ft FAIR T HE PLACE Our Guarantee Money Returned If Goods ARE NOT SATISFACTORY. To Save Money vv Nobby Stylish Cut Neat Fitting Tailor Made Tweeds Cheviots Diagonals Clay Worsted We Warrant Exrerr Stit IMae Choicest Patterns and Very 15 est Iolrlos COATS OUR PRICES row,4 MS Pepper and Salt Cotton Suits never wear out All Wool Worsted Suits ' : - -. Imported Clay Worsted Suits extra heavy All Wool Tricot Suits best value made All Wool Tweed elegant satin lined 3-33 6.48 948 8.98 1 1.65 These suits are positively very stylish and equal to high priced tailor-made suits. Call and satisfy yourself by making comparison. Fine Dress Coats Ulsters Canvass Coats water proof Heavy Chinchilla elegantly made and lined Mackintoshes in various colors and weights HATS STYLISH DERBYS FINE FEDORAS STOCK MEN'S HATS Felt and Wool Positively the best goods at the cheapest prices on the market 1 1;." V if 'I Poor and Weak Catarrh and Bronchial Trouble -Had no Appetite-Now Better In Every Way A Delicate Child. "Some time since I took a sudden cold and could not get rid of it. Being subject to catarrh and bronchial trouble I coughed terribly. I lost my appetite and grew poor and weak and I did not feel like work. I began taking Hood's Santapa rllla. In a short time the cough disap peared, I slept well, had a good appetite and I was better in every way. Last spring I was not feeling well, I had no ap petite and no strength. I resorted to Hood's Barsaparilla and soon felt more like work. My little nephew was a deli cate child and bad a humor whlc'h trou bled him so he could not rest at night. He has taken a few bottles of Hood's Bar saparilla and now he has a good appetite and is able to sleep." Miss Adbie J. Freeman, South Duxbury, Mass. oodV parilla Is the One True Wood Purifier. All druggists. $1. Hrvrwl 'c DMIo are the best after-dinner 11UUU & I Ills puis, aid digestion, a&o. WATCH THIS SPACE! -$3.00- In It If you catch on. $3 given away for the oore this week at the 0 beat 3 i s Maine Ming Gallery S -SCORE TO DATE- lllnheat pnaalhlo arort 1JO. " Prlcea ' Murrltt and Gallnoay tied on lu. Ladle' prlra: A r.mma run it, ina nnea ai. j A Bad. Wait and Blue lights In front 1 Local Notes. Cbolct fro. tt at Tbe Main. Set M. Uchleolbel A Co. fur aboee. a For choice eoo'coliooary gi to Tie Meioe. Boy your tuber of no. 0. Koine, el Tbe Meiat. Where ceo you leaf your merkemeo- (blp? At Tb Maine. Wbre ceo ya bny tbt brat cigar oa aertbT At The Maine. Tbe lower warebon baa no nnlimlt ad nippy of .l rye for tel. A3 lot MoMenlhel Ot. forahne. F.lolot boWr. Handle Ih bt. Mtf Dr. A. C. Oreeole, eroer Orend ev an and El Mrriena i, Portland. f The 0att'e anWnpilnn prtr) of tlJjO t listing (uWfitiMa every day. M(Va Julr" U all rtbl bot If TtU Ur4 bae a Mail of li-itrolJ mU that la bai4 tt 11. f4 if I)r. J. W, Vorl, epKHaM f-r rl" linn ari l J(i nf In ;, ill h We ry lbr aKi.lh. dlft ritte fmf.ly f .r inMli tlU. If at m utl, iki el.'