T HE PLACE Our Guarantee Aloney Returned If Goods ARE NOT SATISFACTORY. To Save Money Has Been In Existence Just THREE MONTHS TH FAIR Has exceeded our expectations ten fold. The genuine quality of our goods and the Low Prices SOLVED THE PROBLEM We will continue to merit your patronage. We have just received and opened up a fine line of Direct from the factory at prices that wiil astonish you. An Immense Line of UNDERWEAR The best quality and finest finish Cheaper tlinix tlxe Cheapest. ttttJ3'XXBVQr9 JBLmANJESLETJCS GZgJJEL'Z?9 SIEraLES2L3E3)S3, 3E5tO. Call and Examine. HATS, CAPS, BOOTS, SHOES. Galvanized Ironware, Tinware, Graniteware, Etc. itubber lioots Hardware, Lamps, Corsets, Laces, Towling, Umbrellas, fU, WfTW fKIFBFila'N! Overshoes, Whips, Dishes, Gloves, Ribbons, Handkerchiefs, Stationery. BUjS WiUA m UMbUAlli, W e have earned recognition throughout the world as the strongest the mercantile business and can buy and sell at prices that is astonishing to not only those who are our customers but the merchants who are in competition with us. Before we arrived they disputed the value T1!! C A I Hi of our goods. When we make comparison they have nothing more to say. Our goods are marked in I H T HlIK plain figures. We have but one price. 1 I1L 1 1111 Nobby. Those Dreadful Sere! They Continued to Spread In Spite or Treatment but Now They are Healed A Wonderful Work. "For many years I have been a great aiflerer with varicose veins on one of my limbs. My foot and limb became dread fully swollen. When I stood up I could foel the blood rushing down the veins of this limb. One day I accidentally hit my foot agt inst some object and a sore broke out which continued to spread and was exceedingly painful. I concludod I needed a blood purifier and I began taking Hood's Sarsaparilla. In a short time those dreadful sores which had caused me so much suffering, began to heal. I kept on faithfully with Hood's Sarsapa rilla, and in a short time my limb was completely healed and the sores gave me no more pain. I cannot be too thankful tor the wonderful work Hood's Sarsapa rilla, has done for me." Mns. A. E. Qiijson, Hartland, Vermont. load n Sarsa- Istli best In fact tho One True Blood Purifier liocd's PilSrt euro nil liver Ills, ss cents. ADVEItTISHD LEim:s. 1 ETTKKS AnVKKTlUKD AT IIEITNEK J J Or., November U, Ui'.H. Hayes, Mr Ornruo HuiitlnKtiiii, Mrs S L Huyus, Ml Wmlu Wells, Uz.io When eallliiK (or these lottnrs pleane m,j nlvortUed. B. Vaughan, V. M. iVATrn thic cnirci S -$3.00 In It If you catch on. - $3 given away for tha beat aoora thia week at tha t Mm Siiootinff Gallery; -SCORE TO DATE- lllRhest posittilo senre 120. 1'rlsiea j Gillowsy and McPerren tied on 10H j Uillcs' prizes: i A Mrs. I'erry 8ii)ikT lit I Red, Whit and Blu llgtita In front. Local Notes. Chok fruiM t Tha M'.lno. , Turkey alwotiiig at Tli Maine, Freb o)ier at the Candy Factory, ft M. Lhhlni'hal ft Co. for Nliof. a Kir cbnios o lOfoeiliioary go to The Milrj. Buy yonr ubwc-i of fl.'o. 0. Rome, at Tb Maine. Whom can yon Unt yonr niarkruD fbir At The Mln. Where can yon buy lb bet ciitr on rtliT At The J- Thu 1'iiver nb'iii hn ati nulimit J fiiipjr of '! ry for ml.'. S5 lm Tha roiim alji-mt t tb bowling llcy ennWiue a shooting gaUtry, LicMbUi.l ft C. firtnM, Eirliixivi liMttdra. ll.rdlrt tb bt. Kit DhI t'n am tli tin pin l'n-rtniQi-l-r at P. C. riKiwjum C .'s? I tin Ul .t. 2 1 Pm k H !!" r A C' Aribmr X glil mil F.'fr o P'ra at 0iri-r t rroV 1 - 3 wi Df. J. W, Vogt, p.ciilnt f.r rof rn II io ami df'-fl' t liw tf, will b b"r my lbra Diiiiillii. CW-lyr Kihef Ht-rvia ill bil'l rvio at lb tVlwli l''nK''J. S ii 21 li An at I0i1n', I ortfiiti rrqnM'nI. K tr'i C.ivr U i it T U a 1mtnt Klttiv. K'-fc'lU'" lh kii, Minfl' It. Ill hmI. ('!' lb r iiineti'in. Ky i Bind at 'I itfnt In ti. 2"irt. H itil by rii Wr'. Painless re medy for extracting teeth. If not an edited, no obftrRPs. Try Dr. Vimtlmu's new p'aa. 604-tf. The Slocnin Drug Co. refer yon to their display "ad ' if yon have a oold, or ever exptct to bive one. If you nei'd satuetliiuij for yonr system oall at tho 'Phoue The Telephone sa loou, City hotel bnilJiusr. tf Joseph Hayes hhB returned from Boise Oity, Idaho, whre ha ixihiIh t delivery of a litiniber of tl'ie bncka for Ed. Day. Say tberj's a whole fl-iok of tusksya roosting hI "The Mnii.e," H;ip down tbe.