Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, October 25, 1898, Image 3

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Our Guarantee
Save Money w1l
Aloney Returned
If Goods
Stylish Cut
Neat Fitting
Tailor Made
Clay Worsted
"We Warrant Every Stxit
IMxe Choicest Patterns and Very Best Fabrics
Pepper and Salt Cotton Suits never wear out ... . $ 3.33
All Wool Worsted Suits - - -6.48
Imported Clay Worsted Suits extra heavy - 9.48
All Wool Tricot Suits best value made - - 8.98
All Wool Tweed elegant satin lined - - 1 1.65
1 1 -tf
Face, Hands and Arms Covered With
Scrofulous Humors How Cure
Was Effected.
"When five years old my little boy had
scrofula on his face, hands and arms. It
was worst on his chin, although the sores
on his cheeks and hands were very bad.
It appeared in the form of red pimples
which would fester, break open and run
and then scab over. After disappearing
they would break out again. They caused
Intense itching and the little sufferer had
to be watched continually to keep him
from scratching the sores. We became
greatly alarmed at his condition. My
wife's mother had had scrofula and the
only medicine which had helpd her was
Hood's Barsaparilla. Wo decided .to give
It to our boy and we noted an improve'
ment in his case very soon. After giving
him four bottles of Hood's Barsaparilla
the humor had all been driven out of his
blood and it has never since returned."
William Baetz, 416 South Williams St.,
South Bend, Indiana.
You can buy Hood's Sarsaparilla of all
druggists. Be sure to get only Hood's.
HnAd'u Dillo re Liver III. : easy to take,
liwu u a ll u easy hi operate, a cairn
In It if you catch on. -
given away for tha bast
acora thia waek at tha
II l licit pomlblo score 120.
Galloway wlm prize with a Kort of 109
LadW prliei:
D t Warmouth lnt, Kate Barton 24.
Red, White and Blus lights In front
I J dr., October 21, Itl
Rurnham I'arrle Radcntt. R -rth
C'lMpiuan. Mra A B Fines, John W
Hinleroii, Win Jackaon, Jim B
Lehiie, B K Mltrlnee, Henry
Matilnln, Whit M ill It ill x . I. Y
Neal. J M Palter, Frank
Rallrann, Wm Hhew, Mat
Thoinpeon, Utile Tahue, Mm MA
WhKii raiting lor thm lettere plxaee uy
aner'taet. B. t. VaUoMaN. P. U.
Local Notes.
Choice fruils at Tbs Maine.
Win. Hnghes reuortd as very III.
Pa M. Llclilf nthal k Co. for shoe, i
Wheat's selling aud boslnrss is boom
For choice oonfsotioosry go to Tha
Bny yoor tobaccos of Oeo. 0. Roms, at
Tbs Meius
Where ran yon teat your nierkamsn
sbip? At Tbs Main.
Where rao yu bay tbs boat rlger on
tarlb? At Tb Maioe.
Tha wsrebonaen.eo report to life Id
the wool market at praeenl.
Tha lower warehntie has an nnlimll
ad snppy f r ry for sale. k5 Iro
The morel al l after yon. Tbs r ail
i bf t'i a ry much Deeded.
Mel.iet.lbal Co. for shoe. Eirlnaivt
shoe store. Handles Ibe bat. K'.tt
Dr. A. C. Oraenlee, corner (Irani ev
Dns an J Ki Morrieno I'orilam.. if
Ti." 0it-' b.irit.M -n ff .f
.M ie liittn ntherirs every day.
Unit eni.im- rains ml.ra
tory bend rwisranis art l.ea.lfl a.atb
tt refer ynn n Iks H'orim li
0aiaat'a "ad," abl-b fbangea ailh
ait ltia
('..'n ini" l Hk' ml l-w Tf-
Infd has a bran. I f U ysar
thai la bar! U beat.
1.1 ""ilS
ft J if.
Ik, J. . Vog-I, apeHshal for rfrar
tion arl 4f" ' '" ' bft
arery tbrea mi.tbs. f lH.yr
fait.)' m ly fr rl'raflir teeth,
lfBt aa !-'. Di tbaitfea
Vanfhaa'a a j'sa.
If ynej tin.1 m!t;f'" syetora
aa'l ai "IV a Tt. 1'iUot fa
.,oa. Ciif b""! atUt.. tf
These suits are positively very stylish and equal to high
priced tailor-made suits.
Call and satisfy yourself by making comparison.
"Kid" Moore struck the town Sunday.
