Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, November 15, 1898, Image 2

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    The Gazette.
Tuesday, Nov. 15, 1898.
State News
A Settlement Will Be Made In the Grande
Rnnde Valley.
From Walter M. Pieroe, tbe East Ore
gooian eayi, we learn the particulars of
what constitutes an important event in
tbe business aod social life of tbeGrande
Ronde valley.
It Involves tbe incoming of an exten
sive Mormon settlement to the fertile
lands and eqanble climate of tbat valley,
tioh in nature's resources end promising
sbundent returns to the industry of tbe
It is an event tbat involves more tban
tbe mere magnitude of the transfer of
realty, and tbe inflnx of a considerable
number of people to swell tbe population
of tbat rapidly developing region.
It is an event tbat involves tbe ionog
uration of a uew system of farm indus
try, a new idea of social organization, a
new idea of industrial development
new, not to the United States at large,
but to tbe state of Oregon. By tbe same
methods by which tbey made a garden
of roses to bloom in tbe desert wastes of
arid Utah, these Mormons propose to
make tbe more productive Grande lionde
valley paint a richer red on tbe roses of
a garden more beautiful than ever grew
in the sagebrush plains of tbe Great Halt
Lake oonntry.
Already, in the mountains of Eastern
Oregon, the Mormons have obtained a
foothold, where Mr. Grunt, a vigorous
Mormon business man and miner, has
bought and is operating miles and miles
of plaoor mining ground, and owns some
valuable quarlz properties. Murmon
capital, Mormon energy and MormoD
ownership are part of these mining en
terprises, in whiob whole streams have
been monopolized and immense areas
brought under Mormon control.
Tbe genius of tbe Mormon social s-
Commicsioner Herman htu notified the Ore
gon City land office that quite a number of
homeatead entries are canceled and the lands
are open for settlement,
The new Bank of Huntington has opened Its
doors for biiHlnees. The otlieers are: J, H.
Aitkin, president; Alexander H. Kerr, of Port
land, vice-president; A. K. Niles. cannier.
Hon. John Krone, a prominent pioneer, died
at his home near Stafford, Tuesday. He was an
ex-nieintier of the legislature, and had tilled tbe
otlce of cominlnsioner of Clackamas county.
Dr. Watts a physician of Cathlamet, shot and
and killed a patient named BaiiKS because he
had accused the doctor of cheating him in the
tale of a bottle of medicine. Watts has been ar-
One of the busiest offices In town is the U.S.
land ollice, and the roaster, receiver and clerk
arc kept on the move continually. Sixteen
homestead filings were received in two days
this week, and It Is expected the good work
will goon during the entire month. Chronicle.
M. Zulovich, Indicted lor the murder of Pat
Barnes in Astoria, pleaded guilty of manslaugh
ter. '1 he plea was accepted by tbe court, and
Zulovich was sentenced to one year In the pen
itantiary, and fined iO. The case was tried at
the present term of court but the jury failed to
The Willamette Fruit Company, of Canby,
has completed the run on pruneB with Its new
drier, and reports an output of 1UJ tons. Home
of the evaporated fruit is on exhibition. It is
of a superior quality. The company Is trying
the experiment of shipping to a foreign market.
It has sent two carlords to Berlin,
According to the allowance made by the last
legislature, Ogle, of Clackamas county, was al
lowed $U'J 30. Of this amount he rejects all but
t24.:i0, claiming he only wants what the law
allows him, and that the recent legislature
violated Its obligations by making allowance
for !') days etc. He says: "It Is 11 miles from
here to Hubbard, and '2(1 miles from there to
Halcm; total .11; both ways, 61; at 15 cents per
mile, t'J.oU, which, with lf salary, maker I21.S0,
my total and only constitutional claim.
A warrant for ?:;:l,(it9 in favor of W. T,
Wright, for the Kastern Oregon asylum site, was
Issued by the secretary of the state at Sitlent
Katiirday. The secretary had been served with
notice by District Attorney Jlaydeu that he
would begin proceedings to restrain the issu
ance or tlte warrant. mo (HHirici auorney
withdrew his objections upon the assenting
by the board of school land commissioners to
the payment, (iuiiclultu deeds made by three
of the original owners of the site were deliver
ed to the hoard. One original owner of MO
acres of the Mi t; asked J 1,400 for a quitclaim to
his part, and it wns not glveu.
Lust .Saturday Corvallis grange received Into
tern seems to be one partaking some
what of 8 genuinely Imperialistic polioy, meinbctshlp 110 newly made graugerH. This Is
l u t. :...i:. .i... i : i sine! to be the largest class ever received into
wumcur mo iiiuiv.iurii, iu a nnunw, lurien ,
.......... , . . . ,, . membership by any grange at one time In the
uiBiuu.viuuo.il, w.nuu . bwbuuwbu .1 u v, M. Hilleiiry, master of the state,
in tbe interest of tbe whole body social, with visiting members from various counties
It is this neonlinr and clannish relation, were present. Thlsgrniigu Is now the banner
nharanlarixina Murmon Bnnial n,,,l i. grange of Oregon. A strong resolution coin
. , mending the farmer's short courso given free of
uu.umi i.io.u u.u...u wiier- , , ,, , b , ,, aKI,,utrl
ever tba Mormans has gone, that will be c1I ku was adopted by the grange, which also
brought into Oregon. One year heuoe, requested the grangers throughout the state to
llin f Iruiulu n,,ml vallav will lnm ,. aid and asslBt the college in its ellorts to pro-
grafted on to the body of its industrial
organisation a Mormon community with
all tbe Mormon peculiarities
- i ..-.
mote greater culture in luduntila! life.
