Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, November 18, 1898, Image 2

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    1 A
f '
The Gazette.
Friday, Nov. 18, 1898.
and the various laws which its
legislature would enact, and Hence
declined to follow longer the be
heats of their party aud its leaders
Thousands of these voted the re
publican ticket, and thousands will
.WHAT OUR SHIPS wvuld continue their suDDort to a Dartv
If we Jwere shipping out our whose policies are productive of
wheat, cotton, corn, petroleum, prosperity.
nrovisions: locomotives, steel rails.
iron niDes. &c. on American bot- Stockmen should make a note of
toms instead of foreign ships, we this fact: The state law makes it
wmild benefit in many ways: compulsory to record both brand
L ki Uv b'uildine andsapplving;the and mark used by jwnersjto desig
materials for the construction of nate btock. No mark or brand
the ships. can 6 USC1 68 Pro f ownership
2 Bv manniniz the ships. m the courts of the state unless it
3 By eettinc the freights which is recorded in the county cleik's
1,1 nnr rn fih nowners "lul-c-
.ti fihinnine enter- tl)e cIerk'8 office BD(1 findin8 cer
M;HMnrftfif m be distributed trtiu mflrks Bnd brand8 uot uPon
JL IDO lQ I 1 ll
. .1 rnri Vt I n n moir rtr ntfr rho vo r era
1 1 II I . 1 I 1
Un.l.-dfcnr national life. ana appropriate an Brae oean.ig
. . such unrecorded brands the same
4. Bv securing a tnoJe direct M
and a speedier service to foreign
5. By obtaining a large postal
6. By developing a large mer
chant navy from which to draw
auxiliary crusers and transports in
time of war. ,
There are other considerations
as "slick-ears." Coos Bay News
Compared With Dangerous Explosives for
Ekppneb, Ob. Nov, 18, '98,
Editoh Gazbttb:
In this diiy of invention, do Bnbjuct it
studied more than that of nrtifiuial illn
minuiinn. F.lftntrin liihtino in nnints of
which enter into this shipping I anfiy, lienlih, clennliuesH, convenience
problem, but these are enough, it aud comfort, baa distanced all ooropeti
wnnld acnear. to move a mountain. Gasoline and acetylene or carbide
It is in such a hehalf that the real nouub the irgnmantof checpa is
. , now trying to win popular favor. Do they
patrohsmof the American people de9(.rV(jit? ArKOinont (or BnJ ,gtiMl
is afforded an opportunity to man- iiiuUiinution bave lliled many buike
ifest itself. There are patriots and from these, and more especially
who go to war and others who re- tr V-Me avng gas, I bave gathered
main at home. If it be true that lb(B, foli'wiD f"(i,B! .
, . , GiiBoline lnrcps ive out a greenish
to attain ends in democracies and 0,)I()red flarafi tb(j fjJtnre9 o!o( eftDllj
to arouse publio opinion it is nec- aD.( muHt be cleaned frequently. Wben
eBsary to wage wars and annex iUu How of tun is irregular, black spots
islands in order to get object les- "m9 arid on tbe mantle, whiob
11 ii- e ii, a , : rn.ikes a wuvriu light. Nine but the
sons an the matter of the Amen- . r, , j
i i be!,t gasoline, coating in Portland 26
can ship and an isthmian canal, 0(Jnls p()f gMn0i Bll0ald beU9atL Id B
then what we have just passed oloso room the odr of gasoline is ever
throngh and are passing through present, and at times very strong. It
v,TOi1! nnt ho in vain. The true, requires several minutes to generate gas
uCDl.Uj uu - " "J. OD0 ,1(1U reqllirM oftBa reIiewal
nowever, win ub kubiubu uui y 0iie quart of gasoline will run a Ump
maintaining garrison in Cuba or in tr, Lours. The burners claimed to give
thn PLiliDDineB. or in the increase 100 candle powyr umunlly give but 16
of our armament, though it may be P'r-
-,lf.,l invnv nnronWo. i Aoetjlone or oa.bI.1a gas as Milium
,, inant is superior to gonolino. Tbe
much that does not directly con- flamu ,H tt 9,ll3cOHlfi()U of izuiBi..iM bioii
corn our growth as wo go along. lr to a di hiu ri: i of rookuts. It i i
The over present duty is to build high mpinsivo, iM-nitin at low tomper i
nnil,l fitolim tn mmmnr. "I". When i-xplodod Vail illEUlnll
cial greatness and economic supre
macy bo that the whole world will
look hither for what Jit needs to
boy. This, of course, is a practi
cal nuestion. There is no romance
or sentiment in it, and as a menns
to the end the American ship must
lie regarded as one of the princi
pal factors. Until we have this
nod mantles require frequent renewals.
7. They are dsogeroo explosives.
8. Tbe prioe ot material in the control
of tbe most powerful mouopolks lu this
9. Tbe candle power overestimated.
10. Fixtures olog easily.
11. Tbey are not cheap. In Oregon
some users bave discarded them and eay
they prefer the elrotrio light at increas
ed cost of service.
