Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, November 11, 1898, Image 3

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Our Guarantee
Money Returned
If Goods
Save Money. wuvt
THE FAIR Has Been In Existence Just THREE MONTHS
Your Iilbeit'al Patronage
Has exceeded our expectations ten fold. The genuine quality of our goods and the Low Prices H A.VJ1 SOLYED THE PEOBLEM
We will continue to merit your patronage. We have just received and opened up a fine line of
Direct from the factory at prices that wiil astonish you.
An Immense Line of UNDERWEAR The best quality and finest finish Cheaper tlitxn tlxe Ctieopestt
2B5E3ESD3EWO-,BXji-LKr3E2S:E3TPS, CJTCTEEPS, S3E2lE3-3I3Sf ZEStC. CftU Bnd El8mine-
HATS, CAPS, BOOTS, SHOES. Galvanized Ironware, Tinware, Graniteware, Etc.
Rubber Boots, Hardware, Lamps, Corsets, Laces, Towling, Umbrellas, ) ffllTC n fflj-
MtfintJ NUN
Overshoes, Whips, Dishes, Gloves, Ribbons, Handkerchiefs, Stationery. yyJ
. We have earned recognition throughout the world as the strongest co-operative association engaged in
the mercantile business and can buy and sell at prices that is astonishing to not only those who are our
customers but the merchants who are in competition with us. Before we arrived they disputed the value TU C
of our goods. When we make comparison they have nothing more to . say. Our goods are marked in I M I
plain figures. We have but one price. ",-" '' "
Poor and Weak
Catarrh and Bronchial Trouble
Had no Appetite Now Better in
Every Way A Delicate Child.
41 Some time since I took a sadden cold
and could not get rid of it. Being subject
to catarrh and bronchial trouble I coughed
terribly. I lost my appetite and grew
poor and weak and I did not feei like
work. I began taking Hood's Sarsapa
lilla. In a short time the cough disap
peared, I slept well, had a good appetite
and I was better in every way. Last
spring I was not feeling well, I had no ap
petite and no strength. I resorted to
Hood's Barsaparilla and soon felt more
like work. My little nephew was a deli
cate child and had a humor which trou
bled him so he could not rest at night.
- He has taken a few bottles of Hood's Sar
saparilla and now he has a good appetite
and is able to sleep." Miss Abbib J.
Freeman, South Duzbury, Mass.
jj Sarsa-
O parilla
Is the One True Blood Purifier. All druggists. $1.
Hood's Pills
are the host after-dinner
lulls, aid digestion. 25c.
In It If you catcrTon.
given away for the baat
acora thia week at tha
Hie Sliootii Gallery i
HlRheft pnulble wore 120.
Galloway and McFerreu tied on IDS
Lad lei' prize:
, Mn. Perry Snyder lit
A Red, White and Blue Jlghta In front
Hnnday It a. m. anil 7 p. ra. Sunday School
10 a. m. (Uhmo No. 1 and 1 at 12:10 p. m.
Kpworth Lmuiia Devotional meeting atT p. m.
Prayer met-tina, Tharailay. 7 p. ra.
T. HututT a.., tha hmla uv. f'mna. "
The vtor may ha found at tha tiaraonava ad.
ioli.in tha clmrcti. where ha will be glad to
meet any i'o may deire to oonanlt him on
reliaioua, eutLnl, civio. pliiluaophic, educational,
Or aur other aubiertH.
J. W. mUUKB. MinUter.
Hervlee each Sunday at 11:00 o'rlm-k a. m.
n,l 7 il n. m Wmver ..iwtlnt Thureday even-
In at 7:11). Choir practice Haturday evening
at the church. . i bmm.i.
Tha I.adl-a' ttul'd of the Etdai'opal ehurrh
will meet at oclork, p. m., on the Brut
ttcdneadar of eecu month, at the home of Mrs.
T. 1. Matlock
See M. Lichtentbal & Co. for shoes, a
Dr. J. W. Voifbl, specialist for refrao-
lion and defeots of the eye, will be here
every three months. 648-ly'r
Painless remedy for extruding teeth.