Your Best Interesta
.1 I. .. I. . I ui.
Mr. W. M. I'leroe owns extensive " ra "7 '' "K "" "
ti ...;n i l .. : 1 t...
traolsof lauds iu the Grande lioude I WI1 oo i"wi oi i.tnu .uu moucy i.i ..e
. i i. . . 'ii ;it - n i.
valley, in company with bis brother, Mr. " "".
0. M. Tierce, of the Farmers Bank of 8 ""l
Weston, an.1 II. F. I'ieroe. now living in 1,1 Iu " er' of dlHt"41"'
Han FrnnoiHC). Mr. l'.eroe informs the W1" he ".el.Hd, BlfKium ami suturing
Kant (Irnnm.ii.. that ha h..H aiune.1 rl.i.l Wl11 l"' VH. (I, anil yr.iir limltb wiM be
Conveying to the Mormons a half section
of land near Lu Grande, for which tbe
consideration was 810,01)0.
As loon as the land bad been secured,
the Mormons at once platted aud divided
it into 1'.) acre trnetH running through
the entire trunk n road way, or, an they
call it, a ntr"t, down Iih oeutur, and the
whole ootistitiiiH a vilnge, each family
having 40 noma as their churn.
Next spriug, they put in a big depart
intuit store, and, with the jirnoowi of pro
dnclion of wcallli, will combine the pro
Cchh of diHtrihiitioii, iu so far as it is pos-
sillle Hit to 1 1 1 .
It willl.M a tvpicnl Mormon settle
tin lit, rum h It" those III it wli.ire made
in IHiih, no I Unit t'onViTted that terri
torv iiitn a ii'til nis flute,
The deeds of conveyance from Mr,
rieri'H contain oIiiiihch traliaferrlng the
nliligetiiiiiH of the contracts Wl'h the
beet sugar factory to raise sugar lieels,
these ooiitrarle calling for the continu
ons raiaing of sugar beets for four or
five yesr.
A Narrow Escape.
Thankful words written by Mrs. Ada
E. Hurt, of Uroton, H. 1)., "Was taken
with a bad cold which settled on my
lnng, cough set in and finally tertni
naleil in consumption. Four doctors
gave nie up sh) mg I could live but a
abort time. I gave myself up to my
Savior, determined if I ooiild not stay
will, my friends ou earth, I would meet
my hIipmiiI one above. My bimtmtnl whs
advised lii get l'r. king New Plscnvery
for cot. sumption, eonghi and colds. 1
gave It a trial took In all eight bottles
It has cureil me, aim ttisiiR lloii am
saved and now a well aud healthy wo
man." Trial bottles free at K J. Hlu-
rum's drug store. Hegnlar 'Ee TmIo and
VI. (M giliiikliteed or price refiinded.
preserve !. l'Wi't Hiil n wisi Oitirse?
(,. W. in i 111 at t'i.ieliinattl.
Mr. Frank Minitli accompanied by hie
father U W. Hmilli null the Gazette
oin.ie a pleai aid cull a few d.iys ago.
.Mi, (1. W. Sninli, hI.ii bus reeeetly re
turned fiom Cino iniit 1 1, Ohio, where he
wont ih n itidfgnle to Him iniltoiinl G. A.
K (ion Milton recites a ni i-t intoreeHtig
accoiit't of Xiiorieiioa and pleasure
whi'o io Htteiiili.iicH, Their prooossinn
eiubodi d II V) (KM) men, lnterHoerai' 1 wi'h
i In. n ',h of liitHic, u liicli r. quired five
hours li ne I o imv a Cert tin p..iol. Mr
Si.il'l. (ells that tliii Wi.s the event of
I11.4 hfn inn , mid tb fml thai C!mnin
naf.'l f !h" c i i f l; ' old h Hi", witch
ll h ft Hi. Ii y nun i I.I il 111 1 le It timet II
tcii i-ting 'ii him l,Uo '1 .i In r Ve:it
t in ii , li,' lei lh eat i II il to s i inl the rt-
ma ti l r nf '114 Id h 1 ', tv'i" o . t . ii Ii a
i.. hiri elVerl .on.
Mini May Wallace tbe Victim of a Ballet
Fired Through a Window.
