1 . SOCIETIES. BAWLJN8 POST, NO. IL G. A. B. Meets at Heppner, Or., the third Saturday ot sach month. All veterans ars Invited to tom. W.W.Smith. . O. W.Km, Adjutant. tt Commander. D. J- McFaul, Al. D- HEPPNER, OREGON. Office hours, 8 to 10 a. m., and 12 to 2 p. m., at residence, and 10 to 12 a. m., and 2 to 5 p. m., at oUice in the rear ol Borg's jewelry store. C. E. Redfield ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office In First National Bank building. Heppner, Oregon. Ellis & Phelps ATTORNEYS AT LAW. All business attended to in a prompt and satisfactory maimer. Notaries Pub lic and Collectors. Office in Natter's Building. Heppner, Oregon. D E Gil man GENERAL COLLECTOR. Put your old books and notes in his hands and get your money out of them them. Makes a specialty ol hard collec tions. Office in J. N. Brown's building, Heppner, Or. W. A. Richardson JUSTICE OF THE PEACE and CITY RECORDER. Office at comncil chambers. Sells and buys real estate, rents houses, pays taxes, does conveyancing and will serve you lu any way in his line, at reasonable figures. DItEDGKIl VT WOUK. Taming Over Stud In the Juhn Day Kiver. Set In Motion Last Monday. Bedrock Democrat, Nov, 14th, Mr. W. T. Urtp, cf Kimsns City, Mo., betid ot the Urie Mining Machinery Company, is in the city and stopping at tbe Wartihbur. Mr. Erie came ia last evening over the S. V. Ity. from John Day, Grant county, where on lsst Mon day he witnessed the huge dredger of bin company Bet iu motion ou the gravel beda of tho John Day river. Mr, Uiie ia on his way home to Kan sas Ciiy wi'il satisfied with the saocets thus fiir attending hie dredger. The firnt day the mechine whs operated sev eral hiiudrd yurds of dirt were handled. In the afternoon the dredger grounded causing il to ftLut down till a dam was oonstrnoted across the stream. The maehiuery when in good ruoniriff order will hatidlo 2000 yards of dirt every 24 hours. Twoshifta coosiatiug of Ave men eaoh will bo employed and the dredger will bi in operation day and night. A fifty-libt capacity dynamo has been placed on the boat acd it presents a pleaBiog spectacle io the night. A flfty-horte power Nugle engine and an eighty-horse power boiler ran the massive mitohiuery. Messrs Gilbert & Pomeroyof Portland have at present secured about miles of the river and will get ooutrul of more as soon as possible. The dredger in owned by the GrifTctb & McDcvitt Construction Co.i Chicago. Mr. Urie oumeherd laat week from Kansas City to see that everything wbb in proper shape to start up, He 'tire Tea in packages at grocers' Schillin BURGLARY IN COOS. State News. Mrs. Q. M. Irwin, wife ot State 8ud- erntendent Irwin, ii perfeoting herself in medicine at tbe Cooper Medical Iueti tae in San Franoisco. "Al" gnyder, of the McMinovi! e Transcript is a variable mnn. Ia cd dition to poshing tbe penoile and weild ing the shears on the Ttaosonpt, he bolds a government poiition at 8303 u year, is clerk ot tbe legislature al 8 a day, aud recorder of Ibe city of Mo Minoville at 820 a month. Besides ai I this, Mr. Snyder cbd at a pinch sing a solo, play a corset or lead a htaos i baud, F. C. Hindle who has been R B acut at this plsoe for tbe past 4 yean, hn been promoted end will be succeed EB Swinburne 100 00 Conier & Warren 9 65 Sloontn Drug Co 9 oa W Morrow W 1 C Borohers 30 00 W Shipley 18 00 J W Beckett 28 00 JLHV.ward 20 00 R E Hood 'it W W J Davis HOW Good aamariton H soital . 50 00 The couit then Bdj-jurned. G. B. Hatt TONSORIAL ARTIST. Shaving, - 15 Cents Hair Cutting, 25 " Shop, Matlock Corner, Heppner, Oregon. The Fostoffice at Arago Burglarized off 1,500 US Masked Men. Sunday night, November 8b, about . . . . i . 