OFFICIAL S11AV Advertisers P A PP!P lC If you have bargains to guiTipgra offer, announce it through $T Ai JfcS he columns of the , 1 The Gazette wil1 contain SIXTEENTH YEAR T8E HEPPHER GAZETTE Published every Tuesday arid Friday BY COKLIES MERRITT, - Editor ad. Maaafsi. SUBSCRIPTION RATES One Year Six Months Three Months $l.SO 78 80 Advertising Rates Made Known on Application. Entered at the Fostofflce at Heppner, Oregon as second-class matter. rHIB PAPliKiskept on tile at E. C. Dake's Ad vertising Agency, 84 and 85 Merchants &xcnargs, San Francisco, California, where con tacts for advertisinK oan be made for it. LP. FISHER, NEWSPAPER ADVKRTI8- tng ai?ent, 21 Merchants' Exohangi Build lnK, Ban Francisco, is onr authorized agent. I his papar xa kept on file at his oflice. 0. R. & HI. LOCAL CARD. Train leaves Heppner 9:30 p. m. daily except Bnnday arriving at Heppner Junction 12K).i a. m. Leaves Heppner Junction 8:30 a. m. and ar rives at Heppner 6:00 a ni Hpokane ExpreBs No, 4 leaves Portland at 2:00 p. m. and arrives at Heppner Junction 7:50 p. m. and Uma ilia 8:5u p. m. Portland Exoress No S, from Spokane, arrives at Umatilla 6:00 a. m. and Heppner Junction 7:00 m- at d arrives at Portland 12:50 a. m. ast Mail No. 2 leaves Hon land S:25 p. m. and arrives at Heppner Jauction 8a5 a. m. and at Umatilla 4:30 a. m. Fast Mail No. 1 leave Umati'la 11:10 p. m. and arrives at leppner Junction 12:25 a. m. and at Portland 7 :2G a. in. For further information inquire of J. 0. Hart Agent O. H & N . , Heppner, Ore. ornoiAL 35iaacTo8Tr. United States Officials. Piosi'lKnt. William McKinley Vme President Garret A. Uobarl Secretary of btate VV K iny gooretury of Treasury Lymau J, (Jage eretary of Interior Cornelius N. Hlies Secretary of War HuisshII . Alter Jatretaryof Navy.. John 1). Long lo.-tinastFjr-General.. Charles Kniery Smith Attorney-General John W. (tnwgs owreUry f AiirieulUra James Wilson State of Oregon. liovornor ,...W P Lord Secretary of Bute H. K. Kincaid Ireasaror Phil. uaiuni.u. Sui.t. Public Instruction (J. M Irwin Attorney General n. M. l,nnm Sonatora j W. iicllricte Cougrossmen i TQo. H. Tongue . (W, It. Ellis 1 W. H. Leeds . ( R. S. Bean, iuprema Judge j F. A. Moore, (C. . Wolverton Sixth Judicial District. (! ruuit Judge Stephen . Lowoll r,oneouting Attorney.... II. J. Hear. Morrow County Official. .inr f.fiHf..r J, W. Morrow r..-i,r-h-!,rnciva IS. L, Freelunfl otifilv.judge A. (J. Marlholomew ' ' monii;r.;ounri J. U, Howard J. W. lleckett. Vawter Crawford Knorill ...K. L. . atlock Ttwtr.w M. Lichtei th il Anw-wor A C. Pet rev nrv.'jor Julius Keith'ly 'kiIuioI Hup't Jay W. Shipley "roner Dr. E. K. Huniock HKFPNKil TOWM OJTMUKaa. Mavw Thus. Morgan ()iim.-ilinii K. J. Hlorum. M. Lichtentlial, f. It. Simons, J. J. Roberts, J. W. Itaamua and K. G. Sperry. tt coriiur W. A. Hichardnon I fuiurw L. W. Hriags "irslial John llager Precinct Offli!rp. Jntiorf the Pmsm W. E. Richanleon ! 'instable u. b, yraj ( lilted States Land Oitirern. ni flAf.f VII riB .'ay P Limes Otis Patterson LAOBAMDI, OR, K. W. TUrt'aft . I. O. Hwarkheimttr ... IlipTistcr .. ltotTr , . . rteginter ..lleoeivsr a-ssn-iT soci:xi3. KAWLINrJ POST, NO. II. H. A. K. ('! M H. Miner, Or., the Ihird Haturdny of rl in'Hith. All trauar iurito.1 ut i.nn. W. ij W Aim. Adjutant, tt Cnmmuiitxr, D. J. McFaul, Al. D. UEPPXER, OREOOX. OltU'Si hours, t to 10 s. m., nd la to 3 p. m at miiiei.i'e, and to to 1J tn,. and l to 6 b in., at olhce In thsrearof Burl's jlrjr sUire. C E Rcdflcld ATTOIiXEY AT LAM'. Offlrs In First KsMoual Bank bulldlii(. Heppner, Oregon. Ellis & Phelps ATTORNEYS AT LAW. All ninlnow altHtidwl In In t t..mi.t and sniotsrinry manner. Suiatles Pub lic sod CoUcrtora. OSIcs) In NstUr'i Bttlldlti. Heppner. Orron. D. E Git man QESERAL COLLECTOR. Put your nlt liii and iu.i in his hn.i and f.. ynur niiiony o.t f I "n-in. Iiitkr a Uily ul hard rtnlrc tloiia. 