Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, October 28, 1898, Image 4

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    O. R. & N.
Denver & Rio Grande
foe From Heppner. fkom
9 30 p.m. Salt Lake, Denver, 4:50 a.m.
Ft. Worth, Omaha,
Kansas City, bt.
LouU, Chicago,
Portland, Walla
Walla, Spokane,
Minneapolis, St.
Paul, Duluth, Mil
waukee, and the
8.00 p.m. Ocean Steamships 4:00 p.m.
From Portland.
All sailing dates
subject to change.
For Han Francisco
Sail Oct. 2, 5, 8, 11,
14, 17. 120, 23, 26, 29.
8:00 p.m. Columbia Rivee 4:00p.m.
Kx. Sunday Btbamkeb. Ex. Sunday
10:00 p. m. To ABtoria and Way
6:00 a.m. Willamette River 4:80 p.m.
Ex. Sunday Ex. Sunday
Oregon City, New
berg, Salem and
V ay Landings.
7:00 a.m. Willamette and 3:30 p.m.
Tues., Thur, Yamhill Rivekb. Mon., Wed.
and Sat. aud Fri-
Oregon City, Day
ton & Way Land
ings. 6:00a.m. Willamette Rivee 4:30p.m.
Tues Thurs Tues., Thur.
and Sat. ' Portland to Corval. and Sat.
Us & Way Land
ings. Snake Rivrb.
Lv Riparla Lv. Lewlston
aliy except Riparia to LewistoUdaily except
Saturday i?
Pattangtrs booked for all Foreign
J. 0. HART, Aeent, Heppner.
General Passenger Agent, Portland, Or
Weekly Excursions
In through tourist cars without change.
A Week of Pleasure la the Famous Hunting
Cdlbektson, Mont., Oct. 15, 1893.
Geo. Conhkb, Esq,, Heppner, Or.
Dear Sir. Oar banting party, of
whioh Mr. T. A. Rhea of your city was
a member, returned today after eight
very pleasant days spent among the
duoka in the wilds of Eastern Montana.
Mr. Rhea easily beoame a prominent
feature of tbe party, and without special
effort on his part earned the title that
will undoubtedly cling to him as long as
SLEEPERS he is known to the people of Montana
By reason of bis pot shots and ground
sluoing tbere are many less ducks flying
to Dakota, for tbe enjoyment of eastern
sportsmen. Tbe title acquired by Mr.
In charge of experienced couduotors and
To Kaunas City, Chicago, Buffalo and Khea is that of"Commodore,"and should
HiiHlmi wlthoutchange viaSalt Lake. .. ... n
Missouri Pauiucand Chicago and Alton Rys. ' give mm aisiinouou amon nts ureguu
. i .. . 'in... un . m.T, ,
rp J To Omaha, Chicago, Btillalo and ai:4uniuuuBo. xuo wmuiuuuio
IMMilJS, B(mton without chauge via Salt Lake command of the only gunboat in the
and Chicago, Kock Island & Pacillc Ky. t ,. . . ,
Ht. Louis without change via Salt of
Lake and Burlington Koute.
Tl. I To Kansas Cltv and St. Louis with
I II 111 Mill i, outcliangu via Bait Lake and Mig-
and a double
souri Pacilic railway.
8E YOU 601 ERST ?
If so, be sure and see that your
tioket reads via
tub mwm Line
this is inn
Great Short Lir)e
Their Magnificent Track, Peerless Vestlbuled
Dining anil Sleeping Car
Trains, and Motto:
"always on time"
has gl en this road a national reputation. All
cIkkko of passtMignrs carried on the vuatllmM
trains without extra cimrg". Hhlp your irnlKhi
ami tiavnl over this famous Hue. All agents
have tickets.
Oen. Agent. Trav. K. A P. Agt.
2Ut Washington St.. Portland, Or.
turreted eg case, manned and
commauded by himself, which be
bandied very successfully among tbe
shoals and tallies of a narrow slough.
His baths were not premeditated,but were
nevertheless enjoyed by bis non-commissioned
officers. His gun was aimed
successfully, and in bis ambition to ex
cel in marksmanship was over-loaded
and explode 1 without damage to him-
FamOUS Colorado Scenery, self or surroundings. Without intention
he often pulled the Urema Blrine to
prevent game from alighting.
Corks were often times pulled, wbiob
added interest to each engagement, and
in all things the"Commodore"bas proved
himself worthy of tbe title be now car
ries. We know the natural modesty of
bis nature will prevent him from goiug
into the full details of bis exploits dur
mg the trip.
