OFFICIAL PAPER Advertisers If you have bargains to offer, announce it through the columns of the GAZETTE. Subscribers The Gazette will contain the latest telegraphic news From the Seat of WiD SIXTEENTH YEAR HEPPNER, MORROW COUNTY, OREGON, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 4. 1898. NO. 698 v. TIE HEPPHER UZETTE Pu'oliskd every Tuesday and Friday BY OORL1ES MEKRITT, Editor aad Maaagar. SUBSCRIPTION Ont Year Six Montha Three Montha RATES - $1.30 73 BO Aduertising Rates Made Known on Application. Entered at the Postoflice at Heppner, Oregon, aB secona-ciass matter. IHIS PAP1SR is kept on rile at E. C. Dake'e Advertininir Aeency. 64 and 65 Merchants exchanges, San Francisco, California, where con tact lor advertiemK con be made tor it. T P. FISHEH, NEWSPAPKB ADVHRTI8 lv in(f anent, 21 Merchants' ExchanK Butld- iuk, Ban rrano)oo, is our anuinrizea agent. This papar ia kept on file at his office. 0. R. & N. LOCAL CARD. rar.i AMn m mm Train leaves Hoppner 0:30 p. m. daily except rlnnday arriving at Heppner J unction VtiHa a. m Leaves Heppner Junoiioa U:o0 a. m. and ar rives at Heppner osx) a m Spokane Express No. 1 leaves Portland at 2:00 p. m- and arrives at Heppner Junotiou 7 :50 p. m. and Uma'illa 8:5U p. m. Portland Express No. 8, from Spokane, arrives at Umatilla 61)0 a. m. and Heppner Junction 7:00 .m. a d arrives at Portland 12:50 a. m. Fast Mail No. 2 leaves Portland 9:25 p. m. and arrives at Huppner Janctinn 3:25 a. m, and at Umatilla 4:80 a. m. East Mail No. 1 leave UmatiUa 11:10 p. m. and arrives at luppner Junction 12:25 a, m. and at Portland 7 :2C a. m For further information irqnire of J. C. Hart. Agent U. K & N., Heppner, Ore. ;r,E'IOIALi DIKEOTOST. I' Hi ted states Officials. P wit..... William McKinley V I'rmidtidt Oarret A. Hobait Secretary .if Stale W. li. iny -orHiurof Treasury Lyman J, (ifute :.f!rUry of Interior Cornelius N. Hliss o.-1'Btnry of War liussoll . Algor nnt-otary or navy John l). lions i o- tiuantAr-Heneral Charles Kmcry Htnitli Vttornuy-Ueneral John W. Oriiigs S-cretaiy f Agrioulturo.. . James Wilson State of Oregon. ooveruor W. P. Lord riooretaryof Htate H. K. Kincaid rreanurer Phil. Stetachan v-apt. l'ulilie Instruction (J. M. Irwin Attorney General C. M. Idleman ., id. W. MoHride 7 - . . jThos. H.Tongue wor.grewmen j w 1. Elli, rVa.tor W. U. Leeds C It. 3. Bean, 'ti.iflnirt .luiitrna V. A. Moore. 1 0. E. Wolverlon Sixth Judicial District. ('.rcnit Judiie Stephen .Lowell ProwMMll inif Attorney H. J. bean Morrow Couutj OtHciala. Joint Heritor J.W.Morrow .tni.r-.nrt'.li i iv E, I j. rreolaud ' n'ity JuJkh A. (). Bartholomew ' ''o!niafiiion J.K.Howard .T. VV. rtonlrntt.. ' ( Vawter Cniwfonl '' f-.'.erilT E. L. .li at lock ' Tr.ainrv 11. Liclltei'thal A.wor A C. Petify-i ' rlnrveyor Julius Koilhly School tiup't Jay W. Hliipley ' t!onroar Dr. E. it. Uuniojk RtpPMKB TOWN OrirfCKK. M-voi Thos. Morean llonnMlmmi K. J. H'orura, M- LichUnlhal, J. It. Hlmons, J. J. Hoberta, J. W. u..miia.n.l K. U. HiMtrrv. . W.A. Hlohardaon rr,MjiurHi I; W. Brunts J"ln HK-or Prrriacl Ofllaerr. toetioeof th Peace W. E. Kichardaon I onitabl" U. r l ulted Ktatra Land UlBren. thk biun. ok. 1 aw V I jimi . IP-tris'er Ot l'aitra l'.ooiver LA nlltlft)!. OH. K. W. Hart'eM llHrUtnr J. O. Hwaokhfitner Ilooeivw aSBXT aOCZETZZES. I1AWUN9 POHT,N).IL O. A. B. .r't at II. iipiiar. Or., 0 third Hutilrdny of mrt- month. ii fmu are uivitM tn fim. u w. um. The Kind You Have Always Bought, and Avhich haa hcen in use for over 30 years, has borao the