Portlaad Libarj 4 Advertisers If you have bargains to offer, announce it through the columns of the GAZETTE. OFFICIAL Subscribers The Gazette will contain the latest telegraphic news From the Seat of War. 2a SIXTEENTH YEAR HEPPNER, MORROW COUNTY, OREGON, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 1898. NO. 670 PAPER 1 , 1 TIE HEME! GAZETTE Published every Tuesday and Friday BY OORLIES MERRITT. realtor ami &aaa.a.g:ax. SUBSCRIPTION RATES On Year -Six Months Three Months. SI. BO 73 80 Advertising Rates Made Known on Application. Entered at the Fostofllce at Heppner, Oregon, as second-class matter. THIS PAPEK is kept on file at E. C. Dake'e Advertising Agency, 84 and 65 Merchant! Exohangs, Han Franoisoo, California, where oou raots for advertising can be made for it. LP. 'FISHER, NEWSPAPER ADVERTIB- ing agent, 21 Merchants' Ezohangi Build ing, Ban Franoisoo, is onr authorized agent. This papjr is kept on file at his office. 0. R. & N.LOCAL CARD. ( rJl h Ifli Train leaves Heppner 9:30 p m. daily exeept Snnday arriving at Heppner Junction 12:05 a. m. Leaves Heppner Junction 8:30 a, m. and ar rives at Heppner 6:00 a m. Hnnkane ExDress No. 4 leaves Portland at 2:00 p. in . and arrives at Heppner Junction 7 :50 p. m. and TJma' ilia 8:50 o. m. Portland Express No 8, from Spokane, arrives at Umatilla 6:00 a. in. and Heppner Junction 71X1 .m. and arrives at Portland ri:SU a. m. Fast Mail No. 2 leaves Portland :25 p. m. and arrives at Heppner Jnnotion 8:25 a. m. and at Trmatilla JdM a. m. Fast Mail No. 1 leaver Umatilla 11:10 p. m. and arrives at Heppner Junotion 12:25 a. m. and at Portland 7 fa. a. m. For further information inquire of J. C. Hart, Agent O. a & Heppner, Ore. OFFICIAL 33II5.ECTOI4-2-. United Btates Officials. Pcesidnnt .....William McKintey Tien President Garret A. Hobnrt Secretary of State W. It. Itav cxHimtary of Treasury Lyman J, Gage Secretary of Interior Cornelius N. Kline re?retary of War hussell Alger Secretary of Navy John D. Long t'ottnaster-Qsneral Charles Emery Smith Attorney-General John W. (irirge Secretary f Agrioultur James Wiuton State of Oregon. Governor W. P. Lord Mfcorotary of Htate H. K. Kincaid Treasurer Phil. Netschan Hr.pt. Public lnetrnction (J. M. Irwin Attorney General C. M. Idleman Senator. iU- W. MoBrid. iiiiinm QliJJJiU AVcgetablcPrcparationfor As similating theToodandRegula ling the Stomachs andBowels of PromotesT)igcsUon,Checiful ness andBest.Contalns neither Opium.Morphine nor Mineral. Not Narcotic. KtaptafOldHrSAMEELPtTCBEa Alx.Senna Seed Jhppfrmtnt tltCarianakStl Wm Seed -Clarified Sugar . htntoymn Harm A perfect Remedy for Constipa tion, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea, Worms .Convulsions.Fevensh ness and Loss OF SLEEP. Tac Simile Signature of NEW YORK. a tug waais w i For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature tXACT C0PYOF WRAPPER, The Kind You Have Always Bought. TMC CENTAUR CO MP NY, Nrw VOPK CITY. I) U JJ u u 1 RETURNS. A Republican Majority Assured for the Next House. BOTH ME DISPUTE THE VICTOR J Thursday's Returns Confirm the Repub lican Victory for the House California Gives a Sweeping Republican Majority for Henry Gage Fusionists Defeated - in Washington. AMERICA ARRAIGNED. INCIDENTS OP THE WAR. Nleltel Magazine. flRST aTIONAL ANK A 1 1 XUI! ongressoien j w ,. vn Printer VV. U. LeodB 1 U. B. Mean, 3trema Judaea F. A. Moore. C. E. Wolverton Sixth Judicial District. ."