Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, November 08, 1898, Image 2

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The Gazette.
Tuesday, Nov. 8, 1898.
ATrlbate to e Loving Wire By Devoted
Mrs. Arabella F. Leezer, wife of 8. J.
Lf ger, died al H ppoer on October 29,
1898, from a complication of chronic
trouble. The lent few month aha was
a great enfferer but very few knew it
Even to Ihoae who were closest to her
obe never complained, exoept to her
companion, who was ever ready to do
State News.
Many who Lave their wheat in
the warehouses are in a Btate of
anxiety, awaiting war developments
between England and Russia. The
general opinion is that a precipita- wont he oonld to restore her to health,
tion of hostilities or a settlement O, how she longed to (ret well. It was
on a basis of permanent peace, is bfir reBteBt de8ire live ' b D,y
ueceooraijr vvwiv Wuj.0 wished to live thntuhe miirht hrino- her
up an active marKei. np j the way ebe gloried in liviug, fol
lowing the meek and lowly Christ. She,
.Tnnntf TUbtholomew received ,or tbe Pne few W" ok ner
,. . t, pet in her church aod Handay school.
iiULllluatlUli LI VJ'A hUU V- fc- w v. i , . ... .
" I hoinn a I tr-lri r mamho rka tin r.tiuf
state that the legal rate of interest, ohurohi Bnd B8 hmg M flbe con,d go ehe
except on contract, has been re- went and took a leading pert in both
duced from 8 per cent to 6. The the church and Sunday school. In the
pmerpfinev clause broueht the bill lB,,er ebe tRUKh tbe Blble 0,B88 "d wae
. , a . !. very bright and clear in her underetand-
c"vl .. J?. ".: ing of the word of God. How tbey miee
the governor, Uctober l4tn. vity her Bnd bow ghe ,( mj88ed at hom6i no
and county warrants now draw o Ooe knows but God, Essie and papa,
per cent, which will undoubtedly They were so closely attached to each
mean a foreien market for Morrow 'ber' Mother and daughter were ood-
county paper, ending the competi- i"0Y"e,h.er' e"6pt "T E"?
, , .. . . .. .i was at school and what was known to
tion of local capital for it, as the 0De the other knew ghe wag ony oon
resources of this county oner a flned to ber bed one week, but for the
better rate of interest. lust fonr weeks she was so weak that
some one had to be with ber all the time
HARRY W ATKINS' LECTURE. ""u wa,v uu uer- au utiiiou
out ot sobool and administered to her
An Intelligence Audience Carried Away every warn during tne any, ana si Dlgnl
With Hli Beaatifal Sentiment. and morning her husband waited on
Sunday night the Christian churob hr. She never thought but that she
was filled to overflowing by our towns would get well until the day before she
people, who were ambitious to bear Mr. passed away. She told her bereaved
Wetkins lecture on the subject of "Time nusoana mat ebe would not be muon
and Eternity." They were not dump- longer witb us. Although a little deliri
pointed in their expectations, and were oH at tbe last, when spoken to she
held SDellbound during his recital. knew everyone around, and answered
Beginning the subieot with an ex- everything we asked her,
Dlanation of time, be referred to eternity We realize that she is not dead, but
Infixnlicable. and inspired the audi- oniy BBieep in unriera arms, uone
enoe with tbefollowing beautiful tribute: home where there is no sorrow, no siok-
"Eternityl Oh, Eternity I tby Bges no sin. It was ber greatest desire
tramp; thy cycles roll forever and ever, that her dear loved ones should so live
God has wound up tby clook and it will lire thai when the enJ came tbey
never rnn down and though its tiokings mignc go wnere sue bas gone, Luke a
and beatings are heard by the annum, beautiful sweet Mower blooming out in
be red millions of the present, past and it 'all fragrance for a day then fading
future forever, and ever. Tbv beginning away. We oan't bring her back, bat we
Bnd tby ending is as incomprehensible "" "ve as ehe lived, and go to her,
and hidden eg tbe cradle or tbe tomb of She was born in Schuyler ooanty,
God." iiiiuois, February U, 1851, making ber
From beainsing to end each sublime 7 yeais, 8 months ami 20 days old. She
though seemed to reveal the mysteries of leaves a hnsband, one daughter and two
the "great beyond" to the imagination of brothers ta mourn her loss. She ornae
bis listeuera. and many are tbe expres- uppner rrom Ubicago 7 years ago
skins of appreciation of his ability as a next February, thiuking that this oil
lecturer, and should the future have in mte wonld restore her to health, but it
store another lecture by him, he can rest did not seem to benefit her,
assured ol an aiidieuoe taxing the ao- Sue was a member of Qoodwin lodge
onmmodutiou of tbe lecture room in of the Kebeckas at lionrdstown, Illinois,
Ilennner. ad also belonged to Marinui Hive of
The pan! fw years Mr. Watkins has the u. U. 1. M., ami was tbe Lady Com
followed the life of a commercial busi- mandnr at the time of her death. She
uess man, until his health became im
paired, and will now admit of very lim
ited exertion. Hneraiui!y, one nt his
ability should have been exolusively in
tbe lecture fluid.
