Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, November 08, 1898, Image 3

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Our Guarantee
Money Returned
If Goods
Save Money vx-vwv
THE FAIR Has Been In Existence Just THREE MONTHS
Has exceeded our expectations ten fold. The genuine quality of our goods and the Low Prices HAVIS SOLVED THE PROBLEM
We will continue to merit your patronage. We have just received and opened up a fine line of
Direct from the factory at prices that wiil astonish you.
An Immense Line of UNDERWEAR The best quality and finest finish Olieopeir than tlie Cheapest.
IBSESIDiniCOTG-, lEBlL-ySLlESllESTrS, Cg-OETS, S3E3E3E3jGl133, 3StC Can and Examine.
HATS CAPS ROOTS. SHOPS Galvanized Ironware, Tinware, Graniteware, Etc.
Rubber Boots, Hardware, Lamps, Corsets, Laces, Towling, Umbrellas, Bini
n n
We have earned recognition throughout the world as the strongest co-operative association engaged in
the mercantile business and can buy and sell at prices that is astonishing to not only those who are our
'Til V2 C A I ri customers but the merchants who are in competition with us. Before we arrived they disputed the value
lllL flirt our gds- When we make comparison they have nothing more to say. Our goods are marked in
plain figures. We have but one price.
SIS ail OVM Htk
Ohio Woman Suffered Great Agony
From a Terrible Sore Her Story of
the Case, and Her Cure.
" For many years I was afflicted with a
milk leg, and a lew years ago it broke out
in a sore and spread from my foot to my
knee. . I suffered great agony. It would
burn and itch all the time and discharge
t great deal. My health was good with
the exception of this sore. I tried a great
many kinds of salve, but some would
Irritate the sore so that I could hardly
stand the pain. I could not go near the
fire without suffering intensely. Borne one
sent me papers containing testimonials of
cures by Hood's Barsaparilla, and I told
my husband I would like to try this med
icine. He got me a bottle and I found it
helped me. I kept on taking it until my
limb was completely healed. I cannot
praise HoocPs Barsaparilla enough for the
great benefit it has been to me. It
cleanses the blood of all impurities ana
leaves it rich and pure." Mrs. Anna ,
Eakkn, Whittlesey, Ohio.
You can buy Hood's Barsaparilla of all
druggists. Be sure to get only Hood's.
1-4 l r:il are the
iiuuu a i-ms cathartic,
favorite family
Price 26c.
" -$3.00-
In it If you catch on.
given away for the beat
score thia week at the
Higheat possible score 120.
Galloway and McFerron tied on 108
Ladles' prizes:
Mn. Perry Snyder Ut
Red, White and Blue Hants In front
See M. Lichtenthul & Co. for shoes, a
Dr, J. W. Vogel, specialist for refrac
tion and deteots of the eye, will be here
every three months. 648-lyr
"Oo'n juioe" is all rieht but Low Til-
lard has a brand of 14-year old goods
that is bard to beat. 603 -If.
Painless remedy for eitrootmg teeth.
If not as stated, no charges. Try Dr.
Vnugbau'e new plan. 604-tf .
If yon need something for your system
onll at the 'Phooe The Telephone sa
loon, City hotel building. tf
Beet accommodation and oourteonn
treatment at the Imperial Hotel, Seventh
and Wash. 8ts., Portland, Oregon.
A. Abrahamsiok is strictly in the lead
with bis tailor-made 6nito. No chances
taken as regards fit, style and fluisb.
Bring yonr bides, pelts and furs to
Beo, Mathews, at the Liberty Meat
Market. He pays highest market price
A. M.Gann may bs seen Again ham
mering iron at bis old stand ou west
Muiu street after no nbsenoe from tbe
city of three yenrs. tf
A fine line of cutlery just received at
P. 0 Thompson & Co.', intdu.liiig soi
sore, shears and an elegatt aeborlmotit
ut 3-pieoe curving sets. ,
Stop that oougbl Take warning. It
may lead to oonsnmption. A 25c bot
tle of Sbilob's Onre may save yonr life
Sold by Conser k Warren. x
Born To tbe wife of William Stewart'
living ia the mountains, twin girls, one
ot which survived bnt a short period
Tbe other and mother are doing floe.
Catarrh oured. A dear head and
sweet breath secured with Sbilob
Catarrh Remedy; told on a guarantee.
Nasal injector free. Bold by Conser I
Warren. x
Earl's Clover Boot Tea, f r Constipa
tion it's the best and if after osing it
you don't aay so, return package and
get your money. Sold by Conser &
We.rren. X
"Tbe Fair" makes au announcement
in its conspicuous space, justified by tbe
volume of business it merits. Mr.