3 .L. 8 o'clooK two rnassea men eniereu here by Mr. J. E. Crans. Mr. tod Mrs poetoffloe at Arago. Tbe office is In tbe Eindle bave m warm fliBndg her . . IT TT fl . I 1 L - 4. 1 rosiaeuce ot w. a. oouroeuer, sue Vu.- who wjll bo g tQ MB tMm M master. Mr. Sohroeder was io the "P" Hindis bas been tbe leading spirit m per pari ot me nouse wucn me uieu - Dumber of mufjical 6nd liUrary eute terea, du a man nanoea i-eter row w uimneuta during bis residues here, II inineomje. ine roDoers oraereu u.ui . . ,,,-, nrt jn.tmator of th outside. Thy tiod bis feet and bands, Arlington Ooooert Band since its or-am then fastened him to a milk cart, in Boob zatiou, two years ago, rod tbe band buy n, v.;u .o mn ha will be sorry io see tbe leader leave m i . , . ,. ,.j will be bard to fiDd a man to t.ke hie was udboib io ram, Auey iuu place. Arlington Beview, to lue nouse ana torcea uir. ouurueum to come down stairs, and at point of a revolver, compelled him to open tbe safe. They helped themselves to its oontents, there being about 81500, $1300 belonging to the Arago creamery, ii ud $200 being postal funds Postmaster Sohroeder is a or mna nnhUtnnff PBtiiitanna H h ATI ff . j j .i . the proprietors of the mills are willing Gage and a posse found the ' k donate more thau half, but do Dot thfl rnhhnrfl ABrfV thill TnorDIDff Bud lOl- aqm kr Hnn arn b 1 TKn hi an If al a rat . . - , I w wwj---- v I V, l CJ U"UO w uilt uibuuui says ma. ne nas several areugers unaer . . u . . The oonuUy ig tainly a beauty, and it is claimed that oonstruotion, one in Montana, anotner i .rAait anj tha BhBriff thinks beyond question tbe baudaomeet tbey oannot possibly esonpe. Tbe Salem Wooleu mills bus offered I to sll the "Oregon" blanket, which was on exhibition at the' exposition, to any person or organization that will pre sent it to Captain Clarke ot the battle ship Orcgou, for 850. This the manag i.. j ol the mills Bays is $60 less tbe blanket ripyio, -uU - ...... . o nuiufiji cuui iu ujauuiuuburc ue coy Mathews & Gentry BARBERS. Shaving - 15 Canta Hair Cutting 25 " Shop two doors South of PostoJce A. JWallory, U. S. COMMISSIONER Is authorized to tako all kinds ol LAND PKOOFH and LAND Fli.INtJfl. Colleiaions malo on reasonable torms. Olnce at resilience on Chase street, J. W. Morrow ATTORNEY AT LAW and U. S. COMMISSIONER. Office iu Palace hotel building, Heppner, Or. in Utah, Last fall several were sent to the Klondike and good results obtained. One man cltmued up $32,000 in twelve days, The following will give our renders an idea of tbe working of the immense ma chine. The dredger digs and elevates the ma terial into a hopper, thouce passing into a revolving screen, where a constant fl jw of water is supplied by a oentrihi gul pump, which thoroughly washes aud Hepiiriiietj the ooaree gravel from the line, the coarse stone pussing out of the screen over the chute, the Que gravl and water falling through the ncreen, thence into the sluioe box, which ia ro vided with riffles, amalgam plates aud traps fur faying Hie gold. The 1'iig'ii of the hulder ia (jovrTned by the depth i.f (Ub wr.t ir mid gfvel worked, fio-n 16 to 40 feet, the ladder being supplied with patent automatic geaiir.g, whioh is set to wiiliHtand a oor tain stniin ou the bucket and chains. If the s nun becomes oaught or fouled in blanket ever mads. Tbe border is made up of stars and stripes, while the cent is a perfect representation of the battle ship, woven in national colon. Ml m Vou can? hsLNibacarad If you suffer from any of tk ills cf men, come to t':c o!.".t Specbliit oa the pacific Coiit, OS. ICRfiAN ft CO., . .1051 Market it tsfd IfcEZ. v