took greiit interest in her Indun and done
everything she oould to make it a suc-
Noveniliur lllh, lath, lilth and Htli.
The German Specialists, from Tort
land, Oregon, will be in Iieppuer, at tbe
Palace botel. Hint will return onoe a
If you have rhronlo catarrh, consult
tion is free of oharge.
Do you blow nitidis from tbe nose?
Are you troubled with bleeding ot tbe
Are tbe nostrils obstructed, making
breathing difficult?
Are you boarae at times?
What Dr. A. K. Halter Stays.
Buffalo, N. Y. Gents: From my
personal knowledge, gained in observing
the effect of your Suiloh's Cure iu oases
of Advanced consumption, I ampiepared
to say it is tlio most remarkable remedy
that has ever been brought to my atten
tion. It has oertainly saved many from
consumption. Sold by Oouser& VVurren.
Kvry Able llodlrd Man In rtikne to Carry
a Itevolver.
Spokane, Nov. 4. The bold highway
men who hnvs inaugurated a reign, of
terror in Spokane mutt tly for tbelr
lives, tlold-upa and burglaries mast
I - 11' : . 1. . i ,i
Is the mucus dropping down from the " ,BW """" P"P-
iniioa in ins town win ne in arrnt
baok of nose into the throat?
Is yoar nose stopped ap?
Is your hearing sHeoted?
Is your throat sore at times?
l)i you spit a good deal when rising in
lbs morning?
Do you htm and bak to tluar your
Catarrh is a dangerous disease, which
leads Into consumption
against the olass of orimiuals who have
been working here with suoli audaoily
fur tbe past few weeks.
The arrest and conviction of auy ot
the bold bud rueu will bring a reward of
$r00 to the person through whose
ageory this is brought about.
The city dfflolala have drrldeJ that it
Is time for them to act. A meeting was
Weak eyes cured ; cross eyes stationed Md 10 ,,b' m'or, m ,bi, '"
mi wninu were pnaeni mayor uimaled,
City ('oinmi-sioners Rtinn, Weymouth
ami Fowler an J Chief of 1'olioe J War
without ontting the rnrd.
Cataiaols tHinov.ul wilh"0t a knife;
glasses tilted wheie others bav failed ;
rupture and hrnia cureil without opera
tion. Chronic rheumatism aud kidney
troubles a specialty.
l)o not fail to see the German Special.
Ists. A friendly talk will cost you oolli
Ing, and is hound to result iu a great
deal of good to yon.
Keiuember the data.
Baoklea'a Aralra Halve.
The Best Halve iu the world for Cols,
Broisea, Sores, Ulcers, Bait Hheum,
Fever Sores, Tettr, Chapped Hands,
Chilblains, Corns, am', all Hk'o Krnp
tiona, and positively rnres riles or no
pay requireiL It is guaranteed to give
perlect satisfaction or money Munded,
Fries 23 rents pr box. For sal by
Kloonm Drug Co., K. J. Klooum, manager
A HaalurM t'kaars
la Hrppner. A tuos clean stock of
clothiug, forDttthlug goods, eta, earefully
selected, aud iKiiubt fur eaati. Ownsr
d-tef ninie.1 lit sell. A fsrs npportanilT
f r this fill trade. Write or imtilr
UritTTi OrrtcK,
Iieppuer, Or.
Sbiliih's ('otitiiiitio Cur cures
where others fail. It is tha lealmg
0 wli Cur, ami no bom should be
without It. I'f-iit to take and g
rwht tit the it. Hold by Cmaer A
Warren. I
Mrs. I J, Fairs has received another
large stock of lollliiierr, including Ihs
Ut.l strles In -alkers." "tans." child
reus' silk txmnt'tt and trtmmed bats, te.
aVwitV Alkil
Will b pail for in format lot leading
to the arrest and ooavk tiua of any fx-r-
aD stealing eattl branded "WU"
iiepU J im II'" IrM r'l- Wad, lie rni tha
frwa Pptrf Ilrin.
reu. The bold hold ups aud robberies
were earnestly dlsoinseil and It was
agreed that tha situation wae serions
euough lo warrant action by tha execu
tive ot the oily.
