Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, October 28, 1898, Image 2

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    The Gazette.
Friday, October 28, 1898.
Oxe of the very important feat
ures to progress necessary in
county is the fact that
our farms should be smaller, and,
of course, more thoroughly culti
vated. We have at different times
advocated the division of large
tracts of land into small farms.
We believe if this were done, so
that one man would own not more
than forty acres, and half that
amount all the better, that we
would have the most prosperous
.. section of country in the state, and
where there are now many hamlets
and 6mHll towns we would have
fairly good-6ized towns of 500 to
3,000 population in the country.
The fact of the increased and more
thrifty population in the country
.would bring along all the accom
panying conditions to make this
possible. It iould bring about
a state of business conditions that
would demand and naturally pro
duce well improved county roads,
and all other necessary improve.
ments of a similar nature for the
same reasons. We believe the in
creasing demand for the product
of the farm and a slight increased
demand for real estate of that class
will have a natural tendency to
cause more thorough cultivation,
and to accomplish this smaller
tracts of land will be in demand
In many cases in this county the
prices paid for small tracts of land
have been too high, and the terms
too severe, and as a natural conse
quence individual hardship has re
sulted. .The adoption of this
method in our county would be o:
vast benefit from an individual
source of reasoning, and naturally
would equally Jbenefit the county
in a publio and general sense. St,
II el ens' Mist.
Brief War News, Tele
graphic News Notes,
Etc., Etc.
A An Urt'Kon floorer and Successful Busi
ness Man of Oar Stats.
Yesterday moroiuii'i Oreuonian oon
tained a life-like portrait of Ellis Minor,
our runpcotej fellow oitizurj, anil abort
biogrsptilOHl ".ketch of botb hiuiHrlf hd1
wife, who hava been bo long ami promt-
nouUy iduutiflud with the growth of
llrtppoer uud developmHut of the but
rnnndintf oouutry. This maour of
reoogDltion of the ploueera of the bUte
who band to tiie present ifunnrutioQ a
territory under a high itate of cultiva
tion, temultiK with produdtH, Mm moult
ot a lift) of bardahipo, expi-rlmunti and.
elf dauial, on their part, by the leading
newspaper of the state in commendable
' from the fact tbttt it caimea the young
people aud preaeut bueinvaa element of
our atate to stop and consider the clmr-
eotur and Malory of thnae who are en
titled to their appreciation end grati
tude. Following ia the Orrgouiau'H
tribute to Mr. Miuor and bis eatimuble
Among the pioneer of Morrow
oounty, Mr. aud Mrt. Kllia Miuor
re two of the beat known
and most oolTeraally ttateemnd. Mr
Miuor was born Id Oreen oounty, l'en
oaelvauia, June, lKII'J. He moved to
HumyTille, la., in 1HH7, wbere be was
married to Miaa Aon M. Hill, who win
boro la Bedford county, I'euoajlyauia,
10 1KIJ. Ia lHi ttmy orossed lha plains,
making their Ural atop at Waoouda
Marioo oounty, Or. Io Wl they wol
to wbat was than Umatilla county, ant
llllig oo ltbea orerk, where Ihey lived
At yeara, wheo Ibay mofwd to II .tipner
toeo place of only ail or arveu amall
biiildiug. The growth of Heppuer waa
rapid, tod Mr. Miuor built what baa
farilnee baao koowo aa the City holtd
which be ootid uotd for mituber of
yeara. Mr. an I Mra. Minor hate nin
obildreu aefeo datighteTaaml Iw.i anna
Una too, Otrur, la pMiulnmit stock
raiaar, an I the other, Artha, a ihimm
ful nierohaul of Ibia ilno.
Nif HTitLE, Oct. 23. The Belle Mea'le shoot
ing tournament clewed today. In tbe closing
day's events J. A. R. Elliott won a 20-bird match
from J. A. Cling. The special match for tha
championship of the United States, 100 live
birds, (HO a side between Roll Heikes, of
DayVm, O , in defense of the Cast Iron cham
pionship medal and William Elliston. of Saah-
ville, was won by Heikes, killing V birda to
EllUton's 94. This is the fourth time Heikes
has won the medal.
Albany, S. Y., Oct Zi The Union Tobacco
company of America, capitalized at 10,000,000,
filed a certificate of incorporation with the sec
retary of state today. The company proposes to
manufacture and sell tobacco in all forms. The
directors are Francis G. Ingeraoll and Charles
M. Billint's, of New York, and William A. Cole
man, of Brooklyn.
Chicago, Oct. 25. Since the announcement
has been made that the Oregon Short Line is
shortly to be consolidated with the I'nion
Pacific, competitors of the latter road fear the
action will result In the closing of the Ogden
gateway to their traffic and that the Union
Pacific will again insist that all business de
stined to points on the Oregon Short Line be
turned over to them at the Missouri river. It
is now authoritatively stated that there are no
grounds for these fears. The Ogden gateway
will remain open as it is at present and the
V'anderbilt plan of gateways at all junction
points will be adhered to.