yonu? men and middle a '. u men who are suiierir.g I IWm ,Um fFmMe nf vnlllhfnl innUcr110nS Or CX- CeSSeS in maturer years. Nervous and Physical Debility ,ImiMuc7,ijOM uiniirs". in all its complications; Miei'lfator r iiK'tti (Koiimrr of tlrliiniins;, By n I combination of remedies, of great curauvepow er, the Doctor has so arranged his treatment that it will not only attorn inimeuiate renei oai The llnctor does not claim to I perform miracles, hut is well-known to be a fr.ir and square Physician and Surgeon, pre-eminent in his specialty Jiisetises or.TJen. Nyplillii thoroughly ernflicnteaiiooi vi nv man fumivitiif to tis will re- i Celve our honest opinion of his romvilHint. 1 We will Uuarantce a P0S1TJ VK CUKE In every eaie vie undertake, or oretc Unc Consultation RfcE and strictly private. CHABQES VERY RKASONAltLE. Treat ment personally or oy letter, neno lor noo. Ires. (A valuable Dook lor men.; VINIT IB. JORDAN'S Great Museum of Anatomy i the finest and largest M useum of its kind in the world. Come and learn how wonderfully you are made; how to avoid sickness and disease. We are continually adding new specimeiw. VATALOVUJH iKJSJP. can or write. 10BI Market Stresi. San Francisco, Cat. F8ST TI1II SEH1BE DfllLY-- TO THE EAST VIA mm KM I ISLINO ROM Fast Express Leaves DENVER, . . :30 V- m. " ruttlil-u, . . 1 Ol v " ' CObD. fil'HINOa . . 8:t0 p m. Colorado Flyer Arrives 1'UPEKA reives KNHAS wn 8:55 p- m. MX) p. m. Arrives UN J('LN " OMAHA " DKH MOINES " 1'iiOlilA " CHICAGO 2:11 p. m. 4:'2S p. m. lean p. m. 11-20 a. m. 81)0 a. in. Leaves DKNVER - . 2-.SS p. m " COI-O. SPRING fcJ 2:85 p. m. Arrives TO PKKA . . Ws. m. " KANSAS CITY . 9:15 a. in. Ar. ST. LOUIS. (Wab. IrCy) 6:15 p.nZ Arrives ST. JOSEPH . 10:40 a. m. Arrives LINCOLN (Kx tiixn) 6:45 a.m. " OMAHA (Ex bai, ) . 8::.0 a. m. " CO.LLUF. 8, . . 9.10 a.m. Through Sloppo-8 ani Chair Cars Colerado to Chiiiiyro. VViuo 1 euome iuiuukuuuh. tine-si. train in the West. For particulars and folders giving time of these trains write mm l r-r I I nPBFUOISE. t. t. l -Luy, POllTLAND, ORE. Through Sleepers Colorac3e Springs to St. Louis via Walaibi K'y. A. H. P. A., TOPEKA. J IM O. ti. SEBASTIAN, P. A., CHICAGO. si 'SPICTOW 11 PAGfflG TUIIOCG!! TICKETS -TO THE East and Southeast VIA THE ii. a. COUNTY COUBT PBOCLBU1NG8. THK HYPNOTIC EYK. A Bailor Inlliifnced While Dnder a Fit Id Now York. Nbw Yoke, Nov. 10. HypnotlBm was The Coaoty Court tu in tbe regular employed by a Belle vue hospital Burgeoo I gea8jou last Weduesdsy, Judge A. L, ia eabdoiDg man io a fit whom five Bartholomew peraidiug. J. W. Beokei polioemeo coald not overoome. The hnc J. L Howard, county oommiesiouera sailor, who had developed all the Vawter Crawford, oouuty clerk sod E. strength ot a mnioio, pulled all five of L. Matlock, sheriff, preaeol tracsHOtsLg the poliomnu nbont tbe pavement and the followiuii business: very nearly eeoHped. The blue ooats CouQrmatioo o( soript In state oese fRLIR6T0fi-FOSSIL STAGE LINE H. REED & ) rrurietor8 A. O. OGILVIE j ir,rietor9- FARE FROM ARLINGTON TO Fossil (60 miles). ..?5U0 Round trip ?!)00 Mayville (53 mllci') . 4 00 Round trip 7 00 Condon (39 miles) . . 3 00 Round trip 6 00 Clem (28 miles).... 