- after touht and otileb one for Nov. 24ili. P. C. Thompson On. are usiuR their new shears on everything iu Ibeir store Look at trieir out in their advertising space. Tte Heppuer Transfer Oo. have chang ed their otliod from adj tcenl to Jumee Hart to a uoat little office directly across Uuin Street. Go to the "Muine" for tukeys, gee6e, aud chickens. Li.ut uibt a number of the boys oarried away a good start for a poultry ytud. Be not deceived I A cough, hoaraness or croup Hre not to be trilled with. A Jose io time of HImIoVh Cure will save son much troubia Sold by Cuiieer & 9'arreu. v V, by driuk pRo'.iiige rot lion you chu i:ff..i.ti a good article. P. C. Thompeon Co liavti a liue liue of Roaat O-iBha. Try tlinir "B" at thre p.iuuda tor $1 00. It eau't be beat. 2 t A oiuus at teu has been organized for the study of French, witb Mrs. Eugene Frtielaud ts teacher. The class moots onoe a week and its members are very rnaoh interested. Dyspcpela enred. Siiiloh'a Vitalizer imuiediately relieves sour stomach, com ing up of food dietretis, and is the great kidney and liver remedy.. Sold by Coo ler & W'arreu. v Gill at the Candy Fr.otory wheu yoo bnt a goi d oup of hot ooffee, ojoo or cbocolate. Frexb oystirs iu acy style. Hot and oold luucue.t. Try one of our oyster oocktail's. tf Care (bat cungh nilb Shiloh's Care. Tre best oougb oure. Relieves croup promptly. One million bottles sold IhhI yeur. 40 doses for 25ots. Hold by Con 9er & Wairea. v Hur.g Lee owner of (he well kuowo Oniimi Ihiiodry, has moved his laundry toouruer of Alkali and Water streets uud it tow Id ah-tpo to do good washing at cbenp rate. 2 Ladies, tuka the best. If you are troubled lib constipation, sallow akin, aod a tired fefliug, take Karl's Clover Tea, it ia pleasaut to take. Sold by O itisi-r k Warren. v V. I'. Soydor, the livery stable pro pitelor, bnyaouly ttjcbcBthny au.I graiu. Lirg oorral.1 nod acoommixlutionti for freighter, flue lis and baggies f aruisbod leuoatUlo. dtock well oared for. tf Minor k Co. present to the Oazdte renders in this inmie an annnunoempnt yon cannot get round. There ia hot ine alternative aod that is to go tbronb it. You aill ' money if ymi do it. Tim Morrow County Land & Trnal company bate doclded to go into the l;eut buying lnieines ritonsively this 'all, and It is important I but growers iu- erview them before disposing of their iro. Biiiso Uughni invite yoqratteo i' o Ij t'mir a.inna:joeinijt io their ad ver:iing i;no, Tueir goodi are arriv ing and (hy a-it y ti) to kno it. Tuey .pirm:liit yoitr patrouaue, and will rent Jon liht. Where can yon gt a g o l frcih and I enp 'if pnr J vn and M o'i coffee .or on? At ILe Mame, Opeu day an J i.l.:ht. AIo, Laui u Jlob, 6; quarter of a pie (Soma roade), 6 '; pixce of cike I'linrue rrinlf), Tip; t;j bui,l 5j; ctier, cri' kor no I luncb good. M r R'.bert, al tb Reive Ut, ha iug r-oj id. h.l lb popular olJ-lime cor fier, nieti.l to pulio a cordial el eom. Tb beerK ha diepens ill b-i kei t np t th bighxrt atacdard, and lb nlrgm'it c I comfortable ''ii, tnot if bis billiar I parhirt and c;:irvio3; ara a drawing f'.Miire, VJ-tf The revival at the M. E. Oburoh ia rapidly growing in interest and power. The "telephone service" complaina of tha cold weather. We wouldpoggeet n hot-air stove at the general distribution bnraa, Sunday's services were seasons of raatveli.ns interest. Rev. Mr. Green's solo at the evening sorvioea thrilled every one who bpard It. Ha will sing sgain during tbe week. A new supply of the Queen of Sowing niiioliines, "thu New Home," and "Climax," just received by P, C.Thomp noii Co. Prioas low and terms easy, ond aseiot livvs rigbt here to baok the guar antee. 