Washington, D. C, Oct. 25, The Catholic
Young Men's National Union opened its annual
convention In this city today with delegates
present from many cities, including large num
bers from Boston, Trenton, New York, Provi
dence, Chicago, Albany and Bt. Louis. After
the formal organization of the convention the
delegates adjourned in a body to the cathedral,
whero pontifical mass was celebrated. After
the services the gathering reconvened and
spent the day listening to the reading of a num
ber of papers concerning the history, growth
aud work of the national organization,
Sam Fkancihco, Oct. 25. Police Judge Con-
lau has refused to surrender to the military
authorities Private John Whiton of the Ten
nessee volunteers, who was charged with
assaulting a woman In her own home. The
Judge said the guard-house had no terrors for
such a man, and he proposed to make an
example of him. Whiton was convicted.
Sam Fhancihco, Oct. 25.--Catherine Sophie
Bertha Do Oiraud D'Agay. an aged French
woman, who came here from Vancouver, B. C,
on the steamship walla Walla, has been refused
a landing by Commissioner North on tha ground
that she is liable to become a public charge'
From documents found In Mrs. D'Agay'a pos
session, the oliicials of the Immigration bureau
conclude that she is an anarchist. The woman
says she is a French royalist and lost all her
money in British Columbia mining properties.
Hho claims to be a cousin of the French consul
general in New York.
You Will Invariably Fine
The Latest Production of Eastern Looms,
The Swellest Furies of the Season,
Now that the schools are commencing
All should know that-
P. C. Thompson Co.
Have the nicest assortment of
The most fashionable shades and colors, in the larg
est and most varied assortments right here on our
MlW I .fi! U UK
We have given particular attention to the requirements of the ladies of Heppner and
vicinity and believe our efforts in this direction will be stamped with your approval.
A fancy Crepoo, black, beautifully de
signed, one pattern only, 40 iucbes wide, all
wool, 63 yards ..... f 8.00
In town
Tablets at 4c, 5c, 7c, 8c, 9c, 10c, 15c, 20c, and 25c each
Rubber-tipped Lead Pencils lc, 2c and 5c each
Don't forget the place. Cash talks. .....
. P. C. Thompson Co. Heppner. Or.
Only one pattern of 7 yards in a black wool,
40 inches, Fierole, the latest thing in brocaded
goods $13.00
A very swell fancy imported Crepon, exclu
sive design, 40 inches wide, 1 yards in a
pattern, the choicest thing in black we have $15.00
An exclusive pattern in black Ottoaaan, 7
yards to the pattern, a beautiful design, 40
incheB wide $ 7.00
Just one navy blue Bayadere, 7 yards, 40
inches wide . . . . . $ 9.00
Black and navy blue Poplins, 7 yard
lengths, 40 belies wide ... $ 8.00
Kersey cloth in blue, grey and taD, G yard
lengths, 44 incheB wide, makes a beautiful
winter suit $ 4.50
Storm Serges, brown and navv blue, 44 in
ches wide, extra heavy, 6 yards to the pattern S 7.50
And many more of equal value in Silk atd
Wool, Plaid and Striped, and plain Mixed
Novelties at prices ranging from 4.00 up to $10.00
Then there is besides all these a good line of
Wakiiinoton, Oct. 2".-Naval olllcers who
liave visited Havana harhor recently have re
ported Unit the line new steel floating drydock
which whs purchased hy the Hpaulsh govern
mi-nt in Kngland, and towed to Havana Just
prior to Hie onttmmK 01 the war, rannoi oe
niovc-l, mv ing to iieghrt oil the part of Hpanish
(illiccrs, and also to their itiahlllty to properly
manage the dork. The structure is large eliouKh
to take in any of our Imttle-shlps.
Tha rrprfaoiitalioni o( Ilia II. Tarm
! Library Cu. are her atiJ Ilia iwopl
of Heppnrr una? hart Ilia ip itliMiljr of
Muiring a etatioi.
Tha plana of tbia fuiii-cro a, a In lorn.-
ty Ilia trading rdnpat.ir ami library
(xnpl all ovar Ilia r nmtry au.l II117
prounutoa it "Tha gran li-sl dolH-nptiou
of tha fwnlury."
