OFFICIAL sV PAPER Advertisers If you have bargains to offer, announce it through the columns of the Subscribers The Gazette will contain the latest telegraphic news From the Scat of Mar. lam GAZETTE. SIXTEENTH YEAR HEPPNER, MORROW COUNTY, OREGON, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 1898. NO. 697 TEE HEPPNER GAZETTE Published every Tuesday aud Friday CORL1ES MEKRITT. 'Editor BLud. Muiagrai. SUBSCRIPTION RATES On Year Six Months Three Months Sl.BO 73 BO Advertising Rates Made Known on Application. Entered at the Postofflce at Heppner, Oregon, as second-class matter. 'PHIB PAPUB is kept on tile at E. C. Dake's 1. Advertising Agenoy, 6i and 65 Merchants tLxchangs, Han Uranuiaco, California, where oou. raoU for advertising oan be made for it. LP. FISHEK, NEWBPAPEIl ADVEHTIS i ing agent, 21 Merohanta' Exchange Build ing, Ban Francisco, 1h our authorized agent. This papar is kept on file at his office. 0. R. & N.-LOCAL CARD. Train leaves Heppner 8 BonUHy arriving at Heppner rives at Hemmer 6:00 a Qpokane Express No. 4 leaves Portland at 2:00 p- m. daily except Junction 1'2;0; a. m. Leaves Heppaer Junction 8:30 a, m, and ar- p. in and arrives at Heppner Junotion 7:50 p. in. anu umaiua e:oo p. m. Portland Express No. 8, from Spokane, arrives at Umatilla thX) a. m. and Heppner Junction 7:0U .m. and arrives at Portland 12:50 a. m. Fast Mail No. 2 leaves Portland 9:25 p. m. and BrriveB at Heppner Junotion 8:25 a. m. and at Omatilla4:80 a. m. Fast Mail No. 1 leaves Umatilla 11:10 p. m. and arrives at ileppner Junction 12:25 a. m. and ut Portland 7 :2C a.m. For further information inquire of J. C. Hart, Agent O. K 4 N., Heppner, Ore. OPFICIAlj DIBEOTOBT. flnlted States Officials. P -itent William McKinley V - President (iarret A. Hobart oocretary of 8tate W. It. uay oi""Uiry of Treasury Lvmnn .T. limn. w-rotary of Interior Cornelius N. lilies 6 'Mary of War Kuseell . Alger 'uroUry of Navy John I). Long o tiuustor-ttenoral Charles Kinery Smith UMriiay-ihiiieral John W. (iriggB -t cretju-y f Arioulture James Wilson State of Oregon. uvornor W. P. Lord noretaryof State H. K. Kincaid l'roamirer ..Phil. Metaolian Mipt. Pnlilio Instruction 14. M. Irwin Attorney General C. M. Idleman nuni. 18. W.MoBride id. W.J iThos.H'. ( W. K. Ell w. a l H. B. Hns ipreme Judges F. A- Mo (0. E. Wu Congressmen $ gj,?on,,ae printer w. H. leds Hnan, iloore, Voiverton Sixth Judicial District. (ironit Judge a Htephen .Lowell . Prosecuting Attoctifey..... H. J. rtean Morrow Courtly Odkials. Joii.l H-uiator J. W. Morrow Henr,matire E. L, Freeland ioal A. (1. hartholouiew ' t:o:miiP".Mnrs J H. Howard J. W. ilookotl. " fieri Vawter Crawford Hiiorirf E. 1 1. Matlock ' Trutianrer.... A. I.inhteiilhai ' AiM-swr A C. I'ettey. ' rtnrveyor Jniins Kettliiy rliihool hup't Jay W. Hhipley ' Ooroaer Dr. E. K. II unlock HKPFNKH TOWN OrFICKBS. tlnyoi Thus, Morgan Councilman K. J. Blocnm, M. l.irhlentlinl, J. K. Hiinnns, J. J. Roberta, J. W. Itumiu and K. (i. hperry. Kworder W. A. HMiardnon l're w.rer I W. Hriggs Marshid John linger I'rerioetOfllcere. Jne'.ieaof the Poe W. E. ItirlinMwm Om.uhla O. B. (iraj 1'nlted htat lnd Omrera. TII DALIES. OA. ay P Lneaa IWiater Otis Patterson Meoeivnr LAOBANDS, OB. R. W. Tlertlett ReIter i. O. bwaekheimer Hewiiver XCIiET BOCIETIZa. KAWUNS POUT, NO. It a. a. u. '! al H. pt.tier. (r., the third Hatnrday of rr. month. AU veterans are Invited Ui bun. W. W.rvnith. II W Be. Adjntant, tf Commjuuier. D. J. JWcFaul, JH. D- IlEPPSER, OREQOS. Office hours, ft to 10 a. m., and 12 to 1 p. tn., at rr.tdet.fe, and Ht to lie. iu., and to 4 p in, at utile In Uierrsrol Borg'i Jewelry store. C E Redfleld ATTQHSEV AT LAW. Offlc In rtrtt National Bank