-onit Judge Stephen . Lowell Pioi'Ktnriug Attorney U. J. Hear Morrow imnt J ORIi-ials, Joint Hoimtiir J. W. Morrow tlepriweuiativ!. E. L. Froelund 'iiti'i Jad'te A. (. Hartholoniew 'oniijiisiniiers I.H.Howard J. W. lieckstt. i lrk Vawler Crawford Kr-f.nrf V L. "mtloi-k ' I i-it-snrtir M. I.ichte, thai Aiu.ewMir A C. I'etu-ys ' rturvnyor Julius Koitliiy School Bup't Jny W. Hhipley Coroner Dr, E. U. Hunlojk rippnku TnwH orrmrus. Mor Thos. Morgan Coiiririlmen..., E. J. Kloouui, l l.i-hlentlml, J. It. Minions. J. J. HiherU, J. W. Ititamna anil V.. 11. Hnerrv. ItKotiter W.A. RIchnrdBon rrmuurr I VV. Ilrivg. Mri,l John Uagei Preeiart Qt&ctrr. Ja.tlotof the Peaot W. K. Richardson Constable. U. D. urj I'nltM Htatrt Iab4 OrHeera. TBI DALLlrf. OS. lav P Lnnu Rtstr Otis Hatterwrn lUoolvof L ORANOI, oa. R. W. Hrt'Mt Rerlti i. (). Hwarkhimr Kwwlver OF HEPPNER. Associated Press Dispatches. Washington, 'Nov. 9. Chairman Baboock of the republican con gressional committee, said this evening that the house of representa tives of the 5uth congresss would be republioin without doubt Throughout the day and evening, a corp9 of political statisticians have been at work in the republican hea Iquarters compiling and analyzing the returns. In a statement to the Associate Press this evening, Chairman Bab- cock said : "There can be no longer any reasonable argument over the political complexion of the next house of representatives. It will be republi can, beyond a shadow of a doubt Our ad vioes show the cet tain elec tion of 185 republicans, six more than enough to give us control.JThese are straight republicans, and our majority will be over the combined opposition. Qnr information induces us to place nine districts in doubt. These are seven in California; the third, fourth, fifth and JThos. H. Tongue ( W. H. EXCHANGE ON ALL PARTS OF THE WORLD BOUGHT AND SOLD Collections made on all points on reasonable terms. Surplus and undivided profits IXi.OCO. A. Mallory. U. S. COMMISSIOyER S. A. D. Courlcy, A TTORNEY-A T-LA IV. Is authorized to take all kinds of LAND PKOOKrt anil LAND KlI.lMjri Cnllei'tlonp made on rcHsoimlilo terms. Olhce at residence on Chase struct. J. VV. Morrow ATTORSEY AT LAW and U. 8 CO)IStlSSlOM;ii. Office In Palace hot, 1 building, Heppner, Or. Prartli-lnncr In all S ate and Federal Courts. ARLINGTON OREGON ZCRXT BOCX3CTXEB. KAWLINS POST, NO. IU O. A. B. tftauat Hrppner. Or., Utt third Hatnrday of nvmtii. All vsianuu art) invited Hi hb. W. W.Hmith. I W. Hea, Adjutant, tf Commaiuter, t-I'SSE r,!!'!eDt I iTrPrVlrT;' 1 ' F,BP!1,r sixth in Nebraska; the seventeenth, nineteenth and twenty-sixth in T, A. KHKA Vio President E. L. FREELAND. . Aftatatnut Oaflliier I , . . .. . ,,,, . , ..... rennsyivania, ana me iwemn in iexas. we are reasonaoiy certain to Transact a General Banking Business. set some of them, however, we have a clear maioritv. and are reBtinc perfectly easy. "The sixth Iowa, hich was in doubt for a time, has certainly elect ed Representative Lacey, rep. In Kentucky, we have elected not only Seitz in the tenth, bat Pagh in the ninth. In Kansas we