Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, November 08, 1898, Image 1

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If you have bargains to
offer, announce it through
the columns of the
The Gazette will contain
the latest telegraphic news
From the Seat of War.
NO. 699
Fuhlishcd every Tuesday and Friday
CORBIES mekritt,
' Eiltor 0.12.0L Ta-n agar.
One Year
Six Months
Three Months
Advertising Bates Made Known on
Entered at the Postofflce at Heppner, Oregon,
as second-class matter.
THIS PAPEIliskopt on file at E. C. Hake's
Advertising Aiemoy, 64 and 65 Merchants
Bzoliangs, Kan Franciaoo, California, where cou
raots fur advertisiiiK can be made for it.
IJm ing agent, t Merchants' Kxchangi Build
ing, Ban Kruncisoo, 1b our anlhorizid agent.
This pupjr is kept on file at his office.
0. R. & N.-LOCAL CARD.
Train leaves Heppner 9:30 p m. daily except
onnday arriving at Heppner Junction a. m.
Leavos Heppner Juncion 8:ju a, in. ana ar.
rives at Heppner o:Uu a m
Bpoknne EzpreBB No. 4 leaves Portland at 2:00
p. m- and arrives at Heppner Junction 1:50 p. m.
and TJrua ilia 8:5U p. m.
Portland Express No 8, from Spokane, arrivcB
at Umatilla 610 a. m. and Heppner Junction 7:00
,m. at d arrives at Portland 12:50 a. m.
Fast Mail No. 2 leaves Portland 0:25 p. m. and
arrives at Heppner Junction 3:Z5 a. m. and at
Umatilla 4: a. m.
Fast Mail No. 1 leaver Umatilla 11:10 p. m. and
arrives at leppner Junction 12; a, m. and at
Portland 7 :2C a.m.
For further information inquire of J. C. Hart,
Agent O. It & N., Heppner, Ore.
1 1 GO
- and has been mad
sjf-7rf-'-rfL' sonal supervision i
&WZZc4iU Allow noono to de
United States Officials.
P twidont William McKiuley
V'i'k President tiarret A. Hobart
Secretary of State W. ii. nay
i-ioureutry of Troaiory Lyman J. Hairs
r-.tv.rnfary of Interior (Cornelius N. lilies
re'rotary of War Uusell i. Alger
N.-oretary or" Navy John D. Long
t'o-tiiiuebor-Oeueral Charles Kinery Smith
Vr'irii-y -tiefioral John W. Griggs
tV'croi.'iry f Aurionitare James Wilson
Statu of Oregon.
Oovurmir W. P. Lord
ikciftiary of State P. It. Kincuid
7r..tnrr Phil. Jleteehau
Snpt. Hii'il'O Instrnetion. ... H. M. Irwin
tt'.orney (ienertd C. M. Idlnmun
id. W. Mcllride
D ... 1
Vw.iV rfh;neu
r-rutsr ,
I It. H. l!-i
ipreme .Indies K. A. Mo
(C. E. Wo
The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been
in use for over 30 years, has borne the signature of
made under his pcr-
. since its infancy.
Allow no one to deceive you iu this.
All Counterfeits, Imitations and Substitutes are but Ex
periments that trifle with and endanger the health of
Infants and Children Experience against Experiment.
Castoria is a substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops
and Soothing Syrups. It is Harmless and Pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic
substance. Its age is its guarantee It destroys Worms
and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind
Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the
Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep.
The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend.
Bears the Signature of
America Determined to Possess
the Philippines.
Germany's Views of the MatterPresident
McKinley and Advisers to Determine
Amount to Be Paid, and Not' to
Exceed Cost of Spain's Im
provements on the
The Kind You Have Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
jThos. H .Tongne
( W. U. Eilia
W. U. Leeds
It. H. li-nri,
on re.
Sixth Judicial District.
! ronit Jndire Stephen .Lowell
Pcoeacurin? Attorney.... II. J. Uean
M'irr.nr County Otilciala. -
Joint rnitor J. W.Morrow
fiopreaorii.vive E. L. Froeland
:.unty Jo.'h?e ...A. (i. Hartholouiew
' ;o'.i:u.itMiiii,er J.it. Howard
J. W. Beckett.
" Cls'-k Vnwter Crawford
' Sheriff K. 1. (bollock
Trinnnror M. l.ichto' thai
As!:.tor A C. Pettey.
