FAIR T HE PLACE Our Guarantee Money Returned If Goods ARE NOT SATISFACTORY. To Save Money Nobby Stylish Cut Neat Fitting Tailor Made Tweeds Cheviots Diagonals Clay Worsted We arroLixt Every txlt WW Tlio Choicest irntterns oriel Very Best Fabrics COATS 'lit i$$m OUR PRICES Pepper and Salt Cotton Suits never wear out $ All Wool Worsted Suits .... Imported Clay Worsted Suits extra heavy All Wool Tricot Suits best value made All Wool Tweed elegant satin lined 3-33 6.48 9.48 8.S8 1 1.65 These suits are positively very stylish and equal to high priced tailor-made suits. Call and satisfy yourself by making comparison. Fine Dress Coats Ulsters Canvass Coats water proof Heavy Chinchilla elegantly made and lined Mackintoshes in various colors and weights HATS STYLISH DERBYS FINE FEDORAS STOCK MEN'S HATS Felt and Wool Positively the best goods at the cheapest prices on the market f-V J & MfcM 11 A "I ii, How Thankful Pain Was Maddening and Hope Had Been A.foandonod Wonder ful Results of Purifying the Elood. " A very severe pain came in my left inee, which grew worse and worse, and finally a sore broke out above the knee. It discharged a great deal and the pain from my thigh down was maddening. Large, hard, purple spots appeared on my leg. I suffered in this way for years, and gave up all hope ol ever being cured. My wife was reading of a case like mine cured by Hood's Sarsaparilla, and Bbe advised me to try it. I began taking it and when I bad used a few boltlca I found relief from my suffering. Oh, bow thankful I am for this relief 1 I am stronger than I have ever been in my life. I am in the best of health, have a good appetite and am a now man altogether." J. P. Moors, Lisbon Fails, Maine. Sarsa pariKa Is the bet-ln fact the One True Blood Purifier. 00 el's Hood's Pills cure all liver Ills. M cents, 6 t 6 6 1 WATCH THIS SPACE! -$3.00- In It If you catch on. $3 givon away for th bast score t!iia week at the) Mic Sliootin! Gallery S -SCORE TO DATE Highest possible score 120. l'rlzea Win, Brown wins with a ticore of 110 ladles' prizes: Mrs. Perry Bnj iter 1st 1 Red, White and Blue llfjhta la front. 3j MKTH. EP1SC. CHURCH, urnvinis. Bands? lit. m. mot 7 p. ro. BnntUy school 10 a. m. Clu-toa N". 1 and U at 12:10 p. m. Ki'worth lKi.e Devotional meeting at 7 p. m. I'mor merlin,, '1 li .irnlny, 7 p. m. ''I'll H pi KIT i! the brnli my. Com" The il'T nmy lx found at tile iwnwitiRir ad joining tlio churi-h, wlMrs Ii will le kIhiI U mont any w o mny tl iro to couenlt Mm on reluriou. notinl, civic, philosophic, educational, er any otlir uhiet. J. W. FLKHiitlt. MiuiKtar. CHRISTIAN CHURCH. Bervlcd Mch Pumlajf at 11:00 oVInrk a. m. and 7:M) p. m. Prayer meeting ThnmiUy even I lit 7:U1. Choir pracllco ratimlay evening at the ehunli. K, L miiu.i. l'mtor. The Ulln' flulM of the Kpinoopnl ehiireh Will nici'I lit 8 o'clock, p. m., n tin' llrnt w 1iii-.Uy ol ecu uuintli, at the horn ol Mra. T. J. Mllrk Local Notes. Clioice fruit at Tbe Maine. M. Lirhtetitbal k Co. for ahoe. 1 Frabovitpra altbtCtody Factory, For choice confectionary go to Tlx M aioe. Bny yonr tobroot of Geo. O. Kome.et The Mams. Where ran yon test your merk'mso sbtp? At The Maine. Where eao n bny tbe beat clr 00 tarth? At The Mxina. Wb.d i Hop (JolilT Ufal mT po tartti. Ne a.1. (alifre. Y-in cn't a!T.r I to be a-ilboot a mom brbiplii the n library. Tbe Willoar crerk bfids within the city limiK, te now eomplvte. Tbeliitpr warfb'niM