O. R. & N. Bur-art roa i p. m. TIME 8CHEDDLE8 From Heppner. Salt Lake. Denver. Ft. Wortn, omana. Kansas City, HI. Louis. Chicago. Portland. Walla Walla, Spokane, Minneapolis. Ht. Paul, Duluth, Mil waukee, and the East. Abrivs FBOM 4:50 a. m. 8.00 p. m. Ocean Steamships From rortiana. All sailing dates subeetto change For San Francisco- Sail Nov. 1. 4, 7, HI, 13, 1C. 19, 22, 25, 28 g:00 p.m. Ex. Sunday Saturday 10:00 p. in. 6:00 a. ra. Ex. Sunday Columbia River Btkambrh. To Astoria and Way Landings. Willamette River Oreeon City, New berg, Salem and Vi ay Landings. 7:00 a. m. Tues., Thur, and Sat. Willamette and Yamhill Kivekb. Oregon City, Day ton is way xjbiiu lugs. 6:00 a. m. Tues. Thurs, and Bat, Lv. Riparia ally except Saturday 4:00 p. m. 4:00 p. m. Ex. Sunday 4:30 p. m. Ex. Sunday Denver & Rio Grande! RAILROAD SCENIC LINE OF THE WORLD Weekly Excursions TO THE EAST, In through tourist cars without change. MODERN UPHOLSTERED TOURIST SLEEPERS In charge of experience;! oouductora and porters. Costs most to make and least to use : Schillings Best baking powd THE ART OF BREWING. Was Perfected by the Production of.... er. CUNNINGHAM'S INSANITY. 3:30 p.m. Mon., Wed. and Fri. Willamette River1 Portland to Corval- lis Si Way Landings. 4 :30 p. m. Tues., Thur. and Sat. Snake Rivkr. Rlparla to LewlBton Lv. Lewlston daily except jmuay V fihlnniwn TJ.. 1 n a -1.1 IHUllaiUS, BDBtoii witliniitchanire viaBnltLake. Missouri Pacilic and Chicago and Alton Kys. Ttinerl'ii-o To Oma"1. Chicago, Buffalo and I ULiuuV !, Boston without -change via SaltLake and Chicago, Kock Island k Pacilic Ky. Wnlnni-iluuo 'To St. Joseph, Kansas City and U lUulbudJX, at. Louis without change via Salt Lake and Burlington Route. ThnnoiWa To Kansas City and St. Louis with lllUlMldYS, out change via bait Lake and Mis souri racinc runway. A day stop-over arranged at Salt Lake and Denver. A ride through the Famous Colorado Scenery. For rates and all all Information, Inquire of O. R, & N. and S. P. agents, or address, R. C. NICHOL, 8. K. HOOPER, General Agent, Gen. Pass. & Tkt. Agt. 251 Washington St., Denver, Col. Portland, Oregon. J. C. Hart, Local Agt.. Heppner, or. Passengers booked for all Foreign Countries. J. O. HART, Agent, Heppner. W. H. HURLBURT, General Passenger Agent, Portland, Or. HE TOD G01 EAST? If bo, be aare and see that your ticket reads via Ttte nwestem Line ....THE.... OHIOAOO, 8T. PAUL, MINNEAPOLIS, AND OMAHA RAILWAY THIS IS THB Great Short LiQe BETWEEN DULUTfl, St. PAUL, CHICAGO AND ALL POINTS EAST AND SOUTH. Their Magnificent Track, Poerless Vestlbuled IMUing auu niceping tar Trains, and Motto: ALWAYS ON TIME All led Hhip your freight has il an this road a national reputation. ol passengers carried on me vtisiiimiou clause trains without extra charge, and travel over this famous line. All agents have tickets. W.H.MEAD. F. C. SAVAGE. Oeti. Agent. Trav. F. & P. Agt. 218 Washington Ht., Portland, or. CIIIOAGrO SPOKANE FALLS 4 NORTHERN NELSON & FORT SREPPARD RED MOUNTAIN RAILWAYS The Only All-Rail Route Without Obange of Oars Between Hpokane, Roflslund and Nelson. Aleo between Nelson and Rosslend, daily except Sunday: Leave. Arrive. 810 A. M Hpokane.... 6;40 P. M. 110) A. M llosBland 8:40 P. M. 9:10 A.M Nelson 6:45 r. M. Close conn net i or s at Nelson with steamers for Kaslo, and all Kootenai Ijake points. Passengers (or Kettle lilver and Tloundary reek connect at Marcus with stage daily. Affidavit of Prominent Physicians Enow That Defendant la Insane. Pendleton Republican. Affidavits by the leading phylclani of this city have been placed on file la the Cunning ham case which must needs have an important bearing on the termination of the case when brought up for trial. The atlldavits were filed Thursday by Thomas Fitz Gerald, Mr. Cunning ham's lawyer. The sworn statement to which Drs. Cole, Vin cent, King and Garfield placed their signatures is as follows: "That on the 13th of October, 1898, at there quest of Thomas Fitz Gerald, defendant's attor ney, I made a careful and searching exami nation of the defendant, both as to bis mental and physical condition, as to the causes of such condition, as far as same could be ascertained. "That as the result of such examination, I find that the defendant Is suffering from both bodily and mental disease, and that In his present condition, both mentally and physic ally, he is not capable of making a defense In this cause, or of rendering aid or assistance to his counsel In making