have a solid delegation, although it was not until this evening that we put Kirkpatrick, of the third dintrict, in the certain republican oolnmn; in Maryland, we concptl the defeat of Jackson in the first district, and Mclntyre in the fourth. Minnesota returns a solid lepublican delega tion, Judpe Morris having defeated Charles Towne in the sixth dis trict. In MasaachuHetto, we concede the election of demoorats in the Wm Gordon hm rp-immod third, ninth and tenth districts. According to onr advices, the dele his stand tho old Jones RR lon frora Wew l0' 1 BtHU l lt) republicans to l'j democrats; in livervMable North Carolina we claim the election 01 White in the second district Iitnu ijiDoey id iub piuiu, oat wh uity oauoiati out la Doia Ol mem; in Pennsylvania the delegation standi 20 republicans, seven demoorats Bnn1.ihrnand three donbtfol; in Texas, one republican, 11 democrats, one doubt ful, the twelfth district, aud to west Virginia wd oarrted the first, sno- At Abrahamsick 0,u n 'ourtn diHtricta, while the opposition carried the third. I "from onr view point that is the situation as it is tonight. I fully believe that the returns we shall receive tomorrow will increase the Pioneer Tailor of Heppner. finre' 1 havfl ma(1e tonight." - I i i it . t j i .1 it.. NEW NAA1E I Dr. M. B. Mctzlcr DENTIST Teeth Kxtracted and Filled. Uridging a specialty Painless Extraction. . . . Heppner - - Oregon. D- J- JHcFaul, M. D. UEPPSER. OREQOS. Office hours, I to 10 a. m and 12 to 2 p. m at rwlilet.ra, and 10 In 12 a. in., and 1 to s p m., at olnc la the rear ol Burg's Jewtlrr slur. C C Redfield ATTORSEY AT LAW. 03lw In first Xatlonal Bank building-. R opener, Oregon. Ellis it Phelps ATTORSEYS AT LAW. All bust neae attended la In prompt and aHii.tartnrv maimer. Notaries Pub. lie and lui lectors. Ofltrw lo Keller's Building, Heppier. Oregon. D E Gil man OESERAL COLLECTOR. put four old lnti and notes In his hatwls and get your mmiev out ol them Iheta. a spei'taltf at karri rolien- tlona. Oit.os In i. M. Brown's bnlldlng. Iteppner, Or W. A mchardson IIlllClwXV MAHKICT THE OLD SHOP! Is the place to go to get rotir Una pork and lamu chops, steaks ami roaata. Flnh try Frldny. Fine siigai-cureil hams and baron Pure leal lard, kettle rendered, old all Is. Highest raali pnr paia lor at sum I. Bgnj. Mathv. His work first-class and satisfactory. Give him a call May Street. HLlTNhK IKANbFtK CU.'S Helled espreaa Is rnmlng. Does deliver work on short order. 10 rents and up wards Ihts waaou la No. 4. and li-svs your order with It, or at "Central" tele phone othre. We Move Anything! -CANYON CITY Stage Line B. f. MILLER, Pro CheaiM-M and misrl dlreet mm tn Jnhn Dsr valley, i snyon i My mining dlsttM t. Burns auu I oilier Interior poluts, Ht.re leave ll(.ilir ItallV. Hunda ft VH.at a. m. Arrive al snyon ( Ky In il hours. Ive f'anyon City st I p m . arrlre al Hepp. net In i hours eonuartlng will, trains. Ilsri-ata to Mardman Hotii.ftnt ... .... Il.nil.li.o lhg I reek ....... fes Valley John Iwy ( anion I'ltr ants rsaa I J" II ' ; h el ! 