building. Hcpplipr, Otrgnn. The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been in use for over 30 years, has borne the signature of . and has been made under his per sonal supervision since its infancy. Allow no one to deceive you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and Substitutes are but Ex periments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castoria is a substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Harmless and Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. TMB eCNTAUft COMPANY. TT MUMAV TtttTCT, NEW YORK OITV. EUROPEAN WAR IN SIGHT Strong Indications That England and France Will Yet Conflict BRITISH SQUADRON OREGON TALKED ABOUT. Volunteers Called for MobilizationEng land is Thoroughly PreparedLarge Camps to Be Formed at Rail- road Junctions. Ellis & Phelps A TTOIISE YS AT LAW. All hntlorw atletMlwl la In a mmt ml kii.lwbtrT manner. NuUrtv I'uU lie aud Coll. u.ra. Offir In Kattvr'a Rullillnf. Orrgon. A. Alallory, U. 8. COMMISSIONER la authorized to take all klmli of LAND PKOOFX ami LAND KlMNuS Collectloim made on reasonable ternii. Olhcu at runidunce on Count) utruet. Associated Press Dispatches. London, Oct. 31. There was an unexpectedly gloomy feeling this momiDg on the stock exchange and the Paris bourse, both markets being influenced, it is inferred, from the aggressive tone of some of the French papers. Besides this something extraordinary seemB to have happened, and it looks as if a crisis was approaching. The British naval preparations are being pushed with great ac tivity. The British emergency squadron is gathering at Devenport with all possible speed and seven battle-ships and one cruiser so far have been designed to join the squadron. The officers and sailors have been hurriedly recalled from leave of absence, several battle ships Hnd cruisers at Portsmouth are taking full crews on board, and other warlike preparations are being made. A number of signalmen, now on duty with the British channel squadron, which arrived at I Gibraltar this morning have been ordered home for service. A sensation was caused by the arrest of a supposed Buasiao spy at a fort near Harwieh. The man was already under surveillance, and went to the redoubt, where he tried to obtain some information from the sentrv reoardincr the fortifications. 1 1 A wah nrrpHtpii nnrl innnirioa OF HEPPNER. 0 -e a It was also asserted todav that officers! of tha volnntnora had rn. Via President j E. L. FREELAND. . Agaigtaut Oa.bier Leived order9 to proparc for immediate mobilization, and it was stated that the different army corps had been informed as to the ports on the southern aud western coasts to which they have been allotted. The Pull Mali Gijistto tLia afternoon say: - "England baa been and even now is so near war that the governmeut has carried its prep arations to the farthest preparatory Btage. It has been arranged to call out the reserves aud militia aud to mobilize the volunteers simul- Wm. Gordon has re-named taneously and to form large camps at various important railroad iunc- his stand tlio old Jones tions where rolling stock and locomotives will be concentrated. JmsT Rational Bank O. A. RHEA T. A. RHEA Transact a General Banking Business. EXCHANGE ON ALL PAET8 OK THE WOULD BOUGHT AND SOLD Collections made on all points on reasonable terms. Surplus and undivided profits $;3,oro, J. VV. Alorrow ATTORNEY AT LAW ami U. S COMMISSIONER. Office In Palace hotel building, Heppner, Or. NEW NAME I livery stable OLHio Control. HO fLACK fOU AJ1KH1CAN. I Baled hay for sale. Charues rcaaonahle. Call ou hlui aud have vour hones well eared for. Dr. M. B. Mctzlcr DENTIST Teeth Extracted and Filled. Uridging a specialty