Image provided by: Morrow County Museum; Heppner, OR
About Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 4, 1898)
O. R. & N. DFAT roa TIMK SCHEDULES From Heppner. li:30 p. m. Salt Lake, Denver, Ft. Wortn.omana, K annua City, Bt. Louia. Chicago, Portland. Walla Walla, Spokane, Minneapolis. Ht. Paul, Duluth, Mil waukee, and the East. Aaaivt FROM 4:50 a.m. 8.00 p. m. 8:00 p. m. Ex. Sunday Saturday 10:00 p. m. OCKAN RTKAMSHirSi From Portland. All galling dates subiect to change. For Han FraneiBco Bail Nov. 1,4, 7, 10, 13, 16. 19, 22, 25, 28 Columbia Rivzb Stbamkbs. To Astoria and Way Landings. 6:00 a. ra. Ex. Sunday Willamette Rivee Oregon City, New berg, Ha I cm and Vi ay Laudings. 4:00 p. m. 4:00 p. ra. Ex. Sunday 4:30 p. m. Ex. Sunday Denver & Rio Grande! RAILROAD SCENIC LINE OF THE WOULD Weekly Excursions TO THE AST, In through tourist cars without cbaoge. MODERN UPHOLSTERED TOURIST SLEEPERS In charge of experienced oouduotors and porters. Stop drinking Wisconsin Central Line colored ry To Kansas City. Chicago. Buffalo and illUUudJS, Boston withoiitchange vlaHaltLake, Missouri Pacific and Chicago and Alton Kys. T..,l,.,. To Omaha. Chicago. Buffalo and IUWIlaJ.,) Boston without change via Salt Lake and Chicago, Rock Island & Pacitlc Ky. U'diIhoc-iI'ivq 'J'o Bt Joseph, Kansas City and IHIIUtMlil!!, Ht ix,uis without change via Sail Lake and Burlington Koute. To Kansas Cltv and St. Louis with out change via bait Lake and Mis souri raclnc railway. (C 1! O ."A "g o 9 kJWillll-lliLg O GENE UAL PASSENGER DEPARTMENT. Milwaukee, Nov. 5, 1897. PATRONS of the Wisconsin Central Liuea iu passing through Chicago may require some assist ance in the way of having their hand baggage taken form or to train and carriage or bus, or in many other ways, and they will find all that ia desired in this re spect in the service of the Ushers at the Grand Central Passenger Station, who have recently been uniformed with brown suit and red cap. They will be in waiting at all trains prepared to assist pas sengers, and it is hoped that our Dfttrons will fully avail themselves of this additional provision for their comfort. J AS. 0. POND, Gen'l Passr. Agt. 7:00 a. m. Tues., Thur, and Sat. 6:00 a. m Tues. Thurs. aud Sat, Lv. Rlparla ally except Saturday Willamette and Yamhill Kivehs. Jregon City, Day ton & Way Landings. Willamette River Portland to Corval- Us Si Way Land lugs. Shake Rivee. lv. Lewiston Rlparla to Lewlston daily except ruunjr 3:30 p. m. Mon., Wed. and Frl. 4 :30 D. m. Tues., Thur. aud Sat. PEhFCMED bTONF, A day stop-over arranged at very BtranSe Salt Lake and Denver. LA GRANDE SUAR-BEET FACT KY. ride through the Famous Colorado Scenery. For rates and all ell information, Inquire of O. R, & N. aud S. 1'. igents, or address, R. C. NICTfOL, 8. K. HOOPER, General Agent, Gen. Pass. & Tkt. Agt. 251 Washington St., Denver, Col. Portland, Oregon. J. (!. IIakt, Local Agt., Beppner, Or. Passenger bookad for all Foreign Countries. J. 0. HART, Agent, Heppoer, W. H. HURLBURT, General Passenger Agent, Portland, Or. DUE TOO 601 ERST? If so, be aire and see that your ticket reads via ine Honnvesiern Line ....THE.... . CHICAGO, ST. PAUL, MINNEAPOLIS, AND OMAHA RAILWAY THIS 18 TBB Great Short LiQe BETWEEN DULUTH, St. PAUL, CHICAGO AND ALL POINTS EAST AND SOUTH. Their Magnificent Track, Peerless Vestibuled Dining aud Sleeping Car Trains, and Motto: , SPOKANE FALLS 4 NORTHERN NELSON 4 FORT SliEPPARD RED MOUNTAIN RAILWAYS The Only All-Rail Route Without Change of Gars Between Spokane, RoaslBod and Nelson. Also between Nelson and Roealaod, daily exoept Sunday : Leave. Arrive. 