Our interest in tbe "Commodore" and
tbe distinction be has acquired iu Mon
tana has prompted us to put you in
possession of theie taots, and we hope
bis good friends in Heppner will give
A day stop-over arranged at
Salt Lake and Denver.
A ride through the
For rates and all all information, inquire
of O. R, & N. and 8. V. agents, or address,
General Agent, lien. Pass. st i at. Agt.
251 Washington St., Denver, Col.
Portland, Oregon.
J. 0. Hakt, Local Agt.. Heppner, Or.
The Only All-Bail Route Without
Change of Cars Between Spokane,
Itnaaluml nnrl Nfllsnn. Also hntween
Nelson and Rossland, daily except nni a reception worthy of the "hero's"
Sunday :
Leave. Arrive.
Hi) A. M ...Hpokane 6;40 P. M.
1HK) A. TVI IloHHland 8:40 P. M.
0:10 A.M NelBon 6:15 P. M.
Close oonnnctione at Nelaon with steamers for
Kaalo, and all Kootenai Lake points.
PaHHengers for Kettle River and Houndarj
reek connect at Marcus with stage daily.
Yours truly
J. W. Hearles,
E. S. Kkblky,
D. Flowebnkb,
0. W. Hansen,
Uenby Hie ben.
Tbe above letter was banded the Ga
zett by Mr. Qeorge Cunser, whioh it has
given us pie sure to publish, but appro
oiating the fact that tbere is always two
personage and a few random shots. His
ability at the evening meal and the grace
with wbioh be dispensed "elixir of life"
was duly appreciated.
"Dnole" Dan Flowernee, who summers
in Helena, also a king in tbe cattle busi
ness, proved himself an expert on the
"ground-elnioing" proposition, and had
it not been for their wings he could have
branded many a duck. His dog insured
him a bag of birds, 63 he reoogoizad but
one master, regardless of the number of
shooters. He and "Heck" are now in
tbe tropios of Florida, among the quail
and wildfowl for the winter, we imagine.
C. W. Hansen whose Chinook
botel was constantly on his mind,
was nnuble to do juetioe to tbe shooting
program. His substitute in charge of
tbe botel was unfortunately a good look
ing fellow anl u ladies' hthu, which
caused him some auxiety ou the eoore ot
an elopment with bis favorite waitress.
Now, last but not least, was Henry
Sieben, who has visited Heppner at
times. Hie shotgun was simply a side
issue, and it is a question, bad a gnazlev
Bur prised camp, whether he would have
pulled his gun or his "jug" on him.
It is almost a certainty that be
would have pulled tbe jug, as it was
nearest at band. His spotted dog was
about tbe contraries! cuss that pretend
ed to reoognize a boss, ever introduced
to a party of hunters. He was sure to
pack his duok to tbe other side of tbe
river, and tbere swallow it.
An inoident to illustrate tbe capacity
ot this man Sieben: Just previous to the
party's departure for these wild e, bis
four saddle horses disappeared, and on
night at camp who should ride in on
one, leading the tbree others but the
borsetbief. Mr. S. instantly deputized
himself sheriff, uDoermonionsly oaptured
tbe desperado, stood over him thai
night with his shotgun till morning and
then delivered bim forty miles away t
Oulberlson, where he pushed through
his preliminary examination, consigned
bim to jail and was back shooting duok
tbe next day.
In iuslioe to Mr. Sieben, whose
magnanimous liberality was manifested
In furnishing tbe complete transpor
tation facilities and equipment for th
comfort and pleasure of tbe party, will
receive his jnst reward for what proved
to be tbe most enjoyable oocasion in tbi
experience ot its members, and espeoi
ally "Commodokb."
Eat cllld SouthCclSt 8iJe8 ' 8 B,lljr, we Bought Mr. Rhea for
Figures Show Little Variation From Those
of Previous Seasons.
The annual estimate of th wool clip
of tbe Uoited States for 1S93 made by
Ssoretary North of the Natiooal Asso
ciation of Wool Manufacturers, aud
which is to b9 published io its Novem
ber bulletin, thow th-) nrnottui to have
been 268,720,631 ponoda, against 259,
103,251 pounds ia 1837. Since the de
partment of anauifiira ceased to sub
mit an annual estimate of the wool clip,
that mail) by the Wool Mounfactnrers
Association is relied upoi aa giving the
iesired information relative to our do.
Portland to
Eastern CiticH
Iwaiiig & St. Paul R'g
This Hallway Co.