2 00 Round trip 850 niMx namiles) 150 Roundtrip 850 StflKe leevc-s Arlington every morning (Sunday exoepted) at 6 o'clock; ia due at Condon at 3 p. m. und arrives at Fos sil at 7 p.m. Comfortable coverad coaohee and care ful, experienced drivers. S. A. D. Gourley, A TTORNE Y-A T-LA W. Prao.tlclonor in all Statu and Fuiluml Courts. were about to ask for the help of the by etanders, when Dr. Wheeler, the arubul uuoe Burgoon, took a hand iu the pro oeeding. "Let the man go," he said. All tbe policeman linqaished their hold aud the sailor ran into the middle of Sixteenth Street. Dr. Wheeler fol lowed him up and caught his eye. The doctor is slight of build and the blnejaok el, belonged to the Brooklyn, is nearly fans musolce like iron. THE THROUGH OAR LINE. PULLMAN PALACE 8LEEPEB8. PITLLMAN TOURIST BLKErEKSf. FREE BECLISING CHAIB CABS, Portland to Eastern Cities Without Change. Quiok Timo. Union Depots. Personally Conducted Excursions. BaRgwie Checked ti Destination. Direct line to Trnns-MiBsissippi and Inter national Expiration ueiu b uuium, -, June to WoyemDer, ,ther information partaining to Onion Paciflo J. H.LOTHROP, or J. C. H ART Agt. ""'BrltaiS;: Heppner. Or, CHICAGO iHtR & 51. Paul ..... .-II J unv nini.ir. tliH lin.nliim.lv strinH niitn- "IX ibbi mil, nun m.,ri,...iiv The surgeon followed the man with jhis Tlio Iml.h-r in snpiit rtcd R id hold in posiiiitu by pulleys and wire cable at tached to unci 0( eri.tod by a worm eear ARLINGTON - OREGON Dr. Al. B. Metzler -DENTIST- hoiht, cit.ukuied wish the engine. Tlw bK in ki-pt up to itH work by the epud nt tliB ror, or by thsi b"td liueo operr.ti d by the wicchco ritipplioil for th'H pnrp"B0. TI e e v. i ri phnt is operated by only rangnf tic eye. The sailor gazed into the f Hce of tbe doctor an 1 an expansion of astonishment and of four oame into hiu e)es. The buirboo made rayetio paexes about the mau's head. The sailor.witb his eyes intttutly fixt'd upou the physi oieu's face, imitated the movements The duotor stepped to oiie side, aod the j tokie followed him. "Turn in"," said the dotor, leadiajf fivft ri'.(n I't ii nrst uf nlinnt hnr ilnv. nnv.rili,. , t,. the hmntinn ai.,1 o.tmt r,f the Way towards the ambulttUOe, BBd gO- .i ...! .!!.. 1 !,.. ... i in if lurouu mouuuB aiuuiur vi luusc ui Tin, 1. .....r ii.imn.-' -l.v,lr U not ,,Rw. "HngiDg a bammeeK. Ihesailortoiiow Tfloih Extractotl and Filled, it. i,i. i ,,, ..l ,,..,., f.',n t.,r n,. J bim, end thou the dooior aaiu made ber of y....rj th.o.uhimt Urn United aud weird passes Htali'ii. Mexiio mid KuuMi AmerioB. Theeailorwasbelpless. He flf.zed into I Mr. Uris birlt the first elevator mixing the doetois faoe and muttered some drcdj r in thin country, ho being a thing which souuJod like "Ay, By, si urnotiiMl ilri'daer builder und iniuina The polioemuu lifted op the limp man. form and plaoed it ia the ambulance The doctor kpt the mso under cot. troll while tbe arahnlanoe bnrried up third awnne. lie resembled a lion tamer ait ting ou a narrow bench in the cage ot Bridging a specialty Painless Extraction. . . . Heppner Oregon. L,I1I1C1TY MAHKUT THE OLD SHOP! Is the plnoe to no to (tot your flue pork ami lamb chops, stunk, and musts. Flh Evry Friday. - Beats th Klondik Mr. A. C. Thomae, of MaryBVille, Tex., has found n more VHlunble discovery a restless King of peaata, FliiesiiKar oiirod hams and bacon. I'ureloat i,M1, I, t l,Hrn nnnli. in tli k'lnnilikA lsrd. kuttle-raiultireil. old stylo. 11 lulieat cwili I price paid lor at stock. ror ) erne he Bollert d Untold agony from OSjnj. IViatnewa. I onnmininl in'i HCmniiiiHiiiHil liv luunnrrli- A llravy Benlonce. The mntence raoeived bv Andv Beole nun, ami was ansoiutoiy enrea Dy j heimer will probably put a quietus on King wow i.KC.,verv lor consumption, h ,iealini iu this oounly. Tive CoiiKlm and Old, bo declares that gold . ni,8 . ri((kt() tnufor a 13 holM - . 1 1 t.i it . 1.. I . A. A I. 1 T Wm. Gordon lias re-liamed 18 ''" 10 or any number of borees. Judge E-ki 1.:.. .1 l 1.1 I iHi-iHn .,rP, w.iui.1 1. rini 11 u .mtad.i revions to brouounoinj Mntenoe, 1UB DlitllH UIVJ OIU UUllVO ..,, I,.l,l,.ll... !....! All.. r ... . . . ' , .... .. . 