Fbsdlktok, Or., Nov. 11 Another
tragedy has occurtd iu this town, tbe re
sult of which is tbe death of Mies May
Wallace, a teacher in tbe Pendleton
academy, who wag shot through tbe
body while standing bv a window in the
borne of her parents at 9 o'cloek last
night. Tbe shot was fired through tbe
window glass by some unknown person
who stood outside of the bouse. Suspi
cion rests upon a young Chinese name
Ge Oug as the prepetrator of tbe crime-
Mits Wallace came here from tbe East
with ber father's family a year ago, aud
bus been teaching at tbe Pendleton
academy, She is one of tbe brightest,
most cultivated intellectually and
charming socially of all tbe young ladies
of this oily. Uuiversally she is loved
and respected for ber admirable quali
ties. Hoaroely one has more friends
or fewer enemies.
Miss Wallace baa been teacher of a
olass of Chinese youths, iu addition to
ber regular duties on tbe faculty of the
academy. Xleceutly sbe expelled Ge
Oug a youuy Chinese boy from the class.
Ge Oug was much mortified and enraged
at bis expulsion.
Last night, just before 9 o'olock, Miss
Wallaoe stood by a dining table in ber
home on Webb street, doing some sew
ing, when some one fired through tbe
window, tbe bullet entering her body
below the bip j lint, ranging upward and
aiming cleat tbrongh so the surgeon
located it on tbe other aide just beneath
the skin. Miss Wallaoe is in a oriticsl
oondition, and the attending Burgeons
fear death at any time.
Ge Ong is believed to have committed
the orime, although as yet there is no
direot evidence against him. Tbe of
ficers believe they have enough evidenoe
to warrant them iu arresting and hold
ing Ge Ong, pending further investiga
tion. Ge O g was therefore arrested.
He is a Cliio.688 boy, only lb years
Ad operation was performed by Dr. G
W. King on Miss Wallace, by whioh
four inches of tbe smaller intestines
were removed, aud a Murphy button in
serted. The operation appeared suooess
ful for a time; but tbe patient died at 5
Noeideuoe was scoured warranting
tbe naming of aoy one as a suspect, and
tbe affair ia shrouded in mysterie. Ge
Ong is held, but the officerg say tbey
have no evidence poiutiug to bis guilt.
Boon after tbe operation on Mis Wal
lace, Dr. G. W. King was stricken with
paralysis. Tbu operation was p rform
ed during the afternoon, after which Dr.
King retired to bis nflloe. He wes cross
ing tbe room to a desk, when Lie right
foot lost its power; at the desk tbe
dootor began to to write a prescription
for his patient when bis band refused to
obey bis will, and an instant later his
entire right side was completely para-
lyzed. Hn was removed to bin home.
where he lies iu a oritical condition
Of County Expenditure November,
Term of County Court.
nriuu.Tr II, lorn.
following named settler has filed notice
of his Intention to make tinal proof in support
of his claim, and that said proof will be made
before the County Clerk of Morrow County,
Oregon, at Heppner, Oregon, on November 26,
1898, viz :
Oscar Montgomery, county expense acct. 7 00
L U Moise, same S 00
Heppner Light fc Water Co., court house
and iall acct 1H 00
W m Barton, pauper acct lid 00 j of Heppner, Oregon, homestead No. CV16, for the
T K Howard, same 50 ' N, 8 W ii and H E 4 S W 14 and N W i J Ji
Andy J cook, road and bridge acc "4 00 1 Sec. 17 Tp 3 S, R 27 E W. M.
T K Howard, pauper acct sa 35 He names the following witnesses to prove
Inland Telephone Co, county expense j his continuous resilience upon and cultivation
acct 2 0o j ot said land, viz: D. a Ib rren, C. M. Herren,
T J Carle, roae and bridge acct 4 :i0 Dan Henshew, William Walbridge, all of Hepp-
Fred Balsiiser. same 4 do : ner. Oregon. E. W. Baktutt,
A C i'ettyi, assessor's aeet 60 00 M-l Register,
J H vi atteuberger, road aud bridge acct . ii )
.1 R Simons St 8ou. same 't'JH
Wm Haguewood, same i 70
W 1. Mallory, same 321 64
Conser & Brock, pauper acct 12 So
E K H unlock county physician UK
Luther Hamilton, road aud bridge acct.. 8 Vo
W 1 Davis, same V W
H Bcherzinger, same 2 ) a"
Boys' and Girls' Aid Society, donation . . Hi 00
J W Matlock, court house aud jail acct. . 02
C H Hams, pauper acct 40 00
Gilliam & Bisbee, road and bridge acct. . . 'JO ia
A G Bartholomew, court house and jail
acct M 00
Henoner Gazette, stationery acct.
Vawter Crawford, emergency fund
United States Land Officc at The Dalles,
Oregon, October zo, lifja. -
' suaiire of instructions from the commis
sioner of the general laud office, under author
ity vested in him by section 2405. I ' n i ted States
Kevisea bututes, as anienuea ny tne act 01 con
gress approved February 2i, lS'Jo, we will pro
ceed to oiler at public sale ou the 6th day of
uecemner, next. at iuo clocks. m.,ei tins oraee,
the following tract of laud, to-wit: NE1 NE14
C 1, Tp i 8, R 26 E. W. JI , containing W
Any and all ncrsons claiming adversely the
above-deserlhed lands are advised 10 tile their
claims in tills office on or before the day above
designated lor the commencement of said sale,
otherwise their rnthts will be forfeited.
