O. R. & N. Dbpakt TIME 8CHEDULES Arrivi roa From Heppucr. from 9:30 p.m. Salt take, Denver, 4:50 a.m. Ft. Worth, Omaha, Kansas City, Ht. Louia, Chicago, Portland, Walla Walla, Spokane, Minneapolis, St. Paul, Duluth, Mil waukee, and the East. , 8.00 p.m. Ocean Steamships 4:00 p.m. From Portland. All tailing dates subject to change. For Kan Francisco Sail Oct. 2, 5,8,11, 14, 17. 20, 23, 26, 29. 8:00 p.m. Columbia Rivkr 4:00p.m. Ex. Sunday Steamers. Ex. Sunday Saturday 10:00 p. m. To Astoria and Way Landings. 6:00 a.m. Wiiaamettb Riveb 4:30 p.m. Ex. Sunday Ex. Sunday Oregon City, New berg, t-alem and vi ay Landings. 7:00 a.m. Willamette and 3:30 p.m. Tues., Thur, Yamhill Kivebs. Mon., Wed. and Sat. and Fri. Oregon City, Day ton & Way Land ings. 6:00a.m. Willamette River 4:30p.m. Tues. Thurs. Tues., Thur. and Sat. Portland to Corval- and Sat. lis & Way Land ings. Snake Riveb. LRlparia Lv.Lewiston ally except Riparia to Lewiston daily except Saturday Friday Denver & Rio Grande RAILROAD SCENIC LINE OF THE WORLD Weekly Excursions TO THE EAST, In through tourist cars without change. MODERN UPHOLSTERED TOURIST SLEEPERS In charge of experienced oouduotora and porters. Wnnitnro To Kansas City, Chicago, Buffalo and iUUUUQjfS, Boston without change viaSalt Lake, Missouri Pacific and Chicago and Alton Kys. Tllf'sd'itrs To Omaha, Chicago, Buffalo and IlllSiUdyj, Boston without change via SaltLake and Chicago, Hock Island & Pacific Ky. 'J'o St. Joseph, Kansas City and S Ht. Louis without change via Salt Lane ana Kumugton Kouie. Thiineifiva To Kansas City and St. Louis with UlUIMlujA out change via Halt Lake and Mis souri Pacific railway. A day stop-over arranged at SaltLake and Denver. A ride through the Famous Colorado Scenery. For rates and all all information, inquire of O. R. & N. and 8. P. agents, or address, R. C. NICHOL, S. K. HOOPER, General Agent, Gen. Pass. & Tkt. Agt. 251 Washington St., Denver, Col. Portland, Oregon. J. C. Habt, Local Agt., Heppner.Or. Paasengers booked for all Foreign Countries. J. O. HART, Afc-ent, HeppDer. W. H. HURLBURT, General Passenger Agent, Portland, Or. HRE TOO GOING ERST ? If bo, be sare and see that your ticket reads via lie Horinvvestern Ling ....THE.... OHIOAOO, 8T. PAUL, MINNEAPOLIS, AND OMAHA RAILWAY Tnm is Tag Great Short LiQe BETWEEN DULUTFT, St. PAUL, CQICA.GO AND ALL POINTS EAST AND SOUTH. Their Magnificent Track, Peerless Vestlbuled Uluiiiir anil niet'inng uar Trains, and Motto: SPOKANE FALLS & NORTHERN ' NELSON & FORT SUEPPARD RED MOUNTAIN RAILWAYS The Only All-Rail Route Without Change of Oars Between Hpokane, RohhIiidJ Bud Nelson. Also between Nelson and Roaalaod, daily except Sunday: Leave. Arrive. Hit) A. M Hnokane ;40 P. M. 11:00 A. M HosBland 8:40 H. M. 0:10 A. 51 Nelson ...6:4ft P. M. Close connections at Nolson with steamers for Easlo, and all Kootenai Luke points. Passengers fur Kettle hlvor and Boundary reek oonneot at Marous with ataiie daily. Accidents don't often happen with Schillings Best baking powder. Tto zillllon a Tear. ' When people buy, try, and buy again, it means they're satisfied. The people of the I'nited States are now buying Cases rets ( andy Cathartic at the rate of two million boxes a