signature of , and has been made under his pcr- -41- Kniuil siinorvision ninf its iiifanev. Allow no one to deeeive you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and Substitutes are but Ex periments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment. What is CASTOR! A Castoria is a substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Harmless and Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of British Warships Cleared for Action and Awaiting Orders. RUSSIANS ASSEMBLE AT PORT ARTHDR War Between England and France Averted British Government Officials Turn Their Entire Attention to Russia, Claiming She Has Taken Ad vantage of the Fashoda Crisis. NO LONGER A REPUBLIC. Nicaragua Become one of the United States of Central America- , Associated Press Dispatch. New York. Njv. 1. A. diBDatoh to the Herald from Washington 1 179: There appears la . hive been good rea- s 3a for the projapt aotioa of the Nioara- gaan congress in ratifying the new agreement entered into between Presi dent Zil'iyu and Messrs. : Eyre and Cranio for the Nioaragasn canal oon- oeesioo. Nicaragua will oeass today to exist as a republio and Buy farther aotioa re speotiog foreign concessions in con nection with the oinal will have to be taken by the United States of Central America, comprising what will here after be known as the States of Hondu ras, Salvador, and . Nioaragat. t Any farther negotiations between the United Stales government in regard to the NionrBguan oanul will therefore have to be with this new republic . The re cent activity oi Messrs Eyre and Cragin in seoaringtbe agreement with tbe presi dent of Nioatauua and tbe promptness displayed by the Nioaragaan congress in ratifying the administration can there fore be well understood. - 1 : ' As understood here these gentlemen have not actually obtained , the oqn- oesslon for building the oaaal, this ia not admissible under the terms of the oontract with tbe Maritime Canal Com paoy, bat an option wbioh gives them the right to conetauut the onal when tbe oontiact now held by the Martime DKHAND I8LAND3. The KM You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. may be the technical name for the agree meat wbioh ban been reoently entered into inere soems nitie aouDt taai messrs. Gyre and Cragin bava obtained from Nioaragaa an impirt aad valnable privi lege whiob will have to be oiosilored THE OCNTAUR OOMMNV, TT MUMHAV STKECT. NEW VOMR QITV- SE-MKl', 1KST NATIONAL RANK Ansoclated Frees Dispatches. Wei-Hai-VVei, Nov. 2 All the British warshipB here, the first I class battle-ship Centurian, first-class -cruiser Narcissus, secoiid-clase I Cannl Company lapses. Bat whatever 0'uiser EUrmione, torpedo-boat destroyer Whiting, torpedo-boat de stroyer Fhtne, torpedo-boat destroyer Haudy and the first-class gun boat Peacock, have cleared for action and are ready for ea at an hour's notice. The first-class battleship Victorious and the firat-class cruiser Undaunted, at Che-Foo, are coaling to their full capacity. The greatest secrecy is maintained as to the meauing of these when the time oorms for the Uuited nmrl.lra nren.r-tinnD hut thorA ia tin rlnnbr imnnrtftnt. inofmntinna rD rtM government 10 WS9 UOIQ Ol me f ' I' .iuf expected at aoy moment. M Afte,' lodav the national and inter- A. strong ltussian fleet is assemblea at fort Arthur. national affairs of Honduras, Nioaragaa London. Nov. 2. The disnfttch from Wei-Hai-VVei. announoibo an Salvador will be condaoted by a ' ' c I !,.. t ail.:. war preparations, officials