Tin- tiring 1.1M) fnluinn of eh'iloa
aelwla l oraa, bioh ara ao.'e.ibW to
tuambra lha aama aa a city library. Tba
nianitiorahip roaia but f .1 for flva yara,
m-hinli mail It aally ailhin lb racb
of all, an. I Dona hii, miaa It. Tha In
rnrporallt (III la I ho l'nlrily of Ilia
rrataltiig Library, ami Indoles tu hlirary
li-aturca apokra or, lha I ihitiI fi
nres tm moat r.minn adslila. Nn family
pan alTurJ li ba iit.oul a mmbrtiip
ml ! y person 10 lha eomiunnity
ahouM li.'i 'lira lully iiilu lha plan. It
ai l Ilia llhrary ami nnivaraily laaliirca
Ilia ni'iulirra Lata lha following prif
la !
I. Tha pniliv of baying any Ikw
tinlili.hr.l al bulnaala pru
2 Kri aubi'riiloii la "Tlia Library
ItiilMla, Hi f-fllnial magagln of Ih
I riitotsitr 'l lb Travi-hug Library
J his rnagailna la blrn claaa anj lha rrg
Olar aiihaarlptlon prio It II pt yaar.
3. Music .1 pnila"". hieb anatiK'S
.rh mainlwr lu pnr'haa any rniiain
pnlilishsj al Jito iunl id 5ll li '! yrt
0' til.
I Tha rrblnititig of b-nika an I rnaa
1 al a ilii i'it of '1 1 f rDl or
lha Inaiaal twlalilllil nra.
A'tvaa li lha library la aloua oitb
rr i' l tmra Ibaa It. a a ,
i,.iiinir)r, lua pmipla it J'isl tt-rf-f1
h irlal l-J It'll,
and SERGES in Black,
And an elegant Assortment of
Dress Goods
Vt Prices Witliin Your Reach
Kvery weave, every shade, every style in colored
goods can bo found here in profusion.
MINOR & CO., Heppner,
State News.'
Fred O. Knse, the O. R, A N. locomotive engi
neer who dli-il lut Krlday of typhoid fever, at
his home ill l a tliaudu, was hurled in Lone Fir
cemetery, Portland, Huuday afternoon, hy the
While plrklii apples at Hiisehurtr, 1. John
stun, a I'tilted llrethreu inlnlsler, fell from a
la dih-r ahoul 14 fei't. lie hruke his arms at the
wrlxts and was serloiinly hrulsed ahout the
d mid fin , Mr. Jiihimton Is over 70 years of
sue lie Is 11 veteran 01 the civil war.
The death of II H. Ilalley, an ohl pioneer rest
dent of Uimide HoihIh valley, occurred at his
home near Islnni! CHy Himday niornlna, Octo
her IKI, 1h!h. Mr. Ilalley has Immmi oil the sh k
lieil for several months ami his death waa not
niiexH-etrd. He settled In the (Irsnde Honde
In lHid.
tt Is reported that some Portland prospectors
hava discovered rich gold deposits on I'Plx-r
Kail creek, ahout IS tulles from Kuaena. They
are now cutting; a trail from the uialu road to
the mine, a distance ol 10 miles.
W. II. loiir, postmaster at Hwect Home, has
heen srre.te.l on therhargeof rnilx-f ling funds
of the nlllee. He Is known lo he short ll.i'J on
money order liiislurss. Ha tMik charge of the
olhee last July, hut made no returns to tha gov
eminent, hut appropriating tha process for
himself, Is also said that ha has misappro
priated several hundred dollars Ulollg U) the
Miiei aU-es II. was held In II, 'iio bonds, aud
will t. taken to Portland lor trial. Ha la a
young man of good family counorllotia. Other
pers on are supp- sed to hava profited by his
Hest to tiike alter dinner;
prevent distress, aid dtcea
tlon, cure constipation.
furely voKetable: iln not gripe
or rame pain. Hold by all druggists. V rents.
Prepared only by V. I. Iluod Co., Lowell, Masa
November 11th, 12th, l.'tth and Uth.
The Garmao Hpeoialist, from Fort-
lane, Oregon, will be in Ueppber, at the
Palaoa hotel, end will retnro onoe a
It yon Lave chronic catarrh, oonaulta-
tinu ia free of cbarg-e.
Io you blow muona from the noae?
Are you troubled with bleeding of tbe
Are tbe ooatrila obalraoled, makiug
breathing diflloultf
Are yoQ boarae at limea?
Ia tbe mnona dropplog down from tbe
back of noae into the throat?
Ia yonr noae atopped op?
Ia your bearing aflaoledf
la your tbrual core el limeaf
D ) you eptl a good deal wbeo rising in
lha tnorniDg?
IV) yoo bm end bak to clear your
Catarrh ia a dangeroue diaeaaa, wbicb
laada into conatimpllon.
Weak eye cored; eroaaeyei atationed
without enlling Ibe cord.
Oatareote removed without knife;
glasaee fitted where olbere have failed
rnplnre aud harnla enred withool opera
lion. Chroaio rhaarnaliain aod kblney
trooblee e epeoially.