If not bb statsd, uo obarges. Try Dr.
Vaugbarj's Dew plan. 604-tf .
If yon need something for your system
oall at the 'Phone The Telephone sa
loon, City hotel bnildii'g. tf
A. M.Ounn may be seen again ham
mering iron at bia old stand on west
Main street after an absenoe from tbe
city of three years. tf
A fine line of cutlery just received at
P. C Thompson & Co 's, including scis
sors, shears and an elegant assortment
of 3-pieoe oarvmg sets.
Be not deoeivedl A cough, hoarsnee
or croup are not to be trifled with. A
dose in time of Hbiloh's Cure will save
you much trouble Sold by Conser &
Varreo. v
Qucg Lee owner of the well known
Chinese laundry, has moved bia laundry
to oorner of Alkali and Water streets
and is now iu shape to do good washing
at cheap rates. 2
Gall at tbe Candy Factory when you
want a good oup of hot Coffee, ooeo or
chocolate. t Fresh testers in aoy style.
Hot and cold lunche. Try one of our
oyBter oocktail's. tf
Care (hat cough with Shiloh'e Cure.
J. be best oougb cure. Kelieves oroup
promptly. One million bottles sold last
year. 40 doses for 25cts. Bold by Con
ser & Warren. v
Rev. E J. Flesher will apeak next San
day morning, at the Methodist Episco
pal obarch on "Christ, the True Foun
dation." "The Graves of Last" will be
his subject in the evening.
J. L Yager has pal to tbe Thompson
Hoet)Ieue gas machine under tbe super
visiou of Mr. Smith, and is (applied
with a system of mellow lights, which
mast be seen to be appreciated.
W. P. Snyder, tbe livery stable pro
pnetor, boys only tbe best bay and grata
Large corrals and aooommodatiooi for
freighters. Daoke and bnggiea tarnished
reasonable, rjtoi k well oared for. tf
Local Notes.
Choice frnita at Tba Maine.
Turkey shooting at The Maine.
Fretb oyMeri at tbe Candy Factory.
For cboioa eoofectiooary go to Tha
Buy your tobecooe of Geo. O. Rome, at
Tha Mains.
Whore rao yon teat yoar raerkmo-
a blp? At The Maine.
Wber ean yon boy tbe beat cigar on
earth? At Tba Maine.
What la Hod (old? brat beer fO
earth. Bee ad. eleewbere.
Hiftt repairing nndsr eopenUiuo of
Marshal Thornton i ID progreae.
The lower werebnn ha nnlimlt
ad aappy f 'eel rye for sal. 85 loa
Llobtenlbet k Co. forahoee. Eiclnaiv
aboatktre. Handle tb beet. Kill
Did yon go oo that boot fr gmoae,
ate., last Haiorday? One who killed
only out poor, littla pbeaiaoi.
Ladlea, take tha beat. If yoo are
tronbld ltb conatipatloo, tallow skin,
and a tired f.eliog, take Karl'a Clover
Tea, It la leMut t take. Hold by
Cooaer A Warren.
1 1 n Priuu. i
In a.jiai1'
Tbe Morrow County Land & Trnal
company have decided to go into tbe
wheat buying basloeaa extensively this
fall, and it ia important that growers id
terview tbem before disposing of their
Sheriff Matlock, with T. A. Rhea as
assistant, started on last Weduesday
night's train for Salem with the yoan
man Smith, eeotenod to oae year in tbe
penitentiary for stealing Rtlph Siu
burne'i bioyole.
Drowu k uagbe invite yonr attea
tion to their announcement Id their ail
vending space. Their goods are arriv
ing and tbey waot yon to know it. Tb
appreciate yoar patronage, and will
treat you rigbt
Where ean yoo grt a good freeh and
hot oup of para Java and Mooha coffee
for 5oT At Tbe Maine. Opeo day and
nilit. AIo, bam aaodwinb, 5a; qaarter
of a pie (home made), 6o; pieoe of caka
(hom made), 6c; two boiled egi, 5o;
cheese, orackers and lancb gooda.