Operates its trains on the famous blook
Lights Ita trains by eleotrlolty through
out; Uaea the oelebrated elxotrio berth read
ing lamp;
Rons speedily equipped passenger train
verv dav and niirht between Ht. l'atil
and (Hitoago, aud Omaha and Chicago;
Chicago, Milwaukee &
St. Paul
Alao operate team-heated veetibuled
trains, carryiug the latent private
eompartmeot oars, library buffet imok
Ing cars, and palace drawing room
Parlor ears, frea reclining chair oars.
od tha very best dining chair ear
For lowest rates to any point in the
United Htatoe or Canada, apply !
agent or address
J. W. OAHET, (len-ral Agent,
Onick Tinin.
1 iiioii I) ifinM.
Pitrmnully (!omi'irt'l KxrurHion.
li'i raniM 'litrki'il t l)"H.iimtion,
I, .W Itlllt'H.
II. in'l 1 1 ii.t In Tmn-ViHnlHHlii anil Inter
mit itim! h xpoftition It at Omulia, Ncbranka,
Juno In Niivi'intiHr,
Writn iiinliTj'iiinixl f ir mt, time Inllii4 anil
utliiT iurrmn!im Mrtuituiii to Umuii 1'auinc
It. II
J. II, l.OTNIKII, or J. ('. HAKT Airt.,
(Inn. A t.. lit., nil hi., I), II, AN. I.
I'l.rlmi'd, Ur.
Trav. I'm. Agent.
Yellow Stone Park Lino
ItiHTI MI 111 1 1I K ir
UiT' Mllt'NAI. TAhK.
No. I V.M (. r l.,-.,n...
w.-llti. Atrff'li9li uih
t..i,.l. itikaiiii, Mvtri.a.
II A. M. Hit. An4ii.la. ki 10 A. M.
I' M I, hl , nrm
i,ik H-mohi, ani all
I-.ImI. I ! anl iknith
Ku. t I'h,.m1 lunma an l ho t
Nlll, h''H4 f'f l
,.,ma Mmllir llllll,
f r. m. i i"-i"iitt mniii ii t. m
ll'ir ,1'ilt I
litva i.i i Vii.,iii..ii. ,,,
1 1 t ami nthrr Mw'utl
n.-r iim
IA YH I" . l"'"l, Mltoautr lii'l I hi
! ill'.
I i t). II ar
l iiii.ii ,titiv,niw tl " l all I'llwli! r llln
K.,IM (h Al lliii.ib ilUnatloa l
I alim oM. Icft.al l. I f Hlli l.
f1 ln,iif mo''""'1. tU !, na
nl r,,yt a4 tli . '!
a. i). r??7ui.Tov,
i;.l... .. . I "M. 'f i"i ff'"t
,, M. Ihl J- (ia J . 1 .
h J. I ...
ii. ic i or Line
Hie Dalits, I'urllaud Astoria Navigation Co.
authentication ot the same, and secured
from him bis version, which is as fol
Modestly be refuses lo assume the
giant proportions ot chief of tbe expodi
lion, and oites, first, to the importance of
J. W. Searles, of Helena, live stock so
licitor for the Gre.it Northern railway
and a "chief mogul" of many followers
who are disputed to turn oocutuouui
leisure to the wilds of the hunter's para
dise. Mr. Heurles was importunt to tbe
purty from tiie fuct that he lias a pedi
greed retriever, which never refused the
bidding ot it uiiiHler when perniiadad b)
the iutl'itiuoe of a hiud-leg grip whioh
hurled liiu thernijjr portion ot the
bird's diHiunud. l'heu, aniu, Mr. S. was
the prime cork t xir .ctor, aud was neither
low tior niiHH.nl fire.
J. M. Roardtn in, of U.lena, who is all
right as a MouUna cuttlo kiug, or a
Hi ppner, Or. MoutO Curio du lo, wad hopeleesily de-
p tudrut on Lis braoe ot thoroughly
Iraiued Irish irttets that have learned
more about catching duok than their
maeter ever will kuow about ahooliog
them, as his aim was invariably iu their
wake, or, as the boys termed II, "behind
tbeir tails." Although delicate at meal
time, be was "q liok ou trigger" when au
The Well-Known
tea of the Pacific Coast is
Schilling s Best.
Well-known for goodness
and money - back. - if - you -don't
-like -it.
appetizer was suggested. His sense of
''RfGULAT0R""uot Prdimiuated to such au exteut
that "pot shooting, as be terms it, is
I .. a III. ...1 L
Comm..nHi.g Monday, May Soil, tbt- . "uu u" reoogoia-a a
taiiier .,f the Kegnlator Lioo will u groomi or la lue water
leave l'lirtlaml at tUtt) a, m. and Tor only aa a dead oue. Oo the other band
Dalles at HiM a. ra. wnon b9 tw , feather above Iba level of
W..,,fur?, '", ,?.ri'r,U,? B,i'P ff.?' ,b Hr,b M,,i0 on limb, be just
aaoked it" fur a oouQJiog frieod In
The lalli' aud lake a trip down th
Oulumbiu; you will enjoy it, and savr
General Agent.
