Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, October 28, 1898, Image 3

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Our Guarantee
Money Returned
If Goods
Save Money .vw
Stylish Cut
Neat Fitting
Tailor Made
Clay Worsted
Wo Warrant Every Su.it
hsyM A
toM A
fat ;
ODlae Choicest Patterns and Very Best Fabrics
Pepper and Salt Cotton Suits-never wear out $
All Wool Worsted Suits - - - -Imported
Clay Worsted Suits-extra heavy
All Wool Tricot Suits-best value made
All Wool Tweed elegant satin lined
1 1.65
These suits are positively very stylish and equal to high
priced tailor-made suits.
Call and satisfy yourself by making comparison.
Fine Dress Coats
Canvass Coats water proof
Heavy Chinchilla elegantly made and
Mackintoshes in various colors and
STOCK MEN'S HATS Felt and Wool
Positively the best goods at the cheapest prices on the market
Those Dreadful Sores
They Continued to Spread In Spite
ot Treatment but Now They are
Healed A Wonderful Work.
"For many years I have been a great
Sufferer with varicose veins on one of my
limbs. My foot and limb became dread
fully swollen. When I stood up I could
feel the blood rushing down the veins of
this limb. One day I accidentally hit my
foot against some object and a sore broke
out which continued to spread and was
exceedingly painful. I concluded I
needed a blood purifier and I began taking
Hood's Sarsaparilla. In a short time
those dreadful sores which had caused
me so much suffering, began to heal. I
kept on faithfully with Hood's Sarsapa
rilla, and in a short time my limb was
completely healed and the sores gave me
no more pain. I cannot be too thankful
for the wonderful work Hood's Sarsapa
rilla, has done for me." Mrs. A. E.
QiLSON, Hartland, Vermont.
ood'ss pariila
I Jtlit best In fact tlio Ona True Blood Purifier.
food's Pilin cure ail liver ills. M cents.
In It If you catch on.
given away for the best
oora this week at the
Hliiheiit pnaalblu icore 120.
Galloway wlm prize with a score of 100
Ladles' prizes:
Dot Warmouth 1st, Kate Barton 2d.
Red, White and Blue lights In front. X
Hnndajr II a. m. anil 7 p. m. Rumlny school
10 a. in. ('1h4 No. 1 and t at 12:10 p. m.
Kpwonh Ijt-Hid tevoiliinal meetinic at 1 p. m.
Prayer meeliHK, Th.lm.liiy, 7 p. 111.
'The Hhihit a id the bride wy. Coma. "
Tli iAtor may ha funnil at the parwinaim ad
Joining Uih church, where ha will he Kind to
mixt a-ijr w i inajr d m re. l commit him nn
relitfiuiia, encml, civic, phiUiaopluo, educational,
ot any other eulijwtn.
J, W. KLKHiitll. Miniater.
Hervlce each Sunday at 11:00 o'clock a. m.
end 7:iio p. m. Prayer meetlii Thunder even
Ink at 7:00. Choir practice Hatorday evening
et the church. K. U bhiu.y.
The Ladb-e' (lulld of the Eiilarniwl church
Will mnet at II n't-ha-k, p. in., nn the flrnt
Wediif-lay ol each month, at the home of Mrs.
1. j, MaiitH'K
Local Notes.
Choice frnita at The Main.
8a M. Lichtrtitbal k Co. for hoe. a
For choice Confectionary go to Th
Buy onr lohacooi of 0o. 0. It true, at
The Mam,
Where ran yon teat yonr markaman-
tip? At The Meiue.
Where can n bny tie beet cigar 00
artbr At The Maine.
Want i Hop (told? Jieet br en
rib. rie ad. eie here.
The lower warehonee has en nnlimll
ed ony "f 'I ry fr ' h5 lm
LletilmUial Co. forehoe. Eduiv
ihoeetore. Handle the bft. KM
Tue ()I-H'e eih.nrlvt! n rrtea ,f
$1.60 1 liiiiJ n.Wf 1 Iwr vrty .!.
W ref--r "0 l be Hhx-tnn Dmg
Cutopa- re "el,H hub rLeng-re aitli
tell ltie.
'(Vn jni'" U tl 'iifht lut (w Til
Ur l hae a hfai l of 1 1- if-ol i tfooil
Hat i barl to boat. M-l'
lh J. W. ft", teht fr fi-lfar.
th n n. J. fret -f Itie r, aill h'f
ery Ihree niootl a. f -ljrr
Lmle (r..aijna, livldf 00 Hb ereet,
cb'l'" f-nt '' fc'e) I'i'4
lOin'l n line
rlll'e tvm' f for eiireliP lb.
