i The Gazette. Friday, Oct. 21, 1893. The prence in Europe of some of the yellow correspondents who did the tallest lying daring the war with Spain accounts for many of the sensational stories from Paris about dead locks in the peace commission, the probability of European interference in behalf of Spain might have been a serious thing in the beginning of the war, and there were really some reas ons for fearing some attempt of that sort, but, having let that op portunity go by without; action, there is not the slightest reason for expecting anything of the sort ia connection with the peace negotiations. The United States is not Turkey, and nobody knows it any better than the European potentates. LHTEST TELEGRHPH. Brief War News, Tele graphic News Notes, Etc., Etc. Wi lvarnuy hid From almost every foreign conn try, comes an increased demand for American goods we are actu ally Belling silks in France. The following report from the United States council at Athens, Greece, which has just reached the de partment of state, speaks for itself: "There cannot be a least doubt of the necessity of a direct line of steamships between the United States and Mediterranean ports. There is a wide field and large profits for a well managed linp, and it should be an American one, flying the stars and stripes, if possible. Many of the stores of Athens all those that keep im ported articles exhibit American goods for sale as English goods, they having been imported from England. Nearly every mail brings letters of inquiry to this consulate from merchants and manufacturers of the United States all anxious to find a market here for their pro ducts; for it is becoming generally known that Greece imports nearly all kinds of goods and machinery. The Euglish, German and French transportation companies that call hpre are doing a very good busi ness; but the Greek importers want a chance to get imports directly from America, Bnd thus save the profits of the middleman." Victoria, B. C, Oct IS. Major Tililen, of the First California volunteer, and nr. Lewis, of the Red Cross lociety, arrived here today from Manila on the steamer Empress of Japan. Officers of the Empress report that a serious street fiRht occurred at Hong Kong shortly be. foretl oy left between American and German sailors. Chicago, Oct 18 Four thonsand people danced at the auditorium last night for the benefit of the suffering soldiers and sailors, and lnasociHl way thebalt wasa distinguished suc cess. About ti" 000 was realized for the bonefit of soldiers and sailors. San Fkakcikco, Oct. 18. The Evening Bulle tin says Isaac Kequa, president, and William Thompson, secretary of the board of directors of the Central Pacific railroad, left for the East to day for the purpose of arranging for a blanket mortgage covering the entire bonded Indebted ness of the road, amounting in the neighbor hood of $118,000,000. The plan is to consolidate all the bonds and other debts. Boston, Oct. 19 -Patrick Rosch, 45 years of age, and John C. Rice, aged 30, while employed in repairing the roof of a four-story house on Hud son street, became engHged In a quarrel. People below saw them struggling on the roof. They drew gradually near the edge and then to the horror of the spectators the two rolled over and fell 50 feet to the ground. Both were terribly injured and died a few hours later. Butte, Mont, Oct. 19. Butte and Dead wood played football today, each scoring a touch down, and the game ended in a tie. During