Whiteis is proving himself an up to date,
wideawake business man, appreciating
tbe season and its opportunities. Bead
bis "ad" and call and examine bis stock.
Tbe oircuit court was adjourned Mon
day afternoon by Judge Lowell to meet
Deoember 20th to finish up the equity
docket. The MoUouigaJ case was oarried
over until tbe May term of oourt. Frank
Smith, for the laroeny of a bioyole, was
sentenced to one year in tbe Salem penitentiary.
Mr. A. Vinson, of tbe firm of Niles &
Vinson, who were referred to in the
Oregon Marble" item in last issue ar
rived this morning returning home on
tonight's train with an order for a band,
some monument to mark tbe resting
plaoe of the late Holland B. Thompson.
O. T. Donglas, the founder of tbe
town of Douglas, is spending some time
iu our oonnty and is now at the Palace.
Mr. Douglas expressess the desire to re
tarn to Eietern Oregon for a permanent
home, Laving become dissatisfied with
tbe wet climate of tbe Paget Sound. His
return will be weloomed by the entire
BnncUjr 11 a. m. and 7 p. m. Sunday school
10 a. m. Oaaana No. 1 and 1 at 12:10 p. m.
Kpworth league Devotion 1 meeting HI p. m.
frnynr meeting, Thursday,? p. m.
'The HptniT and the bride say. Com."
Tlx lAMtor Rmjr b found at tbe parsonage ad.
jolnins the church, wham ha will be glad to
meat any w o may dm re to oonanlt him on
reluriona, eofcial. civie, philosophic educational,
Ot any other eubjeeta.
J. W. KLKHUEB, MlnUter.
ervlce each Sunday at 11:00 o'clock a. m.
and 7:00 p. in. Prayer meeting Thureday even
log at 7:. Choir practice Saturday evening
at the church. K. U Smii.lt.
The Ladles' Oulld of tbe Episcopal church
will marl at 1 o'clock, p. in., on the tint
vedneeday of each month, at tbe home of Mrs.
J. Matlock.
Local Notes.
e fruits at Tbs Maine,
'hooting at The Maine,
.- at IbeCeody Factory.
i's 12 year-old ton is very
'ooary go to Tbe
of Qeo. C. Rome, at
. i
,tt your roarkemao
.aiti. . yrn bny tbe beet cigar on
lie Maine.
p OoldT Beat tr on
ifid. elabr.
warebnnc bae so nnlimit
. aeed rjt for sale. 83 lea
vl k Co. for shoe. F.iclneive
yolle tbe beet. K3tf
)iob. of lt ngton.
fin' of the wri t, rjca-
u ob the part tf lr. Mo-
o enort, Monday, a fine of
wed rr drm ken and danr
jict Tble morn In the caee
Doecan ve. Hans Jankiaa, f r
of snoop pelt, wae dmtn el
Hacg Lee owner ot the well known
Chinese laundry, bas moved bis laundry
to onrtier of Alkali Bud Water streets
and ii now in shape to do good washing
at cheap rates. 2
Call at (be Candy Faotory when yon
want a good oup of hot coffee, ouoo or
chocolate. Fresh ojit-re in aoy style.
Hot and eold luncbe. Try one of our
oyster cocktail's. tf
Tbe County Judge informs us for tbe
beoeflt ol our readers that the '07 taxes
bt come delinquent on the 15ib, and il
behooves those interested to dodge the
sheriff after that date.
W. P. Poyder, tbe livery stable pro
prirtor, bnye only the best bay and grain
Large oorrals and accommodations for
freighters. Hacks and buggies f urniabad
reasonable. Stork well eared lor. tf
H. 8, Maxwell, of Bardman, ii In town.
Fat KUkenney, of Butter creek, la In town.
J. H. Barker, of Galloway, li In on buslneaa.
T. H. Been came over from Lone Rock yeiter
Art llodiou, of Galloway, came to town Mou
day. ,
Tom Boothby, of Lexington, wai In town tUli
R. E. Wren, of Pendleton, li In town this
John McCarty came up from Portland this
morning for more cattle.
S. Howell and Virgil Duncan, of Eight Mile,
are In town on buaineaa.
E. H. Clark and Mr. FlUmaurice are on the
ground again merely for their health.
Frank Lee, the wool buyer, direct from Ban
Franclaco, arrived thli morning. You nan lor
mlae what he li after.