bae ao nnlin.it 1 aor ft aed ry fC eal. h3 l'u Liohti-ljlbal A Co. for ihHa. Firlnaife b flora liaoillfi tbe U-at. Kl:f E. (1. Hparry, if !. out f our prraotil couto:lnipn, ii tn ln Coorl tbia k. Marion U"tiol atid It b Lmlin WadoHiliy ib frrlit for tbe L'n Crrek forinli r- Tbe Utile i nmtilba ol 1 t-.y tf J-rry rtilli.l livioaf bulnw IxIickI'O dlJ Wd0Niiy til til. tVn ihk V . all flbt 1-nt l.Til- Dr, J. W, Voiel, Rpeoiaimt fur refrao- tion and deftots of tbe eye, will be hsre every tbroo mouths. C'iS-lyr Painless teraa.iy fur extriiotiDg teeth. If not s Htiitm!, uo cbar;i!8. Try Dr. VfMikrhiin'a new p'an. 60'1-tf. If you need something for yonr system oall at tbe 'Phone The Telephone sa loon, Oity hotel building. tf Best Booomriioi:ttion and oourteous treatment itt the ImppriHl Hotel, Seventh aod Wph. Stu., Portland. OrPinon. A AbruuttBibioh ia slrictiy in the Jead with liis tnilo' made pnita. No ohnnrep tukeu hs rritardM fjf, afyle and tt iisb. Kiifi?! Ti rn is, the heepoinn, has re turned with hiR sheep from IIh nioun tuins, and is enjiyi'ig visit In town. brinu your hides, polts and furs to Ben, Mm hews, :t the Liberty Ment Market. He pBys bisheBt market prioe. 619-tf. A beautiful reiileno is well under coiistruotioc, on Cbae street, by W'm. Ayem, fulpoent to tbe pretty home o( Geo. Wtlls. John McCarty has returned from a aoveu-taoDths thfep-oamp rxperionce in (he m ntitiiiufl, ucil is gla.j to reach civilization airaiu. A. M.Gunu may be seen atf&iu ham merinif iron 8t Lis old stand on west M iin s r'et at'tr on ubsetioe from tbe oity of three years. tf O. T. Douglas, formerly a resident of Donglas, is bre as a witm s in a cse of Ewinrf vh. Iihea, n')w ocoapyiug the attention ot thecourt. A flue line of cutlery jtist received at P. C. Tbompsou & Co. 'a, including sois- sota, shears and hu e!eant asKortment of 3-pieo oarvin setp. Kev. J. W. Fleaber will preweb next Huuilay tnornioti on "Christ, Our Pass oyer." In tbe evening short lectures on fIrnos, the oor' elation nuiting. He not deceivedl A couch, hoaranfts or croup are Dot to he trifled with. A dose iu time of hiloh's Cure will save yon much trouble. Sold by Couser & Varren, y Dyspepsia cored. Shiloh's Vitalizer immediately relieves sour stomaub, com ing up of food distress, and ia tbe great kidney and liver remedy. Hold by Ctin eer & Warreu. y Cure tbht conich itb Hhilnh'e Cure. Tbe beit oongb on re. Kilirvi-s eroup promptly. One million buttles sold last year. 4J doses for 2'cts. Hold by Coo eer 4 Warren. v Flucg Ls oarer of tbe well known Chinese lanndry, litis mnvtd his tanndry to corner of Alkali ard Water streeta and is now iu slmpe to do good wathing al cbesp rule. 2 Call at lbs Candy Fuolory whet yon wants good cup tf Lot o fTc, coon or rhocolate. Fi'h otitrrs Iu any a; vie. Hoi aod eold luuchei). Try cue of oor oyator coctail'e. tf Ladies, tnke the best, It you are troubled aitb cnnitipation, aallow skin. and a tired fee-ling, take Karl's Clover Tea, it ia plrasar.t It take. HolJ by Cooeer k VVarreu, v Karl's Clover lt-H,l Tea ia a pleasan1 lai alive. liegiilatee tbe tniwels, tianflea tbe blood. Clean tbe t ompVtion. Kaay to make ai.d pleasant to take. 23cl Hold by Oousf r k Warren. v W, 1'. Snyder, the livery stable pro pri'lor, bnt otily thbalbay and grain Lare eorrals and BCOomtO'idatiooe for freigbtere. Utckaau.l buggies furnished leanooable. ritui k H e ired for. tf "lathe Dioruing ly tie