Ifn- I "'. H Cha'ltee Tflr.
Vaoghao' fi t if.
If ton l"t e'TfwIlin f-f fir ay.letu
al l !. Th-it Trin.ln.t)
ma. Ci'y litiiMi' ,f
P, J. Bo ermao is keeing np with
the procession. A 12-pound boy is an
nounced at bis bouse.
The Gazette's oolumna are fast filling
with notices of final settlement, whioh
indicate a return of confidence.
Best nooommodation and oonrteoas
treatment at the Imperial Hotel, Seventh
and Wash. 8ts., Portland, Oregon.
Bring your bides, pelts und furs to
Ben. Matfcews, ut the Liberty Meat
Market. He pays highest market prioe.
Andy Tillaru'a devotion to town for
the past few days is accounted for. He
is now the f-itber of en ti-puund baby
A. M.Qann may bt seen again ham
mering iron at his old stand on we.
Mitiu street after au ubttenue from tbe
city of three years. tf
A taud of 1S50 sbeep, whioh were be
ing driven i:i fro u tlid iulurior fur sliip
meot to S:. I'ual, Minn., were cold beie
yestorday tu HicKey & Murray.
Be not deceived! Acoub, boarsness
or croup are not to be trilled with. A
dose in time of Hbiloh'a Cure will Bave
you much trouble. Sold by Couser &
V'arreu. v
Oldfnsbious in druos miv ba revived,
but no old-fuebioued medioine oiin re
place Chanibirlaic's Colic, Cholera Bud
Diarrhoea Remedy. For sale by Conner
& Warren.
A 12 year old eon of Charles Fuller,
living on Tboru creek w ag brought to
town ttiis week suffering from heart
diuease and dropBy, and his recovery is
very doubtful.
Dyspepsia cured. Shiloh's Vitalizer
immediately rulievea Bi;tr stomach, com
ing np ot food distress, and is tbe great
kidney and liver remedy. Sold by Coo-
ser & Warren.
Cure that congb with Sbilob' Core.
Tbe best oongb cure. Relieve oroup
promptly. One million bottle sold last
year. 40 dose tor 2oc(s. Hold by Con-
ser & Warren. v
Ladies, take the beat, If yon are
troubled with coustipatioo, sallow skin,
and tired feeling, take Karl' Clover
Tea, it ia pleasant to take. Bold by
Cooanr k Warren. v
Karl' Clover Rxit Tea is a pleasant
laxative. Regulate the bowls, onrifie
the blood. Clears the complexion. Easy
to make at,d pleasant to taka. 25 ct.
Hold by Couser k Warren. v
Hut g Le owner of the well known
Cbineee laundry, ha moved hi laundry
to oorner of Alkali and Water street
and is now In shape to do good washing
at cheap rate. 2
W. Y. PuyoVr, tbe livery stable pro
prietor, buy noly theheathay and grain.
Large oorral and aooonjuaoiUtioos for
freighter. Hack and bnggie furnished
feasonable. Htock well oared for. It
The Morrow County Land k Trnst
company have decided to go into tlx
wheat baying Imslues extensively thi
fall, nd it i Important that groer in
terview them bfor disposing of their
Revival fliodranoe," H a. m and
"Charaoier . Iteptitatioii," 7A p.m.,
will be the cnlijeat at th M. K. eburoh,
Hontli, oext luoday. Kveyboly wel
come. Hiibbatli si'houl at 8 p. in . Fred
HI. Clair, pastor.
Where can yoo gt good fresh and
hot nop of pore Java and Mor-h coffee
for 6c? At Tbe Maine. Open day and
cL'ht. AUn, baro sandainb, .Vj iarter
of pie (home madr ), 60; piece of cake
(home male), fir; ten tii!.l egifs, fcj;
rbeeae, crackers aii I lunch gde.
Now, that the warn aeeaon I aliont
ovf, freh ceo lie are in order, and
Jamra Hart wll devule t ie lirue lo lb
nianuf ,eltr nl I be hMflt ileltaaciee 10
In doe of etrnum', laTy, etc. f n fel, all
kirnl of onfeclioo'iry at tu t found
Ibere. Kwtf
"lolLe morring by lie t.Htit ligl.t,"
In lb evet.lr.tf al lb "lU!ligh,H
hr re J. din !'. n nnr,)inea to d'de to
bis patrnt a t ii e-parh Itrtsj lvrge,
bieh binie'i nM'lan-b'ilv ant drive
dill eare 1 ' nj wa'tnlb
ret yon lhe f'l at. I aitf evening.