- T lr. Vanba't a p'aa. f4-tf. tf yni hvl -mU.iftf"f yr )! ! aMt.o 'IV a Tt Tlr e. Oi'f b"H I niHa. Jt tae bnV. f ) )! I l- -w lpii t c tbii!r a! l-re A MrV ftir H f(. M.., at lb l-t't Ml M'l. ll t-J' t'Kl pM r.;.if. K.rt4r a'H ' M -liy We al lh ta . M I'U t !rl ! f I u lh ' i IWv. I'i A. It HI boll tmiirHt l 11 CVb-.! rf-a'i'h !?. Vl..t-."ll Al(M.et.iif-tJ A M.IH b t. l Ml aUtJ h It... al.r.l ! f f iT r fM yt. T. D. Matbew'e 12-yaar-old daughter has beeo soiionaly ill, neoesaiteting two bnrrifd trips by Dr Swiobnrae. At last aooouuts she wad aouvalesueat. CM. Grimes, the cattle buyer from Tbe Dalles, drove a big band through our streets yeaterJay for shipment. They were from tbe BeAr valley section and in prime ounditiou. Be not deoeivedl A couth, boarsness or orouu are not to be trifled with. A dose in time of Shiloh's Cure will save yon mnch trouble. Sold by Oonser A Vsrren. - v ' Old fiisliiorjs in d reus mu v be revived, bnt uo old-fafliionfd medioiDe oan re plaoe OhBOib -rlaiu's Oolio, Obnlera and Disrrhoea Remedy. For sale by Conner & Wiirreu. DyspepHla cured. Sbilub's Vitalizer immediately relieves soar etomacb, com log up of food diatreita, and is tbu great kidDey and liver remedy. Hold hv Con- ar k Warren. v Cnre that conb with Sbisob'a Cure. rwt .... . .... ite oest onugo on re. Keiievea croup promptly. One million bottles sold lust year. 40 doses fur 2.rciH. Sold by Con er 4 Warren. v . . . .. Liid'es, laue the Dent, lr vou are troubled with cnuntipatiiiu, allow skin and a tired filing, tnk Knrl's Clover Tea, it ia pleasant t take. Hold by Coosrr k Warren. v O rue to the M E chnroli, Soath, next Sunday. Sul,jci, at 11 n. m , "Reviv als;" at 73J p. m,"Counoienfle Reoord Ood." Sabbath coliool al 3 p. n Frtd 81. Hloir, paster. Karl's Clover Kxit Tea ia a pleasant laxative. Regulate tbe bow-la, DiuiMf-s Ibe blond. Clrara the cr-milpxi'a. Easy lo make but pleaesut to take. 25 eta. Sold by Conner k Warren. v N. A. Leech, IHn xington wheat. bfj)r, h tn bis errdit tbe tlet buy of lif-at, at lha biheel prioe paid lo this eotioty this atta in, 25 OKI linbpls of eluh at 60.' crota un tbo pUtlurm. W. I. Snydr. Ihn liverr atatiln pro prietnr.bnya only the beet bay an-l train. Lare oorrala and acoxmnt'idatlnna for Ireigbtem. tlseka and hnirtfiea fnrnisbed reaanaable, rlt'H k well e'ired nr. If Tbe Morrow Connty Iend k Trnal company bave derided to go lolo Ibe beat baying btulneee eilensivelv Ibis fall, and It t Important thai growers id tervtear them before di'poting of their erope. Tbe anl-Jret of Ilv. Phelley'a aermoo at tbe Cbrnt o eburrb Hinlay m'rn lnlll bt"lafiienn of tb IndiviJe!." ad in lh venl( Cultivate ti Op pite." A 'oil eltendane It earneetly ..llrlted. (Inre fl. I iBi. onanf lha U. K A N.'e ainet reliable rng iMr, ta id oa "Ibe Fair" is not to be overlooked in this iRsue. Their challenge is out on tailor-made clothing, overcoats and maokintoebes. Read their announce ment aud note tbe elegaooe of their styles. An immense line of novelties fill their counters. Where oao yon gfl a good fresh and botonp of pore Java and Moohn ooffrte for5o? At The Maine. Open dav and niht. AIho, bam sandwinb, 5o; quarter of a pie (home made), Co; pieoe of cake (home made), 5o; two boiled eggs, 5o; cheese, ornckers and Inncb goods. , "lu the morning by ti e bright light," In tbe evening at the "Redlight," wbere Jobo Rasmus continues to dole to bis patrons those sparkling beverages, which " banish melanobolly and drive dull oare away." Drop in; warmth greets you these tall and winter evenings. Mike Roberts, at the Belvedere, hav ing remodeled tbe popular old-time cor ner, extends to the pnblio a oordial wel come. The beverages be dispenses will bi kept up to tbe highest standard and the enlargement and comfortable equipment of bis billiard parlors and o!ob-rooms are a drawing feature. 