here announce as grave, coupled with the pros,8,T, T, .T I n . .. tl . , . , , . . ment will be inaaarated today and will Angio-rrencn preparawous. xt is suruiiseu iwi ivubsih, pronung oy be , t9ll ftt kxahHt Hoodaras. in OF HEPPNER. the present strained lelatioLB betweet Great Britain and France, has accordance with the new constitution t i -i . i i . f it : 1 t: - l i j i . i i i i . i u - tu. u- O.A.RHEA President I (i. W. rONSEK CBshiet I oeoiaeu w 101 unr aims iu me i ;r cjhoi uy stjizmg ine vaiuaoie i reuBuujr agroou upuu uj. iuq n T. A. KUKAi ii'.i'.lVio" President E.' L.'fbEELAND.'. Assiitaut "uaebier treatv nort of Niu Chuane. which Great ia said. oonnlrie. a provisional government I ' I .i-i t-. a . --u -i A dispatch from London to the Associated Press October 20, said TP ! . . , , t . V . r ' I three states to stt at the point named, Is a caoie message nas oeen receiveu nere irom ouangnai as iouows: uQ nave oontrol of all national and "A Hussiau regiment occupied the town of Niu Chnang (province! international affairs until Maroh 15tb nf l.nn Trnrr. and Ihe forts nt the mouth of the River Liami Ont.nrtnr 1 next, when a president of Estadoi 15, thus securing complete possession of Niu Chuaug. The native UniJo" d9 Amirioi is to lro.H "u uuul ixian-iug nuj iuoinu,., uuuci u.umg iruuj iue Th(, dlflirtfls from tha three state - I i i r ri Aii a ii i i I " V m. Uoraon lias re-named empress dowager aua ui nuug unaug. a ,unusu gunuoat was in tne which will bareifter be ai inch, are Dr his stand the old Jones river at the time. This uonresistance is regarded os virtual abandon-1 Qsllag'i, of Salvador, Dr. 0ronet M livery stable mflnt of Manchuria to Russia, and gives Russia an invaluable strategic of Nicaragua, and Dr. Ugarte, of rwninfc 1 4rAof. Ki itaui iu nortnin tn nan ThA N lit I hnanrr tia1a rt I which it has about 80 per cent." Transact a General Banking Business. EXCHANGE ON ALL PARTS Or" THE WOULD BOUGHT AND SOLD Collection! made oti all points on reasonable terms. Surplus and undivided profits 1:15,000. A. Mallory, U. S. COMMISSIONER Is authorized to tnke all kinds o( LAND PROOFS and LAND KIMNHH Col lections nitile on rtwnonable terms. OHice at rrsldciiue on t liaie ktrcet. J. VV. Morrow ATTOltXEY AT LAW anil U. S. COMMISSIONER. Oni.-e In Palace hotel building, Heppner, Or. NEW NAME! be Dr. M. B. Metzler DENTIST Teeth Extracted and Filled. Bridging a specialty Painless Extraction. . . . W. W.fmith. Adjutant. Coinauutdur, Heppner Oregon. D. J- McFaul. M. D. HEPPNER, OREGON. om- honn, a to lo a. m and I to 2 p. m., at midpti), and 10 to Wa m , and i to S p m , at ollua In lha rear ul Hors's Jcavlrv store. C E RedMeld ATTORNEY AT LAW. Omr In rirat National Bank building. Hrppnrr, Orrnn. Ellis & Phelps ATTORNEYS AT LAW. All hn.lnM alitidwt la In I fmmpt and .il.i-t.iry rnanuir. Notarti-a I'uu llr and tU, Ofltc In Satyr's Hulldlnf. Itcppni-r, Orron. D. E Gilman GENERAL COLLECTOR. I'nt fmir nil honks and rt4 In his hands and get your money oit ol tlieni thm. Makt a ar.'Ulty ol bald mllw tUrna. OTira In I. K, Uroao's tnll.lltif, lli-ppnrr, Or, W. A. Richardson JUSTICE OF THE PEACE m l CITY HECVKItf.R. Oft.r at rninnrll rham alls and b'ira rral Mia'a rn latM d'a rooftt.'N H'S at.4 Ul rm yt. itt knf mj Iu hSa Dm. at raMiatiia Sura LIIIKKTY MAKKICT THE OLD SHOP! la tha plait to (to to ft t your fltis pork and lainii rlioia. airak and roaata. Tlah Every Friday. fine suraxiirrd hams and harnn Puralpai lard, k-lUt..r.iii.lMl, old sly la. HlKhrat cash pries all lor at stork. uanj. Ma thaws. 