such defense, and.that he is not capable mentally of comprehending or understanding the nature of the proceedings that would be had In such trial. "That I believe as the result of such exami nation that, If this cause is continued until the next regular term of this court, that this dis ease, both mental and physical in character, will have developed Into positive, well denned, acute mania, or permauant and hopeless Im becility, or he will have recovered to a certain extent to be able to stand trial in this cause. "That it is my opinion, based upon said examination, the defendant has good defense In said cause on the ground of insanity, existing In the acute form at the time of the commission of the crime charged." Cunningham's attorney, In his own affidavit which has also been placed on file, avers that In addition to the atlldavits given by the physi cians he had not been able to receive any assis tance, pecuniary or otherwise, In making a de fense. It Is probably not generally known that an attorney appointed by the court to defend prisoner charged with the crime of murder Is only allowed about 120. It will, therefore, bo seen that a man without funds Is In no position to secure evidence or render any assistance to his attorney even though he be sane. BPAlJi'B WOODEN HTJLLET3. Startling Story Regarding the Arms of Oar Late Enemy. It Is well known that the Spanish soldiers in Cuba were poor marksmen, says the Scfentlflc American, but great surprise has been expressed at the remarkable lack of execution which caracterized their fire at Quantauamo and San tiago, and an officer of the United States gun boat Montgomery has been able to throw some light on the matter. He visited the Maria Teresa after the destruction of Cervera'a fleet in search of souvenirs. He found a larre number of Mauser cartridges In groups of five ready to go Into the magazines of the guns, and, If the entire Spanish array and navy were equipped with that kind of ammunition, both Cervera and Toral were amply justified in surrendering when thev did. The cartridges consisted of a metal shell loaded w 1th hair and a sprinkling of powder. The bullet was of neither brass nor lead, but of wood. Some army contractor had Imposed on the ordnance bureau of the SpaniBh navy, but to what extent the wooden Mauser bullets were used will probably never be known. w - ONION PACIFIC THROUGH TICKETS To Curs t'oiiMllpHtlon Forever. Take Cascarets Candy Cathartic. lOo or 25a U C. C. C. fail to cure, druggists refund money, TO THE SKUNK AND POLECAT. East and Southeast 11. V TI1E Til ROUGH OAR LINE. PULLMAN PALACE SLKKl'KRH. PULLMAN TOURIST BLEEPEU8. FKEK KKCLININU CHAIR CARS. Portland to Eastern Cities Change. Without plilwauKeB & St. Paul try This Railway Co. Operates ita train on the famous blook system; Ligbts ita traius by eleotrloity through out; Uses the onlubratuii eleotrio berth read ins lamp; Ran speedily equipped pannenifpr train ever? day and tiigut between Ht. Paul and (Hiioaifo, aud Uoiuha and Chicago; the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Aim) operates ateatu-heated vestibnled train, carrying the latent private oompartnient oar, library buffet smok ing cars, and palace drawing room sleepers. Parlor oars, free reclining chair oars, and the very bHt dining ohalr oar service. For loweal rates to any point in the United Htntite or Canada, apply to agent or addreae O. J. EDDY, J. W. CASEY, General Agent, Trav. l'aaa. Agent. Portland, Or. Quick Time. I n ion I) M'ots. PorHonully Conducted KxeiirHiona. HuirgiiKii Checked to Destination. ll'IW UlllnM. Direct line to Trans-Yliaaiasippi and Inter national Kxpimilinn held at Omaha, Nuhnuika, June to November, Writa unilerHiirnnd for rates, time tables and ether informal iou porinlning to Union Pacific It. It. J. II. LOTHHOP, or J. CHART Agt,., (tun. A..!,. :td Ht., O. It . A N. Co , Portland, Or. Heppner, Or. A Bare Sign of Cronp. Hoarseness in a child that is subjeot to oroup is a sure iudiontion of the ap proach of the disease. If Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is givtn as soon as the child becomes hoarse, or even after the oroupy cough has appe ared, it will pre vent the attack. Many mothers who have cronpy children alwajs keep this remedy at bund aid find tb tt it saves them mnoh trouble anil worry. It oan always be depended uprm and u pIprs not to take, For sale by Conser & Warren. DIED ON THEIR WAY HOME. Ilio llpator Line The Dalits, I'urlbil Astoria Navigation Co. Commeut'lng Monday, May '-'ml, tbe steamer of the lOunlafur Line will leave l'lirtlnud at iliMJ a, ra. and Tbe Dalle at 8;3U a.m. When yon go to Portland, atop off at The Dulles and take a trip down the Columbia; you will enjoy it, and save and Uate lor blood letting. The po'et-at Intro money, duces the same tactics to the poultry yard, and . C. AI.LAW AY, am, by wholesale, Just for tlx pleasure ol tlis General Agent, thing, ami we may be gld that thurs are no polecat to hunt In our land. The Nilocat I ab solutely without fear, and will boldly defend against man. It lias a musky, but not odor, but uoaucli terrible mean of tie- tlx skunk. 