T Our Guarantee HE PLACE To Save Money vvl. Money Returned If Goods ARE NOT SATISFACTORY. Nobby Stylish Cut Neat Fitting Tailor Made Tweeds Cheviots Diagonals Clay Worsted C53Lotl3iim. 11 1lio Cliolcest Patterns and Very Best Fabrics COATS Wo Warrant Every iiiit OVBK FAR i:m.wtf OUR PRICES Pepper and Salt Cotton Suitsnever wear out All Wool Worsted Suits - - " -Imported Clay Worsted Suits extra heavy All Wool Tricot Suits best value made All Wool Tweed elegant satin lined $ 3-33 6.48 948 8.98 1 1.65 These suits are positively very stylish and equal to high priced tailor-made suits. Call and satisfy yourself by making, comparison. f Mm Fine Dress Coats Ulsters Canvass Coats water proof Heavy Chinchilla elegantly made and lined Mackintoshes in various colors and weights HATS STYLISrf DERBYS FINE FEDORAS STOCK MEN'S HATS- Felt and Wool Positively the best goods at the cheapest prices on the market Ml- inmk Tfflf 1 BABY'S SMOOTH, FAIR SKIN A Grateful Mother Writes this Letter Tells all about Her Troubles when Baby Broke out with Scrofula Sores. " At the age of two months, my baby began to have sores break out on his right cheek. We used all the external ap plications that we could think or hear of, to no avail. Tho sores spread all over one side of his face. We consulted a physi cian and tried his medicine, and in a week the sore was gone. But to my surprise in two weeks more another scrofulous look ing sore appeared on baby's arm. It grew worse and worse, and when he was three months old, I began giving him Hood's Sarsaparilla. I also took Hood's Sarsaparilla, and before the first bottle was finished, the sores were well and have never returned. He is now four years old but he has never had any sign of those scrofulous sores since he was cured by Hood's Sarsaparilla, for which I feel very grateful. My boy owes his good health and smooth, fair skin to this gieat med icine." Mrs. S. 8. Weoten, Farming- ton, Delaware. Get only Hood s -,.,, are prompt, efficient and IlOOU S fills easy In effect 25 cents, WATCH THIS SPACE! 33.00- In It If you catch on. - A basket Boniil will be given at the Christine church Wednesday evening. Don't deny your family a membership in the new library. It's a (rand work. Dr. McSwords vr trail d to Li-xiogton ast nit tit to ml minister to N. A. Leaou's little baby. John Mccarty shipped two carloads of cuttle to tho Union Meat Company lapt night. Oo'd juitw" in all rijjlit but fow Tit lurd has a brand of 14-year old ji"d8 tii at is hard lo het. 603-lf, Dr, J. W. Yogel, specialist fur rrfraO' tion ami Aefeoia (if tne eye, will be here every three moutba. 