The Gazette. Friday, Nov. 11, 1898. ADVERTISED LETTEBS. L clfl m fii 01 Whun calling for these letter! please say advertised. B. F. Vauqhah. r. m.. Or., November ., ln'JS. Adams, E H Isom, G W Ambiose, John W Morgan, herrah GeiKer, William C WJril, Carl Horner, J M "" "cv" s" Heppner ia now recognized as one, if not the best town of its size ou the Pacific Coast. Prosperity can be seen on every hand. The wool accumulated along the O. R. & N. branch aggregates millions of pounds. Wheat bulges from every warehouse, besides being piled along the line in tiers that assures the producers immunity from privation for years to come. Prices tendered for these products banish the feeling of depression, and the stockmen and farmers re alize that the mortgages on their possessions are soon to be released. Vast tracts of government and rail road lands are passing into the possession of individuals. Homes in every part of the county are be ing improved and citizens of the habits because he is unaccustomed to manual labor. Modern appli ances have eliminated many of the chores the boys of 20 years ago was obliged to perform. The steam saw cuts the wood, adult laborers are employed to take care of the garden, and the telephone does away with errancU. The youth reads of the easy methods of the highwayman in filling his pocket book, and the air of romance lent by a mask and a revolver is alluring. Few boys are appreciat ed in the tradep, still less desire to follow occupations which require muscle and application. It is the old question of "what shall we do with our boys?" A sovereign pre ventive for boys included to be vicious is a bucksaw and a wood pile, When he has finished the chores his mother or father are dow compelled to perform, he will be ready and willing to rest in the family room or go to bed. Spa. kesman Review. HENKY FAILING DKAI). LATEST TELE6E5P11.I Brief zr News, Tele graphic News Notes, Etc., Etc. New York, Nov. 8. A dispatch to the Times from London my' Undiminished naval activ ity continues, Many naval officers have arrived at Davenport, and the superintendent of com' Passes for the admiralty has begun his adjut- ments there, which is always the last thing un oertaken before ships sail. The Curuoa, a training cruiser, was intercepted by the admir Notice of Intention. Land Office at Thi Dalms, Obiook, Ortnhpr'Ai. 1HJ8. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE following-named settler has Bled notice of bit Intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before N. J. Hale, U. 8. Commissioner, at lone, uregou, on oaiuraay, December 1U. its) viz: FREDERIC W. BALSIGER, of lone, Homestead Application No. 4240, for the lota 1 aad 2, Hec 5, Tp 1 8, K 24, E W M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: Gustav (ilock, Edward (ilock, .a wun ana Keuben C. Sperry, all of lone. Oregon. !-7 Jay P. Lucas, Register. NOTICE OF INTENTION. PUBLIC LAND SALE. UNITED STATES LAND OFFICE. THE Dat.i.ek. Oregon Octnhpr fi 1SQK. "VTOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT, TOWN- A ' SI hiD three fit) south nf rAnpn tu-piitv-or.e . , V.r o ' 71 T l"Bura'r' F eaet ot the Willamette Meridian; Oregon, aityofrthe Spanish coast and brought back to has been surveyed, and an approved plat of uavenport. a sham attempt to force a passage l" ""e mereoi win be Died in tms omee on i.. , . . the 10th day of Novpmher. lS'iH. at. 9 oVlock me naroor agamsr. me nre o: naileries aim a, m. 0n and af(er .ft,d day, applications for muuiiicu .luiujL-int, guuB yiaw w i cu..y u.ereoi win De received ai tms omce. nlKht. The invaders failed. Signed the day and year above written. JAY f. LUCAS, OTIS Patterson, Register. Ki v,,., v e t... f d... xwui-jver. ui -i Santiago and Havana has arrived in quarantine. There are on board about 400 persons, Including a number of sick. The transport was never in danger, a. reported. The Invalided soldiers on board belong to the Twenty-third