Do not fail in aae the German Bpeclal-
lata. A friendly talk will eoal yon Both
ing, end la bouod to reeult 10 (reel
deal of good to yoo.
Remember the dele.
In the matter of the estate of Jacob Johnson,
deceased :
Notice ia hereby given that under and h
virtue of an order of sale, regularly issued out
of the county court of the Htate of Oregon foi
Ciilllain County, ordering the sale of the real
property of said estate. I will on Saturday
October 'i!th, at the hourof 'i o'clock p. mot
said day sell at public auction to thehlgheai
bidder for cash In hand, snhlttct to oonlirmatbn.
by said court, all the right, title and Interest
that said deceased had at the time of his death
and all Interest id his estate which may havi
been subsequently acquired, In and to the fol
lowing described real property situated in Mor
row County, Oregon, lo-wlt:
The N w it 01 i-ce. n, and lot M. 2, ami the f.
K 1 of N W a of Hec. 7, and lots No i and :i. and
the H R I4 of N W and N E V of NV VI ol ner
7. auutne a w ' 01 hvc. ti. a 1 in n 1. soot 11
ran lie Zl east N M and said uronertv will Ik
soiu upon tiie satu premises r. I), kihih,
Si- Aiimintstrator,
llions Mi'ltroorn Al the resilenee
f tin lrt Ivt'a parent, Mr. aud Mra. J
II. Mcllri'itn, in Mmnlalo valley, by
ltev, A. I4 Tlio'iiiibrnan at II a. n
(Mob. lH'.H, Daniel I'. Ilicka an.1
Miss Jrsa'e F. Mi'Mroom. The cere
ninny waa perfurtued in the preanoa of
a large mrnli r i.f r.lativ an I invited
g'l -Ih. Aft r tid. ti t's, ciingralillatiiitia
guod wishi4, eifl, tha g ik.Is were io
v lei t j tbi iliunig r xiiii where
li.iiint.'.i'H bhtiij let waa prepared to
which all did ample J ultce. After din
n r amid the go.) I wbiUea, liaiuga and
te;ra, i f friend a i l relative, the young
Omple l ink tlirir dprtur f r Wesl.m
their lulure liotti. Mr. Ili.'ka ia a pr.sa
perutia yoiiug farmer of aa.ia where
he la well and fab irably known. M as
Mi'lUoii.n I. also sroll a... I f. .r.l.l
kinen to W.al.o wh.-re .ha allu ld .Hgtliti, COmbini With the Wcil-..h-.l
and male many warm fr.eti.U. Unown .ni hiffhlf prisci HyPO
Mr lli.'ks ia bull tmg at altraeliva and ! . 1 t , ' s.
e.ini'iio Itona rsi..-uc f.ir the rereptlns
of Ina lirw bride.
What is
It it a stKngthtnin; food" and
tonic remarkable in its fifth-form
ing- proper tici. It contain Cod-
Liver Oil emulsified or partially
phosphites of Lime and Soda to
that their potency it materially
Notice of Intention.
Lakd Orrica at LAiiaAXtig, Ohkoo.
) totK r p.i. h t.
1 following tiame-l settler has died notice ol
hlslnteiitlon to make final proof In support ol
hlsciaim, and mat satu pnnii win ne made be
for the County li-rk ol Morrow county. Ore
gon, at Huppner, Oregon, on December 5, Is'.m,
ol (liirdane, Oregon, homestead No IK'.!.', for the
lots I ami J and Ku NKIa Hc. ITplH.Ka K.
lie name tha lolloping wltnessna to prove
his conttnitmia residence upon and cultivation
ol ld land, vll: Mat Hughes and A. J. Took
of Heppner, Orvgon; James A. Pearson anil A,
W, or ton, 01 uurilaue, Oregon.
K. W. BARTl.gTT,
Ml Register,
ot oreou, lor the Coutitv of Morrow.
In the matter of the giiurdiaimhip ol Walter
1 naiiKs, a minor.
)rder to show chiisd on application of Cluardian
lor order 01 sale ol real extitte.
It oppeariiig to tin court from the netltliin
his day presented nd liled hy A K. Moore, the
laruiaii 01 the vslntc ol Walter M, I hanks, a
iiiuor, priiylng fur an order of Bale ot certain
eat estate belonging to said ward, and in order
to suptNirt and iitnliioiiu aall tniniirlt Is lieces
nary that such reiil c'stiite mould be sold:
It la h. retiy ordered that the next of kin of
the Mild ward and all perwins Interested In the
aid estate, appear hefoie this court on Wednes
day, ine nun nay o ..oveinl.er. A, l. I'JH, at
In o clock, a. 111., at the court room fit this court.
at the irt house hi Mcppuer, lu the county
.11 ..i.imitt . ivim sune 01 urt-gon, men anil there
to show nim. why 111 order should not be
granted fur the s.ile uf hueti real estate, de-serllK-d
In ml. I iM.ttt as follow Ii. l.IiioIiiu
III the liil.l.lle of the l.nekiaiiiiite river U
nali.s nortti ami .'1 -; elniins east of southwest
lornerol liiiu hind 1 loiiiil.ers h. L claim No 4i.