Lamps and generators are bandied by
agents who cannot, and will not furnish
a reliable guarantee for tbe cost of light
ing, tbe oandle power of flame, tbe loDg
life of apparatus, or the prioe of materi
al they consume.
Tbe electric light has all tbe virtoes ot
fas illuminnuts and Done of their faults
except in the renewal of lamps, where
the cost is in comparison very light. I
believe acetyleoa will in time be the
sirongest competitor that electriut light
ing will bve; it is not now, and wben
the time oomee will eleotrio lighting
(whiob never sleeps) be ahead it its only
imperfection, the'renewal of lamp e;
I ohallenge any agent to tCBt these
statements, tbe test to be conduoted by
and before a jury of oitizens, and as a
gauge of good faith, I and they to deposit
one hundred dollars eaoh with tbe jury,
the money so deposited by the losing
party to be given to aoy worthy charity,
tbe wiuner to reoeive his deposit baok.
Tours truly. H. V. Gatks.
Are gaining favor rapidly.
Business men and travel
lers carry them in vest
nocketi. ladles carry them
In purgei, homekeeperf keep them In medicine
cloaeta, friend recommend them to friendi. Soft
Krtnrned from Alaska.
The many friends of Mr. Lee Matlock,
son of our sheriff, gave bim a bearty
welcome yesterday morning on bis re
turn from tbe "frozen north." Most of
bie time bas been spent rt Skaguay, and
be has stood a witness to most of tbe
hardships encountered by those wto
went in search of gold. Mr. Matlock
authenticates the reports of others re
garding tbe unoertanty of "fortune mak
ing" in. Alaska, and congratulates him
self npon being fortnnats enough to
spend the winter here at home, we
have up to time of goir. g to press been
unable to detail his experience in Alaska.
U. 8. Land Omen. Th Dai Lit. Or..
I November 5, lHvg.
I J IhU otfice by Klia . I tymer aRHiiiBt Jour
deftn leather for Hbumtoiiinz Mh homestead
entry No. 4H71. duteil Aumist '-'1, ln'.W, upon the
swjof Beetion L'it, to-, ns-liip :i ri, range &j E, W
I M, lu Morrow county, Oregon, w till a view to
' the cancellation ot faiii' entrv. the uniil imrtiee
are hereby summone i to appear at this ollice on
the 4th tlay of January, ly.'J, at ID o'clock u. m.,
to respond and furnish testimony concerning
aid alleged abandonment. Vawter Crawford,
county clerk, Is authorized to tke the testimo
ny herein., at his oliiee nt Heppner, Oregon, on
December 27, 1".IS, at 10 o'clock a ui.
2-13 Jay Jjijcas, Register.
Notice of Intention.
Land Office at LaGrahd'r, Obkoon,
October l'J. las.
followlne-nanied settler has filed notice of
hie intn tion t make final proof in support of
his claim, and that said proof w ill be made be
fore the County t lerk of Morrow county, Ore
gon, at Heppner, Oregon, on December 5, lxWi,
of Giirdane, Oregon, homestead No ii'112, for the
lots 1 and 2 and 8V4 NE'4 ec. 1 Tp 1 S, K 29 E.
He names the following witness. to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
of said land, viz: Mat Hughes and A. J. Cook,
of Heppner, Oregon; James A. Pearson and A.
W. .Norton, of uurdane, Oregon.
w E. V B ueri.KTT. Kcytster.
Free Pills.
Send your address to H.E. Bucklen
& Go., Obioagn, and set a free sample
box of Dr. King's New Life Pills. A trial
will oonvinoe you of their merits. These
pills are easy m action and are particu
larly effective in the oure of constipa
tion and sick beadaobe. For malaria
aud liver troubles they have been proved
invaluable. They Bre guaranteed to be
perfectly free from every deleterious
Htibstanoe and to be purely vegetable.
They do not weaken by their aotion, but
by giving tone to stomach ana Doweis
greatly invigorate tbe system. Regular
eize 25o per box. Sold by Hlocum Drug
Co., E. J. Slocum, manager.
Btmday 11 a. m. anal 7 p. m. Sunday school
10 a. m. ClaflBes No. 1 and 2 at 12:10 p. m.
Epworth League Devotional meetuu at 7 p. m.
1'rayer meeting, Thursday, 7 p. m.
'The Hpibit and the bride say, f ome.
The iastwr may be found at tbe pareonajw ad
joining the chnrch, where he will be lad to
meet any w-o may desire to consult him on
religious, social, oivio, philoaophio, educational,
or any other subjects. . .
J. W. KLE8HER, Minister.
Services each Sunday at U:00 o'clock a. m.
and 7:00 p. in. Prayer meeting Thursday even
ing at 7:00. Choir practice Saturday evening
at the church. R. L. Hhei.ly.
Thu radian' Onllrt of the EDiiCODal church
will meet at 8 o'clock, p. in., on the first
Wednesday of each month, at the noine oi airs.