JAY P. Lli'AS, Register.
91-5 OTIS PAITERSOP, Receiver.
Chas TefTt, pauper acct 40 2
E K Swinburne, same loo 00
Blocum Drug Co, same 8 ;i
J W lorrow.same 10 14
J C Borchers, same '') 00
E P Rood, county expense acct , . 22 90
W J Davis, 5 per cent road fund Ho 00
Good Samaritan Hospital, appropriation. 50 00
allowed IN I'ART,
H McLaughlin, road and bridge acct,
tlss 09: allowed J15 53
C E Miller, same, "4 .17; allowed i) 12
Conser & Warren, Btatlonery acct, $10.15;
allowed J
State of Obeoon,)
County of Morrow, j
I. Vawter Crawford, county clerk In and for
gaid county and state, do hereby certify that the
above list is a true and correct statement of all
claims allowed In full, In part, or continued, by
the county court of Morrow county, ur., ai its
regular November term, 198, exclusive of fees
allowed by law,
Witness mv hand and seal ot county court
aUlxed this 15th day of November, 18.W.
Itfeal. VAWTER ckawduku, uierK.
Land Office at The Dalles, Oieoon,
October. 17. IKilS,
Ai following-named settler has tiled notice of
his intention to make tinal proof ill support uf
ins ciann, aim mac siuu prool win ie nuuie e
fore Vawter Crawford, County Clerk at Hepp.
ner, Oregon, on Saturday, Nov. 26, 18'.'8, viz:
1 JO ; 1,1 K.1!." ..tuo, uuiut:Bit:ii'i np;"in:iiiniii .vj, vio
-J i, U II' If C. n 13 1' o u .11 L' w
.j,. ; lui iiic o . . ;4 r-ru i.i, o i .1 ... .'1
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon aud cultivation of
Bam land, viz: John w. alstott, t i-ank Ander
son. T. K. Robinson, of tight Mile, Oregon; L,
P. Jones, of Heppner, Oregon.
Jay P. Lucas,
undersigned, assignee of the estate of G.
W. Swaggart, Insolvent debtor, will make final
settlement of his accounts with said estate as
such assignee, at an adjourned term of the cir
cuit court for Morrow county, Oregon, at Hepp
ner, to be nomen at tne court noose in saiu
county, on the 20th day of December, A D. 1898.
to. it. Bl.MlUl",
1-11 Assignee.
Notice of Intention.
Land Office at The Dalles, Okkison,
Octobers;. WW,
l following-named settler has iiled notice
of his intention to make final proof in sup
port of his claim, and that said proof will be
made before V. Crawford, County Clerk, at
Heppner, Oregon, on rldav, December a, lusa,
Homestead Application No. 4806, for the WW
DEtYi ana rvo an bcc. i p. a o, iv .i r. iw.
He names the following witnesses to prevents
continuous residence upon anu cultivation oi
said land, viz: Frank Wilson, John Williams,
David II. Grabill and James Nolan, all of lone,
9f 7 Jay P. Lucas, Register.
Notice of Intention.
Land Office at The Dalles, Oreoon,
October 20, 18!.
followlne-namcd settler has Hied notice ot
his intention to make tinal proof in support of
his claim, and that Bald proof will be made
beforo N. J. Hale, U. 8. Commissioner, at lone,
Oregon, on Saturday, December 10, 1898 viz:
FREDERIC W. BALSlGElt, of lone,
Homestead Application No. 4240, forthelotBl
and 2, Hec 5, Tp 1 8, R 24, E W M.
He names the following witneBes to prove
Ills continuous residence upon and cultivation
of said land, viz: Gustav Clock, Edward Glock,
Kd Clult'and Reuben C. Sperry, all of lone, Ore-
9fi-7 jay r. liicah, Begister.
Land Office at The Dalles, Orehon,
October . 1MW.
l following-named settler has bled notice
of his intention to make final proof in
support of his claim, and that said proof will be
mane neiore v, urawioru, uounty i.iern, ai
Heppner, Oregon, on Friday, December 9, 1898,
Homestead Aniilicatlon No. 1235 for lot 1, and
the HE' NE and N, SEH See 19, Tp 1 S, It 24
Hn names the following witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon and cultivation of
said land, viz: urank nilsnn, jonn winiama,
Jerry McKlligott and Joe Woolery, oi lone, ure.
till- JAY 1 lUUAB, KBgl
Thi Hi st Plaster.