1. tbat bo placed the penalty snmswnn brotichitiH mid all throat and lung aileo- . , . , ' , . , tions are no.ilivelv oured bv Dr. Kinu's signer man i.ir a n-uai on.e 01 irCruy, AlA sTk- 4-mt New Dihcovi ry for (lonHiinintiou. Trial for the reasou th.t the praotloe of run bottles tree at 1'.. J. Mlocum'a drug store. itrnik anrnss tin state line haa bee ..." iiegninr m ' " i- uuaranteed : , ... ii n irn iiw iiri.i.t ritiiiniinii i NEW NAME I livery stabl ou Ulin and h.ve Tour horato wull 'ruil lor. A, Abrahamsick Merchant Tailor Pioneer Tailor of Heppner. His work iirst-class and Htitisfactory. (Jivo him a rail May Street. HblTNt-K I KANSl'l.R CO.'S Itrlled npreo I. pomlim. loc. ilollvor work on .hurt or.lcr. 10 cnit. mi.t np w.nl.. This wuuiiti l No. 4, .nil le.v ymir onler with II, or t "Cviilr.l" telw phoiitt iillli'C. We Move Anything! mm city Stage Lino B. F. MILLER, Prop I'lmaiM-al .ml imwt Oirn t miitii to Juhn Pay vulii-r. 1 ")"" "I1 mining (llntili't, Uiirns an.. Oilier tiiteilur p"liu. hi., Imn Ili-iPiier Ii.IIt, SniiiUr pviiIkI. at -i a. . Anlw at Canyon City Iu ti tioiir. 1j.yii ('bii)"H I lly st 4 m . arrive at llr-pp per In 2 hour, ronms iihk un iraina. lUt'l-KS to dene baa been aditll.-nlt problem Tbe neit man who runs f tuck out ot th oounty, bxd better take into considera tion the prospect nl even a heavier "li tem's than Bectebtfimer received. Wall oi Ohieftam. to the amount of $18'J was made. The following warrants were drawn ; W W Smead $2 20 i) A Porter 2 20 K. S Keitbley 2 20 JobnTurley 2 20 ohu MoMillan 2 20 B Boothby 2 20 M LHumpbrey 2 20 ohu Hioky 3 60 Hurry Rogers 12 00 Laten Jones 2 20 TteisGiltillen 6 40 CI W Thompson 4 20 AEliiuuB 4 20 WPHnyder 4 20 D Brown 2 20 ouu McFerrin 4 20 Tuob Quai-1 2 2i 8 v Horenoe 4 2U LPJouts 4 20 Uhas JBi ymer 2 20 I V Ayers 4 !iU N OSuieed 4 20 CAJohDson '. 4 20 O P Devin 2 20 J U Simons 4 20 Jus Haiai 10 0;) Kheuheu Allen 10 00 U M 8i600er 10 00 A A Miller IU 00 N J Emery 10 00 W A. Fi-rgnsou 10 00 lUo Porter 10 00 Win Marian 10 00 Mat liughes 12 00 U.o Penrson 12 00 Klnier lineuier 12 trO Julius Keiihley 12 00 D li Jeukius l ou Frank Anderson l 00 J V Willie 12 00 J M Baker 12 00 John Hughes 8 00 NO Minor ri Oil U N Pock 12 00 J UUtcbardson 10 20 J T Audrews 18 00 Halph Hwiuburne 10 20 F Akers 12 00 Geo Conner 2 2 ) JOKeithly 8 00 J M White 0 00 J W Marlatt 10 00 MGFuqua 6 00 Peter Bremer 2 00 Hobt Hyod 2 20 U 8 Gray 120 The appointments of Wm Jj. Smith as deputy oounty olerk and J, J. Mod. as deputy County Surveyor were au proved. Tbe following miioelloueooe bills were presented: Oscar Montgomery 7 00 L ti Motf e 5 00 Heppoer Liwbt and Water Oo ... U 00 Wm Barton wi (Ml R.& N DSPART TIME SCHEDULES ABRIVK fos From Heppner. from 9:H0 p. m. Halt T.nko. Denver, 1:50 a. in. Ft. Worth, Ouialia, Kuiisits (.'ity, St. I.iMiia, (Miicnito, l'orilttiid, . Walla M allu, Spnkauc, MiiiiieiipnliM, Ht. Paul, lluluth, Mil wniikco, aud the East. 8.00 p.m. Ookan Stkamsiiii':- 4:00p.m. From I'orUanil. All nailli'.ir dntw sutijeet to eliaiiRe For - an Francisco Kail M)V, 1, 1, 7, 10, l:i, 10, a, 22,'.'u,'J8 S:00 p. m. Cou'mbia Kivita 4:00 p.m. fix. BiiiKtay biBAMKiw. Ex. Sunday Kat ii r Jay 10:00 p. in. 'Io Astoria and Way j I,aiiilii:s, 6:00 ft. m. Iwiu.ametth Kiver 4:30 p.m. Ex. Sunday Ex.oiniJay Ori'iron City, New bi.'nj, halcm and v ay Landings. 7:00 a m. 'Willahrttk and 3:30p.m. Tuus , Thur, Vamihu lUVKi'.a. Mon., Wed. and Sat. iindfri. Oregon (Mty, Day ton A Way Laud illKH. 