T. 1. Matlock.
U. 8. Land Orrtcu, The Dali.es, Oregon,
November . ISM.
this oilieo bv Ernest C. Mon'.aiideii anainst
John D. Mthesou for failure to comply wi h
law as to timber culture entrv No. 21S7, dated
May 24, lSi', upon the iiwM section 32, township
1 N, range 21 E, W M, in Morrow county, Ore
gon, with a view to the cancellation oi said en
try, contestant alleging that i;id entryir.au has
wholly failed to plant trees thereon or cultivate
the laud to trees, seeds or cuttings as prescribed
by law, since tiling tnereon, that no improve
ments whatever have been t)i.ceO tnereon mir
ing the lust four venrs: the said parties are here-
ov summoned to appear at tins omce on me urn
dav ot Januarv. 8.fJ. at 10 o clock a. m.. to re
spond and fiirninli testimony concerning said
alleged tailure. Vawter Crawford, counw clerk
is authorized to take the testimony herein, at
his ollice at Heppner, Oregon, on Jan; 4, lb'.W, at
10 o clock a. in.
2-13 Jay P. Lucas, Register.
Notice of Intention.
Land Office at The Dau.es, Obf.uon,
October 2il, 18H8.
1.1 following-named settler has Hied notice of
hiB intention to inulte final proof in support of
his claim, and that said proof will be made
before N J. Hale, u. H. commissioner, at tone.
Oregon, on Saturday, December 10, 1BU8 viz:
Homestead Application No. 4240, for the lots 1
and 2. Hec 5. Tp 1 rt, It 24, E W M.
He names the following witues-es to prove
Ms continuous residence upon ana cultivation
of said land, si.: uustav (Hock, Edward Ulock
Ed Clult'ancl Reuben C. Sperry, all of lone, Ore
Wi-7 Jay P. Lucas, Register,
Xour Bent interests
Will be served by making sure of health
t will be a loss of time and money to be
stricken with serious illness, Take
flood's 8arsnparilla and purify your
blood. In this way all germs of disease
will be expelled, sickness and Buffering
will be avoided, and your health will be
preserved. Isn't this a wise oourseT
HOOU'8 PILLH are tbe only pills lo
take with Quod's Sirsaparilla. Prioe 25
Ollice at La Grande, Oregon, Nov. 14, 1SU8.
Notice hereby given that the following
named settler has filed notice of his intention to
to make final proof in support of his claim, and
that said proof will be made before J. W, Mor
row, united mates comuiisniouKi, n iicpinui,
Ore,, on December 26, 180, viz:
GEORGE W.' VINCENT, of Heppner, Ore,,
Homestead entry No. S710, for the e iwH and
mu. imrl an 14. Twn 1 N. r 27 E
He names the following witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon and cultivation of
said land, viz: JohnT. Hiwmin, vvniiam ai
tenberger, James L. Howard and Alba G. Bar
tholomew, all of Heppner, Oregon,
2-13 E. W. Barti,ett, Register.
Land Office at LaGrandk, Orf.gon,
October 17. 1808,
1 following named settler has filed notice
of his intention to make Imal proot in support
of his claim, and that said proof will be made
before the County Clerk ot Morrow county
Oregon, at Heppner, Oregon, on November 26,
18'Ja, viz:
of Heppner, Oregon, homestead No. 6536, for the
N' a W J4 aim be;, s w aim n a js yt
see. 17 i paw. k 27 is. vv. n.
HQ names me luiiowmg witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
ot said land, viz: 1), a Herren, C. M. Herren,
Dan Heushew, William Walbndge, all of Hepp
ner. Oregon, E. V. Barti.ett,
J3-4 tiegister.
i)natitiiii g W hh iltjriijg foroa id Vrry
,'rc:t. Tii 1 odor (like U ito lliut of rot
I en .vlnii fiilim; or oleat.ing the
genet iiiur, or binding tiio o.iibile,
oHCiipt 9 ii.to tin) looui, aii i evu out of
doors 1J strong unuiii;li Id ofl'.'iiil th
olfactory nerves. It (tries tip tlio j iitits
iu piped ami it;nln ljitkn; it loaves a
rcsiduo in the pipes and b uu.'is clog
ging t'i ni no t icijiiiro CiitiMtiint cire
mid clo t nii, and t!m op ir'i'iou of uu-
an.lloRn bnul more tban 9.2 por 8:1,1 1 Aitt ""!t "f ba fl,t,llu8
ni'Hii 11 t iti uutiu itttt uu Kl 111 1 n
cent of our imiMirts ami px porta in
our own bottoms, we will be a na
tion tbrivitiR, if wo thrive at all,
beyond our just iliwrtri. "Matm
facturor." REASON WHY.
The Walla Walla Union saya:
The funion newspapers in thin
state, while tbey advance conllict-
At tne aquarium in lierhn there is a
biir (jorilla whoso habits are about as
correct as those of the mu.t of his dis
tant relatives, lie gels up at eight in
the inorniii;r, takes a bath, and uses
soup without hesitation. When his
toilet is completed he takes a cup of
milk, after which he eats two loaves
of bread with Frankfurt sausages and
smoked Hamburg' beef, all of which he
moistens with a glass of weiss beer.
At one ji. m. he takes a bowl of soup,
with nee and potatoes, and a wing of
a chicken, lie uses his knife and fork
and his napkin; but when ho thinks
that his keepers are not observing hitn
ho discards the impediments of civili
zation and plunges his muzzle into the
bowl, as if to give evidence of the mel
tncholy fact that even a gorilla can be
rittlnant U Orandn. Oreton. Nov. 14. 1XU8.