92-tf Tbe Maiqnnm Grand, on Morrison tire! in the Marqutm building, ie nnder exofllftit management ami the pnhlio will be royally entertained this winter. Sew oompaniea and new faces will ap pear from lime to time at tbia popular. first class theatre of Portland, and when iu Portland our dcDlr.ens should not fail to lake In some nf tbe One dramas that will he presented. tf A J ivenile danoing parly will be given atlba opera house this evening wbiob promises I t echpe Ibe gnyent of tbe season's festivities. Inventions are out in profusion, and tbe little oity in tbe bills at nightfall will b a happy one. Busy eeedles have been al work and tired mamas will have tb satisfaction of see ing tbeir little vlrla in fairy like cos tume, under tbe bright eUotrio light, wnltiirjjt tbe boors away.. Prominent sooidy anmeo will chaperon the little ones, and onntrihate to th-if bappinnee Our Line of TUK rillK LAIHMK8. Hold a Mreliaa; aad Ursaals Hum Co aaates Nos. I aad I. A uiet.ti.ig wae held at Ibe ooancil ehambere yesterday afternoon for the pirpiMe nf taking preliminary steps in tbe orgauitatioo of a fire department io tbU eity. Tbe meeting wea attended by Ibeynoog rweo who bnve oonsented to Ink apu IhemeMlvee the responsibility of saving lha Iod from deatroolion la ee of e-mUagratino, and a great deal of eniholm was maoifeeted lo tbe ranee by all preaaul. V,. A. Kiohardooo wad chosen aa HERE WE ARE WE WANT YOUR PATRONAGE! We are prepared to offer you the BEST VALUES of any house in the city CLOAKS and CAPES is complete, comprising all the latest styles in Infants' Children's Ladies' and Misses' WfflPS from $1.50 to $25.00: Our Stock of !9ErS CLOTHING In fine Silk and Plush. Is perfect in style and finish and guaranteed to fit and give entire antiafnftion In Shoes We are the only house in town that sells the Celebrated ''Kant Wear Out" Boys' and Youths' Clothing, the reputation of which is world-wide and sold by all the leading houses.. i : Wo lead them all. The KellejT-Goodfellow Shoe is so well and favorably known that wo neod only to mention that we sell their line of Shoes to insure us a largo and increasing Shoo trado. In Dress Goods We are up to date in all the latest novelties in patterns. Silks, Satins, Velvets, Braids, Ruffl ings in all the latest shades and styles to match our dress goods. Underwear In Ladies' and Children's Underwear wo can sup ply your wants, and our prices are right. Blankets We carry a largo stock of Blankets from the Salem Mills, from f0c up Staple Goods In Staple Goods we carry everything needed in in the house. Groceries Also carry a full stock of Groceries, and guarantee to meet all legitimate competition. Call and examine our StocK and get our Prices when in the city. First National Bank Buildiny lleppncr, Oregon. Successors to E. W. Khea & Co. Personal. chairman rf Ibe meeting, and E. M. Ibe ma I eleeen tb a po.nl and Ibe jte- j Hnn't m secretary. After tbe chairmen lion darlnr tb Ihm rf Kefineer I b'.d staled ibe objects of Ibe meeting rtterena, wbo I nwav oo lew wet is' v seat ion. Tbe l.nlMlne" aljent In Hit Oratif Ffitl ba b-0 uiovd "ay and Mr. A) era Will ptth li fmpUtlop, bv