the game Mahoney, left halfback of Butte, got un der the pile In a mixup. He appeared testifier no Inconvenience at the time, but last night he became unconscious and was taken to the hospital. He has concussion of the brain and the chances for his recovery are slight. San Francisco, Oct. IH. The Evening Post says Admiral Dewey will arrive In this city December 6. . He will come here on the steamer City of l'ekln, which is due to arrive here on that date from the Orient Admiral Dewey Is interested in several mining enterprises on this coast, and it is these Interests that prompt his coining at this time. He has written friends In this city that he has already applied for leave of absence. The Latest Production of Eastern Looms, The Swellest Fabrics of the Season, The most fashionable shades and colors, in the larg est and most varied assortments right here on our We have given particular attention to the requirements of the ladies of Heppner and vicinity and believe our efforts in this direction will be stamped with your approval. Now that the schools are commencing aii snouia Know tnat- Rats. SyTiise that a pri " "iouth Carolina throw blood- P. C. Thompson C6;: was use. He the al- Have the nicest assortment of WRITING TABLETS In town Tablets at 4c, 5c, 7c, 8c, 9c, 10c, 15c, 20c, and 25c each Rubber-tipped Lead Pencils lc, 2c and 5c each Don't forget the place. Cash talks P. C. Thompson Co. Heppner, Or. NOVELTIES IN BLACK A fancy Crepon, black, beautifully de signed, one pattern only, 40 iricheB wide, all wool, 6 yards $ 8.00 Only one pattern of 7 yards in a black wool, 40 inches, Pierole, the latest thing in brocaded Roods $13.00 A very Bwell fancy imported Crepon, exclu sive design, 40 inches wide, li yards in a pattern, the choicest thing in black we have $15.00 An exclusive pattern in black Ottoman, 7 yards to the pattern, a beautiful design, 40 inches wide $ 7.00 COLORED GOODS Just one navy blue Bayadere, 7 yards, 40 inches wide $ 9.00 Black and navy blue Poplins, 7 yard lengths, 40 inches wide ... $ 8.00 KerBey cloth in blue, grey and taD, 6 yard lengths, 44 inches wide, makes a beautiful winter suit $ 4 50 Storm Serges, brown and navy blue, 44 in ches wide, extra heavy, 6 yards to the pattern $ 7.50 And many more of equal value iu Silk at.d Wool, Plaid and Striped, and plain Mixed Novelties at prices ranging from $4.00 up to $10.00 THK URMCAT NORTHERN. Asolhcr State News. Then there is besides all these a good line of BRILLIANTINES, - GRENADINES, - and SERGES in Black, And an elegant Assortment of HENRIETTAS Prepared With Great Care The 10 Wonders Slocum's Pectoral Expectorant Perfection Witch Hazel Cream Perfection Odonto Slocum'a Carbolated Arnica Salve Slocum's English Confectio Sampson's Sure Shot Corn and Bunion Cure Slocum's Perfection Headache Cure Dr. Budd's Golden Oil Slocum's Little Liver Tablets EVERY PACKAGE FULLY GUARANTEED SIOCUM DRUG COMPANY. Good Goods.... Fair Prices! : i AT T. E. HOWARD'S. Groceries, Provisions, Glassware, Tinware and Furnishing Goods. Hriisatliuial Hlrlko-llold Htrdik Tapped Air,aln. Witli purtiooUrn of ntiotbnr leasitlion- ill itriks anil i -imp Wis of ore with whioli li veiify it, William MoQ won, aiiperin leudHut of the Grunt N irtbern mine at Giuyou City, Or., retnrnail to tbo city yoHtftnlay morniiiK and at a meoliiw of the board of directors, tu be hull tu morrow, will labrait hi report. Of the miue, to wbioli tie wi culled about three month atfo, 8'leriiiteiidtot Mc- Ouoho ear it