The Gazette. Tuesday, Oct. 25, 1898. L0IE8T TELEGRAPH. DISTRICT FAIRS. Agricultural fairs are iu large measure founded upon live stock shows. It is a common thing to find successful live stock shows without the other features of fair, but we think that successful fairs without good exhibits of live stocks are a rarity. For this reason it is essential to the succesB of any state fair that there be good com petitive displays of live stock. The better the representatives of the different breeds and kinds of stock at the fair the more likely the fair is to give satisfaction and prove a success. If the people of the state can be sure that they will see at the fair good representatives of all the leading herds and flocks in the state a great number of persons will attend the fair who would not otherwise bo. If the exhibits of live stock, poultry, dairy and horti cultural and agricultural products are firstclass, people who visit the fair will go home and say :t was a good fair, regardless of the merits of special attractions and side shows. On the other hand it matters not how entertaining the "attractions" may bo, if the exhi bits we have mentioned are not what they should be those who at tend the fair will report it as a poor one and a reduced attendance the next year will follow. Rural Spirit The treasury department has granted a request made by General Franco Sanchez, commander of the Cuban insurgent army at DIayari, CubB, that 1,000,000 pounds of tobacco, captured by that army, be admitted to the United States free of duty, in order that it may be sold for the benefit of the men under General Sanchez, who are in need of almost everything. The commission engaged in in vestigation the conduct of the war, which has started for Jackson ville, Fla., where the work of hear ing witnesses in the camp will this week be inaugurated, was preced ed by the ringing assertion of General Dodge, chairman of the commission, that the commission would see that every witness was protected who had anything to tell that might arouse enmity on the part of his superior officers. These words of General Dodge nre all the answer that is nooded to the senseless charge that witnesses have been afraid to tell the com mission what they know. There has boon no such fear on the part of any witness, but there lias been wide differeuct'B in the stories told to the commission Hud those pub lished m having been told by the same witnesses to yellow journals. A notable case of this sort was that of Dr. Seaman, who arrivod in New York, from Torto liico, last week, and whose alleged sensation al tatemenU to jellow reporters causod him to bo summoned to Waaluncton bv telegraph, to testify before the commission, OUTLOOK roU Brief War News, Tele graphic News Notes, Etc., Etc. WASHisr.TON, Oct 20. The secretary of war sent a cable menage last evening to Major Gen eral Otis, In command of the American forces at Manila, authorizing him to parole 20 Spanish officers now in bis custody as prisoners of war. Applications for the parole of these officers was made by the Spanish authorities to General Otis and he referred the question to the war depart ment at Washington. It is understood that the prisoners desire to return to Spain. j Omaha, Neb, Oct. 21. The jury of inquest over the body of William Walker, the prize fighter killed in the fight at South Omaha by Andy Uupont last Monday night, returned a enlict today holding Dupont as principal and Chief of Police Carroll, of South Omaha, as accessory to the killing. The testimony shows Carroll accepted money to allow the