Ibe finlof Ik a niU, a tWrash!f jdirpe. balrher sliup fnt I'je new firm nf ftrtws) A r0ef. A rehab! (wtt ffll'mae fmaa flir, who f.uu, at tbe felew '"''r F.. L. Freel.nd and W. A. We.U.s4ar plitSl. oo bit 1 ,nt net tt ! "'"bards .o, who wil report at lb Dell t'mlUaJ. Maaibllr f.r HH pnnnd I eltn. to b bl I al lie eounetl t,qQtltn, io I' ttU .f y f. Wilo. ; bamtwre on fan lay afternoon neil. at al M'ikntneal, ' " r'"r- eioiH7 nra-ni mat an b hV iOd ll,e pellll'ie Will Urn it atiwdtir a IM nwiio, to nril-f lhl ortfoiiit was fflJ by electing lb folnin offlrere: Frank Nltr, rbief ; ). Tbompotti, aeeutaal eblefj Frank Itobertu, ctIO Uoe rorupLy No. I K. U Haull, eaplaia lioae company So. i; i. T. Hiewart, aecrelary: Jm, UaM, Ireeanrvr. A rnmmilie ou onaatitotioo and by- laa wa (t"'iitd at follow: O U. Mlk KubarU la on th Ic k Hat. J. A. Carl, of Wanner, came to town Tueailaf, J. C. Kletlily, of ilnnluiaii, wa lo Hoppiier Tur,Uj, John Maiu, ol Itliea vrwli, u tradliif with our merchants till werk. Mr. John M. Brwn arnt wife, of lnn Rock, wera In kwn Uils week on biiilneas. Danh'l hire, a rrimliint man of llardmaii, wa reglatrrwl at the 1'alart jKirnlar. S. W, Adms aii'1 (. W. Hliwnrr, ol Hanlman, ware d"ln bualneai wlili our uiunhauU this Week. Tha lamlljr nf Mr. t'ha. Charlton arrived Iron aalvin tUr. and I to in-ka this tlialr wr manaiil buine. aenahir Mormw and K irpM!iUtlr Frralaiid returned on realrrilnjr miirnliii I train Irom lha adjourned aeeah.n ol the Wl.Ulure. Their faiieral aipranfe lridlrtrt a aa'in ol Inter at, ami rwoni-IHailon Ui tha anaU.r al larttnn. twtallaiit th'trdolrira, pollllnil and otharalaa, w will cnd.-avnr Wi rrl ou later. waldon Hhea waul to II. mrtropolla a law data ratiirnlnf vealvrdaf mornlna In company lib lha nalem eill.-a. II l-rla that lha In duatrlal fair I a big thine lie wa there aarlf and laiaoii "IIt dar," and a are told enfl- Unilallf that It waaairrnt tn lha mothera lhara thai da Ilia) bla bom a a lt war off or ha wmild bar tiruughl a 'fl wlnrxralotMl HULHI.A8 NEWH. Doublet la oio a'lead. He diu is io fall blast. Some of Ibe farroort are still bailing wheat, owio t) lilooka In, wbiali it oo r moved. Carl Troedmn has ejuuiootl bit eobool io lha Umi HUM district. Wt ish for him a anooetsful year. Nick Cb pit bt a ld bit raoo'a an I tlcx'k, and it irlh li (Ifao U K "t il valley. We are all aorry to bave biro leave onr aeoti-to . Arthur Nan Iger his s ill oil bit stoik aod other ioterea't It E I II lib tar . aid ia going baak to Oaioeji to liva. Uj will be miae here. Nelt Hoattoo and family arrival al Dooglealaat Haturd iy tn irnlng fr iaj Ht Joaa, California, an I will mtke Kaatero Oregon bit foturo huo. Wt wish Mm tUCtieat. Jot. Kitiirja, our ptelmaaUr, bat traj'd bit proiierty Lere fir proper I in tb valley. Wa regrot vry mnoh thai bt is ff"ng to leava oa. Mr. Morgan will aaooeed bim at polmalar. ' if fi3 :x i im i i U ;, .-tj-T l.-T4' , 1 " I -i. . .' ' V ' s i' r Ml H ()!tt Frlfk I'. C.tf bakery l-l-l Bfl.'a HJ aK.e '".!. , ,.! ,. V.H.H 6 . I ff rted 'aid tr e-'M wry. Vegiii1 tbt s-iiiabl ntl rn b aalro'ed .4 t.t. .e .14. It-.al fie!'" !. Vfctl'-ut 1 lllooa I.J the rate bakaf ,!r. MeJllhg'''''1 ,, j take a (ein't). If j hMacWf of la Tl H.lvatlna) A'a aill .fo Ihelr Th" dr ink-) an! dlarly pnl'ifl r.;r'l ea In l- i-' thia ( f it I ) even. f m mn ra Main tireal li.lar a Iftg, with Cental .'