2 t. We acknowledge n very pleasant oall from Mr. Royoe, Hardman'a enterprieing hotid and livery man, ecoompanied by hia atepsou, Mr. Paul. Both express ap precision of the benefioial rain for their spotion, Under date of Nov. 11th, Careon, Union County, oomes ont with a well patronized weekly paper, under nr.me of Eastern Oregon Toecin, with H C. Janes as editor and publisher. Bro. Janes has oar bsBt wishes. A Re'vioe for ohildrAii from 4 to 15 years of age, will ba held at the M. E. Chnroh, South, tomorrow 3nturd:iy at 2 P. M. Mothers and futhere br:i. or send yonr little ones. Ojw.tend ba sd. oottifl. U.ual sot vines Snuday "Hot sboi" nt evenin g mcetiug. "In tho moniiug by t! e bright light," In the evening at the "Rndlight," where John Rasmus ooutiuaes to dole to bis patrons those sparkling beverages, .vhioh "baniah raolanoholv and drive dull Oiire away." Drop io: warmth greets yon these fail and wiuter evenings. Councilman Moreno returned last week from Weiser, Idaho, where he weni several weeks siooe with a buud of thoroughbred backs. lie disposed of the usj irity of them. Mr. Morgau was somewhat disappointed in the general prosperity of that coontry, elaimiug that our condition is far ahead of the ngri cultural sectious. He oiaims that the women do most of the work in the dairy sections, while the men folks adopt the ways of tbe noble ted man. l'liaiikDBlvina; I'rngrmu. The following is the program for tbe Thanksgiving Services at tb M. E. Church: Hymns l'rayer. Ueaillng Lesson and Proclamation. Anthem Otterliifr. Sermon by Rev. Flesher. Hymn. Benediction. t'Al'Olir IN THU ACT. Llther a Htitlitfaetorjr Kxp'ana'iou or a Term In the fenltoutiHry. This week a btud of cattle ware de livered to a buyer for a prominent firm at the depot, by Fred Roe i f Grant County, and after five wore oulled out aod plaoeil in a aidn oorr.il, Mr. ltoe.Toin Jilua and Dave MacAtee who witneMed tbe delivery returned Io town, M;r. Roe leaving a crew of tneo to help load tin m on the cars. Next morning a aale whh oegotiitted for the five held remain ing, and going to the ooiral ono of thm, a ateer. was miaiog. Oireftl set'oti was made for the trail of the ateer wbioh O'j'ild not b foimd leadiag from corral. Immediately tbe Sheriff i f Maltuomab was telephone. to intercept and oount oitttle. His return inelivled tbe mi iig one. lie Itiq'iirad f ' aettlem.ini of t'l sn'pioiiu error, Mr R m ')r I f tine of the oo ral aod cxopusk iunr- red iu oiiuecti'in au 1 tle 'aplied b .rk, the buyer at oijoo di p imti ig w.ili sheritf tha value of the ateer, ignoring ad litiooal expeop, wbifb ba 0'i3d em M.dMiahlti (iiM.ii-f 'm ti"Q o'i tii.a ru l. and the predie'i-m ia in it ;bi mittcr ia not ) el t an eu l. ,1b mi l pr nf pmi t,v d--VHiip that the anirnwl waannii cc'ialy tiila, il i the dny of tbe itt' -k r3o 1 1 unite in mating out j n'iod ti the guilt party, a, bad not the tenr b -fto ov-rti.kn, siepictoo of onr locality onl I b ftry .litfoui. F.-on thla I'm on it nv-am trouble Ut tb tn.n bo make eucU a ojwtes?, Personal. T. B. Harrison of Izee is In town. J. O. Young of Eight Mile Is In town. Mis Cora Hart baa returned to her school. Nat Scott came over from Lone Rock voatnr- day. A. 8. Aker of Eieht Mile was in town Hat. urday, Wm Lord of The Dalles, was here the first of the week. Eugene Gilraan went to lone yesterdav on business. Geo. Levolt of Monument came to Hennner Wednesday. C. Ashbaugh was la yesterday on bualnexs from Eight Mile. Dr. J. E. Adkins, is again in HenDiier on nrn. fcssional business. Ray Hulloway, Fred land ,Earl Barnard came over yesterday from Fox Valley. Mrs. Klllcup with her daughter and children are visiting friends iu town for a few day. Mrs. P. L. Ham registered yesterday at the Palace on her return from a prolonged