6:00 a.m. Wii.i,ameti River 4:30 p.m. Tucs. Thurs. , , Tues.. Thar and Sat. Portland to ('orval and Sat. Us & Way Lftiid-Iiibs. H. W. Fa!! PROPRIETOR Of the Old Reliable ault House, CHICAGO. ILL., Half block west of the Unioo Depot of O. 3. & and the C. St. L. & P. Railroads. Cor. W. Madison a. ml Clinton Sta., CCZC-C3-C. XXiXu Denier & Klo Grande RAILROAD SCENIC LINK OF" THE WORLD II aril mall ... fctntiiiiuttt Mamlltmi .. Uuia t'ria.. fns Vll)r.. John i'ar .. ii y ) ( liv mui rank 1 ,. . W II M M 4 l f 4 1' 'll (I Ml , . , , a.1 6 iii , ... inj a i i'H a h Plain) romiMl till trains a llr.piirr. Nol -Mailinsti" kixt up tills line l'h n rnvrrvt nwiiN a"d t.'anit I am irvrxl Brst t lnsswivt" In !' r"''llr, TIllHrAI'KRtsi!' ool M tt' AittaHiaiua Airxnr. 4 t"l Morrtiajits KiIimc. Han ftiirat. rlif..mi. wlwvMHi. lurta tor a-lar1iiiill t uiwl (t It. KtWrtlt't AUVrllTtH. I i. ha Ilnll.l. It.. Hn t rin . I ir a .ili'i'i - aamik JM sav NMKtKKsa 1 I'. flM'IKH. lis t awviil. ;l M..r. In Why Wnmm Canni.t lvV Tlir highly iiti-.iiiicd, I )j (. fim W Ktiimir nrtvoim J lY'j,'! aynti-m f wmMrn ut. ' ji-i t tlicm tu ti inns nl nrtvmm Bppirhen (.inn w liii li mi mm ositt rvi r niMr riate. Tin- pi ai l- i't in mil, Uip iiicnt.il pniM- and talllllli -i' lllliU I illlht'lllllc, u hu li in lll-cca. aaiv li'i lun'i'v wimnitiliiMMl i imly poaatlde i In n tlic m ii-uivt- Icniiiiiur KikMiii-.nl la lit pi'iti i tlv In nltliy ci'itilitinii If time lie miv wr ikiii nr ill i.ii'iu iiicnt in this r. apnt no rcmtily in tlic wotld ao rnm pl. tcly Irloiia i. in inly IiciiIUi, tii rvnns vivi'i and civi'"ltv a tlic imlctliil "l ivi.nic l'ii . i uiiii'ii " itivititcil tiy lr. K. V. I'n tec. i din I nniiiltiiii hM. i.in uf the Invali.la' Until .mil Sihku.iI lnnuute ol Pntl.ilii, N. Y. It putilica, lirala and trriiKilu'iia; uiiiiii-a turn tuuiiil ti liiilaiity; ptuM'Ica plivmcal triiifuiirmrnt unit ana. Uiiui'lt ti i't t pi iliiils ol aprciiil wiak lit a und ilcpicii'll It ia the mi Ir iii'-i!iiini which tnakra the coinini; of 1'iO'V aalc tiitil cottipHialivrly riir In ii piiKin.il Kttci to i l'uicc, Mi M nidii nti' Collin, uf Cutlet, Alvniut C" . t'tit , sav " I wja u'lcrrr inuJ a ciirr. tiy r. I'tricr wilt.ii ' uil nM.hilil'", M hrn I will liifurd 1'ic l"i ti U'r t ciHil.t nrllhrr tnt n i.ri NU Ii i" 'h mii.I I'-rl wrir i.iil,itiltv ci'lil. I Ii.. I a M-i'l.v I ' ."' Sr.'M,r itiiilll l,. llirr III"'''!' V..1 tv.v t '' !.-.,'. aif hrirf In in. i I ', - i ' i I . I . li'i- fn i-o-It, ,. ... I It I Ml. .1 ,i r I I. , I W.-.I t I'lniik tl.t Mfcc-ttil a lt.tia.try s4cUlit Aa'llkav'' The Heat I'lMtrr. A pi -Pi of Iliuiu'l iUinpcup,l with Cbittulrlin' Pnin ll ilm 'nl bottnil on to th Hffo-'ti-il pmlii U iupenor to tint platter. Wliou troulilpit with pi. In in tbe elifrit or niili, or lume buck, ive it trUI. Y'Hi aic Cdi titln to tK more Ibtn plnascil nil t'c prompt relii'f wbiob it tl'nri'a. l'uiu li.ilii' l nidi) (Vrtiin imr lor iln'uirintiHiii. For s.ilo b, Couaer A Wtrron. WKAVKK l'lHALi At' AN END Jiiiy Ki'turna a Vrnlirt ot Murder la the rUcimd lircrr. Tin jury iu tin otol Juix Wi'Mtrr f'ir tlio killins of Wm. McKiinon, 8p t. tu Iip r 'JS :.t, ftnr bt'ltig out about n h 'iir irltiiniit h vclol of mi tier i.i lb sei-'Til ila"' "vh lbs llarimy Vllry Itfiins. Thu Vfr.ltot im no snrprlso to tboM b-i.fiuii t'i fviilcnoo Tbis wit-ncvri-a (or prnsiTittico ll kv nbont to rare iviI'ick, imc sanis ohus as wn prii li"t in t'i Itfnit oti (:r Ibtf kil'.ina. an I ! ilt'lmm proJuomt Dnlbioij cotittatlioiory. lb Htiiitiii)i fur tim Jcf.'us Web trr, ll.t ami lvi'th.uia.' ! rmt ap peals to ibe j trj in ImlitU of tb ptinourr, but rre cili' ilown iih thetiilinc against lliem. I'be ti ably reprc ti.tr 1 by Diettiit aturtn-y Miliar ami l!ijk' A Turucr. Tbe juror i In tb ere: I. Pon j R