' dnrveyor Julius Keithly
.School riap't Jay W. blupley
' Coroner Dr. K. K. llun!o;k
Mhoi.... Thos. MorgRii
5 iiiuciliuHii K. J. Mlncnin, M.
liichteiithal. I. It. Hiinons, J. J. Roberts, J. W.
Rasmus and K. it. Huorry.
Kv!nir.... ..W. A. RichaMMon
TwjnH l- W. Hriggs
Marxtial John Hagor
Preciurt 011lr.
J:istiiiofth Pence W. E. Richardson
i omlalile . . Ufa)
I'liMf 1 SUit lnil OlHrors.
lay P Lncvu Kemtr
Otis i'attHrson Hsonier
t.& nUANOR. OS
K W IWf'ntt Itgitr
J. O. Hwackli-iiuer Rucniver
0. A,
T. A,
U. A. H.
at Hi ppner. Or., I tin third rtaluriay of
!T n oniii. An vHtxraus ar invitwl to join.
W. W. tnnith. W R.
Adiuliuit, tf Couimander.
D. J AUFaul, M D-
Oflicc hour, to 10 a. m., and 12 In 2
p. in., at rentdiM.re, anil In to 12 ni ,
slid; lo Sp in. at oitKe In the rear oi
Horg't jewelry store.
C E Redfleld
onice in first National llsnk bulldluK.
Hspiier, Ori'Kou.
Ellis & Phelps
V attrnded lu In a prompt
.ry manner. Notaries I'uu-
' n. Ilpjnf, Oregon,
Usiks slut ikiI.-s In his
t your monrv not nl thi'.it
- asiwlaliy ol hsrit rullnc-
H row n'l liillilii. Itriinrr, Or
Associated Press Dispatches.
New Yoek, Nov. 7. A dispatch to tbe Herald from Washington
Spain's exhaustive argument against the cession of the Philippine
islands to the United States has had the result of making the officials
all the more determined to take the islands. Instructions sent to Mr.
j Day, chairman of the American commission, will require him and his
colleagues to renevy Tuesday their demand for cession of the group to
the United States, and they will make in their communication the first
offer of money in payment for the islands.
It is understood that the president will consult tomorrow with some
of his advisers concerning the amount to be named in the American
OF HEPPNER. communication, but the sum to be paid will not under any conBidera-
li 111 1 f 1 I 111 i .11 . r . .
RHRA, President I (J. W. ' ONSLCR CneLier on esceeci uie nggrpgne or uie aeDis contracted Dy tne Bpanisn gov
KBKA Via Prenilnt R. L. PIIEELAND. . Assistant Uuehier eiiiment for imnrovemeuts in the Philinnines. All militnrv rlohta sun
I I J '
debts contracted in the name of other islands, Buch as Cuba, will be
barred, and the Spanish commissioners will be informed that thev
must recognize this fact as promptly as possible.
. Secretary Hay , has received u.fulr statement of ihe contextof the
Spanish note. Its. character was just what the officials expected, with
out any new arguments of importance. Senor Ilios and his colleagues
call attention to thu action of the government in delivering a note
through M. Cambon, the French ambassador, to President McKinley,
- Oregon I which set forth the understanding of the Spanish government that in
agreeing to the protocol its sovereignty over the Philippines would not
be affected.
It is also claimed by tbe Spanish commissioners that this declara
tion was assented to by President McKinley. As a matter of fact, the
note had been delivered, but tbe president had declined to answer it,
either in writing or verbally to M. Cambon.
The Spanish commissioners have declared, it is said, that instead
Transact a General Banking Business.
Collections made on all points on reasonable terms. Surplus and undivided profits STi.fyO
A. ittallory,
Is authorized to take all kinds of LAND
'KOOFS and LAND Hl.lMirt
Onllcrtioim made on ri'ssonahle terms,
Ollice at rctitdeiicc on Chase atreet.
