Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, November 11, 1898, Image 4

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    0. R. & N.
Denver & Rio Grande
oh From Heppner. from
9:30 p.m. Salt Lake, Denver, 4:50 a.m.
Ft. Worth, Omaha,
Kansas City, Bt.
Louis., Chicago,
Portland, Walla
Walla, Spokane,
Minneapolis, Ht.
Panl, Duluth, Mil
waukee, and the
B.OOp. m. Ocean Htbamships 4:0Op. m.
From Portland.
All rmlllnfr. dates
miliject to change.
For Min Kranclaco
Hull Nov. 1, 4, 7, 10,
I'.l, '22,25,28
8:00 p.m. Columbia River 4:00 p.m.
Kx. Sunday Ktkamekm. Ex. Sunday
10:110 p. m. To Astoria and Way
(1:00 a.m. Willamkttb ItlVRR 4:30 p.m.
Ex. Sunday Ex. Sunday
Oregon City, New
berg, Salem and
way Lauding.
7:00 a.m. Wii.lamettb and 3:30 p.m.
Tumi., Thur, Yamhu.1, Kiveks. Mon., Wed.
and Sat. a Frl.
Oregon City, Day
ton rii Way Land
lugs. S:00a. m. Wii-lamrttb Rivkr 4:30 p.m.
Tiien. Triors. Tiiea., Thur.
and Bat. Portland to Corval- anO Sat.
lis & Way Land
ings. Snake River.
Lv. Kiparla Lv.LewiKton
ally exeunt Rlparla to Lewlstoiiidaily execpt
Baturday Friday
Weekly Excursions
through tourist cars without chang
In charge, of experienced conductors arid
To Kansas City, Chicago, Bufliilo and
Boaton without change via Bait Lake,
Missouri l'aoincunu Chicago anu Alton uys.
T..,,,l, ,tg To Omaha, Chicago, Buffalo and
I Utility !, Boston withoutclmngeviaBttltLake
and Clih'ngo, Hock Island Al Pacific Uy,
il'ii'o 'J'" Joseph, Kansas City and
"(1.tN Ht. Ijiils without change via Salt
Lake and Burlington Koutc.
Tliii.'iJiv(i To Kansas City and Bt. Louis with
UlUIMIdJS, out change via Salt Lake and Mis
souri Pacific railway.
A day stop-over arranged at
Salt Lake and Denver.
A ride through the
Famous Colorado Scenery.
For ratm and all all information, inquire
of 0. 11. & N. and 8. 1 agents, or address,
Gi ncnil Agent, (Jen, Pans. & Tkt. Agt,
'ill Wastiingtnn Bt., Denver, Col.
Portland, Oregon.
J. !. Hart, Iical Agt., Heppner, Or.
Passangers bc:kd for all Foreign
J. 0. HART, Agent, Ileppner.
General PaHBcngor Agent, Portland, Or.
If bo, be sure and oe that your
ticket reads via
tub Horifiv;esiern Line
tiiih ia tub
Great Short Lire
Tlii'lr MugnlMri.ut Track, I'ecrleM Voatltmliit
in.iit nul Hli-i'iug Car
I ialii, ami Motto:
President Mckinley Will Make the Appeal to
By the Associated Press.
New Yoke, Nov. 7. A dispatoh to tb8
Herald from Washington guys:
In President McKinley's message to
cot.gres will be a very strong appeal for !
immediate legislative aciion for the con
struction of tbe Nicaragua canal under
government direction. Tbe president
will point out that tbe reoent additions
to our possessions in the Paoitio and tbe
West Indies make it imperative.
President McKinley fully appreciates
the difficulties in tbe way of securing
prompt action, but be end other canal
advocates also appreciate that failure
this year may menu permanent failure.
Seuce prepnretioDB are going forward
for one of the most active fights ever
waged in the interest of the canal.
Ihe action for the Nicaragua govern
ment in granting a new concession for
the construction of the canal conditional
upon tbe forfeiture of the contract with
tbe Maritime Canal company in Ootober
next, added new oomplioations iu tbe
way ot legislation. Tbe authorities con
sider it another argument tor prompt
action which contemplates tbe con
struction of tbe canal under government
direotiou on tbe basis ot the concession
granted to tbe Maritime Canal oompany.
Tbe Morgan bill, in all of its essential
features, is understood to have tbe en
dorsement of tbe administration.
It is supposed that tbe new oompaay
will be inimical to the Maritime Canal
company. It is assumed if it does not
sucoeed in selling out to tbe concession
aries, It will exert its iufiueDOe to pre
vent action by oongresa this winter Mn
order that its oontract may go inlo effeot
next October. Besi.ses opposition from
this new company, friendsof tbe Morgan
bill will Lave tbe powerful Huntington
and Panama canal interests arrayed
against them. Friends of the Utter
party are already in Washington pre-
Information Enabling Farmers to Deal With
tbe Subject.