is one of the nmat BHtouiatuii be baa ever Been- There are plenty of people in tbie oity who w the exhibit, cnoeietiug of bilge cbnuke tit gold, during the aeeeioo. of the Million ooogreM, who agree with him. Since ttktoK Charge of tbe nmUrnrnnud work aga of tbe bonanza, be bus b ten iiiTing more attention to eystemntio ilefelop inont than In tbe goaita oat of tbna Ubi of gold, however, end bufore lo iug be bJ the ore to pl(M and the vein between well ilatlaeJ wnlld. The rioh streak ie tapped a-iu lu a wiiue fifteen feel below the tnnuol. The orevun in wbiob tbe g old ocoura ie ae well filled below aa it tbe above. Ike Oaker, tbe origiual owur of the properly, wbo it now ia the oily, ie vry mncb pleated with the report with wbiob Mr. MoQieen returns, end etill eliogt to Hit behxf (bet il ia tbe nuking of ooe of tbe bigrfest bouahtit ia the Weet -8.lt Like Tnbuoe. It is understood that 11. C. James, an old newspaper man, will start a paper at Carson, Union county. The I ,u Grande Chronicle of Sunday status that nearly !i,im people visited the beet sugar factory on Its opening day. From the report of Register Bartlett, of the (.a Grande land olllce. It Is learned that during the first 11 days of this month 2D homesteads were filed upon, a record that has not been equalled for a number of years. The Dalles will be lighted with electric lights shortly. A contract has lieeu let. The price to he paid for street arc lights of 2,0110 candle power each, is flu Till per month per Unlit At the beginning 1 lights w ill lie used on tbo streets. The attendance at the opening day of the dis trict (air at The Dalles Monday, was fairly good, a largo number of people from the country be ing present and the town people who could get Hway from their buntucHi went out tu the grounds during the afternoon races. Hi th Undlcott was urrt'Sted for drunkenness, at linker City, last Wednesday. About an boar after he had been locked up lire was discovered In his cell. It Is not known who started the lire. Duly that Chief lltushaw was close at hand, Kudlcott would have been burned to death. J. N. fell, ex sherlir of Malheur county and a prominent cltlHen of rioutliiMStiirn Orvgoii, died of paralysis ut Vale Friday morning, aged about Ml years. He had been stricken about six mouths ago, but bad almost recovered, and was cotislilert'd well what! he snllcrud the second stroke, which ended his life. The torpedo boat Davis, which has just ben completed by the Wolf A wicker Iron works at I'ortland, was given a preliminary trial Hunday on the Columbia river under the supervision of a naval board, for 45 minutes tlie Pavis aver aged a speed of 21 knots which is one and a half knots aUive the required speed. The legislative assembly of ln:7 ha been allowed $.11,000, and the expenses of this session are patltnatud at $!, All of tha members of the Ii7 senile and and officers were allowed full pay. The house members were allowed roniieiiMllon for only five days' time, hut the nirlcers of the Davis and Hanson houses were allowed lull time. HDress Goods Vt Prices Witlilia Your Reach Every weave, every shade, every style in colored goods can be found here in profusion. MINOR & CO., Heppner, Staple and Fancy Groceries- Fine leas ana uojjees. T. R. HOWARD, Or. THE GREAT SALT LAKK ROUTE, kPANliRDtl Lr.AVIMJ ( I HA. t ailed Males Will Take ( hio of Iks It Isad brreaiber 1. WaeamoroM, Out. 1'J. (Ii'neral Wade, prraldeot of Ibe Cuban ertiliuu eoui miaeioa, baa telegraphed to