BEOEET SOCIETIES. KAWLIN8 POST, NO. . G. A. B. Moate at Heppner. Or., the third ' Satnrdw ot arh month.. All Teteran. ar Invited to Jom. W.W.omun. , Adjutant, tf D. J. McFaul, M. D. HEPPNER, OREGON. Office hours, 8 to 10 a.m., and 12 to 2 Dm,it, and 10 to 12 a. m.. and 2 to 5 p m., at office In the rear of Borg's jewelry store. C. E- Redfield ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office in FirBt National Bank building. Heppner, Oregon. Ellis & Phelps ATTORNEYS AT LAW. All business attended to in a prompt and satisfactory manner. Notaries Pub lic and Collectors. Office in Natter's Building. Heppner, Oregon, D. E- Gilman GENERAL COLLECTOR. Put your old books and notes in his hands and get yonr money out of them them. Makes a specialty of hard collec tions. Office in J. N. Brown's building, Heppner, Or, W. A. Richardson JUSTICE OF THE PEACE and CITY RECORDER. Office at comncil chambers. Hells and buys real estate, rents houses, pays taxes, does conveyancing and will serve you in any way in his line, at reasonable tlgures. G. B. Hatt TONSORIAL ARTIST. Shaving, - 15 Cents Hair Cutting, 25 Shop, Matlock Comer, Heppner, Oregon. Mathews & Gentry BARBERS. Shaving - 15 Cent Hair Cutting Bhop two 25 " doom Bnuth of Postofllce A. Mallory, U. S. COMMISSIONER Is authorized to take all kinds of LAND PROOKH and LAND NIJNUH Collections made on reasonable terms. Office at residence on Chase street. . HIS BODY FOR SALE. HtMaat by Which a Saa FraacUeo Mam Hop to Proton His Ufa. There is a man in San Francisco will ing to barter his body to pay his debts a man so honest that the duns of his landlord drive him to desperation. .Re cently he tried to sell his body to the board of health that he might be able to live decently and honestly until the time for delivery. The man's name is Wilhelm Opper mann, and he is 61 years old. lie has lived in San Francisco 13 years, and in America 31. He first saw the light in Ilanover, and something of the father land sneech still lingers on his tongue. The body he wishes to sell is hand- nome and healthy, and many a million aire, who has not lived as well, would be glad to pay ten times the price, could the transfer take place lmiueuiuiciv. Oppermann has never been ill, but he is willinir to sell the body that has served him so well on condition that hit soul be allowed to retain his mortal r.nrt na kmc as it likes. Afterward the purchaser of the body can do what he likes with it. Bv profession Oppermann is a com noser and teacher of music, his instra . . ... IT !. ment being the zitner. icaia uu u made a fair living in San FranciKco mu in teaching, but his stringed instru ment is no longer the fad. Pupils have fallen off, and if the few remaining ones are ill or have no engagement there is no pay for the teacher. And so things have gone on from bad to worse with the old master and his old wife. They have moved from place to Dlace always to a less desirable one. Now they are not able to pay the rent of the little house at 29 Julian avenue. Tn January Oppermann sold his beau tiful concert zither, which he loved aa h loved his soul, and better than his body. It went for a third of its value, hnd the monev was gulped down by the rent-ogre. Though it is only May, the wolf is strain at the door. In his extremity Oppermann thought out his novel scheme. He decided to offer his body for sale. So he ap proached the board of health and asked them to buy. Taken back by his propo sition, one of the members told him to put his petition in due form and present it on Wedneeuay. i ne om niau is lay ing that the proposition will be ac-ffmted. If not, he is going to the medical col JtiffCB to ask them to buy a fine, stalwart tM body, to be delivered to them when the owner is through with it. In this way the mind that owns the clay hopes 40 get another start in this slippery world of ours. San Francisco Chron icle. -'.a'At Schillings