It is but few years eince tbe nature
an n ,a..;v.;i:i:.... J....1:. niVnli
ai.t f'-'OBIUlllllGO ui UDHIIUH Willi iwanu
- - " '.v.w O U7UiUlbtC ... ' .1 1 I T ,v - I . , .... . ...
rr-i. i. u i mineu very largely toy tea reeu t or ue
majority of farmers. The -vork has been ' , . .,
taken np by Professor E. W. Hdgurd, of i aes.ay wnen i siares
vy'l l lUI Ultt Ol-ilO V HI V CI all, l U'J MB
Slight Gains on Kither Side Will Change Its
Associated Press Dispatch.
Washington, Nov. 6. The control of
tbe Duited States senste will be deter-
said to be the lending authority on that
subject, and thrnngb whose fS rts farm
ers are now able to deal with tbe subject
in an intelligent manner It is now
made known that "alkali" onn begot
out of all soils by the expenditure of
sufficient money, and that tbe only ques
tion is whether it will pay to do it, the
Not being that in some oases it will pay
BDd in other cases not. As population
increases and markets become better
tracts will be reclaimed which it would
not nov nun tn tnnnh ahiln anmA nulla
. a. , i . a . drich of Rhode lelacd, Daniel of Vii
can never be profitably redeemed under . .
I l,mlJ lVl.il Vimuj 1.. ....nn .. .
any conditions of which tbe present gen
eration have any conception.
The first requisite to intelligent deal
ing witb alkali lands is a clear under
standing of tbe way in wbioh alkali
forms, and a reoentlr published paper
by Professor John A. Wadtsoe, of tbe
Utah Agricultural College, is exception
ally clear on Ibis point. "Alkali," says
Professor Wadtsoe, "is that portion of
the soil which is most readily soluble in
water. As rains come tbe alkali is
carried down into the soil, only to return
again as the water returns by capillary
attraation, to tbe surface, where the
alkali is left as a black or white ooatiog
until more rain oomes. Under natural
sroKANE falls & northern
The Only All-Rait Route Without
Dhanue nf Oars Untween Hnokane.
Hosnliind and Nelson. Also between paring for a campaign against the Nioa
Nelson and Rossi and, daily except raeua canal
Hunday :
Leave. Arrive.
Hihil A. M Hpokane ... 6;n V. M.
1111 A. M Itoxaland 8:40 P. M
D:10 A.H Nelaoo B.4B P. M.
Close eonnections at Nelson with steamers for
Radio, and all Kootenai l.ako point.
l'Hsnngra for Kettle Itiver and Roundari
reek oounnnt at Jlareua with stage daily.
J. L. Morgan is to be a faotor in tbe
ooming legislative war. It is stated
that wbile in Nicaragua IbbI winter he
made an arrangement witb President
Zelava to look after tbe interests of Nio
aragua in this country.
senators. Tbe nreaetit party strenalb m
the senate is as follows: Republicans
43, democrats 31, populists 6, Bilvr re
publicans 6. This gives a majority to no
one party and it his beeu proven a fruit
ful source of doubt iu legislature in
fluenced by party linos. The terms of
30 of the present senators ae abont to
expire and in most of tbeee cases the
legislHtors chosen next Tuesday will
eWei Buocesso: s. Iu sevea oi3ea, h)w
evr, legislatures hove already been
chosen and senators elected, viz: Al
giuia, McComas to enaceed Gorman in
Maryland, Hanna of Ohio, Money of
Mississippi, Proctor of Vermont and the
legislature of Maine, which has been
elected but has not yet chosen a sen
ator. In Oregon, also, Simon has been
elected to fill a vaoanoy. These ohanges
already made, give a net gain of two in
tbe repnb'ioan vote: MoComaa of Mary
land and Simon ot Oregon.
Tbe remaining 23 senators are yet to
be chosen. Those who are about to re
tire: Allen, populist, of Nebraska:
Bate, demnorat, of Tennessee; Burrows,
republican, of Michigan ; Cannon, silver
republican, of Utnh: Clarke, republican,
of Wyoming; Ccckrell. democrat, of
Fast Express
Leaves DHNVEK, . . (1:30 p. m.
" VUEHLO, . . 7 05 p. m.
" COLO. 8PK1NGS . . 8:10 p. m.
Arrives lOI'EKA
3:55 p. m.
rUK) p. m.
Arrives LIN JOLN
" dks moines
" pi:);i
Colorado Flyer
4:25 p. m.
V-M p. m.
1120 a. m.
a. in.
Through Sleepers and Chair Cars Colorado to
Chicago. Wide e-tibule throughout. The
timet train in the West.
For particulars and folders giving time of these trains write
Leaves DKNVEIt . . 2:3S p. m
" COLO. SPRINGS 2:35 p. m.
Arrives TOPE K A . . 7:30 a.m.
" KANSAS CITY . 9:15 a, in.
Ar. ST. LOl'IS, (Wab. K'j) 6:15 p. m.
Arrives ST. JOSEPH . 10;10 a. m.
Arrives LINCOLN (Ex Sun) 8:45 a.m.
OMAHA (ExSaij) . 8:.r.O a. m.