visit in the East. Mr. and Mr. Harry Warren leave tonight for The Dalles. Mr. Warren's object in view 1 a goose hunt, inspired by Dr. Huniock'i success last week. Mr. M O. Hamilton, mother of Miss Ethel of the telephone, office is here on a viBit from. Washington. Attorneys Morrow and Phc-Ips returned from Postland on this morning's train and report a very Interesting meeting of tho liar AsKociution. Homer narringtoii, who has finished his edu cation at one of Portland's leading colleges, has returned to Heppuer and accepted a clerkship In Minor 4 Co', merchaiuile house. Win. Kudlo, of Long Creek, passed through town this week euroute to Weston, where he will attend the normal school this winter. This institution is fast gaining, favor iu this section. Mrs. C. E. Redfleld and little daughter wont to Portland on Wednesday night' train for a few days visit. Mr. Uedlleld will go to the metropolis Saturday night, and icturn wiili them the BrBt of tho week. Accompanying Mrs MablcSchlatt who arrived last Sunday from an extended trip through the East was Mr. Cha. Wallace, and Mr. Smith aiut children. Mrs, Smith ts a sister of K. J. jlocura, and come from Austin, Pa. to visit her mother and brother. Mr. J. D. White!, brother of Mr. Whitels, of The Fair, arrived from Colfax lust week, and I now Installed iu the concern as a partner. HI term of office a county aurvcyor of Whitman County, Wash., doe not expire until the first ol the year, consequently will be compelled to travel to and fro until that time. CHANCE to BUY WINTER CLOTHING BROWN BROS' Famous Tailor-made Suits that are Fash ionable, serviceable and fit to perfection. At Prices that are All Right. Our complete winter line of clothing has just arrived. It is strictly in fashion, and the material, make, cut, and fit, could not be better and the prices are what you can afford and are satisfied to pay. MEN'S SUITS and a line of OVERCOATS Suitable lor this Climate Call and Carefully Inspect Stock Hand In. ok of the Tariff. The understanding of the complicated pro visions of the new tariff ha been greatly sim plified by the Issuance of this inanucl. To digest the tarlll- law Is no easy task, but to digest the food taken into the gastric receptacle is rendered easy by the use of that thorough stomachic, Iloatctter's Htomach Bitter. It pro- vents and cure malar! i, kidney and rheumatic trouble, remedies nervoume and Insomnia, and remove constipation and blllouiuaaa. Ap petite, a well a the ability to atlfy it without subsequent abdominal disturbance, I restored by this tine stomachic, which also accelerates convalescence. Person In the decline of life, and tho Infirm of every age and sex, and It of iiinivriai HMiiiiaiire. An all-wool, serviceable suit, formerly sold for $10, now $7 Black diagonal clay worsted suit, formerly sold for $15, now $12 All-wool overcoat, durable and neat fitting, $4 50 GROCERBES! Boots, Shoes, d Overshoes, Fells, Riers, Etc. New line of Underwear, Hosiery, and Dress Goods just arrived Blankets of all grades. The best 50c Blanket on the Market. We want your trade and will give you the best value for it. BROWN 4 HUGHES, KEHOLUTION!. Where, The reaper, Dettb. Lm coma into oar uiiJat aod takeo ou of our beat oitiZ6na, Mra. Arabella F. Leezr.s. itootl mother, a true wifrt, a IovhI cuurol) mom bar aud devoted CuiUt.aD, jj ilrru ad herent to i he tetifl of oar vob institu tion, the Maoaabftea, Lor pluoo will, indeed, be bard to fill, and hr word of Oiunael bud anony otulla will be aadly mieaed. Therefore. b it Ileaolved, Fii-Mt, that while we deplore onr loa, we bow in atibmiaaioo to tbe will of a l'rovidencn too wise to err. too loving to brf nukittd, Resolved, H-cond, that we will t mill at hertiaruple aud follow ia her foot. top In the home bt-yond. K-s ilvnl, Third, that we tbder onr aran't and deepest aympatby Io tb brVHd fimilr i.f onr dnal fcltr, hmI pray O.