Notice is hereby Klvon that the following
named settler has filed notice of his intention to
make final proof in support of his chum, and
that said proof will be made before J. W. bor
row, United States commissioner, at m-uiuer,
Ore., on December 26, im, viz:
ISAAC VINCENT, of Heppner, Ore,,
Homestead entry No. 6.'0!l, for the u uM and
mi owl sec 22. twD 1 N. r 27 E.
He names the followini? witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
of said land, viz: James M. Bhaw, James L.
Howard, William Ayers and Oeorge Pearson, all
of Heppner, Oregon.
2-13 E. W. Bahtlktt, Register.
tor in. in i tin oi"uu aI oit.jij ; hi in j us
us often us ouou a dy, Too ntrbido
and wuli r Ihi.vch h rfxidiii that soon
onli.Z'K the n i i i h.'.p of tint stove.
Many ili'iii'M, ii'j nies aud loss of pro
petty hfiVH rcsuit' d from exploHioni of
nuittylt-iifl iu Europti duriuij "M aad "J7.
(n 2'J accident tborc ware l'J deutbi
Home of the (tenor itorn in Ore in bnvs
already blown up. Tilers la u t couueo-
tion Jbitwocu ruakxiH of generators,
who iiuiubur liiindrcdff, and th syn li-
ing Views at to tuO CRUBrt of tuoir oale v. to owns all o irbule patents. Al-
narty'aildftmt, are Rcreiul uimiu the " l' ' lioenp-es to
ioint that fuaion will Im eliminat- "n''''.-iH ni.t oompbite
, , , . .... , . . luonoply cf tlio diy, thus e:'al)lin
e,l from future political coml.tua- thvm tit ,lw0 ow rk,. ,,, 0,(ll,rto in.
lion in tbia utate for Hotneyoars iroduoo iu liuht. What tby will imra-
to CO mo. after ibi rem.iina l,i lm hou Tha aintit
In aSHiuging CaUHOH whiob led to Hllnif icratorH lmvin ouoe snpplio!
tbe overthrow of the fuaion party, "' l tnbr intarest In
..... . . , bun. In this and id foreign oountries,
they oTorlook the imiNirtmit fact vx0 ontheVimila M whre t ,,
that tbe prophecies, assurance ami m mi bib th a they can affird to tHk
proiniaes of the Hryacilo party, in Urn ri-lc, iimnratn'e cniupaniei and Qie
18, have failetl to tnaeriali.. in l.iid j rolnbit tha storage of oarhida iu
any fact an promim-d. The iiihhhoh l,,,a ' -J"H Md. "J i
, . ., i .. iniist bti kept iu lierrantioilly sealed
wLo followetl their free silver ,(lltvy v lu lM,erMoii ,,0
leaders, nd believod their propho- i,9 kPl,t m a e. purate and tire proof
cien of ruin and ditmatcr which bnlldinij-ut lat 50 fnut away from any
nl.l Knrt.inlv follow the oonlinn- othef aud oo ai tilicial litfhta to be in
The O. It. N. (Vs. new bonk on the
Hcaouroi'H of Oregon, Wnghiugton and
Idaho ia buiiiK diatribntcd. Our readure
are requested to forward the addressee
ot their Enatoru frieivlH iiud Hcqnitint
anoes, and a copy of the work will he
gaut them free. Thin a mutter all shoiil )
be iutereHted in, and we would nail that
everyone take an interent and forward
minti addrec to VV. II, Hurlbn't, Opu
rral PHHieuer Aitent, O. It. & N. Co..
rortliiD.il. 81-tf
Hurklcn'i Arnica Halvt.
The Dost Halve in the world for Outs,
UrniRpB, Horea, Uloera, Bait Rbeum,
Fever Sorea, Tetter, Chapped llanda,
Cbilblaiua, Corns, and all Hk'n Krup'
tiniia, and positively cures riles or do
pay required. Ii is guaranteed to pivr
perfect satisfaction or money refunded.
friee 25 cents pr box. For sale by
Slocum Co., R. J. Hloonm, ranagr
I J Office at La Grande. Oregon, Nov. 11, lH'.m,
Notice is hereby given tliat the following
named settler has filed notice of his intention
to make final proof In support oi Ills claim, aim
thutsald proof will be made beiore j. vv. Mor
row, United Status commissioner, at Heppner,
Oregon, ou December 20, lsus, viz:
JAM 1. 8 L. UOWARD, of Heppner, Ore.,
Hoineslead entry No R'.Mtl, for the w'4 sv'i and
t'i nvt'4 sec 28, twp 1 N, r 27 u.