Best money-back tea and baking powder at Your Grocers LUBRICATING A WATCH. ABSURD BELIEFS Beaaon Why Medloal posters Prosper. Credrallty and lgnorn oi wv People Make Them Easy YletUue for the Fakir to Practice Their Wiles Upon. If Other Piece ot Machinery Will Ren Bo Lost After a Single Oiling. Very lew of the millions of people who carry watches realize to what a powerful extent lubrication is de valued, and what an extraordinary number of turns the balance wneei makes with one oiling, says the Phila delphia Record. A Chestnut street watchmaker, whose knowledge of these wonderful pieces of mechanism is not exceeded by any man in this city, has made up an interesting table oi com parison to show the perfection of lubri cation m a watch. A watch will run on one oiling from a year to a year and a half. Every min ute the balance wheel turns on its axis 450 times, and 27,000 times in an hour. Accepting the year as the time the ordinary watch will run with one oiling, he finds that if the driver of a locomotive was as well oiled as a bal ance wheel of a watch, it ought to run 00 miles an hour day and night for 648 days, or well on to two years, with one oiling. In that time it would traverse a distance equal to nearly four times the circumference of the earth. In view of the fact that in reality few locomotives will rvm one day With out. TPnilincr. he, maintains that the watchmaker has developed his art to a far greater degree than the locomotive to President McKinley and received the following reply. Washington, Not. 6, 1898. 0. J. Stabling, The Dulles: Yoar telrgram to the president refer o tc. Have ordered dieoharge of Set--m.t Stabling. R. A.Algkr. Seoretmy of Wsr. FflST TRAIN SERVICE BUILT TO THE EAST VIA Wt ROCK ISLAND RUE. "Nine out of ten people believe," said a surgeon to the writer, "that the eye can be taken out for repairs, just like the works of a watch, and again re placed in the socket precisely as it was before. A moment s reueuwuu uuBu v Virw imnoRHible thlB tO BHOW ailjr 1 I . ' , .11. (n ru-ll would be. As a matter ol lact, tne eye Duuoer nan yev is held in place by no fewer uih i six SCIENTISTS. taut muscles, and, in order to turn it nuu m m w out of the socket, at least four of these A PlrlMeton university Party to Ex would have to be cut through. Besides. plore the Famous Moeaa Clla. it is connected with the brain by a prof. William libby, of Princeton thick nerve which cannot be stretched, univerBity, accompanied by several scl- and it is also connected with the inside entigts of repute, has begun an explora- of the skull by blood-vessels, and if tion of the famous Mosas cliffs in the tliouo worn out thev could never be re- T7nitd States Indian reservation of un.ted. Perhaps a time will come when New Mexico. It is expected that the a dead man can be restored to life; but Ugk will require many weeks for its mnv feel perfectly sure that there- r.nmnletion. , J" j -- m. - :"''. , . . , ! A tnoval and restoration oi me eye Prof. Ubby, wno is a gemu1'"' surgical feat that will never be per- an Arctic explorer, conceived the idea rmu.l f nt.tpmntinir to mvesugai wb ui- "Another extraordinary popular be- trict years ago. but no means offered n..f 1m that, rBfmeetincr the nature of a itself until William J. Eddy, of New pnld. You will hear the moat York. Derf ected his kite machines for intplliirent men saving that it is due to Berioi transportation. Mr. Eddy has ... , . -i I an excess of cold inside your body, anu they will advise you to use a mustard plaster 'to draw out the cold.' In re ality the cold is simply an excess of heat inside, and the mustard plaster is intended to draw out the heat. What happens when you get a cold is that tne cooling of the outside of the body squeeze, the blood vessels anu iurccn lot more blood into the lungs than can be accommodated. They become regu If you suffer from Dny of the f ills of men, conic