648-ljr Painlfsa remedy for exirnoting teeth. If not us stated, no oIuhkbh. Try Dr, Viiiufhim's new p'?.n. G04-tf, The Hotel Pslnoa Is being thoroughly renovated acd repnpired, nuiler the no pervisiun of 8. J. L.ezar. If yon lift d something for your system oall at ilie Tb'iue The Telephone bs 00D, City hotel baildiDg, tf Perry Knydor suflars the fracture of a bone in the forearm, the rrsuit of being kinked by a horse lust niuht. Dfht noooimnniitttion and courteous treatment at thel'nperinl Hotel, Seventh anil Wttth. fits., Portuind, Oreirob. Bring your bides, Kits find furs to Ben, Mathews, nt the Liberty Meat Maikfct. He pays higbrt tuarket price. $3 given away for tho best cor this weak at th k!I,nnn vhrvnltnrri Pitllnmri I mm mmmi uauuij t -SCORE TO DATE t HIgheKt ptiMtble M'orel'Jfl. t lrlzea Wm. Brown wins with a score of 110 Ladle' prize: Mr. Perry Snyder lt Red, White and Blue lights In front. METH. EPH'1. CUUUCII. ernvioM. Hnnilay I' m. a'id p. m. Snndny ecliool 10 a. 111. Cln-n No. 1 rd i I2:1H p. m. Kpworth l,fi(i nviiilunKl uiwtinn nt t p. m. l'm'i miH'lum, '1 li.irnliiy, 7 p. m. 1 honriKl T id me iiri'in y. 1 om. Tho iM'U't limy lie funnd nt tn iiirn joliiiiiil tli rliun-li, wh,.p ha will t) jmnonaif ni- HI IflHd Ui mwt iy W i iiiny u mro 10 ooiikiiii nun on rliiiu. K.iil. rlvio. phlliMoiituo, wtucntioual. or any oilier ttUblM,tM. ' J. W. KLKBIItn. Milliliter. CailHTIA.S CHCHCH. Bervlcot 1'nrli Hunilay at 11:00 o'clock a. m. ami ":( p. 111. I'rHynr iim'tlna lhnrily even I11K at 7.111. t'liolr iravtlr (iitrily rvenlng at thechiin li. K. L. timi i T. 1'wUir. Th U'llin' OhIM of the Kplarnpal rhurrh will mn'l at n'vlork, p. in., "11 thr lit nnni lnf of each month, at the homo of ilra. T.J. Matlock AOVtUTIMKO LF.rTEIW. A HVF.HTIHED Al II El! 'KF. t ETTKKH lj or., (n-IoUt al, 1 A man, ii S ftrown, Miner priHilia, H liUliiin, M (t rair, trunk inliimlo. K I ay. I'a'iMiic Jaunt. Kmil J,ni4, Nri 1 i Mllli-r. A I) Hriilru. Mamie Whn fallln for -" ctitr pta 4"rlll. H F. Vifii W, I . m Brtlih. W I. Hrotn, Iri-ne Ilrtiwn. r al Ih.fhi.rty. II r FiHii.-r, Hoy iirittln. Joint MoiiMtkfr, Jc(T Jiihiivon. iainri l.tiilirr. H 'iiiiiTain.f A H-liiian. J II a J Locl Nous. Cliolct frn'la H The Maini.. j Wtirit Iim gi tie lii t :l ehU. M M. !,ir l.tcnttial On tr !"-. F r cl'ip iMnftc!i'iiary gi Tti llaiue. Citeail ooait tf!tigt &ny oo'al.lcre lo toy. Circuit e'iirt b'gn il relo Mt nxniiiDg. Buy ynnr IuWm of G-i. 0. Uou.t Tb .Maioi. Whi-ra rn "'t ' t"nt nawn- lit'T At Th Mio. W.r ran m lm)i tx-t elgar on railbT Al It." M'U.. Wbat H"P ' T l!et eertli. 'rwliew. YO ran'l aff f 1 '' t'l""' '"" l-...l,ir- In II tiw litifa'?. Tl J.lWrr 't.of tii. at'r" 619-tf, A. M. Oann may bn seen again bam mering iron ut his old stand on wfst M:i'i street after m bbxenoo from the city of three years. tf Stop that cotib! Tohe warning. It may lead to I'mmiiuJiition. A 25c bot tle of Million's Corn m ly fuve your life. Bold by Coiissr & Wuiren. z Mr. Ike Innis repo'ta lb Bine Monn tnio TelephoiiH cow complete to Long Creek, Rod wl'l go to Burus within a few dn)R to put iu au txobange. Jn-it tliii k nf having accent to 1 000 volumes of lli treuu f the worM'u lit eraturo nl cwt of lia that one hnlf rt-nt per day. J jiu llm libriry Bas-ioia-tion. F. M. ri)(er, ooutity commiei-ioner of Otllim. brongbt lu 1 8 )0 ahrep for rhlp me nt to Ht. Pnol y-Htril'iy. U wbh uu fortunate in loaing 8H) luad nlong the drive. Catarrh on red. A clear htnd end HWwt breath tfCiHid with hlillob I CutarrU H.raedy; olJ 00 gnaratitee. Sanul injector freo. Hold by Cotner & Warren. KarPe Clover P. ot Tea, f ir CoDtip tir.n It'i b f Hi.d if fcfr nmnB i yuti dou'l my o, retnrti packnge end get your money. KoM by Cuar & Wrren. 