Urleua, Mr. Uirshberg, and tbe express
oompauy carried owls, bawke, aparrows,
"lly-op the creeks," mad bone, eta., Iu
tbe family.
E. H. Keeley, another railway mansger,
alio has rartiwd his poaitlnn wilb tbe
Chicago Norlhaeetein, Ontilrlhnted his
An Intfrfntlm Report From BrlKadirr-Gen.
eral Wilaon.
Washington, Oct 25 The annual re
port of Brigadier General Wilson, chief
of engineers U. 8. A., baa been made.
Wilaon gives a detailed report of the
fortifications which were strengthened
in oonsnqnenoe of the war with Spain
and explains tbe exietiog projects for sea
const defenee. The report continues
"While no hostile attack were mad
upon our sea ooaats, duriug tbe war
with Spain, the operation!) of the Ameri
onu fleet on the coa ta of Cuba anil
Porto Rico amply demonstrated tbe
value of coast defenses " Important de
ductions are also drawn from the remit
ot the wur concerning the ureiit value
and f llli'ienuy ot rapid fire gnus. The
exieiting projects for sa eoant dofeunes .,((,,,,
contemplate the emplacement of oOii
heavy unnn of 8, 10, 12 and M inohea,
700 rapid fire guns of vatiom calibers
and 1,000 mortars.
Among Ihe bar bore t be improved
and the amount to be expended are the
Coqnille river, Oregon, $10 000.
Coos bay and harbor region, 100,000.
Hioslaw river, 30,000.
Yaqninabay, 840.000.
Tillamook bay, l2r,,UX).
Canal at Ihe CafCides oftheColum.
bia river, 9100,000.
Columbia and Willamette,
Portland, (150,000.
Columbia below Tongue point, $10,.
Urey's barber, f 500,000.
l'nget sound, 123,000.
Everetto harbor, 850.0d0.
Hwinomisb slougb, $25,000.
mestio wool supply, says the Boston
Oregon shows, acoordiog to the statis
tics, the largest yield, 21 291,872 pounds
of waehed and no washed wool, and
next to Washington, shows tbe largest
percent of shrinkage iu soouriog, or 71
per cent. Monta-vi follows with 2),935,'
105 pounds and 62 p?r ont shrinkage ;
California, 16,932,993 pounds and 68 per
oent shrinkage ; Tc'X'is, 16 330 442 pounds
and 70 per cent; Wyoming, 13,626,704
pounds; New Mexioo, 12.33S 420; Ohio
12,114,953 pounds; Colorado. 9 958,809
Bounds; and .Ylioaij'io, 8,856,122 pounds.
The amount of pulled wool is estimated
at 22,116.371 pounds, nvikiug ft total of
260,720,684 ponnda washed and un
washed, or 111,001,581 pouule of
sooured wool. The BgKregate clip of the
six New England slates is ubont 1,745,
025 pouuds of scoured wool, of whioh
Massachusetts furnishes e28,860 pounds.
The general oouditions surrounding
the dip of 1898 thow surprisingly little
variation from those which ptevailerf
Ihe prt vious year.
Tin S'st thiog that strikes one in n
study of thane figures 19 the small in
crease iu uarab-'r of sheep and io clip,
after a year of protection to wool, thu
oomiog ot which bid bu aiitioi;ired
for a year prior to the p;BTige of the Hot
of 1897. Tbe exjUnatiou is twa-fold.
First no matter how grant may be the
encouragement to sheep growing, the
inorement from year to year ia limited
by natural laws, and ii further limited
by the constantly incremiDg slaughter
for mutton pnrpones. Mukiog allow
aoce for these facta, the increase of the
year is as largo ai was to bs expected
Iu tbe scojil ul ic, no tnrilT on wool
has ehown it-ilf oioiibU of tirrerttiax
tha niwrea iiv,i ile;:li;ie itl number of
sheep upon hi;;'i-prion 1 luuds Iu tht
east. The e'i'Uni ( iraer c n not r.nii-
wool in bucopsm il e,i npoMti ia with th
methods which tirevii'l ou the wee'eru
ranches, uv morn t i tu be ciiu ris-
wheat or o )f(t il O inip-tition with
wealeru lauJ'i an l iuoihod-i. It 13 not
foreign lint dcuors if cmpelin n which
is u adiiall i a r.i t-- wool groai-ig.
except iu s:aa!t UouIh, iu Ihe eus'.ern
Two New Jersry Men Exchanisd Their
Bbidgeton, N. J., Oct. 26 -Edward
Saaderlin and his wife, who is not his
wife, are confined io the couuty jail here.