Painless Extraction. . . . Heppner - - Oregon. I.1IIICKTY MAHKUT THE OLD SHOP! ! the ptare to so to (ft Tour fin pork and laimi eh"!, steaks and roaata. Flih Evary Friday. Fine suirar etired bams and bacon. Pure leaf lard. ketilomiideriMl. old aiyla. Hlhnt caati prttt paM lor at stock. OanJ. Mathtwt. Cllmatle Conditions at the Philippines llaka ReKldfDce There Ilanituious. Portland Telegram. When Liiuteuant E. W. Moore arrived from Hun Fraucieco fegterJay onoruiau be very wisely took a few hour' rest be fore goiaif In bin pi lion of business , aud Pioneer Tailor of Ileppner. wall that be did, for he waa ills WOrk first-ClasS "iy mu uuunK me anprnooD. uia and Satisfactory. ' .adlo crowded ith .dxIou. friend. J I who ware cxoaatlui meitaiiaoa from TIlltKU THOUSAND LIVES. i to A. Abrahamsick Merchant Tailor Give him a rail wbo were expeotiuv May Street, friend in Manila. UBI'PNEll-CANYON CITY Stage Lino B. r. MILLCR. Prop ('hear! and fntwt dirert rit to tuf Tallr. t,iu i ttjr tiitiilns dutru t. Hums auu other piliita. atkr Imt Herpnr 1'alir, amda t l a. ut. Arrit at Laujun It y In 11 hour le I anrn H y at I p rn , arrt pp her In U hirt connerti'., onh trains. D. C Gil man OESERA L COLLECTOIL Hut four old t.k. and tma In hla batels and fft ymr moitey mil of lhia them Mukra a ! UU of bard ro.lrr. lloua ORim la i K. Srown's bnlldlnf . Il'ppnor, Or W. A- Die hard son JUSTICE Of THE PEACE nml CITY HECVhl'EH. tUftr at coin hell rhamla" lis tad hots Ml mi a. rent hmM. para llsrrasa t. aii.r. r.aa Hardman ' jn f ,vt MiMit.etviit ... f 'l M 4 ' H.mlliiin j a 4 IS Utnrf nk , ! , a t fo t m ,f ) a i.i liar ... ....... i '"I t in I anvmi t tf . 1 i a HI Utasx wniivt lth trains at lleppiiar. Xn'm - Hlt a kl np tt.l. tin with n efd'h aid tt tMma in prpar4 to ! flr.t elaMertti tn II. iml.iw, taa d.w f tt ? aw Ins and i;t m u any aaf In Ma lift, al r"ttal.l fit. G. B. Matt TON SO RIAL ARTIST. Shaving, tS Cte Hair Cnit, 29 thnf, Maltnrt (ntnt, Hf'. ftRLIIHGTOiM-FOSSlL STAGELINE DlltKCT LINK TO I'OKTliANO. Norther I'aelflfi May Halld lhiws tlis Coast fids of ths Colambla. East Oregonlan. Ad era of railrt ad activity m diwnlog l i the Wrl. There are oncaeruiM new and fertile tracts lo be tapped, and al) kind of plan are being act on foot. It it all the more eaiy. tbaref ire, to believe that tbe Northern Pacific is got u a to bnlld a line direct from tbe Erft to Portland, ai baa been aiiuoatm I by itr general maoagHr. Tbe propoa-d line will leata Miaaonla,, and g di rectiy west to Leiatoo, Uaiio. rioni Lewiatoo It la propoaJ t i foil i tbe Hnake nver lo I'aa o, From lhra lb west aide of tb Colombia aill be f d- lowed Int i Portland. It la tail that anrvaynr are alraa ly in tbe field. An old arvy, whinh It stip poeed to Honrf to tba Nortbern Pai'lflo, ba already bn rmi (mm l'ao lo Mt Idaho, wbiob CotilJ la Oa.'d Ibt greater part of tbe way. A gtano at tbe map will abow tb fvaeibilily of tbe r mte. It will uol only give lb Nurtiieru PaetQo Hie advautaga of baring tbe ahrrat roonoenlal line, bat il alau eit "IT tb - l-a g'ad -e on luag l.anld w'tlrb tbe rual Uo ha to 0nrud with tn raetna b H,,nnd. It further gires the Nortbern IVu Bo a route thfonab territory ui.tape I by o'bar road. Oo of tb rii t-it f iIIowh g lb north aide of lb Oilut.lii , la ' hi fafl , If U al I, r I I'.e road b-lhg li c fifa'ed ntidnf tbe S't'iiiha,'!i at: ). Mathews A Gentry DA hue us. Snevlef 13 Cet MelfCeH'-i 2 " we tet tV I!'.! T-f.Zfr fAPC fBOM HLINGTON TO f.aall lw ilie) , .iu . I'.nihitrt m j Marvin (M nil) 4 lUmnd tela 7 m i flew (a nl!. . ! . ttmirid IrtB ,Otrl llal!n .. . I .... houidt-tp Hwl Leok Ceea. 1 lMt at really tt re It so akio drrp, Aryrt,.tt ei lir'y a alealll.y r.dui..o i f al lb ni ttrg t.. If tbe l,ef . (tr, y.. lava I'e k. 