1 llurg l ontiHf of Hie wfll known Cb'ni-ae lunndry. bM md hi" laundry toforocr nf Alk:i mid Watrr rtrecle end i now lu fliape to d.i K""il whing nt i heHp rate. 2 HtHgrdrivcr Craig Informa n thet full foien of carpcnlrre are at rork 00 the Rock Ct-k bridge, rmliiirm lb nroriy of n iialiiug il b f. r-!( el fniil nf higU walrr. For Cnnipim lake KarPe Clov-r lh grrt llloo.l 1'iinn f , 0iir-e Iie..da"li. Nrrvonni, Eruptioua 00 lh fiie. eti l mli-a llu h-a I n olrar m Ih-II. hold b (ii-r k A arrrn. I W. 1'. hn)d"r, the livi liable pro i tun lr,tn)e only tli hay en I grain. Laiga errl tid aciomm iia"! -ua ror freight", t lack ai l rmggira f iirr.ialt-d reniiiatiU. rit w k i-!l earrd f'r. if fi. M.itrnw C.lii.lf l-hd k Trnel rnmpaur be d-ci l-1 l 't lit bnjing J iil'i nt-naivfl thU fall, and ll ! Iint,irt4t.t tl.4 grnra 10 t.rvi- tlirip !' rfi"(''ing er'-pa. Eli K-t t.aiirl Mid rrein-j""' Cil aw.k. tt bnn,a int.. ami, hltlil'!u 1 t' l' " .K pin'lrW' ha trf$"i . diai. lan'ag- M that mm try 11. i.ewi'g i'Uod 'Bimnn ra lot.. Where cad you get a good fresh and hntonpof pure Java and Mooba ooffne for5o? At The Miiine. Open day and bt. Aleo, bom esodwiob, 5o; quarter of a pie (home made), 5o; pieoe of cake (home made), 5o; two boiled eggs, 5o; obeeee, oraokera and lunch goods. Now, that the warm Benson is about over, rrepb oandies are id order, and James Hart will devote bie time to the mannfuotare nf the choicest deliasciesio the line of creams, toffy, etc Id fact, all kinds of confectionary are to be found Ibere. 86-tf "In the tnorring by ti e bright light," In the evening at the "Redligbt," where John Rasmns onutiooes to dole to bis patrols those uparkling beverages, which "bunish melancholy snd drive dull care away." Drop in; warmth greets yon these fall and winter evenings, John Busick, one of Hardman's piomi nent sheepmen, was in town among his friends yesterday. Mr. Busick has his sheep still in the mountains, and owing to the delay of the wet season, deems himself fortunate as his sbeep are doing well, while those brought out early are suffering from soaroity of feed. Mike Roberts, at the Belvedere, hav ing remodeled tbe popular old-time oor ner, extends to tbe public 1 cordial wel come. Tbe beverages he dispenses will b3 knot up to tbe highest standard, and tbe enlxrgcmerit and cerofortable qnipment of his billiard parlors an club-rooms nre a drawing feature, 92-tf A, Ahrahamslck wishes to announce to his mBny customers and friends that he has just received a flue line of all wcol goods from the Brownsville mills elegant patterns snd the best of quality whioH he will make up into suits at 820 8V5. $27 no and S30. Ton all know his qiuility of work. Notice his prioee an cull at iitioo. Just what you wa t for winter. 