J. W. Morrow
Ollice lu Palace hot 1 building, Heppner, Or.
Dr. M. B. Metzler
S. A. D. Gourley,
Praetlelnner In all 8 ate and
Federal Courts.
Teeth Extracted and Filled.
JJridging a specialty
Paink'rs Extraction. . . .
on 111 m and have Your horses well eared tor.
Win. Gordon lias re-named
his stand the old Jones
livery stable
The Central.
,. .t. tt;.., ui iu:i:..: iu: l i m
Baled bay for ssle. Charges reasonable. Call ul luo oiaicsodjuumg tuo a im,VVium, luio K.JVBiuujeui BUOU1U
pay to their government an indemnity for the attack on Manila after
the peace protocol had been signed and for the damage consequently
Hear-Admiral Dewey's victory in Manila was unimportant, and the
possession of Cavite during the war was not such as to give the Ainer
Pioneer Tailor of Heppner. cans, the Spanish declare, control of the islands, and it is claimed, and
ills work first-class the claim is fortified by argument and many legal precedents, that the
and satisfactory. American government has no right to demand the cession of the entire
A, Abrahamsick
Merchant Tailor
(jive him a call May Street. ?rmlP islands when it held only such a small bit of territory
that at Cavite and controlled only the bay of Manila.
Is the p'si'o to ko tn si t yonr fine pork
and laiiiu chops, steaks and roasts.
Flh Every Friday.
Ine tiiita'-ciirrd Imiiis and bacon Pure leaf
lard, kellle rehiliTnl, old style, lilh'hral cash1
price paid lor at sun k. J
fcjenj. Matfiews.
Belled express Is romlns;. Does deliver
work on short order, lu rents and up
wards. Mils wsvoii is No. 4, ami leave
your order with It, or at ''Central tele
phone ollice.
IV e Move Anything!.
n.vvnv ii rv
lMiH-Ut.MU till
Stage Line
B. F. MILLER, Prop
Chcspeit and iml direct route to John lajf
rallrr. t siiion ( ny niluina" distrn t. Hums s...j
other Interior poluia.
Htsgm len U-ppner Dsllr. Hundsy x-
e-pie..st A it) a. tit. Arrive at Canyon lijr
in if Hours.
Leave siiyon City at I p m.. arrive t Hepp
ner In M ho its cooiin dim wild trains.
ily the bay
All during the war Spain's troops were stationed in other islands
and were not molested. The Spaniards indicated their willingness,
however, to sell the islands and the authorities have do appiehension
now tint any rupture will occur unless it be) over the amount to be
After the Philippine question has been disposed of, the commis
sioners will consider the determination of claims whic h have been filed
by Americans agtinat Spain and by the Spaniard against tho United
States- It is thought that this government Would bind itself to satisfy
Miss Fuller Bays It Does end States her Rea
sons Sncclcntly.
"The Oregonian to the contrary, the
Oregon exhibit at tbe Trans-Mississippi
exposition will result, and has already
resulted, in advertising this state's ma
terial and, intellectual development
among the tbrifty people ot a large
oommunity," said Mies Fay Fuller to a
representative of the Republican, upon
her return from Omaha a few days ago.
"Ton ask me what Oregon did, and
whether the work accomplished at the
exposition by tbe commission in charge
ot the state's interest justified the ex
peoditure of 815,000, the amount ap
propriated at tbe special session of the
"From an entirely unprejudiced stand
point I am convinced that Oregon will
derive great benefit from tbe well
direoled efforts to exhibit its resonroes
and represent its natural advantages.
While it may be true that in many in
stances state exhibits at expositions are
of no value in promoting there are cer
tain reasons why this instance may be
olassed aa exceptional. Tbe exposition
was primarily a sucoess; a suooess com
mercially, fiuanoiblly and in point of
attendance. It closed Monday with a
record of over two a hBlf millions admis
sions. It cancelled a $25,000 indebted
ness early in tbe season. It showed
,000 to its credit at tbe olose and 80
percent will be paid on all subscriptions.
rhe majority of tbe visitors, the great
mass that passed through tbe turnstiles,
oame from bait a dozen neighboring
states. They were plain tillers of Ihe
soil, industrious substantial farmers, just
the kind of thrifty, honest men and
women who become desirable settlers in
any community, in other words tbe very
oIuhr Oregon needs to aid in its develop
ment. These busy people are not neons-
tomed to travel, are too occupied with
other important duties to often stray far
from the farcj. But they bad planned
for years to take In the Omaha exposi
tion, and bent every energy to that end.