Kansas, fclghth Illinois and Second, Third, Fifth ana Land Office at LaGbahde, Obkoon, United States Land Office at The Dalles, October 17. m. Oregon. October 20, 1898. AJOTICE IS HEREBY GIVES THAT THE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT 1H run- 1 fo'lowing named settler has tiled notice V suance of instructions from thecommis- of his intention to make tinal proof in support sioner of the general land office, under autnor- of bis claim, and that said proof will be made Ity vested in him by section 24,ri5, United States before the County Clerk of Morrow uouuty, Kevised Statutes, as amended by tne aci oi cou- ftKonn ot Uunnnor OrPfnn. Nnvpmltfr Ai. Irrpu Rnnrovpri SVIifllnrV i. lfc'J5. We Will PrO- 18'J8, viz: ceedto otter at public sale on the 6th day of FRANCES MEKKIL.L, December, next, at 10 o'clock a. m., ai tms mure. of Heppner. Oregon, homestead No. for the irWjBK 1 .mLtalniio 1 o W H and ty,s ana niifisnji ' " " " " - Sec. 17 I n 3 8. R 27 E W. M He names the following witnesses to prove Any and all persons claiming adversely the ue names wie 101 owi.ik wiuicdocb iu yiu.o - - ------- his continuous residence upon and cultivation above-dtscr bed lands are advise 1 to file tl eu ol said land, viz: D. A Herren, C. M. Herren, Dan Henshew, William Walhridge, all ol Hepp ner, Oregon, E. W. Baktlett, 93-4 Register. claims in this office on or before the day above designated for the commencement of said sale, otherwise their rights will be forfeited. JAY F. Lucas, Kegister. 94-5 OTIS PATTERSON, Receiver. NOTICE OF INTENTION. PUBLIC LAND SALE. Cnijiso States Land Office; The Dalle., Or., Oct. 5, 1H98. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT IN pursuauce of instructions from the com missioner of the general land office, under authority vested in him by section 24S5 United States ReviBed Statute as amended by the act of congress approved February 26, 195, we will proceed to oiler at public sale on the 17th day of November, next, at lOo'clocka. m. at thi. office. the following tract ol lana, io-wh: it n o BEH Sec 24, Tp 4 8, R 24 E W M, containing 40 aCAny and all persons claiming adversely the above-described landB are advised to file their claims iu this office on or before the day above designated for the commencement of said sale, otherwise their rights will be forfeited. Jay P. Lucas, Otis Patterson, 90-1 Register. Receiver. Timber Culture, Final Proof. Portland'. Great Financier Died of Heart Di ease Tncsday. The death of Henry Failintt, who i known the Rtate over aa the leading banker nJ finanoier of Portland, ia an nounced in WedueRday'g tosne of th same are regaining their cofidence OregoDmu. The oanse of bis death wa$ in each other, and standiDg should- heart diBeaae oompiicutea wim imcej, er to Bhoulder in their determma- trouoie. tion to mate provision agaium iuo H B(lvl0(, ,)f bi, b ; conditions they have been com- Le rffa(,ea toHt-t nslde bis basines polled to endure through the rf,Bpn8ibilitie( which precipitated bi iinr(i timf," rjeriod. which had death. The followiuK in a brief tMo kmnl.tfhA "wolf to the door." ' bis . ... w.iij I. W- V.l rru.,l,4a nrnnd from the "IM1I 1I,U K7, . : . :. , oit, in January. 1KU. and in the summt political Btnfe of factions; and we q n0(.ompnuie(i by hie fatbet are all content to reap tne Den(,nlB jnBiah FailiuK, and hie sinoe decease of our prosperity. Now is the time brotlier, John, he oame toOregoD. Th, to patronize and take care of every elder Mr. Failing then established H , . a:i..i:.. il.oi .tr;Knra mercantile hone in Portland, nnder thB lOCai 1IIBUIUUUU w ,, r.iiiifl .l.iol, h . nriu uniun ui a, i-nn -m - .vUIUU urtj to the general weuare oi our wu.. j() 47 yenrgi ntlli,r fMJ tv. and we must not lose signi oi the welfare of others, United States Land Office ljl(irand. Or . Di'l I 180S. NOTICE IS HEREBY (ilVEN THAT CLYDE Mnth immune.. The Panama al.o brought the iZV SSSSTViS'SSX bodie. of four officer, and