b.iiiht light," In tbe evening ut the "Redlighl," where Jobo Kuemus oontinues to dole to bin patrons those sparkling beverages, which "bullish molanohuly and drive dull oare away." Drop in; warmth greets you these fall and winter evenings. Weloome to the services at M. E. church, South. Communion oext San day at 11. m. Revival begins to con tinue on and 00. Hot shot and lively singing will characterize tbe meetirjg. Tbe new song book is unexcelled. Strangers cordially invited. Fred St Olair, pastor. FraDk P. MoDoVitt, who has recently dispoeiid of the Bandou Recorder, of Coos county, arrived in Heppner on this morning's train, in search ot a desirable location. We hve been associated with Mr. MoDevitt in the Drintinf hneintms aod tender bim a oordial weloome to oor prosperous community. Mike Roberts, at the Belvedere, hav iug remodeled tbe popular old-time oor uer, extends to tbe public a oordial wel oome. The beverages be dispenses will be kept up to tbe highest standard, and tbe enlargement and oemfortuble equipment of his billiar i parlors and club-rooma are a drawing feature. 92-tf John Li lew, of John Day, oame to town Wednesday with bis daughter, who is euroute for a Willamette valley nuivereity. Mr. Luoe reports having met a uumber of Indians while oomiui in, who were noxiously inquiring the woereaoouis ui me Indiana tbht ware reported killed iu that section. Em ployed by Mr. Luoe is the sister of Qo Cutiiug, tbe yooug mao killed by tbe Iudiaoa. Upon ber return from bis funeral, she reported but one lodiiio killed end ooe shot iu the foot. Last oight was a lively ooe at Jimuiie Hart's. His "pulnoa of sweets." which bus beeo remodeled au.i elaborately pa pered, was thronged with eng-ir p itrooi, who were served with oysters 10 evry style. O. D Ratioie, the allrouul, affa ble genius, ss "chief ot the raoire," woo tor himself reoiguition in serving tbe bivalves, biou lusnros tbe venture a Qoaocial sucoess. I'aa roasts, pepper masts, oyster loafs, fries, stews, cock tails, etc., will be served ewcii uigbt dui ing thi winter seasoo in tbe bigbent style ot the art. Una oall brings an other. . ' Hlryels Stolen. Saturday night, as usual, R:tlpb Swio borne left bis bieyoie Iu the bllwy ot tbe lower briok, aod upon looking for it the oext moroiog was surprised to tlud it B'ine. S'lppoaiog siiiu'x neighbor livd borrowed it, be C included they would re turo it. and gave it no further thought until Monday uinroiug, wbeo be beg;io aoiuqairy, Mr. Kiohardson, tbe oyolnry roan, at ones susploioued stranger who made bis appearaoce io tbe towo a few days prtviouii, riding adilapidated wheel which he ban repaired ai.d sold at a shc ritice to Win. Heed. The telephone liae was brought into play and the thief overhauled at Lone Rock, wbere be had already sold the wheel. 1 lie atlllioritie took bun In charge, and Geo. Gray re tarued with bits Isnt Oigbt. Personal. Dr. W. F. White, of lone, was iu the city, Geo. 8. Crane, of lone, came up Wednesday. RobtKllburn haB returned from the moun tains. J. W. White, of Lexington, was iu town Wed nesday. C. H. Keithley, of Hardmau, was in on court business. C. C. Boone, Ione's constable, was a visitor In Heppner this week. J. 8. Boothby, of Lexington, was In town during session of court. Daniel Rice, of Hardman, was registered at the Palace Wednesday. J. F. Willis, of Lexington, was attracted to town by the session of court and othei business, Ted