There tbey saw represented tbe wealth
of the Trans-Mississippi states cereals,
fruits, minerals and manufactures
With tbe prodaots of tbe Mississippi and
Missouri valleys tbey were familiar.
Those whioh oame from the Paoiflc west
were a revlatiou, a new picture hitherto
shut off by the b ild battle line of the
Rockies. Naturally, to thleatiention was
tamed. The precious mines and gems
of the mountainous states aroused great
interest. But of all single exhibits
shown at the exposition Oregon's forest,
ry display stood out pre-eminently. It
was the elephant ot tbe circus, the ora
tor of the day. It showed for itself and
spoke for itself.
From a commercial standpoint It was
acknowledged the best exhibit ot tbe
Pacific ooast lumber ever made. Oregon
was tbe only Paciflo onset state woll rep
resented, and tor that reason and became
of its excellent anil well arranged ex
hibits it attraoted marked attention. I
am safe in slating that nine-tenths of the
people who visited tbe exposition, if
asked what they saw la tbe way of state
exhibits, would reply, 'Well, tbe bent
thing was those big Oregon logs.'
"Each of the five departments, agri
cultural, forestry, mineral, bortiaultaral
and educational, ranked well with tboia
of any other state; exceeded those ot
"It I remarkable bow many people
want to know about the West, bow many
desire to find a country where the wheat
crop never fails, wbere nrb soil proditoei
35 biiHhels to tbe acre, wbere tbe climate
is comfortable, wbere it is possible for a
man to build up a self-supporting home
"The Oregon fxbibil, in charge
of (Mpable men who knew their holiness
and attended to it faithfully, will be
worth more then Ihe 815,000 it oust"
soldier may not be as military as his
brother of Europe but be is made of the
right Btnff.
Let Justice Appear.
From the Grant County News of Nov. 3d.
So much discussion has been provoked
by the recent killing of an Indian near
izee, in Grant oounty, and so many false
reports have been circulated concerning
tbe matter, that tbe undersigned deems
it proper to inform tbe public es to the
faots in the oase; otberwiee the good re
pute of a large number of our best citi
zens may be brought into question and a
great injustice done them. Upon receiv
ing news of the trouble, tbe undersigned
;iiid others immediately took their de
parture for Izee for the purpose of aiding
the settlers, as it was understood by us
that help was wanted.
Upon orriving there we found that the
trouble was over, but thought it would
be a good plan to investigate and ascer
tain what the trouble was about. So tbe
next day we proceeded to the battle
ground and held an informal investiga
tion. A disinterested jury of six men
was impanelled and sworn and witnesses
were sworn end examined as to tbe faots
in the oase. Tbe evidenoe thus adduoed
showed that on the 25th nit. Mr. John
Byde, while huuting a horse in the hills,
was shot at by an Indian. He informed
bis neighbors and a posse was at onoe
summoned for the purpose of arresting
the Indian for the said crime. The In
dians were overtaken the next morning
on the trail and a peaceable demand was
made by tbe deputy sheriff, Mart Welsh,
id tbe name of tbe law, oo them for the
surrender ff the one who had shot at
Hyde. Instead of sorrenderiog, two of
the Indians dismounted from their
horses and sprang behind trees and at
onoe opened fire on Ibe posse. While
thus resisting arrest the Indian who had
shot at Hyde was killed and one other
whs wounded Of tbe posse, one man,
Oeorge Gutting, was killed. Tbe jury
after hearing the evidenoe brought in so
informal verdict in aooordanoe with these
faots and exonerated tbe posse.
J. A. Laylock,
County Judge.
Just a Starter.