'f ytjf t'.m''f he r ,i-r J. mt you I av iImi'P'io l ki If ymif kid etc I, t"i ra pin Lieutenant Moore left Mnuila on tbe Kio Janeiro September 22 i aod arrived in Hun Fraaclaoo last week, where be wee met by Mr. Moore. Wuea he lfl Mat ila bis health was (jreutl impaired ; iu fu l, be wis orileritd bom by bie pbysioiaii after having been in fie boapl- tal for sereral d with malarial fever. lie aaye be i glad lo get away'fiom Ibe horrid oil n ite, aud only regrute that be bad to ltive any jf the hnye When asked wb it lie Iboiulit of tbi future of the Piiiiippiue, Liuuteuaul Moore replied "In some puitiont us it la a tl .e o inn- try, bat It is to pi not for Amenoane Our popl can never aland the dim le or 0 tnpefe with tlia nalivaa, wbo oin woik out In miislnii or rale i boot any apparent bad remll i. wbiie II would kill our people off like Hie. "I bope tbe volunteer may aoon be called away and only regnUn kept tbere. Ae far a Ibe are oo cerud we have bad oo ttoubte ltb Ibem. Our aoldier are abaolaiely in i oo trul aud li tint even esiK'Cl any trouble from Ibem, No, it is tint bulUla Ihe by dreal: it ia Hi r itual of Manila. Tbe hospital are full au I uo- Im tb aink ohm are oarried north where tbe elimal l b-ltr, Ibere will be to any dealba, I fear. "I tuay or may not return, I Lave etil in my roaioalion, but a ibere are many ahead of mine, there i litil p roe perl of it b-'df areiepteil, if my bealtb Potillou to improve. I will gladly eerve in y eouolt; apyeber and key way I en, tot I am hot Iu love anb Manila and Ha nlliimte." LleaUua' t Mimra hrotubi a Irookfnl of cinons and Irinkel from Ihe bo;a tt tbair frleeda. te eki4 k" W bat ll-Hl'e Mareaparill be por In da for those wbi bv? impa e ai.d Iu. p'iVrsbel tlo.. It make II, I.Iiki- rebaodpire.aul er anofol, sal fT."tel, yon hava pit.'-bed tk . . M . h . - I I ..1,1. - . I k K , . I av,,.... ,.fca t.i1 I.llr.- la i P'f. bejf. e a -nl a!tert,ali i, l l i,l. A-la rfu I & 00,M. II you are ItiHibl d with ltf e it I A'ln'oi ateiy nv erlT ! t!. l.mai b. liver ar.d k.ltiey. lawy ail inn. I efd rr pr-m i.J h :u ("nr.l.y i-et l.,i) al 1 n'rl'k; i Ho I'of.f. I'. Ib.d, entee pir. lea. 1 pora bbrel, . ke II Y ! l at r...-n at J p, ro. at.d arrives at Ko t-'"''le ar.d l-dUi, and gtvaa -r 1 1 one. It a ? p. in. " I"' . I very l, .tlU f nararlied. I a .er,l !. at I ear. f..IJ I H; mm lUni C . I- J. hh ram. B,atar. eea'.e pi U.dli, tf '9 e, Ij f 1 r'a l9lllr,r,e1 J"Tr, IIol'e 1'iiiS a f-n,p ar J ilJl r.r ,1, Tb Post of lb War In Live Wltb Hpal Dato. By (lis Am. .elated Press. Ohioaoo, Oct. 29. Oommmflioner of Peneione H. Clay Evans, who ii etopping t tbe Great Northern, elates that np to September 30tb tbe war with Spain had csuseJ the lor of tbe lives of 2,(H)C Annrioao aoldier aud sailor. lie further declares that tbe etatiatics of bis offloe show that tbe peroeutage of death. in camp from disease dnrlng last sum mer wee much lrse than during tbe oivil war. Commissioner Evaoe, being asked for further particular, spoke as follows: "During tbe rebellion 40,000 men were killed in battle aod 800,0o0 perished lo camps aod prison. From offkial flu- ares, which I have recently completed, covering period from Mey 1st to Bep tember 30th, I Uud Ibat tbe total number of deatha as a reeult of tbs war with Hpaic was 2,!)X3. Of this camber 107 wsrs offirwr. At Santiago the loss of life as 22 offloers aod 222 meo. This is ao average of one offJoxr for every 10 men. At Cardenas one officer was killed. Hiuoe the battles oo Cubao soil, 61 meo have died of wonnds reoeived in service. "Ibe total number of Amerinao aoldiers that have died Id camps from diseaas is 