year and it will be three million be fore New Year's. It means merit proved, that Cnm-arcta are the most delightful bowel regulator for everybody the yenr round. All druggists 10c, 'Joe, 50c a box, cure guaranteed. BO YEARS EXPERIENCE. I TEKB1BLE ACCIDENT. pic rot" UNION PACIFIC TI1R0CGII TICKETS TO THE F.at and Southeast VIA THK Frfd S , Son of Dr. T. N. Snow, Kills Hira- Bclf. Baker City Republican. Tbla community was shocked and startled this afternoon to learn that Fred Snow, son of Dr T. N. Snow, bad acci dentally shot and killed himself. There were no witnesses, and all that is known of the terrible affair ia that the nnfor Innate ycung man oame into the houe shortly before 3 o'olook this afternoon and went to his room. He had not been there very long when the servant went to the room to make the bed. Upon en tering she was horrified to see the body lying on the floor ami blood issuing from frightful wound in the head. Thefam ily was at once notified, as was also the coroner, Dr. H. E. Carrey. The only witness was the girl, who testified that she bad discovered the body as above narrated. Dr. Currey de luded that an inquest was not neoeesary, as everything pointed to the faot that it was an accident. The weapon wbioh tvtused the yonog man's untimely end was a Smith Sc Wes son of 88 caliber. From the looation of the wound it is opposed that Mr, Snow bad been exam ining the gun and lnsomeunexplainablb way it was discharged He had bis oap on bis head at the time, and the hold made by the ballet is plain discercable. Deceased was one of tb most popular yonng men in Hiker (Jity. He was a member of the fire department, and was respected by nil who knew him. He was boot 22 years of age, a id was fast gain ing for himself a splendid repatatiou m physician. It R. TEE TUROUGH CAR LINE. PULLMAN PALACK BLKKPIU18. PULLMAN TOUK1ST HLKKPRK8. FUEK RECUSING DHAlli CAHB. ALWAYS ON TIME lias gl en this mini a national reputation. All ulasse of paasuiiKuri carried on the vestlbuled trains without extra cbarKo. Hhlp your Irelifht and travel over this (unions line. All agents iiave tickets. W. H.MEAD, F.C. (UVAOK, lien. Airent. Trav. If. A P. Agt. 'its WashliiKton St., Portland, Or. CHICAGO ittes k St. Paul try This Railway Co. Operates its trains ou the fumons block system; Lights its train by electrloity through out; Us) the celebrated eleotrio berth read ing lamp; Hans speedily equipped passenger trains evrv day and night between Ht. l'aul and Chicago, and Omaha and Chicago; tba Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Also operates aleam-heatej veirtibuled trains, carrying the latent private OotnpHMuiHOt oars, library buffet smok ing cars, and palace drawing room aleepars. Parlor ears, free reelmlng chair oars. and the very best dioing chair oar service. For lowest rates to any point in the United States or Canada, apply to gent or address O. J. EDDY, J. W. OAHET, General Agent, Trav. I'm, Agent. I'orll.iid, Or Portland to Eastern V Change. (it's Without (niiik Tinm. I iilun u -i "In. 1'iirMoimllv nnlucli d KxtmrNiuiia. II.'uim'hvh i h i kinl to On" inatiiin, I. 