fight to proceed. Kort Worth Tex., Oct. 21. Trouble between the whites and blacks over politics culminated in a fight in which Hope Adams, the lndepen. dent candidate for sheriff and leader of the in dependent movement against the white men's union, was shot and killed. The sheriff has wired Governor Culbertson that he is unable to preserve order and wants troops sent to the scene at once. You Will Invariably Fine The Latest Production of Eastern Looms, The Swellest Fabrics of the Season, The most fashionable shades and colors, in the larg est and most varied assortments right here on our We have given particular attention to the requirements of the ladies of Heppner and vicinity and believe our efforts in this airecuon win ue siampeu wiw yuui uFinuvai. Now that the schools are commencing All should know that- P. C. Thompson Co. Have the nicest assortment of WRITING TABLETS In town Tablets at 4c, 5c, 7c, 8c, 9c, 10c, 15c, 20c, and 25c each Rubber-tipped Lead Pencils lc, 2c and 5c each Don't forget the place. Cash talks P. C. Thompson Co. Heppner, Or. NOVELTIES IN BLACK A fancy Crepon, black, beautifully de signed, one pattern only, 40 inches "wide, all wool, 6$ yards . . . . I o.UU Only one pattern of 7 yards in a black wool, 40 inches, Pierole, the latest thing in brocaded goods $13.00 Walker, Minn., Oct. 20,-Eleven of the 20 Indians wanted by the authorities started for Du"uth last night under a guard of soldiers and accompanied by Indian Commissioner Jones and Marshal O'Connor. Bug and his son re fuse to surrender, but the Indians say that they think they can bring them in. Marshal O'Con. nor is firmly convinced that Bug will never be captured. He said last night: "I am thoroughly convinced that both he and his son were killed in the battle, and I am sure this la also the rea son the others have not come in." Com missioner Jones says that he is well satisfied with his work here, but he admits that there is a strong probability that this the first outbreak of the Chippewaa will not be the last. A very swell fancy imported Crepon, exclu sive design, 40 inches wide, 1 yards iD a pattern, the choicest thing in black we have $15.00 An exclusive pattern in black Ottoman, 7 yards to the pattern, a beautiful design, 40 inches wide $ 7.00 COLORED GOODS Just one navy bine Bayadere, 7 yards, 40 inches wide $ 9.00 Black and navy blue Fopliup, 7 yard lengths, 40 inches wide . . . $ 8.00 Kersey cloth in blue, grey Riid tan, 6 yard lengths, 44 inches wide, makes a beautiful winter suit uu Storm Serges, brown and navy blue, 44 in ches wide, extra heavy, 6 yards to the pattern $ 7.50 And many more of f qual value in Silk and Wool. Plaid and Striped, and plain Mixed Novelties at prices ranging from $4.00 up to $10.00 Prepared With Great Care The 10 Wonders Slocum's Pectoral Expectorant Perfection Witch Hazel Cream Perfection Odonto Slocum's Carbolated Arnica Salve Slocum's English Confectio Sampson's Sure Shot Corn and Bunion Cure Slocum's Perfection Headache Cure Dr. Budd's Golden Oil Slocum's Little Liver Tablets EVERY PACKAGE FULLY GUARANTEED SLOCUM DRUG COMPANY, Good Goods.... Fair Prices.i Oplnlon of an Eminent Jurist. Ballot reform In New York was necessary says an eminent jurist, because mere politicians by trade, who had no Interest In government or politics except to enrich and aggrandize them selves, sought perpetual control. There are other excellent reforms besides that of the bal lot. Conspicuous among them Is the reform In a disordered physical system by Hostetter's Stomach Bitters, which counteracts tendencies to