eleven private, who County Clerk ot Morrow County at his office in died at their post of duty in Cuba. Heppner, Oregon, on Friday the lHth day of No. 2378, for the S W M N W W E S W u and Bantiaoo nit flriRA Nov. 1k Snanlsh miH- !4 8 w V Sec. 20 Twp 1 8. R 27 K W M. tary commission of five officer., headed by JaX.SyM,nXU.WM. ? rJJMi meuiuuant uenerai uon vaiaerrama, arnvea i oi neppner, usegoo. K. w, Bartlktt, here today from Havana, bringing letter, from 90-1 Rgtster. Major General Wade, of the United States evac uation committee, to General Wood, requesting the latter to extend all courtesy and assistance to the Spanish officer, in their effort, to recover the bodlc. of Major General Tera del Rey and Brigadier General Santicildez The former wa. killed at the battle of El Cauey on July 2. Gen eral Santocildez wa. killed near Bayamo, prov Notice of Intention. October, 17, law. . r . . (,nnr rnmmonrinn following-named settler has filed notieeof a II chmifrl Lnnur tint his intention to make final proof in Biipport of jiiumivi "vii Land Office at The Dalles, Obeoon, October, 17. W.W VTOTICE 13 HEREBY GIVEN THAT Tl A hiB claim, and that said proof will be made be fore Vawter Crewiord, County Clerk at Hepp ner, Oregon, ou Saturday, Mv. an, isjs, viz: BRUCE HAINES, of Eight Mile, homeBtend application No. 4084 tor tne H v yt Hec. J,J. ipa m, k a n. m. Me names tne loiiowing witnesses to prove his continuous residence u pon and cultivation of said land, viz: John w. Alston, (ranKAnuer son, T. R. Robinson, of Eight Mile, Oregon; L. Y. Joues, of Heppner, uregon. JAY r. A.UUA!1, Resister. P. C. Thompson Co. Have the nicest assortment of . WRITING TABLETS Notice of Intention. In town Tablets at 4c, 5c, 7c, 8c, 9c, 10c, 15c, 20c, and 25c each Rubber-tipped Lead Pencils lc, 2c and 5c each Land Office at Tiut Dallf.s, Obfgon, October 2. 18!8. VTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE l following-named settler haB filed notice of his intention to make final proof in sup- nf u,a .1 .V,t oulil n,nnl will ho ffil&n!"l$i,?&TimV't forget the place. Cash talks jerry j. mcelligott, ot lone, p. c. Thomoson Co. HeDDner, Or. HrtmaB aorl A nn Monti nil Nn. IKilh. for ttlfi W 1 - - - - - SUPPORTS THE PRESIDENT one uiiratM, and at twent m anown n Ooihett, Failing A RibertKnu. Iu 1HH8 the deceased Bnil U. W. Oo belt .ecnretl oontrolof the First Nationm bank, of wlnoU Mr Failing beoarae n,j has been iireeideut 3U sear. During hi Concress in unanimously sup- ineumhency o! thiit poaitinn he also b. nortincthe president at the out- came, ideutilled with moat of the grM break of the war, expressed tne " " ,'. " , ,u 8 ure . . . u manifeatH.l a practical intHreat, tb,. overwhelming view ua u. ,4,.D , ,(V(,n ,,ri(.f ti,ne u ,, ofthH entire country. iue h(1TH ,, little recreation. lt tions this month ought to SHOW Rll WIW obairmHti of the water nnnaiiiitB. the rest of the world that the treasurer of the I'.m lid Unlvetaity s, A...nn nr not fiekle-mind.Hl Forent (irov,. thepaal ,111 veaM. tr-n,. .... .. nrtr ol the Utiil'lren'H Horn", and he c. . ". nnpied i.nmrniii( ..iir pm n. of the mlminiHtrauon. tu uuhi.m j rMj,, lrl)M,, whuih drew larif. ly tncticH of the HjmnmnlB in lli UiH private tim coufereilCO fit Tftris Rlld in He wan preei.l.Mil i.f Ihe I'dhlid 1 j ' ... . . ., ... i ., H... nvnonation oollfprPIIW Rt II R- hn.ry AMMor.aiP.n ... 1 nr., a.m. ,n ,,.,, .' ... i o.l ill, l't'k i''-'"-t- Mr. FalllllU 0.,,, Vllimnn) to uou.1. b-..... ,;,,,,, ll,.i1-1,,ft,1 UttRl tl HOriOUMllfHH. av in.K", jnove very unfortunate if at this critical juneturo the elections ehould Bcom to turn Bainst the jiivsidont and !iin policy. 