His reputation having preoeded him, the
marshal had him going Monday.
The O. H. & N. tire now famishing
thia branch hue with sufficient oars to
handle the reornt sales of wheal.
Best aooommodation and oourteous
treatment at the Imperial Hotel, Seventh
and Wash. Sts., Portland, Oregon.
Bring your hides, pelts and furs to
Ben. Mutl.ewe, t the Liberty Meat
Market . He pays highest market price.
A. M.Qar.n may b seen ngiiu ham
mering iron at his old stand on west
Mx.ia street after ho bbier.oe from the
olty of ll;ree yesrs. tf
The bridge near Mrs. Cites' is beinn
rnnhed along, and within a few days wili
invite tha travel of iiiooraera and out-
J. W. Morrow bss partitioned off in
elegant style An office from the billiard
parlors of the Palace bote), where be is
established tor the future.
Three long evenings, witb their chill
of winter, driva the boys to the inside
and, as a oonsequxnoe, the bowling alley
and shooting gallery are kept wauo.
Karl's Clover Root Tea, for Conntipa
tion It's the best and if after rising it
yon don't ray so, return package and
get your money. Sold by Cunser &
Warren. . x
Catarrh oared. A clear bead and
sweet breath secured witb Sbiloh's
Catarrh Remedy; sold on a gnarantee
Nasal injector tree. SolJ by Conser i
Warren. z
II. T. Connell, of Albs, Umatilla
oounty, writes na that there are 31 KJ henj
of choice beef eit'le for n nl in his ueigb-'
borbood, most of whioh ars threw-yeai-
old steers.
Old fhsbions in dres may be revived,
but do old-fasbionsd medicius can re
place Chamberlaiu'a Colio, Cholera And
Disrvboea Rsmedy. For sals by Conser
k Warren.
Tha oity's exobrquer bss been ooosiJ-
srsbly replenished by Ones this waek.
On UDfortnnata individual is ooutrib
otioit bis labor aa aa atooemsut for
wrong doing.
Hurg Lea ownr of the well known
Cblness lanodry, baa m ivrd his laundry
to Onrner of Alkali and Water atresia
and is now io sbspa to Jo good washing
at cheap rates. 2
W. P. Snyder, the livery a'able pro
prietor, bays only thsbest bay an I grain.
Lsrgs Oorrals and accommodations for
(reigbtsra. Hacks and baggies farnisbsd
leasooable. Htock well eared for. tf
For Cooalipalina taka Karl's Clover
Tea, tha great Mood Furiflrr, eares
besdschea, Nrrvonaneea, Eruptions on
lbs lace, aoJ makes tbs head aa clear aa
boll. Hold by Uunser at n arreo. I
Tha Morrow Conniy Land k Trot
company bava drclJrd to go into tba
bal buying buaioeas ltriSlvely thle
fall, and It is Important that growers 10
Urvif w ihsm bt f rs deposing of tbeir
L. W. Lswis and family, of Hard mar.,
were to tnwo yeater lay. Mr Ieais bad
iba Dil.forloos to fel a Steel splinter In
bis aim wbila culling wood last week,
wbioli was eut out by Dr. IkHwurd Jee
trday, Hbilob'a Ooaamptioo Cars earea
wbere others fail. It la tha lea ting
Googh for a, ao I no bums sboulj b
wttbont It. I'lsaaatit Io taka an I gne
riii to tha p it. H lil by Cmir k
Wiru, I
Monday el, lit l,e nty aa alir.md'd
illdtif nwif'g l l lha imll'p lelllotl
f i:,e ti.c'iin i mi I. Imia and cb
a l.r ii' t'ii (.'ay, aud ibe
"l.l.ht liaak." p ir.o. I I b-tr rtpectis
f) Io Fi'd-r'fks l ll.e Ciif l ak-ty
krep a S"ml le III'" "f Suli l g'KwU,
sUpla gf -a-riee, ennfH mry, veg
l.lilea, aae. p.lUl alo lre... pies
B'l ra btkej sa b day. Wed ling
takes a (ctaltj. M
. .... ar.'k. ...... L -
J. i a. rrai a eoo i r
tnr. a.iele. oa a ! " I tb. ( ' ' '
foait;is .?. I.r.i.gabsepfefdir.gle.k place at lha bna .f Mr. J. ff
a 'Wily fbi law wmfca a ialt j J itea. In tbs pieecm of lUa family and
fhp oO fteot ere, a 6 J i' ,nif.t ImU frten 1. lha aiglrariHg
.ma uaree..ian
(lalr g la tl. mlg of a 'ma nf
ltt lainai spi-'iansew al II mwer
h rttae, ear y rlav m-'raiog. Ilia any
it d in feert la Ms lar' s sad rai Ilea
nr,t l 1 '' 'l la !', atjo lbs
t it j f.ii i fi
Now, that the warm season is about
over, fresh o an dies are in order, end
James Hart will devote his time to the
manataotnre of the choicest deliaaciesin
the line of oreams, taffy, etc In faot, all
kinds of oonfeotionary are to be fouud
there. 8(1-tf
M. Galloway, the photographer, is in
creasing his building considerably, and
within a few days will be equal to the
requirements of Morrow county's biggest
family. He bss just returned from an
interior trip with a number of fine family
The dancing party given by the Holly
Club last night at the opera house is re
ported to bsve been a most enjoyable
occasion. Twenty oonplei were in at
tendance, and each member seemed to
vie with eaob other for the cup brimful
with pleasure.