.... i . ftnttt ki f tt the roj rl f llie Imal rha'r. TaV el'l ''pt rint Jit g nee ma ! aa(a lb rapacity rf town elbf Mr. Ut''a' l a a b ejrt lit. i airbl. Ti er wre Bna l; ro-10 11 np Hf, rt Mala re.l. ki th rl f of )lnb, lu n.aret.al y, J.. r.arra new Uf nodal, " a ei't jail. Will. III.. A .!. )eter. i.M bat I Me, IH r.-rjfHt nf lb . ..... I... II m !.r ai k II. Lot la '"S r4 4 ,l 9X " liae t e44 br it lai-g .., k lt ) f' a tl '. in a ' 4ow, it i w r-a w) i a')i frw lie) ' ) !', 1 tiqll l i:l V I'a l'" N tb e af --l MuvtM la A , U, . I f. til f ,'wK;ii l-i l f a I'baate if rlra Tbtflrmof Hrowe A Hiewart, altbongb elablibd bit a f month, bat bean Coming to lha front at a eolid bnaia aontere -f Heppner, h nude ebang t ia to partoerebio, Mr. Je. Htewarl r- liriag and In bit 'e I. H llngbet, who hat ba ia I wiili the Dr a of K. W. Hhea A (3 i f a tn . I ..f al-ooat llirne yeara, d-i'tr.g jbinh lima b ba mad Ik arlttiliifl' an I frivndahio (if tb emr mnniv, ei,! inl- tbt flrn. j M(j i-4f. (w t-f"re lt of 1 . lithar l., ah' finel bim 117 fl. Al nat pr -l la tbt rnrt fu m a rtl w aa in ot (T rjig th Jt lk aat r ahal an el a l fevri li tin mary r,ih-.1., bil lakltig lnt ennal lerall II. at M'. M ! wa e f. t.i dn.in.ai M rnfltwaniiv wbee l l i -iHe eaa, eo loaaee wWta,1 It tt ldlvnl ir nly M anito la pnMllg 4t II dia iebl teal . I a l.leb will b t,l. !!. ii A lltiibe. Th aw 6 no i 1 1 1 p wi i i lo mel tbe reiin.rnnta r.f th ir Ira l and b"p lo th' lb pt""t "f ls p-jbtit. M'. Ilnh, wbiU a -i i' I wil t A Co., bat wtfol th. at ivl'i f Ibal ffitrrn li gitantie ir i .rli ins, aa oo of tb lea hug Broia .,f K ..Urn Ofi'U. end bat dni'iu'.riel b.a aliiil'r a a hialn.a iat In Ii.m ..fa u I dVli lg trt, anl w i,r ! fur b'xl ai . . .M own li . liiil'a. l!l t-V "1 Ihre liwetar la reaalilla. yrom Hatijamln franklin. "V lio you are tick, what yon like ht it lo be ehoeen fur a roedicioa lo lb drat lao; wbal irine telle oo I Mat, In be rb'Hieo in Ibe fcoud plaee; what reaaoa (I. a. theory) Says It I! a t ba rbiiea lu lb Ul plan, lint If yxi ran kl I". Inclination, lr. Kiperl enr end I'r. lie aeon lo bold t O'lbaoUa- linn log.ll.er, they will give yoo) lit beat a.lic that fan b taken." U h4i yi bav a bad r. 1 1 r. Inatiaa Hon woiill reromruend ("hamtwrlaln's (Wmb IWoiedy liernne It la pleaaaal lr. Fiperienre wnld rttOM CANYON CITV. Walter Rrawa Brlnaa His Daagbttr Htra for Treatmaat Mr. Walter Drown arrivtJ io town ytsterday, from Canyon City, with bit daogbter, who it an invalid, for medical treatment. Mr. Dnwo called al tba Oaaette offloa and lodalged In ao inter tiliog dlsouitioD of tut mining Inttrttta of that eeotion. Two yeara ainot bt wet forliioslt in ttouriog tba water right commanding tbt silt of tbt Greet North ern mine, aud hat troartd a treat portion of the tiirronoding territory, which embrace a nomlier of quarts elaimt, beside aoma very nob placer grono I. lie lays while Ibe Canyon City people art In do potitioo to judge tbo lottotioa of tba incorporators of tbt "Ikt floktr mlnaa," Ibey art apparently boaioeet mtn and will bo doubt tnllal capital. Tbty have bonded Mr. Drowo'a waUr rifbla aod mining ground al food ronnd Bgnrat. Mr. brown baa other property nndr litigali n whioh ba cob idra