80 orridt rs and 2,620 privet, or su aggregats af 2,000. This Is re merkehle iu view of the terrible climatio disadvantage, aud it fully verifies Ibe soldiers adage that dlseaa kill more tueo than bullet. There have ben MOO claim for penalou filed to dale as the reanlt of Ihe war. "Is Ibe Cuban campaign the loee of so roaoy t.ffliwe ia etviunted for by tb laot Ibat rtpauiab sharpahooiers bid In tbs tiee end dna foliage, nad arniikele powder au.l picked off the ofBcert with ease. Home of tha wouode received by fUrer ware remarkable, I recall oo aa lo particular that of Oaplaio Kuoi of tbe r'lrat Cavalry. The captain we shot la tbe bank. The ball benatraled bie kldnay, llr and lung and broke Iwo of Ms rili. IT Is allv t!a anil lb precldei.l ha promoted bim." t oOiunaalouer Kao )s that lie . i t life yan'ling ftom Ihsdealronlio of lb Mle In llavaua harbor ail, place on , aru baaia a mortal'lf io balila, He bold that Ihe general law prnvilirg f ,r indemnity lo sailors end soldiers lo Ihe federal ervir will apply pi lb esploaloq al Havana. The far only f, elalm bav Ua pteaebled from raid I fast of tb boy who wi, il in ,ih ti,f Main," said (be roq,mi.u,nr. "Kaary one of tb will U pi sl,l Ibroogb. Ii is more Ikaa tlgLI Ibat Il a dependent of lb oi ebowei.t I, wlery grave Havana b y h.,ui U providaj for If lbs Vi'4 rttaite 'Vtffboiiul,'' Oregon's Advantazes and Possibilities Appre ciated in the East. The Portland Telegram says: "One needs to travel through tbe East to find out bow tbe PBoifio Northwest is appie tiated." Bo deolared H. C. Worlman, of Olds & King, who has just returned from a month's business aod pleasure trip through the Middle Western and Eastern states. Oregon, he found, stood well io financial oiroles, and all eyes are turned in this direotion. He predicts a Urge immigration to Oregon during the com ing year. "In fact," said Mr. Worlman, "I was more than surprised at the intense inter est taken in everything pertaining to Oregon and the Northwest. Eastern financiers realize that ths Paoiflo ooaBt is the coming theater of commercial activ ity. Tbey read ihe signs aright. Our large orops, oor varied resonroes and good prloes have been enough, without tbe golden yista which the trade of tbe Orient, and especially the Philippines, opens up. The varied resonroes of the Northwest have been repeated so often that it bBS got to be a hackneyed term with ns aod was received cautiously by Eastern people. But figures end orops and prices have broken down all reserve and foroed recognition in the most preju diced oiroles. Tbe Eastern people now realize that instead of boasting about these wonderfal reeouroes that we have been overoonaervatiye that we have un derrated them. Tbe look of interest which accompanies the mention of the faot that a man is from Oregon makes yon feel proud that you are an Oregon ian. You are looked upou as a specially favored person, "The Northwest and its-opportunities are on tbe tongues of all men. Tbe in teres! iu everything pertaining to this section is keen. If a man only registers from Oregon he is besieged by people anxious tor information, Tbese are io fallible signs of the tide of immigration wbioh is sure to set in this direolioo Tbe advauoe guard is eveo now here. Perspectives of no limited manufacturing industries are opeoed by Ihe settling of the West. We now have the raw prod' note, ths power, the fuel ond all Ibe natural facilities, and only need tbe oon sumers to make tbe West a great manu factoring center. "We are in a position to command all tbe ospital we need at low rates for tbe development of our resources. 