'W Itlltl"". Diiviit !itt to Triuif-MiBt.Hi.liini and lntor- iiHtiniial I' upiMili'iii li-ld at Oiimlin, Nubianka, Uuno to iMvn!mMr, Wrltn miili-rniunml fur lalwt, time tntilini anil tillinr iiiformauiin piii'titlnui tn Union Paiiino j. It. UVHtltOP, or J.C. HAHT A., (inn. A.rt.. I .l.i :i.l Ht.. O. tl A N. Co Portland, Or. Hinur, Or, TL I) u J 111 II r Line The Dulles Portland 4 Astoria Navigation Co. 6TAUIEO DALLES CITY" XVD "REGULATOR' Ciimmeucitig Monday. May t'nd, th aleaiuers of the Ucgnlator Line will Imive l'lirtUml at ti-10 a, ro. and The Dalles at fUU a. m. When yon go to I'tirtUud, atop off at 1 he Dalles and take a trip down the Ooliimbiit you will enjoy it, anj save money. W.a AI.LAWAY, Oeunral Aeot, ) I PIP IP )V i iVLiriu i i Yatlow Ston Park Lint TUB ONLY I'lMM. I AK H M TK t'KliM PtUtTI ,AM T 1 It r r.T TBROMT tl UrVT IIMX TOtHK YKl M)TttMt NlnNl. I'AHK. 1 Dfiwt Fifth fti I $S. Arrive. Nu I it A. M. K. i r. m. r..l Vail lr 1., ,,i, 1 Ku. I W-HtH. 4tfft tl .Mlth. Ih-ii'l, Il.il lo, Hiiii, ,i..-.ii.u, xi in II A. M I' a it I. ll.t' .n... "i H ". 'i. ail ..iliil ( Hlh i t I I'mlUiit. Triiin an 1 tin. 1 inm i f-M i..r Hi. . , I.. IM.II, t P, S Hue ill. i I liAYS t" l"'. Iiiimniil, I inn k.i'.i. I'T ami iithrf MlM.nt $ BAYS i. Until, Hllaukr aitit I'M V PAYS I" ". I'MIj1iI'M. iitk, H (.ni aini vihtl lar lut ra jtiliila. l'tuilHMei''l' M H i(iatMl rltlra tiag rbeikwl Ibiiiu.k t 4Miatita wl llri.la fnlit4iot, p.tl ft, ll l U' . aw uiii r Mi.i, il mim ft .iula an i tii,M iil"HMaiiiii, i ! -r ' a. ii ciuuMov, 4taUl Oan.rl riwmn si.l. I VyfH Hi Qui. 1 iw4, I wUimI. Hm OUBGDN SII01IT UNBRj yl'UKEHT AND MOhT DIRKlT UM TO UTAH, CO LOU A DO, NE 1WA8KA, KAS'SAS, MIS SOURI RIVER and ah Points EASI and SOUTH r.AST.tsJS LOOK AT Till: TIM K. NI:V V0KK. I day CHICAGO, :l - sr. .om, :5 - OMAHA, a " SALT LAKIUI " t IVclining ('hair Cars l .iiitt.-rt. T mriat Hn ptrg rullnmn Talari Hlerplng Calf Vt full tartinUra regarding ralm, time n tlallia, ie., ell on rr adjreta J. c iitiir, hftl l. IS A N". '., Iliprer, tirgitn l O. Tchmy, V, I,. Vi.mk. lrav. T... Ai. It.a'l Agt t '4 TV.r.t , ri. Un,, Or. TUB HIO GKANUE WKSTEEN'S TOUKAST EXCUHB1UN8. PHOTOGRAPHERS AND DUST. The popular tourist exoarsioos in- JrSvnrrboily t-iiy So. CttioiiiMtu Camlv Cathartic, the most won- dorful m.'ilkai Uicovurv of tlio aire, pleas ant and rofroslnni? to the taste, act gently and positively on kiilneys, liver and bpwels, cleansing the entii'i) systt m, (1hic1 colds, cum liommolie, lover, Imblt.iml constipation and biliousness. Plcnao buy and try a box of U. C. C. to day; 10, i.'.".. M) cents. Bold and gnurauloua to cure uy an druggists. How It Affects Their Plates, and What TUey Do to Escape It. au nrated by the Rio Grande Western, tributed to the all-pervading, never-to sometning less tnn,a year ago, are now be-escaped city dust, there is one which a permanency, ibis popularity was at- constitutes a grievance peculiar to tested daring the time out rates pre- photographers alone. It is the injury railed. Nightly these oars left Portland which the flying particles, sifting into orowded. Tha attention shown Dasseu- tne room througn every possible aper ient) U -conductors in oharge made ture- .CBUB the plicate Hlms and the trip, not only one of p ensure, bat of . r. . . ,. , . . ,. . of preparations of gelatine, and a large uuli..u.voc wc... iuo.u proportion of the glass plates now used are the through ow servioe, a day in the are also coated with this substance. Mormon oapital, and a daylight ride which, because of its soft, sticky na- through the heart of the Bookies. If ture, is particularly likely to attract delightful in summer, bow muoh more every atom of dust in the surround- so la the ride at this time of the yenr, "'ff air. The particles, however small, when the peaks, valleys and canyons are leave their impress ln the form of tinaH ithM, rn.oi.1 mt nrimnn nf "1JU4"C UFU" tlu" " - " ,i i .. 1 4 , : rr.. theaatnmn foliage. No better time of remove the damage a great amount of the yeur than this to see the famous .touching is necessary, which is not Rookies in all their grandeur. Four oniy laborious and tiresome, but which days a week , and each day oyer a difler- cannot always be satisfactorily accom ent line east of Colorado, do these exoar- plished if the dust is very thick. What sions run. thus irivina the Dassenzer his is known as the "carbon process" in ohoioe of routes. These excursion cars photography is probably more easily , t,r.,h in ,wi,m ikhnnt injured by dust than any other, be . . , , . . , . cause an extremely delicate film of ""K" IU.U.UII.U..U i -.l.t!.. i..o rv,ifl ,.t routes, etc, apply to J. D. Mansfield, this drawback the carbon proceB8 is general agent, Rio Grande Western rail seldom employed in this country, al way, 142 Tbird street, Portland Oregou though photographs are made which resemble the real carbon pictures so pIahpIv in nnlrtr lliflt. tliuv nra onllorl Yellow Jetindice Cured. "carbontvnen." In England, where the Suffering humanity should be carb0n process is more common, it has supplied with every means possibe become customary for London photog for its relief. It is with pleasure e rnphers to send their developing work publish the following: "This ii to out of town to be done, in order to es- certifv that I ws a terrible sufferer caPe lne ausl ana 8molte OI lne cnY from Yellow Jsnndiee for ovur .1. uul xn,s Pcnce nas no. gainea mucn grouna ncrc. TViA nltntnirrnnhpra in ftiia rtiv M n best physicians in our city and all to no nll6i perform all their operations in avail. Dr. Bell, our druggist, reoom- the same-building in which their stu- mendd Eleotrio Bitters and afer taking dios are situated, and, for the sake of two bottles I was entirely cured. I now thus keeping the developing process at take great pleasure in reoommendink' home, they nre obliged to be at a great DESICNS. COPYRICHT8 An. Anyone Bending a sketch and description may quickly ascertain, free, whether an Invention is probably patentable. Communications strictly confidential. Oldest asreucy fnrsecuriiiK patent' in America. We have a Washington office. Patents taken throutfh Jlunn & Co. receive special notice in the SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, beautifully illustrated, largest circulation of any scientific journal, weekly, terms KI.IK) a year: f 1.60 six mouths. Specimen copies and Ua.no Hook ON Patents sent free. Addross MUNN & CO., 361 liroadway, New York. HEPPNER TRANSFER CO.'S