serious disease bred by a deficiency of vital stamina, Irregularity of the bowels; stomach, liver or kidneys, and inquietude of the nerves. This sterling medicine, which has for near half a century won popular favor, not only for its excellent qualities in a remedial rapacity, but also for Its surviclble properties as a medicinal stimulant. -AT Then there is besides all these a good line of T. R. HOWARD'S. BRILLIANTINES, - and And an elegant Assortment of GRENADINES, -SERGES in Black, HENRIETTAS Groceries, Provisions, Glassware, Tinware and Furnishing Goods. HENRY PlEKCKd VENTUHK. Gcoocis iVt Prices Witliin. Your Keach Every weave, every sliade, every style in colored goods can be found here in profusion. Staple and Fancy Groceries- Fme leas, ana uojjees.- T. R. HOWARD, II3r toner. B (Jraal Cosily Hloekmaa e It Wm Nm' Betler. Lono Cbmr, Or, Oct 2t.-Oratgo Qibaon, of IVtidMon. I m piirohaaoJ Urge band ol 3 oJ 3 ynr old el tare, od tb7 wara r-atrila driven Ihroogh bart en route to lVndletou. The hand oonaletrJ ol about '.HH) heed of eboloe callla, lop pricaa being paid for them While eearrity of good bett cntllo bae beep repoitod, (here em to be uo trouble in arcrtriog atork when atoea men are atlauVl Ith the prieee offered A prominent callle rnU r, on b 'lug tine tloited relaliee to the outlook for Ibe coming jeer for cattle, sal. I: "The eituatlon in the rail' market eetut lo b alwiut m toll.iwt: 1'esifeUe rattle are soetoe. Trier hue liewo good for Dome tuue, and Paltlitiien have been awuttliitf all their taltlatil lxk lo market. Uri'lj tnonry ! t"ju id de raani, and but fro choit'e ealv.e have beet- ralerd. In emwrijneuca loitug tvevee aie bar.! t gl It aeetna fa able to rip H that Ihe g J pi ire ana- obtained aill b'-t l ""! f" arnne lime Man; eatllfinea think, and II ie Iwlleved liter are good r- -i-a lr so doing, thai ibere still be an nooeually letge Jntun I from Europe lor American leee in year. The ratU montrie of the far t.ael ere short I d altable et x k. and Karte nival drrnd la'gdr ain tint oiintri for lie freh ni at. The deiuanj ill prbablr etiMd Ihe innnlr. nder i iMtl a milium, and In thai eeent e will. of "Ufa, go big her Alio eelher the out k fr the rattle tuil owe I favutehle." tuaatr le III-" ' tlmtl ..l Shim a ltn V.ill lx.,l. It I aIP.( t our ll k"!' " ' l.rring up Hie lt !'' "1'nina ail On i re the II' l-oi -Ijf I . Ii,.t I ;ti. '-, ..l lue, l'U h-U. i,'t O ,1 i. I'r I " fin ! I t !.-!.., I f I iH ,llliri! tfcl f I ' " I'' ',v t'W Henry I'irrre to Farm an Island 8,000 Acrri In California. Mr. Henry F. Tieroe, eon of Hon. Nathan Pixroe, of this oity, ban cloeed out bia titciiuive farming venture on the Umiililln re ervntlon and hIho in OrBnile llonrte v lley and removed with hie fimily to CiilifomiH, enye the Milton Engl. Mr. I'ierce gold hie Orumle Honde ranoli to his brother, Oaoar, and hie leiieea on the r( servnti m to Mr. Wade, of Feiiilleton. Hiity mili'H np the Hiicramentn river from rtnn Franoinoo in u hii iHland con taiiiing H.IIIK) Biires of fertile land. Be fore I lie grunt flood of IH',10 thle iHlaad whh oullivHted by email Urmrfl, hat when the II hiiIh oame their pnHHeasioui were wHHheil away and the entire ialaud oompletely (levnatated. Hinoe that time in attempt has ! eu raaJx to cultivate the soil, it thermit was couidred too hazArdon. Lately, however, an extenHive dyke ha been oonitraoted atotiud the inland of (iilllmmit bnittht to protect it from verfl'iw, and nn a recent trip to Cali fornia Mr. l'ieroe leased tliia great body of laud and be will attempt to again place it under