'X'lio Centrnl. Haled hav for sale. ChsrKos reasonable. Call on him and have your horses well "ami lor. A, Abrahamsick Merchant Tailor l'ioneer Tailor of Heppner. His work fh'ft-class and satisfactory. Give him a call May Street. The presidents respectively of Qooduras, 81 Tailor and Nioaragaa will hereafter be known aa governors od tha congresses will beoome legia Willing to Ksimborse Spain for ths "Patifla Expenditures." By ths Associated Press. Paris, Oct. 31. At the meeting of tha peace commission today tha Americana presented a written expression of tbe purpose of tbe Amerioana concerning tha Philippine islands. The reading disolosed the faot that tbe United States government bad determined to possess tor itself certain territory and parta of land bounded and lying within snob, parallels of latitude and longitude aa mark tbe limits of tbe Philippine archi pelago,' ' Tbe United States do not propose assuming tbe Philippine debt of 740 000,000, bat tbey are willing to ba sponsible to Spain for a earn of money equal to the aotaal expenditures by Spain in tbe Philippines tor the advan tage nf the Islands and tor the good of their people, for permanent betterments and tor improvements both physical and mentals , ., -,-; The reading of ths presentment specl- 6ea that the United States will reimburse Spain to th extent of her "pioifia expenditures" made In the arohipelago. This phrase of "pacific expenditnree" is employed to differentiate the expend itures by Spain in combatting inaarreo. Hons in the Philippines. Oae is felt by the commissioners to be a fair burden on the acquiring power, while the other and latter class of expenditnree la held to have been logioally assumed by Spain, in the inevitable hazzard to the nation resorting to arina to euforoe order in ita own territory. Soon is the vital portion of tha pro seutment made by tbe Amerioao com missioners today, and it if to be observe i that while the main proposition as to possession and flnanoial responsibility ia dear and definite, many details bava been left to the developments of tha disoassiona between the two oommis--sions. Thus, while the Spaniards are tonight quite oarteia that the United States intends to reimburse them lor "paoiQo expenditures," they remark that they are not enlightened as to whether the Americans expeot to indorse the Spanish obligations to the extent of tbe "paoiflo expenditures" in the arobl pelago or whother tbey will band Spain a lamp earn of gold large enough tn cover Spain's outlay ai designated. It is unlikely, however, that tbe Amerioana will care to beoome Identified in the slightest degree with Spain in her re sponsibilities to her oreditors. Tbe dearer method seems to be to hand to Spain tbe spot oaab. The session adjourned until Friday ia order to give ths Spaniards time to pre pare a reply. The aetaion lasted a little over one boar. New YoHK, Nov. 3. Tbe London correspondent of the Evening latnree as with our states. Tost cables that a general satisfactory arrangement has been effected between Great Britain and France on the Fashoda question. London, Nov. 3. An official note issued this evening says: "There is good reason to hope the political situation is ameliorating. It can b confidentially stated that when the cause of irritation which unfor- By grantiog to another oompany tbe right to build the Nioaragaa oaoal, pro vided tbJ oootraot naw held by the Mar itime Canal Oompany lapses as a result of failure to oarry ont its terms, Nioara gua bas greatly embarrassed tbe ad- Tb.'oagh Mi uister Merry, HbFl'M-.K IRANSFER Rclh'd ciprr-as Is romlns'. Does deliver work on short order. 