CO. l.LUF. S, . . D.10 a. m,
Through Sltepero Colorado Springs to Pt. Louis
via Wabash K'y.
(i. P. A.. TOPEKA.
Kohlied the Grave.
A startling incident ot wbioh Mr. Jobn
Oliver ot Philadelphia, was tbe subject,
is narrated by bim an follows: "1 was in
a nrwiui j 1 ru in i1 f ii t n rt 1 1 li .in Mn olrtr Uf no
:UH anil .bOUllieaSt almost yellow, eyes sunken, tongue
coated, pain ooutmually in back and
sides, no appetite gradually growing
weaker day by day Three physicians
bad given me up. Fortunately, a friend
advised trj ing 'Kleotnc Bitters,' and to
my great joy and surprise, the first
bottle made a derided improvement. I
continued their use for three weeks, and
now am well man. I know they saved
my life and rotiheil the grave ot another
victim." No one should fail to try them.
Oulv fid cents per buttle at E. J. Klo-
oilm e drug store,
h;i:k kkclining ciiaiu cahh.
I'oitlilinl to
,'i,i- oi mi"i
Ir'iloa ilOioil
ml nfl I
,,. iu .'
N II MK 1,11.
1 ,1-
u'l'ii inrrliul on the vitllnili"l
I ' H i lul rKi'. Hli;i your Iri'lllit
una Iniiiiiiis linn. All m-1 1 1
tt'i,:uni t.
I rsv r ft I Agt.
I'orilainl. Or.
f 7l((M''
CilicH Without
niiiwauicss & si. Paul R'y
This llAltway Co.
()ertee ita Irani on the famous block
Uthtm Its trains by eloetrlolty throngh
imt; 1m tti Nlbrtv lotrio berth rnml
In sT Uiup;
hn Swlily wi'nil pMnenger trains
ttv ilav ati'l tovht ImiIvmiii HI. 1'aiil
an I (1tii''ii, su.l Uroalia uj I'liicago;
ChiCAOo. AAilwaukcc &
St. PaUl
A'mi niwratm sloaio-tiesled vwl iliillrd
liv.na. rrf)ing lh Ulml fl.iie
r,iii,.rinn-iil rar. library Iniffi'l ar.iok
i tr, an. I ! drsamg hsua
ri..f '. f'eo rolitilng chtir oar.
an. I I ! .-e rm iliiitna rtiHir par
f, .tMl !- to any point in the
'aM4 rla- ft faiiada, ply l
ttt I
tt i. i:tM)T.
J. H,C4tKT, (luneral Agrol.
Tra. I- Agatit. I'oftUn.l, Or.
IJnirk T.iiiii.
I nitin I .,,fn,
pur-iiiitall) ( 'i hi iliirtiMl KKiiiitniiiiis,
Hiti.i.'it Clt 'i-ltfd to lin'i! iiialinn,
Ii w luili'i.
liii'iM linn tn Tiiinw-MiHuhniiiiii mid lntiT
nnlt mil ! i nc.it 'mi h li at Oinalni, .Niiliriinka,
Jieii i, Nmi.'iili.'r,
Writ i niiifi'iMunml f"r ru' timi tah!o ntul
"Ihi-r ii f. n in ii hi i prtiiiniii4 to Cniiiu Pat'ine
Ii K
J, II l,i Ti! i:nl nr J. c, it A!t I' Ant.,
(inn. A '.. I ti ''I St., II. II ,1 N. i ,
I'.in on il, nr. Il.'i.ner, Or.
Ilic IWalor Ijdcm
Hie M( 1'urlliod 4 Astoria Navigation Ca
romiiiHiii'lug Miimliiy, May "ml, Ihe
xliiMiners nf Hi-inlator Litie will
iivn I'lirtlNiid at ti .1(1 a, iu. and Tbe
I'allia at H.lltl a. tn.
Stn-n yon gn to I'mtUtid, stop off at
I'Iik PhIIi s and take a trip down th quote oKftrilo per bushel for olob, the
Cliimliu; y.m a , II cnjny it. hp I save Httr !,, Kien M g0 txlreu)6 cu
round lots of bent shipping grades:
lhe Wheat Trade.
With dull markets Eunt and abroad,
and local exporters not very enxioiu to
buy above puces quoted, the market cuti
be ter ned dull and mglHcted. Holders
in i ho luti rinr have beeu Hulling freely,
hut the larger ones are still holding out
for h'k'li'T prici's, Hiiticip iting that tlin
timrkots mint surely adviinoj ere long
M iny have oonti Unco that, wlieu the
preseul eii.iriuoiiH stuck in sittbt are
wluttli'd dowu by the normal Ouuautiip
tive demand, there will be a reaoli n in
priceH, mid tho results will justify the
coat of carrying raiti fur severai
m ntlis. Iu the meautiuie, the export
ers are payiug atlentiou to boainese in
ha id, and giving chartered tonnage
quick diptoh upon rrival. Future
wants are fairly well anticipated, and
wuatever trading is being done is
almost entirely to meet rrauire
men Is of distant ships. Triors
have fallen during tbe week, and
Wall Wall club is reported to havs
sold as low as 5Hj per bushel. We
is penetrated., by tbe light rains of those
districts. When water or issigation is
added and tbe surfaoe flooded to a depth
never reached by the rains, the alkali
from the lower depths of tbe soil if
brought to the surfaoe and added to thai
already there, so (bat land which bu
previously raised orops will do so no
longer. It la generally understood, of
ooorse, tbal alkali seems to be injurinn
only at or near the surfaoe, where the
black alkali (carbonate of soda or wash
ing soda) destroys tbe bumns aud oor
rodes tbe crowns of the roots just as it
will tbe human bands.