'tt a in ' Pd on I Stares ennnert with trains at llrppner. knia Harlng stoked np llil. lire with new lemered r.. r and s-! lean,. I am prvi-ared tn glte Brel rUasaerip Ui Ine put Ur JCSTICE OF THE PEACE nwl CITY UECtiRIHU. .imr.aleow.etlrh.ml-e, tlT I U (ZT f FJ . P fl C C I I .lis and t..ns real r.ta h... .t. I 1 1 1 I I 1 II I 111' tfel.lll .. I m m m Bane a sr m w wasv aSF taiea. d've eroi.ersie ins and wtjl . jnn lu y a ay In hla line, al tKemtuia rgtrea. G. B. Ilatt TltS solit A L ARTIST. Snatrleif, e IS Cent STAGELINE if. r.r.wi r. 1 1 riots. Half C-Hinf , tan. Watt l ufi-er. 25 " H'liirJ, r'.. Mathews 1 Gentry tlAtMEKS. ftKaviMg 15 CeU Hal'C.Hi-t 25 " tset 4onrs Busjst 4 ltn.e fARi ffiOM AnLINCTON TO fm:i ( m.l.l .. K.m,.. Ir-.u Ms; i l.ie l .i (i Ilea) I in Hound IM t ti I'mi'l'iA ' w niei I -ird tep (Ii JI inl'Mi i p...fd Ills) ' on 0' . .I'm ... I." it i i i faa lea Ir' fiet. 1 . rn"ftt-1 C i' .l.t et -t ') t t, n'r'. ..; t doe sl f.. n . J i ,.. . r . at Y,, II al ; t. ' I' tf r'a'ile r.i r. r !. ai gf. Itol tlsiaieOaJ dtra. At the headqaarters of the demooratio congressional committee, con fidence is expressed that the dm-wrats will control the next bonne of representatives. Secretary Kerr will not concede many of the claims made by Chairman Baboock, of the republican committee, and says that in a large number of dUtricts it will require the official count to determine dsfinitely the result, "It seems certain," said Secretary Krr to a representative of the Associate Pre, "that we Lava elected 1S3 members of the bouse, the republicans 103, and that 11 districts are doubtful. Ic New York we will have 21 members; in Pennsylvania nine, and perhaps 10; in Kaunas four, at leant, and perhaps five; in Nebraska four; in North Lisjwi. Air ia cssar. Carolina niu, ami in California, two or three. Information is slow in w iof thrxlg of li.niifjln air at a -1,,,. hoennse the Count in so m u.v of the districta ia ver elon ....,.-. I I, . a - I Itaa..al I ! - I " ' ' 'J " w 'i wp v ii as r lisaj-t- ii t ruini m tin - i . a. many, and Mr. lc Kny, fnitml Huteg nr Bgures are Danoti upon uouuiw re-uiw, ana l am satinned that consul at Iieriin. mmtiuns in hinnfllvial I (hey are entirely at curate." rv-pon wime oi mo uses 10 w oicii li'jum air may bm itit. One of tbrna la fur II Iuminmlfi(f purpoaeg. An lllnmlnant fHrrAOO. Nov. 10 DiiDatch to the Aawtciate Prwa tin In 11 IS in. i. i i it .i -i. i i i """" i sir , . , - ..i-.7 ....e.-i...i ,i:. -t .1.. I I- Inir It with cr.tinnry air, In ff main pro- u,7 "",u ",' "" u- irpmiucnu Kirtlofis. whllr-it u iiisin(r l.ai k to lu I have plnctl l), ati'l ttie (li'in'icrats anl asioninU lol. lure are itoriiinl rmi.l.tinii. I.i.ild air may alao iti, ttn ,lu)tfu diatricts. wnr as an mpioaur acint ror various purposra. Aa a pfirlnlile li.iii, rlrh in Tht prUm In (i. rtnunjr ha hrrr!of.r- bom reooifrvj frora nil the OOQolin of Cnliforniiv thn inlicf.tiou Are III VutiM'b. haa ineni.l a pnxraa wber- tonnihle etff ition f Curry fur eori'tary of state. tiy tlm fol liaa leeti lirnti.'lit down to almut t't wntn jr i-ulilr; meter raanei aa a aeapea.ai. WasiMNOT'iS, N'v. 10. lUlorrk Mives this toorniog that there A very riiru.na to t,l b th ramrj ntibliran innlorit v in tbei next honne will reach twentw. i. ...,..;.... .. j . ' . ir.i-.er.uiJi.a.i,.ii,r,,uhrdira.. At Ihe d...nf mHo eon Nional hoailqrts they bad no figures l. r. He i.iis us thai l.p in,, e i,nn thix rii'trnicit' ('irrii;tttiti wsi rti-r(l agiinnt the republican Manag ftr.ploje.l to a. ..er a usrrr l.. leet, ,,,, , ( ,J,.fM.f ta. lo purtlee, itiiirli na ,t "a ntieirfiai" j was i ( In Hie reliioita ri! "t 1h t.ul.l, ....t- ...t. 1 ut at d n.ru.e. i,y l.b pnrtiew miba 'TTI t, N'-v. fl. H.