"Is tbe morning by tie bright light,"
Id tbe evening at tba "Redligbt,"
lit re John Itasmas contioaet to dole to
hi patrons thoae eparkling beverage,
hieb "banteh meUncltoly and drive
dull ears away. Drop to; warmth
greet yon the fall and wintMrevetiinga.
Mike R 'inert, at tha Belvedere, hav
ing r'tnoilelej tha popnlar i I time cif
ner, eitenil to tia publie a eordial wel
come. Tha beverage be diapenae
will be kept np to tba bigheet etaodard,
and the etilargemeol anJ ertnifortable
equipment of hie biiliard parlor and
clab-room era a drawing feature, fi if
U. P. Verm ll ye, the repreaaaUHve rf
the Northern Pa -idu Ln-I Company.
p"Dt a few dtya in towo tli week, and
itiforrc n that b a n eee'le.1 i bigio
log riff th iel'li of le raitytal land
la thi canty, lb Healing of tbe
oom pan v tbrtnaO Mr Verait'y hav
rnt Hi" aop-t lx'l o of c nt r"!dnt
ao 1 it ia ieg-e'.l. th .1 l Vul' are at
3 end.
.Druggist Ingrabam is Bgaiu at bis
post in lone, af'er a week's visit in Pott-
and. .
Yesterday morning we awoke to find a
mantel of snow covering oar town. To-
ay bot a diminitive snowball remains.
Wm. Crabtree made a sale this week
of 4) bead of oattle to Joe Rector, real
ing $25 for tba cows and calves and $15
bead for yearlings.
An advnnoe gnard of 500 bead of
(took cattle passed down Main street
this momina to the depot for shipment
by Rand & Tagg, bought of W. T. Mat
lock, of Lone Rook .
Karl's Clover Root Tea is a pleasant
axative. Regulates tbe bowels, purities
he blood. Clears tbe complexion. Easy
make and pleasant to take. 25 cti.
Sold by Conser & Warren. v
The honorable oonnty ooart ha been
session sinoe Monday and brought
their work to a conclusion this afternoon
too late to enable the oomplete report to
appear in this issue. Ia Tuesday's pa
per tbe report will appear in tall.
"Tbe Liquor Devil," "Municipal Cor
ruption," "Fot.ls," "Eternal Punish
ment," and "My Brother's Keeper," are
some of the sutj otg that will be handled
with gloves off at' the M. E. cbnroh,
South, daring the meetings now io
progress. Don't miss a servioe.
O.iuuty Sabo'jl Supirinteodeat Siiip
ley is holding teachers' ex imia itioa at
the courthouse assisted b Mr. H lrner.
Those prrtunt are It'v. Biauaamp ol
Sand Uillow lohiol. Mm C ira II irt of
Castle Rick, Mist Liaise Hull of Wil-
o8, and Miss Fioreooe HI. Claire.
Hypnotic Professor Holbrook bat
lemonstrited the taot that his oieaae is
uot snperiiatural, prompting txperimenU
ou the part of oar local taleut, a number
of whom are meeting with decided sue
oes, promising our little town no end of
myaterioa aaauaernat this wiater.
Nat J. Hale, of lone, spent Wednesday
io town. lie has last completed a flue
barber shop, furnishing il very artistio
ally, and bas employed the eervioea of a
first-oiaas aaslatatit. The requirements
of hi United Stale land ooramiseionare
uoh that constant application to hi old
trade I oat of the question.
Last Sunday we bad tbe pleaiur of
ao oyster feast at tho parlor of Jim
Harl'a rendezvous, and there found Mr.
Ileonie olBoiatlog in a mantiHr becoming
tbe cliof of the famouu New York
Delmonieo. The popularly of (be new
enterprise hat been pbenouieoal, and it
proprietor, we predict, will be com
pelled to enlarge qaarter.