'Slay with tbe West is my advioe to young meo. Here is tbe paradise of tbe world The new enterprises springing up offer great returns for well directed energy." In oonolusioo Mr. Worlman said be found conditions io the trade coolers of tbe East healthy. There was some com plaining in New Tork and Chicago. He visited the Omaha exposition aod found that Oregoo exhibits did not suffer by comparison with any state io the Union , DESTRUCTION OI" W Hit AT BY KAIN. boiall Farmers Will Lose all Tbelr Crop and Be Left Without Deans. Press Dlspstch. Oband Forks, N. D., Oct. 27, The weather of the oaat two weeka is a -alaniilv of ureal mairnitnil la the far. mora or tbe nortbern part ot North Dakota. Oonservativs estimates place tbe damage already done at 15,000,000 with a possibility thai it may reaob double Ibis amount. The wbsst yield of the stats ia &0.000,- 000 boshsls, 40 per ceot ot this io lb oortheasl corner of lb state. Io Ihe south end of tbe state threshing is practically ended aod the ram and auow fall is oonslilerad a blessing to tb far mere. la the vloiolty of Ursud Forks two- thirds ot lb crop is Ibresbed, but far tber north aod weel aod only from one- third lo ooe-0ftb ot tbe wheat Is thresh' d, aod it is now a pbyiol impocsi- bilitily lo oompetetb thrashing eveo under lb moat favorable condition. Moon of Ibe snow whlsh baa fallen remains oo lb groood and oo Ihe wheal io shook io tbe norlbe-o part ot tbe slat. Ibsgraio Is wt aod sprouting Tbe season is late, and so much wsl weather make It impossible lo thresh, Tb import d threading hand ar loav log lb slat by hundreds daily. A tlgraoa from Caodo, Ito'Mt Uol lett oouoty, says II oow looks as oo mors shook threshing would be don la tbi section Ibi fall. If Ibis proves Ira il will be a bard blow lo Ibis section of tb slats, as most all of lbs Ibreeblof done ao fr ia by larg far mars. Tb small farmers will loss Ibelr crop and b left io debt aod wliboot mean to aid Ihetnaalva ootil another erop Tbs outlook Is dubious is the itrsrn UK ANT COUNTY NEWS. Blue Mountain Eagle, Oct. 28. S. Q. Harris is erecting a large, com modious dwelling on bis ranoh near thia city. O. E. Osboro, ot this valley, has em barked in the sheep business, bavins: purohaeed a band from Etnil Boharff. Tbe Oregoniao of the 21at ioBt. con tained the pictures and biography of Mr. and Mrs. 0. 0. Blaokwell, aged and re- speoted residents of this valley. Jake Cunningham is quite ill at the home of U. D. Kelly, of this oity, with an absoeas nn his left hip. Salmon are reported running in the .Middle Fork, but not in such numbers as in tbe main fork ot the John Pay. Jake Legler, ot Bound Baaiu, the ad ministrator of the estate ot Mat Legler, deceased, was in Long Creek Monday on business. Fred Senn, a prosperous farmer and stookmau.of Bitter, is out at Pendleton with a band ot fat bogs which be will market at that place. Ira Boyoe, ot Monument, was in Long Creek this week and completed the de livery ot 11,000 pounds ot winter trait lo residents of Long Creek. The TJrie Dredging company, wbo will dredge the river bed and ohannel at John Day, are receiving all tbe neoessary ma chinery for tbe operation ot the plant Robt. Oatbergood, formerly a resident of tbie oity, but now ot Healdbnrg, Oal reoently returned from a trip to tbe Phil ippines, where he went with one ot the government expeditions. B. A. Clark ar 'ived Tuesday from Port land where he took bis wife reoently for medioal treatment. Hue has hopes ot being able to return to Heppner, where she will visit with her sister. Mr. Clark departs by Tuesday night's stage tor bis home at Canyon Oity, Judge Fee, of Pendleton, passed though Long Creek last Friday, en route to Canyon Oity oo legal business, having been retained io the defense ot Wm. H in