Williams, Tom (iillflllon, Barney, Jinimie and Pat Dougherty spent Wednesday night in Heppner. Mr. and Mra. W. C. Laeey left last night for a few months visit in the Willamette and Rogue Hlver valleys. OraE. Adklna left for Portland on Friday night's train, where he will attend the business college for the winter. John MoFee, now a resident of Willamette valley, returned here this week Intending to remain during the winter. vi. Bwlck accompanied by his wife and daughter, of Cmiyon City, registered at the Palace Tuesday night en route' to the me tropolls. Mr. B. C. Wlndom and wife of Brownsville, are enjoying a visit at the home of their Mrs. Wm Hnley at Sand Hollow. Mr. Wlndom thinks very lavorable of the opportunities allorued In tasteru Oregon for money making Mrs. Tom Matlock and her sister, Mrs. Fietch er, have gone to Eugene for a visit, their former home. Mrs. Fletcher loll there a young girl, and, marrying In this country, 1ms a family of eleven children and during all these years has never had an opportunity to visit the old home until now. UER LOVER DEAD. Ao cntct ir cuuttr ruaotiEDiNUij. HKNUV bl.A(kWH,L KiTl'HNa. Came Oat t'nip Isf I Ins a tr"d of that iilard to beai. 11 yee' old tfm.'e The ilorrow Coimty Lund Trost company lava deride. to go ioto the heat hu) wig bnslooe etUtiaively this fall, aod it la important that groer 10 trviw them b-tore dp iuig i f their eropa. Whir eat " gt s t frh and b"t eop "f pore iava an I Mopie ooffe f.,r 60T At li e Maine. Opeo day and niht. AUo, batn saodwirb, iioarler 1 . ... 1 . 1. or a pieiriome miiin pin m ca (Lome inde). 5?; tt b oU egga, fx); clueae, erai kvrt an t I Hu b giHiil. I 1 llna'i.ti, fnftneily editor of the Crook C m il i m ii4l,n i f pr-aeidiiig j ao aci'i.i,t innrli ennjuriy, is meet j Uawaua lly Tbrrs Werka Miare lieory Black well, of Img Creek, well knowo throughoot this oiuntry, was registered at the Palace hotel the first of the week, aod 10 meeting aod inter viewing tbe gentleman fomud him verv iiiiiob alive, notwithstanding the reports t the 0 'titrary eironlale.l aoroe time since that be baj died ia an Alaaka tins piUI. Mr. liletkwell brought William Kudioaaoii out with him abmt three weeka einoe, but hal bneiiieaa 10 M'lO tana whirb bae delayed hiaretqro bnma. Me Poiiflfins the report that bim II and liodio smote led In gt'ii;g tneir band if lfj natlle through itb a loe of only two, wbiob fell violim to a poianooos -d no the furlh.-r ai.U of tha paaa. Their et.irii wm earned n.iao lh river by mne of raft, and while tioiu-r'iis ' rh ee cal's'' were eipe'ienoed, f irtqie tia with tliem aid 111" fellows who were sorely io oetd of l-ef at the oilier end. Mr. I'.iau k"el iiiaiets III-. I bile otue toen will fuak their forlniiaa Io Ilia etii.lr, ih m wiihi.nt meai s have srareely gh't of a rbanee. A d it is aa-r o n pr-dileio Willi lnm aa to bow tiv will survive Hie winter. In c oal 'eeM.n of Ma eiwafil trip To date the folluwitig cases have been disposed of: Tbe jury in the cusii of B lie Knowltoo vs. E. L. Matlock, biought io a verdict Id favor ol tbe defendant. C. E. Red deld appeared for the plaintiff and G, W. Phelps for tbe defendant. The jury wai M. P. Fuq'M, Dun Potter, Frauk Akers, VV. A Ferguson, W J. Emery, J M. White. Reuhcu Allen, John Hushes. J. C. Keithly, Albert A. Willis, Thomas Gilfilliu and J. W. Mnrlatt. Io the case of W. B. Eit)g against 0. A. Rhea and liattie Ceoil, tried 