0c la i, K. fim-n's bulldltif, Hrppir, Of, W. A- Richardson JVHTtCF. OF THE I EACE nn t CITY RECORDER. 0r si ronil.rjl ris.lfs. Hs sn l burs rsl . rui k'.u. rs torn 'I'M riiin h. ill K.r jut, (a ny asy I'i hi lln. si rrunul,i n if. 0. B. llatt TONSUKl A L ARTIST. SHavlftf , IS Canta Hair Cuttlnf . . 23 " abf), Matl'a Cntnrt. Hppttf, Orr"tl. Mathews & Gentry It A KU EES. Sfeavlftt 18 Ca( HairCin 23 " t tf-wfs liUt l fastoSok HVeee table Prcparationfor As similating theToodandRegula ling tte Stomachs andJ3ovel of Promotes Digcstion,Cheexful ness andRest.Contains neither Opium.Morphine nor Mineral. Not Nahcotic. tea ofOlAErSAMUELEUVEEO. Pumpkin Seed" Jlx.Srnna JiocktlU Salts -Anist Seed Jbppertnmt Ml Cardona&Stda f farm Seed -Cforifud Swptr . V&iUrfrem t'lanr. A perfect Remedy for Constipa tion, Sour Stomach.Diarrhoea, Worms .Convulsions .Feverish ness and Loss OF SLEEP. Tac Simile Signature of NEW YORK. HXACT C0IY Of WBAPPEH. l ipa fiKST Rational Jank OF HEPPNER. T a" wnpi .....President I G. W. CONSEB Csdhier r' KHEA Vio President E. L. FREELAND. . AHfaUDt u"..r Transact a0eneral Banking Business. EXCHANGE ON ALL PARTS Or" TUEW'OKLD BOUGHT AND SOLD Collections made on all point. on reasonable terms. Burplus and undivided proflU :,oro. U. S. COMMISSIONER D,I.?,,'h"r1l,d !?, Me 811 kln,i ' LAND PROOFS and LAND HLlN,M Collections mnde on reasonablu terms. Ollice at residence on Chase street. J. IV. Morrow ATTORNEY AT LAW find U. S COMMISSIONER. Office In Palace hot 1 building, Heppner, Or. Dr. At. B. Aletzler ' DENTIST Teeth Extracted and Filled. JJridging a specialty Painless Extraction Heppner - - Orenon. I-IMHHrrV MAUK15T THE OLD SHOP! Is lbs plm to go to et your litis pork Slid lamo chops, alcuka and roasts. rih Evary Friday. - r lite suKsi-rinml hauis snd baron Purs lesf Isrd. settle niulvre.) old style. Hlnhest utsti prli c paid lor at stock. BnJ. Mathtwi. EPPSMYON CI TY Stago Line B. F. MILLER, Prop Chnaifl and emtt llirwl ... r..u valU'r, I .fn.ii. rity minim district. Hums auu olln-r luu-rtor piliits, Ktif 1mh II prtKl at .jm . m. ArrWe ml tanyo:i City lsvel atiyonl ltysl ( p w., rrlv al I! pp. Ief In U hours mmwllns Hn Ifslos. lUrtus ti. Ilsrim!i .... mi rsas m ml M 4 Ifl M i 7. i h 1 III -t !' I" Mull! lnMt . , . HtI!Ht' Ix-.i I r... .. Vsilt-y ... Jutiti lny PUr HlMiHl Ith t!;l, at Hrppppf, hn -lls li.s it- up tl, is anh t. coit. f.. hr , ! , I , prrpi,1 Sr-t"iiwrvl. toa ptil.itr HRLIN6T0N-FOSSIL STAGELINE h, vs.y.u k i p A. I J, OOILVIR rr ,f " n'- rne raoM RLiNr.TON to yii iwi mi'Mi ,uri , k,..,i l inn ii . . , Marrii.xM mlras) 4m . hound Ins J .- tB I ft lntl t U IM lnt, . U'l (If SiI!h 1 I t.odlrtp a .. laad in t K....'