Ibe war ile pertinent tbal ll.lW Hpanish toldiere bare embarked already fur Niiam and arraogemenle are complete for Hut em batkeltoa of 4t.iKKI wore iu the near future. Tint rl of pMgreee, iu view of tbe limited taeotiroea nt Mpain, ie be lieved to be reasonable. The Unite. I Htetoa will take charge .f Cuba I tim ber 1, whether Hputt bat r moved all nl he or ii"t. I'M tiny happ-u even while tbe rViitat e..aitttleeiniiera lu I'ane ere atill ei lfi i Ik li ' Cou e l. i li.m If t'e j da i' i u uiMioi.nre f q.raiue effei-llng the C lb,n debt. Nua tbal that Hpulh -w.O poiniuiaalinieie bate beo roll in Ibeir iff rte to have the t'iiH-l Matee aeiine ovenguly over Cuba as a iueni.e of transferring .i Mtr a .1 li. 'e Ibe Cobsu debt, the tu l iuoveuet,l l- f r ta Ibeif part ie one imp lng the indelited IM apn tbe Cabane tbeinwlvea tabeo they ileiiniuiiiate tb tih(oiirifroniiiiig end ii'iy l I'ln' a a'litn Ie i f Ibe Am'H'u omiuieatimere and Hir Kimil I t e -a ilor a pr-ip.it..o tu atbritaie Ibe radl el d tTerein"" bi" Ibe leo b .li. It te eatd here thai p'niu"l'l lb Hpanieb e imtill " ' Ta'it id -r l.etrnM na se e rtiprrb' til e tb e eupt'li' the mnnl S'l'MSM t.,ii. ri. Any eimti- f aituraiion null lit sM p'". an I ahoald M i; in.at. (rreejurllalite d fT.renee lhie l.au be L.l et.e arUirauai, lbl of Ibe er.rd, f wttH o.j ' f'tlly The attentioa of enatbouud traveler! ia called to the advantages offered them by the Uio Orande Weetem, "The Great Bult Lake llnute." Tbe Hum a ratet pre vnil whether the trip ie made via Hnnt ingtoti or Ban Frnnoiaco. Tbe paaen- ger line hie ohoioe of two routes ont of Forllund, three through Oolorado, and font enat thereof. No other line out of I'ortland can c.flVr tnoh a variety of rou'es. In addition, a dny'i ttop-over it given all paeeengert at aoy point in Utah or Colorado. Through Pullman aud lonriat sleeping oara are mo on all trains, na well at free reolloiog chair oara 1 lie terviot and aocoromodationt offered are equal, if uot superior, to Iboee of aoy transcontinental road, and ratet are alwayt at low at tbe lowest. If you onntemplate a trip east, write to J. D Meuatield, General Agent, Klo Grande Western Hail way, 141 Third ttreel, Portland, Oregon, for any infor matioo yon may need in refertnoe to ratet, roatet or aooomraodationt. KOOSdVKLT AND THK WHISKY. II Waa Not Dealrahle Ie Mentlna Ike Ratlle at Ha1 Barters. The Rough Riders will never tire of telllnt stories about their pninmander. Ills remarka ble pMonslity smons to have left an Indetlble lniiri-Mnin iiHin every man In the command. riles tbe New York correspondent nt the r)t Imis Kepublle. One of the "dude" forporals. whoae father la a iiiulll mllllonalra, waervlatliif his adventnree to a t mop ul a'lmlrtut friends al tha Waldorf recently and daelt Umiii Cobitiel Kihrislt S abllllv to a lapt hlinSidf to rlrrumstaiicre lie ilfw-rllxNt bow be always teemed to "Bt In" and carry himself naturally and easily, "whether II was a fliilit or a funeral." and. without the leaal sacrifice of dlsrlpllue or dignity, was able to spin sr the comrade and acquire the eonfl Inice of every man lu the regiment, whatever his dls -itl.m or niiidldna, whether It was "the fating liiitchman," who alwars knell and iinYted prater Iwlnre he "turned In" al nlabl, or "llalllcaiiake l"ete," who never thought of doing B ich a thing, Ttie following story was then told ! tllnai rate the able manner In which t he colonel of tbe Honah hldert ' adaplxl him-ti-ll to rlri-iiitii'auci-s." ' The lii.l lime I fame In eratial eontai I with I lot,,.! h.N-irli," said the nrnral. "a a hen I aa drlalle.1 nne day In aet at hit ordeilv. We were la the trrnories hedir anl. 