4 Advertisers If you have bargains to offer, announce it through the columns of the GAZETTE. OFFICIAL P APE R Subscribers The Gazette will contain the latest telegraphic news FrWtfttf Seat of War. SIXTEENTH YEAR HEPPNER, MORROW COUNTY, OREGON, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 25, 1898. NO. 695 TEE HEPPMER GAZETTE rublished every Tuesday and Friday BY OOKL1ES MEKRITT, Editor a.ia.3. .kCa.a.&g'SX. SUBSCRIPTION RATES On, Year Six Months Three Months $l.BO 73 BO Advertising Rates Made Known on Application. Entered at the Poatofllce at Heppncr, Oregon, as second-class matter. rlII8 PAl'KK is kept on file at E. C. Dako's Advortininii Agnnoy, 81 and 65 merchants Kzohangs, Man Francisco, California, where uou racte for advortisiiiji can be made for it. LP. FISHER, NEW8PAPKK ADVEHTI8- ing agent, 21 Merchants' Kxcliangi Build intr, Han Kranciaoo, 1h our authorized atfent. This papar is kept on file at his office. 0. R. & N. -LOCAL CARD. Tram leaves Heppner 9:30 p m. daily except Sunday arriving at Heppner Jnnutiou 12:03 a. in. Leaves Heppner Junctioi 8:30 a, in, and ar rives at Heouner n Suokane Express No. 4 leaves Portland at 2:00 p. m. and arrives at Heppner Jnnctioa J:50 p. m. and Uma ilia 8:50 p. m. Portland Express No 8, from Spokane, arrivos at Cuiulilla buOa. m. and Heppner Junction 7:00 .ra. a d arrives at Portland 12:Mla. m. last, Mail No. 2 leaves Portland 9:25 p. in, and arrives at Huppner Junction 8:5 a. m. and at Umatilla 4:80 a. m. Vast Mail No. 1 leave TJmatiila 11:10 p. m. and arrives at luppuar Junotiou 12:25 a, m. and at Portland 7 :X a. in For further information inquire of J. O. Hart, Attiit O. U & N., Ueppner, (ire. I ' l i I ammftm 1 if AVeeetablePreparatlonfor As similating theTcod and Regula ting the Stomachs andBowels of United 8tfe Officials. P:,idHt, William McKiuley V . I'resirlout Garret A. Hobnrl Sjoretaryof tftaoe W. 11. Day rMiy of Treasnry Lyman J, (lane v.Ttry of interior Cornelius N. Hliss co irctary of War Hussoli Alger Si-uretary of Navy John D. Lon i or-nasir-uen)ral unarlm Kiuery Bmith A.uoriicy-!.ieuoral John W. HHkks 4"or,.tu7 f Agriculture Jamoe WiUon State of Oregon. t'ovornur W. P. Lord uorntaryof HtaUj 11. H. Kincnld Trua-nuur Phil. Mets.iliaa cari. PuWio Innfructiou (j. M. liwin Alioi-uey Oieneral ('. M. lillemKu JU. W.Ucbride i-'jiWciMuiim.. P'l.'Ur i Thos. H. Tongue " I W. ti. Ellis W. H. l-eert 1$. ri. Bean, Ju.!g39 F. A. 3l;on t C. i. Wolvurton SiS.th Judicial DUli'let. 'imait Jiiii'9 ....... ritopben . Lowell P.-WMOUllOC AllS)H inlliimI.H. J. 10J1P Jiorrow County Olilrial, t iim bcnaror .irr'rtteTjtndve -M'l'y JadnV "' 'fl.llUiitiHioil.'l.. J. W. liockut. - . !.:rlr ' Hi,.,.!, lre.nar.