-tnrns from Hi- MiMi.f Vahib(ttun are jr-t in .fiiitro ery nf all the Uijuries, rrsi nod i r iu f '', but ei.ntipfi art nt Imml to mnlte r'Tlnin Hint He ropnbJirnna l-r"..r,. -U.h J.ry M ff""i.,r. ,.ICtn(, fl,,. fu.U, n,;.,tiivf li!m.twwtnn. hrL Ail It tt.iMhir ll.at I, sal f .en iMitia I i, ... , I'.ey J,i I i.-r, lie mmel. 1 .ry ,M , In .1 1 Ton tr slll'tl I. I I t. nll .f o ,'lit j'lwtic.-a by a Intji.fily ,f irm'Sd It sib Umr le ai ,r tb at bna .'UMiO. I, it- r iftrjtiis ill, it in IK' iyli, inrrrnut rather llian f....1 . h ,1 ..,,r,t,. frieml. re- J , , ,g. , t. i ll 1t. wtiu.nl-.. lU le ,1 Vl'f, wl. i.- sct U. K -eti. ,. it ts -tli er I.J ;.roliru.ua epitbrt I ... ... , , , ., ' , ,, ard ftatiy ilr.i it. .curing- them- nt"", il reji'ilil tc ft nti j"til ln'Ia'. Ip lo inidnlitbt ther) Imd a-ls-a . : t (i-ff Hst, -fy. ; I,,., n tin inn't-'inl rliHti' in it r i n b t' t. H ri-rnl di tlricta tetnnio I si.i iits is I bsIsss. ii.til l. 'i'li" i' i nUtc ti n, art- r.J !n,; In roltirnn rtcrire l lima Tlie f .til !,. see In 1.1 r'arid U Afn Tiron l.iiia; tiirri pnwaia; tt.eti benrt Deplorable Condition of Cnbans Since Cessa . tion of Hostilities. Havana, via Key West, Nov. 5. (Di- Aolorel "oldler, a bright-faced mulatto of , . .... . t,, . . the Ninth Cavalry, was lying wounded In a layed in trsDumttUnsO-The interna- Washington hospital, and being asked when he tionsl agreemeut between Spain's gpir- was shot, said: "In the charge up San Juan itaal lo68 of sovereignty in Cuba and the H111. The ball entered my cheek. The artery assumption of full military ooolrolby Wfts cut an(l was spurting blood. Imanagedto tb. United States seems indefloitely Jf?& prolonged, with the immediate hope of then a Rough Eider came up. He put his relief to a country whioh daily (?rowg thumb on my jugular vein and held it there poorer end more depopulated. On all two bours. Two hours-and me a negro! He eidea the question is B.aed, how much ZTTT " T nearer is lue Unai soiotioo of tbe prob- iou. iuiii i. man uu uo usj sue pruiuuui t a not tier wounded colored trooper a great was signed. The feeling among the better strapping fellow of the Twenty-fourth awoke olasses of intelligent and Influential 1,1 hospital at Fortress Monroe to And the Cubans may be pretty accurately summed .teTin WUh,n in tbe following observations made today He burst Into a laugh and asked her if she by a representative Cuban merchant of wasn't afraid of a great big, burly colored Havana to the correspondent of the As "oJler l" himself. aoniatnil Prpaa "Afraid," said she, "no; I love to take the sociatea rreBs . nand of an Xmorloan ,oldler or mllQt T w. "II seems to me, and I think my views brought up to love and mingle with them, and are shared by many, lhal tbe United a for fear, my father taught me never to know States government is dillydallying witb what tear meant." Spain over this evacuation question. Of 1?h0a1o1dy0.hR;i "? Wh? V'T r " laid the old sergeant, his curiosity getting th course tbe