'J Yellow Stone Perk Line TIIRON1.V lUNINtl CAR KOt'TK rHDSI rouTUMi TO 1 1I K KAHT. TDK OM.Y I'IKKCT I I N K TO TIIK YRL LOMHTOMC NATIONAL I'AKK. Imvs. ha. t 11 A. M. Arrlv. M Fifth ini I SI raal Mall lor im-ntns, in-attlr. AlHt.li-rll,Ullll iM'ild, rtjMhlir, llxirtl. Htitt, Anaiiitida, t. I' sill, I hli(o, Krw 'York, ttoaion. and all l"lnis lt and rxoitli st. Ho I'lirtUiid, Tarnma and .attlr Mi'ii-M, !r i U'oins N'allle. l!)ints ( P. M, "'"I liltrrmedinlv lll.lll llur ilnt. 1 IiAYM l I'sol. Uliiiivlla. Oman kati.aa l 1 1 r mid ulhvt Mlawiut rivrr i!iits. DAYH t Ht. Iji'Hs, Mlltik and ( hi tao. (u I)AY t sbMmIi'Si flila.lriiliia. firm orh, h -'.hi siul wliivr lar rasi vim inla. I .. . No. 1 10 IS A. M. No. I II I'. M Pnlon rtri e"i't" 'loin In all rlnrll eltlrs aim ke.1 llitoiiifli iWlnallos ,f llok . ta. fnlon dpel, T'rtisn'1, ! l etsih st. tut ilfiilm f naoratl in, lli Sets, msl-s el mM and oih.r lotormamoi, ma n Ml . a. v. ciruiM'os. laai.kalil Uiiii laSt ' Mdrtt .TEAMEES. 'DALLES CITY" AND "REGULATOR' Two Widely Different Animal of Which Little la Understood. The skunk Is as dlfl'unt from a polecat as bear is different from a dog, says the New York Sun, and yet it Is a common thing, In our rural districts, to hear that some one had killed polecat, or that there Is a polecat about. The polecat Is of the weasel family, aud Is one of the most Interesting as well as the most destructive little animals that abound In England, which Is Its home. The skunk Is a night hunte.'. The polecat starts out on Its foraging expeditions In the early hours of the morning, about the time the skunk is going homo. The polocat especial ly thrives in England, because It finds there rabbit burrows, and It dotes on rabbits, although It has a long list ol things It seeks as prey, in- eluding all kinds of furred and feathered game. poultry, rata, frogs, eels and other fish, for th polecat Is an accomplished fisher, while the skunk avoids water and is a lover of Insects, grubs aud worms, although It has a great fond hens for eggs, and will not hosltate to steal chicken. No Ush can swim, no duck can dive better than the polecat. It knows where the plumpest trout hide, and, as noiseless and swift in water as It Is on laud, there Is sure to be a fish In Its mouth when it dives and comes again to the surface. Eels are a (avorltecatch ol the polecat, and having capturod one, the polocat will tak It alive to the shore aud there amuse Itself with tenacious fish's wrlthlngs and contortions, as the house cat dul'ghts to play with a mouse. Possessed of a nose keener than the keenest hound, the polecat fo'low the hare long dis tances, and, relentless and untiring In the chase, at lost surely gets Its fangs Into Its victim' throat. The polecat steals upon the little nut brown partridge, or upon the stately and sober grouse, before the dawn ho disturbed them, and so iiukkljr and silently dov It work that It will have pierced the brain of half a dozen be fore Its presence is known among the bird, lor tills destructive creature I never content to cap ture aud kill Just enough for Its Immodlate use, but will destroy as many birds or animals do' lug one hunt as would orv It for a month's uatenanco, this being the true wejtul rapacity On Their Return Trip From Manila Seven Sick Soldiers Died. San Fbanoisoo, Oot. 22 The United States transport steamer Rio de Janenn arrived here today from Manila, via Hong Kong and Nagasaki. She has on board 140 sick soldiers and 21 dis charged men. Seven men died on tbe voyage. They are: Private Elliott Ordway, company H, Second Oregon. Private Henry Stube, oompany F, First Oaliforma. Sergeant John A. Glover, company A, First Nebraska. Private Frank Tucker, oompany 0, Twenty-third infantry. Private Lewis D. Passmore, company I, First Nebraska, Private Henry