8:0(1 A. M Spokane ....B;40 P. M. IKK) A. M Kossland 8:40 P. M. 9:10 A.M Nelson 6.45 P. M. Closo connections at Nelson with steamers for Kaslo, and all Kootenai Lake points. Passengers for Kettle Hlver and Boundary reek connect at Marous with stave daily. THROUGH TICKETS -TO THE- ALWAYS ON TIME has gi en this road a national reputation. All ulasse of passengers carried on the vestibuled trains without extra charge. Ship your freight East and Southeast ION PACIFIC II R. THE TURODGII CAR LINE. PULLMAN PALACE HLKKPRR8. PULLMAN TOURIST HLKKPERB. FREE KECLININU CHAIU CARS Portland to Eaxtem Citien Change. Without and travel over this famous line. All agents have tickets. W. H. MKAD, F. C. SAVAGE, Gen. Agent Trav. F. A P. Agt. 248 Washington St., Portland, Or, CHICAGO iram & St. Paul B'y This Railway Co. Operatea ita train on the famous blook ayatem; Light ita trains by sleotriolty ttirou"b- ont; Use the oednbrated eleotrio berth read ing lamp; Kan apeedily equipped paaaenger train every day and night between Ht. Paul and (Uiioaiio, and Omaha and Ubioago; the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Also operatea atxam-heatml veatibnled train, carrying Ilia latent private eotnpartmeot oara, library buffet smok ing care, and palace drawiug room sleeper. Parlor oara. free reclining oliair oar, and the very beat diuitig chair oar ervice. for lowest rate to any point in the United States or Canada, apply to agent or addrea C. J. EDDY, J. W. OAHET. (tenure! Agent, Trav. l'ai. Agent. Portland, Or. Quick Time, I nlnn mnli, Personally Conducted Excursion. IliMgiiKU Clucked to Dnslini.tion, Lnw Itutes. Direct line to Traiis-Winalsalppl and Inter mit nniiil Kxinmition held lit Omaha, Nebraska, Jntitt to November, Write nnilnraigned for rates, time bibles anil other infortunium pertaining to Union Pacific It. It. J. H. LOTH HOP, or J. O. HAHTAgt., (ion. Art.. Isfi Hil Ht., O. It A N. Co., Portland, Or. Heppner, Or. Discovery Made Near Oregoa city- , A young man from Portland, while sxploriog the ooantry along Aberoethy creek, near Oregon City, discovered in a oat tbroagh whiota a road runs a stratnm at perfamed sandatoneaboat four inches in thiokneas, extending for some distance .boat four or five feet beneath the sur face of the ground. The deposit la a sort if sandstone in prooosa of hardening. It ia oomposeJ of very floe eani or per haps voloaoio ash of a grayish oolor, aod has a very peroeptible perfume, wiiioh is Hill more plainly peroeptible on one's hands after baddling it. A number of persons who hive exam-' ined tbe sample remarked that the odor it emits seemed familiar, but they Dould not tell what it resembled. Oue druggist aid it smelled like vanila bean, another thought it smelled like tonka bean. One said it smelled like tbe perfumed chalk used for writing on blaokboarda, and an other that it smelled like earth. A woman of sensitive olfactories at once pronounced the perfume to be that of .he "tweet leaves," or "vanila leaver," Oregon May apple, which boys peddle around the streets in tbe spring and summer. A number of others have ex pressed tbe same opinion, and some have oomplaioed of the udor as sickly sweet ish and overpowering. The whole stratum aod the earth on eaob side of it has the same perfume. Just how the stone bjonme so thorough ly permeated with this odor seems iua possible to determine. There has proba bly alwiys been "sweet leaves" growing in that vicinity, but as there is four or five feet of soil on top of the stratum of tone it was probably deposited there aenturies ego, and bus been wasting its 'weetniss on the desert air ever sinoe If it were harder the stoue might be out into "satchels" or indestrno ibln perfumi tablets. If it were used to build tht wa'ls of a church the p irfuoie woull be stronger and last longer th'in that of Ilia mnsk in the Mosque of St. Sophie in uonataniinopie. rerrumeil stone Is a rarity aod specimens of this will be sent to tome scientists to be analyzed. To (are Constipation f orever. Take Citscurets Caiiilv Cathartic. lOoorSte, ft U C. C lull to cure, druggikta refund uioiiei. Fruit shlpmrnls From Holso. The gross returns of thirty-six car of prune shipped from Bois, Idaho, tbi season amounted to 8 1 1,0th). The States man addi the following figures: "II cost 127 to ship a our of 24,000 pounds The Dalles, rorlliiiiJ 4 Asturia NavieatiOD Co. 10 Dotou a01 70 J litionai for re- I 1 A mi . a . a irirfPntiinQ, ine ounreii or toe truu "The Regulator Line ai3SJi.