. II.IB IN I ,r T lu f ' Alt.t.i v. f m rut P' M,J ' " " ,p' , , , , faJ. ipacl dnvwa, HEPPNER, MORROW iS32 For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of The d You Have ilways Bought. TMCCrNTMlS COMPANY, NEW YORK CITV. NEW NAME i Wm. Gordon has re-named his stand tho old Jones livery stable The Central. Baled hay for sale. Charges reanonable. Call on him and have vour horsos well fared (or. A, Abrahamsick Merchant Tailor Pioneer Tailor of Heppner. J lis work first-class and satisfactory. Give him a nail May Street. VOLUNTEKUU KUNANCB. Cibaa tilrl follows llfr Amrraa Soldier Lover. HT. Ipis, Oct 21 AipiJloth Bopiibiu fr m Dead wood, (J U , i,ayi: Albert Dartm, a rannhwr living Dear ihe Cbayemrm rlvr iu Ziabaok ooonty, uJisted m a volnnlner at the bt'iiioniuB .f Iba wr and foUt at tba battla of El Cany. After tba ball) be met Rarnona IVrz, il.e daugbti-r i.f a raoohnr of Oroi'a citntoAtid, and t'.ey leoame awreibrarta. 8ooo after-art ha was attacked by fever and eent bouie on aick luva. Oa a as UKatd Mora bie dwpsrturt for ihe war to tba di'wbtnr of a Dili borlng raiicliiiisr), airaiiii I to ha mar' rud wbila Lome on leave of abno, Nfaanwbila tbe Cobao irl had lerod ut bia illness and that be had gune bme ami alia reached t. ( Mom aod oonw hira. Utin iu br bnither'a olotbea ba dotard Id Janjaica abd aeorr td ber "If fri nr botmd fur N'sw Oriatna IJ.aobii; tlntrc, abe traro..ed and bat br way t j H;i .as, H. I). WLoe ha raehed tbra alia lamed of bar loter'a apir(io!iiiiii mar'iaii an 1 th b"ok drove her i.a r o Attbaasma lima IU Aiu-nrsti i l irri. I i f !ir I""'a l!irt.t;,6 B'.d br .ki efftbaeo ltrfuiint. bu.l i.ialriif besv ily aod dilapidated, A f dsys i bis b t wis fo fliatiiilu t:ieCliejinniifi.r Wh-l'ier ha fell So wt ila Int x rsn. 1 , e u,t,M td au.oida is a ru-.i!r of rt" jct'i'a. Yallesv Jaunwtet Cured. H-ifffio bomaa.l Uul 1 b libit,! i'h vry n -at a v a If.f ( efi.f. It fa wjtlj .c,ioa : ii U IU f..niiii,: Iius i . crtiy n,t i mt, , t,.f. tltiletrt I. ... V-'t t ir-'fti Taikiw Janndna fur ever sit . ' " r ,, ""' " """"11, a,,,,,, of I!,, bt pi s.eanl u our CHjr aad ali tu bu avail. I If, ll.ll. n ,imrfL.U. .-.,... m-idl H.fta li(rs a I aH'rlk,n twi t .a I wa .,. !, ,f,d. I m ,h,w " T rW r ..m ,; rri l m' ly. am rainliy ottr by K. t. M-,.,;, din.,1.1. AAtf COUNTY, OREGON, I : : , BAN Q IS The Spanish Peace Commissioners Accept Refusal of Americans to Assume Cuban Debt PHIL ISLANDS The Cuban-Insurgents Becoming Intolerable-Prompt Measures Demanded if American Control is'to Be Established. Associated Press Dispatches. Paris, Oct. 27. The Spanish the negative view ol the United States commissioners toward the pro- ijuhbu HHsumpuon ay tne united States of the Cuban debt. llie American commissioners to n99um for the United States Spanish financial conditions, and ' i vumujiuuivuv.uj uavrj finally abandoned the effort, and have agreed that the Cuban article of tl L 1 1 II , i . .. . iub protocol snan, witnout conditions, have a place iu the ultimate treaty of peace. Thus Spain agrees to relinnuish claim to Cuba without either terms any existed, regarding forto liico and the cession of the island of Quam, were also nrrangd by mutual understanding, and the com missioners found themselves well nigh touching the Philippine ques tion, which will be taken up next week. The session of the joint com missioners, which began today at 2 p. m. , ended at 4 p, m. Washington, Oct. 27. News received here with satisfaction. the fact that one concession as to will be to guarantee for the United States that Spanish life and prop. erty shall be Becure in Cuba. This responsibility the United States -.;n .i,.'i..".i:i,:.:.'l i- . . . - ,,--..iU ,,U)) u in;smui umu as uve id vjudr. Undue significance ha been attached to the disnatnli r.f n anonial messenger from Washington vesterdav to the - J v V UMKUUl- phia. Almost every day a 1od reoort has