When this condition has been brought
about tbe only remedy is drainage
which, however, is a complete remedy if
thorough and continued until tbe alkali
lias been leaobed out of Ihe soil. Il
sinks" having no drainage, and where
ditches or tunnels would be too costly,
it is easy, as an engineeiing problem, to
sink pits to reoeive the drainage water
and pump out and evaporate the salts.
which in some oases might have a oom
iiie'cinl value. T iere oan be no doubt
that in coming years it will graduall)
become profitable to reclaim ulkalief
toiots iu this way. Whether it would
pay now, in any case, would depend npoi
the coat of drai' ag end Dtirapiiig, rrt
the amount of nb r nvi. liable f. r ie :eh
I'ig. ill OJl'Sl C'.SeS, lotl)" l( Stl, it W 'll'll
nut pay at preaoiit, but wherever an out
let to natural drainage can be made a1
iu derate ixinnse and there in water
available, it is profitable to r claim liirn'
new, since alkaline soils, ns a rule, nr
very rich soils, aud produce abundantly
Alien reclaimed.
ble hard work, but he came out looking
well and in the best of health, He has
beeu kept busy telling his friends here
what be saw and did up there.
1 ; -: . ,.: ui j
nnndillnn. tho movement nf alkali ; rpui..iuu , vl
.rii.f,iia i. nitaomaii Vioinui nnn. I nesrisHj jtHBiKDor, oemoorat, ot weei
fined to that portion of tbesurfacewhiob V,!iDlfti ay, demoorat, of Dela
;.M.,..t.j u iuka .iih.. ": Hawley, republican, of Con.
oeoiioni; Lridge, republican, of Massa
chusetts; Mantle, silver republican, of
Montana; Mil!, demo., of Texas, Mitoh-
ell, democrat, of Wisconsin; Murphy,
demoorat, of New York ; Pasco, demo
crat, ( Florida ; Q:iy, republican, of
Pennyslvania; Riaoh, demoorat, ol
Nrth D ikotii; Hmith, demoorat, of New
Jersey ; Stewart, silver republican, ol
Nevada; Tin pie, democrat, of Indiana;
White, democrat, of California; and Wil
eon, republican, of Washington. Sever
al of these oases the e ectiou of present
incumbents is expected but in quite a
large number of them doubt exists.
The republican managers are placing
reliances ou the fact that tbey need
only a few votes to seoure them a clear
majority, while tbe demoorats, populists
and silver republicans would ,have to
carry most all of the doubtful legisla
tures in order to prevent n republican
uinj 'riry. Tbe slates considered most in
doubt are West Virginia, New York,
Pennsylvania, North Dakota, New
Jersey, ludiaua, California, Washington
aud Ne.brabka; 001 dieting claims being
matie iu each state. Among senate
officials lhe opinion prevails that the
rin 'malniia o odit ori now prevailing of a
e-niiie with. nit a in -J fliy, will end win;
; ne 1,0 iiteg i U otpm mid ttj'it the legisla
tors' i:i fiMS'ii hill give tt!nri:'efc ot
iuaj niiy tii',ii in i :rt u ; r br,.iH'h oi
onresii uftt-r Mamli 4lU in xt.
W. V. Al I, AW AY,
lleiieral Attent.
mm o
Tsnsw &( Perk U
f i.H IM i i lull If Ki'M
(.. II IMi .l 1 III Ht
tti t .l I I I T I lx til IMS
ll l. rkk
l;.:i!itij5U !
I. w
i i 1 1
9 I
i i I: lil rl
ti liit.ii.'a !
Wllikll AMI MiKf I 1 1.1 1 I LINK TO
SOU HI niVEU ui. nil
mi. KAS1 (mi? SOUTH.
liV H)KK. J days
sr. ions. :5j
OMAHA. :t '
Kim Ui i'liiiing t'halr Cars
rptioletred T .nrt.t Hlerping Car
I'ullinan I'aiarHi Hleepmg Car
Kur full portii'tiUra regr,lng rate,
lima of Irani, eliv, c-.ll i n er a birr
J. t' WW'.T,
rf. . 1 1 II V V l, , i ri r. Or
' I I I. IO, H, It. C.MN.
' ' . ' t'.i. 'I A.
I'll hi' I I'., tl Mill. Olfl
r . H It'll TJ TVX 11 I
- Mi -
kiUII I' I'll I .