D. Shnter, Aator bat tery. Private J. Fiske, First California. All the dead were buried at sea, except Ordway, Fiske and Shuter. The following convalescent officers returned. Lteut-Ool. W. C- Bailey, Eighteenth infantry. Oapt. J. Murphy, First Iowa. Oapt. McCain, Fourteenth infantry. Lieut. M jore, rjeoaud Oregon. Lieut. Bunker, First Minnesota. Major Wadsworth, department quar termaster. Most of the passeugers are oonvales cent, and those who are detained at tbe hospital are nearly all doiug well and out of danger. Shortly after the Kin left Hong Kotig Corporal F. H. Fiizo'ald, company O. First Idaho battalion, disappeared dur ing tbe iiigbt. A searoti of the vessel failed to to reveal any sign of him or a due to rue wnereaDouts. Toe man was thought to be mentally deranged, aud the supposition is that be got np iu the night and either fell or jumped over board. Tbe number of men to be Bent on the remaining , transports bus betta reduoed below tbe nuinbar that the ship oarried on their first pass ig to Muuil.i, that it would now seem ueotBtiary to make use of some of tbe transports not yet re turned. It is General Merriinin' in tention to send buolc tb City of Tuobla aud to diaaharge from oommiaiion tbe Riu de Jaoerio, Peru aud tbe City of 1'ari. ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE HOP GOlvD And now the entire world Knows this verfect -product As the Star Brewery beer On draught at all popular saloons STAR BREWERY CO., 203 Washinoton St., Portland, Or F0T TBH1K SERVICE BilL, TO THE EAST VIA N THE COUNTY COURT OP THE STATE of Oregon, for the Conutv of Morrow. In the matter of the guardianship of Walter M. Ubanks, a minor. Order to show cause on application of Guardian ior oraer 01 sale ot real estate. It oppearlng to this court from the netltion this day presented and filed by S. E. Moore, the guardian of the ebtate of Walter M. Ubanks, a minor, praying for an order of sale ot certain real estate belonging to said ward, and in order to support and maintain said minor it is neces sary that such real estate should be sold : it Is hereby ordered that the next of kin of the said ward and all persons interested in the said estate, appear before this court on Wednes day, the loth day of November, A. D. 18'J8, at iu o ciock, a. m., at the court room of this court, at the court house in Heppner, in theeouuty of Morrow, and state of Oregon, then and thero to show cause why an order should not be granted lor the sale of such real CBtate, de scribed in said petition as follows: Beginning iu the middlo of the Luckiamiite river 2S.12 chains north and 24. 2H chains east of southwest corner of Ruwland Chambers S. L. claim No. 4(j In townBhip 10 south rango tl west of Willa mette meridian, thence south H7li! decrees. 17 SO chains, thenco north one chain, east 3.75 chains, north 61100 chains, west 3.75 chains, north 4 chains, east along the bank of Luckiamiite river 3.75 chains, thence north 5 decrees, east 3.20 chains, south 83 degrees, west 18 chains, south G degrees, west 4 11 chains, south 2V, degrees, west to place of beginning, containing 12.ti(l acres of land more or less, known as the R.ings vaney flouring Mill property. And It is further ordered that a convofthis order be published as required by law In the neppuer uazeue, a newspaper piionsned senil weekly lu Heppner, iu Morrow county, state of Oregon. Dated this 1st day of October, A. D. 1808. A.G. BARTHOLOMEW, 92-3 County Judge. GREAT ROCK BUND ROUTE. Fast Express Leaves DENVEB, " PUEBLO, " COLO. SPHING8 9:30 p. m. 7 05 p. m. 8:40 p. 111. Arrives i'OPEKA Arrives K .NsAS CITY 3:55 p. m. :( p. m. Arrives LINJOLN " OMAHA " DEH MOINES " PEORIA " CHICAGO 2:11 p. m. 4:25 p. m. 9:80 p. m. 11-20 a in. 8:00 a. in. Through Sleepers and Choir Cars Colorado to Chicago. Wido eetibuie throughout. The finest train in the West. Colorado Flyer Leaves DENVER " COLO. SPRINGS Arrives TOPEKA " KANSAS CITY 2:35 p. m 2:35 p. m. 7:30 a. m. 9:15 a. m. Ar. ST. LOUIS, (Wab. R'y) 6:15 p. m. Arrives ST. JOSEPH 100 a. m. Arrives LINCOLN (Ex Sun) 8:46 a. m- " OMAHA (Ex Sun) . Bi0a.ni. " CO. BLTJFi B, . . 9.10 a. in, Notice of Intention. . Land Officb at Tint Dalles, Okroon, October 2(1, 18US. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE following-named settler has tiled notice of his intention to make final proof in sup portof his claim, and that said proof will be made before V. Crawford, County Clerk, at HeDDUer. Oreiron. on Erldav. Le.eeniber . 