'i t'i'1 I (..'loord hln on horel'k In (ten. eial i,i,m.-i s l. l.HHiT. As we were gal-i lupins !..!. he pniled op and, Ininliig to me, s.k-1 " Wlial haie )ou In join bateiaai k Dial rat lb ..' Ketaraeg rroai Ullliaaj Cnaaty. Mr. 3. A. MiUagblin, of White k Mol.aogblin't taw mill, on Ibe booodary line of Morrow and Gilliam eoootiea, it In town today on bit return from tba interior of Oilliam, where be bat put In the eomroer with a Ibreehiog oolflt. tie repnrla a huge orope and Ibe brigbleel kind of proepecta for Ibe wheal raiaer Mr. MeLangblia waa ooforlooate eooogh o lose bia separator by fire, wbiob oe- oetaita'rd bit sending to Portland for a Dew one, but lakes eattefseiiun in Ibe realisation that I now poeeeeses one of Ibe besl outfit Is ibe eon n try. Under tbe management of Mr. MeLeogbllo doring brr butband't sheen o Ibe mill bat pul oul conl lerable lorn tier. Thin Blood a is is Where the Hood Uiti its I Intcrue rtd-erows thin And wittrv. Al In aimli. thrrc la A constAnt fating- of Cihiut- Z X tion, AUckofcfvrfy ritiLty X And the spirits dfprtiwd. : Scott's Emulsion I ea-aamiasaam.aa..aB.iaB.aa ol CJ-tivtr Oil with Hjjxv pIxMphitft oi Lime And Sod t UrxcuLarlf Adaptrd to correct T a I : T-L if "II s a t'tt' sir,' I a'trr. eitti a shiver. ' Il IW-UTtr . .. . . .. I a . 'I .n,,,!.:!;.! ..l. ,. tt. "'inn- I 4 i iiiiiuiiii iu an iiumtc .'.,..., a finivi,ntnthcllooddirct w h,dl. ,.,,,! II I l-ai b li.' he Ir, , J ni ldl Itl CVtrV COfTcW. 1 ai.ry i..tfr,l ,.i,! - thoMl I not ha, at . , ,1. . . , 'a. , J Z H b,u.,. seo.r.1 ino-w,. ,4 in. i winf the nituril color And jj firing- nAiuf to the wboie e ifitenv, The hypophotphittg 1 I rtich the tram And nerve J ccntrtiAnd AdJ thrir itrtnrth a rninf And htMltcial el ltd. II it.. L 1,1. n00(d, Are gaining favor rapidly, anawaj lluslnesa men and travel- I I lers curry them lu vest III pockets, ladles carry them In purses, housekeeiiert keep them In medlclnt cloaets, friends reeominenit them to frltnds. aiwv ocroRfcn wooDa. The frost hat openod thecheatnut burs, And the nuts fall lazily, two and three; The sipiirrel chatters, the partridge, whirs. And the red-capped woodpecker bores his tree. Oil, IlKhtly and Ihchtly the birch leaves float; Like (olden huttertlles loosed In Spring; And hrurht as the sails of a fair boat The walnut lcavos take wing. Now come, now come, far down the lane The asters beckon, the robins call ! The thruiiktn brook trows broad attain, And leaps In a laughing waterfall. Over tbe stile, and over tbe bridge, Adown tbe path where the meek coa stray, By glen aud hollow and windy ridge Let us follow the woodland way, Hee! how the marvelous cloth of gold -A Tyrlan tapestry woven One Wide a w wander 1 still unrolled. Rustling under your feel and mlue! The breath ol the woodland It Joy to breetbe- The mingled odor of leaf and Bower, And cluttering fruit where the wild vine wreathe Tbe oak tree mneay tower. Softly Into the vlsUed wood Through painted window the sunbeam tmlle, The hushed wind walk In pentlve mood Down many a solemn Ootble aisle. The golden cloud hang low In air, Wrapped ia their fold th late un rwu, And Ibe tall Ireee stand as U In prayer With their bear Is upon their braaeu. to W'Hirrt.a Rbbnam. IN THE COl'NTY COl'KT Or" THE UTATE 1 of oreiron. for Him I'diimiv of i,.rmu. In