to lue oldest Specialist on the pacific Cci3t, S OR. JORDAN A CO.. I ,1051 Markets. Esld S52. Young men and mitt-He from the effects of youthful indiscretions cr ex- cesses in maturer years. Nervous and PhystaJ etiiivr,iiniieny Jlan:. .! t tn all its complications; UnerniRiorr-ho?:., rroaiaitirrnirn, MonorrlioMt, vicet, L rre(urue; ot (Jrluuliiis, etc. By a T combination of remedies, of great curative pow- r, me uocior na3 so arranged his treatmeat that it will not only afford immediate relief but permanent cure. The Doctor does not claim to perform miracles, but is well-lnown to be a fair and square Physician and Surgeon, pre-eminent in his specialty Diseases Of Sifn. i HtpIiIHk thoroughly eradicated from trie System without using M ert'urya KVKBY MAM annlvlnir (n n Trill ro- Celveour lionatoijinlmoi hiaeomplnlnt. rr c-tvtib Wtturuurc u rvbi 11 Wilt every cose we undertake, or forfeit One ; Ihounand Bollars. ( Consu tation PKKR tinA crTcl.. .i-nt ) CHAKQE3 VERY JtSASOXABT.k Trwt-m-nt personally or oy letter. .Send for bed. the I'liiiospphy of Masi-iase,'' free, (A valuable book lor men. ) VISIT DR. iaRnms Great Museum of Anatomy i .... mm. museum w us khq m u;e j world. lme and learn how wonderfully you t are made: how to avniH Ibnco n.A .i:L.. i We are continually addins new f:ieciniins. I CATALOGUE FREE. Call or write. 1061 Market Street. San Francisra. C.A" f Fast Express Leaves DKKVER . . 2:J P- " Leaves DENVER, . . 0 p. n. JKK . Zm. " PLEBIA . . 7 (15 p. m. An TPS TOPEKA . . m. " COL. ). afHlNHS 8:40 p m. " KANAb CITY . .13ft.m. SKlASriTY Ar.ST...OUI8,(Wab.K-y) 6:15 y. m. Arrives LIN JOLN '. 2:11 p. m. Arrive.. ST. JOSEPH . 10:40 a. m. " mUHi . . 4:2S p. m. " DKS HHJINE3 . . 9:30 p.m. Arrives LINCOLN - (Ex Eun) 8:45 a.m. " PKO 1A . . 11-20 a in. OMAHA (Ex Bar) . 80 a. m. " CHICAGO 80 a. m. CO. 1-LTJF. 8, . . 9.1U a. m, Colorado Flyer Th-ongh S eep? b and Chair Cars Colorado i to Chiraurn. W Ida et!OUie uiruuguouu uo tinpBt trBtn in the West. For particulars and folders giving time of these trMus write I or BEVO SE. t. t. M-i-tuu, Through Sleepers Colorado Springe to Bt. Louis via Wabash K'y. PORlLND, OHE. A. O. P. A . TOPEKA. JNO. SEBASTIAN, Q. P. A., CHICAGO. ( , . THROUGH TICKETS -TO THE Fat and Southeast ftRLINGTON-FOSSlL STA6EL!NE H. TtEED & ) . , A. Q. OQILYIE f -Pe. FARE FROM ARLINGTON TO Fossil (60 miles). . .?5 00 Hound trip f'J 01 Mayvllle (5.3 milep). 4 00 Round trip 7 0C Condon (:19 miles).. 3 00 Eouud trip 6 0( Clem (28 miles) ... 2 00 Round trip 3 50 Olex (19 miles) 1 50 Round trip 3 50 Stnsre leuvs Arlington every morning R. R. ILMUr TEE THROUGH OAR LINE PULLMAN PALACE 8LEEPEBS. PULLMAN TOURIST SLEEPERS. FREE K EC LINING CHAIR CARS. Portland to Eastern Cities Change. Without H. W. Fall, PROPRIETOR Of tho Old Reliable Gault House, CHICAGO, ILL., Half block west of the Union Depot of C. B. A Q., C. M. & St. P., C. ii A., P. Ft. W. & C. and the C. St. L. & P. Railroads. KATES S.oo PKH DAT Cor. W. Madison and Clinton fits., CHIOAO-O. IXjXj. built a contrivance formed of four huge kites arranged in a square, four feet riTwirt. These kites can be sent up in the air to a height of 800 feet. The ap- (Sunday ejoepted) at 6 o'olork; is due J. W. Morrow ATTORNEY AT LAW and U. S. COMMISSIONER. Olllce in Palace hoti l building. Heppner, Or. S. A. D. Gourley, ATTOllSKY.AT.LA V. IWtli'lmiitr 111 all H ate and Federal Courts. paratus was sent by express to the scene of action ana an expert m men use tent by Mr. Eddy to fly them, un ier Prof. Libby directions. Robbed th Grave. A startlina incident of wbioh Mr. Jobr a Condon at 3 p. m. und arrives at Fob si! at 7 p. ni. OomfortabiH covero!! coaohrs and care ful, experieoopd drivers. Quick Time. Union Depots. Personally Conducted Excursions. BaigHe Chbcked to Destination. Low Rates. ,... j i . Direct line to Trans-Mississippi and Inter national Exposition held at Omaha, Nebraska, June to November, Write undersigned for rales, time tables and ithnr information pertaining to Union Pacific KJKH. LOTHltOP. or J. C HAST Art.. , Gen. Art.. 135 3d Bt., O. K. & N. Co , Portland. Or. Heppner, Or. Dew & Rio Grande RAILROAD SCENIC LINE OF THE WORLD- OHIOAGO Ilwato & SI Paul B'g larly flooded ond gorged, and thereeult Oliver of Philsdelphia, was the subject, is really a fever, though w call it a ,9 narrated by him as follows: "1 wss iL 0. R.