'Ait iia" aw a public issue is not un (h'rstood in foreign parts, and if "Mut-iism" had defeated tho rtv publican party thin fall tho result would bo interpreted abroad as a condemnation of tho war and its -larger results. This would make tho final Bottlenifi.t with Hpaiu considerably more difficult, for it would encourago tho HpaniHii lip- 1, miats to protract tho negotiations Htill more tediously, while Booking in every direction to draw other Kiironeau coiiutrifB into tho run. troversy. Tho term "Algeiism" is not here usd to oouvey reproach or coniltMunation, ftr it is not our function to ptes judgment in ad- Vance of an oppoitunity to wt'igl nil tho facts. Hut, justly or un justlj,MAlgi'rism" hai been mad nn iestio in pfilitics. Hie sr win not bo coinph'tely emlcd until pc-tco is Bigned and declared; and tho work now iu band by our n-v-rcHKiiUtives ht l'aris is of critic! iinp4.ilanco. Wbilo actual fighting was tho order of tin ilsy, tl o couu. try Ht.H.l 1-y the prcsi leut regard- lirs of parly. Hut it is hardly Ic-s important that this nhow of uuai.i luily nhould bn inaiutaiiii'd lilt iii-Mtiatioi'S aro pending. Our coinmisMomrs at l'sris tn'.u to Imv.' bMu iimnagiiig our ca a t inii ably thus fr, and Ligh grounds of i utiiotifiu julif th' l")a! m i h. l ht g f Mr. Mi's bauds. Hi ad Iks at Omaha ltt tuauth f ,f p,,, (, WS blond, eti.l.'eii.aiil.kc, an I !- j i. and l " h. - n;s lohu.' tr..iii! u,ii bis t iU - l r'-Hi ' 1 1 l',, r if t'"' Woild," ii tl." Ai--ii-,-n outi.1y 1 M 'Ni - ie C'f N-.v.-u,l ir. Land Offick at LaGrande, Orkoon, Ontohnr VI. VTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE 11 following-named settler haB filed notice of his intention to make flnal nroof In snnnort ,,, , ., . . , , . . . . 1 ui. Liailli,Klluiimgim MrUUI Will OB ll.HUtS B, , ....... ueiure ine uouniy uiera oi Morrow uonnty, or- of the insurrection three year. ago. General I egon, at Heppner, Oregon, on Nov. 26, la, viz: Valderrama, accompanied by hi. taff, visited JOHN W. SCOTT, General Wood, and the officer, had a pleasant of Echo, Oregon, homestead No. 0318, for the chat of an hour. Lieutenant Hanna, General N Si-13'.'f P 1.1?,K' '? E W..M u. ,, . , ... . , . . He name, the following witnesses to prove Woods aide, with an escort, and the Spanish his continuous residence upojj and cultivation olllcers, visited El Caney to locate, If possible, of said land, viz: William Conklin, of Nye; the place of inten ment of Vera del Rey, and the "UrASS " ... w n,o wvj m j ua...- , gun. . yv, UART1.ETT, Ion of United State. Infantry and a baud with Register. all the honors due a major general. Timber Culture, Final Proof. London, Nov. 8.-The Daily Mall this morn. t? m itii, St.,.. i..Mn n,.,,-, ing urge, the American people to boldly pro- The Dalles, Or , Oct. 27, 1898. imunce in favor ot retaining the Philippines, lVOitUK 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT AR- "for otherwise there will be a acramble for ,,eJh7M coaling atatious that will endanger the peace of V. Crawford, County Clerk, at his office In the world." Heppner, Oregon, on Saturday, the 10th day ,,i jyi-,:iruii,er. on limner c lit ire a i i anon No. 82M, for the W N WV and WU HW4 of sec- Oakland, Cai., Nov, 7,-Detectlve William wo- l " P w- . K.,-tJ M-. wuigiey win leave tomorrow tor rortiana, or., K. Morfclttn(i and Htanfnl Howell, of llardinau, 10 nring uai'K to Oakland cnoy uun ana ong i ann rrea Asni.augn, ot Heppner, or, Chung, a Chinese couule who cloned last M Jay P. Lucas Renlster. month, taking with them money and Jewelry, the property of Choy Gun's husband, Chung I Hoy King, a prominent merchant of thi. city. The couple will be jointly charged with grand larceny. SEWi and EW BVV' See. 24. Tn. 2 8. R23EWM. He names the following witnesses to ptovehis continuous residence upon and cultivation oi sHid land, viz: Frank Wilson. John Williams, David H. Grabill and James Nolan, all of lone, Oregon. 96 7 Jay P. Lucas, Register. NOTICE OF INTENTION. Land Office at The Dalles, Oreoon, October 26. 