Cotnthb' An lersoa of Lone Ruck
preulnat, retarned bomi at cl ae of tbe
esainn of circuit ooiirl. - Mr. Audermo
lironght over lb bioyol'i tliief. and call
ing on the Oaette, gave ti ao in'ereat
mg tiarative of bia captive. ( opinion
wa tbat 'be fellow wat ronrllr.g a term
of "free board" a h prophetical to Mr
Andertno when ovvrtiiken.
Proleaaor U !brmk. Id Ooatraat lu the
disposition of th raaj irity of tb poWie
enlertaioer, ba grarioualy tender th
oe of Hi opera ho'ine for tbe bnrSi
concert to-night and will oon'rihuu to
tbe aaooesa of tbe eqterininmeut. Tu
bo are out blind with nureatooabU
prejadioa, and have crefnlly o i! tin
fairoea of bia explanation appreciate
bia lack of preletie at I lent that be I
eblilled to Mteera.
Hai Succeeded in Overawing the "Knowing
. Ones."
Tomorrow night terminates the week's
entertainment at tbe opera house, aDd
the hypnotic professor bas put forever to
rest tbe skeptic's denial of tbe existence
of bis soienoe. His feat of mind reading
repeated eaoh evening, bag oonvinced
tbe intelligent oitizena of our town that
it is genuine, and tbe majority of those
who have witnessed tbe antics of Iboie
uoder bis bypnotio influence are
thoroughly oocvinoed' tbat tbe subjeot
is completely under bis control, and tbe
tbe possibility of tbe mysterious influ
ence ie tba topic of conversation by all
classes at all hours of day and night.
Crowds throng the opera bouse eaob
night, and anxiously await tbe snooeed
ing evening. I he eooiety ladui are
wrought up to a degree of exoitement
away beyond tbe influence of notable
social events, and Satarday afternoon
will be given ao exoluaive matinee for
their special benefit, and we trust tbat,
in the interest of soienoe, tbe newspaper
representatives will not be denied admi
sioo. They, doubtleoe, understand that
when they pasa into tbe mesmeric or
bypnotio state, time and mameivera are
entirely lost to them, and tbat oarioi
ity of their nature will prompt a desi'e
with them tu know "just what tbey did.'
We have beau informed that tbe bond
of eymp'itby are so prononnoed with an
assemblage of "ladies alone" tbat while
tbe professor is wieldiog bis influence
with bia class ou the ataga, many o
those iu the audience drift onoonsoioosly
into tbe ''tnyateri -oa ileep" "It'a
fact!" aud tbe entire home i turned
into a theater of aotloo, at the discretion
of tbe professor with his migio wand.
- Tba moileet member of the sterner sei
are promising themselves a matiue, aud
we bave been promised a "reserved seat''
well to the front, where we will be ei
nbled to note the snietiliBo feature of
the oooaaion, which will poaaibly appear
io next Issue.
to BUY
At Prices that are All Right.
Famous Tailor-miulo Suits that are Fash
ionable, serviceable and fit to perfection.
Our complete winter line of clothing has just arrived. It is strictly
in fashion, and the material, make, cut, and fit, could not bo better and
the prices are what you can afford and are satUfied to pay.
and a lino of
Suitable for this Climato, ,
Call and. Carefully Inspect Stock
An all-wool, serviceable suit, formnrly ioll for $10, now $7
Black diagonal clay worsted suit, formerly "old for 15, now-All-wool
overcoat, durable and neat ftttiii?, f I V
An extensive stock arriving every day.
Fresh and ol the latest staple lines.
Mr. Onffllb, hg-aga j.atr io
b'keroan tn tba branon lnn, eai-ate-J
death mirarnlonaly thia we k. While
witching ear be oaiijrbl a "fler" n1
wbile awali.ling th IvHer paaaa.1 an
tb"r ear, being eeul(t bttweeg the
projetinf roof, catntig him ef'u.r
Dr. MoHworil. wht ba b n tn Mii !
ance, report him n the roa-l to rei-.r
ry with ao irlrqrnnqincr ii atore
for him.