181I8. viz: JERRY J. McELLIGOTT, of lone, Homestead Application No. 4806, for thoWW BE4 and KU HW'i Wee. 24, Tp. 2 S, It 23 E W M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: Frank Wilson, John Williams, David H. Grablll and James Nolan, all of lone, Oregon. 96 7 Jay P. Lucas, Register. Through Sleepers Colorado Springs to St. Louis' via Wabash K'y- For particulars and folders giving time of these traius write J. L. DE BEVOISE, E. E PORTLAND, ORE. LEOD, P. A.. TOPEKA. JNO. G. SEBASTIAN, P. A., CHICAGO. NOTICE OF INTENTION. Land Office at Tub Dalles, Oregon, Heptember 28, 1898 VTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE li following-r.amed settler has filed notice ol his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made be fore V. Crawford, County Clerk, at Heppner, Oregon, on Friday, November 4, 1898, viz; WILLIAM A. MORGAN, of lone; homestead application No. 4305 for the H Bee. 3 and N4 NWy Sec. 10, Tp 2 K, R 24 E W M. He names the following witness to prove his continuous residence upon and culti vation of said land. viz. Oscar J. Williamson, John King, Milton K. Morgan, JamcB M. Hanib let, all of lone, Oregon, J. P. LUCAS, 88-100 Register. NOTICE QF INTENTION. Land Office at The Dalles, Oreoon, October 2i, 198. NOTICE 13 HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE following-named setilcr has hied notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before V. Crawford, County clerk, at Heppner, Oregon, on Friday, December 9, 181)8, viz: DAVID H. GIIABILL, of lone; Homestead Application No. 4233 for lot 1, and the 8K4 NE' and N'i BE '4 Sec 19, Tp 1 S, R 24 E W M. He names the follow lug witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz; Frank Wilson, John Williams, Jerry McKlllgott and Joe Woolury, of lone, Ore gon. 9il 7 Jay P. Lucas, Regi Notice of Intention. Land Office at LaGbandr, Okf.cion, October 12, 1898. OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE following-named settler has filed notice f his intention to make final proof In sunuort of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the County Clerk of Morrow County, Or egon, at Heppner, Oregon, on Oct. 25, 1898, viz : JOHN W. SCOTT, f Echo, Oregon, homestead No. 0318. for the N H Sec. 13, Tp 1 N It, 28 E W M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation oi said lima, viz: viiiiihui Contiln, of Nye; Frank Klllkenny. of Henuner: James McCum- ber and Grant Buchanan, both of Ei ho, Ore gon. . E. vi. Bakti.ktt, 92-3 Register. OREGON SHOUT UNEHy. 5 IIM'NKrl II QUICKEST AND MOHT DIRECT LINK TO I l77-tt COLORADO, NE BRASKA, KANSAS, MIS SOURI RIVER ami alii Point EAS7 and SOUTH- LOOK AT Till: T1MK. NEW YORK, 1 J days CHICAGO. :tj -ST. LOUIS. :J -OMAHA. 3 " SALT LAKE, 1 J Kriw lU-cliuing Chair Car I'l'lii'Morcd Ton r ist Hle-ing Car i'uthuan l'alacs Hlvi-plug Car For full J.artloul.r regarding rate, r"TfT ba drm.m-trate.1 that it car. - "ii 1 takru III ta ctlltf MuKrt of III ilisrai. Vwfur ttir lung at ih far wtrd In a c n mi nipt I tbrt ( a ttrakrr m4 than tvrn I hi" lung. That spot i the ttumtih A nmurajitiv nevrr trally to-gln itt ill until Vila (marh I lvr nut Tlic "Cxitdrn klrdirsl iMaruvriy" tti Milr btacva p tlir lom h, ImiI aU ditntly on th liniga, hrnlliif tlimi and ililvtiig cmt all Imputttir. llonrM mrdii'ln tlmlrr lll oot utg yoa to Inks an infrn.it subatitut. " I had a wit Iwd oih dan mM awrala, and waa atiMat in nv n r.nt,iip4ni " iHra i tlais A M. Intirtr, H. iji a.h. Unt Miilltva i ta ' a fu.nj tl mm lalMt Kwl dird wllh aua.ittit(liai tim li at' In a dirtirt, and tM ma l taar I t 1'irti1 a tM.)' n MrilNat lHa,wv, and thank IK si. I rikal an r ' lima had takrn Half o4 IN Sta Ia4ll mm a l-4irt ttnlil I had lakn l.nl That u all I awT'U-d I ( wc.i aud alr. again " Vhrnf nntn-iiin I rn of Ih rm pllialing ranarsol diarna, th nioal yr Irct IrtlirdT im l'irr' III anl ffll.la. olid h i alnaa (,,-ti, vt al,,hil l nil!, I and hatnitra In it Mi r any irttir.ly Infrntnl tiHh mj tk Uli If Cattl 8alra and hhlpnieuU. Jamas I'eltoo and Liudaoy Biavtnore sr dnviog a band ot 1.400 bead ot cat tle both beef and stock from l'elton Bros, ranches at Bly and lo Crook oooutjr to the railroad at The Dalles (or eastern shipment, iloraoe I'eltoo, ol Bams valley, wa at Fort Klamath last week to sell 2oU bead of their beef cauls from their band at that point. A drive of prims beef cattle beaded for OazelUr, Hukiyoti count.