1898. XTOTIOE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE following-named settler has hied notice of his intention to make final nroof in support of his claim, and that snid proof will be made netore v, crawtorn, uoumy ciera, ai Heppner, Oregon, ou Friday, December 9, WEM, viz: DAVID H. GRABILL, of lone; Homestead Application No. 4235 for lot 1, and the BE NEJ4 and N', SE54 Sec 19, Tp 1 8, R 24 K W M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: trank Wilson, Jonn Williams, Jerry McElligott and Joe Woolery, of lone, Ore gon. 96-7 Jay P. Lucas. Regi Slocum's Pectoral ExpectoraQt. Is without doubt the most efficient remedy ever put up , for the various diseases of the throat and lungs. It never faiis to cure the most severe case of cough, cold, hoarseness, bronchitis, inflammation of the luDgs; will prevent consumption if taken in time. If you or your friends have a cough or cold do not fail to try a bottle of Slocum's Pectoral Expectorant. It removes phlegm and soothes irritation. If you take two-thirds of a bottle without any benefit return the one third and bottle to us and get your money back. We . have confidence in our preparations and propose to stand by them. SLOCUM COMPANY. NOTICE OF INTENTION. NOTICE. State News. U. 8. Land Office, The Dali es, Oregon, November 1, 18'.i. COMPLAINT HAVING BEEN ENTERED AT KJ this oltlce by David H. Henshaw aeainst Frank Mclutyre for failure to comply with law as in Homestead Entry No. 47'.r2, dated August II, 1K, upon the Htf SK!-i Sec. 24, and NV4 La (Iramla Is exuerleuriua m. scarlet fever " --S """lonizo, lownstiip 3 , Kange y.t r,. w. "'"""o " experiencing a wanet fever M n Morrow collntv. 0reeon. with a view to r. I the cancellation of said entry, the said parties A rrl, II, Llum (;,,, heR,l nl thA ( tl.nllc re 1"'rt'',y Hummoned to appear at this olllee on Aruni.isiiop Gross, hca.1 ol the Catholic tll9 ,m ()ay o( Ut,cemb(.r. WM, Kt Id o'clock a.m . cliun-li of Oregon, 1. .erlously 111 In Baltimore. I to respond and furnish testimony concerning Urge band, of Lake county cattle have been '"'Kized toNnKaVrrSl .Id, imwlly to the Miller it Lux estate in Call- I in at his ottice at Heppner, Oregon, ou Dccem- irnlft. I oi r in, invn, ai iu o ciix-k a. ill. I wa ll jay r. IjUCAS, Kegisier. inner county . gros. valuation oi property loi tHtatloi. purpose, till, year 1. 2.rVii,ll'J; taxa- le property, $2,.'72,2l'l, Wallowa', grom valua tlou la 91,1 47,7.1-1 ; taxable property During the past 10 day. there have im-I of beef cattle .old ill the Wa and lliu prices paid were 12 r5 per HK) ml, fur run a, and f 1 fur steer.. The night nl Nov. 4th, the Eugene opera In. use gallery floor gave way precipitating l.trty peoilu below, beneath which were many titers, have a tew alight Injuries, all escaped, lite latest mall Irom Manilla brought to Mr. ami Mn 8. Denny of litis oily a photograph ol lie "lung and short ot Ihe Oregon regiment" whirl, . helping to maintain order in Ihe riilllppine - Wt.r Denny, Co. leet 6 Inches debt, mi l for it "iii'purt. ll !, i liitilli'il witli Hi" Ural IIh,, olmroli of city "inc lla.'fiiaii 'nr ami he lltn rally, Mlt quietly, m.,,, it iii th I'ti'.'ii'.tt i.f ' n th'l --"lit. fill i l ll ' kiiiixn a U' Wt.llK Trtttiw Hit win i li-Pli'.l of I'oltlali-I lf tlir. o ti-rmn , hii.I, in !'. ltlningh ,( ail Hii.lntl un ii ilifliiu, t. Inmil in llm rupnliliCkU raukl. Myr Maann tmil proeUroali,,,. .Oggealiiitf I tie ll ua at lialf lUwt no l( , i i i... . - ....i i...i hi..,. piliino iMiii-i.i.Hni "I ,'"iis.a ioii- ill rin-rl r il.i.l In emij, . . ., . . . . .. . ... . . .. in inn re( mi .up iurui t.ll.lir MILK II I It I WfMtlier pin.! an. I (Mly. 1MI Fll'l'i In vlslllntf m Kl.hl )t( aiii.Mig ri-Uovm an. I f rimi l F.'glit Mi' (Vnlrr I'aa aroufr,) tvm-urr ami m'h 'l ill coiuamnc J(((f It'll. Tim tel. phiiu l ' tt K. J i l,i-f any nlm ran miMm.m Of llll.tH. ri.i-y ll-iiwiu i .oa.i'g in p lc. iwf ai . I I riH. Iu !) Ui. Iieipliirf lull). ii . . . . i. ..I. I.. .. .i. I .liaiora, .--. jf dalcl f-.r au.l lriura lt i tu'u,, Iheir alU-t ll'ill l Ii4'llitf 4. A C m lb" il li st t'w tii ,riP4i. li'i m l i J ' l I'f it, in in I. . if Hi family m ll.f t!br ti-gillirf llil-.s. H m ol Hi f4-iii fi t I ttt ( t .U i 1 1 kit r.M.