10 rents and up wards. I hi. waifoti la No. 4, and leave your order with it, or at "Central" tele phone olllee. We Move Anything! hprajrlol App's Tree. It is safe to assert that oevr agaiu will iii-MN arc Stage Line B. F. MILLER, rroet Cheat! and nvwt rtirwt mnta tn John Pay vll.-y, ( anyon riy tnliiliif dtattirt, Hums aim Other lillrilut potnta. Im liptir Dally. Cnndaf tl at t a. iu. Arrlia at (anyone HI In il hoiira. Iave t'anyon City at I p m , arrlva al llcpp Bt In li hours ron nr tins Hh Iralua. Msiraaa To I llardman . . . t4on..itiitt . . ltmiioti r. Valley , John Day ,. I aninii city iLta. ;s 4 1 ft '. 4 J'i V'l It '41 II S '' l S ill l4 a ' tunbtely recently existed betweoc Frauce and Great Britain on the ministration llnnor Kil ia rmr,v,l alilfli in OTnAr-tod Brmri tn h it,- ,1 . ttatinned at B0 Jose, and the Amerioatl ... , . . ., , . ,, . . ,, .. .. I oodsu! at Managua, the authorities bavs niu uo ijiuu mn'ii in mo icDuupwu m iiwid uicuuij e 11 B I yet come officially which have characterized the normal state of relations between the The embarrassment of the adminis .... .... i LU. h two countries." tration line io the fact that it haseu- NEW YoitK, Nov. 3. A dispatch to the Herald from Paris say s: dorsad the project of the Maritime Canal France is regarding England with anxious eyes. Everything indicates "P0' 01 ,bt bill oow . ... . . ... . t i m oongreai providing government aid iu .sm.rq,,.,! F.,:,r...,uK aw. sU vu.uuoi. n.. .us juuruttie re- , ,ue oia,:rootioa of the oanal, one of corn in uriiiHU navai preparations wim pesimisnc comments, c. hrhlch it is eipeoted will pass during the body here desires war. Id the first place, I ashoda is not ready. If loomiog session. foice is remtrled to, it will be England that insists upon it. Fmra the way tbe authoritlea talk it 'llio T..i.iiisi v.ii ,lvnr.tou tlia uvnutanna iJ a aim!,. .4 n evident to their mlnde that the new . . L. ., :i ., .... i . . ... .company Interested in the canal baa liood H.v-r lose ro m.ioli as bas bo """ ur""' uugui to ennuuer un 1unre.11 idu iDMe Ol ,,, ,nm. , the loattbls season throriKh failure to syrsy I civiii.atioi., both f which forbid an Appeal io arms. She ought to situation and one of the officials said the app'a crop Tlion who tailal to preserve Ler dignity by imparting anew character to her relations that lie believed it could be bonght out apray properly this year hav loat hesv- witt. ,i.ft t',.;,..! k'inr-dom. Home victories, either diolomaiifl 01 nf lir.y. that it was to obtain each a result that ,1, and they gather b ., .ft, b . ., . ftr(j J(.h bbu((i , momentary advantage, tb " .ament it had mad. Oioely eolored epplne that haH to ba ra- ' ' , ? .. ... .. . .. with tha Nioaragaao government. jectej f .r mark t b..oaaae tuy a iow thi "hk r" f determining the general dnection of international poh- ,, work of tde chIIio moth, tny e a ra 1- tice iu a Sftisc uitrt op oeite to the real interest ol tbe country, Which Ariar Kaonaaisaiioa. ily coanl tha.r Tb- r-olve tn Ueerne to tiinmph." WAeiua.iToii, Nov. l.