&3ZTia "DALLES CITf" AND "REGULATOR' Commencing Monday, May 2nd, Ibr steamer of the Hevnlafor Liu will leave Portland at tl'il) a, m. aod Tbf Dalles at H JO a. ra. Wheu yon go to Portland, slop off at Tli Prtllcs and take a trip down thr (Jnlnrubitt; you will enjoy it, and avt money. W. O. AI.LAWAT, Ot'Deral Agent Yellow Stona Park Llna TUt ONLY I'lNISd CAR ROI'TK IKOM POKTI ASK TO TIIK K ANT. THE ONLY I'lKKt'T LINK TO DIE YEL U)WHTONE NA niiNAL f AKK. iNtt. Ha. i It A. M. Ha. I ( P. M. Prjut Kiflhand 1 SU Arrite. Ft Mull for Tsi'uma, ltle, lnlin,(.iii(i I tilt, ftHlfclt, llU'll, lint l, AnwiiinU, M H I, I liii sgo, New Yis H,xliiii, slid all 'Hilms tu and Ktiulli jl-ast. I'nrlUn.V Ti-n,M and m I f t m Frim. Inr 'a ruin. Hcaltle, OI)ltil iil liiiirHi.imtii main llii 'l"t No. I 10 S A. M. II P. M 1 tlAV ! HI I'n'il. Mllinral-illt, Omsna. Kanna Mr and lbr Missouri liter Hiliita. t PAYH lo Kt. Louis, MllnausM and CM ao. IU ll A Y l. Vt lilnston. I'lillsdeirhla. Kpw Yuri, Ki.inii and tilUvl far I rn ilul. t iiliindt-r-'lronn' lions In all prlnf Ipal rllle Hsrftf rh ked tl.n.u,h lu drtlloaMoo of W'BMia. I'nlon 4pot. I'i'illsii t. f. nl Mali) St. Fnf slarplni rar rMrMailnna, Ik teta, s fil iiiuIk and ullii'f liiUtinialiun, tail fn ol fll A. D, CIIARLTUK, AMiatanl OanviU rswangrr A"iil. Ti Mort Ml Mm SHORT LlNKKy Ml? I company and anotion hooae amount to 7 per cent. On tbe oar bringing $l,4.'3 tbi commission amounted to $101.70, making the total for freight, io and sell ing "i4:i71,the Del return being 8'.M9.2'J. II costi tor boxet aod paokiog 81W per oar of 1)00 orates. Tbi leave S7H1 W a lb net value of the oar of fruit under consideration. There are 21,000 pound of prune in inch car, the value of tbe (roil thai bdiug tbown to be 3 73 oentt per pound, exolusive of all txpeua of packing, ablpping and telling. Tbi make the value of lha produol of ao acre of well loaded pruu tree nearly 11,000. The Vagnltade of the New Eastern Oregon Industry. Rural Spirit. During tbe week of tbe distriot fair beld in the Grand Ronde valley one day, Friday, was set apart as sugar beet or jubilee day. Thousands availed them selves of the opportunity to visit the faotory and get an idea of its works, and through the courtesy of the management they were able to see the process of making sugar from tbe time the beets left the farm in wagons and were re' ceived into the factory at one end of the building until tbey oame out sugar at the other end. Nothing but expressions of satisfaction were heard, both from the men that invested their money in the enterprise aod from the growers of the beets- Owing to tbe conditions that always attend a new enterprise of this kind, where everything has to be learned, and from tbe faot that of onustial bot season, the tonnage was below what was expected, but the richness of the beets was rauob greater than those crown in other parts of the oouotry. Balow we give a few items that will show what a factory of this kind means to any com munity : Tbe faotory aod its accessory buildings oooopy 80 acres of laud, and represents an ao trial cost of (500,000 It grinds 350 tons of beets and turns out 35 tons of beets and turns out 35 tons of refined granulated sugar every 24 hours. Io tbe operation of the plant, it re quire the labor of 100 skilled men, in addition to which there are employed in tbe field iu cultivating and harvesting the beel crop from 1,000 to 2,000 people. Eaoa running season the-f.iotorj con sumes o,000 cords of wood and 2,000 tons of lime. Tbe machinery is all of the very latest aud must improved pattern, and tukei. together with Ihe steel used in con struoting the buildings, weighing ui- ward of $2,500,000 pounds, every pound of which was made in the Uoited S.ates, the produot of American labor. lo and about Ibe buildiugs are pipes of dilT'treut size wbioh, if laid io line. would extend a distance of over 25 mill' To handle tbe orop of bye's tor 100 days run would take 23,333 waiton loads of one and one-hilt ton to the lond, which, it placed in line, would make a oontlnuous string of tug'ir bju ove' 100 mile Uo Tbe amoucl paid annually inlo the band of the people of the Gran I Komle vail 7 for beet supplies and labor, with Ibe preamt oapacity, is over $2)0, 000. The builduitia are built witb a view of doubling lbs oapaclty of the faotory oext teaton, which will double the amoutl pail annually for beet, sou- pile and labor. In the washing aod refining prooen 1.000,000 galloo of water are uaed eicb 24 boitrt. Tbe beet palp, which is damped into the ilo after the join i extracted wi 1 fatten, etOti teaioo, 1,500 grown