-l I P-I ,,ltil, in r,!'. ' I '" a" l,fy tfi-t t!i j ii -n 'n-'b k i. lb m t "l.,( oi ( li i l.f .1 au.l I"'- I Iu lL Ml i,, foiiiit ) . a t ! rt. A I i" r'n " II.IIU. f l'l 4- t.-'l . t I..HC, 't!, I 'ii- u,i. n-r, nloodl U, 1.. ... .1. .. . rouse the liver, cure bilious- fjfjl I I ness, headache, dizziness, III IS our stomach, eon.tlputlnn, 1 tc. l-rlce 2.1 cei.U. Nolil liy all (IriigBl.H. The only fills to tuke with llimtl's Hiiraiipaillla. Lanb Office at This Dalles. Orkoon, October 20, 1HIW, VTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE 11 followinL'-nnmed settler lias filed notice of his intention to make tinal proof in support of his claim, and mat snui prooi win ne mane De fore V. Crawford, County Clerk of Morrow county, Oregon, at Heppner, Oregon, on Tues day, liecemberB, 1M8, viz: EVEN GRE'iERSON, of Lexington; homestead application No. 4178 for the NE4 and sw'a Nt and .N v. i SH.J4 Sec. 14, Tp I 8, R 'M K. W. M. He names me loiiowing wuncsses 10 prove his continu iiiB residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: Ernest I iper, of Lexington, Oregon; B. r, Hwagtfart aim Kot.ert i urner, ol Good Goods.... Fair Prices.i T. AT R. HOWARD'S. . a'l Groceries, Provisions, Glassware, 7-a) xinware and Furnishing Goods. Heppner, Oregon; j. H. IMper, of Milton, Ore- Staple 071(1 FcinCII iTTOCerUS tfon J. P. Lucas, ei; Vnr.a ..,1 l4rnnB X' brv& iirtu co. Register. Notice o Intention. Land Office at La Grande. Oreoon, October 111. lh'.W. VTOTICE TS HEREBY GIVEN THAT 'IHE LM following-mil. led settler has filed notice of his Intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made I before the County Clerk ot Morrow county, I i iregon, at Heppner, Oregon, ou December 5, ihw, viz: JAME A. PEARSON, of Gurdaue, Oregon, lioinoHteml No. fiiill, for the W)4 H-4 Sw. 2 ami SWJ Nk! and N 44 NWJa ."ec. 11 Tn 4 . K K. He tmiues the loiiow ing w itnesses tn prove tils conttniioYB resilience u).on and cultivation of sold land, viz: Mat Unfiles and A. J. Coiik, ..I Heppner, Oregon; Levi 1. llliitt anil A. W Norton, of Uurilane, Oregon. K. W. n A K I I. K I T, 94-5 Register. NOTICE OF INTENTION. IT. R. HOWARD, MlbCLLLANbUUS ITEMS. V Within ft hhort ikt'ioJ i Mount ZLoa amlJw-k Hhermaii. Co. M, 5 Iwl 1 Inche. UI.' (ImJ.) fan htm laid tlllX-C vgg ettAilt .... rno.g,.,.n i. nigiiiy .riu yi.,ht Inrhea in rlipi-imiference. At Heppner, Ore., t-lit-re la a tiftDd Ja.-k ll.ajan. well-in .In rancher al Hllver comK(Md entirely of women which fur cr.k. Il.r.y r.mnly, wl.ll reluming homr . . . ln .,. Irom lkfvlt with ..ippltea. maile mlaalep " and lull under Hi hi wagon, nliiclilb Illa-- piMml over h. InflU tlng Internal In- I Hjittrrow in drove, not to from uhlili h dlnl soon ltr. 1b a I y bonlei, have pickrd all the grain i i.ieni o.i-ure.1 laat Tii.ira.iay a wk ago. Th I from the wheat atalka in ll'ld outvide dn-raard m is )hii old ami leave, a family. I 0f Wabash, Ind. Morris Walinar died at hi. ham naar lh -tar lai-lury In Ihla rlly MoinUy aluruimn al I J u'rlia k ol pneumonia. Mvv.ral mouth. o Mr Walmar run or by a wagon on fm Hill and .-i.taln! a Inu-lure nl several rlU a.i-l mat lnlrnall)r hurt. II rvravtmt Irom Ihla, howtr. and ba.1 hern liig hiliillng aud ruining up town MiH-.- I liran.W limtikl. When Mr. Henry Itobr wa.atruck and killed by kfrhtnlntr in her bom near Auburn, Neb., ber buby waa thrown from ber knee to aHpot under tabla, but waa not hurt In on Kanana town ft citizen i ramtai)fiiitnf agftinat Sunduy evening Land Okfk f. at Tint IUi.i k. Orkoon, (H-tnber -'il. Iw.'H. 'OTH-K. I HEREBY HIVES THAT THE follow lng-iia-nc! settler has tiled uollce f his Intenti. in to iimke Hunt pr of in support f his claim, and that snid lirnof will be made Ivfore V. Crawford. County Clerk, at Heppner, iregon, on r4.itur.lay, in, !., mi: PATRICK KILKENNY, of Heppner, Inroestead Application No 4'.wi, for the EH NK' and N4 HE1 H. SI, Tp 2 N. R It K W M He names ttie loiiowing witnesses to prove is continuous reslden.