problem is a diffloult one, but best of him. tbe delay is surely unnecessary. Tbe "My name Is Mrs. Marsh," said she, "and my United Btates has sent here an assort- ,alner " taPtam Bob Evans of the Iowa." ment of onmminHinnn. nanh mora anlf. important and mysterious, ban its prede- tTcn SbSS uBoour sua esuu veiling us ncuons wun I Massachusetts: a cloud of seoreoy, which so far as my "When we started for that block house," said Amerioan experience goes, really serves Captain Allen, "we were told that boo Spanish the purpose of obscuring tbe issues and 'Z Zl?' ""V . " dropping men at every step, and when we got ooncealmg small achievements. Almost up we found we were fighting 4,000 Spaniards. nothing has been accomplished. Tbe It was a desperate fight, a fight which for stub spirit of Jealousy fills not only tbe indi Dornne WM r equaled. Had the Span- vidual members of all the commissions, TiTSTjtT7TTCaiii:r wiped us off the earth. We had no protection, but also exists between tbe different not even a support of artillery, for a short Oi-mmissions collectively. These rival- portion ot the time. We had four cannon, and ries seem to engross tbe attention of weu,ed them with great effect. Had that block commissioners much more than the seri- har.nbhBlT.nd "hcannon we ,WUJ have all been killed. But It was a grand sight ous queetious affeoting the welfare of to see the volunteers as well as regulars court Cuba and tbe dignity and good faith ot death as they went up that hill deflnantly and the Uuited States. First, we are told yelllK Uk9 demons. A Spanish oltloer who wag that l.nn... ..UH. u. u. it.u,to h w rlJn Ior tlia bnahes. We shot at an American cember 1st wb fixed on and later we I and he shot back and then ran at us. No, the were informed that the date for oooopa- I Americans are teaching the Hpanlardsn lesson tion would ha lft indefinite Ho far as " "''. " "assacnusetts troops are evaoiiation is oonoerned, January 1st wanuameu na ail ultimatum uaie, noil colouel Roosavelt tells of the death ol brave now II Is rumored rebruary 1st baa beeu Buckey O'Neill,"! recollect as I was sitting I agreed upon, I I've a command to one of my orderlies, and ha 'The fact is. tbe oountry atlarge, ,ot up "a TT 'eU ,orward . , ' . ' , . , across my knee dead. The man upon whom I whether Cubau, foreign or bpanlsh, in nad molt ,0 roiyx relled upo M of th0M getting diegusted. The people are losinn gallant men, but the man upon whom I most (aitb and OOnQdenoe, owing to tbe laok relied Buckey O'Neill was standing up, walk- of formality displayed by tbe American ln8 PJ down In front of his men, wanting . . i. , f to show them by his examplg that thoy must representatives. To all questions asking not , nerT0Ui ni to t)iliUiln them information on Ibrse points, tbe Ameri- somebody said, -captain O'Noill you will can commissioners, with a superior smile us struck by a bullot as sure as fate; lie down, aud an assumption of gravity lo cover lle ,own'' nd ne l"he, nd ,ald- ,Wh' .. . . .ii Bpanlsh bullot Is not made that will kill me,1 their ignoranoe, reply vaguely and uu ,na t next minute a bullet strm k him in the satisfactorily. Uulees the Washington mouth and came out through the back ol his government toroes lis lethargic oommis- I