In townshlo 1.1 south riiiiee a wot of Willa
mette meriiiinn. thence rouih r'a il.'i'rei, 17 raj
chains, thence 1101 In one cliulu. east a.T.i chains,
north i.l hxi clonus, uist :t.;. cbaitia. north t
inaiiis. east along the hank of Lucklaiuiite
rl ver : 7'. elialos, thence north A degree, ea-t
4.JU chains, south M deirrecs. west lHebalna
south i degni-s. west 4 11 chains, south .t
dearths, west to place ol la gliinlng, coutalnlng
1'jt.Miacre of hind more or less, known aa the
itiiias taiicT rioiirios' .sun orotHTtv.
Ami It la further or.leie.l that a con nl tills
order lie published as required by law In the
.icoioier inriie, a ncasi aocr luiti tshiwi semi.
H-kly In Heppner. In Morrow county, slate ol
Dated this Isti'sy of October, A. t. 1'.
A. U. BAllTllol.dMs.vV.
fouuty Judge.
Notice of Intention.
Land Orru a at La OasKbs. Ossoow.
Octolwr 19. lvt
1 tollowliia liamesl settler has "led notice
of his Intrtitlon to inaka final proof In support
of Ills claim, and that said proof will lie made
Ixlora the I onnly t lerk m Morrow count
Oregon, at Heppner, Orrgon, on December
Itrm, vu:
JA!r. A. riAMO,
of flurdane, Oregon, homeatead No AMI, fur the
hh V He s, T. slid NW la, Sgi, and N' Mk
ere. 11 mis. h e a.
II names the following witnesses to prove
hlseontiniiovs rsahietir upon and cultivation
of said land, via: Mat Ungues and A. J. Conk
of Heppner, Oregon: Levi L II tall and A. M
isoclou, ol uurdaue, urrgort.
HI kaglstrr
Uao Orru at Tee Pali as. Ossoog.
ISInlff .SI pr
il follow In a named Settler ha Bo-1 nolle
of his luientlon u make Bnal pr of In supfairt
t ai claim, n.l msl l.l pr.x.i win im ma lt
beiur t iaaiorti.t ouniy t ir'S. ai Heppner
uregiin, on aaiur iay iieremner i, io, vu.
S ll'ATRU K KILKENNY, ol Hrppner,
llomettra.1 A pclnatloii So , for ih 1
N V A...I N4 eks. aer, ft tplVl g
II names Ih following ll to prm
his eiifittnooii reatdeiK-e tto au.l rttllivatloti
nl said land. ls t'haa VaiiW Inkle. John her
l.laii. J sine t arty and John t arty, all ol Hrpp-
Ber. rgou,
aa 7 li? C, It 1 AS. RegUder,
Notice of Intention.
SlocurrVs Pectoral ExpectoraQt.
Is without doabt the most efficient remedy ever put up
of the throat and lungs. It
never fails to cine the most severe case of cougb, cold,
hoarseness, bronchitis, inflammation of the lungs; will
prevent cousumption if taken in time. If you or your
friends have a cough or cold do not fail to try a bottle of
Slocum's Pectoral Expectorant.
It removes phlegm and soothes irritation. If you take
two-thirds of a bottle without any benefit return the one- .
third and bottle to us and get your money back. We
have confidence in our preparations and propose to 6tand
by them.
Good Goods....
Fair Prices. i
T. R.
Groceries, Provisions, Glassware,
Tinware and Furnishing Goods.
Staple and Fancy Groceries-
They have anything In this line that you may desire and you can depend on It you get a
good article when they guarantee it.
Old Stand, Main Street Repairing a Specialty
school books
PaiQts Oils Glass
Conser & Warren, Dfugaists,
Lard Oi cu a at Tiir. Di,i . Oagnot.
x tnln-r Jo.
1' ..lln lug lis. Mr, I .. ttl.-r ha flle.1 nntleei.)
hi Inteiithiii to mahe Iimhi ,roif In suiHirt nl
Ills rlallll. aill that S-...m.I III Ih ina.l t.
tor s. iraaiurti, 1 mnity i,-r k o M.irrow
ei.uuiv, iiregmi, at ii..i.nir, lin-gou, 011 l um.
of leslngton; honi. .-. I at'i'llrallnn No. ITa
lor Ih . .Nh't .. a i Nt'a ami NMUHfc',
aer .14. 1 1. I a. rl Ji. K W . 5J
II iiauu-a Ih I. .Ilea In vitro-.- Innmts
his rontlnil us re.eoi e uixiii ami rnllli allon
ol aslil laml. (II Km.-.t I li-er, nl l-inrion.
nt.ai.n H V. eagnrt anl Koliert Turner, nl
iie.urr, urrgon.j. ti. rijatr, oi Milt ore
g"" . I. r. I.( .