Tbe HalrMHo Army will ti I mt
ing ' fclifht thu week an I all day
on H'inlay. At 10 " a. ra., lloll
triee,tig; ftO p. m., eh'Mren'a ineeti'.t'i
i. ru , free and f mae'tatf; 71 1
p. tn., lll'n rueeling. Tm ihj el
f r no.lir clrfh will be laaeaj fmra
I.aiah 2,:-OT: "Fr the h1 I ahoM-r
than I1!"!; a man ean ttfirti t,twaf nn
II. Aalt'ieoverlria- mtif tban tbat;
be ca wrap lrnlf la It "
W, H. Brown of Canyon Cltr ia III town.
John M, Rniwnol Lon Rork. ram orer yet
Wm. MrCnriy m In town yeateriUr from
Butter Creek
lUpraaatitatlv Hawaon ol Olltlain county
waa In town reatvMajr.
R. B. Wllaon, (imminent tot kmrnl rnlclln
at I'ortlamt, wa hie ttila week.
Henry . Hlmon, travelln tor II Varwl
aim, Portland, waa itolnf Ilia town jraterlaf
Mlat Cor Hart came In from her i:atla Roc
arhool toattcti t th trai licra' lamination thia
P. C. Ilollaii.t, th rriirtwn'atlT of th fa
elite l'ar comiaiir, ilrniped In on u Ibl
Malt Webb ol Walla Malta, the eitanalv
harpoamer, taaln In ll'W"Hr looking altar
hla InUrwita.
K'l. R lllihop now If iKht iiprain al Ilia Mor
row eounty wa rehnnaa In th plef ol holxirt f.
Hrii'1, who will vUll hi o. horn.
K.C. Aahha ifhol riht Mil U In town l
day arlwiln wall papr lor Ilia flnlthldf
lom haa ot tennrel ramO'lBlIn ol hi h una.
Jc.lm T. M'hallff, tha rwtr"aniatla etar ol
Mnlliiomah roiuity.ilnippvt In on our aiambar
ol th l-(lilatnr lor a 1ar lal thia wak .
ProfM" Howard, Mim Ralaawar and Mia
hav liaq anrlooalf Indlap'iaKd, ae-aMl.
tatliif llialr aliaatK Irota a hl lor a law depa.
Harry Waiklna, the tenlal lerturar, lea on
to nlaht train, w till her ha ha man man j
Bria trlenda. who will (ha htia a oofillal wal
coma ihoiild ha return.
Mr. and Mra WHirirand daunur Mlnnla.
who are Vlalllng Xfi (pfi. Walla, ere feald
dnt ol Oakland, r ailloriila, and trntm ft J
dlflararant trrotindlnv) andrllinat bara.
Bonis, Shoes, ani Over sks, Hsjfcs, Bt,
New line of Underwear, Hosiery, and Dress Goods just arrived
Blankets of all grades. The Ixst 50c Blanket on the
Market. Wc want your trade and will give
ou the best value for it.
Qalet WedJIa.
Oo WelDHay altrroouo at
o'oloek Mr. Wm. Uenilrif, well known
throughout tt.le ronnty, wa married to
Mi Klii-beto K. Petllemler. Tb cer
emony to)k (l In the preeenee of a
few rene ao.l frieo.U, an I waco
eobJucted Io the ireong of lb Mtb-o-liat
Kpno al chnrrb, aoennliat to It
beaotifiit ritnal, lUv. Fletber offl. ialing.
Among thee preeent were If taee Key,
Uelty and Ileeate Hettlemler.F.ll Wblt.
Mia II nil and lUrt It. Heltlemier, of tb
On bindred and evralynr bead of
beep i the tn ninlilni rear the liad ol
Hear creek, Morrow root)!,. A reward
of It rent r bead wi l b pai I f ir the
reeiry or Information lea line: l ilb
reeoeery of ti I aheep, l.we and lamb
brandel llj yearllbv traaled I' in
boiiMer; 2 jar ol:U Uu led I' on bi(.
Ad Ir.aa,
H IU Y. U. I'MTia, (ndoa Or
h,w l.wa,
V are eriUhllf al ling naw t'-.
an l i't ble fea t f .r II aei.,(, a fin
Maorinctjt f w!.-h, el rf-Va, jewelr,
ilef ware, DOVat4e kb I tenaiOal Ijlitin
meal. . O. lJeVI, JaWjef,
ertea AKleilaa.