Belled expresi it coming. Doei delher work on short order, 10 cent and up wards. This waiton is No. 4, and lje your order with it, or at "Central" tele phone office. We Move Anything! H. W. Fall, PROPRIETOR Of the Old Reliable Gault House, CHICAGO, ILL., Half block west of the Union Depot of C. B. & Q C. M. & St. P., C. & A., P. Ft. W. & C.. aud the C. St, h. & P. Kailroads. KA.TES4 a.OO liI-e DAY Cor. W. Madison and Clinton Bts., CECIOAQ-O, ItXu A NEW FIRM ! Successors to Noble & Co., Are in this Held at the old stand with Harness, Saddles. Whips, Spurs, act an endless lof of everything in their lino. IS. G. Noble and Mrs. Geo. Noble compete the new firm who will pay all bills of the old firm as well as collect what u oue. 13. O. 2OI$Ivl Ss CO. Are out to do business and plenty of it. ' Don't overlook this. Repair work a specialty. LOW Bit INTEREST. them to any person eoffi ritiH from lli't frrible ronlady. 1 am gratefully your. M. A. Hoirnny, L,Pxiritorj, Ky." Soli b . J 8t"Onra, tlrn twit Rill l'Msrd by LuKlxlHinre UcdacliiK the Kate of Jiitrri'Kt. The bill reduoiutf Ibv rato of interest, Introdact'd by Hwnator Daly, of Beutou, proyidee thet aotiin !i,)H7, diopter 51, of Hill's aouotaiel laa of Oreuon, be atneiided in aw to read ao follows : "Seotiou 57. The rate nf interest io tins stale eball be per centum per an uum, and uo more, on all moneys after the same beouuie due; on jtidmt-nt aod decrees for the peyruent of money j on moiny reoeived to tbe iiho of auotber and retained beoud a renoonable time without lbs owner's oonsent, expressed or implied, or nu money due upon tbe ssttlemi ol of matured aeoouuts from tbe day the balanoe ia asoerlained; oo money due or to beootne due where there la a oontraot to pay interest aod do rate i ecilled. Dut no oonlracta, in teres! up t tbe rata id 10 per oeolum per annum may be obarKed by eiprees agreement of the putties, and no more. "That all aols or parts of acta in oon- tliot with the abova be, and tbssameare, hereby repealed. "That Inarmocb aa the oottutiee of the Kate are paying interest on their ouuuty warrants at the rata of 8 per oentatn per Minum. thereby imposiuif uselec bur den ou tbe Itipayera, this ant shall be OHtiia tbe law npon rrorlving tbe signa ture of ibe governor." f7. SUBMARINE RIVERS. Tkat Strancrely Break Tbroosb the Ocean's Ilottoni. ' A break in the cable luid between the Senegal coast of Africa and IYnuuii- deal of trouble in protecting it. Some of the methods employed for thiB pur pose were mentioned to a reporter the other clay by a well-known Broadway artist. "In the first place," "he said, "we not only licep our dark room itself but the whole top floor in which it is situated spotlessly clean. The floors are all oiled tinlil there is not a crack ln their aurfiice to harbor dust, and A BEAUTIFUL DISPLAY Is that of p!aiti and decorated Chinaware & Queensware At isoees And by the way tey huve anything yon can call for in the line of Hardware, Stoves and Tinware. 60 WHERE YOU CAN GET WHAT YOU WANT. o nam THE ART OF BREWING. Was Perfected by the Production of.... GOLD And noil the entire world K notes this verect '.product As the, Star Brewery leer The Seng M the Cradle. 