A pi. oi of II urn I datnpctie.l with
Ciiiiiulifrlaiu'i l'uiu ll iliu and bound ou
to the alTocted parts i.1 allien ir lu liur
plaster. Wboii t'onliled with a pain in
the cln-Ht ur aid", or a I nine lia'lc, giv it
a trial. You are cort tin to he moro thau
pl. ased I'll tin prnnit relief which it
nll'iir. s. l'litn liiilin ia alao a certain cure
tor rheumatism. K"r sale by Conser A
i i.r.8 t JU4IH K t ot iirn
A I'ri iuiurtit
l.a)rr Hy 1 lir r I'ald
Ion Much.
Vouinc I aw tirrskrra (ilvrn a ( baiioc to He-
derm I l.ru.M-lvra.
Wsll. Wall I'iiIoii.
'I'll three boj arrested lust Holiday
(or burglarizing the store l Yaruell A
lingers ou Wednesday morning id last
week and (or the ndil'i'i) at Audersoti'i
grocery sloin hi l'aik street ou last
Hitiirilay night, were takiu before
JtiilgoThiimas II. Hrrnls, of the superior
court yesterday. Ihe parties from
whom the property had Iwu stolen,
and whose stores bad hero entered
declined til proSeCIIlM Hi ce. Tb
parenls of the lios were present tud
promiaeii that it fie suipriis were r-
llueklen's Arnica Halve.
Tbe Hcxt Halvo in the world for Cuts,
Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum,
Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hind:t,
Ohilblaiue, Corns, no.', all Hk n Erup
tious, and positively cures 1'iUs or no
pay required. It is guaranteed to give
uerfeot sutiafiiotion or money refundod.
Price '25 cents per bnx, For sale by
Hlocim Dniij Co., K. J. Hlooutn, manager
The Dalles, Oregon, October 6, 189S.
1 1 ship three (tt) south of range twenty-one
(21) east of the Willamette Meridian, Oregon,
has been surveyed, and an approved plat of
the Biirvev thereof will be filed iu this ollice on
the 10th dav of November. IS',18. at 9 o'clock
a. m. On and after said day, applications for
entry thereof will be received at tins oince.
Hlgneo tne aay ana year Boove wnnen.
Jay P. Lucas,
Otis Patterson, Register.
Receiver. 91-2
Timber Culture, Final Proof.
United States Land Office,
I if ! 1.. II. 11.,. I 1UIIQ
1 C. Saling, of Heppner, nr., has filed notice
of Intention to make Ileal proof betore the
County clerk of Morrow County at his ollice lu
Heppner, Oregon, on Friday the lHth day of
November law, on timber culture application
No J!I7, for the 8 W H W 1 K 8 W ! and
N W V. 8 W k Sec. 20 Two 1 8. R 27 B. W M.
He names as witnesses: W. U. McCarty,
James Gentrv. Robert Morgan, M. J. Deviti, all
ol Heppner, Oregon. E. W.Bahti.ett,
Cnited States Land Office,
The Dalles. Or., Oct. 5, 1898.
i.1 pursuance of Instructions from the com
missioner of the general land office, under
authority vested in him by section 21S5 United
States Revised Statute as amended by the act of
congressapproved February 2ii, 1K95, we will
proceed to otter at public sale on the 17th dayot
Nnveinher. next, at lllo'elocka. m. at this office,
the following tract of land, to-wit: The NEii
8 E k Sec 24, Tp 4 S, R 24 E W M, containing 40
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
Bbove-deBcribed laudB are advihed to file their
claims lu this office on or before the day above
designated for the commencement of said sale,
otherwise their rights will be forfeited.
Jay P. Lucas, Otis Patteeson,
90-1 Register. Receiver.
Try a box of
Hey Cure a Gold in One Day.
Sold by
The Cutting Remarks made by our .competitors are
inspired by jealousy at the re
markable cutting qualities of
the fine line of cuttlery lately
received by
Fine three-piece carving set, of
guaranteed quality, at $1 25 per set.
The largest and best assortment of
scissors and Bhears ever shown in
Heppner, with pocket knives, butcher
knives, bread knives, paring knives,
and hay knives are constantly in stock.
Land Offick at The Dalles, Orkuon,
October 20, IMS,
following-named settler has Hied notice ol
his Intention to make tinal proof in support ol
his claim, and that saiu proof win be mime tie
fore V. Crawford, County Clerk of Morrow
county, Oregon, at heppner, uregou, ou Tues
day, December li, 1SH8, viz:
of Lexington; homestead application No. 417S
for the V. NEV4 and HW'H NEj aud NW'K BE
Hec. 14, Tp 1 8, K 26 E. W. M.
Me names tne louowing witnesses to prove
his contlnuitis residence upon and cultivation
of said land, viz: Ernest Piper, of Lexington,
Oregon; o. r, swaggart aim iiouert iiirner, oi
Heppner, Oregon; j. n. fiper, ot juiton, ure
gou J. r. l.l'f AH,
sn-n negisier,
Good Goods..
Fair Prices
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of
Hbecp Met I'neay.