-Tbe eabjsot cf spray Doit yearaud kaop It npelmgaa -ri-.,. ,IlU ......nmnhlw that IK 1 I 4 K I J o -wawjjj !''' s 'ajf a 1 I . w , i"!.T, i iiu TJ that if she pu.hee France ioo hard, ahe risks bringing alout a Euro- "iemto ""I" 'qaate force for Z ri'aV, TJJL P-n coalition against her everywhere abroad. Iu another pari of the every one lntar-at.d ah .ml m.ka same journsl, conifnentiiiff on tbe of the day on the Fashoda ,i jtion of the prealdonl, secretary of atu.lyof ha work danng the wmt.t ja.ali..i, aa: war and offloera of tbe army. Tbe praal- ono.u. ... .o,a.. rH.,n to- "Aa the KnuH-h government iloea not -eem to be actuated by deul will make recmmendatione lo th , ll.n '-HCll,lCiiiatrf iii. it may U as well that France examine the onealior, "" tmbnJylDg bis view, and the liarliv . .... ...... I.I... .,f lh. tin araln a noaitina to O ,Kl winter applM ar. worth 73 otrera.lH.g aiarchnntl. Tbe Librte attribulHa the rer ru.bnicence of iho warlike altitude in mM feaonjlIMltJj Ucre of the army hugland to the return of .Mr. Chamberlain, who may have thoucbt I to lno.tK). It is boliavrd tbe demaods that as France hcccpia tliA principle .f the evacuation of Fashoda. a Mrb lwe bt made npm theaena f,.w more thr. ala would t rocure farther concessione from her. '" reaeotativte for mastering 1'orto Rico Not for Poor Mb. Washinqtoh, Nov. 1. The following report from Mr. II anna, tbe Amerioan oonusel at Porto Rico, baa been reoeived by tbe assistant secretary of atate and will be of interest to persons contem plating migration to that island. In bis report Ilanna aaya: "I am oonvincad that young men eeeking work or posi tions of any kind etiould not oome to Porto Ilioo. , Saob persont as olerks, earnentero, meobanios and laborera of all grades should etay away from Porto Hioo. No Amerioan aboald oome to Porto Kioo expecting to strike it riob, end no persons should oome here with, out plenty of money to pay board bills and have enough to take them baok to their bomea in tbe United Htatea. I deem It important that tha department cause tbia anggeatioo to be made pub'lo through the newspaperaof the oonntry. Slr roll II w I Itli iralns al Hrpplirr Kai.-lllllut .UrM II f Hill III.. II h new rord nw hp. and rmd titii I am pfvparil loan, am i i.m htmi I.. u. . ii.ii-. El . IftRUNGTON-FOSSlL STAGE LINE G. n. Matt ToX.suHIAL AtlTlST. 15 Cssis 23 " lr .IM4. Oton, today 1 1 il'H.J lUv r; worm epil, ol goo I sl. nn I nlns'y fi!o-l, ara sltw aale io small lott at 1" i-nota, la foi Ibrre ia io sal fi.r i"mr kppl'a in an) q'laiil.ty, and tlinv are iwlng U A io (b. bat tore are hardly nouh lioa Id Wav? eounty to rat op ail :. rlaa 'irrat ISritatn aooiua invulnerable, there are many poiota to her empire appira la lh II . .l Kr val'-y .- Ub re aho may hit attacked Ulaf Irf. In II ItLLIi L 1 ,A. l. O ilLVIK " t' t" Shayltf, Hair CHi"fj. $bap, hat'.nk Corn, How te Leek Good. Oool Im ka ate rraily fn Is t' ao sklO dor, '1ttu!ir.i riilinly nn alulH.) u lili-n i ( a'l '! " Vital l a. II Ilia l,v-r i ltali. )" iy a I. i'i ..i ! k, ll )'Hf sl..ria'U tw i.s if.'- r Ji ll ; if if ki.t i- a Her name ia not exactly venerated fo will to convinced that a rrgnlar army Irt-land, nhi-re a revolution miht break out the moment wa was do. H"' dol ,0 ,h I . -I 111'. !...,. . . . . . I "- ciareii, i.i'niiica mrin ii u aci ma lauiy reriain mat a strong Atiysainlao rverynodr Kays Bo. CasoarnU Cathartic, the moat won dorf ul iiifdifttl Uiai-averv of a pleaa ant and rnfr-sliinir to the tarn, art ttontly and poaittvoly oo kkineva, iivot ana oownis, ch'aiisins; tlio enlir syslrrn, dUwt colds, cum hnadaelie, fever, liahltual ronatlpalloo and bHlousnosa. I'lraaa Diiy ana try m o of 0. C. (!. to day; IO, H.V no rente. Bold and guaraateed W cure by au aruKgisw. . I Myatorioaa Harder Iiplalaid. Astobu, Or., Oj1..2S, Acourdiog