It develops that Sanderlin aul John
Reall traded wives several months &o.
There was oo Shutiuient on the m
change of wives. Tha two meu areeu
to tbe swap in a blacksmith shop at
Deerfied, and the womu were willing.
There was to be no "boot," but Sauder
liu shears his wife took a barrel of flour
away when she went to Reall.
Ou August 221 last Sanderlin una ttie
woman be got in trade went to Millville
and were married by the Itev. air.
Weatherby. Tbe numan tells all about
the swap and candidly informed the
judge in the o urt here that eha "g 't
the worst of it,"
Sanderlin, too, wus disaustad with his
bargain. List September he wro'e to
Ra.sll, who w.iS liviut; with the true MrB.
Snnderlio: "Let's trade baok again."
Reall answered, "It's your own fault if
you got stuck. I'm very well satisfied.
A neighbor numed Miller made com
plaint against Sanderlin, ohnrging him
with violating a law regarding the
morals of the state. A DewspBper cor
respondent visited Sanderlin and tb9
woman is in jail.
"les, we made the trade," s-iid Swlor
lin, who was ia very low spirits, "but
the woman I got did not siz up to my
expectations. If ehe h id kept tnr mouth
shut in oourt we would have ben well
out of this. I have found out that H mil
lied considerable about her. I guess
my wife ia pretty wen pietisaa who
Reall. They don't arreat them ; I oan't
eee the justice ot the thing."
Mrs. Reall, or Mrs. Sanderlin No. 2,
or whatever ber name la, was compara
tively oheerful and said, at onoe
regretfully aud hopefully.
"My first husb-tnd was the best, and
I'm sorry he traded. If I ever get out
of this I'll get a busbnd to suit me."
KverylHJO'y ' So
, (..,, ., cathartic, the most won-
derf ul '"f,; 'the tase, act gently
?!!'. I ,8 ' kiilnevs, liver and Imvve s,
euro Iteadnone, itv; '".., ,, , . unr
Please boy and try a box
0nd UtuojJot io. ; , tfolUaod
S'au"tl to cure by all druugists.
Are Yi-u luterested!
The 0. 11. & N. Oj'b. new book on tha
Resources of Oregon, Washington and
Idaho is beitjg distributed. Our readers
are requr-str-d to forward tbe Bdilreneea
of their Eastern friends and scquaiut
anoes, and a oopv of tbe work will be
BMt tbem free. ThiH a mutter all ebonld
be interested in, and wo would nak that
everyone take an interest and forward
.nh D,HrHA to W. H. Hnrlbnrt, (ien-
eral Paeseoger Agent, O. R. & N. Co.,
Portland. 81"tf
Belled express is comin?. Does deliver
work on short order, 10 cents and up
wards. This wiiKoii is No. 4 and leave
your ordr with it, or at "Central" tele
phone otliee.
We Move Anything!.
H. ,W. Fall,
Of the Old Reliable
Gault House,
Half block west of the Union Depot of C. B. &
and tlio C. Bt. L. At P. Uailroads.
Cor. W. Madison and Clinton Sts.,
Just What She Moped For.
'Mv littl e girl bad a very bad sorofula
trouble. Soree appeartd iu ber ears,
and ber eyes were also hff-ctPd. I d
oidod to have her bewi'i taking llood'i.
Sarsaparilla Before Ihe fiist b iltle was
gorjA ihe eores wurn Icsh puinfol and
after the use of a few more bottles they
were cured. Mrs. Howard Pope,
Alpha, Oregon.
Hood's Pills are the only pills to take
with Hood's Sarsaparilla.
Anrone sending a sketch and description may
quickly uncertain, free, whether an Invention Is
prolmhly patentable. CommunicatinnB strictly
confidential. OldeBt atrency fursccuriiiK patent
In America. We have a Washliintnn otllce.
Patents taken throuith Muuu & Co. receive
special notice iu the
beautifully Illustrated, lnreest circulation of
any Hclentltlo iournitl, weekly, terms fll.OU a yeari
il.&Osix months. Specimen copies andliANO
Book on I'atknts sent free. Address
301 Itroudway, Hour York.
Was Perfected by the
Production of....
. hid now the entire world
h'notvs this vevfect product
As the Star Brewery beer
SOU HI RIl'Eli and all
Pvmh EASI ami SOUTH.
XBV V0RK. -IJ days
1.01'IS, :J "
l lstilni tot Health.