-ir Am-6or ' S-jrvrtynr rMl tiup't... I'oronar . J. W. Morrow E. L. Freoland ..A. (i. Martholomew J. it. Howard .... Vawler Crawford E. L. - allocs M. I.irhle th.il A C. l'etiey Julius Keithly Jay W. Winder Dr. E. K. Uun:o it UCPPNKk TOWS OrKIOKH,. Mhoi Thou. Morgan !'mni'ilmn E. J. Hlocnin, M Mchtwillmt, J. il. Nimon, J.J. ltuljrt, J. W. liiuiinn. ami K. ti. HtMrrv. It fi iriti'l W. A. nifhardwin l'reh..i-TiM I W. Hriggi tfnnha! John linger Prminrt Offlor. Jtistim of th Pwo W. K. Kichardwin ' ,nUtls Q. Uray I Mltnl Htatm Uiid OIri. Tll f ALLIES. Ok. j P IioM i Ui,isr Otis I'altenua Usour f.A UMAMOM. OH. K. W. rUfl'Mt Bifltr J. O. hwckhiiur Rnvaivar ItAWIJNH PimT.NO.tl. O. A. II. "f ( H'ppnor. Or., the tliirrl ttaturdny of i r. P'..f,i.i. a i.txraua itr tuvllaU tn )m. VI. W.r mHh. Ii W H. AiljuiHiil, if CommiuiiW, D. J. AcFaul. M. D- HEl'PSER, OREGOS. Oirii' hniira, I In 10 a. m., and 12 to J p. m at rnlilddA "'"I I' . and J map in , al otllc In llitrratul Hort's JoWflry sUr. C C Redfleld ATTOUSEY AT LAW. () In I'lrat N.lloi.al Bauk butldlng. Ilrppuar, Orrtno. Ellis & Phelps ATTOKSEYS AT LAW. All koliwa atlni1H to In rmmttl t4 !:! t.ry mannr, KuUtrt.- I'uU lie aM vil t'm Ofllrw im tlf llUllitlhf. IUpnr, (rro. Promote s Digcs tion.Chcerful tiess andEest.Contains neither Oprum.Morptiinc nor Mineral. Hot NAbcotic. Pxape ofCldJOrSAMVlLnrCUm j4lx.SeirUf ItocUlL SJtt -tntjt Seed Jlppertnint . Di CmioruitSaiaf If&rmSeid -(Jarificd Sugar . n'mtuyrem. flann AncrfectHemedv for Constipa tion, Sour Stomach.Diarrhoea, Worms .Convulsions .Fcvensh ness and Loss OF SLEEP. Tae Simile Signature of Semi-Annual Statement Of the County Treanrer ot Morrow Coanty, Oregon, for the three month" ending on the 4th day ot July, D. 1893, ot money reoeived end paid oat, from whom received end from what source, and on what eoootint paid out. tXACT COPr OF WBAPPEB, For Infants and Children. I he Kind You Have Always Bought vBears the Signature of DATB. 1898. AW AMOUNTS BEOEIVBD. EBOM WHAT BODRCE EEC V D To amount on hand from last report. To am'iB teod from sheriff To " , " " clerk To " " " RHeessor To " " Woolery A Oarson To " ' " " FK Bartholoniew Sale ot land To " " " J.W.Shipley.... To . " " " W. A. Richardsou Taxes Fees, eto , Taxes Liquor lioenoe Totals. fines QKNBRAL FUND. $13807 86' 6188 76 311 02 69 00 400 00 28 63 SCHOOL FOND. 15471 50 1729 80 DURING THE MONTH Of Data. BY AMOUNT PAID. T July Aug. Sept. 1898. Oct. 1 To county treasurer 11063 81 ,1293 42 $3361 77 Total paid treasu rer ( 1063 81 $1293 42 $3381 77 Statr of Oregon, Oounty of Morrow. ) " . ; . I. E. L. Matlock, sheriff of said county, do hereby oertify that tbe foreaoiiiff statement is correct and true. Witness my band this 1st day of October. A. I) 15 00 1898. E. L MAtlook. Sheriff of Morrow Connkv. 3 10 By J. W. Matlock, Deputy. $19615 27!$ 7219 40 DATB. ANOUNTS PAID OUT h B?,'L FOND. FOND. 1898. By amount paid oat on oonuty warrants ...$11732 85 ........ By amount paid out on eohool sup't's warrants $4716 67 By balance general fund on hand 7872 42 . By balance school fund on hand , 2502 73 Totals ; '. ". $19005 27 $7219 40 "- ' 11 .a ... 