' r .. ... i. -
bliiestem, Cl(nC;li'. Valley is being of
lered so sparingly fur export that there
oau hardly be saij 1 1 be any mar
ket, ami whatever business is passing is
tor milling aooount; about (Slo is tbe
uuiiiiujI uluppiug quotation par bushel.
Shipments ronliuu steady, both fureigo
sud domestio.
n r a. a
Zl.S 1T7 r
i ,
; ir
.1. -I.
I I -1 .
i , i i Uml I
I lit.i.l
-..I i. ..a
h, fli' it.n
4 r r-!l '
! k. i,l.iA, II. i loef. 1I,
lh tmbeclllrv of
aotue mm U alwavs
invttitiar the enihraee
! of ttrath. It i the
delight of uch
men to bot of
what "toiiKh u-1
lows" they are,
and tell bow thry
Overwork them-
elvr and how
I they nr Kl ret little
rlttorders and
.little illnews
;tht put other
"people on their
It mty not
on nd nn tn
av o, but it i
a fart that the
average man l
iunt that kind
of iHia.tfut. cheetful idiot. If hi head
-hr. it in I worth pavitif nv attrntnm
to: if hr f. rlilnll and ili.imr limine the
ilav, it ln t wotih ariiiHi ronMilrialiun :
If he. i timiblrd with lr plrni at
inirht, lie ln' tmii-t tf Willi npi.iti
tirn hr ntli ftiiiii nrrvouni he
wiCk into the nr.itt-t ding Mute and or
ilrt piiw 1 1 tul tin ,Ih nn Hut rvrn a pli
n I in pn. ii'h with i in- 1 1 r i a vi tv
k ii. vi 1 1 j tiilnw. hut Willi. nit knowniit it
hr 1 howk'Hitl tli it II Their l SWuii lit
till li "On r.ivr tnino ami hr.ilth lunlilrt
tint wi'l kn p tlir li iulil winktnn in in
in t,.i.,l w."kniK i'i iiip. it li t I n in-
t ..... t . it Mi di, il ln-imiir It 1 ni.ide nf
Imiip ttl'.ivi- .-..1 iilnl lirtlk tt l'i.il.llll
li. i iinii'ii ii.i ti .tn and no upt iti-.
Il mill i' V ,11.'. II it. II til the Intui il ptn
inn i-f m 1 1 ' I 'M .iud n. Ii tli ill It l.iiir
11 1 I'm '..nii i. It ! 1 ! li i, it itr. I hi" tl iv ,.(
Ii!fc'i . .' tll'i ' 1 1 to iWt .1 III ill " I'Ul'l y
a. a ti. '-i' " iie. I tl'itl i r In It Ci.il Hie
llli k i i',i'n.it , thr I. mil hi ti.
ail-.i ii iti d in!.. Ui' tiU'oil ItinviU'it
a!it'. hrt It ill i r nut all ltliiumn
mid i' -ci.r lirttn Ition the ftv.lrm It 1
li.,. ....it M Itnikrr and fli-ab huilili r
It i Uir Ih.i nl ail rirtvr tnttii Il cut.
In. mi ln.ll. lliin.it atttl lung atlrctmn a
' I ! I lit ! I'.ll n n,1 t.pt,t ll-l " rtllf
M A I i-"'1. .! kni,vie I i"n Cmmlv,
kl tit 1'lrliv l.ni.l.tt Mnlual l'livvvry
itiiiil mr "
If ."'.itMlinn l ! trrnl, lr,
Pirier .'"it IMl.t hi'ti'd l t iki n
Tliryn.Mi I.11I llirv rtrvclguua. ltug-
J jiitacil U lto umiiviuca.
riiruMMi hkki .-Hon.
Uuveruor- Elect (iter luveatigatlns tiw&.i
Making In Oregon.
lion. T. T. Qeer, of Mariou oouoty.
Oregon's next governor, arrived in La
(irande tbis morning on tbe east bound
fast mail train He is at present the
guest of J. M Church, al the Foley
bouse, Mr. Qer will remain iu La
Grande aud Union ootiuty several days
and wbile here will visit his father and
ibe other members ot the family at C ve
Mr. Qeer's visit to La Grande is made
for specific purpose, that nf giving
thorough personal investigation ot sng ir
beet growing and sugar making. The
governor elect, soon after his arrival in
tbe oity, was driven to Ihe factory in
company witb J. Jl. Uuuron, j. .
.Soriber, Attorney Wball -y, of Portland,
William Miller, Judge Wilson aud sev
ral other gentlemen. Tbe party wa
theu taken in charge iiy Superintendent
Oranger, of Ibe fnotory, who conducted
(hem through the plant and explained
iu delail to air. ueer ine various
processes by wbiob raw bests are mad
into grsoulstsJ sugar. The party after
leaviug tbe factory drove by several beet
fields and to Island City, returning to Ls
Grande in time for lunch.
Mr. Qeer will devote tomorrow to
studying the agricultural parte! tbe beet
industry, and will go to a ouab.r ol
farms and interview the growers.