Mr. W. R. Hearst, editor of the Exam
iner and Journal, has returned to Han
Frauoisco after an absence of some time
xpeut in the Journal oflioe and the war.
San Franoisoo people were bo glad to eee
him that Clans Bpreoklee Immediately
bud bim arrested for criminal libul,
Martin Kelly asked Ihe grand jury to
indict him for perjury. Qrove Johnson
will sue him for a million dollars dam
age to bis character, A. L. McDonald hie
ued him for 350,000 for Infringement on
his Klondike map.aud ex Senator Uanne
has sued bim for $25,000 damages fur
libel, as a starter. Li is other friends are
expected to show their sff-otiou and joy
over bis coming io as demonstrative a
way. Io the meantime Hearst will take
oare of himself.
Heavy Wbrat F ports.
Klithteen sailing vesnol rarsoes of wheat and
nnur cleared from Portland lor Kun.pe and all AmricaD claims, m consideration of the territory ceded to the
z:.Z:'c::: wct. n,o finish c.,m,nis.
ith almost lull fantocs oi Hour. Tbeeom- dinners hive a heavy cUim Bgaiust the United States to oflVt the
iiiue'i rsrgoes oi inis oik uici looien up s lotsi . rl l : I II . .,
oi ov. 2.-M1.... bu.hei., eompsred uh .bout claitn filml by Americans for pfTnoual and property tujurtos, Mid the
aunt) bushels last (N-Uile r, the shipment St flUPtjtioU of their disposition Will baVfl to bit doci le!
inai lime oressios; sii rtoros lor ins iiiouin oi
OvlolH-r. so thai the shipments for the month
1'i.t dosed are all Ibe more remarkable. Ihe
gain durum the mouth as In heavy flour ship
ments and bl( shipments of heat to hail K sn
A Richardson
wr. or the peace
V CITY HtCulitiER.
IlEltUN, Nov. 5. The iipwe that the I,' u iced Ktates now demands
riiH-o, for hti the European wheat iieet last the whoh) of the) Philippine islands) ha created conch interest here.
reJ:;::r::r:: vvH commit unfavorably it. The Cologne
tfftew-li itf i y r fro otiiMirh litrr that I (ift.t'ttr HHV S
f.r l nil i ..; .! itiri.ft ukcii i. lit Hi
Mi.Ht (111 WMrll f )ftt lMt IIMMllll.
A roiitimr lvp aieiitMi.PMt rtvli-tf lh hip'
tnMi fr Um nri lour inm.iiii tf itiw ftirrfiil
rr nT jur. Hint )f Hi ii rlnl In 11,
in the ItM'rt a ..r I -"H in ! tir y .tii (IN!
tiMftti'i. m il the nhijf iii.qH'n Uttf -tiirt of
Ih hu11 fciif. ti tf tiiKv't) In hi tl fart Hint
ttii fiHirmi'ii iiiiit.it In HiiH-i.M, mi mint
. ' . . tl, l.fl.Sl i.f t li.sl ..(.Is l.li.nuhl ILs
erv " to t'n'e p'li.u'r '"' j e's t . I J i. tli.u ih'. y el. e. lor the : aujly tll'l lltUie) of tbl vict'lf. Tilt whole) Symplthil'1 of tllfl WOfld
llsrrsaa to mil.s fsal
llsrdman 1 jn H
lopi.ittrftl ,, '.s 410
ll.mlloin I a 4 7'i 1
lillff t rees I ,', h f.i
fo Vslley j St till
Juhll iMT '"7 a HI
('sovntiriiy , li sen
hUxes eon t a Mb lrni i at II. ppiinf.
No' - Msvli g sI.m k-t up tht. tin with in
U s!lve ftr.l'i iss .
'The iutrets of (rinany will bneiecially injurl by the Amer
ican Kniit-xstioi), as tln (tolicy cf the open door, which ha hitherto
P'igiifd uiid'-r th tfimniHh tlig, will b quickly endod. Mornover, the
Auit-rican dfmai.d, fnnn a hamamt xiut of view, is unheard of. It
ni'HtiH the H'j i".'.in of a fadei foei to the last drop of blood ami would
. i. at trauma'! fnur-s.