& N. r-ONTiNUED TO EXIST. T cold. T1i Tims tor ihm Knd of the World Had Not Come. At the time of the Millcrite delusion In 1843, when many people believed that ttui end of the world would come on a attain day in April, and many others rho did not really believe were yet moved to superstitious uneasiness by the fervor of the Milleritos, there wer a number of eager watchers for the ap pointed day In an old New England town. It was a lute spring, and there was a light fall of snow on the ground. On the nlirht before the dreadful dute, there flamed in the sky a magnificent orimtton aurora, and the red light In the heavens with lis red reflection on the biiow terri- j fled iiutiiy nervous people to the verge of distraction; they thought it signified the beginning of universal destruction. One womnn, who lived alone, with the back of her house close to a cemetery, waked near midnight and was overcome w ith horror. Without stopping to dress , i.i 1 l.,:il..l -I... ,n ., thu limiHi' nnd nlntur close I r, XI nic it'll ami rimu. , , ; . ,..:i1 Ursine me inirj uifr-gi '"""iu,uj - OKKOON Dr. . B. Mctzlcr DENTIST Bridging a spt'cialty ruinlt'sH I'xtrut'tion. . . . Oregon. Heppner I.IIIKMTV MAHKICT THE OI.U SHOP! U Hie plm e to no to Hi't yur tins pork and Inmti rlioiis. sli'RkS and roasts. Flah Evry Frld. r'tue susar eurd lisina and tutt'on Cure leal Int. I, ki-tlln riMidiwI. oldstyls. lllKhint l.rlre Mtil lor at stork ' BenJ. Mathews. NEW NAME! Win. lionlmi luu rt'-nanu'tl his htainl tho old Join's livery htahlo Hul.-dlisy lr Ml. Charsi-s rMnnlde Call an htm and ! horsre wsll 'ml lor. A. Abrahamsick Merchant Tailor Pioin'cr Tailor of 1 Ifintr. His work lirst-clasH und Hatiffartory. tiivf him arull May Stri-ct toward the dwelling of her next neigh bor. Her bare feet slipped in the snow, and once she fell, but rose immediately and ran on. Her neighbors also were awake; the wife lying quaking in bed, the htmlmud at the window. He looked out just as the frantic figure in white sprung up from her fall In the drifted snow emerging, as it appenred, from the graveyard, and bathed in blood-red light. Turning bis head, he shouted back hastily Into the dark chamber: "If true, wife, the end of the world bas come! The dead are rising from their grave I've Just seen the first one!" The supposed corpse, however, pres ently took refuge In his house, and when morning dawned and the world till existed, the trio were no doubt re assured. Youth's Companion. trldayK J.Utisou, Junk ol tlu pes at AiiWIol'. fwrhwl 'ex'' lUI nl l1'' Primtf Kliorllt llrowu, slating that frank For-e.U-r m S.H1H mar Mitchell lt luily muriitiig. It ts thought llmt that the iwoi'le .rulim hlin are on the rlht ttai k, and that he ill h i Minr.'d tu a aiiuti uiuir. It seems a small thig to make ft mistake about the value of beef tea to a sick man; but I can assure you that hundreds of lives have been lost under the popular error that beef tea ia a nourishing food. It is nothing more than water in which tne pleasant, suu stimulating wilts of the beef are dis solved and has the same effect as a mix ture of whisky and China tea. liui it him warcelv a psrtiele. of nutriment, and both dwtora and public have starved to death more people than I'd like to state through, believing that it lias. .miliar is the belief that an i- na ,rf,wl iLB a ooutid of meat. If CKK n . you feed yourselt on egg w this absurd theory, you will simply .t,rii.t .... Int., skin nnd bone. 1 ne rem value of iui egg is its weight in good beef; so that it would take eight eggs of the overage size to supply the place of a pound of meat. "Then there is the universal fallacy about the liver. 