Ho far as it bt ooni under bis per
sonal otxervation, Mr. (leer is much
pleased witb the industry and is conn
dent of its ultimate suoivas iu every par
Mr, Oeer, being a praotio'il farmer aud
n who has stndied and eltierimente.1
in gricQllore, practioally a id iotelli
gently, when the beet qntstloo was first
beirg sgita'Kil, began t.i grow a fei
sugar Iwets on his firm at Mude'iy. II
bictll"" 0niiitvd toat the) pantint I e
rew 11 WI'll pri fit in the WM; Urn I'm V .1
lei .- I-.l Oranle l'i',v i '
Remarkable Rescue.
Mrs, Michael Curtain, PI v field
makes the et iemeii v
ftiM. whli'h H.!l".l 1 I
lieated f r III 'i I 1 1 '
I'lueU'l'iti, I it g'e w .r- II.
she iu I. ; " ii im of r
tliltl h'ld tlut .o in- '..rm C
hwr. Id r lit i.IM "i ,1" 1 1. !'
New pm-iv-.) f .. to, i',:
Leslie Mallork mill Miller Vaiiirhaii Helium il
Eroni I lie Lull I 01 (.mil.
E nt (ireKoniaii, Nov. nth.
Lrntdie .Ma'luu-; iti in the city visit
1111,' hie eiMleri, M-j. i.'. V. Ayers, Jr,
aud Mis, E A Vanghn, aud v.ho hat
been in Skuiifty, AIuBku, duriug the
past year, O'lrroborating the reports of
the richness of I lid A'lin like pl.ioer
mines, be says:
"I know positively that the L ike At
lin district comprises some very rich
ground, and have seen tbe gola brought
out by the miners. Atlin will ba readi
ed from Hknguay by do -team iu three
days, and some claim tbny oau m iki the
trip on winter trails iu two days. I look
for some strikes next sprng eij-e ltag
iy yet reported.
"Al the present time, Hkaguay has
several thousand population. Ibe rail
road company has lUOO men at work, ou
construction, aud already two trains a
day are running from ISkaguay to tbe
southern end ot White Pass. Beyond,
(lie roud is graded five miles, aud wotk
goes steadily on. The railroad company
carries freight for 11 cnts a potini to
Hen uett. At tli end ot the roaj now
built, ttie company sublets tbe ourryiug
to others.
"Just before I oame away, abjQt a
uioutti ago, tVJ kaocil d u freight cars
and several paiiger oars were receiv
ed by steamer by the railroad oompany.
"I was also lufonne I Itiat lbs com
pany ba inleutiou of o nr Inning on into
the Yukou valley, aud it is generally
thought the road will be built as far as
Fort Selklik.
"Mkaguay is a l iau ith nil tbe mod
ern iuiroven)eut, walerorks, electric
I gl't, radioal faeililiee, graded tl reels,
flue store sud pte-i Dt the appearance
ot a goott live y town of exielUut busi
ness advantages. All the Dye p-ot.:
Eeateru Oregon Htnckmen Experlenco a
(Scarcity of Feed.
Portland Telegram,
James S. Hackett, a well known raiser
of fine sheep, was in the oity yesterday
from his home in Peodletou. Like 'ail
Eastern Oregou stockmen, he is wor
ried over the grass outlook , as no ruin
bus yet fallen iu tbe bunobgrass bi'ls of
Umatilla county, and tbe oold, starlight
nights leave a covering of ice 00 the
drying streams every morning. The
usual Heptember rains did not material
ize this year to start tbe grass, and now
it is gutting too late to expect rains o do
any good, as tbe oold weather will not
permit the growth ot Vegetation.
There is a good deal of b-iy iu the
country. Mr. Hackett say e, but cattle
and sheep would Boon "eat their beads
off.'' A snowy period of 40 days wou d
require one ton of bay to every five
sbeep, and tbis would mean nn expense
of $1.50 b bead for these 40 dsys, to Bay
nothing of the balauoe ot ibe winter.
Tbe ranges of Umati'la ouu ity are
over-stooked at best, and sheep aie low
brow.-ing in tbe greasewooi alo.'ig the
south side of tbe Columbia river, wbere
tbe docks bave to trail from ttirue to six
miles to obtain water. Greasewood will
keep them alive for a little while during
mild weather, but the stock will get thin
ner every day.
He looks for a mutton and beef famine
in the Northwest about February aud
March, as the fat stock will hve all
been exhausted by that time, aud con
sumers muni look east of tai R eky
mountains for fresh meat. This menus
a return of the steers and welhers taken
away from Oregon lust summer, after
the expense of fattening and freight
b ith ways tun b.-vJti incurred.
"But," be coutiuued. 'if t. e wheaf
onn be Wot kl off and the wool dia he
i'l.l out, '.it pr. fi , Eastern Ore.! ti wtl
niiii hve money to loan ltt .uv ue i
sectious, " M ucli of the graiu uud wool
are still iu the producers' hands, with
ijond chances of 0 itiiioaiiding remu; er
itive prices before htirtng"
Grautl Bowling Contest.
