. '
The memorandum of the American commission embodying th '
above proposition is long, and was not read in full. The vital portions,
however, were communicated verbally to the Spanish commissioner! :
in practically these terms: The fact was cited that the proposal pre
sented by the American commissioners on behalf of the government .
for the cession of the Philippines to the United States having been re
jected by the Spanish commissioners and a counter proposal of the'
latter for the withdrawal of the Americans from the islands and pay.
ment of an indemnity by the United States to Spain having been re
jected by the Americans, the latter deeming it essential that present 1
negotiations, already greatly protracted, should be brought to an earlyT
definite conclusion, now beggad to present a new proposition embody-' 1
ing the cession which for the sake of peaoe their government would be
under the circumstances willing to tender. ' f
. The governmsnt of the United States is unable to modify the pro. ' !
posal heretofore made for the cession of the entire archipelago of the'"'
Philippines, but the Amerloan commission is authorised to offer to !
Spain, in case the cession should be agreed to, $20,000,000, to be paid
in accordance with the terms of the treaty of peaoe. It being the policy
of the United States to maintain in the Philippines an open door to the 3
world's commerce, the American commissioners are prepared to insert
in the treaty, now in contemplation, a stipulation that for a term of I
years Spanish ships and merchandise shall be admitted into Philippine
porta on the same terms as American ships and merchandise. -
The American commissioners are also authorized to insert in the ; ,
treaty a provision for the mutual relinquishment of all claims for t
indemnity, national and individual, of every kind of the United Stated r
against Spain, and Spain against the United States, that may have . '
arisen since the beginning of the Cuban insurrection and prior to the
conclusion of the treaty of peace. ;
Next followed the terms nearest approaching a formal ultimatum t
to Spain. The United States commissioners expressed the hope that ;
they might receive from the Spanish commissioners on or before Mon- . '
day, the 28th inst, a definite and final aooeptanoe of the proposals1
made as to the Philippines in connection also with demands as to
Cuba, Porto liico and other Spanish islands of the West Indies, and
r.nVt irk 41-lA t nf n 1 n V lU nni. 3 w n n .3 1 . " If . i
vjuolu, 111 iuo luiiu iu wuiuu tucoo ueuiauun uava ueeu proviBlOuttliy '
agreed to.
Washington, D. C, Nov. 21. A well-known member of the
uouaudii u iu iuici udh vuio at toi uuuu liu liiouioioi jr Uliur liUO HUUOUQOe.
ment of the breaking off of peace negotiations, made the following '
statement as to the effect of the discontinuation of negotiations: ''
"The action of the Spanish commissioners will not affect the pur.
pose of the American government Our government will still assert l
precisely what it has claimed, and it will proceed to carry these claims ' '
into exeoution. Idon t believe there will be Bny concession on one, ' "
and that is the American side, nor actual resistenoe on the other. It
will simply remain for the American government to hold what it has 1
proposed to hold, for it is now Drastically in possession, and all that "
remains is to make this possession an aotual fact"
IT'x'oiii Xlils Date On
gome Bit dost shjhlL goinie at Sflessitliaiii: (Odst
There is an elegant line of these goods about 100 or so. The prices we sell them at are startling, but genuine. Every single garment in the lot is a
genuine snap. They are all in latest styles this season's goods. Nothing old and out-of-date. Bright, new, clean garments at extremely low prices'.-
wb rcisvrere ATvireTPigtreT a. baroaix that was jvott a qisivuiivis oivre.
When we sell you goods, at what they cost us wholesale we consider that we are giving you a good bargain:
Plush Cape, Trimmed in Black Soutache Braid, Thibet
r ur Lollar, reduced trom -
Black Kersey Cape, 31 inches Long, Trimmed in Fancy
Stitched Straps in Silk, Soutache Braid, High Storm
Collar, reduced from - - - - -
S5.50 to S4 00
12.50 to 9.00
Fine Black Kersey, Front and Back Trimmed with Fancy
Straps, Storm Collar, Lined with Silk Rhadama,
Length of Cape 25 inches, reduced from - 10.00 to tt.00
Fine Cadet Blue Kersey Cloth, Silk-Velvet Collar, Red
Silk Lining, Trimmed with Black Silk Soutache,
and Narrow Satin Ribbon the most stylish thing in
the house reduced from
15.00 to 11.00
A Black Boucle, Rhadama Lining, Trimmed in Black
Hercules Braid, reduced from - - - 14.00 to 10.00
Black Boucle, Trimmed Applique in Broadcloth Straps
and Small Round Buttons, from - - 12.00 to 9.00
Green Boucle Cloth, Changeable Green, Rhadama lining,
a High Grade Article, from ... . 15,00 to 10.00
A Light Tan Kersey Cloth, Changeable, Taffeta Lining,
reduced from - - - - - . 15.00 to 11.00
An English Tan Kersey Cloth, Lined Throughout with
Tan Rhadama Satin, reduced from - - 15.00 to 11.00
A Navy Blue Kersey Cloth, Trimmed with Straps of
Same Material, and Pearl Buckles Front and Back,
reduced from 12.50 to 10.00
Black Kersey Cloth, Box-Front, Tailor-Made, from 7.50 to 6.00
We can enumerate only a few of these bargains in Ladies'
in everything in this department a
Clonks Jind Cnnns. Thn nrinn.rmtfnr mif . lnnn rmali
wide, deep, sweeping gash.
A Beautiful Line of Children's Jackets and Reefers Unmercifully Slaughtered
jVliiO-or & Co.
Cone and Get YOUR SIZE We SITUS and SIZES are Complete.
Minor & Cot