1 dare say that a mil lion of money is apent every year on the livers of Great llritain anu aoouv mu hundred thousand of that sum does harm instead of good. The liver is sub ject to about one hundred diseases, and the cure for any one of these may In tensify any other of the ninety-nine. i ,,.L.. .,,. iihi" as an example: iue liver may be making too much Idle, or it may be making too little. Obviously, the remedy for one of these disorders would make the other worse than ever. So that when a person recommends something as being 'good for the liver.' a most dreadful condition. My skin was almost yellow, eyes sunken, toDgue ooated, pa'n oontioually in back and sides, no appelite-gradually growlog weaker day by day Three physieianf had crluftll ma Tit) Fortnnately, a friend advised tmna 'Electric Hitters,' snd to my greHt jov and surprise, the first i,tu murlo a rlm-idpd imDrnvrmerit. I nniinnnrl fliir 11RA for three weeks, and now I nm well man. I know they BBVtd mi life nnd robbed the grsve of another ictiit." No on? shonld fail to try them. 1U !MI ,.nU ner hivtt 6 Bt K. hin- onm'i drug store. Dkpirt FOB TIME SCHEDULES From Heppner. 9:30 p. m. Salt Lake Denver, f t. Worth, Omaha, KaiUHs Citv. Kt. Louis, Chicago, Portland, Walla Valla, Spokane, Minneapolis, fit. I'KUl. Diiluth. Mll- waukeo, and the r-ast. AKRIVS FROM 4:50 a.m. 8.00 p. ui. 81RVICE NOT NBBDKD AT MANILA. Haying Don His Haty, AithnrStnbllng Ask To be Discharged, The following letter, d ted Manila, Sept. 2.r)tli, Las leenrtoeived bv Mr. Bnd Mrs. Charles Btublin, of The i)llts from their son, Arthur. Its ouuteutr will give an idea of pisi hn the situa tion of oar boys Bt Manila i.fftcls ont who is ambitious to make sometuiug ol bli future, but tone tbe lec nstnotu when oircnaifttauces require his d vntiot to his country. ' He Buys: Thri lust msil steamer arrived just thirty two days sgo, tbe entiling ot f b iomcIi d d .ily, oonrjeqiif utly th bJI sre BExiuusly awaitmg bcr art W ilt Q WO VOlun'.Uriiy gave cur aervH ii :u t n- ci.aauy, it m. not a k-rul u. a) more tUu souie of as rt !il; U u.eol our life and liberty wss Unole 8ui' and was subiot to mob as be D lust think that it may be good for nia u h Offloers. Many hardsbifi liver, but not for youra. WHrf ,0 j,n Ban j0to eoDsiJetniicr'. are far worse than men id HElTNtR IKAXSH-R CUS Hrll. .1 rt.r, ia rmli !" h'll l ia nn l 'tt ot.ti-r, tu ents anil 1 aar.ti llils ! '! ! t,K nf.t..f (Hi II, nl at " ntral" t'' Uuit oftu'v. Wc Move Anything! 1)1x1' ! MVV IV 1 V Stago Lino Cttrait a V ). , I M in HI I. it lull II ! ' (.i I .1 ( S lii :t l,.n,r ,r lit ll !' ' lllil'li l,,.t,M II, mil', m j. t.i, i I aitim D. I". MILLER, rre I nniai tlim-l i.nt l.ij.nlt in tttluliit ilwltli t. Hums II I I. .-r lll. rm at Siiti'ta nu i ii i I' a t m i'lr al H' , ,,,,,. li a 111, Ifalna. Ihe Imlwrlltty of snrne mm ia alwatrs Inviting Ihe emhtare nl ilrath. It l the delight of Huh lufti to bt i( what "tough fil lows" they ate, and tell how Ihry uvrrwotk them- arlvra anil how they nrglcct little lisoi tins antl "Women thilr buliefa alKiut tlie body and iu all n.u... T nm nnlte sure that out of every 100 children who die under one jvar old 40 are actually killed through the mother's belief that final Is not nourishing unless It is aonu. They don't understand that milk baa an immense amount oi souu manor dissolved In It, aa sugar Is dissolved to water; and so Uiey give the unfortun ate children cornflour and bread, which thev can no more digest than they can digest iron nails. The result is a short life of misery and then death, while those of us who manage to survive are made martyrs to dyspepsia all our day a. iav Wiufs are merely absurd without being dsngerous. Hair, for in stance, Is composed of almost Ihe same material as the ringer nails, and It is perfectly dead. Cutting the euda of it cannot poaaiblr make It grow, al ! thouifh it does prevent the hair from splitting up; nor can the hair become ! white in a night, any more than a wig. : When novelists. tH. by the way Ue OCKAS hTIS A MHHI PH From 1'iirtlanit. All sulliug dates sntyK't to chaneci For san Frmielsco fill M)V. 1.4, 7, 10, lit, 10. Ill, il, -25, 23 4:00 p, in. 8:00 t. m. Ex Sunday ni ur. lay 10:00 p. m. Coi.cmhia River HTBAM K Kri. To Astoria and Way i.aimiiiKH. 