the umtter of the guurdhiiielilu of Walter M. I ImiiKn. u mliiiir. order In allow cause on apidicallon of Guanllaii for order of le ol renl eslate. It OlUicKrlllli: to ttlla eonrr from fl, .lltlnn this day prwBui, ted rnd liled by H K. Moore, the Riiardlan of the eMtite of Walter M. Cbanks, a ie oemiiKinn to sain rd, and In order iiiaiiPiKirr. ann ntHiiKitlii satil minor it Is hecet sarv Unit such reul entiite ali.mhl i.,, ...i.i. ltUh rehy ordered that the next of kin of tbo Mild ward and all persons Interested In the snio. esmie. appear iiclore tills court on Weiitics- oiiy. iimi tutu iluy ol Mivemljcr, A. I). Inun, et o nn-K, n. oi.. ni ine eo rr r,uon o. ii.u at the cniirl house In 11,.,.,,,,.. i ,i '. of Morrow, and state of Dreiron, then mid there to show cmise why an rder should not lie Itranted for the sale of such reel estate, rie- serioeu in sum petition ns follows: lleelniilnir In the miiblle of the, l.uckUiniite tiver W.li chains north and 21 a; chains i.Hur fit SolithU'tuif corueroi Kn lainU hainbeis . 1.. claim No 41. ni iiiiiiiiii i iu s'liiin runtie n west of Wills inelte meridian, thence aonib mti. o. chains, thence nortli on,. .hi,, j -, north lil-ino chains, west a:., ,.hio. h 1 chains. esst alonii the hank of l.iicklamute ri.i-r .1 ,.i ciinina, uience north iloarwa ea-l H JU chains, aoulh Kl b-iceea, west laclialns, aonin o ncirrees. weat 4 I ,n.l,,a umk deirreos. west In place of li.-lnnliiK, conuiiiliig ISI ai-rea of laiul ,,,ot.. ... ,.nu. Knurs alluv Klourtns; Mill property. ami il is further urdmixl ihi . .... . i ,i.i. orilerlie published aa required by law lu the '"i r " "'r.i, a uenspaper punilshed wnil-wei-klylii lli-iiiiiier. In Murmi, un, .i....i Uukd this 1st day of October, A. I) 1s' A.U. HAHTIIUMiM KM', bounty JinlKe AUMIMSIHAIOHS HALE HEAL VliOVEHTY. VF in in maner mine estate oi Jacob Johnson dressweil - Noll, Is hereby alven Ibal under and bf virtue of an order ol aala. rraularlr lasued mil nl the comity roiirt ol ih eial ol (lrr(on tor Kliiiain i nuuiy. ortK'riiig the Ml of Ih real property ol said ratal. I will on Saturday, tu l.,lr .th, at U hour of 1 nrl.ak f m of eabldav tell at so bile aurtlon tu lhhlhr biddrr 1, raah In band subject to confirmation bv aatd court, all th rlshl, ll'l nd lntrr-l that aald dssael bad al th tln ol Lla itnih and all Interv-t of bit eatal hhh may lavs i the lo Issen sulswsiiieiiily acini re. I In and I. lolns nil real pr.,rty tllualed lu Mor na l oniiii. Urraou. lua II Th II V ul we a. and b No 1. and th N I S of Vol 7. and Iota f ami 1. and ine a of !s w and in K V. of SWUofaxe 7. an.l th W of er. a. a, I In Tn t. south ran m at W M and aald pmfnv will h poo, upon tn aai.i srBBisra a ti mu, ease Administrator, s's or I li nt iioui a seorral toie.( ,4 Ih I situation. I a itpe, I It.at t la pr..l t II, only lM,itie f h hiskv on lbs mountalu ' " It the ttly ii I know ol,- a at av reply "thai tnut tak e-l car rf II, rsv ma'hl II. i.tlooal, slow ly n. s'!otlir. Show l'i bis l it elil'e Iwlh 'Yitn 4 t-iur dle nwxmi and f t t one t th" t.l .,". Isstalln rp II In It.sy will kap II lioas bitli and rt-p tbal Infernal raining a if smI. aw Ih.t II wo.,t I -a tea tiiaabl In tnei.iloa Ibal holi'e at ei,aitf t ba I Uilt haraoa pax I. t II d - ti t imnaiu er tbaa txoiiih f f a. t- k tT I I ! T -l W- w. sl sat, J ti i. it rncs nave kii your y chfekt, il you Are roin J thin And (iHiuiWd from over- X , J, work, or ii ate It -hrfinninf X ; t tell, uie SCOTTS Emuf j ri'iil.f