-e upon and cultivation I said land, vU: Clins VauWInkle, John Wier- tan, James tarty and John 1 arty, all ol Hepp ner, Oregon. w, 7 jay r. i.e. as, negisier. 4oii.rnl.. ih orianlatlnn l lh Corona churcb aerticea on th ground that tha U.. I and Wairr company. lih a eapiul stork I heat and btifrm will thitiin more aouia i ih Kiamath Kiprs sart: Th than the religioua exen-iari will ave. ltusomMinf as t-H lorth. awnn tu Tieaidenta at Lovilia. nt ar Ottum- torntrrlnti. IrrUailon ami rwlainallon ol . t. hava rVinnl an onmnizatlon for kia.n.m c....,.y la.M on an ami f rla and the mem. bere art to devote one day a week to the a.-' I I, ! ,1. 1, ni. t. I i .. .i II la rumiirvl. whit Hit rapltaJ lork Is not ry kln4lh.entart.rtaa. W. k ..KhU.h. eh,rurk rWdjn lb r."IT"lxrkooU of 1. Klam.ih ro'inlr ran b luriw.t Into a rmlo. aiuiu MM by lh hlp of raplut amt nhinl -Mra. Ketiah Hubbard, of palmyra. Imm Mir ih rspitailil alll h a'.la to draw Me., ftt H6 doea ft jfxxxl deal of embroid -l-n larga ilitl-Uods annually trom U.t Invrtl ry and tiatchwork in a year. Among mr. I her rwent mork were an outlined Ti A.i.Und tiding. ninmiiK-n Ih. iimih ot J eprrad and1 ft air of pillow stmnia, ft rixl r.. hi. h ner.irrr-1 al Ja'kaunlll on taa!! quilt and a half d..ri f":; rri lav, oi ro.w.i'npimri, tni r jnn wrro i 0iti, bf'ghl an.t popular fuong mn and hi iinthnnlr .Iraik I ,pl,it inon Urg rlrvl l I, toils sn. . - lntira. II ollue. dill vi(lnwl and rlrvl o'k nf vnU fr an) altrM twain a eorapntltof ttin Al lh n ot til dIH k rhairmaa nl Hi itvmorialk-eounly rviilral ora mitir l Ja. ken rounly. It tMIM ol lh Ui tlrntf l'a., Sf , liiiwl nl Jrko ii:. a i,-l I ha. U at Ih Ja knnvlll Ilu. a m hi. Hall t-tvlhrf rt-tiM a.Ti l.niiif nl vr ik fan. la a A 2)COtt I And WC tell it muCQ Just as Good V die .., , nn i , 1 1 1. i'l ri a, It'll . l, t.i KmamtiMti.liihiionih chttptt," U 4 statement lomctimct nxie by the drutrgist when Scott i emulsion ti calkd tor. This thowt ihit the drujjiiti thcmulvcirc grd 1 1 -i i I a ii t V ill. i i Wil t A W'Al.l.k t lxy ImrUfa: I. I f .i . I r 4 li I II .' V( nt (ill I tf - 1 ... I I "It It". .. !. I .. 1 1 1 . , ( 11 I' i t'., tllinrht t and i4 aihllr ft ., or lh ,ir and Iim. l.', ii, ilrro 'f 1t,r r rtm-iliii Inn ... m 4 II, bum n. 4 inim, II h' .,,(h t, tkui tn lh lt .' Ik t' 'I .i-l rah al ! ii. I 4nn to lh I n.-, nl I... I. .. I I, I i. lo .4-i-nti n.f, till I .. l.. l, In.t.ll'l ant lb j ii..-, .1 ik. !. r.,M it. Ut la l.r.l,. ' ii ftit M ti. i-fri.i. tt 1n.iM. ann ;... ..A ... r.. -14 Mh Ms ttnt l . tTrvl-Tlv flit .itK llvfVClKM- I'hilfi ot Lime and Soda ai the tk ft4 -Mf -l M Scott's Emulsion 00TS AND SHOES!!: . THE PLACE TO GET THEM IS OF ivic ii ri aA ii jk iv & co. They have anything ln this line that you may desire and you can depend on it you get a good article when they guarantee it, SHOES IN ALL THE LATEST STYLES. Old Stand, Main Street Repairing Specialty Drugs Medicines Toilet Articles SCHOOL BOOKS Stationery PaiQts-Oils Glass c i G A R S Conser & Warren, Dfgelsts Notice of Intention. I.ano Orm at LAiiKANoa. Okkiiok, N-tober Id, Ih'H. VTOT1CK IS nKRKBY OIVKN THAT THE ,1 following tiamiil settler has IIU-il notl. e ol hi. Intention t make final pr.H.f in .iipport ol hlselslin. and Dial snl.l prooi will lie made ne lora Ilia County t lerk nl Morrow county Ore gon, at Heppner, Oregon, ou lieccmticr 5, InMa, us: ... LEVI I.. IIIATT. ot (lurdane, Oregon, In.'. i. ilead No'. for the lots and ' aim rt-, k mi-, lip K r.. Ill liamea III lolluwlng witnesses to prove his eontln. inns resilience upon and cultivation ol said land. Mr: Mat llnnln-s and A. J. Cook, nl Heppner, Oregon ; Jsm.-s A. Pearson and A. W nrt.)ii, oi uurilane, tir.