0:00 a. ra. Ex. Sunday 4:00 pra. Kx. Sunday VVlLLAMKTTg 1UVKK I Orpgiin City, New- uern, haivin ana; y Undiiigs. This Railway Co. Operates its trains ou the famous block system; LigbtB its trains by ekotrioily through- oat; Uses the celebrated eleotrio berth read ins lamp ; Bans speedily equipped passenger tmins nvarv dav and uieht between Ht. Paul and (thioago, and Ouatiha and Ohioiigo; tbe r.hir.aflo. Milwaukee & St. Paul nnorntPH Rteum- hPKtea veiTiDnn-u traina. nsirrvinfl the latent prival oomDanmetit osrs, library buffst smok (ng cara, and palacu drawing room sleepers. Parlor curs, free reclining chnir oars onH Hin vorv best dining chair oar service. r?or lowest rates to any point in the ttUq.i sitttoa or Canada. BDDly to V U " 1 ' ' " - ageut or sd.lress 0. J. EDDY, 1. W. CASEY, General Agent, Trav. Pass. Agent. Portland, Or. Weekly Excursions io the EAST, u ttirotub tourist cars without change. MODERN UPHOLSTERED TOURIST SLEEPERS n charge of experienced couduotorB and porters. Mondays, To Kansas City, Chlcauo, Buffalo and e via sail uai Alton Kys. Boston without change via Salt Lake, Missouri Paciflcaud (Jhloago aim i TnaorUiTO T Omaha, Chicago, uuuaio aim I UcbUityS, Boston without change via Halt Lake and Chicago, koc isiiuiu at immu ivj. To St. Joseph, Kansas City and I Bt. JjOUIS WltllOUL cnttiiKW Lake and Burlington Houte. Thii.or1.iira To Kanea" City and St. Louis with I UUrbUdja, out change via Halt Lake and Mis souri faciilc railway. Wednesdays, A day stop-over arranged at Salt Lake and Denver. A ride through the Famous Colorado Scenery. 4:TOn.m. Ex. Sunday 7:00 . m. rues , Thur, and Sat. "tfiUAMsns: ami) Yamhux Kivkks. OriKon City, Iiay- ioii i.auii-lngs. rS:f). III. 'Vytl.UMKTTB RlVRR Tins Ihurs andi'at. I'ortlsnd to Corval. Us & Way Und tugs. l,v. Rlparla ally exoept nalurday 3:n0p. m. Mon., Wed. and KM. 4::W j. m. Tui's.i Tliur and Sat. Passsngtrt beoksd for all Feralgn Countries. J. 0. LIAUT, Atfenl, Ueppner, W. H. HURLBURT, Xi'tioral rajuciigor Avnt, I'lirtlsnd, Or. Hit .; r . at ! ,v ! SI t l 1 , B ' M ' Il ! 1-4 : i,nrt Mh lnsl lUfVn iiti Hi .1 Ii an DIMI4 r. hi a (It Br l WHM" Uihf HI- I'M H m4 ' irL'J ! f.f It. IHITIH. 4 soxit. I UbHISM i. i h skvi rt I 1 M. .. , 'II l ,,.m , . ''l."' U, It k4 vl b bat II way not sound nut to hi sn, but it it a lad that th avrtage man is ut that kind of a bi.a.tful. lUrrtfiit Mint If ii-'t achrs II in I .ith pavitif anv allrntum l,: If hf IrrUdull and dmv itnilng Hit lay 11 ln t mth wiii'iis consiilnatlon: II h Ia InmliU d ut lri pirneM at niihl, h diwft himwrlf tih ipitrt Ubrii h tnttrra lii.m, Ii .ls intn Hit nrn-l dins alme and m Iris iBirilul mrdii'lma thai vn a plivt Ulan pitK-nlirt with It is 'y kni'Ktng Irllow. hut wtthniit knntn it. be It husiinf drlh Thrtr U wmnlrt (nl trtoiati I. iiie snd hrallh huiUlrf thai iil keep thr hnlrl woikma; mn In ihI kiii( hr, ll 1 l 1'irirt't l.,il,lrn Mr.liiti lH"i It ltndrd hint notivt ...! ami haikt ll solium n.i nunrttla nit naiotica and n utr ll ainiply aid nutuir In Ihr natuial " s irll'in ami rsrrrtinn ll lonr III, h lintn. h ami Itvlliltle it" ' dr.tiv iit Ii wkr a mn " himisty a t bnrr " and Ihrn rr lo It tlil th III,' smug rtimrnu ol Ihe IihmI he Ukra ait ainitl!td i"t" Ihe WimhI ll inviuof atrttli liver, ll anvtinut s',1 impunurt and iliwaw gum lumi th vlrm II It tht goal tlxHl makrt