2k Hv tnrr'Hiiwrtmhlght lll'T . .Wrrl IHtlfria- Ulr hnnn ap In ihf aa V : - Inila lllr thai la in.iwi!illll(irfl a puia niur a.Hil vu(. ins mmn inn am, A Uiliag In cmrv u, a tai'jr lu ki. w u .ici. ti jvxia i ... 1 1 Hint KnmolNOd H i . I lihrtta. iatha Ml Southern Pacific Co ft. ri t ii.af i-rW(h 't '.. all a.ir i. - a-. i .ik imtthMi. Kmta lf !'. i I a,) I tHiflat A' I l.i.ai'taM tr.i-a. att ifl ;-l.a f aM-, a . 4. ..'.-l-t.n. M..-f (" II AkilMX. a ak t i'.a..i. ia . Io the Jura hrn Nvt ainiird It i wtit. trii h Mlhrthi4 slitiulit hriv aftrf t ar. panird HH pain and airn; but this cir Hin nut fnlr. Iwifmt has We a light, wd Mote ami More a. mankind have ham el lt ne uH-tlit m many vt lhlf aina and mi.laar tf Hi iiaiiilrl arm h'rh lif hlmr, S. I, in r ha ili-. .itf ir.t In ilre I buco, in Brazil, five yeurs bl'o, lias led ,pv nr illiml,i,iv Wnhprl tm to an extraordinary discovery, related mornjnff i.for0 we bepin our day's recently uy mr. nencsi xo me inum- wnrk An (he tnWeRi trnys and every tion of Electrical Engineers. Thecuble thinp we use are kept equally clean. was aa tine a one a moiiern metuoua Xhe wn,iOWS( instead of helng In the could devise, yet after three months it Kilu wallf) w h(re (he wint wo1ll(1 strjke ttroke about lau mnea irom me airican them nn(1 l)P(lr tlie (1,mt in wlth iti Hre coast; it was repaired ana Drone again. . the f i .... Iittle ,lust It was then found that at the place rome )n that wny 'An ,,nu.ks in ti,e where the break occurred mere was a ,)oon, or nroulld the window frames are great deal of vegetable growth resem- Bt0pprli Pi , we krPp )ne ,iaru room bling river weed; that the color of the tightly cloned as much of the time ns eea was a dirty browmrji green, iniiicul- pOSHil)le. With these precaution we ing the presence of fresh water, and ni.mnpe to get along pretty well, but birda feathers, pieces of orange jcel, ,.,.rtaiii nnontlt v of dust seema bound acrapa of varet and bits of driftwood to creep in and it causes us a good many were taken rroratneoouoinoi uic ocean. j,0r 0( pstra WOrk in retouching." The phenomenon waa purely local, as rrnctii-nlly the same struggle against the nearest river waa 75 milca away, ,j,mt la the experience of every photog and discharged ita waters in a different mpher in the city. One remedy, which direction. It was aurmweU that It hns been tried oeeaaionally with aue- meant the sudden breaking through of rPKH mnnlMtn in filling the room in a aubmarine river, and the cable waa which the plutcs are kept with ateam moved to a distance; after two years for n f,.w moments each morning. This it broke again, and waa moved once usually auflleea to lay the dust for the mote, and engineers are waiting to see tntire day. X. Y. Tribune what will happen, hubmanne rivers are known io exisi in otner a.nm u- nurra nrrsalnsr. the ocean, off the moutii ot the I oug' To sciTe with Bleak or with fish nd In the dulf of t arpentaria, ror in- tiiftrm.Hp dretwitiir i excentionallT nal Btance. Tbla explanation, however, den-a ntnl.le, Cik in a double boiler four not account for the carpet and orange tubtespoonfula, each, water and olive peel. I oil, with the yolka of four eggs. Take from the fire and add slowly and stir ring eonntanttv one tableepoonfut of Ball riaatl-a Ho I-"r l'tir vinegar. i. rout. Wo'i Curs riaiit4 Thegraveof Thoiims Wail at Ilryant'a r- ral .. .i i ... .i.. , i i i . I ' i'in iiiiifi-iii m tin- aiiiiiiri- .naurM ruaiuurr i-i -ri.. .n-,..