2 Mrs Amite Dohertv was burried at Pendleton October 2f?'h from the Roman Catholio chnrcb, Kev. Father Oarrand conducting the funeral services and say ing m lor the dean. lira, uonerty died from puerperal fever, Hhe lived 00 Butler orei k, and was taken to Pendle ton two weeks ago. Many friends and relatives from Butter creek attended the fanaral. The remains were Interred in tbe Catbolio cemetery. Tbe Enat Oregonian ): Frank Welch dims home a f-w dy ago from the Johu Day country, lie had gone nut there with his brother, William Welch, who recently sold Lis milk business in Pendlelon to J. P. Whilt-m ire Afr disposing of Li milk busings, Mr Welch bnnghl sbont .TOO stock cattle on tli North Fork of the John Day and now has them about ready to be driven to Pendleton Ili-re b will winter them, Krhnk V the we ath-r wa nnl dry, mil Ihc re, tint u ttnoomfortolile miliars of rain, snow and wind, t i travel through, which made one wish he ooold anddenly lie tnkeo oft the face of the earth. HERE WE ARE WE WANT YOUR PATRONAGE! We are prepared to offer you the BEST VALUES of any house in the city Our Line of CLCjAixO OHQ LrAr'C.O is complete, comprising all the latest styles in Infants' Children's Ladies' and Misses' W f PS from $1.50 to $25.oozzzn Our Stock of BIER'S CLOTHING In fine Silk and Plush. Is perfect in style and finish and guaranteed to fit and give entire oofiafnptinn In Shoes i We are the only house in town that sells the Celebrated "Kant Wear Out" Boys' and Youths' Clothing, the reputation of which is world-wide and sold by all the leading houses.t i : We lead them all. The KellejT-Goodfellow Shoe is so well and favorably known that we need only to mention that we sell their line of Shoes to insure us a large and increasing Shoe trade. In Dress Goods We are up to date in all the latest novelties in patterns. Silks, Satins, Velvets, Braids, Ruffl ings in all the latest shades and styles to match our dress goods. Underwear In Ladies' and Children's Underwear we can sup ply your wants, and our prices are right. Blankets We carry a large stock of Blankets from the Salem Mills, from 50c up. Staple Goods In Staple Goods we'earry everything needed in in the house. Groceries Also carry a full stock of Groceries, and guarantee to meet all legitimate competition. Call and examine our Stock and get our Prices when in the city. First National Bank Building Hcppncr, Oregon. Successors to E. W. Khea & Co. Personal. A MIU at lima. Futarday night epaitjof alKiut twenty joung pM'le from hrre went to lone to art, hUb eo rj lyahU event At It cot eltiMoti in tbe morning tbe ltrpi tu r ynntm folk a.jinrnfd lo the f iruitiy of Ihe deput, where tliey hnilt a Ivinflri", and It "in that "ma looal tonnu Ml"e raid them a iall and dnrina that eoolatulily a dmHirhatire oocnrrrd whiflh precipitated roitidi-and-tumtile fltft.t b.'ten Iwo etnlwa't oninr mo, wlui-h wa oclar'1 "ilraw" on en txitiit. Wlii-re I lie Incident create fun fr It e b..y,l!ief are lo he d'ploret from 'tie fact tli thry dim!e the yonnif f .lka nf Ihe to tMWna, who rnnM rieharir i.nMea.e, and ni' k ttie ncr4i'io r f pertiea and entertainment inoal lnlreatini end aH'reahle. Il i lo h h"r'l that if"" t a will prevail on fi'nr rxvaaiona, ard that Ihe p'enanre fif Hi tiei'e . k ami foilh wl'l Dot be nitre 1 t.y n Ii en inetdt-cl. f, ,.,te I lllitllll , t h.V I in .f (J ll.