MS II .be ta, al Iba lUlvedare, liaf
r f t, m'el'le.l Ibe pofinlar rd 'tlm eof
,e', ellrnd trt t' P'ib'l eof Wa.
f..fti T - fa He iireiee
i will H rpt np Ibe ,ivlm n1r1, (.p a'an
1 and tie eriUr""!! ei rmf'rlable e.' en I
qnl mer l of b b !l r 1 i erlor ni beitt
' fl'lh rcvil lr drsfiftf f)urf, &i If I lliod,
A. Abrabamsiok wishes to annonnoe
to bis many cuetomers and friends that
be has just received a fine line ot all
wool' gooda from the Brownsville mills,
elegant patterns and the best of quality,
which he will make up into suits at $20,
$25, $27.50 and $30. You all know bis
quality of work. Notice bis prioes and
call at once. Just what you wait for
winter. 2
Mrs. Ballington Booth, ot the Amer
ican Volunteers, is writing out her ex
periences ia American prisons, aod Id
tbe slnms of New York, for the Ladies'
Home Journal. Mrs. Booth has perhaps
come closer to tbe lives and confidences
of the men and women in prisons, and to
kno v tbe poor better, than aoy woman
living. She will not only tell what she
has seen, but Ebe will point out what
her experience bas shown her to bs the
most effective way in dealing with the
people of the prisons and tbe elums.
Holland B. Thompson, who came in
from Batter creek seven weeks ago, aud
bas been at the borne of bis nephew, P.
C. Creawell, undergoing medical treat
ment, passed away at 1 o'clock, Wednes
day, from heart tronblo an 1 other 0 im
plications. His physicians have realized
for eouie time that, owing to bis axe and
tbe seriousness of hi ooadition.no hope
for ultimate recovery coulJ b- hold out ,
Mr. Thompson was 69 ye trs of sg, aud
in 1862 orossed tbe plain, ettliu at
first in tbe WilUmutte valley, nn.tr E i
gene, where be regained until 187(3 Ha
then came to this vioiaitv where he en
gaged in the stock ioteroat, until a few
year ago when he disposed of the lame,
retiring with a tuffioient moan lo enable
him to live independent of biiidn.
He waia baoh-doraod a brother of Pre
and Alex Thompson. Ue assumed the
responsibility of tbe care of P. 0 Crea
well, bis nephew, wheo a hubiII obild.
whom be maintained until he bad
reached tbe age of 16 years. Then tbe
young man assumed bis own responsi
bilily, and now, in return for tbe interi-al
aod devotion of his early benefxotor, Mr.
Crnwell hfT ir.le J him tbe oar and 0 im
fort of bis home aod family at th olos
ot bi earthly career.
Our Line of
We are prepared to offer you the BEST VALUES of any house in the city
CLOAKS and CAPES is complete, comprising all the latest styles in
Infants' Children's Ladies' and Misses'
WHflPS from $1.50 to $25.00:
Our Stock of
Is perfect in
In fine Silk and Plush.
style and finish and guaranteed to fit and give entire
In Shoes
We are the only house in town that sells the Celebrated
''Kant Wear Out" Boys' and Youths' Clothing, the
reputation of which is world-wide and sold by all the
leading houses.! t :
We lead them all. The Kelley-Goodfellow Shoe is so well and favorably known that we need
only to mention that we sell their line of Shoes to insure us a large and increasing Shoe trade.
In Dress Goods
We are up to date in all the latest novelties in patterns. Silks, Satins, Velvets, Braids, Ruffl
ings in all the latest shades and styles to match our dress goods.
In Ladies' and Children's
Underwear we can sup
ply your wants, and our
prices are right.
Wo carry a largo stock of
Blankets from the Salem
Mills, from .Wc up.
Staple Goods
In Staple Goods we'earry
everything needed in
in the house.
Also carry a full stock of
Groceries, and guarantee to
meet all legitimate competition.
Call and examine our StocK and get our Prices when in the city.
First National Bank Building
Heppner, Oregon.
Successors to E. W. Khea & Co.