-, Is taking place tbls week, beinif l.OTiO bead from Col & Clark's X L stook randies In Liak sod Modoc counties. Tuny were old (or B' snd 6 oents delivered, Felix iireen is lo obarge of the transfer Her; ford Itroa,, of Lake ennntr, an driving HO0 bead ot beef cattle to Hooey lake vail to be aolJ at Ueno this win ter. ( has. Uuoting is driving 'M beef oat tls from Lnkevie to 0tll, lo be auc tioned off lo the highest bidder. Vellev 'Kecord. NOTICE OF INTENTION. Land Office at The Dalles, Ohkoon, otoler 20, Ih'.w VTOTICE 1.4 HKHKKY I11VK TIIATTHK i followlng-niiiiiid settler has Hied notice of his Intention to make Una! nroof i.n aiimmrt of his claim, and t int s- ld proof will be made he ro V. i.ranumi, l oiintv l lerk of Morrow county, ( irogou, at heppner, Oregon, ou Tues day, December il, 18 ih, vi.; EVEN OKESERSON, of Ixlngton ; homcsti'iol application No. 4178 for the r.'i M-.V anil M ' NE! and NW. SEU See. II, Tp I H, it M K. W. M. He iianies the tollnwlng witness's to prove hiscontinu un resilience noon and cultivation ol said laud, viz: Krni st I ipor, of I j xlniiton. Oregon; U. r. Hw impart und Kobert Turner, of Heppner, Oregon; J, 11. piper, of Milton, Ore gon J. r. 1.1CAH, 4-S Kcglslor, Notice of Intention. Land Office at The Dalles, Oreoon, October 2il. 1898 MOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN' THAT THE !N following-named settler has (lied notice of his intention to make final proof in support of nis claim, ana mat said proot will be made before N J. Hale, U. H. Commissioner, at lone, uregon, on ham may, December iu, IH'.ih viz: FREDERIC W. B A LSI G Ell, of lone, Homestead Application No. 4210, for Hie lots 1 mi 2, ec !, 1 p l , tt 24, -is vv 91. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon aud cultivation of said laud, viz: Gustav Glock, Edward Glock. I'd dull and Reuben C. Sperry, all of lone, Oregon. toi-7 Jay r. Lucas, Register. Notice of Intention. Land Oiihi at La Grandr, Oheoon, October 111. .v.i. VTOTICE IH HEUEBY il EN THAT THE i folliiwliig'iiaiiii'd iettlir hs( II led notice of his inteiitioii to make rliial nriMif lu suuixirt of his claim, and that nld proof w 111 li made Imlore tne ( iiuuty l lerk ol Morrow county Oregon, St Heppner, Oregon, oil December b. 18 .M, vw: JAMES A. I'EARHOS, ol flurdaite, Oregon, hoini'stend No. fe',11, for the avi '4 Hcc. 2 and Nt MiV and .Vi NWk nc'. II Tp 4 H. K . K. II iihiikhj the pillowing wltiiesapi to prove hta coiiiluiiovs rfaldi'iice utHiu aud cultivation ol an til land, vis: Mai limine ami A. J. Cook ol Heppner, Oregon; Levi L lllatt and A. W Norton, ol Uiirdaue, Oregon. E. W. BAHTI.ETT. W-5 lt.'a".tcr. riahlnf la HmIIIi. Whrn a man btrak down with that rlrrad diaraa, rnumtiim, and rrcmnur liia ciuulition, he atnrta imt tn hh (or lirtlth. II trira this thing and that thing. II ronnilts Ihia d.xtof ami that dmtnr. II Indula In all kind of abautd athletic rirtt'lara. He liir hrat on climate and llirn anothrr. II ttir th trat cur and thr wotk cut. II grows atradily worm. That I th Hoiy uf moot conaumptivr. Finally, whrn thr citnaumptiv dita. th dm tot shrugs Ilia aliiiuhlrra anil pronounrr runaumption inrinald. A thitty yrara' trat of IT Plricr'a (Voldrn Mrdiral lha- J. C. II A 11 r. Agrnt tl. U. A N. Co., Ilrpptier, Oregon CO. Taaav, V. K. Coma, 1rv, I an. Agt. OtoT Agt. lit lliird HI., 1'ii'llan.l. Ore. V U lUlt TI TV! Tl I TO Stm lrn iioImoo Adtltnntllalir.nla.lath Mt KKaia r'uul I.- Southern Pacific Co ri rnl I r llnmiri Calif.ina In all H,t, I. I'ivI a.,i,llY l.nii l Hoot, vl ih l'a IS I .awl. I'nllniM HnRat HirtMta, lin,i riajas hlM4r Ai'a. ha-1 liraa Irair-a. altxdo aaarN a.4MiMlalla f,,f an -.mil rlaa anBaanak mm, itrknt al,th rat tmnmilinA a. na'l lMf ,.f a.ldfaaal a K"aMlai H.. ,...r r M alAaklUM. ia. r s) ?. t. teiiiu4, ot- THE UIO t.RlNHK WMTICKM TOI K18T KXCUHMlOMi Tbe popular tourist eienraiuos in aaaliraUhl by lbs KiuOrende Weatern, somelbing lea than year ago, are now a permanency. This popularity was at- IrsUil daring tbe time cut ra'rs ra velled. Nightly the ears hit Portland orowded. Tbe altruliou ehown paa ger by tbe conductors In obarge niadr tbs trip, ool only ooe of plnaaara, lnl ol eotnfort as well. Tbe mala atractia are tbe through car rvir. a day In the Mrmoa capital, and dayiigbl n.!e Ibmngli the bxarl of the Itockie lr deltghlfat la titnturr, hoe mueti mur so I tbe rid at this lima i.