cultivation. IN eip0U to raiae barley aud potatoea for the San rauciaoo niarket, d if bitexpeolalioo are reelizid will make a enng little for tune in a few year. He has pnrobaaad three large Iraoiion engine to do bia plowing aod these will be ran night and iley until the work I completed. Only two horse will b kept on the farm and these for Ihe purpo of hauling water and coal lo the eugiueY Mr. l'ieroe baa also pnrobaed a atearu launch to (aoili late traveling from bi bum in Han Franc moo lo Ibe farm. MINOR & CO., Heppner, Or. 00TS AND SHOES? THE PLACE TO GET THEM IS OF AX. WCHTENTIIAIy CO. They have anything in this Itathw ucn deend 0n " y" get " SHOES IN ALL THE LATEST STYLES. Old Stand, Main Repairing a Specialty WAR IWflRflTlON France PreparingEng land All Ready. Toulon to Bo the Center of tho Important French Naval and Military Operations. London, Oct. 22. Never elooe Great Britain and France began to d input e over Kgvpt, nor dariuK the mnet acute atege of the Niger difference between those countries, hag the aitiiatinn looked ao nmtnona a today. In epile of Ibe hope expressed in the journal of both conn. trie that the matter would he amicably ie a (act that the trench naval and military antboritiea are rjck ing feverieb preparation for war, and. though os Ira reigna at the Uritiih dnok yard at Porteraonih, Chatham and Dev onpnrl, it le only tn oalm ot prepared' ne. IHlood' ltestore full, regular action Msakw III of the liuweU, do not lrrl- ill tote or Inflame, hut leave B III 3 all the ripllrate rtliffitlve or- m gRiiltm In iierfert rnndlMim. Try them. 39 rents. Prepared only tiy V. I. HihmI A Co., Miwell, Mr. a Where oau yon get a good fresh and hot onp of pure Java and Mocha e ff e for 5c? At The Maine. Open day and nijht. Aleo, ham aandwinb, 5c; quarter of a pie (home made), ooj pieoeofcuke (home made), 5c; two boiled rgt;s, 5j; cheese, cracker and lunch gooda. ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE I"c JtmtK Ml I. LI r II to Ml Ml. The Well keawa 1'iaae Halrsssaa Will Be Aaaia la Heppner. Mr. Juael Mueller request the O telle lo announce Ibat be will be in Heppner attain aoou prepared to ehow tbemuato lover of llsppoer and Morrow eonnty the latest aud beet thing in bi liua Hiure leaving llenpner two yeare ago Mr. Mueller ha had phenomenal oo Oeee in tlie sale or plauoe, ami will I pi nt lo b received here on hie eonlem plated visit eilh the (ame promise 1 U0- eee erli whu'd ha tin retnrnea lo retidletoli, where h now itflij iyltlg lively tra.le in piano. I'ribvb'y he will bring to lleppaer one if II.' wonderful ttaoophoenk. which are thegrnklist wusieal tuarveie of the o nluif . fViireitili'g hi Visit bete, Mr. Mueller will make m ire d flint anattini'ineal later In Hie (l,-tle. Ida many Irlrnd here Ihroiitfliont lhe rinnly should aeait ll iouing an I fl iife I lliat he will be pr.psr.l .i ahow the'il g'Hxl of nneieellett nnnl a" l otlh. S iMi I r ha ann. nucemetit In the ('tie. tHin I ..n. ,1 i i i in h I. . ii i. i. .n "t tiweU .,,,., ,..,1 I .r itt,ii.. i. a ii, ,mi lit . I r i' i , , i,i .. . i..: a ' i . . r - m.i , i .. ! i i.'i i! i ., u lit i r I ' i U t in t .a mi- ik , (I- . .I i I II im I i"T 'inul a I i. ni- p,aj t..i,i' urn I r all ,ir"-t ' f u n. l t.n trm or ni.o .