Mu lianius the following witnesses to prove
Ids continuous residence upon ami cultivation
of said land, viz: James M. Shaw, isaan Vin
cent, William Ayers and Ueorge i'earson, all of
Heppner, Oregon. ,-; i
'16 ii. OAKThMl, UfKlrJlUI.
cnco of the Btaiidtiril have,
daring the pihteeno monthn since
the inauguration of William Mc-
Kinley seen the conditions of the
iibs near tin in. Way? All oarbide must
In packed in air tijlit oaus. Aaoidiils
re rs a rule the results of CAreletHtio-s,
tint with the Siiinn due itunpowdor and
lytiHiiilte are as sale. Carbide costs iu
country rise industrial stag- 1 o1""' '" l "itui, and at
ration to the higher staKe of r M fir"i!,t
. . . . , nl I'j ceiiti In each pound of eiirtnde-
imiusiria sn. ruiiiuiernai I'r At this ,-rioMiie li!,t ctnin Uve kuo
perty. iney inave seen inai
at 1 I
money lias lueu MM u now more die power: one of tbe 2i C. l limit
aliuudaiit and cheaper than ever rvsu hd sod one a, i n tor ce,itd per
li.fore;nud that a silvpr dollar ,u",r (,r " ue l"ir,1'"t
will buv a gold dollar, and as much '"'r " ,,,,a l 13 '
, ,i month, A omiiuuet with einctrid
of tlieiifCceHtninosofliroasanold ,i(U r,M U(, 0.1Nt lir.,UiiM its u-(or
dollar coin will ptircliane. h uiKot a x.ilonns, h tleln, liveries
And then there woro thousands sud allni-l t liklits, rlc. No burner yei
wlitwe eyes wereoptui t the dan- i..v.nii dbai bit.ii iiliimiiiaiiiirf ill iouoy
torous tendencies of the socialist Ulti-M o,,.-iat. ., durability or ch-ap.
.... ,t ii ll raw. Nv'iii'll id good Opera1 inn the
theories of tli- platfi.tm of the lUll 1M , ., ,m, ,.1 clor, but bs.
f anion party, and thovioious lents- ,,( Ul(( , nil,.irMt ,il diirm ug power of
Intiou hy the f union li'ialature of ilm elc, t, i.t luhl.
1S'.)7. Dispensary from tat exeiup- II ith w .-,.1uh mi I acetylene or cr
tion aud other unconstitutional thtf ooaimon
and injurious legislation; reachiun . a .. .
, ' , . . . 1. The il.i i get of an opeii tttme light.
a climax iu iii buik1" " irin.
cnduiu, and other demand of the
fuaionihts in lN'.'T, eiHisil to the
tlancerous tendency of that party's
demands should they l-e enacted
Tn.,lir.Hiit and hotiPat ' 'U'r
' ... . i .i 5 11. lamps a .d geoerators require
partisans, who liad supported their ,,,,, Mr9 ,j ..ni,,,,, ,jf,.
isma iu WM, teasoiind as to the , , ru i,, r. pair thrui.
conaeuenci'S video would fullow (1. Apparnius coi-ting from tea lo Iwo
tbe iOCCetil of the JMHinlo'i party, buuJrd dylUis is sum! lived; burners
'1, li (nir l lime Htnl soiiin ullier tlaine
at" bt to itnil''.
M i 1 1 ' v nr i' il c.iuvtinitiiit aa the
eleetriut llfclm,
4. '1 In ) li ivi unpleai snt sid nul.ealth-
Nacrrrds Joseph HI mens Menator
Oa Tuesd iy Dr. H. E. Josiphi repub
lican) was elected state senator from
Moltuomah county to till the vacancy
paused by the rei(iiHtinn of Joseph
Simons, whu was elected United States
senator. I-en than one-half of the vols
of tbe county was oast. Tbe vote iu tbe
city of Portland was as f.illos:
Josephl, republican 410S
Flanders, ilemia'iat 1737
Henry, local self uoverument H4I
Amos, proh bitio 120
One of America's most f
mooi physidins tayst "Scrof
u!. s external consumption." $
S'.rM'jIoos children re often S
ft tc.iutiful children, but they J
hck nerve force, strong bones, jj
stoot nuscles ani power to jj
, KsLt disease For delicate y.
ixilJrcn there ii no remedy
equal to
Scott's Emulsion I
i of Cod-liver Oil with Hypo-
iv miv)jiiiics ci x-iuit iim tji'ua,
a It fills out the skin by putting
' pood flesh beneath it. It makes
'f i lie cheeks red by making rich
?. H od. It creates An appetite
fo? food and jives the body
JJJ power enough to dig-est it. Be
a cure you get SCOTT'S Emul- v
ston. w
ot. ixt f i.ooi ill JruijUll, w
JIJ Si Otr BOV. NE, CWmWl., K.w Yor,
undersieneil, anniRnee of the estate ot a.
W. Rwatxart, insolvent debtor, will make final
settlement of nla accounts with said estate aa
aueh ssniKoee, at an adjourned term of the cir
cuit court for Morrow county, Oregon, at Hepp
ner. to be holdeu at the court house in Bald
county, ou the Mh day of December, A D. 18H8.
tn. K. uisiup,
1-11 Assignee.
Notice of Intention.
Land Ofpicb at LaGhande, Orroon,
October 12. 1808.