111 . ,.- - - . SEMI-ANNUAL STATEMENT I Of the County Clerk of Morrow County, State of Oregon, sbowiug the amount ana nnmoer 01 olaims allowed by the oouaty court ot said county, tor what al lowedamount ot warrants drawn, and amount of warrants outstanding and ipaid, from the 1st day ot Annl. 1898. to the 3d day of July. 1898. both ioclusive: ....... ON WHAT ACCOUNT ALLOWED. Amount of . claims flowed. The ind You Have Always Bought. . . ROAD FOND. By balance on band CITY OF HBPPNBB. By balanoe 011 hand. By cash of sheriff To oasb paid out. ... , ; , $ 698 29 Balance on hand...... 53 06 9 751 95 8 751 95 By balance on hand to date. By balanoe on hand to date. By bn'anos on hand.., SCHOOL DISTRICTS. M DONALD ESTATE. JOLIOS MAHLEKT. 8AMOEL ELBIOK. By balance on hand. .'. Statr of Oriigon, i i County ot Morrow, ) I, Frank Gilliam, do hereby oertify that the foregoing is a true and eorreot statemontof the amounts received, paid out and remaining on hand, in the oouuty treasury ot the said county for the three months ending on tho 4tn day of July, A. D. 1898. Witness my band this 6tb day of July, A. D. 1898. Frank Gilliam, County Treasurer Jury Boconnt, .. , S 721 79 Court house, and jail account v n.., .. i l School superintendent's aocount county judge, Baiary account..,, Deputy sheriff aooount Deputy olerk aooount Distriot Attorney's aooonut County commissioners' account. ....... 8 258 40 Pauper aooount.,,.,,..,...,,..., , , noau anii ontige, acoouui.. $ 10 10 Counly Hberiff, sslary account County Clerk, salary acoouut S 15 CD Stationery Boooont Criminal aooount, justice court , $ 21 72 Coroner's aooount,.., , criminal account, oirouit oourt Oonnt expense aooount. , . . , Total amount claims allowed and drawn . 363 50 , 21 00 83 33 ! 207 70 46 00 150 00 166 66 166 66 6; 00 87 00 214 40 880 65 400 00 400 00 17 75 92 40 15ft 00 129 60 131 76i A mount of war rant! drawn. 863 50 . 21, 00 83 83 207 70 46 00 150 CO 166 66 166. 66 Soo V 37 00 214 40 .880 65 400 00 400 00 r 17 75 ' 92 40 156 00 , 129 60 131 76 $ 3,169 41 I S 3,169 41 TMt eCNTftUfl CO Ml" NT, NEW VOftK CITY, 1:" r.q i?-i viimzzF!?ssrE7sm SEMI-ANNUAL 8TATEMESC Ot the Oonnty Treasurer of Morrow County, Oregon, for the three months ending on the 30th day ot September, A. D. 1893, of money reoei?ed and paid out, from whom received and from what source, and on what aooount paid out: 'liiST NATIONAL RANK DATE. 1893. O. A. KHRA T. A. liBEA OF HEPPNER. President I (1. W. CONSER Cardiior Vio President E. L. FREELAN). . AneUtant Uimbier Transact a General Banking Business. KXCHANGE ON ALL PARTS tK TUE WORLD BOUGHT AND BOLD Collcctloui macle on all poluUon reasonable tenm. Bitrplui and undivided profits $:i5,o;o. AMOUNTS RECEIVED. KROM WHAT MOUUCE RECE D. To amount on baud from last report " amts. reo'd from Haorill ' 'Joonty Clerk . . ' " Asseesor ' S. P. Hsney.. . " " A. (). Bartholomew " ' " State Treasurer " " " M Wm. Hague wood. " J. S. Young..., Totals . GENERAL FUND. Taxes Fees earned... . Poll tax Liquor license. N. P. It. U. Co.. Pirea S de ot estray . 