ami rW.b I'Uil-li f It It the twl "t til net lnn ll rutit brt'nibitt, llirutl tnd lung aftliMit tt fll -1 h.l l.l(.. tail t t"til U " tllt V' A I i.ii-l .,!. I Cmi,i, h - ir -n t Mnihal lu.i ml SB " ( f ..iiMir.ti.m I aim Jirnl. H Pirtif nt rT.H hou'd bt Ukraj Ti"T tl. flit tipt yiu4 j isul till UvUt UMUniurt lillle illneet that put olhri i.i,l on then ,t,rU ,rwn hir sUndinir on l'l I ... - . . . ...!. ena tiiey stenK or lornuiiiriuiii mi wrfectlv linimsslbie. Msny ot the low er unitusU hsv little nmsolot ttohel U th hnirs by which they cen erect them, but hiimsn lein(r hsve no euch muscle, nor ny other incsns of mek Inif Ihe hair stnnd on end encept tb4 baud or e t-wwU snd brush." N. 1 Tribune. A tptnti4r't Drttt. (HH-rntum of dreiiif llie oiH-rstiun of drcitiif In cold wrethrr in the fr north it so rUIr sle tbftt it is iliftlcult to imderhUiid bow di liliersle ly or girl In l4i.liiiid csn be rrndy fr breekfnst before dinner lime. 1 tr , two suit of thick wtndeit und. r loih.nif ere '" on. "d oer thrte (rt e thlrt 'f reindeer skin, with cloth bend t fasten el th rials; eomellnirs to of thete thirls, or kep Us, ere worn, end e reindeer vest l neeth them. Tbe Imuwri ere vt r-ia-deer ekln elwi. lo eirs of beevy vwHilen sUK-kiriire ere worn, end the child whi ute thee on when they ere damp I sure to lie trouble with bie feel. Armmd the fret prculie'r tfra. well dried. It cerrfully btiund. i- estsntial fector In this line wcnlrj tie tU sleeping end estmg eceomodig t on", ibeo Ihe fsoililiee fti' pruTi l.Dg il tick snd wouuded with piouer e .r gud Uifdioiuee. " ilaiif of the to'aoleeii piivetet I e e higl er social end business position thsn ihenffloerg in ouerge ot tbeto. It ie trae Ihet there most be e distinction between e nriyste end e wnitntetiontf .fflflcr in nrdrr t" mninti.10 discipline btltnrieil the motieee srt ui u"' oncKEXT AND MtVT nit if, a ou elreedy ino. I inouKht of ell before I eeied jonr ftimietion to eolmt. IWotiying this I inmiedietslj enlnted. wiib the thought of aeteuaieg my counliy'e hoocr. Tide I bete done Id the beel of my ebiliiy. t over end there ie to more need of xilnnt.trt: tt leMl tUeie It 00 more fbil ting lo be done. It we ere left o thie Itlsod to do gsrrieoo eud polioe duty, ee ebsll be nothing inure then regulsf eoldier. Io this I eeri.msty obj-et, eed ceo eelly and tmlbfully ey. etery oihtr trolon- doee el.. When I se Jtl e ry emell boy you fcno bs my embllion was ll hts never eheuged, hoi u I itu .impelled to etey here end do regulsr ...i.b.r'a ork. it ostnrslly il bee ...I i man t In my emblli iu. If oo-'g embilbm ie o" hint'" '"" " reiddiet'e if- ench dnt e .11. I i. twrform I edit inl.l tull . , fr tt I te l ett Jit int a nsb't. If them ee th" leie tige t '"'ibU , .. I .i.iil.l never fee 1 1 leel to BiiASi Ktvse. Lv. Lwlstoii Hlparia to tjtwlttoii.dally exeepl (rlday m m .one If so, he snre and ee tnst yonr ticket reads via TH8 KQItllWSStBIIl Una ....THK.... I OHIOAaO, ST. PAUL, MINNEAPOLIS, AND OMAHA RAILWAY THIS IS TH Great Short Lit)e BETWEEN DULUTH, St. PAUL, CHICAGO AND ALL POINTS EAST AND SOUTII. For rates and all all information, inquire of O. K. & N. and S. P. agents, or addros, R. C, NICHOL, 8. K. HOOI ER, General Agent, Hen. Pass. & Tkt. Agt. 251 Washington Ht., Denver, Col. Portland, tlregon. J. C. Hakt, Ueal Agt.. Heppner.Or. east, unnmrinini S0HH1MH 0 Ml aT. Yellow Stone Park Line TUB ONLY DINING-CAR ROUTE FROM PORTLAND TO THE EAST. THE ONLY DIRECT LINE TO THE YEL LOWSTONE NATIONAL PARK. Leave. Depot Fifth and 1 Sis. ?.OimSllORTL!NEIF. I-1RKCT LINK TO UTAH, COLORADO, NE BRASKA, KANSAS, MIS SOURI RIVER and all PvinU KAS1 awl SOUTH XAST.mM LOOK AT THE TIME. Their Magnlfireut Traek, Peerless Veatlbuled Dining ana nieoping i, Trains, atld Motto: No. 2 11 A. M. No. a E P. M. toil b it M i ee It dei i b d dlff-rw I i .htillv. It-'Ollet it iml y-m ni,J f th. impfeeainSj t am .rr tt tr .niitti d, f .f y eotttiry sb mU aHlu ! toge'd U r HU lorrign ,lt.o. ei'h J ur Mtntitt.Hl ..!' I re tnlitl, blt etpeilfrt be d. -bergt-l it'll If htve I. urd-r 1 1 tlt't biw tub ninth f'iu todty, It-lb Are., ,.uUl le'-egftwU t lot diebrke tot m NEW YORK. 4J days CHICAGO, -ST. LOUIS. 