00 Wedoosdsy, the jnry, composed of Frank Akers, Reuben Allen, J. O. Keithly, Dun Potter, W.J. Emery, J M. White, Jas. Hams, C. N. Peck and W. A. Fergusoo, brought io a veidiot in favor of tbe defendants. Gnrley &. Dobyoi for plaiutif ; C. E. Redlleld (or defendants. Io order to get a jury to try tbe case ot W. B. Ewiog va. 0. A. Uhea, a speoitl veuir was ordered by tbsoout eu I Qoul lyajury was secured, composed of the following : W. P. Hnyder, G. W. Tbomp sou, John MoFerrm, A. K. Binos, L tl. Jonw, Ji. O. SmiMct. H. P. Florence, J. It Miuioua, C. A. J bnsou aod T. W. Ayere. Io Bono vs. B sin, a decree of divorce was graded 11 r d cu-li cly i,f (he ohildreo given Ibe falber. Allen ve. Allen, decree in accordance with praer ot complaint. The grand jury, composed of Julma Keithley, foremaii; r.liuer Bainao, ,I.F. Willis, Frauk Audersoo, Geo, Pieraon and D. Ii. Jenkins, ate now considering Ibe cane of MoGoimgle brothers, which, owing to delay In getting witnesses, It pnltirig them to Iroulne. The rase of II e )iuiig roan retoroed hem last night frmn Lone Kh k for siealiug a hir)( l will 0 rne op this afteroiMio. Alaska Romance in Which ao Astoria Girl Figured. Portland Telegram. ' . Miss Josephine MiUlin, of Astoria, Or., a pretty, blaok-eyed young lady, ia in Alaska. She oame to Alaska to become tbe wife of ber sweetheart, the Skagway Alaskan reports, and arrived here to learn for the first time that he bad been the victim of a blast on tbe railroad near Rocky Point aod that his mutilated body lay buried in a rough grave 00 tbe hillside. Her sweetheart was Arthur Halan Hallam, grandson of Arthur Henry Hallam, whose death inspired the beautiful poem, "Iu Memorials,' written by England's beloved poet lau reate, Tennyson. . A year ago lust May a yonna man named Hallam went to Astoria and met for the first time a young lady named Josephine Matlin. It seemed to be a case of love at first sight. After a short acquaintance they became engaged, aod both were of tbe firm belief that each was the other's entity, so firm were they in theiroompanioosbip. During the fol lowing winter the yonug man announced his desire to set tbe wedding day for Christmas, and the young lady rendilv assented, but was obdurate wbeu he ex plained that be was ai.xious to be mar ried at that time, because he believed that be oould make bis fortune it be came north in April ot the following spring. The young lady declared that she would not permit him to leave ber at Ibe end of a few months' honeymoon and said she would never consent to let bim leave her for a long period nntil tbey bud beeo married at least three or four years. Thu tbey talked the matter over, and It was finally decided that it would be wise to postpone the ceremony uutil be had gooe to Dnwsoo aod ascertained what be could do f 01 himself. The yonug man left Astoria in May and went to Wrangle, thinking the Klondike oould be reaohed by that route. In this he was disappointed, and, being strunded, be came to Skagway. His funds ran low and bo scoured work on tbe railroad. A few weeks ago he was killed by a blast, aa above reported. Howling Hreords. The following is the standing of tbe bowlers io tbe gold medal oontest now 00 at Riobardsoo's bowliog alley: (lame Name, Jaa. Hart klliert Laland Clyde Klilgway Mac KiihIi Kulpli Hwliilmrn. .. Curtln Khea John Vanillin Waller (lllllam ... Hep HIhi kuiHii Ioii1h HlKbeu ..... Martin Anderson ., Jaek lioruer Elh'trt Lalaud fur w itb f0 Played. 