4 KcglMer.
1 II,, .
Fish and Oysters Every Friday.
In opening this market we solicit the
patronage of the public assuring
them the hest of meats, and gentle
manly and considerate treatment.
Tug Dtl.l.r. Oregon. Ortnlwr A, la1",
hlpthre( i south nf rang laenlynoe
.Ml fast nl Ih Willamette llernllaii. dregon,
ha leti surve-.v.l. amt an ..rover i.lat o
Hie snrpv tliere.il ill Ih- tilt-1 In this ollu-e nn
Ih loth ilay ol Noemlier. litm. at a o elork
a m. On an. I alter aant lav, aptilh aMioia lur
lllry thereol III la- r.-. elM .1 at till, i.tlico.
aignnl tha day anil ytar alaive rltten.
Otis pATTsasoa, Urgl.ter.
Hits Her. VI i
1.40 or rn a at lag iu ogtona.
1 1, t,,lM.r at I A
X'oTicK ia rRrnv .ivkn iiitrnir
j (..lloatilg risnr. ettler ha Hie.) nollr
1. 1 h li ie itiiMi ( make Ptial r,, In
suft-.n ..I hl r.alm. i. ll. at .l, pr..,t win
he m. l l..re , I raal.ir l I uiiiilr lerg. at
H'..iii-r, un-giin. on eiimIsy, Dereiiilier I,
l. if :
J"U II II I.KMMl I.Unl Uslnglon.
Il..,.l.t a.-:t.Muii No, 417 lor lha CKV
H, I I . It i . .
II i nr the f.,ii,,ng altneMe In tro
ht rtotitiMuoi r.l-teore tiMin at ruti I ai Ion
nl a. lan.l. l i i Hr..ii, 1 I. 1 .1 1 oit.
H .iiifi ir rn, an. I I tomia H.aillil.y ani
Itl. (utter, oi trt'T.oi, ir..n.
JA V. LI i A. Kes .te
It will Arrcit Umi of flesh anJ
rtttort to A normal condition ht
A ll..at.r Mai.
lUtry I'hilli.a reooria Ilia killing- of
an lih'uKti. tial I In s . , ragU nn lha
full alnra Lain, a aH-iM ftiMr,if
foreign li H.i eotintrr, l l.ro
(Utini, an,,, l.rongM him (mm lha ' ,t, ,1,;, 1 .j ,c, . 4 t,
rlo.,1,.,,., ,h. f,h ..lo,,,,,,,.,.. menHchthiblooJof Ihc.ncmici
ra1tlar re.eling- r - ll . luf.ire Mr. 1 ,,. . . . , , ...
ll,ll.,,,r-ao..al Ih. .., ,lh.,n,iiUlt?P;hf-hh7,1lh,rriU;
tn 1 1 1 1 a t e, 1 t,y a i aly ahi lii altatma : lon Ol the throat And lurtft. anj
of him, Ida li. a I. ing an I elaea hat. CUK InclpUnt COftlumptloo. t
It.g Ite. 11 nil ff. Mr. Diilltn la aiit..f. ,t. .,,-,, L,,,u lK
le-en al le-.t f .ur limea Ih- (i.nl,.ne (IpCrWACf of twtntf-firC Ylifl hal
of t.nr li'al .agl-a. au.l r.p. I, la ( ft- proven It Ifl ttl of thouundl o(
1 .1. . 1 '
Ltanorrna stTaa tun as. ( ....
l,,tf m Imm
vTorii f ia uramr .i r n that ih
1 ..ll..ti.g ssmel lelller ! ami n..i..
of hi Itiienlion 41 mas B.al pfiail to m
n nl hi ciim. n,l lhal Ml.l rpi III Im
ml l-l..r . l'il..f.. Iniiiitt 1 left, al
li.-..ur, tii."0, oa rn.lat, te.tt.l-na, .
Jinny j M.riii'ioTT. iiii..
Il..ne.tea Aff't. '!.'" 4. tf Ih '
..! I W a aw. Jt I ! I a. H K W M
Me n.ne the fotii.ati.g vllo.aw .i f.t..chl
ftti.ihi.Htii rttnr bi-'n ao.l rnii.sii.ti .!
Mi'l inl. ! rrai.a l -.n. J.m i ......
I'.u I II. 011. 1. 1 al Ju.e koq. a. I ..... ;!"
lire. .11, 1 , , (fl .