A 50 game bowling tournament for a
beautiful gold medal and other prizes is
now on at Richardson's bowling alley.
Call at tbe alleys for further particulars.
Prizes given each montb for highest
scores for ladies and gentlemen. Come
in and try your skill.
Quite Reasonable.
Little 'Rastuswas entirely too fond
of asking questions, so his father said,
and in order to shift the burdens which
he found too great for his uneducated
shoulders to bear, old 'Rastus sent the
boy to school, where the following col
loquy is said ta have taken place: Lit
tle 'Rastus "W'y am de sun brighter'n
tie moon, 'fessah?" Trot. Johnson
"We dun no' fo' shuah dat he am,
honey. Yer see, de moon's got de
night ter light up, an' de sun's ony got
de day. Dat's er powerful sight er
diff'runce, I tells yer. Mebbe if de sun
done tackle de big job de moon's got on
his hands he couldn't do ez well."
The Workmen Were Irish.
An Irish landlord, the owner of some
historical ruins, was recently appealed
to by the society for the protection of
ancient monuments, to prevent their'
destruction by careless tourists. He at
once ordered that a wall should be
built around them. Upon his return to
Ireland, he was astonished to find that,
though the wall had been completed,
the ruins had disappeared. The work
men had used the ruins to build the
The Htteutiou of eiiHtbonnd travelers
is called to the advantages offered them
by the Rio Grande Western, "The Great
Salt Lako Route." The same rates pie
vail whether tbe trip is made via Hunt
ington or 8an Frnnoisoo. Tbe passen
ger has his oboioe of iwo routes out of
Portland, three through Colorado, and
four east thereof. No other liue out of
Portland can ff.-r knoh a variety ot
roines. Iu addition, a day's stop-over is
given all passengers at any point in
Utah or Colorado Throtuh Pullman
and tourist eleepli g ours are mn 00 all
train, aa well as free reclining chair
Crs lb servioe and accommodations,
offered are equal, if not superior, tn those
of any transcontinental road, and rates
are always as low ns the lowest.
It you contemplate a trip east, write
tu J. I) Mansfield, General Agent, Rio
Grande Western Railway, 11 M Third
street, Portland, Oregon, for any infor
mation yon may need io referecoe to
rates, routes or anoummndatious.
A hare Migu of Croup.
Hoarseness io child that is subject
to croup is a sure Indication of th ap
proach ot the disease. It Cliatnberlaiu's
Cough Remedy is given as soon as the
child becomes hoarse, or even after tbe
croupy cough bas appeared, it will pre
vent the attack. Mauy mothers bo
have croupy children always keep this
remedy at hand and find that it saves
them much trouble and worry. It oan
always be d. periled upon and is pleas
ant to take. For sale by C inner A
Milwaukee, Nov. 5, 1897.
PATRONS of the Wisconsin
Central Lines in passing through
Chicago DiHy require some assist
ance in the way of having their
hand bagnge taken form or to
train and carriage or bus, or in
many other ways, and they will
find all that ia desired iu this re-
ripect in the Hervice of the Usht-ra
at the Grand Central Passenger
Station, who have recently been
uniformed with brown suit and red
cup. They will be in waiting at
all trains prepared to assist pas
sengers, and it iH hoped that our
patrons will fully avail the mselves
of this additional provision for
their comfort.
Gen'l Passr. Agt
Anyone (ending s akntoh n1 dewtrlpilnn mr
fluirklTaaciTtain, free, whether an Invention I
prolmlilv patentable. I onimiiiileatlnn atrli'llv
ronti.lentiai. OMiwt acenej furiiniig paten'
In America. W have a Wailltitou oKlr.
I'atrnt taken tliruuah kluio A Co. nostra
IXKiai notiuo In the
Mfiillr Ulnar rated, larrent el niil.il on nf
EvlmiilAe linirual. weekly, term a.iMi a vaari
is month, erweiiuen cupim and UAjia
OM fATKMTs Mut tra. Addrus
801 Braadwar, Mew Verk.
H. W. Fall,
Of t:ia Old Rellab
Gault House,
Half blnri weat ot ths Union Depot of C.
4.. CM. M. H., C A,, P. ft. VT. A C
i i 1 1
High-norm Danes t arry Their Owl
llrddlasT o Tkrlr Travels.
Few royal folks when traveling ra
mi ire their bedsteads and bedroom fur
niture to form a portion of their lug;- -
are coming over toSkagnay, the railn a 1 1 page, as the quern ibK-s, for Instance. '
st lbs latter plaaa htviu kuocke.i th i Rut many ftvnt liulies there are who j
I . aail!I
carry their own immis anu ui imvn,
blanket nnd qtiilts. and always a
niiukintoeh fchn't ti spread over the
mattress to punrd njru'mat damjini'sa for
laek of sutlU ictit airing In transit
from place l plaie. (Irand Ihike Paul
of Rui.ia. it is true, I always,
hen isieliiiir. aecompanied by a Wd
st'iid, uliie ti ho bas had built in t-c-1
- !-!
tinlia, n.i.l wliietl is pill lip ly a spet-ini
stnl ths C Ht. U V. kallrrm.l.