-lr Htnl.lt.' C'.t.'HII""" l,.te li'lie' fail. I llh-.tlt H. I.ail l r wlil ' ' h W atrrii, ft-t.'i:!! Ik' I ' - i . & . ..rftl ar fill iin. ,f irpi..iir.. w r , , - . , 1 4 '"' t-H i JL. 1 . .,. rev.r. r e-L, f It . -1-f !. . Jr ?-rr T 'Jr T' 3 'V ! ,. tun, .p,ip L,rv;rtp,aUWf. ll.muaa rara.4 U IMl li'g'it. Mall.iween, will Imi lnflg mil rd hf lb rratlei.tl M ' ll'H riiy. LtII i.irita in lirfita were lliltir ffni r-rn-r lo r ri.er. It'c. Iaia iheat end a-tu.l J'w-1 ,rlMtni,; irattl, in, d r, fluri and al.tewa'k KM reatlerel in every rlirwti .n: e 'dw' d ! pv'ed ; im.Kfil.iv villa filled Ihe air, arid i m i'I.I'I wa tit iy reierally. Th imn na'lia! I.tirkle,! 011 liia a'ln and ' enirafeott'l) ri'ane. lbiu Hlj t rand i nnl " l''W I eet;on l-f . ', ei'r tie !er. r-e'.l'ti' ti ! eve 1 ! 'l I 'at It. av(,'fl liail t'ar. f !, r t' , vera! are on lull " reelee ene.l v til' il al- il- (tirp eir die l.alli' me I"I. I take and f I tf (Viliaet k I Om Mitchell, of lime, came up yeatenlay. J. P. Hadley waa on our itrneU yettrilny. Win. McCarty, of Kclio, Ii In town on builnem. J. U. Whlto, of Lvxlnitton, came up tlila miiru lK- Frank Bliiaii came in frmn tho ranch yeater day. Mra. P. Wlltmi, of Monument, la vlaltlng llupiiuer, I). If. Juuktna ami V. M Hjni'or are In from llarilinan. Mr, llatlle Ci-i il, ol Arllnxtuli, Il reKlatared at tha Palace. Attorney 8. A. I. liiirli'jf of ArllnnUm, la In attendance at court. Iiav llurran took Iut iiinlil'i trutn for Port- laud Ui vlult tit wife. John McMillan, ttio lxliitlon liveryman, wa In Iti'.incr t"Mli.jr. Mr. Corllc Mi.rrltt and on retiirnad from Portland on Huinlay'a train, R. J. Wtkln ram In on Hi la from Canyon City laat Prldajr nlKht. Mr. Cromwell, orKanUcr of ! Artlaana, U In (own In th Intersil of th onti-r. t'ncla nnj. t. 1'arkt.r cam down from tha mill yeatardar, ataylni ovr nlKht. Chaa. A.liU'Uh, of F.lifht Mile, U dellvartni hi crop of wheal at Ihe wan-hot,. John W. Amhroe, of lin Crwk, whoa mm arcotenalv afierpmi'it, I In town. 'r.-(lllri Attorney M. i. Ilean. of Pviidl. Um, I on hand for Hi iiiii of court. W. K. Mi 'Kinney, o( Klht Mile, waa aoluf lh round of Ilia tmaliiiiM Imu" yeaterday. Frank Johnaon, tti lively wool uyr, lelt laat nllil lore tllt with hi father at Hoi city. J. I. Iluabin, formerly flltir of Hi Troni CMinly Journal, anlvel on till noruliii Wain ('ha, harnetl. repriw-ntini th :hlio Pot. trait ( omjny, leave ly tor an Interior de livery. MlM KtU Mlmir. alio h ten at tti metrop olis lor aeveral r, returned home a few da '. Mr.l lia. Iiii..n. ". t'"ie drttagW, In loan y.ir'ly, Ut mi Ut niiht'i tialn or a I'm I la lid tflp MlM rlll Klu-a arrl'ed her Monday morw- In Irora f'iU, a-it war 1 1 fi.U mm time wllh rtiatlvea and fiinl. Mr emewt. feii.'i of w iMea.,rflvH l.re Irnia Klla ai d mill test ihort lime