Tbs plso outlined was to make especial
polios officer of every person over 21
years of age desiring lo serve In Ibis
oapaoily and all ot those present were
in favor of this action.
Tbe meeting waa be!d behind closed
doors. There were only five meo pres
ent but they represented Hie power of
the municipality of Spokane.
After the session tbs mayor Issued
the following proclamation:
lo horn It May Concern: Whereat
the iuoieassd number of rolibonei in
this community during the paat few
wetks stems In warrant titraordioary
measure tor tbe protection ot life and
propert); aud
Whereas, An emergency exists and
should b declared thefef ne
An eiiiergem-y h r,'h denlared and
all mats peraoits over Ihs a- of 21 year
aud of good moral character will be ap
Hiioted spoial pohiieiuu with the right
to rrry arms and make arrest, npon ap-
piicallon In the utf or and op tbe re
PUMinieloltttoii ,,r ti Chief nf polios n
tte boaiVer wittl ni par.
lbs Hut I'lwler
A pli-es nf tlinnel dswpens.l with
t'liiulerlni's l'itt llilm and Umnd on
to tt' alTe.'tsd parts is stioen ir l.i an?
pl.st. r. hen Ironliled witti patu In
the chrsl or sl,., or lame brk, give
a trial. You ate eer lin to U more lhu
pleased tslt h I he prompt relief Mob It
anoroa. i am naitrt is also a rvrtsm curs
for rhetiinalleiu. For aale by footer A
Ym ran 'I ff,.rl In be withnrit a mem
lr!np o the Par lil rry,
TheO. R. A N. Co. has red need tha (are on
its lines In Washinton and Idaho from i to 4
cents per mile.
Frank McDermott, of Portland, for 11 years
United States Inspector of boilers, died at his
home about midnight Wednesday, alter an I li
nen ot nearly a month.
Repairs on the torpedo-boat Davis are about
completed, and a trial trip will likely be made
one day next week. The boiler and machinery
will be given a thorough test before going oat.
Ceo. Martin, a steward on an English ship.
committed suicide by Jumping Into the Wil
lamette, while the vessel was lying at the dock
In Portland last Tuesday. Temporary insanity
is the only explanation of his rash act.
Holmes Brothers, ot the Eagle Point and
Central Point mills, Jackson county, were
awarded the sliver medal on "Snowy Butte
Flour" at the Portland exposition. Their prime
ml.l products are well worthy the distinction.
There are so many wheat teams crossing the
river from the Washington side at Arlington
that they cause a blockade for several hours
most every day and some days some of them
have to unload and go back home without
crossing, which causes much Inconvenience,
The Portland city government has been
struck by a fit of economy and preparations are
being made for a great reduction in the number
of city employees. Six fire companies are to be
disbanded and other departments will be treat
ed In a similar manner. Every business house
li made to pay a license and all to build up I
large graft for the officials.
Tbe La Grande Chronicle says: J. t. Cupl
done, a well-known mining man, reports the
finding of a piece of quartz float weighing In
the neighborhood of 22 pounds, which he picked
up near the Pyx mine in the Bonanza district,
and which assays tl,913 to the ton. He is now
looking for the mother lode, and should he sue,
ceed in finding It, he will have a property ot
which any one might feel proud.
Tha additional mall serric between Pandle-
ten and Weston Is a source of considerable con
gratulation. Train No. 43 going north In the
forenoon carries a special pouch for Weston,
The mall Is thereupon distributed and the
pouch sent back to Pendleton on Mo. 41. It
gives twice a day mall between Ptndltton and
Wsston, the same as that given between Walla
Walla and Pendleton. East Oregonlan.
1 he estimates for the Improvement of Oregon
rivers and harbors, made by Oen. Wilson, chief
of engineers, for the coming year are as follows
Coquille river, Oregon, $40,000; Coos bay and
harbor, 1100,000; Hiunlaw river, $30,000; Yaqulna
bay, $25,000; canal at Cascades, Columbia river,
1100,000; Columbia and Lower Willamette river
below Portland, 1 1 50.000; Columbia river below
Tongue Point, Oregon, $40,000, gauging Colum.
bla river, $1,000.