head and he was killed right there." sious into greater aotivity, Cuba will be an immeuse graveyard and ita fields bar- one of the many anecdotes of men who , , " , I were strangely shot. Captain Jenkins crept up reu before the Uuited Slates lakes pos- be,1(le 0Ile of ,,,, .h.rp.i.ootersand said to him, session. The daily records of mortality I "I see a Spaniard over In that tree; give me your show that the population in all parts of I tile lor a moment" Me fired two or three shots tbe island ia dwindling steadily. Entire " "'' handed the rltl. I back to the man and the man was dead had villages are dying of starvation. On all U.M .., m.klll-. or -,iunrt. idea tbe Spaniards oontlnus robbing and I he stood beslds him plundering. In tbe meantime tbrsr sage, gossiping oommlMloners Irom lbs I m mi ngntng at utiaaimas a iroopar was snot United Btates art sipping oool drinks by ,b,ou-h th,J or1",d to w m I naaiu.na loM Vi I rrt Ikaa maisIiI An nnitilfia 9tm kin ay and seeking .belter by nlgbt witb - h, hld mM . , M uk, mortal dread ot fever yel absolutely Itn-Uith. hospital at Hibouey. Hall an hour later pervious to tlie demands of humanity. I ba apixared at the front again. "Tbe Situation oreated by this llnoer- ;ronaoit. naror assea wecoion.i. " I tit Ihnliaihl t aualit VAII haanfc " Uiniy la still f orlher aggravated by tbe You ..... ... trooD,. ..nedi 1,b(ll fnot that no one daras tow cropa or eul- didn't seem to ba much doing bark them." livale landa until Ibg present cbaotio He wu sent to the hospital atsiboney, but, conditions show Some rays of light to rlof tht Uiaotlvlty. appeared In camp two guide affirl. Thar, la oo work for idle .., ro(, , , MiJ bands. Day by day tbe numbr of beg- L.iunei. are, thieves and proititateg inoreaaes.l "I was," said the wounded man, "but I didn't hilatha Liimlinr of Ihnaaabla to raliava " " " '" any good there. distress shrink in tba same proportions Thus far tba United States bas sent io uuiteu oiates. rirsi, we are 10111 aE,,,au,. u,i.uni,unBa , the date of occupation by tbeUnited 'ZTotl'Z'T t'VZ T1""" ya ,., ., . ... Americans. We shoot at the Cuban rebel, they ps would be November 1st, tben De- rlJn for the bushes. We shot at an American good teachers as any at the front.' A consxindi)iit tails this story ol the suffer Inn of Iha wounded. AtUnaslinaa. on ths road lbs name of humanity a mars pittaooe I m,,! tMMir i.r moaning with pain of million rations and tba lUd Gross I and lever. Tin road was bio. ked with wagons. Sooi.ty baa sent two onrgoef of supplies dl' " "h n division hospital that . . .i iw . s a I DIRilti mir tivvr, lur u uwi in iminiii, wuvu ns lo whose disposiii.io tbnrt have bwn ,ha Bgh( Br4 motutK m , bufU4 many onfavoratila oommenta. How far n, wl(h t Dag and taps, while tht sun scorch- oau giiob relief U ripected to got Tbe led and insured tha graves of tba Rough pienant coodil.oos oaonot b mncb lunget Kld.rs n-ar .y. as i i.i. ,ai ompos! io proraw protracted wilhonl stibjacting the United b Ul, mitii9m i w.t np.nd a.ks.1 him who HtaUs to well daerd orllloisra. More ha was. and II I rotild halp hint. II said bis tbno that, tbe elemanlS Dual In Sympathy eouirndn had gona Uilhs brmik to All the can- witb lha United Hieing are slowly bai i tt, i w.i i I k .1 .1 IslaH anil I lnsna.1 eillil lk I a b at snrely falling t.ff aud Joining Ibe rank. (mm ,)i((L , , gH . w.0 to of lbs Opposition. I aitmney. and so, with later bulling hlsv.