( Ihs ar. when lbs ka, valley and canyon are tinted itbtbe rttaaol end eriuin if tbsutumn foliage. No better tun of the year then this lo the tmiion Ilocklee In all thlr grsiideur. Four days wk, aud each day over a d IT f enl line east nt Colorado, do tbea eicar NOTICE UF INTENTION. Land orrica at Tub Dai m. omoon. (s toln-r .11. Iwa. .tOTICK It4 HiVREBt tilVKN TIUT THE folliiwliig.liamrd Settler baa Hint colli of his Intention lo make fliml prof In support of his rlalm, and llial aahl prinif will Ihs made ludiirr V . I ran lord, t'o'iuly li"k, at Heppner, urrgon, on Miuniay, in-rrmiM'r iu, i"i, vu: I'Al RICK KILKENNY, of Urppnrr. Homnlrnd Applii-atioii No 4'l. f,ir Hi K SK and N'4 t-, hm'. il, Tp I S K K W M 11 naiiii Ihr following wttneaa to ru hta rtmlliiiioila realdeiH-e iimhi and riiltlvallon ol mi I land. : Chaa. aii Inklr, John "tier Idaii. Jami al arty and J,, hit ( arty, all ol II. p ln-f. ori goii. Is, 7 JV I". t.t i A. Ki'ilUler. APMIMSTHATO li'S .S.I. E LEAL PEOFEliTV. OF Iim.?! Tit'y ''. la the mailer of the eaUKol Jai oh JoliiiK.n di'i-iiai S.ille la lirn-liy shall that nndrr and by Vltdir kI an nr.ler ol aalr, reolatly laaiifv! on of ftir fHMinty fHiurtoMhr nfatr of Or-n I lillliain I uuiity, urdorlng Ih aala of lliarea proarly ol alt raiair, I will on Kaltinla (rl,.l-rr i.'lh. alllir In. ir of 1 oi iia k P I IO .lar aril at Iml.llc a ielltul lo Ilia blsllral l,it,ler l.ir i aah tn hand, aiil.jnrt lo noinrtnatlt ht aald runil. all Ilia tlklU, till and Inlei.t lhal aal l ,l. - , l,-l al ll.i" limn ul hla .trat and all Ininnml ol his ratal lileh may ha lnrii aol.toiiii;y a'.iilrrt. Ill and In thr lot Inn In .l.a. iU-l rvad p-ity ailual.d In Mo ron I it 1 1 , I tr-ion, lu ll 11 Tn ' ! . a" 1 ! Sn 1 ami Ih t H iO a , of - 7. an 1 I. .la No and and Ihr l I l 1.1 i a , ad St l, i.l e A i, of Land II. v ol a.i' Sal In Tp I. a.M,lli ra" -"I ral W VI a' I aa.. r,,H-f ' 1,1hj old Hiti in a. .tvinlai' K 0 ll't-.n. . 'ja Adiiilmairalor, Wisconsin Central Lines GENE UAL PASSENGER DEPARTMENT. M ilwaukee, Nov. 5, 1897. PATRONS of the Wisconsin Central Lines in passing through Obicngo may require some assist ance in the way of having their hand baggage taken form or to train and carriage or bus, or in many other ways, and they will find all that is desired in this re spect in the service of the Ushers at the Grand Ceutral Passenger Station, who have recently been uniformed with brown suit and red cap. They will be in waiting at all trains prepared to assist pas sengers, and it is hoped that our patrons will fully avail themselves of this additional provision for their comfort. JAS. C. POND, Gml PflMPr. Agtt UNITED STATES LAND OFFICE. Thr rAl.l.r.s, Oregon. October 6. 1M8. rOT'CK In HEREBY GIVEN I HAT, TOWN- lilii three ( I) south of ranee twenty. one II eat of the Willamette Meridian. OreKon. has been surveyed, and an approved pint of the mine therein will to filed ill llilsoliiee on he loth day of Novemher, lK'8, at II o'clock a. m. On ami after said day. applications lor entry thereof will be received at this office. eigne J me a ay ana year suove w mien Jay P. Lucas. Otib Pattkrmom, Register. Receiver. PUBLIC LAND SALE. United btatis Land Oprtrg, The Dalles. Or.. Oct 5. li". FaTOTICE 1(4 HEREBY GIVEN THAT IN ll purauaiicA of Instructions from the coin. nilmloiler ol the general land olllee. under authority vealed In hi in by section 2IM I lilted Htali-s Revised rllatule as ameniled by the ai l of iiiiiKn.ni approveil Kehruarv 2rt. lm.i. ire wll proceed lo oiler at public sale on the I7ih dnvof Miveinm-r. next, at mo ciim S a. in. al Ihls olllee, ,l.a r.,ll,.Mrl,. I....I ..f I....1 I...U.I. Tl... U II ,. 8 K v boo 21, Tp 4 B, K 24 E W M, coiiUllilug (o acre. Any and all pcraons claiming adveraclr the atMive dracrthad lands ar advUed to file their claims Iu this olllee on or brlors th lay almv eaiguatril lor Ihr rniniueiiceini.iil of said sale. oinerniae iiieir rigius will ! lorieiKii Jay I'. I.m , oris l'ArT"on, 90-1 Ktglatir. Receiver. erf i iL.l - . A ...c,V TRADE MARKS, Hl DE8ICNS, vuriaivnia an Anyone sending a sketch anil description may quickly ascertain, free, whether an Invention Is proliHhly patentable. I'ninmiinlcatloiis strictly coiiti.iuntlal, oiileat anency fnraecuriiiK pateQ lu America. We have a WanliliiKtou oflleB. Patents taken through Munn X Co. reoelve speeiol notice iu th SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, beautifully llluairnled, lareeat circulation of siiT aeientlrlc Journal, weekly, trrnia .i.iil a yeari l..i0ail nionilm. Hpreliimn ooplea and ILAJili liooa OH l'Ai l.NTs seutfree. Address MUNN & CO., 301 liroadway, Mow Yerk. HEPPNER IRAN'SFEK CO.'S Belled express Is coming. Tors deliver 1 work on short order, 10 cents and up- ' wards. 