tlh hi win family. I. A. Hale. fufii.rlf a ifea. Morrow twiniy he puiau, IH Hn now at Wai'wrg, , I hr on li..i.. Inp H '. Johnaol and I. n! f of al-. fornieff raid'rilof r,t..r. i." avail HNuroed her tu eeli'-e rn.eo-ii. a . t fie! d frfl 'I i Hi lfl ' ' R. Allen, of Hardinan, came In yeatorday to be In attcudauce to the circuit court. Mr. Allen appreciate the advent of food time la our county, and report people In hi auction In a condition of good uatured content. Kill Minor returned Hunday morning from hla trip to PiiKut Hound, where he vlaited What com and Fnlrhaven. Mr. Minor report in lnu-retln trip, and recite Oiltlnf experience thai lay all local Bihermen In the ihada. I. TroilKHii, one of Ella' mild men, accomp anied by hi brother-in-law, Mr. N.Hwanaon, nitlauired at th Palace yeaterday. Mr. Bwan too who ha an eatlmabl family It from Cali fornia with th Intention of aetlllug In th la country, and will be welcomed. Mr. George VYhltel and bride reached bar on Friday morning' train. Th giKplclon of (iamtte'i laat Uaue waa fulfilled, fit tender th happy twain our iliicer aytupathy. Th etl matlon In which the huahaud and wife were held In ihelr former bom can In Judged from th teportof the wedding In another column. Uraaa Bowllag Coateat A 50 aanie biwlmg lonroiroinl for beiatifal gold tnedel end otter prize U now on it Kiolnrdioo'i bowling alley (Jail it tbi elleyi fur further partloulir. I'm nlveo eieb tnontb for blatbeal eo re for lidiee and gentleraeo. Com la ind try yoor dk ill. Ileal k el Mra. A. F. larger. Tbe iiouunoemeDt of the death of Mr A. K. Lei'ir, wife of H. J. Lerter, Hilar day inortilng wae i gevere ibuck to tbe comiimolly. Mn. Leifer bn been r I irli ui!in prMir health fur mine Urn b it bar demlee wai oni peeled. Tbe funeral aervlee wen bald it tbe IJaptlet eharcb ilerdiy ll 2 -V) p. m. end lb reintlui Interred id Ibi oily cemetery. TUB INDIAN BCAKC. NOriCB UF IMHMOLtTIO.N. Tbe Uiiette'l Keport Id Laat Frlday'a laat Con 1 1 Bed. Mr. R. F. Witkin, who reaohid here oo !! night' ititf, ifflrmi tbi report glveu id Frlday'i iaane of tbe Oacette, eod eiplodet Ihe eenialiooil loooaot wbiob hive been pabliibed tbe world over. Initead of pabliabinit idle ramor. w held a oooverailion by telephone with Mr. 8itnpoo, the operator at Can yoo City, who give oa th aobetenoe of onr report, which waa to Iba effeot tbat bol oua Indian and one wbit nan had been killed, which wag over Iba diipote of a bort trade. Tba wblt boy retired to tba barn, and, aa a method ol Intim idating tba Indiana, fired bia revolver, When be oame ool tba Indiana abot bim. Word waa carried lo Isee, wbera poaee waa formed, and, overtaking tba Indiana, ona wit killed ootrigbt while one waa abot throatfb tba foot, and it ia now re ported tbit Iba Indiana el elm another of Ihelr Bomber ia mieelog. Tba Oenyon City poeee, wbicb went onl to faoa an Indian war, retnrned home after Inter. viewing tba Indiana and aelllera and learning Iba oalore of tba tronbla. teneral gtampeded waa Inaugnriled by lb aettlera, and familie were borried