1 1 . . ).' 1 " AMOUNT OK OUTSTANDING WARRANTS UNPAID. PRINCIPAL. INTEREST. Outstanding unpaid oounty warrants on the 31 . day of July, 1898 $ 83,352 83 Estimated interest acorued tbereon g 2,000 00 Total amount of unpaid county warrants $ 83 352 83 8 2,f00 00 SCHOOL FUND. IS. 139 00 400 00 217 75 Stati of Orbgon, ) Countv of Morrow. I, J. W. Morrow. Couity Clerk of the Oonnty of Morrow. Stats of Orelon. $2502 73 do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and oorreot aUtement of the number IVJI bl and amount ot olaims allowed by the county court of said county, tor the three the same 7872 42 3265 09 454 21!.. mouths ending ou the 3d day of July, 1898, on what aooount $12318 47 were allowed, and the amount of warrants drawn; and the amount of warrauta outstanding and unpaid as the same appear upon the reoords of my oflioe and in my ollloial custody. , 1802 40 Witness my hand and the seat of the county oourt of aald county this 4th da of w 10 1 j uiy, a. u. is'JH. j. w. Morrow, County Clerk. $5526 89 A. Mallory, U. S. COMMISSWKER Is Authorized to thkc all kinds of I.A"1) PROOFS am! LAND HL1M.S 'j(M'llons mndv on rvimoiiHlilu terms, oil! to at runili'iice 011 ( lino strvvt. the old aijon Is Hie plare to ko to net your fine pork and lain, 1 chofs, Bleaks and roMts. Dr. Al. B. A'.etzlcr -DENTIST- DATE. 181)8. Teeth Extracted and Filled. J'ridging a specialty l'ainless Extraction. . . . AMOUNTS PAID OUT. OEKKRAL FUND, By amonut paid out on County Warrants By amount paid out on Ho hoof Supt. Warrants. . . , By balance amoral fund on hand By balance school fund 00 hand Totals.. $ 9524 07 2823 50 SCHOOL FUND. SEMIANNUAL STATEMENT Of the Conbty Clerk of Morrow Couoty, State of Oregon, abowlng the amount and nnmber of claims allowed by the oonuty oourt ot said oounty, for what allowed, amount of warrants drawn, and amount of warrants outstanding and nobaid. from tbe 4nt day of July, 1898, to the SOib day of September, 1898, both InOlusive. $ 4359 11 ON WHAT ACCOUNT ALLOWED. Fiah Every Friday. Fine suicarK'urcd lianis and taon I'm ro Us I lard, settle-rendorcd, old style. Highest casn pries paid tor al stock. Benj. Mathews. A. Abrahamsick Merchant Tailor Pioneer Tailor of Heppner. liiii work hrst-clas8 and patisfactorv. Give him a call May Street. Heppner Oregon. kXECUTION OF A FKAl KIi IDK. By balanoe on band B-o ived fmm of eoretery of iUtrf. To warrants paid Balaoca on band ROAD FUND. 1167 78 Jory aooount Bailiffs account.. A aataiuir'M annnnnl 12348 47 $ 6526 89 luUU a,.C(,out... Coroners aooount. F.leolinu acoonnt. . 322 51 601 99 1?' I? I '('ve P8' oent ,0 'un 111 Original aocouol, jastice oourt. , ntationery acoooat Clerk's tee aocount HuerilTe fee acoonnt iUTT OF HBPPNKH. 