2 :i ... zt ... .'JO ....2 ... M ....IH .....PI ....III , . . :n I-. ... 1:1 Average. ii'i ill :u.ir W. 27.4 2ll.ll 2I1.S 214 lfti.2 2H ll.H holds tbe reoord thus for the highest individual score iu tbe tournament. Tbe prizes tor tbe highest snores dining tbe month of October wore woo by Mrs. J. D. Brown with 31 and Walter Gilliam with 01. FOLK PAY ONLY. Eh;:. f4 , t. - l 'I .i I. " rm -ev (- r- 8, 4l he few's lhathbs hi ehara nfKlori !iigiths I fiei-ia iofif rrirotunolty. i dik gl I a-if l Ifflioel tt leave Ibe formate ei.o lir'i to 1 foe .' who will slly earn It . ...... ...... 1 Th bright pro'pMMa he fit d on hi ;iir, ii", ib " a "".! y, - i n am' . WIN will nndonbtsdiy j,; -it lilt.r 1 'i t !.( 1 . I rvotst ill it 14 t?.U w imm tipm. Mra. Or. tUnurife II iraaey Ieavea for Monument Monday, and 00 Tncailay at 2 p. m. will deliver a lecture to ladies only. Mm will remain In Moo omenl oue week. On Mooday, Nov. Ittb, she will deliver a lentura at ling Creek, remaining there one week, aod from there to J dm D.y for no t week; thence to Cioy in City for the tame length of liroH. I l,e d .elor'a sur-eess io this section of thi r niiiy has woo the gratitude of mail) i f nnr m mt liifinential cilixiis, aod her mei'iirinea are gaining a widespread repn'ation fo their efn."len. ey. Tha docior'a a Ivine ie graf iiilua, enleaeeetbat hIlli (he skill ot tnany prominent (hyaioiais yield readily to tb remedies ab off rs. Her Mission Ibrongb'tiit Faalero Oregon will he the relief of sofftif g l,ti"iailty, aod lii ef doing will ea-n the ev. rivaling support an 1 gratitude of er.'-h r onmnully. Her lectors will lie m ot li,t-fetlog and of fttal Imp-ir Ui c to woinn Io general. Di not overlook l er vie I tnd nwihly a.l.Jiej'tc,j-j. Novemlx r I lib, 2ih, lllta and Mid. The German Hpeoialista, from Port land, Oregon, will be in Heppner, at tbe Palace hotel, and will reloro 000s a month, If yoo hove chronic catarrh, consulta tion is free of charge, Do you blow mnous from the nose? Are you tronbled with bleeding ot tbe nose ? Ar tbe Doatrila ohstrnoted, making breathing diftloiillf Are yoq boars at tiroes? It tbe moo us dropplog dowo from the back of nose Into the throat? It yonr note stopped op? I yonr bearing a footed? Is your throat tore at time? I) i you spit a good deal wbeo rising Io the morning? Do you hem and hak to clear yonr throat? Cult'ru la a daogerou dlseaae, which leadt ioto conauinptloo. Weak eM cured j croeeeyet ttatiooed wlllioiit rutting the rord. Ca'sra-'i removed wit'v.ot a knife; ftaaea titled wl.er (.there have failed ; rnptore and broia eiired wllboot opera-tn-0. Chron'o theiirattim and kldoey troibles a apenislty. Do ot fil o see tb Garmao HpecUl l. A friendly talk will ot you noth ing. nd ia le-nnd In reeijll In 1 ftitt Ul 11 in in f on, Splenetio Fever Io Klamath County. Tbe following artiole was banded to tbe Klamath Falls Express by J. F. Ad ams, deputy stock inspector: The quarantine Hoe established by tbe United States department of egrioulture, January 15, 1898, divided the state ot California, leaving the northern part ot that state above Ibe line. Owing to tbe extensive drouth in California this year tha department was asked to remove tbe restrictions, which was doneMaroh 25th, plaolng the whole state below the quar antine line, and inspeotors ot tbe bureau of animal industry, department ot agri