When niaa btrai down with that
rlrrail il ! , rnaumt(iin, and rent nitra
lila ciiUttttliMt, hr slatts out In h.h fur
hralth. I If Itirs this lliiiig and that thine.
Me nnuu tins ilm1ii( and that dufluf.
lie lniliit(r In all kin.U of alwunl alhlrttc
rtrtkiwa lit ttirs hit ntir tlittute ami
Ihrn nnthr II Itirs th rr rurr and
Ihr wuta cute. He tuws slradilv ntw.
Tlisl Is III sloiy t,( nniM ci'Hunitivt s
t'lnailv, hrn Ihr nni'tiimitiY tlirs. Hi
il.x ti'l litii lna alioiililrta ami itnniiunrra
t: man mi in 'un Inioialilr A Unity trait'
lrt i( li l lrliT a I... I. tin kli ilual Ilia
rur T 1 1 1 tllriUrs r(sriling fair, I mvny baa ilrni..ii.tttr, that it rtirra
--f irnt i all hh i ( cotiuiti'tiun, if
t ikrn In 111 railirt at,T'ai,( thr tilaraar.
Nlntr Ihr llina at Iini lar atnl In
fre Itcclihiiig Chair Cars
I plniUliril T'inrist HIiH-ping Cars
'ulliiian I'alai'e Slrfj'lurf Car
Thr llorturs la roBaoltatlus.
from lletijsmlii FrankllD,
"Wbeoyou are sick, what yon likt
Itnet is to he chosen for roedioine In Ihi
tlrst t lao; what flpenenoe IhIIs yon Ii
bl, lo be cboeeu la the srooud ploe;
what reaeoa (i.e. theory ) says la trl I
In be rboeen to the lal ploe. Hut il
you cao ut Ir. Inclinatloo, Dr. Kiperi-
eoce enj Dr. lUasoo to bol.l oouauHa
lion 1'igMtir.r. they nill give you Ibi
bt advio that oao lie taken. "
When you have btdoolJ Ir. Inclin
lino woolJ recoiumrnd CbamtrlAiti't
(iii(b Keratnly twcaoM It It plrasanl
ml lafe lo take. Dr. Eiperlenet wonhl
rentiin)rnd it beean) It never fall t
flfret sie,lr and prmaoot eure. )r
Itracoo onlj reoommn t It Krvrauso I
It prepared oa oitntiQc prlnoiplrs, aoi)
act tD Dtlure l'ln io rli vuij lb
Itincs, npeninat tbe orlinos stid minr
Intf the )tin to natural and health)
eonditi'tu. For ! by IJoomr k War
liiue i I Its ti, r'c , c ,11 on 1 1 a I Jrrsa
J. a iiAur,
Agent ii. It. A N. Co., I!i ifrr, Oritoe
C. 11 TH, w, r.. C..MAK.
1r,v r,-. I. 1 1, n't At
1.1 Ih t.l M I'l.-'Uit I. (W.
" c; i; tc'Jk, TXMHI "
Z t 111
ltl. I'
ta I rt ia. II Mu W vn
Southern Puciftc Co
fH ft v-if t tK(Htcti VfMrm Ml
; f ire 11 VlMHt.il
The attenlioo "f ewlburrnl travrlrr
is ralM tulbe lanla otf -rel Ihrn.
I.f the Hi t O'an.ln Wral-rn, "The Or.M
Hall L.ke ItouU." The earn rat. .t.
tall whi-'br lb trip la Bia l i Hunt
trfc't'o or Han Kr' pieo. 1 1 farn
r has til rn"ie tf ' r"Utt i-nl o
A r. n.iims liv nrvrt trail lina to I ,.,,..l .t.,. Il,r,,nul, C. Inf a to. a,t,,
Ma, I.I ki. .I.hh.i ! ....I I I.. "1. .I.l.it
.nr east fttrot. t i! nr r n"r ,mi, .
l'.ftland fan lT-f o.'lt Md o'
nm r. In s l lito n, J'n ti p 1 1
tftvofi a' I J i(irf" ta at i innt l
,l'iab or Culoral t. Thfut I' illman
)t t iurist li'lii ra ar ran ni all
!lilu, ll M ff fellH rhl
its 1 be ri tl r "ii.mi"UHi't
t.lT. r. r i.jial, H n l iipf..r, t tli
; of any It , vuliemUl rn I. km !