John Eirk, of Rbea oreek, returned a
few days ago from tha vioinity of Weiser,
Idaho, and informs Dr. MoSwords that
a fine precipitation of rain has started
be grass in that ooonlry, and that bis
sheep are as fat as can be. The doctor's
last buy iuoreaaes his band to 8,040.
"Io the morning by the bright light,"
In the evening at the "Redligbt,"
wbere John Rasmus ooatinnes to dole to
bis patrons those sparkling beverages,
whioh "banish melanohnlly and drive
doll oare away." Drop in; warmth
greets you these fall and winter evenings.
Mike Roberts, at tbs Belvedere, hav
ing remodeled Ibe popnlar old-time cor
ner, extendi to the publio a oordial wel
come. The beverages be dispenses
will bs kept up to the highest standard,
and the enlargement and oemfortable
eqnipment of bia billiard parlors and
club-rooms are a drawing feature. 92-tf
Frank Shrotn, a sheepberder, found
the skull of a mao in a oaoyoo near Gib
bon aeveral dajs ago. Tbe skull bad
been unearthed by ooyolea. Near tba
grave were foaod penknife and a shot
gun, tbs barrel of wblob was splintered.
Residents of tha yioioity believe that
murder was oommitted aeveral years
Jobn Allen, wbo unfortunately broke
bia leg oo the grade above towb, is get
ting along nicely under tbe ebarge of Dr.
MoH words. His meov friends at Moi o-
ment gave bim a beuefll io tbe shape of
a very sgrseable parly. Mi Allen is
beld Io high regard by tbosa who know
bim, sod all si a wishing bim a speedy
Mr. P. F. Hobarff, of Monnment, wit
la town today wild bis dsngbier and
Dtec, on tbeir way to Pendleton, where
ba will place tba young ladies in tt a
Hislare' school. Mr. Hcliaiff will eon
tinos his trip to lbs Omaha fair sod
O'her points nf interest. Mr. rVbarff has
hero confined olnae to business sod feels
that ba la entitled to recreation.
A busy gang of carpenters ars Dow st
work oo lbs foundation of Wo Gordon's
new livsry hero on Main street, aud io a
J few days I lie Imildu k will mark a sub
a'antml improvement for the towo. Mr,
O rd'n has proves blm.rlf ao rnterpria
ntf sod sacrsf ol bnaloras roan ('f nur
town, and willing to stand bv t lis Cora
annity that apprreiatra bis efforts.
Mrs, Berkley Morns 1 from Portland
wiUi her 15 year-old son, wbo weal to
tba bospital I hers last spring for treat
ment of a while awelltnf oo on a of bia
limbs. It wsa fimad rieaerv In ampn
Ula lha limb at the hip Joiel, which baa.
II Is tli'ifinlil. erailica'e.1 tba trnnbls aud
tl.e Mils Mlnw will I rslisv.d tbs
snflVrlf.g n wt trb bs baa had mors ihaa
Ms sbars. To rally from an ordeal
tlimogli whirh ba has paal is atideina
of an eispinnally slrotif ronslilatioo
sod eoarass.
Kuril e or ina'oi.t thin.
Nolia Is bsrel.v glvtn lb pohl tbsl
Iba Cira of I'.roao Htsaart baa, by
mutual eoneenl. m di solved, Mr
Jeees HteWart retirisg, an I ih.t lha nsw
firm of flrowo k llosbes will sonimae
1b- t'naifie'a, saaqma all Haliililie sod
rolter all ilabls das lbs ol I firm. Ynars
Irn'y. Illtow A II; mi In.
lerlotN-rSH, a .