culture, were stationed at various points within Califoroia to iuspeot oattle for in terstate trade California oattle origin ally on Bon-infeoted raoohes, that had oot been exposed to Texas, splenetic or Southern cattle fever were iospeoted and if found free from oontagioos or infeo tious diseases would be granted apeoial permits. This Inspection was made at tbe expense of the Department ot Agri oolture. During July Dr. Charles H. Blemer, government inspeotor, was in our county investigating tbe oonditlon of the Call tornia oattle imported into this county few mouths previous. Tbe majority of these oattle were not inspected by geueral inspector and the oattle brought into this oounty without said Inspector's permit were brought in violation ot tbe federal quarantine laws aod regulations. At tbe time of bis visit here io July, Dr, Blemer states positively that splenetio fever would result from tbe importation ot the southern oattle, but owing to tbe high altitude ot this oounty It was bis opioion that tbe oold nlghtt would re lard tbe development ot tbe licks (tract minors of splenetic or Texas fever) Within tbe last three weeks spleoetio fever baa developed 00 tbe Carr rauoh In the Tule lake valley. Tbe disease developed among a bunob 01 ,'oms 280 fat oows which Mr.Oarrbad sold to Miller & Lux, These oows bad been placed in the pasture In wbiob Mr Barr't southern oattle were placed aod held for a few days after Ibeir arrival in Klamath oouutp, bat fortuoataly tor Mr Carr tha oattle contracted tha dlseaae iu mild form (due to tbe soaroity of tiokt and op to date only torn seven or eight have suooumbed to tbe disease. There wai some doubt as to tha diaeaas being Texas fever, bnt it was tet at rest by th arrival of Dr. Blemer, who slated that It was the genuine Texas or splenetic fever Mr. Ctrr immediately oommeooed greas iog the cattle with a mixture ot lard and coal oil, and it is slated by several relia ble cattlemen that tha treatmeot bas been beneficial. Great Interest ha been taken Id tbe "tick theory" aod Texas fever by Ibe cattlemen ot the Tula lake oounlry. Among the promloont workers la Mike Uartery, who bas become ao interested io the eradication of tha disease that be ha eooduoted aom experiments with lbs ticks with reference to transmitting Ibe disease, etc. Dr. Blemer ttated tbat the tick native cattlt will oot give tb fever to other Dalit cattl, but not to mov lbo) until November l.'ith (tb danger i in tb field which bv 000 taioed tb ootbern cattl for any Isogth of lime) aod that lb cold weather woold eff otoslly eradicate lb disease, and la h.ftoptnioo lb tick will not sarvtv oor winter. Millinery. Mra. L. J. Estes bas received another large stook ot millinery, including tb latest tyles in "walkers." "tana," child rens' (ilk bonnets and trimmed bats, etc. host. One hundred and seventy-five bead ot beep io tbe mountains near tbe bead of Bear creek, Morrow county, A reward of 25 cents per bead will be paid tor tba reoovtry or information leading to tba reoovery of said sheep. Ewes and lambs branded 11; yearlings branded P on shoulder ; 2-year-olds branded P on hips. Address, 8-10 F. M. Plitib, Condon, Or. NOTICE Of DISSOLUTION. Notioe is hereby given tbe public that tbe firm ot Brown & Stewart baa, by mutual oonsent, been dissolved, Mr. Jesse Stewart retiring, and tbat tbe new firm ot Brown & Hughes will oonlinua tba business, assume all liabilities and