Withia the past few Jay re porta came
io Ilia! teverel brtmlre t ha'1 ot abxep
imve dni lu variona noolioo of the
oonnty, nferoinijly of poiH.m. Io ho In
terview with Frnnk Furnaworth, lis in
formal ua thtt over one hnndrej v
Jieil within tlio 1 it ilay or two in llielr
onrroU, lielounw to hi father ami Mr.
liislioo. Hit iippimili.m oouciJa l.b
other alitwpuimi, who beli.'e tbal cli
matic Oi.n liiuiii havn lironht Io Itm
aorfnoe iu alkali poi m whioh in dninii
the rui'ehvf. Moaara Herrin an t Htt(ri(i
arc also reporte.l loser of a pomtx r of
heil. II avefttia a niao angtjeatioo that
an hnalyaii do miule aiul the rvaoll mitiht
i lialile tlir htieepiuen to combat tlia
H. H. Hii'lon , of llillslioro, a proini-
in lit lawyer and one whotn opitiluo
Oarrlea weigh! all over the ulalK, on law
tniilila, rt'D.lrra an i.pluiou ti tlie ooutity
court on the uieatloo of juslio w' nti.l i,,,,, BO oommiltnl to the reform
eouatalilHa' feca lu slale ossw, nd.I the ,,.ll(,i ,lt,y iiilt ,mrtlu) WOnlJ
oplniou l: Iseiiil the iittiiti nifo out ot the Country
"In (. where warrant tiae liffo m.m i , llllm iu ,.. , iQ
.ati.liii lianil of foiiatai.lea, I am L,,it ,,,, mi,liry, or otliKrwia. thai the
aware of no law that maara triviiue ,n ,.,.,, f ,t , ,r reform .tioo wonUI be
forpayuitf loiiKfcXK to en tmuvr who lum., ,t,Hr n ,( ,n hl Io on.l(.rt;o
eimply tn. a to iukn ait armal, but faili. fcn nBl,nm,., m nt.t institution.
I am of tb" oj inion that an tuii.r idiihi j U(, n,MlU tIH i,M , .Utt
tk lit t hai.cea npou lifltitf able to
cre I ih mHttant. ami if he talla Io ar
rt hf cannot c r from the conntr,
uiil. n.H c mot) nhoii'il fe lit to pay
llltll Vii'.llli'hfil),"
lu Hi iiiatio. r f i'hrKce by juallcra
Of lh h r il ikt rlitrire, he )
io IT. ot, that hut one dorkft utrjr
bonl.l U charged for rutrrinK the
Banies l l wiliit-fM sw itii fur I'nth the
liroawnli' U and d. fme-inalead of
uti i-i.irr being ilifgd for on eaa-li aide
of the Cae,
II hlo alalra thai li helievra thai
whfO euhpnH for iu r than one wit
tic art made ou a single form, that the
,Ui, h..iild f r Imtom. iihM.eiia.
.a i.i
!,! l l o, Hl'e I ill ill M I'" l"l"'l
I .bi ll d tin- e ntit iMi of
: t 11
ll) H e I' ll'l, hi.
(lid lal- il l I k"
fell iiw'M'UM
to what lluir recent conduct would
lea. I hi if earned to I'd natural Concilia
ion. Ilo informed Hu nt and llielr par
rnta t!n.t il tint ho) a rciiniliii d fnoii the
p mull lie i i' and Ilo ir i uu-hn'l jnat.
II". I it Nell, n in tii ir i'ae would la- aua-
Ir l. hut llint if ihe) lit.iainrd lu
Walla WalU c unty Hfii.r in t Monday
tlii pri a oihi m wmild liar I i ha pro
cer.l. d ill. and the law allowed to lake
Ita ( 1 1( r
ll i I i 'ii'til 111 it llirt a Ivica w III lie
ilr i full he. lid an I that the reaitlla
aiil In ii.ooh Ii ll. r f ir s i ivo O 'fned
llm.i if II I ad In I ho. 'li pUonl under
rtt let i f the !.
'Mix (lalloway pih llWv bae n die
Ciinliniied, l, teli wurka a nrltt mon-
. lit. im' mi th r.aidpola i f that locality
ao.l iln i.i."chl t of lli- iner huld
A oough which Menu to haj
en in spite of all the remedies wtfr
you have Applied certjunly net:
energetic anJ sensible tretniflL
For twenty-five years that stj3
ard preparation of cod-liver oil
Timber Culture, --Final Proof.
The Ha les. Or , Oct 27, IMi".
Ihur rtc.ihens, of flariliuaii, has tiled
notl 'e ol lnti'iitlou to main- llnal proof befnre
V. fruwford. County clerk, at his olllie in
lliM'pner, ore.aoii, on Hatiirdav. the Huh doy
I liidouiier, ihvn. on iiinnereuiiiire apiuieiiiiou
No. t' vl, for Ihe Wi NW and i SWK, uf see
lliui No. 17, lu Tp No. 4 H, li No. '.Ti E. W M.
He iiami K as n i t nouses : Charles Ashbaimli. J.
K. Mnri bind and stanlvrd llonell. of llanlinnn,
and Krcd Ashbaugli, of Heppin-r, Or.
st 7 Jay r. I.ih as Register.