come hv tM from - l l J ISUIU W tlVSU Day, tolling what had been accomDlishod. what the sioners were seeking aod what the American commissioners propose to do at the next meeting. As the vital stage of the negotiations had been reacueu n was thought advisable not to delay until the president's re turn, and so Assistant Secretary Crideler'a confidant! Ill I'lArlr maa annf to Philadelphia with a daily teport. It is expected the commissioners will now take nn tlm nh,o.r the Philippine The American have been lookiiig into the subject wnicn mere is mucii ignorance at this end of the line. It is unlikely the same rule will be applied to that debt as was insisted apon reUtive o the Oub.m debt. In othur words, if the Unitprt NMa t. Philippines, which seems now to be tion, it might bo reasonably contended that At least an mnnh t,t tl, debt aa r-presentrid moneys eipendetl for the improvement of tbe lsiamH snouid pass to the United The situation is regarded as Cuba, where the United Statos gains annexation of the Philippines we will as the British ides, with a population of more than 8,000,000 people it win ob ior tne American commissioners to arrange the details of the transfer of the Philippines to the Unitod Ktatea. stipulated in the protocol the disposition of the Philippines shall be ariaogea ry me ieace commiHsioners, New Yohk, Oct. 27.-A dispatch to the Herald from Havnua tayi; General Butler hai warned Secretary Alirnr that anm t.. , r " sf - " m ' j nuiitr n strength tnist be ma le soon r America will lose all prestige with the vuun.m. inn warning Las been givec pmphnsis by the reported re. tnrn to the LiM. of k baud of InsorRonts who Lad been encamped near Sagua. Thrsn racu seut word to QeDeral IletanMtnrt !.,'. ...i: tion was intolerable. In the hills .... I .'III. i a i-m-, nun u inn mrrican trwps took charge or the island they would harass them aa Ion;?, as life was loft. It is bcliovpd thin move was Only 50 men are -aid to have gone out, but others are likely to follow any day. According to (Ifnoral Gomez, it would reqnire 10,000 mo - capture 50 inmirgonta fif-hting as guerrilUs in the mountains, Tbe inanrgpnu in iu- D.-i-nboruood of atifil. T ll Arnprican ,va,latlOU commiaainn rnhlinn.. ..!!- . , . - -.,,n,T .I'll warahip !,, but ran ff-t no reply from Washington. The rea-on may lm that Admiral Knrntwiti lias refused to join General Wa,l an,! n- f-ral nutli rni rprfnt rrqneata. The work of pr-rariri for the maatr d-parttnent Iim pr-parM a liat of the uddrwww of all avail. abU tnachanir-a end UrKiring tnar, (n the rity. If neceaaaaf Urge nomlr t mro ran place-l at work building wharfs, railroad spars buu ii-)iieiR m nns oay a DO'lCe. Cilou l Hck-r prMicU that the American camp- in Havana pm. vinert will Iks takt aa nr.M. I,r th- armlei of the world for U N. n- '.f tli abus-a of last aommr will U t emitted. The "M"r'' '' u r.eote,l in .my maible way. Thoae qtiartir.l in th rity mnit surely suiT-r tnaoy loan from diaM, but the country rtmpt w , it Urnliavrvl, te kpt free from frver. Km illfKiT . re,K,r!el P 'dnmio In Uj-, In.argant tmv, sis rcilet from Cirri ncgoi. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 1 SETTLED IIP ueace comrmssionftra hva nnnontat have firmlv but nonpfemiol - .v.j MWUUUVt entire or joint responsibility for the Hnaniah nnmm;aainna l- or conditions. All differences, if of Spanish concessiona at Pnria -Una Inquiry in official circles develops Cuba our commiHainnfira u,ill mnb aetaoie government shaJl be opera- commissioners, amonw ntliAr thiorr. of the Philippines debt, about the locical outcoma rf H, a!tn. States with the title. materially difTflmnl from that i 4 w .iraa IUU tiu nothing substantial, for with the acnuire territory nlmnak aa lam they could live m they had for thr .a. cotinacled bv anror.l i..t.. Havana are quiet, bat far from landintr of Amoriran trrw,... I. COME NEXT 28. 1893. SPAIN'S NEEVK. The Spaulardi Grab EyertUIng Movable la Western Cuba. By tho Associated Press. Havana, via Key West, Fla., Ool. 23. Pszy Libertad, one ot the daily papers of Cienfueffos published with the sanc tion ot the eoverumeot priuts a mani festo with over 300 Bigoatures, a great many of which are those of Spaniards, openly proclaiming Cuban independ ence. Owing to tbe fact that Spanish officers are selling commissary stores at any price obtainable the army supplies are now a drug in tbe market in the interior, making legitimate trade impossible. It is asserted as the Spanish rale in Cuba draws to a olose oorruptlon and robbery daily beoome more open and wholesale. Tbe committee of transportation charged with furnishing passage tickets to Span isb offloers returning to Spain, is charg ing ai arbitrary rate ot $4 eaob ior a berth. If the viotim refuses to give np he is made to wait for several steamers, tbe commission claiming tbere is no room. The officer then pays tbe tax and gets away generally. This abuse is openly spoken ot bat tbe preseut situ ation is a free-for all, grab-as-grab-oan game and everyone appears eater to make money while the Hoaniah aim sbicea. Tbe official report of the burials in the city of Havana sinoe the first of the present year shows tbat tbere have been 16,821 intermente. The averaoa dnath rate keeps on steadily at 47 per day. Great dlsconteut prevails anions tha Spanisi troopa beoauseof non payments, in some oases for six months, in others for seven months, and still others for even eight months, aod tbe soldier fear tbat they will be embarked tot Spain without receiving their pay. The poor quality of food supplied to nearly all the soldiers has occasioned muoh 111 feeling aod serious insurbordination l feared in several localities. Io the Dm viooe of Puerto Principe, of the 400 members of the oivil guards 800 bare deserted and gone over to the Insurg ents, At Nuevitaa the Tarragona battalion became insubordinate and at tempted to join tbe insurgents on ac count ot the short rations and the wretebfld quality ot tbe food supplied by tbeir chief, Qeneral Marob, in com mand iu tbat province. On learning ol this ooourrenoe be went to Nuevitaa and succeeded in quieting tba soldiers by furnishing them with good, plentiful ratiiMjs. Mao- soJJisrs aatil moat!? were deserting but Qeneral Blanco's d- oree regaidiog disbaudment bas putt stop to the defections. Over 500 soldiers have been mustered out since the Issu ance ot tbe decree. The sanitary brigades of Qavaoa, Ou anabacoa, Begla and Qunci, with sever, al other localities in Havana province, bava petitioned Gen. Blanco tbat they be d.sbanded so tbat they rerualo in tbe island. Over 400 ot tba 700 members of tba Or den I'ablioo at Havana bava asked tbal tbey be mustered out tn order tbat tbsy mar remain in Cuba, and 60 per cent ol tba local guard in lbs island bava made similar requests. Nona of tba artillert. men, however, bavs aakaj to be alls wad to remain. The raae,io fi tfala is said tu ny that artillery obiets maintain an boa est administration and