-J'e ri.th"! biug opoo thi oj irj thla hour i f thfir Hrei.t aurrow. Hjso'vni!, Fourth, Ihtit O'iple of th reMjlutiur. hn tprt-ad a , onr min at an I a nt to t l,n ( J .r. t-. ami the Jl. II iv", of l'ort Itriruu, Mioi.uau, ao 1 re- in-t thir pfiblic .tion, eu I that e ipife bs fnriilnhxl to Hie ineriib-r f.f tbo la n- iiy It speotfa'.ly ru'iffii ted M. I.iriBTllt H V. MaarKjwe, (i, W. HwarfjakT. Kolll DAY) ONLY, la the Early I'art of IXwaibr. Tbe Of rraan Hpeoialiata, from Fort- land, Oregon, will be id lieppuer, at tbe Falace hotel, and will retaro onoe a mootb. If you have chronio catarrh, oooaulta- tfon ia free of charge. Do you blow ranuna from tbe nose? Are you troubled with bleeding of tbe no 0 ? Are the rioetrile obatraoled, reeking breathing ritffJoallf Are you boeree at tiroea? Ia tbe tnuoue dropping down from tbe bank of duis into tbe throat? la yonr noaa toppd opt la yoor bearing atreotedT la your throat aore at time? Dt oti apt) a good dual when rialngln th inoroiDgf 1 yon ht-ra and bak to clear your tbroatT Catarrh ia a dansfront dUnaaa. wbicb lna!e into conciirnptloo. Weak eye cored ; rroaa eyea lationed witt, fiui nutting tbe rord. Ua'ararte removed without knife; k-tmou-a fitted l.oie othr have failed ; rnptnre and hrni enred wiilionl opera, lion. Chronio rhnraaliin and kidoey tronblee a epeoialty. Do fail to aee the nrmn Npell lata. A friendly talk will eoat yon noth ing, and ia botind to reeult in great im of jt mhI to ynn. Keroeuiber the date. UIUII BCHOOh MOTKo. Henry Durklay viailed tbe lllgb aobool Friday. Misiea Cora Hart and Bertba Catee yiaited tbe acbool Monday. rn f. Howard waa quite tick last week, Mra. O. D. Brown taught In bit plaee doriDg bla abaeooe. Miat Minnie lhilllpe ia ttill qnila ill witb pneumonia. Who? New lioed. We ere constantly adding new good and now have readv for inatectlnn a flna e-rln)lil of watohee, elook, jewelry, ailvfrware, norMia and muaioM luatrn A Trie to Wlr. Dr. MoHwordi ia highly elated over tbe eonditioa in wblob be found bia ebeep aud tbe country in general en bia (rip laat week to Weiaer, Idaho. While there tbe lakea aod rivera were frown over, and eakatiog carnival wu in pro- greea. I'revlon to tbe oold snap a gentle rein bad atarled graaa In fine ahape, enabling etook to roool np in readioeee for aaverity of winter, He re port an Interview witb tbe eugar factory at La Grande, wbo are eery entbuaiaetle over their venture, and ere now turn iogoottronifioOt'jHiWaackaa dav. Tha fartnere have tbe beet fever and will keep the mill a running. Ha referred to any. otee in that country aa thick aa "thlavea out of jail," and declaree that boaoly on their ec-alpe woolj bankrupt tbe atate In all weeka. Joit aa we withdrew be waa quoting an "old timer" who d elared that aince the reiki eomiueoced tbre the graa oame through tbegronod at ami uveiy rate tbat tbe lol waa 11AILHU4U Li NO. Hetllera tribntery to lone having rail road land and have not made proof yet, by calling at tha office of N. J. Hale, lone, Oregon, can make their proof and ava loti of money. Time expire Jan. 1, IH'Jg. All kinda of land boalnea tranaaoted. Hettlera looated on vacant lend. IU Itreedfally Nrvo. tiaata: I waa dreadfully nervool, aod for relief took your Carl't Clover lloot Tea. II quisled my oervee and ttreoglb eoed my whole narvoua ayetetn. I troubled witb oonilipatwo, kidoey and bowel tronble. Tour Tea aoon elaanaad tny tyalem ao tboroogbly tbat I rapidly regained health aod atrengtb. Mra. H. A. Hweel, Hartford, Coon. Bold by Conaer Warran, f LoL One bnmlred and seventy five bad of beep in tha mountains near fbe bead of Bear er ek, Morrow county. A reward of 25 e nta prr bd will be pal I for the reoovary or Itlonuation leading t tbe raoovery of th aaii abeep. Eaasaed lamb branded 11 j yiarliiiga brauded V on ahf)ulJi1; 2 year-olda branded P on blp. A'l'lrr, tf Y. M. I litib, Condon, Or. CASTOR I A For Infant and Cbildrto. Ifci Kind You Han Always Bosght keyt ia erptaal molion.