. Mlt.,.. . .i.l ..I.
.rie heisg Mr J. I. Kirk ami Mias
ItVi'laflnar l. Mr. Kirk la w-il 0n. a
l II reei len'a of It.ta e""li"i, all la
Mi.a (Hf I, aln la a sla of J.IT Jwi,
rrfenl'r ama hf fmu lit vslie
ll f t l.f I.Cl ar L in bad tLs ilwl I
of If'SJ fit I'll 3'.J.
Our Line of
Infants' Children's Ladies' and Misses'
W Ffi PS from $1.50 to $25.00:
Our Stock of
In Shoes
In Dress Goods
In Ladies' and Children's
Underwear we can sup
ply your wants, and our
prices are right.
Call and examine our StocK and
First National Bank Building
Heppncr, Oregon.
I. R. ElUb, of (iiMitotRTry, ii In town.
County Surveyor MuOe was In town ysstcr-
Frank iulinion boiiKlit ts carloads of wool
this week,
Mlsa Clara Mmoo la vUltlug hsr parant on
Khea crook.
Robert Hynd coutemplaUis s trip to Scotland
nail month.
Geo. I. Roliloaon, of Hardman, Is regtatared
at His I'alars.
Mlas Altha Umu.Ii paid her beslngtoo boms a
vlall Sunday.
Mr. Campbell, thu Ions aheepinan, was In
town Saturday.
Jaks Wells returued on this morning's train
from a trip Eaat.
I). A. Merrsii, with hla mothsr, ipant Satur
day Io Urppliur.
J. f. Ilallla, of John ly, wis In Happaer ths
laal of Iba week.
W. I). Rood, of lous, la doing builneaa wllb
Heppuar marthaiita
Win. Ayars la under I'r. Salntmrus'icartwlth
a mild caaa of pneumonia.
Ham Etteb and fallier of Omisetiarry, cama Io
With a load of wheat frlday.
Mr. Joha K llhni, of Iba East Uregonlan,
It la Heppnei for a ( dajra.
Kuftiwer I'aitenou haa ri'lurnul from hla va
cation aii'l a III taka up hla r. olar ruu lu a fax
Mrs. I. W. Mel!ik reiornad thia morning
Iroia t'ullai, where aha nt anveral wecka
ln on s vlall.
earn M Teed la liuw nr.mu of ths Welaer
Kemrd. a new and lli.iiii.Mi.il journal publlaii-
4 at Melaer, l.lalm,
W. K Wlr, of Wa'la Wal'.a. "ho has sslen
He aiieep Iniereeia In U.i "iir.tr, bee neen
peinllui evteral la), lu l 'n.
Mr I.. A. Malrieiin, nn lir an. rame In
Iripni Rhea t-reek 1 i.e n.'i r)rl bia
lallier on Ilia lueixl al H l""f Uaui! huaplUU.
Hr, fleo hllla r.f Th- fair, left nn taet
eei,ng train lf 1 illu, Wa.h., eperlln U,
refirn Hbin a
il.ia i li.l '.laiua fiini'if
la iol aMflne a
oiieaion ol a hoe'
..tip fthirll Inr1l4alea lha
i" Aa ee beta no
g 1 j . ...i- !' ol lite wo-
itlmr' t lt aro
munl.y aa r ll.ei n i i iien ine !
SI u, ll.e Ui.ul.l. an l llur I" aboia be baa
I,.. an the r.mi" .1 " ' la nalora alll
. k ..raai l to hla f.-l .r i Io ft I lliaaaiM
ma-la bf kla aepail ire
Jaet Wkal Sue H. B.g t-f
' Mv lull girl b I s wy bad sw fola
Iroahla. Korea sppe'"! In hr as,
and bar ea were aln a if lad. I da-enle-l
io have her bein aking Hood a
Harai'IHa !e'or tic firal liotlls waa
anna lha eofea wa lea painful aad
a'le tba nea of a few "' holtleS lbf i
werw eared." Mis Howard IV pe,
Alpha, Oregon.
Mo I a I'll la . -e e i, r ,llli la Iska
Fine Dress Goats
Canvass Coats water proof
Heavy Chinchilla elegantly made
Mackintoshes in various colors
Positively the best goods at the
We are prepared to offer you the BEST VALUES of any house in the city
CLOAKS and CAPES is complete, comprising all the latest styles in
Is perfect in
We are the only house in town that sells the Celebrated
"Kant Wear Out" Boys' and Youths' Clothing, the
reputation of which is world-wide and sold by all the
leading hnnsfta. ...