lo the oonfoaaion of tlermaa llulkala, tbe mysterious death of erinao Johnaoe lo this olty 13 yaare ago tarns out to have been a eold -blooded murdnr. R nkele, now io oust .dy of the shsriff, tails tbe following story : "O i Cbrlslm ta evanlog 12 years ago Htrmaa Joboaoo, E lea Kaeola and myself sol Into a row In a saloon. After the trouble J obnaoo and I alerted borne together, and while pro-oe-liDg np the roadway ia West Astoria, near the bay, Kaeola, who was secreted in the dart, waylaid as aad to the etroc gle struck Joboaoo oo tba bead with a olabaod killed biui. Kaeola than taree l Lie atWalioo to me, aoJ I agraal to say arvloe bava tn-ea ao great that they ootblog ebml the mardar if M aloe a. ..a - . I a ...1 IL. .1.. ..nil. is by o meaia certain" argues our temporary. ''11 force ia rapidly drawiug near. ! r a n r rami a n i . u - u T f r.,i in miMi . K.... i..i ire s i .., lava tMl- ttirt I Map li.a r.l li. 4' l..i.ll,. tin 1 alt rU I, y. i L a li"l,.l look .i,.l..(,lir., . . i...,,, i i, (, tin t ""I .!'!. an I '0 i ill auril Him 1 1 itii.i io i.,.,. .tna Malhcws & Gentry IIARHEl:. T'"t 3 Ceatt HelrCwttlai 23 " lIH 1 wi ... in. I lp X i.y g i I I i Htnvtir, II. I., Nov. 2. Tbe liritixh warbia tVirdelia and I'e lican arrived today from Halifax. Thir visit ir regardxl aa extra otdinary, aa loth were tnpponed In leate for homo to go out of com mlaxioii. 1 1,., phij a l.avo submaiina miufa and heavy gijoe aUiard, apocinlly ah pl at Halifax, ami it ia re irtd they will mine lha ro. iranr.- to Sy limy and HI. John', N, F., harbor. ir 'lil.rl'ir liJI'l." Is a 'l a''i.l' and l'it.i', A s ll ' H!k U.f'i A. ii'nn yi.f tnoriitng r"'v ! ti It, hv r and .n, I. . . I . . a. .1 m.i . . ' . k. . jt I - .ft . I I . I ...... . . . I -i" , v - v , -. a i i" I-. iii't-a . mw-.i , phi.. iifi, , ..' 1 I t I. . i- a ... . ; at t'-i.. i-n at 1 p m. , J rr,,a al K.nv t.lifl,.a at,, Unl. and givaa a tm I OltvI K inilom ha V J l- Q warDM to l tin raadineaa for mobilization Hat 7 p.m. r-. t!.l'... -"! j, r,,Br J,H ftt nriae ntf t' m!-r'a'., r.i I -ia'.'4 Sii I ora .M-il I t.y H' '"itl t'g CV , y J, Ht-ritt,. ' .. .. (3',-f;.r !'l 4' 'f. n aiiar. fr m i i-vf ttrfa, , lj,tfir aLip, IiNTO Nov. the fan ILa. cal cuardauica throughout the rn, .Many oi ihfio hay e already jt.jDv An Cetererlelflf Drtjiat, There are few mta more wide awake aad eoterpfleieg than K.J. Hloeota, who sparse BO peine to eroure toa iei oi evarytbing In hie line for Lie uaov ensioniars. lie now haa tbe valuable sgaory fin Ir. King's New I)iaeory fur (J-iosnruplKjo, Omibe end Colda Ibis la tba woodarful remedy that la producing each a furor ell over the coat try bv Us many startling ears II alwluuly ear Asthma, llroonhitia, MoararriMa end all alTaetinna of tbe Thrtt. Cheat aad I.oas. Call at bImivo drnc slur aod gat a trial bottle Ira ft a ranUr sirs for W eame aad iMs'rrtrl tn avre t ps rf w(r-J. Tbe dual man waa then tbr two over tbe beak into tba bay, and bis body baiog subeea.aautly foood It was determluel by a coro oar's Jary that Joboaoa wee aa eidoatalty drowbed." Kaeola ie snp poaad to be In Finland. toe akaala) tavw What llufKl'e Haraaparllla bl poesrla do for lboa who bare impnte and lm pqverisbed blootl. It mekee the blood rtoh end pare, aad oar as acrofule, salt ibuni, dyspapaia, ratarrb, f baaaalisra, errvooaiita. If yoa aie troubled with ear aiiiin',t eausa l or prm.iad by lra pnra blixM, take liood'e Baraaparllla el ore, ILol'e IMli ae prumpt (,! raliiUbt, eitpa flki MTtr,