-,.- f ,i, B.,4. ,. ,rl. pre-nted a 1-rtttlor. U-d od tb. 'ipr,Il!lr(.,. ,..,, VPB iihsiilmntta Viifs rtf ltJt tturtllfrft I CI til 1 it? t I i Ii, m iin 1 mfiV "n hi inr iirijf uinir- Su'""w Wl " " ""- ilooJ .irunuar,!, jij, .hildn n ran wild puiaa ppwarc-.v. M co,u id ;itJ- excrpuotiai wta.H... "'K ,, urthl therein that bull fights on working days . . 1.1 . I- ....I 1. .1. ...... .Ulrl. I- " injur inn. .j, -. ni'lghlmrs mental to tht iliiiwtch of buinea la , , ,.' the vernnient uttiera ami favor bile , riiHia wiin an ua wtiiiwiijiiih a-n. i The gvernr haa promiwd to acteU t lo tue H (lllon, anu ms oih iinn is ai nurd by larga and InflarnUal por tion f the publle, while Ihe remaiiuler of the people lew tbe maMrr with In diffrreme. Yet SO years ago the bara llra of any restriction of the number of mill fights by the authoritiea would hate raised storm of iiiiignatlim, poaanhly 1eveloluaT ' reSutitin. Ihe alterett eondition of pubtie niill metit with rrgnrd ti this national port is mainly attributable to the ex rti!nt Influence nf the ijuwm frgrnt, That 14-Year Old Stuff, Kolm's Best," On Tap Down at The ON THE WANE. Aaaortc Ike Rpaalaeda. Hull flghtinir ia on tl wane In Bpain. and It. p..PtarJ- i. rapidly da- 1 , l nuuiiv, in-" i. .j - - Bml Ui-pranly triiiition of hi and partimiinriy or an woman. !, It l a!d, had the nation. !ie rrnmnstrated with htm. and upon h failure to heed er advice pronouncnl a ii;tw tijum him. Hhe prophraicd Ihdl lie wniilddie of violence and his Inn i nniild nsit nnl itimmh. In the grate. Tlu'inns W alt msb drownrd while In an In toxica led enndi tion In attrmpiina to rron, a awidlen Blream, Now that Ihe Inltcr part of the ill mi. 1 1 prnphrry h rceied lilrral futlfllltnrnt the til l woman, who Is vet alhe and in ih 1iiim!iin viiin-i. I rrrslly fcnrl ard hi r orr as av fnf tun t. llt-r rr hi tmii-h rml.-tiw. ChicBgrt N"ca, who baa always ri hrr (nre agKlnal in.mi.ih.ml fiim iktmiw audrt.-ia- M IH "fiinr. re.mm-iy fin unief to " l'tttt ,i.nj.ii..n " tbw4 .v n j rmuitcnance the rorri.loa by her prra- h rioff t-nir i runttiniiif pnt.ii un pi ' soev). lut mvaiiiia ll-Hrl atn nttif tal inmmif, of llulUl.i, N V. Thla wimUriful " He lafllum" Imlmr a lh rnlitr tirriHt a. I'm wild aalnial. a.alihv VUalilv. fivas la-ilc ! In lh cVlnalr tMtaniam a riallv Cmif tnnl In M.-lH'lhol f.mli 1 th .niv1iv mdnai altonf and i hrtf d and axaara Ik rnil ( n1v fi f'oni lanft and !m. I fia ( wim W ..... . . . .1 A Kaav. Therw la a f""l ilxaJ is! tnark n s Wlitia? ail eiiirr-m, rita. ail the ynuriff tnan With lh Wtnhal habit, "la th flmt plar. It ahoiUiln't t nait that t!w rl woo't sie it lm V: bh ho in lh bit vt eftv iuat BH'lhrl fte-daw 4 H, With K eMM 1 Mta W . ' I...I m iniil. Illmi M-aa.h tl hn.i. H . n4 twi al n!!. tiut. lv .arf in I J Ui aw if I n ri. t-- a- a .(rt.wa a I l Wow trf Ik-. M ! tmr iHH ! i a. 41 1 1 $4 Iw.w.1 I i !. H a l Ki at4 I a" a r-al laif I H I an. a l l""" ra'.a mm ' 4 4M. ImMI atwtt CwMtt.aiwM. U ai Mlitlotaaiy I b.