Notice of Intention.
Land Offick at La Gkandr, Okrook,
October hi. lh'.is.
following-named settler Imb tiled notice
of hi Intention to make linal proof in support
of Ills claim, and that said proof will be made
before the County Cleric ot Morrow county
i regon, at Heppner, Oregon, on December 5,
18'J, viz:
of Ourdane, Oregon, homestead No. liilll. for the
Htt'J, H - Sec. 2 and SY)n NE't and N',4 N'S
See. 11 Tn I H. K 21 E.
ll names the follow ing w itnesses tn prove
his eontiiiiiovs residence upon anil eiiltlvtitjon
ol Si'ld land, lz: Mat Unfiles and A. J. Cook
of Heppner, Oregon; Levi L lliatt and A. W
Norton, ol Ciiirilane, Oregon.
91-5 R.glHiT.
T. R.
AT- -
Groceries, Provisions, Glassware,
Tinware and Furnishing Goods.
Staple and Fancy Groceries
Fine Teas and Coffees, .-it
e t
i k
JVI. IvIC 1 1 X JXX II AIv & CO.
They have anything In this line that you may desire and you can depend on It you get a
good article when they guarantee it.
Old Stand, Main Street ' Repairing a Speeielty
Should be In rvery family
medicine chest and every
traveller'! grip. They are
Invaluable whan tin stomach
Is out of ortlvrt cura hradaeha, biliousness and
11 liner trouble. Mild and tfflclaut. ctnt.
Land Office at Tim isai.i.ks. Oiikcon,
I 'clnber Jli, Ih.'H.
followlng-tinhiei! iieltler lum tili'd notlei
of his Intention to in -ku t'unl pr of in ,upiort
of Ins t-liiliii, mid that VHid prnol will be inadi
before V C n lord. Cminty Clck. Ml lleepner,
tircgon, on Siitiiritiiy, llereiulier in, 1n.ii, viz:
Homestead Application No tl, fur the K'i
NK' and N', !K' fee. .M, 'I p N It j E W M
He ntiines Hie follow witMen..'R to jirove
his continuous reniilenre iipmi inul t-iilliviitiiiti
of said laud, vl.: ctnts. ii:i Inkle. Jiitin Slier-
Mull. James Car'y and Juliu Curly, all ol Hepp
ner, uregou.
yi-7 Jay I'. Lci as, Register.
Amrrleao'i IKrbot Anoac the Towrre la a
Herloaa EvsBt.
By tha Asua'lattxi I'reia.
Londoh. Nov. 9.-AI Ibe (loil l bll
banqael tola evening Ibe Man tin of
Halisbary did Dot ennonoce Uritieh
protiH-t irate over Egypt, bat emphasised
tbe neoeatsity of beiog prepared (ur all
TnrultiK to tbe oriild wilb Fraucr, Ihe
premier remarked:
"We ba.1 quite recently Io enoi'uler
whether tbe qtiealioo of European war
wat not eery Dear, litil, with great iti
terrat eod cDideratioD, Ihe reaoll bae
enJed happily, all Ihronb Ibe great
juilrfnient and comm m ixoae diaplayrd
by FreuoV
Kelerriokt to tbe ar preparallona,
Lord Salitbury oUerved:
"Tbeccarbaa invitml oor.greii to
provide for Ihe diaaramaineot ot Ibe
world, lint abile we olTr our hartieal
tribute to bit molivee aoJ we ere willing
to eaaiat euJ aympalbiae ia every way
until tbe happy day when hie eepiralioue
Notice of Intention.
Land Orru i at LAtiKANni, Ohsook,
October IU. P"KI.
following-named settler has filed notice nl
his Intention t ' make tinal proof iu support ol
hiaclaim, aim iiiai sani proot win ne nisue ne
fore the Countv cWrk ol Morrow coiiutv, Ore
gon, at Heppner, Oregon, oil Dccemlmr lm,
ol (lurdiiiie. Oregon, homeatead No tMl, for the
lots 1 and 2 and H', SKV Kiv. I Tp , Kit K.
He imiiiea Hie Inllowlng wltnesu In prove
his conlliiuiius reil leiiee iimn and cultivation
ol said land, vl: Mat Hughes and A. J. Cook,
ol Heppner, Oregon: James A. Pearson and A.
W. Norton, ol Ourdane, Ori son.
E. W. Bartlktt,
M & Kealtier.
Lane Oirn t at Tag Ham s. Ositiion,
Iti tiilier Jil, I stat.
1 foiloa Itlg.lismi'd settler lis! llliil lliltlre
of Ins liiieiillon to make Dual proof in
support of his claim, and that said prool will
t made iN'lore I . Crswlonl Ciuiiily Clerk, at
Heppner, Oregon, ou Wednesday, Dvevuibrr 7,
Iv.is, vli:
JtH'll . (iKMMKI l., olUllmtotl,
lloin.t.'sd appll'Stioii No. tlT lor the "Ri
ii. In I a, It i. E.