-y tef -I t , i' . r a ire tinner rv a ' loo.;, Pv , iv , uk: bi.., Ui an t Una. ti lnw. i- vol We eO. London, Oct. 24. Tbe llritieh admir alty Issued a number ol aigniQoanl or- ler tbi morning. Tb dookyard at l'ortmnnnth, Devon port and Chatham bav received instruction lo prepare all K) knot torpedo-boat deelroyer lor oom mieaioning, o tbey will be able lo put to aea in it boar. The Cunard and bit Mar line bava reoeived from Iba admiralty an intima tion lo bold Iba reenheidiied ateamere In readineee tor taming over to the navy offleial. Ftaia, Oct. .. Tb muoioipal anlbnr iliea of Tnolon bava been notified Ibat tbal place will be tbaeenterot Important naval aod military preparation, and bav been inetroeUd to arrange for Ibe immediate reeoplino ot four battalion of lafanlry, 1,500 m arlnea and ft 10 arlil lerymen. Tba municipal txioooll baa daoided tn cloee Ihe ecboolhoneea ana tbey will be need to lodge the troop ta Tb naval aalboriilr bava beea or dared U etpdite the preparation for the outfitting of Ibe new eqna.lroa. Three Dnrturt la funsnllatloa. From Benjamin Franklin. "When yon are iok, wbnt yon like beat i to be oboaen for a medicine in tbe first tlaoe; wbal experience telle yon ie best, to be cboeeo In tba aeoond place; what reaaon (t. a. theory) aaya I beet is lo be cboaen in Ihe leal place. But if you can gel Dr. Iuoliuation, Dr. Experi ence and Dr. Ileaaon to bold a consulta tion together, they will give yon Ibe best ad vice that oan be taken." When yon bava a btdoold Dr. Incline lion wonld recommend Chamberlain Ooogb llrmedj becanee It la pleasant and taf to take. Dr. Eiperieooa wonld reeommend it because It never fail to effect a apeedy and permanent en re. Dr Keaeon wonld recommend il beraaee it I prepared on eoientiflc principle, and acta uu nature a plan In relieving the Inou, ntieomg the lecretinna and rrsl ir ing tb eyetern to a natural and healthy eondiUon. For aala by tjouaer ir- ran. TDK COI'STV Cdl'KT OK THE 8TATE ol Orciron. for the I'mimy nl Morrow. In the matter of the iruerilliiiislilp o( iValter M. I'baiiKS, a minor. Oriler tn show r uiBt! on application of Guardian fur order of sale of real eMnte. It oppearliiK to this eourr from the petition this day proxeuted nnd Hied by 8 K Moore, the RiiHrdiaii of the ektiite of Wlter M..l'hauks, a iniiiiir, prayp i for an order of saiu ol eertniu real entiite. lieionuInK to said nrd. and In Older to support and maintain anid minor it is neces sary that such real estnte should lie sold: it In h rchy ordered that the. next of kin ot the mid want and all p.;rmiini interested In the .aid entate. appear heftue. thin court on tVedncs- l.iy, Ihe liilh day i.f Sovenilier. A. 1). lh'.'S. at lu o'clock, a. in., at the court room ol this court. at the court house In Heppner, lu the county oi .Morrow, ami suue oi incxiih, men ami there to show cause why an order should not lie Krauled tor the rule of Midi real entitle, do serlheil In Mild petition as follows: ItcKluiduit lu the iniititie oi me i.iicklamutc river w.r.' i hitlns iiorlh and 1 Ji chnlns east of southwest corner of Paw land I hamliers n. I. claim No 4i In township lu south ruiiK A went of MIMa- mette meridian, thence south deirrees. 17. 5o ehnlns, thence north one ennlii. east s.j chains, nortti lil inu chains, west :t,;.'i i halua. north i chains, east along: the hank of I.iicklamute river H 75 chains, thence north i ilcaree. es-t H Jll eliaiiis. south Kl iteirrees, west ta chains, south 6 deKreiK, west I II chillis, south 'i' leerees, west to place of la'iiliiiiini!. cniitainlua 12 .iii acres of land more or less, known as I Ik KIuks Valley hlourliiir Mill property. And It la further onleied that a copy ol this onler lie published as rcinlred by law In the tieppner i,aeue, a ucwsimper piiiillsheii semi weeMljr In Heppner, In Morrow couut) , sUtte ol Urecmi. Dated this 1st day ol OcIoIht, A. I). vM A.U. B.VKlllOl.dMKW, Vi i County J Utlnn. Drugs Medicines Toilet Articles SCHOOL BOOKS Statiooery PaiotsOils- Glass c i G A R S Conser & Warren, Pmggista. Market The Central BROWN & BEYMER Dealers in .FresH, Salt and SinoKed Meats lyHiii mm,,..... Sausngei - Tfirtl, - Poultry, Fish and Oysters Every Friday. In opening this market we solicit the patronage of the public assuring them the best of meats, and gentle manly and considerate treatment. THE CENTRAL MARKET, Heppner, Or. ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE REAL PROPERTY. OF I X S I la Hi matter oltli Mtatao! Jacob Johnson, O fafN0tt ' Nolle la hereby iltsn that under and b tlrturolan onter ol sale, re(itlarl)r 1iir.l out ol !h count? eourt of Ilia flat of Orefon lor (illllaia oiiiitT, ordertn ilia aaia oi in real Aniwrlt of said astate. I alii on Saturday iM'torwr aiinv nuur in s i, nm-s p m m said dar sell at aublle auction In lh tilheat hiddi-r for rash In hand, auhirrt toroiiflrmsiuti b said court, all the rlsht. till ani lol. r-l thai said dm-eaavd had at tha UM of his drwth. NOTICE OF IXTENTIOS. Land Drtli k T Tut D.u.i r, Okkook, tx ai, l a "01ICK H Hs-kKHV i K THAT THE i followlna named ,eltK-r hjs filed noth c ol lita toteiitlon to make hnai priaif In support of his claim, and that ald proof w 111 be made be lor V. I'raivford, County Clerk ol Morrow county, ore.. u, at Itcppner, oreiioii.ou 1 Hi's day, IHfCt-tuiirr a, ii'n, vi: EVKX OKKtsRIbwiN. of ltnton: hnnii'alead appltiallnii No. 4I7I for the ht and Mt I K', and NtVu LV (tee II. 1 p I M, K. . W. M. He name me lollowing witnease tn prove his enntlnn us raeldene Uiu and cultivation of said land, vu hrnesl Hper. ol yltiiiton. tires cm; H. K. ewaaicart and llohrrt Turner, of Heppner, Oregon. J. H. I lper, of Milton, (ir- (oti J. I. I t i . Hi l Hcaisier. NOTICE OF IXTESTIOS UNITED STATES LAND OFFICE. Til PU.r;. Oreton. tvtober d, la". NOTICK I HKKKRY U1VKN THAT, TOWN ship three I'M south of ranae twenty one (21) east ol the. Willamette aieruuan, iiri-aou haa lieen surveyeo, anil an appmven in oi th anrver thereol will I tiled In this olllce on the KHh dsy of Noreinlier, lH-.tH. at o'clock a.m. On ami alter aalil nay, applications lor entry thereol will be received at this ottice. Minor, I thada and year ahova written. JY K l.t rs. Otis PTTaoa. Iteginter. Kecilver. i Weak Lungs p Ii you hive coufhed and and all lutenwt of his estate which may have tn sulontly acipilrrd, In and lo the I'd. LtMD Orrira at Thi Pali as. naanoM. I N lotn-r 1. Hr X'tnltKH H KRUnV WVr.M 1HI lilt 1 lollowtnf nallird settler has bled noti of his Intention to maka final proof In support "I his claim, and thai aald pnail will r loadv iH lore . . i rawtorn I ouuiy ( irri. ai H-fi'io r, Oreifoil, on wedmsday, iJecembrr I, is : V I'D LIC LAND SALE. I'KTTtD KTATIS LaXO Oltll I, The I'alles. Ir . t)et V l X'OTICK 1 nt.kKHV i.llt.N THAT IS iniraiiance ol Instructions froto Ibeeoin m:Mloner of iha teiicral laud nrhee, under authority rested lu hlin by erc'inn Jii 1'nltr.l etatea lii.yrl Slalnte ss ameinieil I.T Ihe a t el eonarrM appmil Fehruary A lV e will pnawt to utter at pnblle sale on Ihe lth dsr ot Not ember nest, at tun clia k a. m. at this ottic. the following; tract ot land, to alt: Th K V, NOTICE OF INTENTION. Land Orru at 1 h Dallis. Oaanois. Heptemtier Heat. NOTICK lit HERKRY filVKN THAT THE followtua i ameil settler baa filed notice ol his Intention to make 8nal proof In support ol nis ciaun, aun inai sam prooi win tie inane na ture V. Ciawford, County Clerk, at Heppner, Oregon, on Friday, November 4, ltfw, vis; WILLIAM A MiiKUAN, of lone; homestead application No. ftto for the en, iiWif eec a aud N', NWV itec.lo.Tp JW, K il It'll, He names the liiltow ing witness to prove Ills continuous residence upon and colli vatlon of said land. vie. Oscar J. W llllamson, John Klnsr. Ml lion H. Morgan, James M. tumb le I, all ol lone, oreaoii. J. P.I ITAa, W-IW Kes later. coughed until the Lnlnj mem S tnn of your throat nilung Z I IN ,..u...i.. ft J W ftlalltflMlMOU 1 il InlurrwiJ, ...m. a.i n,i V w uiwioe or-iiii ri pr'."