Mrs. Capt. Presrott, ot La Grande, received an
agreeable surprise tbe latter part of last week
from Manila. It was a package containing
twelve different styles of weapons used by the
Spaniards and Philippine lnsurgsnts aud was
ssnt by her husband, who Is in command ot
Company D, Oregon volunteers. The collection
consists of swords, sabers, machetes daggers
and two kinds of guns, and forms a very Inter
esting display.
A curio that attracts considerable attention In
one of the show windows at Paulson's Elkhorn
store la a huge sea tortoise. It came from Ma
nila and Is among the Philippine mementoes
sent by Bergt. Will Pracht to his sister, Miss
Charlotte Pracht. It Is presumed to be one of
the species of tortoise called Uawksbill, the
shell of which is valuable for commercial pur
poses, furnishing a considerable item in the ex
ports of the Philippines. Ashland Tidings.
District Judge Bellinger, of Portland, has
(sued an ordui for the sale of the steamers
Gamecock and Btaghound. The proceeds will
be deposited with the court. The order was the
outcome of several suits which have been filed
aKaliiHt the steamers by passengers who lost
their effects when the steamers went to pieces
olf the river. Both boats were bound (or Alaska,
but encountered heavy weather when but a
few miles off the river. No lives were lost,
although the boats were badly delspldated by
the elements. They have been lying in tbs
Willamette since the disaster.
Jas. H. Hewell and Zina Wood sold their hops
this week realizing 17 cents. They were taken
by C. Carmlchael, of Salem, and go direct to
London. Both lots were extra fancy and have
been eagerly sought by buyers all through the
seasoii. Both gentlemen think hops will reach
20 cents or perhaps more, but there are but a
lew bales iu growers bauds and they feared
that buyers would retire from the market and
thus leave their crop to be carried over. With
out doubt they exercised good busluess Judg,
meut. Wheat growers have somutlmes been
caught by holding till all the ocean transpor
tation has been laden and sailed away whan
the market has fallen flat. There is always a
keen bualnesa sense to be exercised in sailing
as well as In holding , Hlllsboro Independent.
Frank Frailer, who Is kuown all over the
United Histes as the man who owned aud
brought out Chsballa, 2:04, baa Just returned
from the (astern circuit, and waa warmly
greeted by his many Walla Walla frlsnds, says
the North raclflc Rural Bplrlt. In speaking ol
the great horses he saw be says he considers
Star Pointer bylartbe best; In fact, he Is Ins
class himself when It comes to going miles.
Kubeustelu, Mr. Frailer thinks, has more speed
than any horse living, and is capable ot going
to the hall In from :M to :67. Mr Frailer isol
ths opinion that I'behalls could have won tbe
races Iu which he started after he sold htm had
his new driver understood the horse, as he waa
absolutely sound aud all right A great many
expressions ol regret are heard that this grand
horse was ever allowed to leave this part ol the
Notice of Intention.
Laud Orrici at Tat Dallis, Obioom,
October 26, 16HS.
li following-named settler has filed notice of
Lard Office at LaGrandi. Oregon,
October 17, 198.
i following named settler has filed notice
his lnteution to make final proof in support ot of bis iiiteutiou to make final proof in support
his claim, ana mat saia prooi win oe maae , ' ' V I" ' "
before N J. Hale. U. 8. Commiesioner, at lone. ! before the County ( lerk of Morrow County,
Oregon, on Saturday, December 10, ltf.'S viz
Homestead Application No. 4240, for the lots 1
asd 2, Hec 5, Tp 1 8, R 24, E W M.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
of said land, viz: Guitav Glock, Edward Ulock,
Ed CluQ and Reuben C. Bperry, all ol lone, ure-
86-7 jay r. lucas, Register.
m... T i i i an flmimn iTntcViof A 1 CO ft
li ship three (3) outh of range twenty-one
211 aunt nf tha Willamette Meridian. Ureeon,
as been surveyed, ana an approveu nim 01
the 10th dav of November. 1898. at 9 o'clock
a. m. On and after said day, applications for
entry thereof will be received at this office.
Bignea tne aay ana year aoove wriueu.
Jay P. I.ucus,
Otis Pattkrbom, Register.
Receiver. ai-x
Oregon, at Heppner, Oregon, on November 2S,
ltf-ta, viz:
ol Heppner, Oregon, homestead No. 65.T6, for the
N'4 8W !4 and 8 E '4 S Vt H and N W S E
dec. 1 ipoe, lt Ca- . n.
tie names tne toiiowiug witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
ot said laud, viz: D. A Herren, C. M. Herren,
Dan Henshew, William Walbrhige, all of Hepp
ner. Oregon, . E. W. Babtlett,
911-4 Register.