Cor. W. Mullwn and Cilntnn at.,
aspiratious of IV mt' a o .ck.'d but.
Whatever of train" ) there is nl ptoiiii nti)
goiiii ,o t-K in u un i out fi.'lil tho I n
koti a l. y i a- s t. nm
lien after, S HjiUa wi !
Mr. Mall. io w t.i telut i.
0 1 "t ' I' g, I'll I will g I i v
li ,.a ii
u.o'1 i-,;
1.1 h w-
I 111 ii,.
I Ml I
VI I 5 1
Si a
IiniFYou can
lilLM t ciirsd 7
tl mm. r t !-.: r .
r ff. A, r if i'., $ I
tkt l: 1172. f f
to r, I
.i .
ItiitigM a I. i! I hi ii !
here f t'l tit l' te I f
Hli l 'H'l i i. I '
If II "til' . f'MIII I I .-'
' !
i .1 i'.re
. K in's
i i ; .!-,
ii ti I
i: f r-t
,' n l r t-.itnrf
f ...I'tt ,1 11 .1 w.'
Mm ill- I t u i l i-- ui k ill
we I lie v, r m l't- I 'i.. I Ihi" Ii
of 'hi fireM llinifry )'. J. Mo
enni rt'.ii.' ' "f, !are bo'tlr Ml eei
st I Sl.tVI
r. V.i ,)i.. x
le It n pil . I-ii d U tLe 1. .
I 1 UlliUoi-. I " I'
Willi h i. i I J' ii ' i
t,, r.w 1 i
Ur 1!.i,i i
g. Tie w ere M
I', irtu tig
I) . .
Will II
l'l ., i
. t ill l' ' t J
e e.
,n t'.. :
aS, ho e nn'' d' wa tl f !
i w I t t
Irt-t i' t I nt l,r I u,-i i. ( I t" .t-'eW nib
and Vau. bis., l'oitland, Oregoo.
i i oi '. .. I -ui
u'Hlv. IcuUeiiO C .ii. J 1 r Cwl i
hum liiinii', iituli r the "j riiiteiuii-meot
the ri.M.I vnl.t. wherever the jfrntnl
duke p'. but thi'U Ills simply tirt-auae)
he I'liu a l.lim. owing to hi great
he't'lit. miTt with one long rnoiigh for
hia l ottif'irt. .i the Philadelphia Pre.
It iIims tint appear to t jrenerally
V now n that among the sen ants nf the
liiin nrc two tn-;irlng the title other
liiilj.'et'a tiipiei'ra. One of them fol
low the iiitirt wherever It may tw.
nn. I ttie ntlier rt iniiin jTrmnitentlv at
Winder. Tin1 duty of these funrtlon
arirs i to aurxrietrn'l the parking of
tho iineen's bat-k.'Rg when the court
.. . . i , . . i
rtatMinttn'tit rot'errneu anow iiihi
to a mini wlien he or li" must l
rvailv tu m ie a from the i krr.
t ' '
it's at mm.
DR. lORfit'l
,io9i m-t
1 ennif Men ! mtr'i'le
Aom K tffenau y,iu.'. ir ,iw,. .pr i-..
in nui im r.-i'-, j-H'. I v I
hllllt iMutear. ln.Ha..lij
in all it. . m;.., ,., ,. kuei nutall li rl.
riMiaiwrkv. I.on.ir. H w, i.i. . i, A
I rriiirari nr I rlMliK. "
C' in iii . o 4 r- . 1 4- .if ,.v9t
f. tn I Ha. h lri -1 I. r-... V
I. Jl It . I i4 nn'r T ta i.n-'lf- -Ihil i
frrmtnrn farm. I v. I .. I ,1 n. ,,,,t, V
K.HIiii. l.,1 iiv.Bt.l-i'. t i
rid .qilArv I hy,.-i41 ami ...t1-.4i j
la .r .ii- Itiweaara mt ten, (
kaiii ihn?,w . v ... ,!i .ta r.,,.,1 1. t
S- Ill lw"t ii. ' NmN.i.
IM r '-!. I '1 r h . Tl- -r.1 I
M i't rai'" ii ; ) i. ,
f lMa.a pglhn. '
,..., ii,., t e ;. j1 .t ,-' . . .
r cm.sa.;. ifht rfi. ,11 j ,. , t
A tt ' '-t t-i . -.). 1
f " tk I Itwut.r.r tf Sturn.f.
1 ItlC t "'.at t f. -- .
ii'it liiailll i
:nit.-.. and tln-ir work Is si perfectly Orrnt Mua.-nrtt of Atiu..tnr )
nn! ' d tlutt rery nirtnW of th M , ...,:, i4r , 7
" ; a. t . ,.-.!
f ' ! ' ' j '" ' -
.1 AH. IMi I
111 iMfn w. 4 -1