-ij ,ii,,t,i in mt.w i jiirr. n n . i r. w n r. 1.1 oi iiuninii, 1 r. as I p I S, K i a. W M, couUllll nw loiimy ire.Hi, wii 1mrl.d application No. l7 lor the acres The ! S ol ami no no i. ana ,n a- i I p I s, K s I: Any and all jer.iis elalmln sdvrrx-ly the T I It V, if N ".of are. 7 and lota No I and . and ,h, i.,wlii wllnafc to prove abme-dreerlbed lands era s.tvl.e.l to file their I ih a V nl i W a and M K V ol a ol ere I ... . .... ruims in una iiftl'-. on or lwl..r ma t d Ihe at yil awe . all in Tp f. south I (.( j , (n,an j , l(lMn ( .Imfiiaivit for Ihe eomuieiu-ement ol said sale. t M and aald I'Oip-rtv will t I .,.,. tir...n. and 1 nomas Ho,thl.y and other w Ise llielr rlshta w III he lorlelifd iu the aald preiaisr K H Ho. 1, lolU r, ol Union, or,on. Jat V If . Otis prisa.o, uat AilnillllsTItaktsli. I . . a. a . i . . . . nil I lii.i.a kl l . ai f mwvw n,n,Vn. xaTiCK OF IXTEXTlOW I I - " I til A l iivtn-s vj ft, i"&, vi. ln iullia leaf. I., n -. p'e Im, In, ai. l I u .. It ".,!, il ir a(liiinl "I he iple id I " ', , .'.( sre t.owr l-ui"f (aarra I v I t'i .H i si II. ri id Iwn m .l...i K,. i i H i i,i,, it ii I time to :inn 1 rv i.ri It p.mna n-. td 1, ,1 ( an sre Ihr rot dr ,gl Hil 1 Scotfs Emulsion j of CoJ liver Oi! will tooth itrr.nglhtn ni probably cure a 'flu coJ liver oil lu&t ani ttrtnjttuni th wclun4 tl- tutu The glyurin toothci arul hU them. Th hypo- phoiphitet of lime And tod 1 impart tone and vigor. Don't Wet these cough. One X W!tte of the EmuUlon truy do more for you now than ten un do Utrr rn. Be lure you lt SCOTTS EmuUion. Orru a af Lauam. oasneai O I11W1 . limrny nivri hut im" nimrl Srttief has tllnt l.otlcv ol Seauai pfiad In Sl p"r ot Mid pr -.l will l ttia-le ! Lira ll I ixin'V ! ol Mitrntw e.iillity Ore n, at llrpplwr. , on ls-nda r " 1 1 VI l III ATT. ,,l l.or.laoe. Itere-na, hesete.l f. r 'lit !.. I and I and I I p a, H f Me pane tt lolloalne II .e I.. . hi. po,iiiiooa rsl'leiM- n ai"l i nilgai Ml land. ! M.I ll'.sl.. and A J I . k ,.i Het.i.,rr, Ortfioi. i.m. a rir.a at l A W Vol. m. ol Outdane, Or" K a Hiati sir. m Ni.'r N a t'Kn'l t f .r rvm'-U l, )er re. Ail 1 lo , ..'i, !, eiiie I'.snr-teavl ' A ,4' S '- fi fff !) M rVofi of InUnVon. t 4B tiia At La ln "S la ih.-t 1 1 I oiii a t HraT iiiN mu inr I..I . !'. I.m.t SPOlf h. f 11 ti'rfie nl I.I. l"n.o aae M p.a.l m .e - l i.i ... i . a. I Inst .."I I t I - ' r il..- I miiiii ( !. ot t.-n u .,,,..n et lle po, tare . tf.'eo.i4( V, -m, i, J HVa A rAll-V nl i..M . llTt' t w-41 A,.f tbe . v a v, , . "t s t m It ti a, a m Me .' ! P' tl'wM I t e.e t, . , n. I.i. ,. ereelM- ' 1 t I ' ' H id od ! Slsl lle "I A J ! k , ,ip,, i.., If I l ll .ii I A , .i , i. a I f-.Ht f J! klt'U1l Laid orru at LAi.sns ot.i.. in i.,i. r i:, oiler m HKKrnt r tiutihk lot. taint named settler has med noth-e rl his Inieoti.tft to make final pr,Mf In snptrt ot hi. claim, and thai Mid i.r.. all! h made IHlore loe County I leik of Harrow onntr at IC ;-pnvr, oieeon, ou oifmlwr law. ll K l t A HIHKII.U id lie 1'iiff. tinnealad So a' t, for Ihe !., a k i, a d ', and It I ae, i: t v : H r M He iav iin ft, h'l eaitis; wltiieaMS to prove ht.iou'iu i. ret. let e npoi end rnlt vatlon ,.l a I l.o.l l I' A II" rreo. C llerren. m't I r.