-ap UmM aiM W 111 rte ; I. r It ta k aa t" as thm fu iL" 4'lm.a iU ljiqiUfr. Oiseeversi Oy Waenan. Asu hrf a't"l d awif erf lit t een Bj ai.d t' at .i, t7 a ilf of iLU e 1 lr , iHr- f .tii,! leS Ilchr tf at .1 i.if ..! r' at illi in I lit "tfrtl t. al, luil fif Vi , of r liS ' I i .- i Slid 4" .1 i 1 1 . i i t .f ;! r to -t !.. b'.b etuiah'4 Me mm ,!lf fci I e4il B"t I i al.t .!.. ! a w I f i: m !: I f On draught at all popular saloons STAR BREWERY CO., 203 Washlnotm St., Portland, Of Telephone i IT tea Saloon ItAHU GOODH New Htatsd, City Hotel lluildiog, , LOW TILLARD, Prop. --F8ST T3SIH SERVICE DIILR TO THE EAST -fflUT m u I WE. Fast Express Um liFVVKIt. " l'l Klll.o. " ( iiiui. 8i'HIN(H tewilil'KKt Arn K W AH ITY al.lVOl.N imtm IirH tldlNKH l'K I I nlCAul) . Arrl . m I il f. m. ln ti v. III. Stai p tti 1 1 f. in. 4 : p. m. ' p. m. II .11 a m. mii b. in. Tlirmiah Hi)"" Bud lir t'nra rinuln lu I hlai Wnl - Milml I liruutthosU Tb finaat train In Hi Wl. Colorado Flyer ! ntsvut " nl HI'ltlNfitf Ar'lvnaToi'rKA " KANAM CITY 2 p. m 2 aft p. m. 1i a. m. V IA a. m. Ar. hT. I Ot 18, (Wab. K J p. m. AfrlahT JOht l'H , IU 40 a. St. Arrma I IM'OI N if t Hon) 4 a. m. V. V.51A.".-J,:,8aiu r, TliMtmli Bliwpara ('ulniiiil.. Hirica to Ht. Uiuis la VVla U'. For pani-uUr Bnt f'ilil-ra (if-ns lima of Dat iralna nia J.W. Of itVOItt. C. t. M'LtOO. JNO tlATIAN f'ltlb N l. OKK. A. . I. A . T K. , p. " Ul U Aub. Wiscaasia CtBfaaa liaia V 1 1 t" I ill cilnkual i PASSKNOHl DEPAUTMICXT. MiLWAtur, N'ov. f, 1M)7. I'ATUOXS of tliei Wiaciifaaiu CVntral I.irra in jaeir.g Hit out It Chicng'i i ii n y reijuire htu aeist. auc in lh war of Imvio llieir hatnl Imugaii tiVeo frnm or lit tinin ami Parrit0 r Ima, or in many ntlirr waya, ainl tbiy will fiu l all that i iloirt.l in this rev. ej..-ct in th arvi!' c.f tl" I'eltera At lli Wnii'l tVtitrftl r.T;er S'atioti, w lut Lave r'Ctj!ly lfll nnifnrmti1 w ith lnn enit an ! rei c. '1 lie will I in wtitnijf at j MEN!bocurcd if V.I a io o. nut I f I f"!'1 Urn ftvM OK tOnBAH to, 1 taL it's l8Si f BM Wra uhI mlitf! m aM V I I'a .f.-1t y.uj .1 ,i.:in-.MIf7. J f In m.,nf Ik.... . i , i V . - : irnBli.rrl.'n, ra.i.i.rrlH.a n...r,. A rraw wr af I iiaailat.aia, raf r. o. I., Km a. a....aJ 1... .7'. 9 I -I 4 Wi'r a'l . hi. m. iitr-'l bil 1 i i a Mi T i'li ii -141,4 .,., I I . I 4 U i, .. .. - h iivu. l-m "i i a . . i.k... I . . . . A I I - I T. '-a trM , , . j F a i hi' lUH-r-rtr. Jhialy lHkHy, taw. 4n'l rf f r liinf r .l.kj v f r a I'"' r if' jl'ti." ! i tnl t.rwHwtiaft h), jow'rw m.Iy ; C" . f f'i'iv. N- l lliwt In i.ni v! i a" y J to'" "Alt Bht. I, tiavl, 11 SI ti,' V" ' 1 ' ' 11 ' ,Uu.--.. V.It.bs. . I1'"'1' l- kin' N I ' f t t ' t' ti ' , bi.I i ru.ei. t-l t n ' ' a! Irani rrrt urr.l to ait tma tn Bm ! -al she a't- "11 ';! i ;. i .i . I rtif,f. 11 f t. j l,H'i.r: i,.,trnt;a W!l fuSllf atail t!en; 4,t i.i r. i, . I ' a -a-. aii. J7" f 1 M"ir.4: lcllnra. l y V .- . . r . I iimMi Mil All I-.. -, , , fill ' l'. . I I a I. V, f V .i ji. '' V.- a"t' tf't l f.lili ! f !!.. th- f j r itiei-.n ' tt ... t B.I lltll'l II l.'f,it. i'' VA-' a Ma, , ' ' .it Mi:riui of An.if,tt " -4 Ht- m m f ' 1 1 j j ''mm aW r I -. 1 f f