1.1 followinK-nauied settler has Died notice
of his intention to make final proof in support
of his claim, and that said proof will be mnde
neiore ine county uiork of Morrow County, Or
egon, at Heppner, Oregon, on Nov. 2fi, 18'JS, viz:
of Echo, Or. gon, homestend No. CS48, for the
He naiiicg the followiiiB witnesses to nrove
his continuous residence upon and cultivntion
oi said laiin, viz: William Ooiiklln, of ve
Frank Killkenny, of Heppner; James McCnm
ber and Grant Buchanuu, both of Echo, Ore
gon. E. W. liAKTLETT,
'J!i Register.
V. 8. Land Office, The Dali.es, Orfion,
November 1, 1898.
this olticc by David H. Henshaw asnlnst
Frank Mcintyre lor failure to comply with law
aa to Homestead Entry No. 471)2, dated August
ll, 18SIS, upon tne H seii Hec. 24, ana NVi
NEU 8ectlonJ2o, Township 3 S, Range V6 E, W.
M , in Morrow county, Oregon, wilh a view to
the cancellation of said entry, the said parties
are hereby summoned to appear at this otliee on
tbe 22d day of December, 1M'8, at lu o'clock a.m.,
to respond and furnish testimony concerning
said alleged failure. Vawter Crawford, County
Clerk, is authorized to take tne testimony here
in at his office at Heppner, Oregou, ou Decem
ber 16, 1898, at 10 o'clock a. ra.
94-10 Jay P. Losas, ReiflsWr.
Timber Culture, Final Proof.
United States Land Office,
The Dulles. Or., Oct. 27. 18118.
thur Stephens, of Hardman, has filed
notice of intention to make linal proof before
V, Crawford, County Clerk, at his office in
Heppner, Oregon, on Saturday, the 10th day
of December, 18!i8, on timber culture application
no. an, tor tne WM!4 anu aw ot sec
tion No. 17, ill Tp No. 4 8, K No. 25 K. W. M.
tie names as witnesses: cnanes Ashbaugh, J.
F. Moreland and Stanford Howell, of Hardiuan.
and Fred Ashbaugh, of Heppner, Or.
yfl-v jay i: t,ucA8 Register.
United Ftates Land OfficeatTheDau.es,
Oregon, October 20, 1898.
suance of instructions from the commis
sioner of the general land office, under author
ity vested in him by section 24ft5, United States
Revised Statutes, as amended by the act of con
gress approved February 28, 18S5,.we will pro
ceed to oiler at public sale ou the 6th day of
December, next, at 10 o'clock a. m., at this office,
the following tract of land, to-wit: NEJ4 NE)4
Sec 19, Tp 3 8, R2CKW.M, containing 40
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above-described lands are advised to file their
claims in tills office on or before the day above
designated for the commencement of said sale,
otherwise their rightB will he forfeited.
JAY P. LUCAS, Register.
94-5 OTIS PATTERSON, Receiver.
Try a box of
Tlieo 6re a Gold In One Day.
Land Office at The Dalles, Obeoon,
October, 17, 1898.
following-named settler has filed notice of
his intention to iniike tiual proof in support ot
his claim, and that said proof will bo made be
fore Vawter Crawford, County Clerk at Hepp
ner, Oregon, ou Hatimiiiy, Nov. ai, ihub, viz:
of Eight Mile, homestead npulicntion 'o. 408j
for the S w '4 fee 14. I u 8 4, k 21 k. w. m .
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon a ml cultivation oi
said land, viz: John W. AU.tott, t'-ank Ander
son, T. R. Robinson, of l.iglit Wile, Orcgoii ; L.
P. Jones, oi Heppner, Ureiron.
J.IY P. LUC 4 8,
Sold hy
The Cutting Remarks made by our competitors are
inspired by jealousy at the .re
markable cutting qualities of
the fine line of cutlery lately
received by
Li November 16, 1898.
Notice in hereby given that the following-
l ained settlor has tiled notice oi his intention to
make final proof lu support of his claim, and
that said proof will be niadu before J. W. Mor
row, I lilted States commissioner, st Heppner,
Oregon, ou Tuesday, December J7, 1898, vis:
LUTHER HUSTON, of Eight Mile:
Homestead application No. 8873 for the 1'4 se,
ne4 set and se'itwfe sec. 2), tpR8,r24 si, W M,
He names the following witnesses lo prove his
continuous residence upou aud cultivation of
said laud, viz: Jai.ies J. AJkini aim nenry c.
(iy, of Heppner, Ore ; Herbert M. Olden, of
lone, sud William Bucket, of Eight Mile, Ore.
2- JAT r. i.ui.AR, negisivr.
Notice of Intention.
Land Office at Tins Dai.i.f.h, Okeqon,
i ictobcr 2ii. 1898,
followlng-natncrt Ci'ttli-r hits lilcd notlei
of his Intention to i.iiike lluiil proof in sup
port of his claim, and that said proof will be
made before V. Ciuwf.r.l, County Clork, at
Heppner, Oregon, ou 1 1 idav, lei ember 9, J898
JERRY J. McEf.LIOOTT, of lone,
Homestend Appllriiii.m No. 4-ii"l, for the WW
SEL.1 and E! HWh ftt. ;i. Tn. 2 , It Hi K W M .