It. Mill, H. V. Wa.i.ir, W. O. ltr, Ffi-ilOt'c) , U N M.llnr. J t'.Oakerinin Jain. lrn'k.,J. llattliiumio, William, Bennett, V. Crlir Joh Hrlil.;nM T.fTt., T K Howard 50 Ao.il J Coak 74 Ui f It Uoard 33 3." Inland fclephona Co 2 05 TJCnrle 4 Mi) Fred b.laiaer 4 30 ACrmteya CO 00 J II Watteubarver 12 50 J HHnuousl too '22 Wm Hsirnewood 4 70 W L IMrUlory 821 f Uonser A Hrock 12 50 J A MoLauablio 115 M K L Mntb-ik 4M 00 .1 W MM lock. ltal e Vatr C fotd 4-HI 00 Wm H Hmitb I'M l)r K 11 Unulock M Licbt.nlhil K !C1 A O ll:rtholotnew loll (HI Jm 8 V viand 4tl(ii Lntlifr llnmiiloQ H "S (1 E Millur 60 4 W J 1'iivi W (H ll S, heri!iiwer 25 H7 lt'-y' ami tlitlt' Aid HiK'tety ID 0l J W Shinier 15 ?7 J W Mai lock f2 ti'J THl BADAT, HOT. 10th Coat b,!! for tbe IS docket oe, I tbe amount of $1H3 69, er allowed: O 11 Ham t 41 00 Uillmm A. Bid W M A t lUrtholome HSivt. (IsB-tt ' 40 la tti mUr of deliDqnent tx- ot Morrow O 'tinly it waa orl-rs l that a warrant i'snn f ir lb cilUoilon and Ibe brr'.IT eomrusoJeJ In lifTy op '0 g m l and ohiiUcU nt Jalmq int ls pyr for lb- )irof lM, 1S0 l)t) and is-.tr rHtOAt, HOT. llTH. Tbe rmergi-ncy fuoj to tht x'nl if 50 was reiiubaraed. The (.!lou, tuucnlliuifoni bills r orvlctid paid : I : I , I ... . ...... . 45 This Railway Co. Operates its trains on tbe famous blook system; Lights its trains by electricity tbrouRb out: rjnee the ofllebrated olnotrio bertb rend ine lamp; iinna onoBiiilv poiiinDed DftesonKBr trni '"u" ' . . ... OL D.,l every day and BiRbt Between oi. j. ui and ChioBgo, and umaua bdu i.iiiiuimu the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Mho operates steam-heated vesdibnled train, carrying the latest private ootnpartment oara, library bullet ataok lug ca'B, and palace drawing room sleepers. Parlor onra. froo reolining chair oars. and the very beBt rttmui? onmr our snrvic.e. For lnwent rates to any poiut in tbe United States or Canada, apply to scent or address 0. J. EDDY, j vy. 0A9EY, General Agent, l'rav. Piwa. Agent. Portlaud, Or, Weekly Excursions TO THE EAST, Tu throufh tourist ears without cbauge. MODERN UPHOLSTERED TO CJx IST SLEEPERS In eburfe of experier ceil oonduotore aiid porters. Mnnrln To Kansas City, Chicajro, Buffalo and iHOUyjS, Boston without ehaime viaSalt Lake, Missouri Paciiicaud Chicago and Alton Rye. '"imniloira To Omaha.. Chicago, Bnfl'ftlo and lUCMldyl, Boston without change via Salt Lake and Chicago, Kock Island & Pauitlo Ry. nr l . ... To St. Joscnh. Kansas City and It CdOMlyS, gt. Louis without change via Bait Lake and Burlington Route. ThnanJinra To Kansas City and 8t. Louia wtth llllirSllaJa, outi'hango via Halt Lake and Mis souri racinc railway. A day stop-over arranged at Salt Lake and Denver. A ride throucj li the Famous Colorado Scenery. Lv. Itlparia Ss.iKB Rivkii. I Lv. Lowliitoi ally except jKipiirltt to Lewistonjilslly except 8.iturday Friday Passsmgert booked for all Fortlgn Countries. J. 0. UAltT, Agnnt, Heppner. W. H. HURLBURT, General Passenger Agent, Portland, Or II VTIc With 'Li HJ III W ER3T? If so, be snre and e tuat your ticket ruuils via lis KiiUM Lias ....THE.... 0HI0AOO, ST. PAUL, MISSEAl'OLI9, AND OMAHA RAILWAY THIS IS TUB Great Short Ux)z BETWEEN DULDTH, St. PAUL, CHICAGO AKD ALL POINTS EAST AND SOUTH. Their Mannlflffnt Tract Pferlens Vestlbuled lllllllfr ami Birvjiiiia .nt Trains, and Mutlo: For rates and all information, ino.uire of 0. R. & N. and B. r. agents, or adrlrens, R. C. NICHOL, 8. K. HOOPER, General Agent, en. Pass. & TkC Agt. 251 Washington Pt.. Denver. Col. Portland. Ores;- J.Cl. Uakt. Local A gt., Heppner, Or. Ull HPICKEST AND SlOdT PIRECT LINE TC "ALWAYS ON TIME 11T I IT rn f n K 4 DO NE- SM A " th'" f'' no"' reputation. All UlAll, ,U1jUIiA.UU, 0(ftMtni(t, crriedon the ventlhuled nr I ei I'JViHI! IffC trains wllhuut extra eharirs. HlilpjourtrelK.it JiRASKA, yilMi, MlO- tU( trvel over tills famous Hue. All attouts SOURI RIVER and all Points KAS1 and SOVTll EAST.tZSZ? LOOK AT THE TIME. NEW VORMH-iys CHICAGO, 3 - ST. LOUIS. 