cattle or 15,000 to 20,000 head of theep. HER POHTIIAIT. The night waB wirm and the porch was wide And the soft wind wafted tho music's tune, And a youth and a maid sat side by side, 'Neuth the witching light of the summer moon. Said (the youth: "There's a maiden I dearly love, She' s as fair as the daybreak, and pure as gold, With a voice as soft as a cooing dove, A mouth like a bud with one leaf unrolled. The gleam of her eyes makes the starlight pale, She's witty aud clever, well read and bred." The maid's cheeks flushed at this glowing tale And "I love you, too," she said. Beatrice Hanscom, in the Noverabar Ladies' Home Journal. NOTICE OF INTENTION. Land Office at LaGbandk, Orkoon, October 17, 1898. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE following named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that suid proof will be made before the County Clerk of Morrow County. Oregon, at Heppner, Oregon, on November 26, 1898, viz: FRANCES MERRILL, of Heppner, Oregon, homestead No. 05:!G, for the NV4 8 W J and 8 K 8 W and N VV y. 8 E Sec. 17Tp3 8, R27 E. W. M. He names the following witnesses to prove nis continuous residence upon and cultivation ot said land, viz: 1). A Herren, CM. Herren, Dan Henshew, William Walbrldge, all of Hepp- uer. uregon, a. w. bakti.ett, 'Jtf-4 Kegistcr, NOTICE OF INTENTION. FB5T TBBIK SEBVICE BfilLR VIA TO THE EAST ii nnni7 toi ' I mux wm KMM 11U11E. Fast Express Leaves DENVER. . . 9:80 p. m. PUEBLO, . . 7 05 p. m. COLO. Sl'HlNOS . . 8:10 i. ni. Arrives 1'OPEKA Arrives K N -Aij CITY Arrives LIN JOLN " O.V1AHA " DKH MOINES " PEOMA " CHICAGO 8:55 p. MX) p. 2:11 p. m. 4:25 p. m. 11:30 p. m. 11 ':) a. m. 8:00 a. in. Throneh Sleepers and Chair Cars Colorado to Chicago. Wide Vestibule throughout. The finest train in the West. Colorado Flyer Leaves DKNVElt " COLO. BPR1NGS Arrives TOl'EKA " KANSAS CITY 2:35 p. m 2:35 p. m. 7:30 a. m. 8:15 a. m. Ar. ST. LOUIS, (Wab,l'y) 9:15 p. m. Arrives ST. JOSEPH 10:40 a. m. Arrives LINCOLN (Ex Sun) 6:45 a. m. OMAHA (Ex Sat ) . 80 a. m. CO. ALUFi 8, . . 8,10 a. m. Through Sleepcre Colorado Springs to St. Louis via Wabash K'y. For particulars and folders giving time of these traius write J. L. DE BEVOISC, E. E. M'LEOD, JNO. SEBASTIAN, PORTLAND, ORE. A. (i. P. A.. TOPEKA. G. P. A.. CHICAGO. NOTICE OF INTENTION. Land Officii at The Dalles, Obf,oon, October, 17, 1HW. NOTICE IS HEREBY RIVEN THAT THE following-named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made be fore Vawter Crawford, County Clerk at Hepp ner, Oregon, on Saturday, Nov. 2ti, 1808, viz: BRUCE HA1NKS, of Eight Mile, homestead application No. 4084 for the 8 W J4 Kec. l.t. I p 8 H, K 24 E. W. M. He names the following wltneKSes to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said laud, viz: John W. Ahtott, Frank Ander son, T. R. Koldnson, of F-ivht Mile, Oregon; L. P. Jones, of Heppner, Oretou, Jay P. Lucas, Register. Notice of Intention. Land Office At Tiif. Dalles, Okkoon, October!, 1H08. NOTICE 13 HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE following-named settler has tiled notice of hts Intention to uiiike HiihI proof In iuo- portof his claim, and that said proof will be made before V. Crawford, County Clerk, at Heppner, Oregon, on Ftidav, Lecember 9, 1SU8, viz: JERRY J. McELLIOOTT, of lone, Homestead Application No. 4HHI, for IheW" BE and EU BWi Hec. 24, Tp. 2 S, R 23 E W M. He names the following wltuCHNcs to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of suid land, viz: Frank Wilson, Jnhu Williams, David II. Urabill and James Nolan, all ol lone, Oregon. wi 7 J.w P. Li cam, Register. Land Office at The Dalles, Oreoon. September 2H, 1898. NOTICE IS HEREBY OIEN THAT THE following-l amed settler has filed notice ol his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made be fore V. Crawford, County Clerk, at Heppner, Oregon, on Friday, November 4, 18!I8, viz: WILLIAM A MORGAN, of lone; homestead application No. 4'tC" for the B'i SWJi Sec 3 and N1, NWH 8ec. 10, Tp 2 S, R 24 E W M. He names the following witness to prove his continuous residence upon and culti vation of sttid land. viz. Oscar J. Williamson, John King, Milton R. Morgan, James M. liamb let, all of lone, Oregon. J. P. LUCAS, 88-100 Register, Notice of Intention. NOTICE OF INTENTION. Land Office at The Dalles, Obeoon, October 2ii, 18iW. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE following-named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, aim that sahl proot win be made before N.J.Male, U. 8. Commissioner, at lone, Oregon, on Saturday, December 10, 1808 v:i: FREDERIC W. BAL.-UGER, of lone, Homestead Application No. 4240, for the lots 1 and 2. Wee 5. Tp 1 8, K 24, E W M. He names tho following witnes-es to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: Oustav (Hock, Edward (ilock, K.d Cluliaud Reuben C. Sperry, all of lone. Ore. gon. tti-7 Jay P. Lucas, Register. Land Office at The Dalles, Oreoon, October Jll. 108. OTK K 18 HEREBY OIVh.N THAT THE followiiiK-iiHuied settler has tiled notice of his intention to make filial proof lu support of his el. inn, and that said proof will be ttmiie oei'ire . irHtvim, roomy i lerK, at Heppner, Oregon, on 1 rl.hiy, liei eniber SI, ls'.m, viz: DAVID II, URABILL, nfloua; Homestead Application No. 12:15 for 1 t 1, ami the 8K4 NE and N', SK' Sec 10, Tp 1 8, R 21 E W M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuum resilience upon and riiltlvatlon of Saul laml.vlz: Frank W Us in, John Williams, Jerry McElllgott aud Joe Woolury, of lone, Ore- UNITED STATES LAND OFFICE. The Dalles, Oreiron. Octobers. 180R. VTOTH'F. 18 HEREBY GIVEN I HAT, TOWN- 1 ship three (3) south of range twenty-one 4 21 east of the Willamette Meridian, Oregon has been surveyed, aud an approved plat ol the snrvev thereof will be filed in (his olhce on the lillh day of November, 1808, at tl o'clock a.m. On and after said day, applications for entry therein win lie received at inisomce. Signed the day and year above written. Jay P. Lik an. Otis Pattpkson, Register. Heciiver Wl-2 :on. W-7 Jay V. Lucas. Regl Hl'ICKKST AND Mt8T DIRECT LINE TO I UTAH, COLOKADO, XE 11RASKA, KANSAS, MIS SOURI RIVER and all Points EASI and SOUTH. EAST.mSSr LOOK AT TIIK TIMK. NEW Y0KK, 4 J days CHICAGO, :ij " ST. LOUIS. OMAHA. IRThKH M I5J SALT LAKE. 1 J Hi n. f Fiee lCfcliiiiim Chair Car I'l'ttidelered Tonriat Hleeping Car 1' oilman 1'Biaoe Hlcrplng Car For full patllrular nnrdins rate, time of train, eld., call on or l Jrrsg J. C. HAItr, Atnl t. It. .1 N. Cn., Ili'i pnrr, Orrgnn CO. Tkiiny, W. K. Con.. Trav. I'm Agt. O.o lAgl. tit Third M., IV'tUnd, Ot. . rev ISi.ii Kninolweo la I nil (-...uit la rulif.-rm. tn Utm ML lUiaMt r'ui .f tit Southern Pncific Co rh trM Kti v Ih -igh l'ltf,irnia ! all I".! tnd ksatih. imnH Dns l. e( i. IV IS, I .mm, l ull kh llirlat suited -fisH rti.f An. I tn.i,r Iriha. niwtff I rnnu, tivavsl ctitii.rtl nn l.(n. M.i.t..r C II WIsaHtM win mna tve In atand on Ihrir Irrt most of the lime work a hatd a any ilur lalxifrr yet (hi-y do not vet what Is tightly rullrdeirtclsc. Clow, con fill in, indoor ih' riipalion git no rthtlimtitui lo Ihe nrivou iyttm not active clrriila- lion to the IiIimmI mrata, tears ami drugs woman' lifr away. Thr hole lhvica ayale ftowa luggih and lofpul undrr II. No wonder ao manv aatra (ills and ficlxv gills and housewlee u- f i finm Indigrmon ami ronMipation and billons Irnublrs No womlrr Ihry ate sub In ! lo Ihe flWasea of the drlicate special oiganlam of their t. The winuirr i tsthrr that thry ran aland it a well as Ihrv do Hut "a t"xif weak nman," as she i letmrd, will endure lirsvrlv and jvilienllv aiirtiirs which a slrKii; man would five way under The (ad is women ate muff psiirni than liter ought lo he under tuck lloitMra'v woman ought to know thai ah mr obtain tke mml eminent ntedual ad vice f'tt i'r lAd't'f and in ahulntt iox- 4rn.t and p'lva.v tv vtilittg to It K V. I'len-e. rhi-( ft.n.olting plusnun of Ihe Invalids' ILiil and Smgiiat InMlliite, of rtiitUU, N Y. (Vmpving this position f,.t lliiilv veara he has hd a wulrt piailiisl eiettrn-e In Ihe tiratmenl of women uWaaea than anv olhrt plivliit In tin roll nit y Ilia nir.llcinrs aie wvl id tanott fut thru a.tonlshing efluwrv. The nl w? (ret temetlv ever dt ised ftit weak and drlirate wum'n t'l I'letT' !. He ttex tlplKm Ilia "..I.W Mrd kal tiiaroverv" I the on', 'etmaarnt ill grslive and nutilrnl Innlr The Iwo mrd itinra taken tllrmalrty, fotm the mewl Ocffrct and