We lead them all. The Kelley;-Goodfellow Shoe is so well and favorably known that we need
only to mention that we sell their line of Shoes to insure us a large and increasing Shoo trade.
We are up to date in all the latest novelties in patterns. Silks, Satins, Velvets, Braids, Ruffl
ings in all the latest shades and styles to match our dress goods.
We carry a largo stock of
Blankets from the Salem
Mills, from 5()c up.
Tbe various rooms of tbs sobool post
poned tba obiervanoe of Lafayette's day
from ths 19tb to Ibe2lstnf Oolober. On
this day tha som of 1160,000 is to be
raised for tbe pnrposs of erecting a mon
nment over lbs grsye of Lf ayetl, wblcb
is naar Paris. It is to bs onvailed no lbs
4tb of Jul, 1!KK), tba year of tha I'aris
Eip'sltioo. Tbis day is to ba osllsd
"United Htstes Day," and will, without
doobt, ba a memorable ooa. Following
Is tba program of tba High school'
Lrvtrrs rmx,Ait.
Sons "Ainerlca" School
wiiue nan, rerry iiiiHnea, uurtia nnea,
W aiur I'llllam. rlnaale Mallorr.
"Kcaolvea to Join tha American Army"
iie. Vinson
"Admlratiou of II I m by Ilia Chlafuin"
haa. Conner
"The Natloiradueat" Niltla Hheiley
Horn ' The star Hitanilad Banner" .... Hrh'Mil
IHatll.ll- ' lalarrtle ' ee Hlocutfl
Raalln-"Ularetts al Ilia Tomb ' Waah-
iiiKbiii" ..Ona tjllilam
K'llie Malinry, Ralph HKhop, Katie Miner!
Hone "lbs Bauuer ol lb free"
ki-adlnr-"i'attiotlem" lmla Rlabea
hf'iUtlon-"lba Man With lha Muaket"
Ha'lle Mi-Tarty
"A TrlhiiU to lfaetle" ... Its Hariholomew
Oraan Volunlary Mra. Herb. Hartlmloine
Kamarka K-. t. W. rieeher
A sketch of Lafayette, placed oo tba
board by Martio Aodsraoo, mambar of
the liigb robmd, was airellsot and
shows bis lalaot aa ao srliat. Over thia
skstah and tba portrait of Washiogtoo
wsra draped Iba Htars and Htripea.
Ths following visited tba High school
rrldsy: Mrs. Dr. MsHwords, Mrs. J. O.
Harl, Mrs. Morits, Miaa Hart, Mra. F. K.
HartMnmsw, Itev. J. W. riashar, Mra
K K. Ill.hop, Mrs. Illarkmao, Misa Ad
klos, Judge Bsrlbolomsw, Mra. Thomp
son, Mrs. J. J. Ad kins, Mr, Aodsrson,
Mrs. U. W. Bartholomew, Mra. I'ek.
A papll of a lower r-Kiin lasiala no
spelling Hpaln wilhooi capital. Nn
other reeeoo bnl Ibe prsaenl rslations
wilb hpaln Ooald ba found.
MiaS KUia Iener, S msinbar f lbs
Jiith grade, alieeni from Sfho on aa
toiiul of Iba Illnsaa of bar mother.
Mies IJa Howard Is reported muob
Miaa IJtlia Cochran, of Mranssnaal,
waa snmlled aa tuembsr ol Iba lligb
axbool M-'Odsy,
flop that aoagbl Tsks srnlng. ll
may lead to ooeaqoiplifO. A 'H but
lis o HIiitoL's Cora may tars yr.nr life,
Felt and Wool
cheapest prices on the market
In fine Silk and
style and finish and guaranteed to fit and give entire
Staple Goods
In Staple Goods we' carry
everything needed in
in the house.
get our Prices when
O.ssd Ilowliag Coateat
A 60 game bowling tooroameot for
bseotiful gold msdal sod other prisa is
oow on at Richardson's bowling alley.
Call at tba allays tor farther particulars.
Pi ir.ee given rscb month for bigbaal
soores for ladies and gentlsmsn. Coma
In and try yoor skill.