Judge Lowell and Proaecutlng Attorney Bean
were puaengers on tbe outgoing train for
Pendleton laat night,
Geo. Miller, formerly a prominent Douglas
merchant, now a bualneai man of Arlington, ii
registered at tbe Palace
Mri. Geo. Wells returned from a Potland visit
this morning accompanied by ber parents and
slsUir, who will enjoy a visit with her.
John Q. Wilson, oL Salem, returns home to
night, after a week's sojourn In town. Mr.
Wilson expresses the belluf that considerable
Morrow county property will change hands this
J. P. Jonee, traveling passenger agent of tbe
Southern Paclflo Railroad company, la In town
for the purpose of establishing an agency
through which tickets will be sold east via
Jack Mills, who has been the efficient fore
man of the Oazett's Job department for some
time resigned his position last Saturday, taking
a position at the Arcade. Jack Is all right wher
ever you put blm, and should be return to
prlutlng we look lor blm to excel.
Mind Beading Easily Accomplished-Aston
ishing tbe Andlenee.
Last night tbe opera bouse has filled
with an appreciative aadienoe to witness
the mysterious soienoe of Professor
Hoi brook, and tbe bouse was a tumult
ofexoitement from from beginning to
olose of tbe entertainment. After , a
thorough test of mind reading, satisfying
a committee of representative men that
no oolusion or triokery was resorted to.
Tbe professor after finding and dis
tributing numerous articles, blindfolded
among the audience, organized a olass
lor hypnotic antics. To begin with a
diepositiou was shown by some of the
young "Americans" to dtfy bis influence,
but be soon bad them under control,
and, tben began tbe amusing eoeoes
wbicb kept tbe audience in a roar of
laughter. Tbe orimsooed-cheeked.
blushing and naturally modest boys
made a "show" ot themselves, and in tbe
strawberry patob, milkiog soeue, dog
fight and preparations for a batb, simply
turned tbe audience iota a frenzy of
Tbe professor used discretion iu
ueleotiitg oue ot his own expenenoed
boys for tbe caNlepiio subject, whoee
ridgsd, lifeless appearance solemnized
the audienoe in short order. We preiiiot
bad be eeleoted the loved one "of some of
tbe gentler sex in tbe audience, during
tbe anxious moments of reeuociUtioo
she would hava b en wrecking veoge
acoe at a furious rate. Iu fact, a nam
ber of the audienoe were exceedingly
anxious about the revival ot the young
Peacefully eleepiugin Rhea 4 Welch's
large display window waa a young man
I placed there by the professor this fore.
noon. Groups of pooule gathered about
during the day gazing in wonder at tbe
youinrui oounlenance. To all appear
ance, save an indication of regular
breathing, be was dead.
Many who were liberal in tbeir ex
planation of bis science are being per
auaded to take tbe chairs specially re
served for tbem thia evening, and it re'
mains to be seen wbetber they will "toe
the mark." It is safe to prediol a full
bouse for tbe hypooilo professor during
bis stay. In fact be already bas a big
majority of our population under the
mysterious influence.
lts w tt aa ;
) i m rr.
For Constipation take Karl's Clover
Tea, the great Blood Pnriflcr, eures
headaotire. Nervnasneas, Eruptions on
tbe face, and makes lb beul as dear as
bell. Sold by Conser k Warren, x
Tbs Morrow County Lnurt k Trust
company bate decided to go into tbe
wheat buying business eiteosively this
fall, sed it is important that growers in
terview tbem bfors diapoaing ot Ibelr
erops. "
Wbers ean joo gr a good freab and
botenpof pare Java and Mocha ooff-e
forSef At Tbe Maine. Opeo day and
nUM. AIo, bam saudwlnb, 6c; quarter
of a pis (home nisde), 5; pieos of cake
(home msd), 6j two tx.itl rgg, 6j;
cbfse, erarkrs and lincb good.
"In '!. ru'irniut: by tie MM light,"
In the ev-olna at the "lU'lligh,"
wbere John lUeroot eoiiHooa to dole to
bis patrols tboa sparkling beverages,
bioh ' ban tab malannbilv and drive
doll ee away." Drrp In; warmth
greet ynqlbeea fall and winter evenings.
Mike Robert, at lb Helve lre, hav
ing rtnodei lb popular ol f ilm for
ner. n tends to II a pubHs a sor dial
m. Tbe beverages be dUpenee
will ba kepi op l'i tbe hlgbeal standard,
sed Ibe enlargemest and aootfortabt
etjtiintneet of b's billiard parlor and
elab rootM rt drtisg Uv. M-tf y
(osscll Meettag.
Al tbs regular meeting of tbs oouroii
laat oigbl, Coouoilmeo Bimous, Kobrrts,
Rasmus aud Liotitbeulbal were present,
with Recorder Ricbardsoo, mayor pro
A nomber of salaries snd bill were
ordered paid.