Hf"rlii1 euie of tft at nit nl ever teariilirt f H male Itouldr roniidirat'-it wita a aluegiali tvrtrHht, wn) elipalia It ftene' PlraMtit Pilln A Bar Riga of t'roap. Uoarceue ia child tbt i inbjeot to oroup i a or ludiotlon t lb p proaoh ol th Hi tease. If Obambarlai'i' Cough Hemedy n givo a rooo a Ihe child beootne hoare, of even after th oronpy rough bat appeared, It will pre vent the attack. Many mother to bav rronpy obildron alsrat keep I hi remedy,! baud and Ond that it avet Ibeta ruuoh trouble and worry. It oan tlwav t d pet (led Upon and i piepl ant to take. For l ly Umser A YVarreo THC KIO li RNUK W tMlr.K lACUUMUMi TOtHlHl The popular loorisl exonrsion In ad aretwd by the Itio Ofiid Wesleto. omethlnc leat than year ago, are no permanency. This populn-ily n at tested durinii ttia time rut rale pre Vailed. Nightly lliee caia left rortland crowded. The attention ahowu pta g'ra by Ibe roa J actor io ebarg male the trip, Dot ouly oo of pleaanre, bat of eomfort a well. Th main attraction are lb through car eervice, a day iu Ihe M rinno epilal, and m dayligtil n l through lb harl of the ItcVie If delightful ia ummer, how tuiirh Unite sol lb flda al Ihi lime (I Ibe Vear. tiro Ibe peak. Valley aud Cto)on are tinted lib Iti rnel end erliniri of Iheauturuo foliage. N.i h. l'er line of Ihe year than llil lo e Ihe fainon Itockie e all their grandeur, FoOr day week , and each day over a d II - r- ebl line eat if Cdiwado,do II ee eirar- einn lim, Ihu giving th a'sergi f t.ia CUiilo tfloule The t Ii'ar.i in car mu through It drelioalion llboql rhaiige, ,r ((formation In t'e. r nle ele. ai ply Ut J. 1 Mrstlli, g.L.r! arMf, hot Oian U Wrs'.rn rail - ),llj Third lrel, I'orllai d tlngou NOTICE OF INTENTION. Land Oimn at Tint, i)aooi, I ctolMT JO, l-l'N. V'OTH E IU HH!KBY CIVIO THAT THE 1 fullowliig iiniiied si'tlh r hns (lied niKice of his lutcullou lo make final proof In support of his claim, and thai siH primf a ill lie innde lie lure V. Crawford, County CIits ol Morrow county, Ori'non, ni liepimer, lirigou, on Tues day, December A, 'M, viz: KVEM' KK'.ERmOS, of lxltiglon ; homi-alcsil stiplicallon No. DTK for Hie K', NEV. and 8W i, NK and NWV Ofcl, 8ec. 14, Tp I 8. K .11 K. W. H, He names the following wl(nesti to prove Ms cnniluit mis residence upon and cultivation ol said land, vis: Krnest l lMr, ol Lexhigttin, titi-Kou: B. K. 8m aggart and Kolx-rt luriu-r. of Heppner, Oregon; J. It. I'lper, of Milton, Ore gon J. I'. I.ri , VI) Kealsier. (VotC'9 of Intention. Land Oi iii at La (laiM-r, Oksooh, ih o.lM-r l'i. I"h VOTIi'R w nrKF.nv IIIVKS IHAT IHF. ll following num. -I sioi,.r ha filed nolli of hts liili'iitlmi to inak niml priNtf in supiHirt ol his claim, and that ld prs( "III he made Iwfore Ihe Comity lerk ol Morrow coiinly, Oregon, at lleppm-r, Oiegoii, mi DeceuiUer I '., vl: jam a. peak-ion. of Ourdsne, On-g-Mi. hioic.t(., So. eim, for Ihe ii, .' ami . n 1 ,a aud ,y N . II TP i n, H .- r. Hens'iiisi Ihe lollnoltit Hiie.M-s lo prove his ro'tiimnus rialleiire iiniii and cnlllvufloii .I uid land, vl Ml IIik'hs and A. J ('(, it Heppner. Oregon: Uill. Hlalt and A. W Norton, ol tiotdaoe, Ori'S"i. K, W. BAKTt FIT, n& Ib-gUler. NOTICE OF ISTENTIOX. PUB LIC LASD SALE. Unitkd stats Land Omm, The Dalles. Or . Oct. .V IW. XTOTICE IS HEREBY (ilVKS THAT IS 11 pursuance of Instructions from the com in'.saloner ol the general land olllce, unite authority vested In him by section JI.V l ulled tttatca Kevlsiil Hlatute sa amended by the act of congress approved February 2, lw.l.i. e will priH-eed to oiler at public sale on the 17th day of .Novetntier. next, at mo clock a. m. at this oluce the followlm tract of land, to-wlt: The N E la 8 K V boo Jl, 1 p I 8, K 2i E W M, containing io acres. Any and all persons claiming adversely the ahove-dcscrlhed lauds ate advlsi-d lo file their claims lu this olhYe on or liefore thedayabov designated for the commencement of said sale otherwise their Hum will he forfeited JaY P. Micas, Otis rATTsasoH, fs)-l Hegisler. Ke elver, .h.,..l.l l eilitrw 1H i . i..iili v Ukra -n gti it ih, o ri a r t m Pm ' os, .it. i,-i,,iH-r ... i" oTH K H iircr.itr oiks iiii the llu, a .,if ttm--t EOi r lias litwl noil of his Int. -nil. ,n to make "l pr of m s ipiutrt of hisi Ul'ii, ',-! tltnt .nid er.Htl Kill l n,,le 1-1. ,f V C' lord. 1 . t if I k. l lli l-piier (in-goii. nu aaiurday l -ceui,-r in, l. u; I'AIKII K tlrppner. HnniMln.l P! 