824 50 8 8:4 60 RogfJ bri,ige account I Panoer aononnt By balanoe on band 63 Jj6 Oonnty oommissloner salary aocoaot. By onsb of sbfriff ... a I 891 80 Distriot attorney aooount lo amount paid out tio 0 Deputy clerk's salary aooount Deputy shuriff's salary account SCHOOL DlNTRICTS. NEW NAME I Win. Gordon has re-named his stand tho old Joncf- livery stahle Tlio Central. BaM hay fc.r sala. C'lisrrra r.slla ou hl.u and hata tout hurxa aril rarr4 for. (irur. W. Clark Paid tbs Drain P.uallJ al has tturalla. Ban Qccntin, Cat, Oot. 21 Oeorge W. CUtk, tbe Hi Ueletie frbctncidn, diid Ooolly on the gallows today. Ihcrimu for whioli Clark was ex nnl.d maa !. mnrd.r of hia t.rnlhrr at 1 OHISOOO OO LSnu .... - ........ 1 u liriuit.fi BUT A T Lf . He. Hflii-ua, NipHCtm.ty. Ho Uy Id uf btt!DO un LdJ .". rnntf ror um vioum nd that ntin drRd. i jclicb mahliut, ! i,.L;.... : ... Iv f.. J ..... i Htr ttalnrnia f.n liunl ...........1...S nt'r inbIiuk urijmmiH mills a irw tinf 1 r - - II.. t...l..... I. 1...-.... kill AMl BL i.iuai. R balance 00 hand 8 21 Ti I. . ....1. . V u kl. IT I uu i"'urr uj yyiimmtnit ma ivurvi i th.nrim. aa .. nnl.M.lh ..I an In. u UllMIUfl, vooinr 01 iiiorrow. t 43 62 8 445 62 Oooo,y Jo.iaa's sslsry aoeonnt .'!. I Ulnnb i...n..nt.t,i..' au t a. w .Aiinnl iw oj pDO0 snpcriotendeot'a fee account. Comity treasurer s salary acoonot... 1 Conrt house and jail account County ri pent aconunl Criminal aocount, eirruit eoarl 10 10 15 00 Total amount oleime allowed aed drawn. orime was the on'growlh if an in tlmat'y that bad rlistcd for 13 years be- ae. I. Mat Lidilenlbal. do bxrebf oortifr that tbe foregoing is a true and eorreot - .. . .. .... - I ' . ... . ,. . .... trore the mnnler IM-Iweeo (.'lark and I statement ot tbe amounts reee!tl, pai l out ami remainiog 00 nann, 10 ine oonnty his AMOUNT or Ol'THTANDINtf WARRANTS INfAIU. fiis brotbrr's w.fe. Two days after the fewory of said ooouli for tbe three mootbi ending 00 tbe 3otb day of Meplember, j,,, kli,.g Clark made a full to.,fe..ioo. He my nA ,bi, jty o( HeplemW. A. IX WM. . of KHptrmUr. 1MJH I interest accrued tbereon. , MAT lilCHlKNTIIAUConulf Tfssnrer. tlii'O ohangad bis mind and fought hard in the outirle lo art sside tbs confeesion. lie aaiomviotrd aud spp'aUd to the KKM I-ANNL'AL STATEMENT enprnie court. Ibe dwioq of tbe of H. mu.t ..I moue and warrante receWed for taiee and money paid to the lower onoii was sdsuii.imj ana Ulan waslCnnly lrMrcr by the MlierilT of Wwrow ootiniy, i;rrgn, lor ine inr uonine IM V lV rl IV wot"'dy Jodrf Ham to le banged en.lu.g oe lb 3 I day ..f inly, A. I). ;vlll 1 I II I t"diy. iLcrwtiy be made a statement v..av waaai Amount of Amount of war. claims allowed, rants drawn. 