Isaarssea Beaelt
Mr. J. D. Drown, secretary of tbs
United Ariisaos, baa Jtnl rscsivsd s
warrant for Iba auionol of tl.K'.OOT,
payment of insnranos of tbslr lata
brother, Charles II. Morgao, who 8 a mad
bis mother, Mrs. Harab E. Morgao, as
bsoeflolsry. This promptness on Iba
psrt f tbs order in reinlttiog swakaos a
aw interest, sod should eooonraged tbs
snliatmsnt of many Into its ranks.
Tbis order is of rsoanl davelnpmeot and
waa instituted on tbs bnsiosss hose ol
tba Bankers' Life Ioanraooe company,
which losores its baiog ooa of lbs most
sobstaolial organisations In siistaoca
Is other localities lbs order Is forging Io
Iba front.
Dark and Ksergy.
In frool of J as. II art 'a will ba areotsd
s eosy boolblaok aland for lha comfort
of those wbo deeira a sblns. Tba sbiolng
company arc two Individuals wbo
tbrongb mialorlaoe bare each lost a lag,
wblob witb many parsons means drawn
llnss of disoonrsgamanl, but these boys
ars made of baiter material ; a bright
smile of good Bstored eotiteel la
slaolly worn by Ibea, and tbslr aaargy
aod disposition In woib for what Iba
gat, baa made lor them Iba friaedaMp of
tba Iowa, aad we predict a good sub
stantial boaieese for Iharg during Iba
wiolsr moelbs.
Ars Yea laureates!
Tba O. It A N. CVe. new book oe tba
lUaoarses of Oregoa, WaabiegtoB and
Idalit la baipg distributed. Our raalsrs
sre reo, nested a forward tba eddrsea
of their Kaetero f-tands sad arquaial
snoea, and a aopy of Iba work will ba
sent I hem free. This a Stellar all sbaald
ba loiareeted Io, aad we would ask that
sveryoaa lake aa lotereet ad forward
such sdlreas Io W. II. Harlbart. (lea
er.l l-easefigaf AgSOt, O. II. AN.CO.,
I'ortlsod. Si M
faarata Vas tlwe1 WMh reeaeta.
' a'r ( atbartle. sure H.i.al-batlr'S lureaa.
Also carry a full stock of
Groceries, and guarantee to
meet all legitimate compe
tition. in the city.
Successors to E. W.
Khea & Co.
A Baalasas Chases
Io Dappnsr. A oios clean stook ol
ototblng, furnishing goods, etc, carefully
selected, aod bought for cash. Owaar
determined to ssIL A rare opportanily
for tbis fall trads. Writs or inquire
(Jazittb Ornos,
Ilsppnsr, Or.
Nsw OaoSa.
Ws are constantly adding nsw goods
and now have rsady for inspeoUoa a Ooa
aaeortmentof watches, clocks, Jswslry,
silvsrwara, noveltiaa and muslosl Inslro
merits. P. O. IIobu, Jeweler.
roll HALE.
Ilaoob, 320 aorea, good land, 4 miles of
Heppoer, all fenced, plenty of water,
honaa aod barn, 140 acree of sommsr
fallow, all ready dr fall crop. Easy
terms. Call at lbs OasalU ofloe.
Will ba paid for information leading
to tbs srrsat and eonvk ton of soy par
son stealing Sstlla branded "W 11 con
nects J on Iba left side. Waddla oa lha
noaa. Trm-V Uroaaa.
Bank lea's Are lea Balva.
Tba I Wl Hslva in tbs world for Cute,
Brnieae, Moras, Ulcers, Pall Hbsnm,
Favar Bores, TslUr, Chapped Uaads,
CbUblaina. Oorne, aoo all Hk'n F.rop-
tious, sod poaltivaiy cures Files or oa
pay raquired. Ii is guar ante I Io fits
perleot saliaf action or money rafooded.
I'rioalo rents par bm. Far aala by
Hlooua Ira Co., K. J. Hum, meeagst
What Irr. A- B- BaJW Bays
Buffalo, S. Y. (laoUi-From say
paraeaal knowlalgs, gained In obaarvlng
lha effeol of yoor M In lob's Ours In oeeaa
of advaorad aonsamptina, I aro prepre4
to say it la tba ntoei remark stls remedy
that baa aver be-o brought to my altos,
lion. It has sartaialy aaved msay from
toeaomptloB. Md by OonaerA Warraa.
For XflfAAU Aad Chlliito.
Ui Kin. Yc. Hits Atwajs Bougbl
Dears tha
)!1 by Omaay A Wl'rss, f
. .
WC T fa U Sttfs ats ti4S"sr