'ration o t"!. t'r 'tie I', i, aid V, ft. ., ?t, IpJNkJSfcWM He oa-tos lUr f,;i,4pis attiif-aM-s lo pro fits r' it m. ins reat len, -p lit.'- ! ritlfitsMiiii ol said ta el. It I lis v an tnhle, iohti a,,.f. Id in, Jamraiart; and J.'lm I atlr. ad ol II. - te r . I irt.,'11. 7 I tv r. i i i s, H'tmrr ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE BO YEARS' - ; EXPERIENCE. jy-Wa'J's '"' 'l "' is mm TRADE MARKS, DESIGNS, COPVRICHTS Ac. Anrone sendlncr a sketch and descrintion mav quickly ascertain, free, whether an invention Is promiuiy paieiiT.aoie. i.'Omniuuicallons Btrtcuy confidential. Oldest aireiicy for securing patent in America. We have a Washington office. Patents taken tlirouuh Munn Jk ti. ranalvA special notice lu tha SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN. beautifully Illustrated, lanrost circulation of ny scleiitltlo lourual, weekly, terms 3.K) a year; 1.50 six months. Specimen copies and 11AMO ooit ON Patents sent free. Addresi MUNN & CO., 301 Broadway, New York. H W. Fall, PROPRIETOR Of th3 Old Reliable Gault House, CHICAGO, ILL.. Half block west of the Union Depot of C. B. & M. it . P., O. di A , P. Ft. W. & C, C. and the C. & P. Kallroads. 8t. L. HA.TICH KU.OO II5H 13 AY Cor. W. Madison and Clinton Bta., CXXXGJLO-O. IXjXu PUBLIC LAND SALE. I'NiTrn Statks I.ano )rric at T'l Dali.ih, Oregon, m -toner 'jo. IW'.W V OIK E H h KKKHY'KS THATIS I IIR i' stiance of liii.trnctloiis from the commis sioner of Ihe Kei eral land otlb e, under author ity vested in him by section. 24' V I idled Slate Kevlsed Klatutes, as amended by Ihe act of con. gress approved February llf.i.'i, we will pro ceed to oiler at public sale on the nth day of December, next, at lu o'clock a. m., st this olllce, the following tract of land, to-wlt: NE NEt Sec l'J, Tp 3 8, K K. W. M .containing 40 acres Any and all iiersons rlslmlng adversely the aliove-diserilied lands are advised lo file their claims lu this otlb e on or before the day above designated for tbe commencement of said sale otherwise their rights will lie forfeited. JAY P I.ri'AM, Keglster. 91-5 OTIrf PaH EKHOP, Receiver. IN THE COrSTY COI'RT OF TIIF. STATE 1 of Oregon, for Ihe County of Morrow. In the matter of Ihe guardianship of Walter M. I hsiiss, a minor. Order to show pause on application of Guardian lor order ol sale or real camle It opiM-arlna- t tins court from the petition this ilny pr-.entcd and tiled by H K Moore. Ibe loardtati of Ihe ealate til waller M. t imnks. nilmir. liravllie lor an order of sa ol i'.rfatn real estate bcloiiKliif to aald a anl, and In order lo supiNirt and innliitalii aald minor II Is neces sary thai stieli real rstale should be sold: It Is h rel.y unlrri-d Ihat the next of kin of the -aid Kald and all M-iaons Interested In the said estate, apia-ar la'lor this court on lard nee- day. Ihr Huh day of Niivvnita-r. A. I'. )', at In o rlia-k a. in , al Ihe e iurt room of this court, al Ibe i-oiift booae In lleppuer, In the county of Murrow, and slate of Oreaoii, then and there to ahnw rsnae hr an order shouhl not las granted lor tbe sale of sorh raal estate, de- ,Tlld III said petllt.ill ss folloas HeKluuIng In Ih middle of the l.oi-klainiite rtter ' U i-hsiiis north and l clialns east of sotitha-eat comrr of Havflandi haintwr. a L claim No 40 III loxnslilii o until rank' Sr.l of Willa mette meridian, thence south s7', degrees, 17 fri ctislns, Ihence north oue chain east 4 rlialna, M.r'h HI lisi chains, weal .I.T'i rhains norlh 4 chali'S. east alone Ibe hank of l,iirktainiite rt'rr A 7J rhalna. Ihence north ilntna. ea-l x .i rlialna, south s.1 rtegrera, west a rhalna. aonih ili'KMsi, wit 4 II i hslna, .ttih d.-sre.'a. et to t.lare of Ivtflriume, containing I : si ai res olUnd more or leas, knowu as the KneViie H'iuiIiis Mill property. nd it i further ordeie.l ihsl a ropy of Ibis order I ,tihii.hrl as risulrl br la In the llei'i-'ti-r mjeite, a nrast-ar puhli.rtr.1 aetto e.,k!y Hi He) pner. III Vloiro touiiiy, state of lii.-"ii. li.l.d this 1st day of (Molar. A l I" A. U. BAKl Hul mi .'. 