Jt t. I !' , U. (i.r. I
bOrrt. g at l.'.t s ns..,..
"1 '..i- t 1: t-
N'nTI" la IH.nV r.r til a, 1 1 M at
I.. Ii.al. f t a"-e.l artt.i.r hildHMli.
nl hi nte-.l... U. t. e p-, ,r,,t ti ,..,rt
l hi. f l.ito. ;,. tlial t1 .r.-i,f lit m f,a.la,
t tore tl.e ...,.! I i. j.,rt..tt .,.,.
'"if-", at Ih't l Oe,ll, tli ,m.stf t,
rnM 1 vmnn 1.,
He-1 ..-r 1 " h". ' A (, tt e
, a W V, .. I a , a l ,,l M i, ft
1 : 1 1, - . .- r i
II e ... .r tl, -.at,.g MtirMr i t-r'1
k'" ' . ... a . it !.. n
It ! - I tf ll A lt.r't I t llrtft'l
i..,Mii a 1 - .; t tt. (,
I W It.p-'itti
I mtko gyTg I.asiii orru g,
Th latlr or. rat .!
N'hth r. iirkkhv .ir.s rii tr is
.iil.ianre n ulrl''.ui r"in thernl'l
m.Mt.oier ol the general la.nl e, .11 .. r
iitii..rir ve(i-. in hi. 1. 1, r ii.,n rmi..
aiali s l.rl rttali.te .a uni'l-l. l.r II, e t i.
n me f.-. a-(rMe-1 r.'t.r.iary .v I-., .e at!t
l.na .-.-I In i.lt. r al ihle ... am t e 1711, ,! ,,
'H'""r nesi. ai i"o k a ni at liia ui'i.-
tl.e l..ll,i.g ira. I i.l laifl. I.. tl he Sri
s K iw IK. 1 1 I a, H U fL MM, roht.lnli g
a re
Any ami all r-rn rUlmlt.g s,trr.. lt tl e
.e-rllt""l Ian. I are .l ... Io tiie Ihelr
rtaiiii In ini nrh, nn i.r l.et.r hr tt.,t
i1-..tf uate.1 ,r Hie rmtitnen.-emet.t i.l aai.l al
ollK'i ! tli-lr rli-M. a 111 t-e .,,irii,-.
JT I" In. on. tii... .a.
I Kegt.ter. luirlxr.
I.amd Orru a at 1 tig PAi.tas, OagnrtN.
eei.tetnlier W, mM.
' lollowlng 1 smeil ..tli-r has fllwl notlee ol
his Ititentlnti to tusk tloal proof In support of
hlsi'luiiii, ami that sahl proof a III he rnarle l
fnraV. Cisal.ir.l, ( iniiity 4 lerk. at Heppner.
Ori-guii.ou Krhlay, Norgmher 4. iMtai, via:
of lone: hometeai a.pllratlnn So. 4M for lha
"i ei bee S ami N, Ni- ee.-. Hi, Tp t K
il h W M. He tisrrrslh follna Ing Itm-aa to
prove his potitltiiiiMis r...,lfiue titaiti ami mill
vatlon of aahl laml. Ms. Omar J. Williamson,
John Mug Milton K. Morgan, James M. Hamu
li' I, ail ol I one, til, gnu.
J, p, i.i'c.as,
"O Keglt.
Timber Culture final Proof.
I iti. "t.t. I mm,,,,
I ..!.. If I If I . t t I
I Oftii t at Taa litit" .
I a t.at ... -4
mil 1 la iitaiar i.i inr ih
.iilittna MH MStier IVa aie-l a-ll
nl ki 1 1 le ti 1 u . n In R.a fe lh.1 t r-k f I
1.1,1.1ft n4 KUii.l. an t Ih.l Mil .r-l alii l ' '
.t hvl-ra ( rl-rt t ..l Iters, al" r
y '( ifl a I raif. II I Hi ir
nn lf l hi I it aln aa a iwimaj ha
0oii, ,i real ! b f ,n,lir nioae
for Vi to'-r fi f II. I
t.iM'i n- s iitm Pi ' "
1'inr is 111 1 mi i.nn 1 i a t ini
1. t - ',,t mm ,i r-M ri. i t..A'K0 M
' Mil- -.' I'1 ...
ll.ii.tng..ii. m rrl.. ta.W . I. i ' 11.. 1... 1 1. i.'n-i 11. pi
, l( , fx", tt'f.H. 1.11 .l..f.i.. l I- tl.
P4VIO N. t)l4eUI."..M J pKKgMA.S.a.
hi i-i uu..a a i-iM.ii i.mt ,tr ,.'' I ..... t .,, ..-. s.
i' n t a 1 . 1 1 1 a. a .4 . . , . . . . 1 , . h 1 1 m
(14 I 11 I t.M 'el ,.i.i r. 1 1
It iHltae) I'. irt. n ..f ai tin. t-le- at,' I . t . . . . I . , ,
a. c ' 01 1 Iwim,
Iea. a4 . S M VtM.