-i uria'iii. Lamd orru at Taa Psi.iaa. nai-ion, - eplrlitlwr I 1, a-al, X'OTICK I lirRKRY f.rM THAT 1 II i it follow Ilia naniial aettler has filed notlec. of I pis intention Ul niake tln.i prH. i. s i pp.) I of j lilsrialm. and thai aald pt"il will In made' t- fc. i Male. C a 1 .niiiitiMi.mer. al lone, Owfin. on aalnrday, ortoiier il. I V s V) H a SMlt II, of lone; lt.ooe.lead Applti afloll So T. ff (he t"t "H and lou aad 4. it. Tp I a, K :. S II, tiniN the following alto.. !, to prnv. 111. ra.itlnnn.if fvaldrlf lllw.t, and en II 1 1 .1 loll willl.M Me'titny an i iirpp. , Ml, land, vn rra'' li-"wi a I. V a rt s rt hei.u-r NOTICE OF INTENTION. Lssh Orru AT Twi Pi I a. Osnoe N .i , i: Han.r ta T. .' ' I.Mie, oreaoii. J Ihliti.n Wi.M.n. atlof jay r. i ita. lU-f later. Notice of Intention. Laud Orru i at LaOsa!., Oamoa, a toU-r it asst. VOTtf'E W HERKRY CIVKN THAT Tr- il followtn name. I settler haa fllct notice of his Intention to make flual proof In support of his claim, and that said priaif will be made twlore the County Clerk of Morrow County, ur Heppner, llretrnn. on Oct. i. lva, vU: JOHM VY. HCOTT. of Fehn. Orefnn, homestead No. fcMa, for th ! i, "ee. l:i, I p I N H. A K W M . He name, the lollowln wllii.seee tn prove bi. Foinluiious reaideui-e upon and eulllstloa oi Mm taiol. ts: William Conkdu. of bye; rank Klllkeiiiiy. nf Hrppuer: James Mi-Cuw-l r end Orant Biubanau, taith ol K. ho, ore- It. w. BASTiavr. Heaister, NOTICE OF INTENTION. Lamp Orru k at Th Ham i. Oasooa. N. . eepieniMr IS, -i oTiiE m iirRrav t.ivr iHtt thr f..lloan( liameej selllet ha Blt tlottre) ol his Inientinii lo mk flnal prof In supt-irt othisrUlm, and that hi (,ro,, will l ia Ul..t. 1 r ford. niiutv I'leik. at II .. ...... or. ..n. on alnr.lar i u,ir .V. l-r, i i WILLIAM A. rr.R! ,o L.,rt: llnmeiiead Applieaiion Ho Alia, lor Ihe elV ai-. . 1p I R .11 V M Me I. me. the l..lli,( wll.ii',. n nrnv hi. eo' llino.ii. iKl'Inn i.fxn i. I eullivallnn ,i vi, V..ttt, K kl K.., her, M. Hill. ii and W , i.,a a MrAll.ler ail 4 LeKlnaton. orefft.u. Jat r. it rsa Timber Culture ""Final Front . mint i iin.ntv tdtn ihat iitr f e. 1 ef h... Al li..l. l m. i. .,.,is..., ; -' 1"':"; , imtt at.ts. t,,, .... . - . - . - . . - . i.f il, I I ; "7... V . . i., v... . v.. ... " VOT" I nrmav i.ih Ji tit at i p WT- " 41 1 aHf of Ml plwl. i'r . e.. 6 -1 In Ii. pat i a it A , , ,.i t.,i,,.M.. , i. o... ti,i ir.-.i i.i of f 'l t V e. -. t ap'tl. ala o av"4 1 i I l. 'k ot M.e,.w I ...,i I, l . . ,.r , , , t,x II,. a W II l I s k O f M I Hen-net, ltre..l on rri lav . t"tl Uav nf M. ti.".e 0e I i' w ,t,,.. 1,. f . ., -,lr on ll' ilr i nil" a; Int. .11,.,, , , . e. ! ..,...(. i oT . n ' Ct H.f a I, y ' . a) M'. I l.d.a W A !' ra"k A' dr S " S ,( ' 'f I . ( it I M in ..I 1st . I. I,.J I. 1 M a. , ilnm.1 w It an irlt K ii.i. r I b c l-rrt 1 ' , tr t A. . , sn.ti. Jt f I ' ' I.e. iti rClU.IC LAND SALE. l aivsn Pttt. I tan 'rrn a at Ta tisuts. in. ,n la !..! f . tan Av-.i.M K la MS l.l iittri THAT It ft' R. .1 ....... , ,..,, ,,, ,tm lB,Bll, " "e te- rial la. uu l.i .uih.rt.. n, ...'e-1 hm t.y extlon H A, I Ml pi.i kellu-l t.l.llee a. amende-) I.V Ibf r of tHs. i'l ' e r-' "i.', r.. te.v we WMI pro ' "' at pni.( m on tn ih dav cat t i. ,,t ,.tf. i,,,, m , el iMs o(Te It.. ,,,f tim t . to It kite atv If , I M ,enl MiIb 3 Al'f SI 1 .i , .lm. e (li.i.l, ,h r .a nj In U . ir.,m ,. M (m II,. .f hr. i . etuare t;l r'.i l. .1 tm I ' I J ' A '.