3J " OMAHA. 3 " SALT LAKE, 1 J " Fr' Heelininij Chair Cars rpbol.t.-rf.l T.mri.'.t Hlerpiug Cars Tul'mnn 1'nlire Hipping Carr l or full pnrtiotilirs regarding ratra, lime o( traltia, etc., c !l rn or aililress j. c. ni;r, Agon' O. It, Si S. C ., ITei'Prcr, drfgor O. O. Trttiiv, W. K. Comah, Trav. Ti.hs. At. Oto'l Agt. V.MTIiir.l si., Vii'tLinil, Oie. sru!vN falls i mm MisoN 4 Fu:;t shiipird I1ED MOUNTAIN RAILWAYS Tim Only AH lUil Hotite Wiibotit Chang c( (V !"twrrO HjHiliinf, ll.!anil ami NrUon. A!i tctirD N'limn ant H.Unl, tlaily tcep Hiimlajr : have ilckeu. W. H. MEAD, Uull. Aili'iiU F. C. SWAGE, frav. F. r. Agl. 1 Aitent. 1 r' r- ite Washluiton 8t Portland, Or, SI DT 11 II tit XT PACIPIC RI. Yellow Stone Park Lin TUB ONLY DININO-CAR ROUTE FROM PORTLAN I TO THE EAST. THE ONLY DIRECT LINE TO THE YEL LOWSTOSB NATIONAL PAKK. Leave. No, 2 11 A. M. No.S 6 P. M. Depot Fifth andlSk Fust Mail for Tacoma, rk-nttle. Alier tlcen.Houth Uenii. PiMikane, Helena Butte, A ti.ooiida, St. I'aul. Chlcaso. New York. Rwton, and all points t-m-mZ atiid boulu oaai. Portland. Tsiooma and Hvattle K 3i t rem, (or Ta coma. !-t-.t lie, oiyinpu ami intenuedisu mala line Htnti. Arrive. No. 1 10:15 A. H. No. 11 P. U 3 DAYS to St. I'aaiil. Minneapolis. Omana. Ksnsaa "ity and other Missouri river jiiita. Z DAY8 to t. Louis, Milwaukee and Chi- CKO. DAYS to Washington, Philadelphia, New York. Kostou and other far-East-eru poirts. "Tlic talator line 0 Tie Mti, Purll-iil i Astoria Ca BTSJLlfSSS '0ALUS CITY" ASD "REGULATO Comffieoeing Monday, May .'n l, itn- aleamfnt nt Ilia Ksgnwcr u"'" lnave 1'ortlanJ 62') a, ro: and T Uallea at8J0i.ni. When von go to Portland, lfP off ThaDallciand take ft trip J,n the ColninWh; yon will enjoy it, am! """ W.GAI-HWAV. UcBfri.l A'i-nL ft inns In all principal cities, t h rough to destination of Union depot con n RBifKBKO checked tlckuts. Union depot, rortl.rl. foot of Sixth St. For sleepliiK-car r?TVatlnns, tickets, maps ol routes ami other information, call on or write QUICK TIME t liiisllivitota In ('llfomla. 'laths Yt. Bl.wU rvuis uf th Southern Pacific Co A. D. OU. AHLTOS, Aulstaiit General Ia.ssfcefirer Agent, i' Morri son it., Cor. TUtrxl. Portland, Oreiron. Wisconsin CCNTSSk Lints n.tiwt hiir thrh v .f..-s' tu i: i,( i'a iai! i-"1- PnUinan HuCH MaeVMS, Kii" rnkra PASSENOKR DEPARTMENT. Milwaukke, Nov. 5, 1897. PATRONS cf the Wisconfiin Ccutrnl Liuea iu inRicg through Chicago may rojnire sotue assist ance in tbe wity of LsviDg their bntnl lpsjan tkeu form or to train will enrringe cr bue, or in niany other xvry, und they will find all that ia desired ia this re epect in the Bf-rvice of the Uehri nt tbe Grand Oeutrnl l'stiBenger Htation, who li nva rtcutly lxen uiiifirtri(Hl witli lron suit and red cap. They i. .. M II m A l V lii AH 1,Var . I. -L I . .s, .,. - I in ei'ir RaUs aa.i ail n l'anirni f'f A-rlm P. M J m '. P. Jl I'flfuni-i f.if ' ill le in wnitiuc at ... . . . lti.-hl tn ir- trains, annnnrc mi n , an uniua yi r s rn ii BPBiai Jlft. .-.raair.i.iii'w- SrTL'Pr. RTHl It ! norWHl t L ft t OUT ii N.- ."1 ' i- i.,t, 1 T i I ! !' t 1" K ! . I a.,1 :.ai,ari " ''' . a ( lia'lr I nitrons wilt fully avail theniselves .... . - . .. . p.ua-Mi or o ILU n!Hltioi:ai i rovifion lor inni TKKrra their comfort. ,1 ... aa.l.ll . .t tai. In' t l,, I i A. M.-.M.r, ". a 4 V