KOTT 4lw llr fm
r.f.lls-i""S ee.lei ,.-) an I t 1 . li . l j. e Ml : .. I
. 1'. (S ' J-a 14 .,... ih. I I,
''! J, 'If'tl a4 Ja )-, l tt j C i
Ji I'1A, I ' 1
1 I ,
" I.
Notice of Intention.
Uau orru a at LACiaaana. Ogg.ios).
VOT.-F. 14 ..r.UKHV ..tV'Tt'E
. .,,"n""" "ame. selthr has fllrt m.tlra
"I Ms li.ti.nti,.ii n in nke final pna.f In ipiairt
"I hi 1 latin, an. I that aahl pro..! 111 I mala
la-lore the 1 mnity rl,., ,,f ,r,,w, ry.or-
rg.in.ai Heppner, Oregon, on im. j,( Vj,.
JolIN W. H4-OTT,
of K.-hn. Oregon, hoinetea.t No, fopt, for tha
'i" U,lPISk,K .
Ileiian.i- the lollowlng llti.-M.-s lo prove
hi.roii'tn.ioi,. re.ienr iifaniaml rultUaiiun
ol el. , Witiiatn ( nl.kilii, nf ye;
r'ai.a hli'kei.nt. nf Heppner; Jam.- Mot'nin-te-r
anj iirai.t burhaiiao, I. . th ol , ,, lire-
"" , a.. . Iititt.
W-J Hegtstar.
I l'H..'hv i.IIM Til At tS ft' R.
Hair. o li .l.,,, 11,,,,. .,, ,t
. . . . . '"' ' l'M-1 ..Ithof.
, , I h. . 1..1. 1. ....... .,.,. .,, ,.r,h ., ,,,.
" afr. .e.t rl,ri,.i ,. ...... ....
fe..tU..I,..H . rxl l, ...... . . : .
So a. . 11. a 44 . . s- . .U . ' . 1 ' ll'aMh.lar of
It. !... a at'ueM. H II SI 1 I lu i M . . J ,V
J.......M-..I.T I...-M ..,. y 1 1,,,.? . 1 ' fc H .-ui..i..4B
' H..t r. !!)' '.-'' re a-l. t..l to atv Ihelf
I'l .:.li;.ia,.t, ... ,1.. .1...
l" III r. nil,r. .,... I .J ..,.1 ..I.
... 4 , i"'"'-'-Heir rn t. .1.1 1. '
notice Of Inttntion. I ... - n a n.ei.te
I.a ((: a t Taa luti s. o.. , ,
oth l liRlir .tvs ' Vh'at i"iit '
' -"' ' M'-e.l .-!...( I. a a-e. ..' U . ..( '
1 1 t. i... ti,,,, i., ....s. ., ( , ,,.,.,,, !
h"' !. !-l Mil ..... I he .. ... i
l,lr. a J It.'. I' a mi .- al . . j
in. .... ,. i,r. 1, , ,
It- Male r Kii.i.ii ii.,.. '
It- w'M-4 At t . ..!. a i., 1 t,,i.,, .., .
'II i:-l 4,1 v '
" ' ' ' - 1 . 1 . t . ,,
, . . .. ,..,. tw ..-.re , (. !,..,, . ,t '
'Ml. 1 . , .,..,..,,, , ,
I t ' . . . -1 . .'a 1 ..- ,..(! .
U I tlKNI MV 1,14 1 1 HIT IN t j
. 1 Minn .11 ii,,ii.,r "r h.. 1 r ,
.. li.tei, I" . I" mSe P'l .. I u... .,.
I o.ii-tr 1 It r of tl.trro. I o.ii, f r.tt
M'tl-ief. I.f..li nil Kfj.', ll., .,,
.r--.ir 1 e na tii.it.er .ri
Timber Culture. final Proof.
I 'r-. -t . t f. fltri. f
1 . I a. . ... .. . .
Voli. k 1. N 1 a 1 a 4 '.ikm that aa-
4 . " "' ' M.r-i.,..n. h.,
I' "'. In ... .
t,i T t .
'...n, , f ,e.l
I. , . i ,M
ir.l... 1, .,,,,!, 1 1. , '
", """ . H I.. Il.e l H '.
. I.. , , ... , . '..I. .,, ,,, ,l,a
- ' - e -o , , r. . H
" a m A.l l..-rh J
"'4 .. 1. .4 li.r.io..n,
til nl l et f ... r .
I I1-1. 41
4 r .,.,1
; ' r- 1 a-
The Centra! Market
Uealer in
Tresti, Salt and Smoked Meats
4m . str.-.!" w