-lns ill. ... ... ... on, Ii. f'., aii-l Ilie sun lifi.lllng his raw. nntieaieii woun-ts, AS ott are aware, Honor us laairo. tr.i.i. on ui.r.,mi.isii.n.iy. Two Ilia oitll go? eroor. only yaalerdaf issued I whea lalther mi a man eama out ol lha liusliea . , . . . , landsalil: oiild yoii -! ma a arspirf pat-r Ofdrl for tba arrnnt t( 2T- critnluals fa- u, ,,. t eomra-le s grave-'- All along vera ....tt. ..I....4 I.il. ....I Ik. e..n.l Ui peili'il" lliila M...I....1S l.y Ilia at.l.le, - l .i.i,.). a mi Id tell of an einntv clialr aouiaaliera colon lea at Oetila and on tba Is la nf list oN lu Maaaarliuwiu or hsw t. I'iDrs. TUisslep wm rn lere.1 naonasar) by Iba slarmiog lonrrga lo burglary, highway robbery and aaaaalU. W'biln Are Yn lalerrstrgt Tbs O. It k N. C-j's. saw book on Iba tba blockade waa on lbs oil was inlnd I la.inroe, nf Oregon, Washington and wiib as Iron band, and oa of anaanlt Idaim la lialng dintrlimt-a. unr readers and rnbUry wars alroont onknown. To- r reqn-ntd lo lorward Iba addraaae .1.. ..ih ti.. ..I.... i.t e.i.nm.la an I of Ihalf Kaatem Irlenda and afqontnl. day, witb th. r.leas. of eriuioalf Sn.l ,n0Hlt 0l)flf of ,b, mtk .uu, Iba iaereaae of porerly, Iba I ml ot mar MU, ,b,m ,,,. xbls a snaltor all tboold dert aad bold n pa ia s grave affair. Io be InlereaUd In, and we would nak Ibal addition lo Iba elrtedy onowroog pan evaryoae lake '-' end forward . . . . . . aunt, address lo W. II. Ilnrlbnrl. Oe. perg ana oaap.o,e,.,u,ivW .o nag troo, Alt,uXt U. It. N. Co., bear afflaaaity, there are man di I ... , . h! -11 eliarged aoldiarn atiilrely without mean of sapporl. Their onroUr reanhai inio lb tb'ao I. Many biys anlyo-in girla itf genteel egtrasMon have bn IhrmB on the streets lo lg and live at beggars, at 11,1 i-a, and to l brotlgbl nn lo 1 i!n and ftllasslesa Slaaakers, e r nrw pilltnta lAiia-llig' Ut Iwatnfyf A irtiiiiirtit lady, who ia fammig fur hrr riv-ei of ru-riiu,"v-, nlw on a bard traik'lit ImsI, l liore) ia no doubt that tliA i.rai tioel of Irrirlliaf With the leesn! Ii"iia. g of 111 fatna. I) i Mjjh ne.iriy a., rmtful rr rnlu- fnf, Ih U i f lha t iiHeJ MUt rl S- rite Lo a r""l nrriair aa a flatte-r m. Il e Miiftg.f ) e iba govni ni'M of Th hnui bImhiI.I only l ratM! alsybtly ef ll. Untied Min-e, Morally fe.p..n.il. a ' ' ' u'"'1 Um '""'y Um tjl" tes-f .a Iba worl l f-r lb- filir. ol C.iha. 1 " H ,H"" on Ifclend It Lderale Imlefliillaly a delay ' N'"1 rr''''1 ln rnomrtir after slor wi lfb dy b !ay makes id Ih J ..adi- 4mr with II bral fairly low than w nil I on. ajotaaf' a Isilaier and a .JUn or t un-W- --" " " , , , rieth II, Mirttepn eiiouM an utoiu linn your bide., ,-lta and f-.rs I.. u, tir(ir,. flt ln ,l. ii a a aaa .ffia . stt .a w t ra M(ic ftl inn .lTrii stir! et.r-. ' J,. i r,l l.-.li..t il f .,..,..lr-l.!....f U P tr" - ..thalllar-lrapii-t.i.t.yrTowprtiwuy ' ' . ' ""(Nsik-t. Ue a;s big beat rtisfiM H e airaigbt.-rbila.relpHJaTlii.ess. 1 - I .(.. Ift..a.. kAAA . laVVgAls1 I AtfAat dsea. 1-i'euuniaanda.artel.Bg. Ui blle hht 1' 'l't i but I LI !Dltuf. ft.fy Ji 1 Id LglJoTrrr . I CU-tL 4 ..;.