I at !) as to th !.
j If you .t.itipUl trip , '
i til i. I. Mstjafl't.l, (lntl Aol. Ulo
Ulraeile WmIih IUiIv. HI ThM
rl, I'nMUnd, Ort'., M any lof
jt .'T tt le '? f
The visilile sn ply of wool uo ii p:i i
it .V17,:Vl'.),I25 pound i. Iu the d ita th' re
is iieOHS-a ily om l.M ou miii'iri tin
element ti.e su.'Pie oo haul in muni-
fucturors' v ar j'ioii i , p'i'aiiij'l m
autioijiiiti'in of tiitri.D in riaet Thn
oouoe.tlel supply was lar-ir I -tat year
(baa evr before io the history of the
industry, tbe relui;e,l cousutuptiua of
IH'.ff bavintf bnou accompanied by enor
mous imports prljr to the reiuipositioo
ot tbe wool duly.
Tbe ever sue lutiily of wool io tbe
bejow United Status, bse I upon produetion,
exports ami itu,)oiiit, una d t n , iu
period of eiicht years, a'tout 4S0.0Ui).0OO
pound autiU'.lly, whiob qiautity, ho
cordioK to the boot ju.luieut lliotcao be
bated npou presvot oouditions, may be
eioeeded in the o.uiHiiiopti o of the year
uihiq which we no? eotur. The avert,-
suuuii! tnpply ot f treij wo 1 is ilivi leJ
tuto 81.4'i0,U't p ou ulit of classes I to 1
II. wool, au I Ji;2,7lH poind f ilt"t
UL wool. There appe .rt 1 1 be tu otni4j
QOOly Of o!t 1 1 1. WitolSDlaT llh
oouotry, Iu i-w of tbe present dspreas
ed oouditioo of the c irpxt mttiuftolore
la tbe liuht of Ihe above figures, tbe
prtweut sliurflli of wool iu our market
Jul ! be 'irvriiu4, wens It u f ir I ia
laol l:ial J i.ut'silii prtui- rm. un bnr
they ba bceu aio -e I taa jr r. 1 I f r t u
lb bullet i'itf Uat f.Ubilot th
ItoporllUtf prices ul O trtiaapoitdili rtd4
of foroitfo wool. Oiiy from tbe lib
wool tlw itt ll 'alml can tlock be t'U
lu'tite l Cuout tu ioarra I t present
prior. The iraul do-u -slio ruark'l I
llimefo' ri'd 'ptniii. o.it of e in.l Im it
tt bo J), bit of cm lit nil ahroa L This
it prove I by tbe reii'til lui-cUti, iu
Ibi tuir I. of 1.5 X) l).i!t of AiCli 'i
sdiI f ir rxftrl. To for rf l t.rkett
eoutiun t re!U tno vtla-, d l In
lb e uiliuu" I urmk' in IU t i iplirt
frmu Aulrli !" t upoie l by tu Iu-ras-1
ai'tivity mi U prt of llit-fw
mail.itit ry.
On draught at
all popular saloons
203 Washinaton St., Portland, Or
That 14-Year Old Stuff,
Kohn's Best,"
.... On Tap Down at The
New Stand, City H..il ItnildiDd,
LOW TlTTriM, Prop.
Fast Express
Uim nKVVKIt.
ri kiii.",
t olt. HI'lilNlH
Xin IOI KK a
Arri-sK S-A-HITY
Arrlr. UN til.S " .
" lMUU
" 111 H MlllNKH
" iKf I
" lllH.WiO
9 x ,. m
1 irt p. id.
I'l ii t.
Vl p TO,
a i p tn
V 1 1 i. im.
:i p. m.
4 .
a si ti.
ll .o s ,.
t"i a. ui.
Tlirtiah Hlrt-s and t hair fara ('Innulu to
Itlnm V i.l- ttilul tliruua't.iiul. Hi
but train In th Want.
Colorado Flyer
m hviusim
Anlvrs I ul i k
5 p. m
i M p. m.
1 . a. m.
V ll a tn.
Ar. tT. I ul II, iWnti. H t)
ArrirmiKT JOhfl'll
Arrivs I.I V 111 N irHoti)
- lO.I.UK.h. .
0 15 r.
10:40 a, in.
4S t. in.
N O a. m.
D in a. m.
TliriMiith HIm-ik. C.,l,,m,,i Hrins tu bt. Laailt
ia W si wb ll.
Fur particular and fnUlrrs lirln lim of lln trains vrlt
It.KILAM). UI1E. A. II. I'. A . TOI'hK . a. uu, AUO.
ty l I rrq
i iiuni.tiv liirtr ta a aialil a than
rt n thr lunsa 1 hat l la th aii.mai h
1.1m1 I iir,rtt " til MW htaira tin
thr atuntai h ImiI ait" ilitntlv on th
luii, hi aims' Dint anl liiu,( mil a:
l";,uiti. ,mra nii .!i, tn i, rrasill
B"t U'r y.tu in lak an tnlni.it aiittilntr
" I ha.l ry iih alan nihl awrats
',i,,wt Ii, if-, .r w.lH pwMmi.a '
,.,ir v, i i,a A M. im, lv . ah.