8 237 20 I 237 20 8(1 00 30 0t) 0.19 00 c:m 00 Mi 50 211 60 f,i 75 62 75 Mi 26 602 20 8-22 M 322 61 165 06 165 05 171 65 171 65 825 00 85 00 800 00 HoO 01) 880 43 m 411 613 01 613 01 (HI 00 6 00 70 00 70 00 m m ins oh im 32 8.13 32 300 00 800 (10 92 00 (12 (JO 257 !tt 267 W, 1H6 (Wl 16t rVI 1U4 75 194 7IJ 274 67 274 67 , 210 80 210 80 t 7,104 89 7,104 89 PRISCIFAtT" IMTKRK1T. $ 32,5fJ0 69 I 2,000 (X) I 32,600 69 I 2.000 00 Stage Lino ti. f. MILLER, Pree CI, !. t n, m,t i1irrl roit tit J-.hn ly 1IT. aaton 'H Hiliilus dutrtit, Hutos oti,-r lnlvric.r fuiin'a lifr latn lliii!ir lll. Kiinda ri rri-r-l al u a. ut, Arrla at Ca'iyun ( uy Ih 1 boon. xt l anynn 1 I'y si I p m , arrlta at llvpp. Art In 14 noura r.. Hi.. !!,, llh (ruins. D C Gil man OESKHAL VULI.EVTOIL ul trt,r olt !nks ar4 tM In his haala ac1 v4 fmtt mauf mil t.1 thrta Oin. a pwiall ol iarl n.i.rv II ma orr.saini . Mr-i-ti s tmll.lii.i, ft'i pm-r. f !V. A ttichardson JV&Ttcr. Of THE f'EU'E in.f CITY kliUKltHi. tHfln al mmarll rbambvs aita a.4 htiva rral rata'a. rrtits li"is iars. 4" r-r-ul ) tu M't "! IU trfT. Jit in mmf In ba il'ir, at naa.ma". t llsrrksa To siur rss llaMnan St'iri' I'trnl . lm,ii,ti ll, 1 rrlt " a ., Jc.nti ft Piiih rtir.t with tfe:t,sat lf'.rr. K.tcr-t r., I a . I w .-I Ir. .. I am Ll. i ul ' J' I l''' iro n lu fl l Brl ;a aar I- p I, ti. - fiiiernttbg Lie brothrr's wif from all I iV'Uipheity in the criu e. YraleriUy be I it, ! forptrd trlitiiins cmsoUtinu from ibinit'ir t'f ilm Naivatlnii Army. jn l al! I" i 1 a. 4 i ;i h i 1 ir a " 1 Ul Urn Morrill W id, Ili a; ('ill' !.,. Oot. 21 Miss L.iltS W . Iisrur, ,r I lilnagt, li.e Uanul Irr of ir mm WilUras an 1 g'sn.l.Unl.irr rt the lain Ju )w Jol.n iHan ('stitnri.ia j ,nrLy, Ingi'Tsf llm Atli.ti l be wedd'd la lyl I n aomu'liiie ailhiu It.a i.eil two writ ti Mi) rOi-i 'fal Mrrr ill, Oii'itarr grifainnr (if II l'l.ilii,or, it wb' m lir r rf'ti,l Wos erni "iiK..t five n. nt (I s Mi Wil'inri,", with bi-r r,on.rr ard 1 futtir, Nmn an U ,l!Uin Vi.ik bl H of 1I l"r I4iri-'i. ii rtayi nr Ol ID w'lli will ti'.f I tl , t, l l .11 III ri'ln and rurmtH f In roiinty a si ranis Tulal rairltrd DUklMJ TIIR MONTH OF TO AMOUNT KKCtlVKP. Apr. May June I " ' :m 21 u-.- r t.v si Dst DLItiNO TDK m mill or H AMOl T I'AIII Apt. Hay l1 Tol oulil llraauror Tlal paid Ut Trraaiirrr li: a. iivsj r IT'5 II ti'.W r l ss, t-.s I UIV I UuOIL1 i.i'l.rf l....rl M .-ff.lt if pes tv STAGE LINE G. C. Matt TOVSUbtAL A ft 774 T. taelt, 15 Ceete Me Cutllef , 23 " KTAIB Of Dklll'l, lioi,i ff M iffo 1. V.. I. MatliMk. elierir? of sail County, do brtiy ecrtify that Hie fore t'Oiff 1atn,rnl Is r'trrri'l and lru. Wilmae tuy band I Ills 4lti day if Jnly, A. I). r. i" ' HiTum, HharifTol Morrow Otituty By 1. W. MtrtM a. Depniy. Total amount of unpaid conoty warraole HTATE OF OHEUON, t'oonly of Morrow, I. Yaw tor Crawford, Oonly Clfk ot tbe County of Morrow. Slate of Oregno, do hereby Oertify that tbe foregoing ie a true and correct eteUmsut of Ibe number sod stooool of olaims allow,! by tbe (Jonoiy tVmrt of said (Joonty for tbe lbra months eodlng 00 the )lb day of HnpU'nbar, Ih'W, oa wbat aeeouat tbe same ware allowed, and the amount of warraole drawn, aed Ibe amount nt warrants autsland- ing and nupalj as the same appear opou tbe records of my ofHos and la my ollloial cnatody. Witness my band aed the seal of the Coin ly C nirt of said Coooly this 801b day of HepUmber, A. U., lH'.M. Vawtsb OaAwroao, Coouty Clerk. 