Now that the schools are commencing
All should know that.
Land Office at The Dali.es, Oregon,
October, 17, 1898.
followins-named Bettler has filed notice of
the survey thereof will be filed in this office on his intention to make tinal proof in support of
United States Land Office,
The Dalles. Or.. Oct. 5. 1898.
pursuance of Instructions from the com
missioner of the general land office, under
authority vested in him by section 2455 United
States Revised Statute as amended by the act of
congress approved February 26, 1895, we will
roceed to oner at ptimic sale on tne i7tn aay oi
lovember, next, at 10 o'clock a. m. at this office.
the following tract of land, to-wit: The N E V.
8 E Sec 24, Tp 4 8, R 24 E W M, containing 40
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above-described lands are advised to file their
claims iu this office on or before the day above
designated for the commencement of said sale,
otherwise their rights will be forfeited.
90-1 Register. Receiver,
his claim, and that said proof will be made be.
lore vawter urawtora, county t;iera at tiepp,
ner, Oregon, on Saturday, Nov. 28, 1898, viz:
of Eight Mile, homestead application No. 4684
tor tne b w nee. l.i. i p 3 , k m h. . si.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultivation of
said land, viz: John W. Alstott, Frank Ander
son, T. R. KoninBon, of Eight Mile, Oregon; L,
P. Jones, of Heppner, Oregon.
Jay P. Lucas,
Timber Culture, Final Proof.
United States Land Office,
LaGrande, Or., Oct 4, 1898.
C. Saline, of HeDDner. Or., has Hied notice
of intention to make final proof before the
county Clerk or Morrow county at ni omce in
Heppner, Oregon, on Friday the 18th day of
November 1898, on timber culture application
No. 2378, for the 8 W M W y. E 8 W and
N W 8 W Sec. 20 Twp 1 8, R 27 W M.
He names as witnesses: W. G. Mc.Carty,
James Gentry, Robert Morgan, M. J. Devin, all
of Heppner, Oregon. - K. W. Babtlett,
90-1 Register.
Notice of Intention.
Land Office at The Dalles, Obfgon,
October 26. 1898.
IX following-named settler has filed notice
of his intention to make final proof in sup
nortof his claim, and that said proof will be
made before V. Crawford, County Clerk, at
Heppner, Oregon, on Frldav, December 9, 1898,
Homestead Application No. 4806, (or theWtf
BKV and 8Wli Sec. 24. Td. 2 8. R 23 E W M.
He names the following witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon ana cultivation oi
said land, viz: Frank Wilson, John Williams,
David H. Grabill and James Nolan, all of lone,
7 Jay P. Lucas, Register.
P. C. Thompson Co.
Have the nicest assortment of
In town
Tablets at 4c, 5c, 7c, 8c, 9c, 10c, 15c, 20c, and 25c each
Hubber-tipped Lead Pencils lc, 2c and 5c each
Don't forget the place. Cash talks
P. C. Thompson Co. Heppner, Or.
Slocum's Pectoral ExpectoraQt.
Is without doubt the most efficient remedy ever put up
for the various diseases of the throat and lungs. It
never fails to cure the most severe case of cough, cold,
hoarseness, bronchitis, inflammation of the lungs; will
prevent consumption if taken in time. If you or your
friends have a cough or cold do not fail to try a bottle of
Slocum's Pectoral Expectorant.
It removeB phlegm and soothes irritation. If you take
two-thirda of a bottle without any benefit return the one
third and bottle to us and get your money back. We
have confidence in our preparations and propose to stand
by them. '
Notice of Intention.
Laud Office at LaGbandk, Oregon,
October 12, 1898.
following-named settler has filed notice
of his intention to make final proof In support
of his claim, and that said proof will be made
before the County Clerk of Morrow County, Or
egon, at Heppner, Oregon, on Nov. 26, 1898, viz:
of Echo, Oregon, homestead No. 6348, for the
n w "4 oec. lit, i p i n K, a i n m.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
ol said land, vis: William consun, oi in ye;
Frank Klllkenny, of Heppner; James M ecu in
ter aud Grant Buchanan, both of Echo, Ore
gon. E. W. Bartlitt,
ra negisier.
Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon,
October 26, 1898.
following-named settler has hied notice
of his intention to make Anal proof In
support of his claim, and that said proof will be
made Detore v. crawioro, couniy lera, m
Heppner, Oregon, on Friday, December 9, 1898,
viz: . . .