Indiana Arret Boy of Ht el n( I'oBlriind a
Hfcht Kauai-.
k telephone meaitaue to tbs OazeU
from Csoyoo City reduce the Iudiao
warfare in Grant ouunty to tbe killiug of
young man, and later to tbe h.mtiog
ot au Indian tu retaliation, th particu
lar of bich are as follow:
A notiiber of Columbia Hiver Indian,
n route lo tbe mountain, minted sorn
ponie and went to ranch, aupectlrig
ome boy, and wntneu being there lnn
tbey oauaej them considerable fright.
When th men returned tbey were In
formed of Ibe trouble, and eterted out to
reprimand tbe Indian, wbinli mullet
lo fight, daring which Fre.l Cutting,
young men employed by HnharlT Broth
er, ot Mouotoi-ot, who went over to lb s
section in search ol hore, Kmil
Hchaiff iufurm u. at bul end killd,
hi e tnpai)mn rava ging hi death by
Killing an Indian. beo lb report
reaolieJ Canyon Cilr a (mmmi, nnler
charge of tii heriff trled to pnnoit tu
srreet tbe Indlace, JUpoM (rum ihnn
op to lhl time her not been reoeive J,
cioteqnetitly tbe rrpnrt enrrrnl that
iS ludieb were killed e a Idle rnmor
John Kirk It reported M-rlounly III.
A. Andre, of Alpine, U In llvppner.
Mr. Geo. Kirk, alio bat tn quit tick, I
J. I. Hctiee, tin eurvfjror, eat here on Itutl
neat tlili mrrk.
J. U Hwlft, nt Kit hi Milt, at relilertI at
th Palace thli k.
Mr. Furrett, ol WtKiii-r, U hrre under treat
mnit 11I Hr. Urnenrd.,
The Koyre bmlh.rm, l Hanlinan, came Into
town oil biialmat ri tleMay,
A. I, eunli-r, Y. i. Aiidrrxm and W I. Mi
Klnnejr, ol Klht Milt, were In Into tlilt week
1. H. I'lrr. ol Mllimi, lurmerlt of hand
Holluw, bat tewu l.,lh uid eriialiitatir
here Uilt rk.
T. t. HiMlrrr, liu lia. l-- il alxml lliKrr
lor Uie tal lu)rai.. Inrl. Ir hit old htiuie
In Vlmliia Hit nntul tlm w t.
Nat i. Hale, ol lone, ina le the lian-ll
plt-aMiil rail tlilt er, and ri-.rH S""t prut
perls III ttaire lor nw ll.lt lall Wbrat It
lielnnlii( to tinm lud Uir brd lime tuple bat
tn di arded.
Mr. Emit Ni liarrr. Ih M'im-iiim-iiI man bunt,
rame In brlntliii In. I.r.ii.-r, dauirhter and
niece, whnae d'lira ee riiitlinr1 In Imt
iM'i. and relumnl )ivt'irdar tnufulnf llh a
load ul me, bamliae.
Mr. II K. Hlnrr. r-ii. 'iiihit the II. Parm
lee IJhrarf t ..n,H,i.r. i. In !. n I Ihe eUb
ll.bnwiit of e lll-rarr he' ll .f'iu.iii It
tn ntrrrtn im. and .!..'. , I b cmatdtral bf
(lit cltl'ant fifailf ,
Mr. end Mit r ' ( r ;i t h' heme
the d-ih nt llnlland H I ii'tmuaua enrurml
I end lrtie hore tlx .lra. oVeire
Wi thank lh n.li. Irf.lu In. .. I. ..f ihetr kind
nt aillla tlua.
lb Woll Kenw 1Mb Heleanao WIN Bt
Aala Is lleppser.
Mr. Jott-f Mnellc-r rcioet Iba Oasett
to annonooe that be all! be ia Heppner
again soon prepared lo show tbe motlo
lovers of Ueppner and Morrow county
th latett and bt thing In hi line.
Hiiioe leaving Heppner two years go,
Mr. Mueller La bail phenomenal boo
eeee io lb sale of piano, and will ei
pect to be received here on bi oonlem
plaieil ill with tbe earn promleed
near with wbiob be bas relumed to
remlb tiin, where be Dow ie enjoying
lively trad tu piano.
I'robabty be will bring to Heppner
one or the wonderful ploopboe.
wbiob sr tbe greatett mualcal marvel
of Ibe eeninry.
Oitieefblng bis vitlt bere, If r. Mueller
will make more definite sooonDOemtol
later in th dajtette. ill many friend
her Ibrongbooi Ibl eoooty should
aeail hi mlnf od rt keeored Ibat
be will be prepared lo (bow lb on good
of nneirelled merit and worlb.