Tbe maey fneod of Arthur Andrew
and family will regret tie aerinn !
..rtnbe that eeem In bate oterUken
tbem at Dayton, w ablrigto). Mr.
Andrew waa rtreatlf ealled there,
log tn tbe dealb of bia eon Jeaae, aad It
I t ow rrfrtd tbat la addition to lb
death f LI yonngeat eob'e baby, tbe
el leal danghtef he at lb Dntrit of death.
Tb lamily la wll known In tbla ronnty,
and there I n aeited feelli.gof ejaapa'by
tteoded tbem In Ihelrted tfflimlos
R tll.H'UII !.!
Hellltr tributary Io I a ti. g rail
road lrd and ba not mala f.r oof yet,
bf rIU"g at lb oftVe f N. i. Hale,
I ma. ()reaoo. ran male I ilf t"f an J
brfaof f.oeer, Tle iplf Jan
1, Ii. All lull 'f Ut.d lnmee
trai.aaetel. fVttler Ineated Ml taratd
rotJK mtioiat
Kntraibrr 1 1 lb. Ilik.
Th (lermatl rlpeelalUtt, frwue faH-
land, Oregon, HI btta Utf e4 1
1'elaoe botel, aa4 all)
If yon bawar cbmal eaiarrtk,
lion M free of charge,
Iki yon blow mitlt W aea I
Are yoa troubled ,) wi eg lU
Are tbe owtrll iiirA. mh g
breeibleg difTloollf
Are yoo bowree at Kavawt
I tbe maotia dr.pM -a fr Vu
back of anew Into lb .?
I yoar noe eto(.pe4 f
I yonr bertr g ffeMf
I four tbrOWl a ttwf
Ii yon eft f4 4l W
lb morning?
tin yon leta a4 kl t
throat t
Catarrh ! dawrenwi jiw awa. nik
teed Into rwmt!)
Weak ! fwrad, we,
wlttioot nllirig lbe4
Ceiararta tmm4 IW
glaee. Ctt l.att aUe l !! ,
ropier aaj liral eat! e mmI
ti. i;tiro tnia . it
Irontilee a e,.)iall.
V 'i I tail IM 'Vera
eta. A fri'Ily 11 iM y -e
li.g. aad ! tn4 W Ha. aw
ileal of g at to ,
lteii.en.laer lie !
rr4 rally KarraM.
! -I eai dreadfully artow, and
M taieaf ok yonr Crli Clor IWrat
Te lie,!"! my oervetiadatrength.
al aay wbol nerrom )iam. I wm
lUe-l wilb eonellpklaia, kidney and
haw4 tronblw. Yoar T tout leMd
,e ,aun tboronghly that I rapidly
e4 Leoliti and trenitb. Mm.lt.
k no Hartford, Hold by
Ut A Wnrrwo. f
Nw Hlaa Ufi.
My Mil boy bad bfaiig not en
MdaU Wa tried tobl loam by tt.
nee 4 n nee!! we had han't, bnl
ut wrowww. Tbe bny ll.en Ugaa
talief ltoc Haraapartlla. tie wa
i e;w'iigi enl Don I a) wr4 aad
Ue e elgw ot the errttdloM." Mr,
lw I eon, HI. Job, Waeh.
A wf 0U.
A ! ni t f aeblohad aewarnii
ylereat hm mannlal kewteel IVh
( teat . of Ike erwf.eg
,? Irae-I.h'a kinnwn nnlr tilhe H f
lkw I M wgruard of iril'a4l the
la -wewr. W Will it Jeetero 4
it ! in eolbei kwn.
apepa( ora4,
Imraedlatelw rwMai Awwa. ea
leg np lA I -I 1 .! t, ka I fi
kllney and ller a. n4 If 0
ar A Warrwta. f
rr Ufs.aU tad Calligt.
Hi Hi Yea H3tiA!ijs E::tU
twr th