Homestead Application No. 4235 for lot 1, and
the HEk NE)4 aud Ntf BE Sec 19, Tp 1 8, R 24
E W M,
He names the following witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon and cultivation of
said land, viz: Frank Wilson, John Williams,
Jerry McEUigott aud Joe Woolery, of lone, Ore
gon. '
SKi-7 jay r. uucab, negi
United States Land office at The Dalles,
Oregon, October l, 189S.
1' suance of instructions from the com nils
sloner of the general land othce, under author
ltv vested In him bv section 24.ri3. I'm ted states
ite vised statutes, as ameuuea rjy me aci oi con-
btcbs annroved February i. l89o. we will pro
ceed to oiler at public sale on the 6th day of
Decemoer, next, at iu o cioca a. in., ai tins omce,
the following tract of land, to-wit: NEW NK
Sec 19, Tp 3 S, K 26 E. W. M , containing 40
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above-described lauds are advised to file their
claims in this office on or before the day above
designated for the commencement of said sale,
otherwise their rights will be forfeited.
JAY t . Ll'CAH, Register.
94-8 OTIS PAiTERsON, Receiver,
HaidbMik ef the Tarlf .
Tbe understanding of the complicated pro
visions of the new tariff has been greatly slm
pllfled by the issuance of this manuel. To
digest the tariff law la no easy task, but to
digest the food taken Into the gastrle receptacle
Is rendered easy by the use of that thorough
toiuachto, Hosteller's Mtoinach Bitters. It pre-
vente and eures malaria, kidney end rheumatic
trouble, remedies nervousness aud t neonate.
and removes constipation and biliousness Ap
petite, as well as the ability to satisfy II without
sulweiiut abdominal disturbance. Is matured
by this flue stomachic, which also accelerate
convalescence. Persona In the decline of life.
end the Infirm nf eve ry a and sea. Bud It of
material assistance.
It cmi Itotb morning end erternooo
III be JleprDaeJ with iu future.
Mr. Tom Johnson wee enroll) te
member ol tbe hltfh sobool Monday.
Mis Minute I'tnllii. a member of lh
nib a redo, Is etxeut fromeobool on to
O Miiit of Sii kuis
A gay tierly of yoopf people, moefly
( t lb liifch ert.ool, el at ted fur tbe bom
of M as Oihe Welterliergrn, oo Hotter
rr., sti.. ut a A) oY.ck p. m. Friday
a't.Tti.Mii, reaching their destination at
( .111. after lavmn bad present rid of
'A mllce tlsiuee of various kinds were
I'lajrd until II M, nbao boaottfol
supper spread. AM retort en eo
J.yatiU tune. Tbee from Ueppoer
era Missee r'lorrBoe Hi. Clelr, Jesni
Unrtlu.lo.nsw, Lillian MeSey, ttortbn
Alktie, I. ri e Howard, Kv Hartbolo-
tiiew nnd Ida Howard.
Onitif fa lb Ills, of Hue Btgebe.
leader In li e fnoito moiu, Mr. I. D.
tltoon la bow tacbli( in her plae.
t Who?
1st) C'wHfMl ?.
i I r - s - -! 4..HI? IPIII9 iw f OF
l u i' v f.-n in !"", arimrt-r-M m
Timber Culture, Final Proof.
United states Land Office,
The Dalles, Or., Oct. 27. 1898.
iv th ii r Htephens, of Hardnian, has filed
notice of Intention to make final proof before
V. Crawford, County Clerk, at his olhce in
HPppner, Oregon, on Saturday, the 10th day
of December, IH9H, on tlmberciilture application
no. 82-n, tor uie nwt( anil w,i s i ot seo
tion No. 17, IU Tp No. 4 8, K No. 24 K W. M.
He names as witnesses: cnanea Asiihaugn
V. Moreland and Stanfard Howell, of ilarduian,
and Kred Ashbaugh, of Heppner, Or.
Htt-7 jay f. lvcas Register.
Good Goods....
Fair Prices.i
T. R.
AT- -
Groceries, Provisions, Glassware,
Tinware and Furnishing Goods.
Staple and Fancy Groceries
Fine Teas and Coffees. -smov
OT. Re HOWARD, Heppner.
Land Office at The Dalles, Orkoon,
October 20. 1X98.