kle, whose trial oomes np at tha next term of circuit court He returned to Pendleton Sunday moroding, Mrs. Jody Walliok, ot Bourne, spent last week visiting relatives io this valley. She intends departing io the spring for Rampart Oity, Alaska, to jolo ber bus band, who has valuable plaoer ground on Minoot oreek near that plaoe. i J. D. Combs passed throogh Long Creek last Friday en route to Pendleton with 100 bead ot beef steers for Carson Bros., of Seattle. This band was mad) up in lbs South Fork oountry. The ranges are dryer aod nearer eaten off Iban ever known before, aud stock of II kinds, unless fed during tba whiter, will certaiuly die. Io faot, many horses aod oattle are going into the winter spring poor." Itaio usually falls in September io suflloieot quantities to start tbs grass but it failed this year, sod stockmen are threatened with serious loss. Tbs sstns condition Is also report ed to exist in Morrow, Hsroer. Crook aod a portion of Umatilla county. While io some couuties bay ia scarce, il ia not so reported in Orant conoty, and ooleaa so unusually severe winter oomes on our stookmeo have hopes of gelling iff with no great loss. An Cftterarlelflf Druggist. Thers ar few roe a more wid awk aod enterprising than K. J. Hlorom, wbo spare oo pain to secure tb il of everything In bis Ho for bis many S'lalomer. II bow bae lbs falualil agency fur Dr. King's h' Dioovry for OoMuropUoO, Coagb enJ Oolde. Tin I the wonderful remedy lhl I producing Booh a furor all ovr lb roqt.lry by It many startling gorea. It abaolalely ear Aatbra, Iltoahlli, If oaraeti and all sfTecttoos of lbs Throat, CI, eat aod Long. Call al above drug store and l a trial bottle fre or -solar sit fir 00 east asJ 11.00. Uairtatetd tu ar or ftaird. TUIUINK CH AMIES HANUH. I. V. Dodd rsrchaae tb Plant aid Will Uai Ik Paper. East Oregonlan, Oct. 17th. Today tbe PeodldtonTribnoa changed bands, Mr. E. P. Dodd assuming tha ownerehip sod control. Mr. Homer IL Ilallook, manager for the Tribaoe Pub lishing Company, relinquishes tbs man sgement ibis morning. Mr. Dodd baa purchased lb plaot oomplote from tha Tribtio Publishing Company aod baa absolute and eolirs ownership. Io Ibi morning's lu the Tribnns prints a valedictory announce ment by Mr. Uallook, aod salutatory from Mr. Dadd. Tba latter contaios the information Ibat be will suspend tba publication ot tbe daily edition, aod that hereafter tb Tribaoe will appear as a Weekly. Mr. Dodd relsios Mr. a E. Hswysr, familiarly koowu as Tom Sawyer," a deecipl ot Mark Twalo, as editorial writer. Mr. Sawyer ba beau ot late eily editor ot lbs Daily and Weekly Tribaoe, aud ia ao egreeable geutlamaa aod at eiprieoo4 joarualiat Mr. Dodd, formerly aity editor of the Tribon, and part owner la tba stick of Iba rribuo Publishing Company, is young man of very sgreeabl parts, tod ba woe Ibe ooofbleoce of tba people ot Pendleton aod Umatilla oouoty. II will eoodaet the Weekly Tubas as a republican paper, aod give the readers ot Ibat sheet a oli-ao, wb iltaouis o arv in. A'lhotigh a young man, b be mental auaUlie of merit, sod every ooa regard bim aa of lolaUly anlmpeerh- aid character. All bis freti I will wieft bin lb nee be drve aod will work bard tn attain. Mr. Hal Wr k ba many friend, and they will hop la hlm and bt attlme Hla family remain la I'endleloa. Mr llallork' plan for lb faturs have sol t-a Hade polilio. RtervtMeSy Bare lea. rv.nre ( endv rU'rH'. Ut anl we. df d i.l"l l'erv of Ue nr, pxe it and refr -ehin n tb Uet. t senile and p'taitln ly kelwre, liver and bowel, ensii the entire eiewm, llail rnlde, ( l,r,lao e, le-r, tiel.llwal n.l.tHoa a. I lii in'iwt. I'leaa buy stwt n a boa IC l . C todav 10. . B4wWao4 f ,ari4t4 M by b4 f a g..