He iiauii' Ilia Inllowlng KlttieMit In prove
tits ronlliiiniiit mi'lenee illmll Sinl cultli allot!
ol Mid laud, t U J l Hrnun.J I, OI'ii. of
Heppner. Or. ami. ami I homsi Ibiollilijr and
l"i l I'nlter. ol llniftoii, urrsiiii,
H ! JAV 1". LU AH, lleUt.r.
Notice of Intention.
I.AHD Orrti'i At I.AiKh. Ossnnn,
m-inlwr l, I"'".
il InliiivltH lisine.1 Srllier h Hln Until
of his lntenlii.il Io tusk nnsl pMof In inpiM.rl
. l.l. ...ll ' '" '""I "
in viea urn m liu unr.., ui l pil ll , tn-lnrv tlie I mi 1,1) Cl.r k ot Mi.rfn I Hi Mt), I Ir
rjrnvi.U Iha i.r.nanli.ina ni.if,il In ; '". al lleppm r, On b hi, ou N .v . , v 1
Aontilrau'l thil A ntiMr anprnnn.tiiiiV li I JHN l , ai OTT,
" i of f'i'h.i, Hr.-iiioi. t,.nnii-i, So. I. II, f. r the
io eome reapeou itiie ere te ruarieii iiy v, 1 1. ip i i . . t w m
t. . . A . i lie nsines i'u ..ii..t.s wi'ii.mi-s in prui
It W me urea fir , tl r.t.tt. . -.-,..-. ..i.n ."I i '.lli.si n
nnhappy omene.
Pair)ts -Oils - Glass
Conser & Warren, Dngists,
The Central Market
Dealer in
Fresli, Salt and Smoked Meats
"VfM in,,,.
Sausage, - Tnrcl. - rou1try,
Fish and Oysters Every Friday.
In opening this market we solicit the
patronage of the public assuring
them the best of meats, ami gentle
manly and considerate treatment.
Was Perfected by the
Production of....
Jnd now the entire world
Knows this verect jirodiui
As the Star Brewery beer
I On draught at
I all popular saloons
203 Weshlaeten St,, Portland, Or
1 wtiii h Ihe ninthly force ot llii Amer.i'aa
i.l .HI I In I.
k'rai.k kl, kr',11 nl 11. .,i.i
rrptili ie I a tree Intrmlnert! aoioi.j llm i-r m . i.ini h ., . i.
Oallui.t li"e ilxroluiiiu are rspaHilme' y;j
eo.l b-e Ii utriiiiiruU Io a crlmn rt
nil. In. nl Ni,v
l"ir. . l .
i'i nl . Ii i. om
Put. Ill
ha rrovrJ its eiffctivt nu in cur
ing; the trying; afftctloni of the !
throat And lungs, and this it the
1 . I 1" !
rriwn wnyi me coa-uver oil, per i , , i
, uhe rtoi. AM.ite. .i jom.i.i, i
temi the hypophoschttci , ' . ' , ." 1
. ' . . ' r T . ' utite enl hieli mat nm gttnloif Id povii !r mvn i imsuhhut
ACt At A toniC tO thj . , . ; V ll . .;n,, .,, .;,( il ll... U-
m niinJiurvfLimllhr 1 '"w" rr...ii n. . .,.., (.t i.,, ,... i ,. r nn i..
glycerine toothet And
IicaU the Irritition. Ctn
you think of Any comW
rution to effective as thtt?
Sm ltx th
tLefe I te I
. ei title.
i'li U ilU lii ngmuiug
If ftuit H I'OTTt ImuiuA.
ei.a A l.l if imi lh ifHf,
lie i ! e 'i im.
ra-. tl.uil.'li 1 tl.iLk
Io aon vvrot ll it likrlr , piii.tttee to
tbe letetfwt ( (Imal r.rtlan. l
"Hut eual la luirr. uua n le
tbt ibe ant joel matur nl war te irritijr
prwn1'! I un nil fi.f.a, ll , tl trl r
inu" UV lu the tr.rnt l.. m l
' Iroiiwr 1 1 lb w 'tl.l lit iiiiir i .t i ur
bevel m1 w tut'; yrwiiiwiie.'
.l H.tl!t.t.,.. I
11, lH li..l I'.f
N .s.ii,,' ;
V , In VI. .if r.v,,.l
lh r". ..ii. n i.t b.i
f I f.'1 l,,,.,.., !
I' I -Ui , I I- .
I.i r. . ... ! . I .
1-1 . ,1 4 i
I. ' '. ' . I
I'I .1 I ' Ml . . 'I ,
v t ' m. at iv v
I '
I '.M.I
.1. m I N ,
I..' o . I
' I H I'll I I. I
ll.li .i, I ifl:,
I .1 I', i rv ii I
'I ' . I . 'i .
Jti f Uui, iutirfir
That 14-Ycar Old Stuff,
"Kolm's Best."
On Tap Down at The ... .
Telephone Saloon
e e e i r let
if AUi: (iiiodm e e e
',.4 H- ,i, I, r,t, t.,tM n il!t,rf(