from all direetiooa to tba larger town Tbe lodiaoa war llkewlee eoared out ol Ibelr aeuee tr Iba wild report and bor ried into near town for aifelf , "flig Moot bed" Jim and "Blind Jim," wltb band, ara on tha John Day near Cnyon (Jiiy, and war in bo wayeonneoted itb Iba affray. A Ranlaraa Chinee lo Heppner. k oioa oleao alook ol olotblng, tnrniihlng good,et0, oarefully elected, and bongbt for eaeb. Owner determined to aelL A rare opportunity fur tbla fall trad. Writ or Inqolr CJazetti Offiok, Heppoer, Or. New Uooda. W ara eonatantly adding new good a and now have ready for inipeolion fine aaaorlmenlof watcbea, olooka, jewelry, ilverwire, noveltiea and mnaioal Ingtro- mania. P. O. Dobu, Jeweler. FOB HALE. IUoob, ffJO aoree, good land, i mllee of tleppner, all fenceJ, plenty of water, boae and barn, 140 acre of gammer- fallow, all ready for fill crop, Liy term. Call at lb OaaetU offloe. II0O HEW A KIM Will b paid for informitloo leading to lb arreel and eoavktion of any per eon aUaliog eatll branded "WIT con nected oo lb left aid. Waddle oa th bom. I'm 1 11 cub aw. 5-nov3 Nutire i berehv given tba public that Ihe Ann of Itrowa k Mtewarl baa, by mutual Cinaent. been diawilved, Mr J i.e. Hteearl relirieg, and tbal lb new Una of flroeo k Uugbee will eon lion Ibe buaiueta, auin all liahilitiee and rolled ill debta da the old Arm. Yonre Italy, LNom A If Odiiee. October l. IW t 1 MKAM'kUM d NUtM'K. KTdfl iX i.Mi.iinlli. Morrow r.ini warrant rM ui. ret i-rirt lo and loclodlng Marrh , lT. will i- mi ) own ,reri,ii,rti al th.'!.- 1,1 Ion lo...rpr "t aald cr.Hty, lutalHK ( n!ir ti.n il.te ol Hit itoLe '" 1 (If ''l-. " , " ' i . H fMia'it ,t 7'e t - a,"V' . - aoklea' An lea Halve. Th Beet Halve In tha world for Cole, Braiee. Horee, Ulcer, Halt Hbanm, Fever Horee. Tetter. Cbepped llaade. CbUblaina. Uorna. ante all Hk'.a Erop- tiooa, and poelttveiy care file or bo pay repaired. Ii la guaranteed to tiva perleet eeiuneiloa or money rernnaeo. 1'rloe'io eanta pwr not. For aala by Hloooni lrug Co., B. J. Hloeum, manager Hlar4 Fraaj Ike Eiat Oenir Mianr rMarnad from bl trip Keel Hnoday morning. Have foot day, ba waa eooltonally railroading. Owing ti mlrnini(meil and railroad ol lielon, in wblnb M aheep were killed, they were delayed oaa week la reach ing HI. Peal. Tbe trip 18 aaaelly mid In Bie day a, but Ibey reqtired 17. Oa hi retorn be apenl lb re day at Ihe Oinib ipltkin, wbicb fully nt I t upeolaii'jo. II retorn well (alia fled with Morrow euooty a bl borne, and I li04 Ibat our bo I ti ad bok In- lereel ar nad I no rlbef aeotton of Iba unity Ibrongb wbleh b paeeed The gnndeqr nf iba tiry along lb Ui Mt, !wrtt)f ta;ftiii Wkal lr. A. . Haller Bey. Boffilo, N. T. Oo U From ny pareoail knowl!ge, gained la o be erring lb efTeel of yoor Mbilnh' Onr id of advanced eon n rapt !e, I am p rap reel tn eay it ia lb nuel remark etile femaily tbal ha aver been bronghl to my atlea. lion. II bea certainly eaved many froui oo urapiloa. bold bf (Xar A Warren. CASTOR I A Tor Infant and ChlMxta. Kin. Yea Han Alwajs Eocgbt Dir ih) rgrUtMt