Mi,. I M .M;. v rt I.m 1 A 1'l.a.l 4 KI",
ati... H. .Ii. .1 at.ik i4,n,rfi., i.i,, tl itt
a .ttm ..fl ll.l l.i I I i,,-a i.i.Un
! .1 iiww, aM i.ak ! I 'l I -I"!
I ' i"" I liL, half ,4 th t,4
1.411. . h t.iir, t'4 ,4 Hn, ha. I
l.k... .1.4.,.. i s,i m Ci ,,l,l
Ha tl aw4 tlHa aa "
VVhrti! rtititalti"l la wt f th rum.
In 4tlil( rauarsi.f iliaraaf IH tni Jltflt
1 1, I In I'tur a I Usaont I'sllcta,
h'. at Sla,S tflr-tl. l H.'llll.l
tiiil.l ami kstsnlra Thrr sti aa any
rrnwdy lm.rl h. h cat Uat tltrli
I'Im-w. lby ot' t itii-c.
Olicovtrtd ty
Aouthcr -rr' lUai-iif
ma.l I ii"t I-', t ' It-ty of H is
e..iu.lf. "l. f.stplir.1 IU ri iti-'.i s
i,l u ,r . I f t r.n rt l nil'i
.li I la ar, r. i ! , Ii tl llf Vlt.ll t't
.MIS ! tn. tlli. Mill till JlutU
nr. il ,! ititi.l il r'f 1 1 1 i Ui l, !a
!. . 11,1 1. itfii 'i 1 ) i. I c u M it. I
;, ;., i ; , . r i 1 a i lo
I i ii, -it if i f i.a a li lt. i.f
!.-. k i' N- w iliaf -y f Cu. "in.
..ti,ntil a.i u art, ttti. ttil (id lt,.
it t C'l .1 It,. I aim X ail iilfit
4i,.l ii:i l.-i U lti' li Iwn tl i.iit,i
l fit! II f t. is ,.'a. Ln It
oeni: UAL
Mn.wAi Kt E, Nov. .", ls'.i?.
l'ATUDNH of tlin Wisctiaio
C't'i'trnl I.iiifn io j'Hair tlirmith
Clitoayn iiiiy rtiuirt mim naaiat
ami iu tlit y tf l,nviuH' thrir
l ninl I":,; i" taki-n fmui or to
tf.iti ntHi carriiftt it I
Sti l nil
tpiH't iii tin rviort t f tl l'hi r
.t tli Urntiil (Vutrnl i(i.it'r 1
Stitiui), !in l(iTt rrct'titly Ihm'u!
u.iifriiMl vitb lrotaO uit .inl ff.iV
ett. Th"y iU l ia waitin;: nl j
AMlrim, n nrtvl to i4 m.
T iCt nl it i botx',1 tlint our ,
Lull ' "1 1 .1 tii. V. i lttB,t,'k A iatr(ii ill lU'Iy fll th'iiiIvf
li , i f M nil , N. t. Tn! U,l tiHm i f thi . litiiiil iritrii0 f ir
I H J. hl.r m' J o.1 . f. l.-s"'r Ui 'ir C -trfi'tt.
Q HCIffYoucan
lilLll i bs cured
I I H in
I swPnr ft iat any ef tl i
l!. c-fal tn li, rl
on i 4i Vc.bc Cnuli I
D ronntu a rn .
kiati ttvMu iiuiceti
i Mrata.1 tnld'H ,
7.r "" . 4 i-t ,.-i '
l'llll, Imp.lm,, naal.MiS i
A s.2 ' , , . "Mrman,rrtin, '
' tifLLturlii,,,,,,, lr.
ati.l carrmutt it i.i. or In) -.m i-i. h, .,'.... t,,,,:;
oti.fr un.! tii..y m.iij (.r'rl;;; "JX,
i tut i .i...in,i !.. thitr. rMiv-rxr,
ii th . rvio t f th IMi. r! f ,".Vi."i...:;..!,.,"."'".f : .
a f
I . .
f't't ia
M r. TON Ii,
IK u l rr. ,,Kt
. , ' 9 ' " 1J '
" ' " 4- I - -
4 , ; ,t-Hfw-j
J . It.iFiJ , . J is. ; . ,
A few. lA ... a. t U m , w3.
t rr.il .ii liar t tn tif , tin torn r
. .... . Mu1. ,.m,4,., . . , ta -
' ' nl - T-- f t
CW"J. -sak, tvu.