collect all debts due the old firm. Toura truly, Bbowk & H con as. October 2U, 1898. Grand Bowling Contest. A 50 game bowliog tournament for a beautiful gold medal and otber prizes ia now on at Biohardsoo'a bowliog alley Call at tb alleys for further partioulars. Prizes given each month for highest aoores for ladies aod gentlemen. Com in and try yonr skill. Ar Yoa Interested I Th O. R. N. Oo'a. new book on lb Resource of Oregon, Washington and Idaho is being distributed. Our readers are reqnested to forward tb addresses of tbelr Eaetern frienda and acquaint ances, aod a copy ot tba work will b seat them free. This a matter all sboold be interested in. aod w would ask tbat everyone tak aa Interest aod lorward such add res to W. ti. Ilurlburt, lleo eral Paaaei)gr Agent, U.K. AN. Co., Portlaod. ttl-tl A Baslaea Cbaar Io Heppner. A oict oleao stook ol clothing, foroiahiog goods, eto, carefully selected, aod bought tor cash. Owaer determined to sell. A rar opportunity for tblt fall trad. Writ or inqoir Uaxbttb Orric. Heppner, Or, New Woods. Wa ar constantly adding new good and now bava ready for Inspection a fin assortment of watchet, clock t, jewelry, silverware, novelties aod moiloal Instru ment. P. O. Uo, Jeweler. roil HA UK. Itaocb, 3 JO acres, good laud, 4 nil of Heppner, alt fenced, plenty of water, boot and barn, If) errea of lamraer fallow, all ready for fall crop. F.eey terms. Call at lb O tie It office. &',t U 100 HKWAKUI The Library. A library for Heppner it now aatured Mr. O. K. Filialmmont aod Mr. II. K. Rioer have about completed tb oaa van ot tb oily, aod bay net with lb support of tb solid botioee ele ment of Ih town, and those who pproit tb Inliueoeeof tbebigh class literal ur embodied 10 th library, Tb literary megaiioea and author ot Ih oonotry endorse lb Parmalee library eomnaoy. and Ih propieition) aoder which tbey Introduce themselves to th towa I oo within th etmpreheosiooof all, lotnriog tb Interest aod support of every community lortanately decide.) oa a a looalioo. It I ef to piedirt thai it membership will be very ulboeieeti over tbslr arqntaltioo. Tea Mllllaae a tear. Winn iitNu.la htiv. Irv. end buy tein. It (r,'iiii thev're setulied. 'I he (irople the I I.. 1 Mate ate tmw Luring latere' ( eii.ly ( nthftrti" at the rat ol ten 101 1 u mi Ikim. a ve." end it Will thrre mdhon l- foie ew Vrar . It tneerts rril prinefl. vf. it ( i jrets ate l a riM.t d. l gl.'fiil ll leg -'iii-t l.f er 1 ti t . luui.J J 4r 'iVt f V(Hji w';r'r g irsf. Will b paid for mfortnatloo leadiDg to Ih rrt and cob vk lion of aoy per 00 steeling oalll branded "WU" on- nected on th left tide. Waddle oa tha ao. 1'iwi II run a. ii-oovS Raeklea'a Are lea i. Tb UmI Halv In th world for Cat. Braise, Horse, Cleete. Hall Hbeora, Fever Horea, Tetter, Chapped Head, Chllhlaiiia. Corns, sou all Hk a F.rop tiout, and txieitlvsiy care Pile or pay rquirL It I gnraole. Io giv perleot tsliafaclloa or money refoodad. Pric2S eeole par hot. For Ml by ftloeora Dmg Co., K. J. Kloouro, mas agar lrarally fcerveae. (teals:-1 wa drss-lfolly arvoo,od toi rtlief took yonr Carl's Clover IUt Tea. II qoleM my efv aodstreaglb os! my whol nervon eyt'am. I troiihle.l with onalipalH. kidney and ImwI Imold. four Tea oua eteaaeed my tysUm ao tbnmngbly that I rapidly regained health as. I atrenftb. Mr. M A. Hweet. Hartford, t-aa. Hold hy Oooeer Warren, CASTOR I A for Xitta&U and CliMria. Ibi IM Yea Kin Aiwijs Ec:.M