0. IS. Halt
having, IS Cents
Half Cuttinj, 23 "
,i: tlmk I'urwi, He.sf. ir.ii.
Mathews & tientry
it. wo EHS.
Shevlfif IS CenH
Hale C-tt.ee, 2Z "
',' if 1 4 r"rt ! 'i't f t r
I:KKI 1 ..
A. (. o HLVir ( lr
j fisi.ii r.i Hi;ii., Ho-.i 1 ii'p it"
M)l;V ' MiC. ! Niili I trip
' t anflon ' 9 n,t:-.1 ' "I Itn iB.I trip . '
fletn ( lollesi ,, ' 1 , . HieiM trip
l-s.'r sMiouiit in j-
Remarkable Rescue.
Mrs. UicUi I CnrUin, I'Uit field, III.,
uii.k- Mi tl-metit thai el.e carglit
c-'ld, Lch tf tiled :t hr lunstsi she
aa le.tid f .f a lit n,lti by iff fstiiily
I In in. n, l'iii g'ew or ..J her
li" .n a I ''i c.e VtiMiii of rv fiariinu
linn a il Ii at i n tii- lp ine r-MiLI rnrsi
would bd on the si Id of Hpaii , bmtally ground down by her pnoiny."
Tint Xali hihI iituu xii. ta out that tho I'hilippiiios iel'iinN would,
in Aii-rifim linn l, li-c mi') not only of iiumnnso comrn'Tcial bat f
paramount iniLof tancr, "aliich all th p wirn having intcrfNt in the
far Knttl are bound to aori'iiialv Poiiaidr." Th'-refore, the National
Z-ltur. tliiuki, m hod p)A.r in ty opme the cliane of ottnerehip.
'Jhti Vi.a-.im I, 'itunn l"ctur'a tbei UuiUd Sulin fir it alb-fd
t;ieM'd, mi I tli Kfut-I.e Z.-itui tl'-'ticril'; lh Uidb"! Htaton' domand
il. r lr.ik-rfi. t so.'tfesurt Jf. Kitist'ei ks au "in, f.11 luiiitU pi'!n of charactristui Vtiiki-fl iiupudnucf," and
lt,...i .m ' . -...... .a. . t. 1 1 ' '
I"" "" I 'I t,f"lllU'U')U wit
m Ihm.m Ih'M mi in btr il-htfhi r.MmJ.Hpi ujmu LuitiH 1 1 w4ut iU I, ii twu um iLim h yvi tune.
1 il. iT iai..ua-su.-ai.t.-' - . .....
Ao Or(oa Holdler Hoy Was r'ial to the
A very good story concerning one of
onr troupe in Manila, an Oregouisn, Is
told by ao tye-witneaa to I he occurrence.
A few days after tbe American trot p$
bad occupied Ihe city, I was ashore lk
log look at tbe city and American
soldiers. The City was quite oroodml
with both American ami Hpauieh sol
diers and they seemed In tx on Ihe
frletidlinet terms. The Spanish nfnoers
1 re walking the etreele with Ihelr sIIm
arms, as tbey bad bwa allowed to lelsln
them by Ibe terms of tbe surrender. It
oold have) bewo bard Io tell wbo wars In
poseresioo of Ike lowe had It Bot been
for the A mermen aentinele who were
pat-lug Ihe aOeels. Just ae I woe Of opt
ing oue of the namerone bridge or rose
the PaaU rlvnr, I saw a native Filipino
s, it o Ihe fare of s Hpantsb ofTlner and
ll.nu run t'i Ilia Amafloaa who woe
giianliiig lbs brlils-e, demanding tils pro
tefltlot). I stopped t see the thing oil,
aa I woe father carbine Io o whal Ihe
Anienoao soldier would do. It WMsotn
time bafure Ihe Killpiuo could make
Luoself nn lersliHhl and Ibe sentrf looi
si me lime to esb'lj oulo what bad bB
doae, bul y un eae Interfil e nijr enrprise
hen he habjed hi gae la Ibe Kpsnlsb
tirHw and cangbl Ihe native by Ibe nape
I'lilllp Brogso, Br., aid Frank Forrester quar
reled Over Waxes.