vtry valnablt. He predict! Ibat tt tliit O'jropaoy carry their plant lo a taorMofall oounloaioa Ibty will altraet tbt wurld'a atttoti'ia lo Kaataro Oregon. Ilread rally Ntrveaa. Uentt: I wat drttdfolly oervoat, and for relief took your Carl 'a Clover Root Tta. It qoltltd my oervta and ttrtngtb anad my wbola oervout sri'tra. I waa troubled vilb eoottipation, kidney and bowel trouble. Tour Tea toon cleansed my ayttem to tboronghly tbat I rapidly regained health aod atrengtb. Mra. H. A. Hweel, Uarllord, Coon, bota oy Ooneer k Warren, v ruH HA LB. llaaob, U JO tore, good laud, 4 mil of lleppoer, all fnced, pleuly of water, bona and barn, 140 arret of turnmer fallow, all rtady for fall crop. Katy lennt. Call at tba Uaaeite odlo. 6V,4-tt Hew It Hsr'al Hbenmatitra, with iU abarp tvinget, aebtt aod paint. Do you know lha cauatf Acid in tbt blood bat too am a. leled ia yoar Joint. Tbt cure It found io HiHxI't Haraaparilla, wbiob aentral lata Ibi arhL Tbonaaadt write Ibal tby bavtbnonmplltly cored of rbea malkant by ltod't Barsaparilla Hmxl t t'lllt are tbe ooly pills to lake with liond't Hartapartlla. 2&c. reeoiomend tl lrati t pever faila In effect a tty and rranaiil tor, iff I ..on wpiil rr.o.mnt It heritM II I preparrd rm saientlfle pinelile, and ! n naiure'a plan In relieving lb lona. nrwaing tt a rririit,, and r.atof ig iba iiii.h lo a natural tod healtry eniiti'n. Yif aal by Cn A Wat n. ttUl tt H p i.Mf t H' at t'.e.i tt.aatr I lilwut teeew. I ' ,u I . I n,. n. a thn a-iin N' ... i' iiont il , la t mi.tr I bar iun r l and ap p ii lr, I- i it i n t It I, hrr a"d hi iir t ail in 1 ii Iii.lt, tl.a I- Ol hi iUr lo .11 I ,.it it I '.,1, I l ! I I i . .I v ii I. '! i.. in. t..k y I.,..- ii. .io.. . i .n I t l.i iatf '. - i . ,.i i I' r trii i.it t. A l ,f ' 5 llaai rrJ tba Ktaaflkt. Fred, th 14 fear old too of Wm. M Hndio, wbo left Iog Creek laal spring with bts father and oatil for Alaska, baa returned bom, aud tart Ibat bit lather bat ahoot fld out bit btt and will rcb boin abont Ibe flrtt of tbt year. Tie young man got thoroughly bwmiok and il war 1 1 1 rtqulra aootiiUr bit perailaaioO to lodoCt bllO lo tetkt tb aeoonl trip. Ftw iyt of blttgt Can bo al of having bxa lo tbt Kloa dik. A Baaleea rbaae la llipi,tr. A aitt cUta tloek of elulbiag, farakablng 'Hhlt,tt, Carefully alerted, Bad boogbt fof eatb. Oeatr deleiraintd lo ll, A rare npport tolly fur tbU fad Iralt. Wrltt or tiqtlrt Kiirrra Orri' i. Ileppatr, t. IKMI HKWAKUI Will bt paid for ibformalioB Itadmf lo Ibt arrest and enavk I oo nf any pr aio stealing oattU branded " Wll" eon- btoUd oo lha left eld. Wa.l.ll na tbe aowe. Fain I II rou a. 4nov3 Pakle'e Arewe Halve. Tba lletl Halve In Ibt world for Cnla, DroU, Koret, t'loert, Kelt fbtoiB, Ftvwr Korea, Tetter, Chapped Ilaedt, CM! Maine, 0na. aau all Hk a I'.rop tiona, aod piltlviy enret Filet or bo pay required. It la guarantee! to giva perfect tettfettloa or money rean. led, 'rtoe9 teal pmt bt. For eale by H locum trog Co.. V- M"tnoi. maaag' 11 0 w4pJMb. Wt art airbetaotly ad ling new goo It tad bow bate reedy for IntpveikNi a Sot evx imenl of walrh't, tbtekt, jalf, tilvtr war, fc -atliiet and moaital It.itra CASTOR I A For UfaaU And Children. Ui tU Yea Km Alwajs E::;bt Deara Mr f aw - e' slatil'l ftm'l t ( i fit fa bia.f( ,-t' I ;nrf I. I), J.iM, Jataia'i