Rids o eity drsloags wers SQbmitted,
A. T. McNay securing sera at 3D sent
per load for rubbish, etc., and 45 reals
f r baaliug rook, cinders, etc
Ibe marshal' salary was reiaed 110
per moiiib, to eonsideratioo of bis tffi-
Sieut IVI0fS.
Tli petilioa of Chris. Uorchers fr th
retnra of anegpircd liOeD'e, was debied.
Ordinance No. 63, regalaUi g Sporting
and bawdy h'nea, whs (incl,
Or liriaure N i, 61, relative lo leavieg
learns ubl.itcbi d oa ibe air. i ta, felled to
the new rum
Of Brows Hughes, Successors to Browa A
Appreciating the season's prosperity,
have plaoed in stock a full line of staple
groceries, in addition to tbeir slook ot
dry goods, olothing, boots, shoes, bats
and caps, blankets, quilts and winter
supplies in general.
Already we have gained tbe confidence
of tbe public through tbe exceptional
values ws are offering at prioes much be
low those formerly paid. We bavs
adopted as onr motu, "Quiok sales and
small profits," which we feel that tbs
limes justify. Our many friends ars
earnestly requested to oall and ws will
Inks pleasure In quoting prioes and
showing goods, wbicb are positive reve
lations to you.
We appreciate the faot tbat conditions
of trade are shaping on different lines
than those pursued by the old pioneer
concerns, and, after experience and care
ful study, take up new methods ot doing
business, whlob ars demanded by the in
telligent public Guaranteeing to giv
satisfaction in all business transactions,
we are,
Tours respectfully,
Bbowr k Hcohis,
N. B. Ws request your attention to this
spaoe io next issue, wbicb will oonlsin
a "leader" tor our new departure.
Notioe is berebv given tbs pabl 0 that
A. E. Dion baa dispossd of bis interest
lo tbs firm of Thompson k Blnos, livery
businsss, to Jsnies Jones. Tbs cew firm
will make all collections and settle all
ootitandiog ibdeb'eduese. A. Bimhs
Loral Taleal I'roailH ibe Pablle Ik Uveal of
tbe Heaaoa.
On Friday evening a oaref ully arranged
musioal programme will ba rendered at
Ibe Chriariao church. No tffirt bas
been sparsd lo uuks thi a roost Interest
ing oooaalnn. Mlas Julia Uarl bu eoa
seotml o make Ibla bar first appearance
before Ueppuer's public, wbicb bas been
arnestly looked forward t by tbe lovers
of music Kev. Fred HL Clair ba also
sonsentwd lo read "Uncle Remus," and
with bis genaios Houtbern duleol, lbs
sqdieos) will ondoubtelly enjoy a d
siild treat, lb other participant oo
the program tbe people era familiar with
sod an evening of plsasars is ard.
AdailssioB f r ednils will be 2i oeol.
and 13 cent. Fullowlog I lb program
4 il Viva (Urand Oalop daConoert)
fit Hlsaa Left.
"M llltl bov bade breaking nut on
bia limb U e trird lo beaMLtm by tlir
oe of leniedir ft bat on baul, but
without jco. Tbe biy Iheo began
taking H'kmJ's HaMaparilla. Urn waa
eoon improving aud no be l eored asd
baa an algo t-f Ik erreplloi e." air.
Mioule IXiilertij, HI. John, W asb.
Uv. ' Pill sere all hv. ill. Mailed
f r Z'tQ. by 0 I. Hood dt Co., Iaell,
U.I. . . .
On bondrsl an I svsaty-fit bead of
sheep l'i tbe mountains ossr tbs bead of
Bear creek, Morrow county. A reward
ot 2& cent per bead will ba paid for the
recovery or Information leading to tbs
reoovery of said bsep, F.wes and lamb
branded 11; ysarllog brandsd F on
shoulder j 3-y ear-old branded P on blps.
8-10 F. M. Plitii, Condon, Or.
Uread Bowllag Ceateat
A 60 gams bowling tournament for a
beautiful gold ruxlst and other prizes is
now oo at Riohardaoo's bowling alley.
Call at tbe allays for further parlloolars.
I'niM given each month for blgbeet
eeoie for ladies snd gentlemen. Cum
la snd try yonr skill.
Mine fori M''t Mart,
Mta Hvrtirrt Hrlti.lniua.
Just Kri a l.itfiit tavl
Mfm-i r llM Harllio.oiuew.
The aiuMiriiai'M s schuwana
Miaa Julia Koet llat.