Tnif Dallbh, Or., Nov. 0. A special
messenger from Antelope, 05 miles aouth
ot Tbe Dalles, arrived here this morning
bringing news that l'billp Brogan, Sr
aa murdered at 0 p. m. yesterday.
Frank Forrester, who has been in the
employ of Brogan as paoker for a sheep
camp, did the killing. There was a dis
pute between them as to matter ot
wages, and, meeting In the bilvertootb
saloon, they resumed the argaiiiO.ni.
Word led Io trouble, when Forrester drew
a knife and slabbed Brogan. Tbe latter
died within Ave minutes after Ihe stab
bing. Forrester escaped, and although
the shenir poeee la in pnranit, baa Dot
been Captured. HbenlT Kelly ha given
order to send men neoeitary to) lake
him, if poaaible.
Brogan wa a wealthy sheep man, and
lived in The Ille. II was well and
prou.ioenlly known. Forrester ia from
Tenuesaee, and it i believed bis Osptnre
is doubtful.
There is much eoi!emul here over
the killing. The rera iin will be sent
beta for burial.
Itubbi il the lirave.
A slarlllng inrident of whioh Mr. John
Oliver of l'lnlaili lpbla, wo the eobjwt,
i narrated by bim a follows: "i wa Io
a rn'iel dreadlul condition. My akin woe
el runs t yellow, r( sui.keu, tongue
ooate.l, pin eonlionally io back and
side, no appetite gradually growing
weaker day by day Three pbyaicians
hail given me np. Fortunately, friend
advlaml to Ing 'Kleotrlc Hitter,' and to
my great joy and surprise, tbe first
bottle made a dwlde-l linToVeiiient. I
Continued Ibeir nee for three week, and
now I atn well man. I know they saved
my life and robbed Hi grave (if another
victim H No oue abotild lall to try them.
Onlv Ml rents per tx.ttl at K. J. t-lo-etim's
drug store.
Are Va llereai4l
The O. It. k N. CV. new book oo Ihe
lUs iiirO" of Oregon, VVoebingtoo and
Idaho la being distributed. Our leader
are re'leeted In forward lh oddiesaee
of tlmir Kastern friend and aruaiii.
anr, ati-1 a Cnpr of lha work will be
eent I he to free. 1'h IS a lustier all should
lie Interest.-. I in, and we would ark Ilia!
everyone take an Interest ael forward
neti ad Ires n V, . Hnrlbn't, Oeo
eral rsrngr Agent, O. It. AN.t'o.,
I'liHlsnd. hl-M
. r Oh. ir e,s s.
Pii,- ir N f''i t' I'tHiiirl i. the ai isl Vf'iO
flerf ll in H ll i. " oieivnf In" -. P
t .1 an I t 'I i i ' to inn ia'i'. i '"
n i .,. t. i o i ki In" s, liver n"il le.wel,
i' I4....I.4 1 if !'" .'.!. V'",rr . T" Tbe uovi-rum-i.t of 'rniuy Ru-I tli it..iui-.fli-.'iil OMWennrM-ro) It? of IU m4 neat if kit Inmeerc ti
uhs f " "ris il Is nee and aoif ISRIogi I tsftiiiiuli
! him. !..v s At :.r .ji.hi .,. n,.,,.;rf e.I b i'!". f.Mit. I le.M ,1 entii.d and eelt. l.Cffi ailr-lil. ,f i-x'rt'IM"lv CHIttioil. Hat it ia M'tit fvideut that (lr- pl'c-t."! biro tiff Ibe bridge Info lb I 0-
l fVf.I n al 3 t hi sr,, Bf.t.s at y,. we I 1 1, v. r aa - r lee nl iK.Ule ' ..... i fm h Hpatiisli (.(Tlaer and began pan- f ' ' ''" u I . '' i ,., .
-.t... or.,, i.T,n,y a. K. J. Hi- nor . ...n tuuwv up ... th part of olh.ra, . I it ii ou- j , ,u M lf ,iii0( M Uk J,',' ' -r. 1