1 1 . 11 1 1 1 11 1 SEMI ANNUAL 8UMMAIIT HTATEMKNT Of tbe flnaecial enoditlna of tbe Coaoty ot If trrov, io tbe elate of Oregon, 00 Ibe 81 day of Joly, fniHt LIABILITIES, To warranto drawn on tbe ooonty Ireaaarer, end ontstaoding and oa- paid 133 .2 KJ To estimsled emooat of Interest eoaroed tbereoa 2.MI0 00 Tolal LiabllitlM fat -,2 M ItRHOURCCtl. Wm l I Uy fneds In bsods of Omnly Treasurer epplioabte to the pa) men! of emmty warrants , ., l,n,it By eatimatrd nupai l enrrenl tstee eppltceble to Ibe payment of eoonly warrants 21,329 04 i'iO si Juris Total lUeonreee .... . f t 'jrii 44 Mathews I Gentry iMfiflrftt SKs'ing IS Cent Hei'C.ttlftf 23 " tM t""t .'! t f t II. LI Ft) Als., I Tkt mOM AH LI NT. TON TO ! f Ml W lnlU.1 I 1 -in l Ir'a , 'n Ma) . a I .!. ) ii ;..,,4.'. ', 1 ta-iliM, .SIti:,.) i . ..iin.llr.p ti I laia) iniUai f ' .,iu I, s I ( .(:!(! ed'-aal i'u .... fc,.a4 tr.a li'i'ty ttnn I'aris In lone 'ft tut tb b'. 1 b criii'fi ill li t rrf.rtmed Im UJ11 b'!, r.i!uit,M.Utlt.t.f KEJII. ANNUAL HTATf.4IF.NT .I.it.i, I -ait ti il.nl. ,ad I Of the am'eet of miey end warrsnt reitrd ff tle. and Btoriey paid t tbe l i, arisr a-d up t t: lio 'f c.f salSin. t'i'" l' lite etianff ol MrMW rinnty, Orag lit Ibe three anobtbs t S, r a tlas. I' rjr sr, wl'l t wlll.-.tjl tj-r,M ,.ry l.ebllfMr. I at. ls A ' .f fy oi"fjiff ' fni'taf I" ltl l f uVl'tl; Is An I C .'! el 3 p. , tfiT el Ft- ait al 7 t. (, ir f a'.' r.,it I -i''mi5 J r ttt , f'l', n;-".i dUfrl, A TU !, 1 4.t ,..1 laliH .H..I r,-1 Itraaiae S . .J I iara, - aji I r . ii 1 . rf. I ."'! e I .. 1 It I f I fcl iit t i'.i..ii i i .-ta) j, . . U I ! f I ..irSlV, l'i ti -W s 1, I I I ! I ' 1 il-r H.l I ..,.- f . f ' . n.y u f nr.'.".i - .. . t it 1 hi 1. I 1. a a r 1. 1 , , a . 1- - ; , : . , 'm,4 m Wv4aga rbdn g i.fi IL 3.li d id K(iUi,li, A I) HKMI ANNUAL 8U4I4IAUT HTATEUEST Of ilia financial eonditloo of tbe 0'ioatv ot Morrow, In the Mats of Oregon, on tbe l,. I. .1.. ..I t.. A II IMI1. iris u.i ui n.yi.au.1, ai j LtABlLITIlA Ti warrants draw oa Ibe Coooly Treasurer, and outstanding sad no- nt aio Im 1 mokth or lat TO ll'HM HI' IIIIH. j wi r 1 i t I. I ! ll'i! sm I tle fr.i't A-.. l I IllAJ l I- .l TI !,') s i rj 1; i n ? paid LI J A si 60 .... aUmQtJ1 .... I'M MO 69 ToMtimatad siiMrtint of liitefsel aocrnd tbsreoo . . . . . Tolal Liabillttee nr-MJUllCEH. )y fno Is In bsiils of Ciaoiy Treasurer applieabla to tho pe)0nt of tvionly warrants I i ''il 60 Br eat maid oepeid eurreot I aire oppliaable lo tbe peymeot of eonnly arraaU vt Twtal lleeoorreo IIIIIIIIHIII . . 1 1 , 1 1 1 1 1 1 17 1 1.1 f-T