He names the following wilinNK to prove hii
continuous residence ttiim uml cu 11 1 'rifii of
said land, viz: I'runk Vvihioii, John W illams
David 11. (ir.ibill ami Jiiiucs Nolan, all oi lone
9(i 7 Jay ?. Lucas, Register.
Timber Culture.-'-Final Proof.
II ll-ji.,l (Ire . Nov U. 1898.
Notice is hereby given tbst William Ayers hm
tiled uotlce" o( Intention lo make Html proof
beiore J. W. Morrow, United States commis
sioner, st his office In Heppner, Oregon, on
M,m,Uv tha '28th dav of December. 1R98. on tl'.n-
lier culture spplicatiou No. 'KM, for the w'j
uwi, and H swti boo o. 5, lu twp No. its, r
No. 24 t.
n. imm.. hm witnesses: Edward F. Day
Charles bardner, William A. Browu slid August
J. Cook, Sll of Heppner. oregou.
2-1.1 K. W. Bastlitt, Register
Timber Vulture Final Proof.
I I ll.ll.-a llri'iroll. Nov. IS. 1898.
Will,... iihereliv ul veil that Luther Uiltton, of
Kliiht Mile, liss tiled notice of Intention to make
rinal prtHif beforo J. . Morrow, r lilted Mat
coiiiiulMioiier. at his oftloe in Heppner, Ore., on
Tuesday, the 27th day ol Deieniber, 8 W, on
timber culture spplicatiou No. :fcs9, lor the lie1
see 2u, III ip io. a s, r no. n, " .
ii u iiini wltiicwes: James J. Adklns
HentvC (lay. Herbert M Olden soil William
Beckvt, sll ol Heppner, Ore.
Hi J.r i. Ll'Cis, KfKlstrr,
Timber Cvlture Final Proof.
Dalles, Ore., Nov. lit, Is.
v..ti... I. hvn-bv alven llial lacob H. Vi illlams,
ol Hirdmsn, h tiled notice (l his Inteiiilon to
MiiM float nrtM.i otiire t. a.t.inF. nun.
.i., ii. out. at his office In llvppurr,
Ore, on Wednesday. Hie th day ol Dciiinlwr,
ik'. on tlinlwr culture spplicatiou No. .f.;, lor
the neH. nwV se4 snd e' si ol m-v oo.
i i.. ,.... A 4 r Nil. 2.1 K. Vl M.
He nanics as wltnetses; James II. Allen, John
D Allen snd J. C. Kelthly. sll ol llai.luis.i. sud
Wlllmin It. iA-iuer, oi raam , uir.
Jat l'. l.tA, Kcgl.tcr.
Timber Culture -Final Proof.
I J Dalles. Ore . Nor. 18. 1m.
Notlie l her. br slveu that Alrt Mslteson,
of Heppner. haa tili-il liolli e ol Internum lo
maksttiisl r.H.I bHore J. W. Morrow, tinted
-lalct coiiiiuiliiier, al hlsoltue lo lleppnrr,
Vrf on i-.lmly. the Mh day of m-. eiul.ei,
iv.i'on llmlr culture appli. ailon No tor
tbe ' ol sec No M. lu l No- . t A ' '.
Wle tismes w Itii.t.: Kol-rt V Matt.f.n,
Iteulwti J. ttannl. Jolm tiaunl snd Miliou
Br. ll, all l Hippiur. ure ,.,
Jy l,li , Keg.stor.
Land Office at Tiim Uai.i.ks, Okecon,
October .'I'.. l.v.,
folloiving-nnini'd tietilcr has tiled notice
of his Intent, on to make 11 mil proof In
support of bis claim, an 1 that said proof will be
mane neiore v. criiwi rn, county i icra, ai
Heppner, Oregon, on Friday, December tt, 1898,
DAVID ll. GHABILI,, of lone;
Homestead Application No. 4J:I5 for lot 1, and
the HK!4 NEfc and N SK-i Bee 19, Tp 1 S, K 21
E W M.
He nainisthe following witnesses to prove his
continuous rennu iii ntioti ami ctiiuvatlou ol
said lan'l.vU: Frank Wilson, John Williams
Jerry McElligott and Joe Woolery, of lone, Ore
Utt-V Jay r. l-l'CAS, Rcgl
Land Oi fk e at Thf. Dai.i.ks, Oskoos,
i H'liibei' -'o. lf...8.
loll.m Ing-imtni il settler has tiled notice ol
his Intention to lunte liinii proof In support of
his claim, and Unit a 11 pmol will be mad be-
fore V. Crawford, County Clerk of Moiroft
county, Oregon, at hep). tier, Oregon, on 'lues
day, December ts, l.vx, viz:
o( Ixliigtoii : homi st.'iid application No. 4(7
for Hie H't N E1 and W. NKI, and NW SE!
see. 14, 1 l I n, K .'" t.. " . .VI .
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continu .us residence upon and cultivation
of said land, VU: r riiest I Iper, ol licxlugton
uregotcH. F, 8ium:art HO'i Robert 'I iiriier. ol
Heppner, Oregon; J. II. 1'lper, of Milton, Ore
gon J. I . l.l'CAS,
94,1 Rvgiiter
rX.J 1(.ih
?. b. mu mm.