Jeruaaleui ...1'arker
Mr. Maurli-e loiiard A hurt,
heading (I uria Miniisi Karris
Kv. rrrl at Clair.
Mala Qua rtartt VIcUil
Mwta M l -k-rt W '. Iln.t.,
P. M Ho. a. J aiJ M. H Oaltuitay
Tbe H'W Miht . . ..Rieall
Vuii wi MarssnH lfM,
Mrs Mvrlort SarllioliMu.
Mmwoh vl. ti ,,,( , .... Ardlll
M m Kinma Arllla Welch.
kerltall'xi Im
MlasEvaAllvrU Uryan
Ballade kblnlirgr
Mm Julia lo Mart,
ust as l. aim sol M.u t'tell
M at ,iti (ran Ayefi
Hew Ueuda.
W srs ootictsnlly adding nw gootls
o l bow have reedy for Inspeotlos a floe
aaaotltnenl of watches, elock, jewelry,
silver wars, novelties snd mueioal lustra
DanM. P, O. Itoftxi, Jewsler.
Ranch, ftlQ acres, good laud, I mile of
lUppoir, all femwj, plenty of water,
bona aad bvn, 140 Sere of summer
fallow, all ready for fall rrop. Ky
term. Cell at lbs UaselU offloe.
Mwsia t DmsHWIlk Caaearet.
( ali'lr ( turtle. rir fotnii(,moa fore.ef,
KM If C (J.i;.fal(tSuMts tliid a-,
To th Palulsl It Betrays th Weeks or
Htreagth f th vYsol Cbaraeter.
"It Is tbs thumb tbst betray lb
weakness or streogtb of tbs wbols ebsr
seler," writes Illanohs W. Fiscberoo
"Easy Resding of tbs II and," In tbs
November Ladle' Horn Journal. "Wllb
a weak tbomb a band tbat otberwis
shows great possibilities will be nerve
lets, nooeeeafol, and remain nods-
veloped. With a largs, strong tbomb
whatever fsalts or virtues the sabjeet
may bavs bs will never be petty ; be
may bs either good or bad, bs will asver
be ordinary. A largs tlinmb Indicate
one who is Independendeoi ia do id
Ibonght and sotino, wbo Is ready to taks
tbs sonaequenres of bis own wrong do
Ing, wbo ii swaytd ooly by rsssoo, and
I ooly diagnated and brdod by a die.
play of emotloa. Tbs sombiostloo of a
large thumb with a broad palm show
eorsge to lb point of raahn; with
long, elear bead llD. abeotato lack ol
fear' and great oelmoee and decUloo la
Hi moment of dngr. A smsll Ihomb
always lodioale a seotimentsl, impres
ionsblo nslare, Inoapabls of forming
any very Llgb alms, or of eiecotlsg
work of soy vela. Tbs opinion of
sabjaets srs formed for blm, never by
blm, ellbongb bs will bellsrs blmlf to
bsvs Iboagbt tben all oat. and will
quote tbem a Li owe. A tbomb ail
beot bark thowseitrsvaganeeof Iboagbt
sdsDtabiliir.and a Isoden to 'tad.
Tbf ful, or nilJtd, pbsint ol tbs
bomb represent will power; tbs seel
ond, logic It tbs first Is long and tbs
seoond abort ths sobjsot will bs self.
willed snd violsat, bating oo rsstrslnt
wbaUver over bis pslou. It tbs
seoood is loog and tbs first abort ba will
bo logical, ealoulafiog, sod will rols
svery actio a by reason; bat lbs ooergy
and dlr for action will bs materially
dserssssd. To bsvs a rsally good
tlinmb tbs two pbslarge sbonld bo et
equal length; then reason and will
combine, aod lbs blgbeet recall lor a
bsppy folors sbonld bs fortboomlsg."
There are many Incidents of lb late war
llttl anecdote showing th conduct of evr
0 (Brers and soldier la the Beld which tan
with I n tarsal snd are fall of naeatng lo every
thoughtful American. "Dnn'l shoot al retreat
ing man," was th noble command ol Colonel
Wood. "Don't cheer, boys; tbe fellow r
dying." said Captela Philip of theTese. A
splendid characterisation of lb stuB" lh
American tailor la mad of hi found la Captela
Bob Ivan' loqal words; "So long as lb
enemy showed bis Bas, they fought Ilk Ameri
can teaman i but wbca the tag eamcdows,
they were a gentle aod leader a Americas
womca." Thee word should live.
For iBiajtU ind Caildran,
!ti Kin. Yoa Han Alwijt E::PU
Bears tbe)
ST . JllTTZr