I'i following-named settler has filed notice of
his intention to make final proof in support of
his claim, and that said proof win be made be
fore V. Crawford, County Clerk of Morrow
county, Oregon, at Heppner, uregon, on lues-
day, December t, iiwh, viz:
of Lexington; homestead application No. 4478
iur tne itnu o i;a miu i-i it dl
Sec. 14. Tp 1 S. K 26 E. W. M.
He names me louowiug witnesses m prove
his coutinu uis residence upon and cultivation
of said land, viz: Ernest Hper, of Lexington,
Oregon; B. K, Swaggart and Robert Turner, of
Heppner, Oregon; J. a. r iper, oi Milton, Ore
gon J. r. l.i cah,
M4-3 Register.
They have anything In this line that you may desire and you can depend on it you get a
good ariicie wiieu iney guarantee it.
Old Stand, Main Street Repairing a Specialty
Notice of Intention.
Lano Office at La Guande, Oregon,
October id. W8.
following-named settler has tiled notice
of his Intention to make Hmil proof In support
of his claim, and that said proof will be made
neiore tne county clerk oi Morrow county,
Oregon, at Heppner, Oregon, on December 6,
i'.io, viz;
of Hurdane, Oregon, homestead No. Biitl, for the
SW!4 8'.'. Seo. 2 and NVYfc NEand N',4 KWIt
Bee. 11 TP i B, H 211 B.
He names the following witnesses to prove
nis coiiiinuovs resilience upon ami cultivation
ol seld land, viz; Mat Hughes and A. J. Cook,
of Heppner, Oregon; Levi L. Hiatt and A. W
Norton, of Gurdaue, Oregon.
M-5 Register.
PaiQts Oils-Glass
Conser & Warren, pggists.
V. B. Land Orrici, The Dalles, Orioon,
November 1. lx'JH.
V this office by David H. Hensbaw against
Frank Mclntyre lor failure to comply with law
as to Homestead Entry No. 47V2, dated August
u, ihv:i, upon tne xr.'i mc. 24, ami r-
NK'i Hectlon 2 Township 8 8, Range E. W.
M , In Morrow county, Oregon, with a view to
the cancellation of said entry, the said parties
are hereby summoned toapiniar at this ofllee on
the 21 day of December, IK', at IU o'clock a.m.,
to respond and furnish testimony concerning
said alleged failure. Vawter Crawford. County
Land Office at The Dalles. Okkdon.
October '.ii. 1KW.
following-named settler has filed notice
of his Intention to make final proof iu support
of his claim, and that said proof will lie made
before V. Crawford, County Clerk, at Heppner,
uregon, on Maturaay, necemiier iu, mm, vis:
Homestead Application No 4UH1 for the EU
NK and N bE Sec. 2:1. Tp 2 N. R X E W M.
He names the following witnesses lo prove
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
of said land, via: (has. Van Winkle, John Sher
idan, James Carty and Johu Carty, all of Hepp
ner. uregon.
W1-7 jat r. Li'CAS, Register.
The Central Market
Dealer in
Fresn, Salt and Smoked Meats
In at his office at Heppner, Oregon, on Decern'
rr in, imvb, el 10 o cioca a. m.
W-ll Jat e. Lucas, Register.
Cure all titer Ills, bilious- ssbbv I
ness, headache, soar stom- lM II 0
erh. Indigestion, const I pa- l III 5"
turn. Thy art saMly. with- s ss -mm
out rala or grtpa. Sold by all druggists. V cent.
Tbe only nils te take with Uaod's garaapartlla.
Boat Kebler,a brother of Lonf Creak's
poalmaater, we with tha expedition
thai reoeotl left Sao Fran 0 it 00 (or Ma
t cure consumption? Yc and
no. Will it cur every cue t V
No. Whit wt will It cure
then? Those In their earlier
stages, especially in young; v
people. We make no ex if- y
cratcd claifTii, but we have
positive cviiencc that the V
early use c4 v
Notice of Intention.
Laxd Orrici at LaGmakde. Oreoon.
Octolier 1. iv.m.
1 1 fullowtng-iiaineil settler has filed notice
his Intention ti make final proof in aiinrmrt
hlsclalm, and that said proof will be made be
fore the County lerk of Morrow cotintv. Ore
gon, at Heppner, Oregon, on December &, Inks,
of Onrdane, Oregon, homestead No X2, for the
lota I and 2 and 8 r. Dec. I Tp 4 , K 2M K.