tlovele vtNb Mrerela. Ms'r 'ii'il-, ew f"f nip e a I. er taf, '. ft (' ' (,,, ,1,,, f. J, X . iit a a.. a c. , a y- Hotict of Inttntlon. Laes ti s tf Lauatatia. fas.,oa. Ik 1,,1-r it l VOTitite iiratpy mm nt vr i " loioon, ha ma. I aettlef hae Hie. I noil, , bislntrntlon t- n.at, '! pr,-t sui't"rl ol Itiarieim an t that aald pmat ill las ia.t b Pi s tnr outitv I, s ol Morr.o , oont, trs e , al llsppiwr, Oere-o, on lit.,itt k, ", VIS I k: VI U MUTT I ft'Kdane ( h"lsl IH1 bit II !. I end I an t a . S l ar I T. I a, Il f, P lla nao sa II. f.ioln a jtt.rs, t nto. i.oitii,o.n,a rs-al'ti. npil .! r,r ' h al nn ,.( a.. lai.d. Stat II. is i. ml It, " I - t e. . I'M"" Ja"r a Itl .m a '"I A W Noffcm, ul ii ian, vtrvn . H l-.IIH'f, e iw et. ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE SOTICE OF 1XTFXTIOS. t.ND Orrii ar Tug Hai.i.is. Oss.iok. Ol-tltlu., II IWM VOrlCI t-4 IIMIFBY (ilVKS THAT 1 HE i follow II nain. d sellli-r haa fllnl noli... ..I his Intention to make final pro. if In support of bis claim, and loal snld pro. if w ill be mad be- lire v. iraaioru. oiiniy Clerk ol Morrow county. iirHgon, at Hepiuier, Uregnn, on Tue. usr, i"rriiiucr o, in.in, tin; kVEH OKK'iEIWON, No. 117 NWBfn, of lelliigton; homi-alead aopllcallon for lb r 'i NK.'s and s', KKu and X Kee 14,1 pin. . W.V He naiiiee tbe follnnlng ltueai-e to prove his eoniluu ua resldatice iimn and riillltatlnn nlaald land III Krnrat I lia,, .,11.. , ... Dt'-aoiii H. t. eweifiiart and Uohert lurner, of iif-ppiirr, "i'"ii,j. ii. iiwr,ur Mi ton.ore- '" 1. r. l ei s. "I Keitier. SOTICE OF IS'TE.VTIOS Le trru a av Tm Iuli s. tiaeuoa. lft'li,li..r .11 lM-4 X'ttrUKta MrKVttY f.lVKV I H ri il l follow ln( named a. lt r hst flle.1 noil, of hi liitentioii 1 1 msk dial proaif In support "I bis claim, and that aald br-aif will b nia.le leln, . , 'a lot I Conntv l iar, at I'eppnrr, nr f iu, un we.lnra.lay, (sr-cemlr IV, vis : Ji i-It III II t.rwWr l.ol Uiliignm llnmratea.1 atplb-ailon No. Il7 lor tbe efa .-e .-.l, isls.HM. He nam,' th loiiowlng ellnraaea lo prove hit rmitliiuoiit r,-aldrure upon and rultUallon ol aald land. l t P Hn,an,J I. l.ll .,, ,,f neppner. nr. eon. ami I hoioaa Koolhhy and iaii runer, oi isintion, tirron. J AY P. 1.1 t A , Rf later rVofte of Inttndun. La (f r a f Is Uaaane. oaste. I H 'ols-r ia, NdTii r I ittarav i.ik iimt mr I,.: sl ,f sil ei baa ed no'he of kn ln ll . t.. mat '.a I -r-rf la a.,..o1 &t (.. thai aald pr.a-1 will lai b.a I t- l- - 'v lS' ,4 tints,. ,. ,,.!r '" - al II m,I. in(u), t rsk,bl , i a ti t a tM.iv II l'M IHrfna ho'Mts I 7ft Sail o th k a and a akt Ssr lltrlS IM " ll-h. aa I' a ..ii,.ln M mm M penaa 4ta 1 ,.-o s ri l.t. an. m, rntM.ati. jl.lia-.-l .... Mat H a v- and A I I u I K Het-t , sl U Hrt and A. ' -j' '-, ftjt r v martrtT H eirr SOTICE OF ISTESTIOS. I.b Dim at tti,ki' Kasnna. i.. r i; isi 'tiit r a iimrnY i.nts nut in k f.. I,.li named at-lllrr haa fiir.1 n,,l, nt hit -ti-titlon t,i snip nnal pr,f In sii,ni ol his i lin a , I that aat pr.-. , HI l ma, iM-tore th l oonlv I Ink ,.1 M,,rr,, rouniv nr,-,n al It'ifiirf, tirt-cen, en Noi mlirf j, I-. in rHixt n vrkKii.u nl llftnner. Iier.-n. bmn-afrNi. r"Tn. for tb V, a w i, ,,. n r a u aud N W a a A i: ii. i a. k i. r y Ha ra'.ta tea f. 1 oatos- Wttoraara l prov BiifmtiiMiNi,,, rssi iwiii-s isi ' t i oii'iaiii ,.laal .'. il I' a ll.rfrn t M ll.rran, ian IlK'ili'S, li.lain Wa 'ol 1 all o Mai. er otrgon, I h lit,' n, ! k-stsier SOTICE OF ISTtSTIQS. I.iap fist i, tt I nt tui l a (I s, r, v i .i i, i tiTf l IticthV i.ivi lrttr IHK ' i.a.. pil,S baa I .s-l MIf, h :a t,ta,-lio to ,, ft..ai pf.. u aM-,tl rf l.'s '.