-non. fc. w, BATI.TT, 4 h Register. NOTICE OF JS TEN TION. alio, ami lt sai l pr.xil mill the ART OF BREWING. I,in Otrn g at Th a lui.i . Orkuow, I i liilr 31, IK N'OTK K M IIHtKllV (IIVHN I II T III F. foil. . Ming lisim-d S'-ttl'T tins tiled notlre id his InU-i.tion ,t mnka Dual proof In support ol I.U i-iaii... and tat sat-l pfiN.t will iw msile Ix-lor.. Heppner, tiri-gnn IS-.IS, Vl: Jo.-KI'H II. (iF.MMKt.l, of Islington, lliitimtead SI t-lli-atloi. No. 4I7 lot th EI w ;i. I ii I s, li i- 4.. He r.suira tl.e fi lloxliig im-.,- to prove his i.Hilli.iM.i.. ri a. Ii-'-.-- iiou h-hI r.iMUsllotl f sulil land, vl,- J IV Mr.. n. J I. l.i .n. ol H.-pp.i,-r. i.r,.o., anil I Ihhhm hiM.thlijr ttJ ii-l I'oltvr, nl Ia-xIi'iiIi"., l'r-,-oti. tH .' JAY I-. 1,1 4 Art, Ki-gl.ter, oi:iFn to snow cause The Central Market C. El. B1CYMEH Doalor in .-Fresli. Salt and Smoked Meats Fish and Oysters Every Friday. In opening this market wo solicit the patronage of the public assuring them the best of meats, and gentle manly and considerate treatment. THE CENTRAL MARKET, Heppner, Or. Was Perfected by the Production of.... HOP GOID Jnd vow the entire woihl Annies this perfect irttiu-l p tiir roc sty i .. lh r or ihk mtK the Star lireiecrif hecr. I ol tin-gmi, lot 0. m oi.i.iy .,( Morrow. I i i a a i- I ?; in I' I - t'ia aim UYtMH-4'i"! 1 "jr t irtat Ui.tutb-. am.! lit wajvaaf lj v .titltia nrJ n Hf ltt;U fiKaI t .-. t 1, i , I, .ti'titiai y. Not f 'f !! " ""n 'iu, t. t-. nt tiut.liioa mi l roMpcii- in J h-H.Vnuit Ht" a"ill-il t' Jroulli -ii ; hH!. I it i f atfiat ai 1 I. t t ! t , fc t- ' '-' - r'VUl .... . . . cm .til-Mutt, lintit. ii liir.i j H n t , j .' t- t i ia givi-H to t lW lMM alii lii..tia.r...i l 4 ". ' ., Ianinl lib l'Wtiiiiii' lt ll.l an I Ik mn I ( i h aif.-M .ri apfi-if t- aat 1 1. .i.r U isi ...i.,- .ia fa . a ta tl. rtrl nf ..!, f a ! tvk, lt it at'isl Ti a'l' M Mm-i lha lu. i-b I'- i-r.-Mi rt fiif aiiti a1' I a a l-strr i aU a ewta.a ror i..-..n'ioi r ' I-, a 4 ari.ti. V.i I.J I . , r-i. 1 an -itr t., ai . i.f t.i(Ui,tf, tattt lia tba ,,, l..t .lit. tt lr." "ta," t.UJ. ttaV a '. t-aarl aal tfMa4 feat. a4p. ttinJard, ni the rurchaur who iktirttto procure the "ttindird" brcauie he knows it hat htcn of untoU Unrlit, thouU not for one Initant think of taking the rhk of uun aunx unirira prtpa- P Mr stlrt TK ai.V.lifttttAn -fp of tome thin? said ta te .Ok !?? rrcrutiin twenty yean oa the market. ahouLi not be permitted fey the Intelligent purchaser tn tli futt-r of j.ttnli'itlti ct( WStrr M i Nuitr m itiiii..r Orlf t it' up i IWuMiui of (iuArllatt if nrl f f Mir of rml r!it II C't-4 ! ttf I' l l littjff If. .'It hat (M-Mti'MI hl Hnt r " t I-' -H-T M-ir, tltr g'tftftUit "' '' rtatr ii H,t.-r M I 1 b, iu)t:ir. r t' -t I"' fA-t nl mipc! rff!n rr H'alr lar-ltiih f (.Haul fr,l fl n h nr.lf MafY iHftl I'H It t ml r''r al, 'i: I la tI. I U ft-' .Pruif -I ht I n nr oi k ftt of !h ,, !! mt - l ! I - t i th 4(t rtttaft. ( "f ' '"r ' i! "tft utt S a-tti Ur Hit- Ui -U ' NiM'i''-. A I' 1 at i4'rt4-,--.l m,a! i.'t ft r .tt nf lli ! r .ittfl nt ti( r.Mttt h In H l i t . f. S't .. tffo I tint" nl I'll 4 t, t Ii Hti ((HI' t'f 't ! ''f rtrfit lf ' tl f'ltF, 1 arU. In Ml') l-'il't-Mi ( tl .tw h.)'iMMnf in th mi .m . ( im I i.4 k (' rt.f i: hs h l - . ' 1 i " ! r.tit am r (! hi,a'i.l I l.'i -"i K I tlaiin Vi t t.r.i.ip o .4iii tmv t w ))' itp4t Ifiotf i .u t !( ' h ' f K"r ! ' rhivs. Ih m nrfii tn . Mmt ( rit i h ii.trtli ( I j r t ,4 : i,Hi fth I On draught at all popular saloons STAR intKWEltY CO., 203 WaaKUM St.. rrtlea-. Of S'-H That 14-Ycar Old Stuff, "Kolm's Best." On Tap Down at The t !. ! a .9 ' of I H'tti'it I TT fl a- tf rir( i ;if i.aii.e lni'i.i in i'ii l. ft ta N I I IMsl S6l6pl0ii8 aj&lOOfl t , ll i. 1 iit,r ,.,.. ...I it, . a r.-i f .. Ih'i j n a. ivrr a rmt.v B l ' t lirl.l -. t . ail ill 's. aVvUTt A rM,ts K. VHkV , i.-i ... .. I . 'I- -, , " - I I li. i .. (. I i ' i. I .1. I tl ii '..! i f " A 3 , I , - . 1-1 ll. . , . . I . (It. tl tl.t ""I '1 1 J-t. it iai k.m-i: 44ii4 '. !!..! ltmt.!.r.i. rop,