He names the following wUiienax to prove
nis conti'iiioiis resilience umiii and ciilllvatlon
of said land, vis: Mat Hughes aud A. J. l ook
of Heppner, Oregon; Jaim-s A. Fearaou aud A
W. Norton, ol Gurdaue, Oregon.
fc. . barti.ett,
M 5 Kcgister,
Sausage, - Lard, - loviltry,
Fish and Oysters Every Friday.
In opening this market we solicit tho
patronage of the public assuring
them the best of meats, and gentle
manly and considerate treatment.
Was Perfected by the
Production of....
And now the entire world
Knows this verfect product
As the Star Brewery beer
Lad Office at The Dali.is. OaionM.
October Jo. lie.
IX following. nme. avttler baa Plrd notice I
of nis liitentlon to mass final nrnof In
support ol his claim, and that said nnxif will
be mads lirlore . Crawford County Clerk, all
neppner, urrgon, on nedties'iey, Dvoemtwri,
isv", vis:
JOMfcTIJ II. OF.wMKLL.of UsIngUin,
llomratead application No. 417 lor the HEU
rc il, I p I M, K 1- K.
Henainra the following wllnesM In prove
Ms continuous rraldruc upon and ciiliUatlnn
nf aald land, via: i. H. Rroaii, J. I. t, 11011, ol
Heppner. Orron. ami I homaa HtHilhlif and
I'an.l roller, 01 txtingtmi, uregon.
Hb JaV 1'. LI I AM, Register.
On draught at
all popular saloons
203 WaahlneSaw St.. Pertlaesl. cj
a 01 tm-fon, r the I nuntv ! Morrow.
That 14-Ycar Old Stuff,
Kohn's Best,"
On Tap Down at The
Scott's Emulsion
In the mailer of Ilia guardianship of W
M. rtiattaa, a mltmr.
trder lo aiiow cauar 01 apptleatlon of Guard
for order of ale of real riat
It n-arliK to Una ronrt Inim the -tltl
mis oar prwnu-i aim nie.l i.v V. n,.re
suaMiaii of the nial ol naitrr M I laii
iiilnof, prai lug for an or 'rr of sale ol rertaln
real vaiate Iteiongltig to said aril, aMl In or,vr
to iip,rl and nialolalll aald liilnur II la Im
aar thai ll ri al ratal ahioiM 14 aold
II I. h r v ni.lere.l thai ih iinl of kin of
tha aant aard and all imh liiirrraie.1 Hi (he
aid Mlal, al - ar la-lorr tl.la eourt on IS r,iu
lav Ihe UHh lar ol .nrnil. f. 4. l ) al
i Telephone Sak
ika. a I A
I IT 1st HAKIC (lOOOss
V. U,...l r.. ft. ..I li-i, a
.ww eiRHit, avlftj S1UII SilliqiDga J
of CoJ-liT.r oil with Hrpo- 3
phosphites of Lime and SoJa t'lV::.
X In these cascj rcsulu In 3
positive cure to a Urge nunv
ber. la Advanced cajcs, how- 'J
ever, where a cure U Impo!- JJ
hie this wclt-known remedy
should he relied upon to pro- Z
long; life surprisingly. J
III o el.a-S a, in . at III. c mrt raint ,i llili ,-ourl, "aaaaaaaaaasaaaa
al Ihani'irt aoia In II ..ii-c. In Ihn nuiv I
.4 Morrow. BM.I.UI..4 ureaon. Ihe .. l.,r. 1 TTfPTTTTT HTOIMV
lo .how raiiM nv an ..rl.t .(mull I...I I I 1 4 f I I I I I I I 1 I V I J I I
granlr.1 lor the His of an. N re4 ratal-, de- I I 1 I A- I I I I II I I I A I I I
tsa. sa ! ss sit sWoMa.
K0TT SOWMS, ChawiMa, ,
rhalitt, thr north pite rhsalu, tt & .;, ttali
loflh ftl itw rr. !!, jstt in f i,in i orth I
& 3U ft), It. SnulA 1 ti'(Mr, Ml M'hl
sMith ft .Is.tjfvosi m mm i U i hiMi, ' th
ntsfnapej. rt Ul li.S.- Ol It fflniitftg, ps.Ut,!!). af
M mi of (! mrv of Iran, mii th I
Ami II La ItlHhef as.taa.l llial aa .ai 11,1a
UH thl ill iy Oi Ma.f t im
Is that of plain and decorated
Chlnawarc & Quccnsvvarc At v
Gilliam & Bisbee'k
assf ISt S f-af aav anvtHief ti ran call f, C ii,
Mardware. kunaa aa-l llawaie.
a vt
r ?