Watob fur bl anuoaDOtment io the
Hn l'ril Iraraa
!ruar I !lt-akm0 W giveq a pre
liminary bearing befon llMV,rder Iticb
ardaon oo two ebargee t lay. Tb fl'et,
a 11 'l will, - .1-- 1 1 .. . .
inoe C'i'il l lirjy so P.lii, aud be aa
dianba'ged. (a lb efend, Ibreat to
kill, be b i'ind over to keep lb
peve. Iu return f r Ihe ebrgt brnngbt
attain. t bi in t,y Jrtkt Cowlry, I, i.
tainted by having Jak arrealel tm
tried for aaaallll, wblou Ibe Ciurl failed
n ltlu. The orbjia i.f ll, Imi.t,'.
waeioi,l teiy' plitr, ml Iba damage
anion Lie I t, j n 1 .nl.t ,S
b'k nn I ,e i-n I of wt. I'll- ymiog
fellow we ab.ol II,. hiii ,....
"""i i "eve I n.. rt ep.il in the
bariifard. elnpfel o Iu riMit.g
elbl IB I seltlel lb t bani Nrt.i.
i bo-it appearing bi o l. bl.-h ml
lake a I Iheir ureb'.a fur mhil,t la
!e Bi f-lperieifi esiia. n U -iee
t' e Ik.s never to pear ni l I
I I- - burl, at lea.1. N.l) 0f h,l ii,.
of a lI man with be I
wi kernel bal Il ey w.nl
l"t bil be'orf IpilllBf
Tks Chlse Cook fcarfollj Cat With a Olat
Karly risers Wedoetdsy morning were
startled ib Ibe report that Cbioese
oook bad been almost killed by white
wsilr in China George' restaurant oo
Maio (treet, while engaged Id row, and
it proved that tbe yoong man, oamed
A Banlneu Chance
Io Heppner. A nio oleao (look of
olotblog, faroisbiog good, e to, carefully
elected, and bought for ossb. Owosr
determined lo sell, A rare opportunity
for tbis fall trade. Write or inquire
Uazbtti Orriog,
Ueppner, Or.
0I K Hl-ii 1 rio
Notiee IS berl,V u V- H e pub'le tbal
Ibe firm if Hrui n M !i-art bit, y
hiul'ial Cmaenl. Im ! edvd, Mr
Jea Hlewerl i.l n j, 4 , bt Ibe new
Brm l-f flrolu X li nil CiiSlinae
Ibe b i.Miwe, a I n. lliliee etid
rollert ill it. bl il i 1 be 1 1 1 f,im. ToOl
l'ul, I a lit ohm,
fhl .br 1
t .
II. lelr I 1 I .. 1 .
.'-l .... ."-it
I- an f I il hont it t .1 tinirt .1! ,1
I - 1 , i-.nr t--- -I bi. ! 1 ! it . i : I
' .t r it," t tie l f ! 1 I i, all 11,
mifi,e Irwia ll.e !,, I a t'Ur
li. .i iiimi iea, l- i t, , I ,U'il,..U,
hd tbal aw k'f bi ..ti ,y tak.l.g
t e-at.ta. n, I f t. ., ..la. Xild' i
I He, pi'ie'e'-tir.B , . t"" L Ivf.t, J,
Aa r.enabia Trip.
K C Aabbangb, it Klgbl Mile, re
loreed laat week frnro lb Willamette
valley, ableh be mad eooaplete tool
of, arriving at Klem lo time to Uk lo
few ilaf i.f Ihe seeeloo. There b
ram in eobteel with )t Athbangh,
Mb wbuin b triced relationship, t
parlb'tilar fnead aa I aeeuriale i.f lb
(J..'a 1ilr, be bebl Ibe poi
linn i4 f.reman f lb stale printing
(.ffiAe fo almoat flflee fear, and man
bum w prediel will ia lb fulare gain
(Mi"Mi.n from lb litielai. tA lb
etale, w'h born be baa a feet av)!ilnt
r and warm perann! friendeblp. Mr.
Aabbeagb feel well rea.irietl for
Ibe I me and anneey ei.pee.le.l a .