tbat the soldiers are well supplied with food and olotbioa and are paid np to data. About 50 Cuban patriotic clubs bavs been organlied lo Havana uoder Ibr managemnt,in large number of cases. of physicians, lawyers and professional men. Many members of soma ot theat clubt attended tbs first meetiuga wear log Iba Cuban and American flags eroased. Tba preaidiug ollloera of sev eral clubj, noticing tbe insignia in Ihe buttonholes of Iba mamUra, ordered tbal in tba future only tbe Cobao (lag should be ware. Io tneoy Instance this order wee complied with. Iba Cobao geonrel. iWo. baa arrived al Havana, front I'uarto iVJnotpe, and ta pteeobleg la tho Havana cafo aod the insurgent cawpa Bear Iba oily a Duly war against Iba Americans. I has lo tamaweJ many of Iba leaders of tbe Cubans and baa nrgd tba carrying oo of war against tba Americas if lade- peedeoca la ool ol ear granUj loCubt, Tba Cobao oulooal, Torriat. baa also arrived al Havana from Iba aael, ted I carrying oo a strong cempaigo ogalaei tba Atnerleaoe, oaeenlag I bat Oallito Oarola, wboaa b prof ta ImI apoo as 0 trails lo Iba Cubana. bu tribad by Aoseriaea golj. Too -,unal, loan loierview with out of Iba Madias oewaptpera in Havana, baa mala all aorta of charge agaiatl (laroia aad lb Ameriaaoa, but Iba oeeaur would om allow ao mooooI of Iba laUrview lo b published, (riag tbal it Osigbl gitsria to dtatorbaooa. A eanret airoolar hat to Mil la ib praai'la ita of all the Cuban ptrit eomniMav dtoosjaelag o large oomWr of a win ara lm,kat u..a ira lo tbe causa of Catwo itdaHidas- eargN who Mag altab4 tb Amf Inana, Tha rlrrnlar report 0 i fims too sgalast oet aly MfaoMb M-bUat but ataiast IU aaxiiMss o ll,wa are anjeavoflog u steal tba Catae' vt tir.' The HpanUa tlnaet, (era, miliiari governor of Unmss, pere dally viati lit tho IBsargnat' oampe lo hie dietrtf, o4 Viamg iba Cob o to turrasidat arms aai M mala re oaMI tt lnU(i4nro of th Meal ! ilwlarM t Woeel Cfvara It a ialiraa frM. of (ral I'arrsxfiH prid of tho lpo itb tvaoatKJH niBtiHas). i"---- r NO. 696 FERGUSON COMING HOME. He Writes Interestingly of the Philippines and the Insurgents. East Oregonian, Manila, Philippine Islands, 8epl. 16. The orisia has now passed in our trouble with the insurgents, which has been oooupying the attention of bolh officers and soldiers since onr entry into tbe city. All were wondering what the outoome would be and now that it has resulted peaoeably consequently feel muoh relieved. General Otis sent Aguinaldo word that be would have to withdraw his troops from their positions in and around tbe oitv bv the 15th of September or he was prepared to ue both the land and naval foroes ot the United States to effect their removal. They were growing unbearable. 8ome ooonpied quarters almost within tba heart of the city and were toroibly col lecting subscriptions and contributions for the benefit of the insurgent army (which the insurgent army never got hold of) and on tbe refusal of the Fili pino venders and merchants to contrib ute wbat the colleotor considered was his share, his place of business and him self would be very rougly bandied. Night assaults by insurgents were re ported at headquarters and polioe sta tions every morning aod looting and thieving was oarried on by them contin uously. Several of them were killed by the American sentries during their raids, whioh finally had the effeot ot checking somewhat tbeir marauding. Last Tuesday tbey all paoked up and marohsd inland 20 miles, where tbey have