Finn lbipi!-)ii!ce curvinp; pt't, of
gvurunteed quality, at $125 per eet.
The Jargcrit and bebt assortment of
eciesora aud shpara ever 6uowd. in
Heppner, wilh pocket k Dives, butcher
kDrvfcs, bread kDivep, parioR kuivoc,
and liny kDives are constantly in Btock.
m -iv-ri m.
Good Goods.
Fair Prices..
Groceries, Provisions, Glassware,
Tinware and Furnishing Goods.
Staple and Fancy Groceries
T. R. HOWARD, Heppner.
They have anything In this line that yon may desire and yon can depend on it you get s
good article when they guarantee It,
Old Stand, Main Street Repairing a Spsclslty
school books
Timber Culturi-Final Proof.
Notice of Intention.
Onus AT I. (iitis:F. Ohkoon,
lohcr pi. ImS
VOTicE H i:n;i:nv oivkn ihat ihk
11 follow lu imiii.'il kcttlcr lias filed notic
of his Intention to tpaki tlnal prHl lu ainiiHirt
of his claim, and th:.t se.itl proof will be i.iade
tanore the t'tmiiiv ( 'n-rk ol Morrow co.iutv
Oregon, st Heppner, Uiegon, oil lieceinber 5,
le., lit:
of Illinium', Oregon. homiMOeml No O'.ll, (or the
iWis Av. .' and N 'sK", snd N'i ,S
sec. II I p rt, ll .".i r.
lie nanu s the loll. Ins; witnesses to prove
nts continuovs rci'ti'iice iiou atel coitivnitoti
ol mid lalnl. vi. Mat Hughes and A. J. t o. a
ot Heppner, I rc g..n; l-vl L lllntt and A. NV
Norton, ol (iiirdii'ie, OrcK'Oi.
(I 5 k. gist r
I.isn dini s t Tiik l'i ' . nitron.
. . -i-.-r .'ii, 1 "i.
N'OTi.-K ii in;i itv t.ni.N i ii r hi k
f.tllow 1,, rmi"-! .-r tins III.. I i ot;re
of his I ! 1 1,' n 1 1. ill ti ni h . h". pr of In ani h.rt
of Ills etl.i, an I llii.i n. I .i " I mil l.i' male
U'lort . l'. t.1,.1, l , ,i ;v e k. i.t 1f..it r,
Oregon, o.i .ttur ti . I . i m i.'-r I r. it-;
r.t1l!!'k K 1 1 KKSV, of II, pi u.-r.
Ilomt tii .1 Am-! '!. it So t"t. foe ih- I1,
NM, and ', !.' .u. I,.;N it .'. K W M
He ltn-io t ' f. lw w.:!i.-. r.u.
hi cull no. Hi. te . ' .' . i: i hi. ei. , 1 1. All, in
id sal I land . 1 l! . I i 'i I .1 I,.iui h.T
PNn. Jh-ii. I ,,i ij a id .i;i I inly a.l id liepp
lie'. Ori top
1". J J iy I', l.i - , Krslster.
Conser & Warren, irtiKtrist.
The Central Market
1)0101 in
Fresfi. Salt and Smoked Meats
MWKCiTk. ssasiaisassnsnBasHMss
Fish and Oysters Evory Friday.
In opcninj; this market we solicit the
patronage f the puhlic n-urin
thetu the 1 . t of meats, and pentle-
I in oi rn r it 1 ii s ..i i . n ..
:i i'V
... .
i.ANi orni r
.....i . ii......... v.iv in . iw.
i. i.,...-!.v tvn thai l(eutn J. I. aunt,
ul ll-.piir, ha tllel U.'lhe 'l li,l...,ll..o lo
m.k" dosl r' 1 W. Horrow I i.ltr.1
Mates eomit.IMtol.er, st hl.nm,- In lleppiier,
(Ire en We.iiiM.lav. ue h dr ! n.tr.
.... i.Iiiipm aoi.ilcation N. :(. U, fr
I., tn...- . ...,.! ..i v.. tin,,.
h. In lo No 4 . t Sa h, V M" "'I'll'
liin Miltwui. M'.ll-H Brown son i"'n "'If'
p. I '
Ol lll I I ,
MpiMirt ul In. . , .ii . m . t l'
l ma le I-- I : I !. i
H...po..r, Or. "im, on ,
K, ii
Jie-KI'll II. (.rMMFll
flninet.. si ;.!!. '' ni No,
ew i. I p l it I
. ...I . . ! 1 . i.
's I II I I II F !
i ... - i.-.l t i.ti. :
... ! , ,l r.,, ,,i '
.1 pt .( Bill
i .... .1'. i i..f, m
' .). Per. J,
manly and roiiMtloratc treatment.
- i
That 14-Year Old Stuff,
"Holm's Best."
On Tap Down at The
of IVltllilotl,
,; li.r li e SAKV
u,ii. r i
1. !
1 It . i
' It
J t'
. II
t, prrt. '
"1:11. llt.O i
i.-' ..,. ,, !
M en
IT I M ,vmi'
. (' !t -i
t r :J:tS,
J t I . I t I . K- SIMer