H.lrUr i I. tn.elf witli Ibe ! In (n
rrel aid f1itranai enthneieatx sy b
gi S nj eipevlaHieee o bis trip,
'a R.Wtleg I wlMt
A . g.n.elK wIieg louraantent for
leai ifijl e l I medal and oil er miui I
e-w r al Itu har I' boiling alley
Call at Ibe !eft I.eJ fr1bef pir.cl
I'riKS sivew eab Bwielb fof blfhe!
nor f -r 11 snd gtntltat,
Milton Chevlier, who bad beeo tbers
but few dys, bed thrown Urge glsss
ditb al th Cblnamao, almost kvriog
o r and gashing bltn frightfully
acroe th face.
Tvterdy morning at the trial of
Chevalier for olt with dsogeroui
wpoo, charged by Ibe Injured China
man, It developed that they wtre wrang
ling ever their respective otbority, in
Ibe pneenee of ooe colomr, end tt th
oooclnaioo of abntiv language between
Ihe two Ihe Cblnamao retired la th di
rection of the kitabca, sod tbe white boy
Imagining that be was going for knife,
thereupon Ibrew tbe bvy diab, eatob
log tbe Obloamao fairly loogtide lb
bead, putting to flight all notion of
fight 00 lb part of Ooog Lane, a befell
thai bis death blow bad beeo reosived.
Tbe waiter aod eoatomir did not tarry
to Investigate the result of tbe bio, but
beat a bty rlrt Bbortly China
Oeorg od bie Isjurtdoook wrmreb
log ap Mala atreet la rt b f a doctor
and tbe mrbl. Lorallng Dr. Uofaol,
It rrulred vaal amount of sawing to
bring together tbe frtgmenl of an ear
and tbe gaping wound.
Attorney Kedfleld appeared for tbe de
(enta of Ibe boy, whll Attorney Tbeln
M efigage to prnternl lb ce. Hi
lb lime of Ihe trial, W4eedy at 2 p
m., owing lo lb faflt Ibat tbe Cblnamao
ha mad himeelf fontplnuon on eral
rMHoti by drawing bi bnttber kail
tad patting to flight Itxni who oppoeed
Im, Dpelr prelndiee wa with lb
alter and asalnal tb oook, snd lb
enurt room wa filled with jmpalblser,
bo w' not laaef ved la dtaplaflcg blr
(taipiikf, Al tbeeloollbirinlM
bf witaeette end rgoateot rl eoaoeel,
bleb wa eplrtled at time. Ibe Oourl
reefved H rWbjtia til M o'clock ree.
erdr morning, ! It deeidad tbal
the teeng ma. in afieldeeatk of lb'
lb repnlaltoa rf Iba Cblnamea, bad
eanee io believe bl life la peril aed io
lifUil la makiet tbe beet of bie edveet
. The ear dirt arBd to meet tb
pproral of tbe atajnrltr, ! It will be
New Uooda.
Wi are oonetantly adding new good
and now bava ready tor ioipeolioo a floe
aaeortment of watcbei, clock , jewelry,
silverware, novelties aod muiloal Instru
ment. P. 0. Dotto, Jeweler.
roil HALE.
IUoob, 8,20 acre, good laud, 4 mil of
Heppner, all fenced, plenty of water,
bone aod barn, 140 acre of ummer
fallow, all rady for fall crop. Easy
terms. Call at Iba Uatette office.
Will be paid for informalioo leading
to tbe arreet and ooovktioo of aoy per
eon tealiog eatll branded " WQ" con
nected on Iba left aide. Waddle oa tbe
ooee. I'bwt II causa,
Cerake tb MoafolUg lo lt lev la lb
scales' Antra Bale.
Th lieet Halve in Iba world for Cote,
DraUee, Horee, Uloer, Bait Rbotn,
Kvr Horee, Tetter, Chapped Hand.
CbUblain. Corn, aob all Mkla Erup
tion, and poittviy cures riles or as
pay required. It la gusranteed to give
perlecl alltfaotioo or money refouded.
Price 30 ebU per boi. For il by
H locum Drug Co., E. i. blooum, moagr
Preagrally Kervee.
0al: I was drssdfolly nervous, end
for rllf look your Cr' Clover Itoot
Ta. II quieted my aervee aod strsoglbe
eoed my whole nervons system. I wss
troubled with eonttlpalmo, kidney and
bowel trouble, lour Tea mo olened
my yitem so thoroughly that 1 rapidly
regained health and strength. Mr. H.
A. Mweet, Hartford, (Jua. Hold by
(Junaer A Warren, v
For Xafa&U kad Cbildrin.
Ui IM Yoo Kan Always Ecugbt
1 uiirr.