established beaduuarters and hava decided to await tbe action ot the Amer ican government with regard to the fa lure ot tbe Philippines. They swear tbo Spanish oan never rule tbe islands ajain and nearly every day reports come io ot their suooeseet against tha Spanish foroes stationed on tbe other islands and in the oities further inland. They ara keeping right 'at it and before long will bave everything in their possession with the exception ot Oavito aod Manila. Tbe weather tbe past week hit been little cooler than it waa formerly, on ac count ot rains. It rained nearly every day this week aod is still cloudy and looks aa if it would keep tt np for a few days longer. Tba rain or almost any kind of weather is acceptable at long at It isn't to awful hot. During tbe period ot tbo "sorroooo" wiodt a taw weeks tgo a person could hardly walk tbrea blookt without being wilted. They feel about Ilka our bot winds, only about ten timet worst. I was over lo tba company yesterday (pay day) aod found nearly all ot tbt Feudist in boys ready aod willin. to no home Just as quick as tbey could get to a steamer. Ben Donola it now tier- geaal and Uoso Huull hat been madt table sergeant, with all tba Hpauisti bortet under bit oar and ooutrol. about 20 and is just in bia glory, lit ordert Ibi Filipino boatlart about with Ibt air ot 0 king or president There it 0 rumor bare that bow. tinea Iht troublt with tbt Filipioot baa blown ovtr, thty doo't need ot many troops at tbey oow bttt lo Ibt itlanda ood tbal Ibt Oregon and California bora art to bo ttnt borne, owiog to tbeir being tbt Aral ' tod loogeat io the country, also tbat tbo Nebraska ere going home for lbOmabo tipoaition, aod tbal tbey aipael lo get Ibt o off by tbt lOib of October, or Ibert tboutt. I boot II it trot aa far aa tha Ortgooiaat tro coooerood aoywav, tt I ara rtady lo go toy litn and bat beo tvtr tioot wt ttraek tbt pteo. I, at wall aa oaitt a oomber of tha boye, have been eufTaring with a slight lorm of rbeuaiatwe), oeeaaiuued by tbo atiddto cbaoft of weather laat week. when It eommanood lo raio and turned cool. Later: Tbaakt to Major Bell, my cblf, wbo leaf otd Ibal I waoM lo go borne, got ma 0 -tifktatt of dbihly' 00 account of my rbuilir, ao4 1 UI ail 00 Ibt Pueblo, which Uavae Ibt first of Best wek. Tbt bort all went to eel into my Irook, io my blanket tad at ay oval. Tbey would all U laadr la 'id minute If lb f got Iht word la go. Cm, rt sviitiiM, riUilai rU)Ww. A fie tWa Hat Ikarsatlf MM iat I'aloase vestry. Gtriiu, 04 al -AsleeJy Jjwo pour of fait In 21 burt oojmf lbi nuroiag bat liuroagblt ek4 tbo g ruuoJ, wbuib It bow to 1st oiuiiiiu lot tall piowiog aaJ sliag. Ibt too teas out bfitbl shoot Booe to ley aa4 (troog wind It biowiag fins l'(t toalb Iryitig ao lb toe A tbt groted tad tt toa wiar la ylaaeant Ibsa aa lea. uioos ooMag of gruea I Will be plu for tprlag ooataf . M early all ttotovar felbiwel fkl lt bt Imm two U tall wbasl bit Ib aereste of fail grata wiU bo lea Ibao laat year r tbo faaa-fO that lbat was laat touwer fallow k yeaf ibsai firiaaiiy. Tat fcUl aoreag of grata lo IM I'al rittetrr wil bo letO Ibao lo IIH, lot too rae tbat lbrt t i mmk Irol ao4 lbl It will b osncaaaiy ti to naar fat. low fit t N ft til f lb wuj ait tad aMia fu giiii. Tjsb -frww l"Wt will tlsrl lo all pant tt Iht tooalry aal If tat w4be oiiaat faifl4o a large aasaoal of ftnotag will bo du IbiO fell. TM tMl be Inhni N t Hi HsttH laesil f'Ml 10 lb bieVy ! awy, a well 004 I'i hwl f fat Ibt iOtg,