9: i tomily Judge. ADMlSlsTHAToll'M SHE OF heal ikorEinv. Timber Culture, Final Proof. I'MTsn statu Lakh Orru , 1 he Iia les, Or., Oct. 'H, IM. NOTICE Irt BEKtHY tilVES THAT AR tliur Stephens, of tlardman, has tiled notice of Inteiilloii to make final pronl before V. Crawford, County ( lerk. at his office 111 Heppner, Ormoti, on Saturday, the loth day of December. Ih . on timber culture application No. .1.' d, for the W 4 .N W V. and W U h , of sett tiou No. 17, lu Tp No. IS, k No. iS K W . M. He nsmii as witnesees: Charles AshlMiish, J. V. Morebind and Siaulard Howell, of Hardman, and Kred Asbbaugh.of Heppner, or. W-7 Jay I'. LfiA, Ri-glster. Timber Culture '-Final Proof. I'mTfli aT4Ts IlMilllllrl. I n'lrainle. nr . ix l 4. I"- NOTICE l liritKIIV ,IVEN THAT CLYDE C. haling, of Heppner. or , has tiled mil lie of futeiiilo i io make tltial proof tnOore Ibe County I ! rk of Morrow l oiiuly at his office In Heppner, Oregon, n Friday the l"th day of November p ", mi timber niltore application So .'t, for Ibe H W i, W F. h w and N W i, a U i, rtv. 1 w p a, ft r. k W M . He nanie as ltl)ea W. (I. MiCarty, James i. entry, hola'rt Morgan. M J. lie v In, all of tl; piier. oiegoii. K. W. BaTi.TT. u I Kreistcr. N' f lnraie .,e Ho.ltnk I a... rets, V t ' a'?iMlc, rure .nat t reA Notice of Intent on. I.aso Oven At Li.n. (., IS l.,l-f S trrU'E I itrHrrtT ntN mar 1 1 r n toe to t i, ,i-o-l .",, I I. i II, p ul hi. tilnilo-i I n a ,.i if.-.l ,i ,; 1'I' nl J blarlaint and thai aald -. al'.l las e..a laa. i fore lha County 4 les t.l U r,. r-ointy. Ora e, at Hepi'to r, OfeaMii. mi t s irm. 4 IS ItVI l ic tir of tiuMsne, Or. e,.n( h.,-o .1, a I No l t-t tbe bo. and 1 an I a , S H, I te . h r. II Mi'is tl , tloaiue alto.aa.-a Lifims kl. Hil'Oi-'is rail atet ruliitatlon ol aald land. Wi Mai II i( , as an-l A I (.... '( l'' f. I'd ,, n A I . aia aud A W Voi -I . : -f ' t W t" I : i Notice of Intention. l.m t Orro a at I.Ai4b. Oksuon, I Ttola-r I J. Iat, OTU K H liri'.FIlY CIVKS I IAT 1 ' B fo Una toe named eetil.r has filed not lea of hi. liil.-ntioll I i rnaka final priad In lipMrt of bis i latin, and thai aald ) n.f will I made before Ihe I oontj ci.ok of Morrow Ciainty, or rgou. al Id ppn, r. i'fei-..u, on Oct. i., ia, ; J'HIM w. tcorr, of Fi Im. Orifon. hmnaataad So. Alls, for Ih N , 1 1. I p I N K. .a h W M. Me na'ne the (,,'i,wiug vtlriera to prove bis roiiilnuoiis titaifi and rttltlyallon of said la d. til, lAllllain Cnhk III, of Nye; Fran Hrppiirr. Jimrt M, n ro ller ami iiiant H il i. an. i, tioih nl Ki Im, ore- "i .. w. aatit. f.'-l l-eglster. In the mailer of Ibe eats' of Jacob Johnson, .--,a i ,cti-e la herel.y in I hat undrr an-1 by . I rl ii .f at. ..rit.-r i.l ula ...autartv Isa.iaNl full J o( tha county rourt ol Ihe ataie of (lo son lof j i.l 1 1 la m ounly. ordering Ihe sale of Ina teal I .r.ia-rty o aald ratal.. I ll onaalnr l.t iiHi..-i...l ai the hour i.l J o i ha k p ia ( aai I day sell alputillr a'i'H"'i to II, 1,1,1, eal lud-l. r fori aaiilil fiait-l . siihi. I lo rotiflrmatlull ht sai l r-i uit. all lha flfhl.ll'le and lnlrr4 II al Mi l ,1 - ead ha. at tha time nl hi. dram, and ad iitrn-.i of his rai.ia .Mill May have lern S'l'a-!' ant! f .-'I'llfad, In ed lo thr lol- im, ,.m i i real .i uily suuatid la Mr roa I . ill. I , ll,ri.n, Is a It Th S w '. arr. a. and In4 Sn 1 and the K K I X iH 7. and I.e. I ami A. anil I llir a y ol W , S id k a of S l,s( ar j a. a, i l ip . aon i l II a rr . ra.l , I !'.. It 1 a W . la TP 4. Sim i f aai i prop- r'v ill I I l H K 4 li .!:,,(. UT1VE t)F iMFSTlOS. l as Oirn at Th 1u dasuna. la ai m orb k h nrp.fHV .tt,K iinr hk . . I.. I r i.. i , arllnr baa fue l tiollre ol ln ttilrtitt.MI to eiafe Rnal t.rrhtif In tnpiairt of I la t laiin, and that aald proof will !a ii.a-la l-.,ra 4 . l iaa f-.r-l I out,!, I lark, al II. fpner. On ou. on Wr.'.ura.!y, Os-rmhef J. a,n, lr jK-n il II t. MVriUof Letlmion. H li,..lrad ai ( Healing , 47 (or th fl ar. H, tp I . K . M-i . -iaa a .. ,,! , wtliuraata to p-oi M. (-.iiiitnituu. ft., ti, re upon ae-i r n'tt. allou of aald land. !, t I' P'laa.j I. lit 'asm., ni II. I I " ' lirr..-i. in l hnni .. a-aiib'.y ant k. , l .f ol U. ' I.ra- u I I f I r l grVlrtsaj f. v t . r t:sni ( t't4 r- rfl" Wl SyiSaV' Vsr 4 1 1 e-tv