3i M OMAHA. 3 " fre lUclluing fbeir Cere Vlbidtired T mrist Hleeploa Cere Puilrsta l'tlaee 8!eepin Cere Fir fu'l ptrtienUre regtMiog re, lime nf Ifttnt, t!o., etl no rf 1 1 Jrete i.V IUUT, gjtii O. H k S. Co., Heppeer, Oregon M Truer, W. F.. Co rrsi. 1'mi, Al, Oib'I Ail. Ill Thlni M I'mtUnd, Ore. "ALWAYS ON TIME h. i an this road a national retmtatlnn. All I'laut ot paMKiiaert rarriou on ins vuiiioiiitni trains wlthoiit extra eharaa. Hhip yonr freight and travel over this turnout una. Ail tgetiu have tU'keta. wmilAD. F. C. StVAGE, Ueti. A.nt Trtv. t. k P. Agt. 'iu, Washington si., roniaua, ur. "The Regulator Line" Arrive. Past Mail for Taroma, battle. Aberdeen. Honth Dend, Hpokane, Helena, Hntte. Atiaconoa, n. Haul. I ntcaao. tew York. Boston, and all polntt East and Hoiith- east. Portland, Taroma and Seattle Express, for la coma, Seattle, Olympla and Intermediate malii- llne points, No. 1 10:15 A. M. No. i n p. u Mlnneanolit. Omana, i lly aud other Missouri ! The Dallfs, Purllaoil 4 istcria Niv'ii!b Co. XSJL2XXXt DALLES CITY" AUD "RECUUT0H" DAYS to Ht. Pant, Kant river points. 84 DAYS to Pt. Louis, Milwaukee end Cbl- caco. 4U DAYS to Washington, Phlledeiphle. New York. Bosum end other far-Eastern points. Colon depot connection! In til princlptlcltlet. Baggage checked through to destination of tickets. Union depot, Portland, foot of Sixth it. in, .l.,r, reservations, tickets, mspS of mutes tnd other lnlormttlou, call on or wtite A. D. CHARLTON, atttatjitit General Passenger Agent, Vt Moert- tun ., Cov. Third, Portland, Oregon. i i nl e iiim ei.h ii ii.i. ........ it,.. I,.,. It, in. ma M-ttla' i'l ' 'r ....I W,k. .,,.1 .... ere e. er,e In Imp- oa Ibegruun Ie IbtMh. tttf te rrl.,lly lend: ellrlothiiiititfaaieiirdl.y etrlngt, ),r, i, a eieii II h-e w.tUr t ami II Ii dreedful Ihiuk nf e!l the it ,t i f te'h in."ie t -hard Vnoit- thet Up children hee M , - aitn fumbled over hi!e too tUerpy W Uf. biutlisst iUiOitJ el'l; Wiettpte4 I uiiU.-yJorUr. . , 1 ms 4 FORT SnUTAfeD IB M'OT.UN RAILWAYS Tie Only AU-ltetl lUme Wlihool reng nf ('r IWtween Hmifcat e 11. tn I Nlrtn. Altn lwlwen Stii tit iu.lenl, dtily etvil W'IGdtt 1 Commeoclog Monday, Mey '.'ml, the gletrutrt of the IWnUior L,iuil! letve I'lirtland el e, m. etid The Dellei tH;We.m. Wheo yon go to Portland, atop uff ' The llal'et and take ft trip dn :ht (,'nlniDbta; yon will erjrty it, tnJ ni'itiey. W. C. ALU W AT. Oenertl AijeM WiecoatiM Cttrasi LiHIl quxcix tiiwis i Hem lrtinoioj 4a4tUxilMtll'eliriimi.titiliii Ht MSa at f it Southern "Pacific Co n ffat h!ht thnMih ."'ifiMiia ui, lii s lt and rVaith. l,t i.l IV.mir I til Rmi A It'.i M ! i-r. t..ta . .. I to H. M .. ai4 ' m .. mm IHf. M. ' " al itti UMktnvra fiW tt' s '-4 tit t mi tk vtl. '". ft i-iti klnr rex tt sUr-t tit4 GENERAL PASSENGER DEPARTMENT. Milwaukee, Not. 5, 1897. PATRONS of the Wiecooeio Central Litjpa in I WusR tbrongh Cbicego nifty require some BHigt- unee in tbe way of having their haiid iMpgAtr tnkeo foflfl or to ttniu tnl enrrirtge or bus, or in uirtDy other waye, and tLey will find b11 that i deeiriHl in thi re eppct in tbe epnice of tbe Uebfri at tbe Grand Central Pawieriger Statinn, ho bate recently been nniformed with brown unit and red .... mi i - :-. : i . r. mt cp. ltiey win ce m woiuun of tli I'a.'ifti' l't. I'uiii. m ImP.i itffc4 tnun. tit.ieriirt nnf it ' !l train jrpj'ared to MHixt pa- ur.nt. M)d it ie booed thatnnr (. Mil unit nt artdnaa, tniU. ki'MO c, n. MARK r r Tnt c,H Tii uri win g U'ttroni will folly tbrmerlTee .f thie ad litiooal j-roTieion for T tit tifnts In rt Tst'rn ' r.i,. la aud a 1 IWiaiWy f in i rta be ob'ainrl at rt'r tmm their con fort.