1 his watrou is No. 4, and leave your order with It, or at "Central" tele phone olllee. VVc Aiove Anything!. NOTICE OF INTENTION. Laud om s at Laomaki., Oaroo, Ol-lnlr-r 17, l'"l VOTH K H HKRFBY OIVKN THAT TIIK a i o'lolii turned antler has II liil mdli-r of his Intrtitloii In make final proof In atiptHirt ol hla claim, and thai said lrH.( ill tw mad tirtor tbr t'oiiuly I lerk of Morniw I otiuty onion, at llrppurr, Orrgon, on Noveoiljvr Ik-is, tl: FRANl KH MKItRILL, of HiTrtier, homeatrd No i'. A. for Ih V, VV , and h K a W and sn'.tti. en-. 17 ipHX, R :1 K W M. He naini-a thr .llon( nltiiraaa-s to prnv hla roniliiiioiia realdeiic npnn and cultivation ol aall land, vtr i. A Herrrn. CM. Ili-rrvu, thin Men. hew. Wlillam Wall.rl-Ur. all nl llrpp. iu-r Orvgiin, K. W. Baati tt. ht'a-iatrr. NOTICE OF ISTENTION. V'Tlf i loll Notice of Intention. ,n orni t l,isti. ia.in. li. i,.l. r I i NtiTH m first nr tiivri nur nr folto M f liamr. ai-llif r tia f.lnl talp of rHalntriittmt t - mat S-nal pr-f In aMi'irl of hleeiaim. ao-l lhal al I pf--l tt lit niala la- ,,fat lha I i.m'iIv i ir-S t l.fiw n.-mtr . al IU l iir, Oiin. un le, m, iff V I" , LaXD Orru a at Thi Dam s. or-,,,,i. Ort.,lM-r. 17. W TICK H IIFRrBY fllVKN IHATHir ll.nlii.tainrd ai-lllrr haa flint Holier ol 1.1 tlitrlitpin to makr final priad In sit-M,rt of hla rlatm. and lhal aald .rHf III Iw inada t. lorvalrr 4'r liir.l. ( imnly I Ink al Mepp licr, Oregon, on Hntur.lay, Nov. la at. vis: BRICK IIAlNr. nf FUliI Mil. h.Mii-atKd p',, aiIon 'n fj4 ,ir Ilia W i, r 1.1 1 a. R .'4 K W.M. H tianr th f.on.atns' wlloi-aara o prnv blarolitltiiioiia ri-al-lrti.-r ti, and riiitliatii.il ol ld land. if ;,.lm , wii t-akAn.rr a..n T. K lt.ii.lnann.nl f otht Mil. on?"a; L. f. J.nira, n lit purr, llte(,,n J P. Ilra. Iiratrr. H. W. Fall, PROPRIETOR 01 the Old Reliable Gault House, CHICAGO. ILL.. Ualf block wrst of th I'nlon tx-pot ol C I a It., C. M. ht. 1., V. 4 A , P. t't. W. A C. aud th C. Ht, L. A i. Railroads. IA.TIC SSLi.oo lKH HAY Cor. W. Madison aud CllnUm 8ia, exii5Ja.o. xxaXa. ; PUIiLW LAND SALE. I kitsii Ht it li orm s at Tag Dalu or.-on, is t.,tr jn, I VOIK K la HKRkHY i.IVKN THAT IV fR. '"' ( Inairii. u,,!,. M,m tt,,,,,,,,,,,,. alotirr of I he ge.irral land oltl. r, ui.Oer so III., r liy v.-ini i, ,i,n ,r !.. ji , i , Rrvlard rlatilli a. a ainrndi'd by Ihr el n nin grraa app r.1 tn.ruaiy 'i. la ,, ,, .. rent I,, niter at toil, lie a. la .... i, , ' ), i'liil. .. .1 (, n ,-,mk . , .. ... .-.i1 King II a. I i, laud, lo H slu saw a. It k. W. M .eontalol,,. a) 1p a a la NOTICE OF !STETIUN. I.B onus rlm ill l.,o la o.Im-, J.. wA oii t i" iifRraf i.ir inrin .tlUfWlo fiamr. artt,rr haa fird nolli nl hai lut-nii'in In mat fi, tr,a, In S'lppnrl nl t l riaim, and H at aald "-, nr madr I-t.irr . i fa Pl I'tiuiili I trr, at thr loiio re Any and all p,.i, , rlalmlng dvrarlr th " "'""""I lamia arr ulvianl i.. ai. ii.-.. rllnialiithla..rtl.nnr I. lor lha, ., d.'lnatnl l..r lh.r.,in,r,,.,ei,l i.l . i. olliernta Iht-ir rinhta i,i m ,,rtrtir,l J IV I' ii, . . i, . , krrlrf. Timber Culture.Final hoof. titntTTa t.at,Orira ll.rlia Ira or i . .J- rx.tl.-a ,,t lolrntl..,, In mat. B'.ai ami 1J1..TI , -""'. ' y .ir,k..,,r;,;n,,r;1'; .. lyeinUr. a, I.-,, ,,i,,,r 'I tl"-i No It. I.. Tn V. 4 a, s .-, - r J """" . ' an.. A.hlth J f Mnrrlaml .'.i.t.fd .r , I r4 Aal,t(a,nl ll., ,, M,"""". .'I.'. . I " a.' Kr-l.t,,. Timber Culture '-final froofT" t SITU, M,t, I , 1 "rrn IiibiI, I. ,.w .ralfil It.uiitt I !.rk all I4r..l . . . . . . .i.H..i...lbM,sielber.naerl.le 'u. vii.,;.,,.....-i.i,,. XTZV.U ' sbiHe, clroolea Tb. nenr-l... car. ,lliir rt h.! J'""" " MU.m,,"". Z?Vt uitj,' isa Ibrungh fit dratiaalioa altbunt Ma t i j a.. , m iTpi.Hr'K llm ail i an ,n .,. it7 t:, er li.ti-wi. i.,.v, ,.H ,, . , mr a . . . , , .. , He li.'i,, Ih (. ,, .., , I. I., ,,r -''. If I a. . Vml.f l,.iiiU.,Uf,ll l , " clianst. i'r li.f,irotlon a l rate, , ,,,.,.,, n .i,.ii.m iu o.r p. i...ii mm.. r. n .. -.. ,. , w ' w";"''- ! Hu.u.n, tnttlM. ai.Dll la J 1) Ul.!lrl.l 1 '"" 1 ' Mai M - a. I A i. I . a, "" lu" '" t f '-I ri, . I , ,1 ,.. X W t. m .'I la 6 I t i ! ""l eio, appiy ia J. v. Jrl.s. ,,.,. i.m.. v,. ,.t A .i-l land, . i. i . fin...J I ..:...! If tuJZl i, " J gi'brral agnol, hid ff an U VVirrn ril- aV - vl W ji,.o, utrn it.in, ur..n 1 b...n R Knt y awl Ja.-a .WMl, , , ., j,,,.n - , "ri ill