-. a.ll'.l..l 1 i I I I- .... I. I., ""Iiil'i t r t I . ' M I al IIpii, Heppner. 00TS AND SHOES B a s THE PLACE TO GET THEM IS OF i c 1 1 x i 'jt n iY iv CO. They have anything in this line that you may desire and you can depend on it you get a good article when they guarantee it. SHOES IN ALL THE LATEST STYLES. Old Stand, Main Straat Repairing a Spaoialty Drugs Medicines Toilet Articles SCHOOL BOOKS StatioQery PaiQts--0ilsGIass c i G A R S Conser & Warren, pggists. The Central Market BROWN & BKYMER Dealers in ...Fresli, Salt and Smoked Meats " ,. Fish and Oysters Every Friday. In opening this market we solicit the patronage of the puhlic assuring them the best of meat, and gentle manly and considerate treatment. THE CENTRAL MARKET, Heppner, Or. UNITED STATES LASD OFFICE. N Tub Tiaf nmnn f W--riKfl p A IkUM OTN'K IH HKKKBY (ilVKN 'I HAT, TOWN shin tlirr ( I) aouth of rati- Iwculr nne (21) fast of the Willamette Meridian, Ori-sTou, haa hn tiirvavnt, anrl an approvnl t,lat ni Ihe snrver thfr,nl III he fllcl III this oRi-e on the loth day nl NoramlM-r, Iwn, at o rlra k a. ni. On aii'l a'tnr sahl day, af'lli-atloii lor entry then-of a III be rwclvrl at this nttli e. Mlfiird Ihe day and year ahove written. JY I'. I li as. Otis rATTsasna, hrgisti-r, Kalvr. V1-2 rvnuc i.ASD sale. t'niTsn aritss tann Orru a, Th I'alli-s, Or , Ort a, l l. NOTK K H II K K K ft V i.INKN TH t T IS puraiiaur ul Insiriirllniia frnm in mm. m salniirr of th (.iral land nrh". in, I, r auihorliy vaalrd In him by rtnn .'IM I'nltnl atals Hrviard Htalulr aa ainrmtad In th arf of "tuia-ma a'i'"Kl frhrnary Isirt, a ai; pnawd In utfi-r al piihllo aal ou th I'llt dat n S(i.vriiitr nt. al ion rlia a a. m. at this nitira. th lolliilti( trwl of land. ,. alt Th S t w e K hc li, 1 V 4 , K ii K W si, ronuiiiliia u arrra. any and all twraiins rlalmltif sdrrraly th al dmnhM lands ar a.lv.r. ,i fila Ihnr rlalttia lu this nfftr on or htnr Ih lav ), drls-tiai. fur th raminanramaiit of aald aal olhera la thalr rtehla III h forlflt.! ' Jay V, I t" as, i,Tia rarrsaa.ni, n kraiatrr. Krlrr. Kotlct of Intention. I.An Chrrti at Tat tnura. narnii;, rt'lrniUr I I. It Ntrru K t itrnrar i.irx ihat ni f"lli lug nam,) alllt haa HIH mult f 'ila I'ttiitliiii to matt nal prNif In ai,(M, of iilsriaim, and thai aald fr,N,f il tm ma. 'afi.r a. J Mai. I' a f'omniisalotiar. al lot, If. g"U, ou aainrday, I U.liar il. Ii . WAI tra SMITH, of ,., tlmairad M llraltnn n VT14 lr , f, v'a and ku aad i. ar 41, It I s, I u K a ii II nam Ih f.,l!filii IIimvm In tnr Ma r.oilt'MMMia fr.i,ssis iift and f iltli atn.n 'I sai l land. ra', S'i.s-a a I' Maury. f. in( and trillion ,n, all t l, . (irreon. lk P. It r H ru( iatr. Timber Culturt '"Final Proof. I eittn at it aa I ii. l, ,i, s l ri'iii. in a SOTICE OF ISTESTIOS'. Lako orru a at 1 na r)t.Ls, Oaannn. VOTICE ,a IIEKERY 7 11 Mlowlni-i atniKl avttl.r hat fl!d not I, ol Ma lnlntlnn to make final proof In tupport of Mi rlalm, and that aald proof will h tn.le be oreV. l iaalnr.l, ( , ut,ly t lr. at Hrppner. Orc-oii. on rrtilay, Novrmber 4. law, yg ' v ' W 1 1.1.1 AM A M'lKliAM, of nne: hnmisti-ad appllratlnn So. LTtA for Ih "f. N' 'Sw S I". Tp . i li K W M. II tiamralha folluwtiii altnaaa to prove Ma ronllnuoiia fe.l.lnir ilK,n and rulU. vatlon ol said land. vl. t,ar J. lu.m,Vi J.-hn Kin.. Milton H. H.,r.n. James H luSfc let, all of lour, lir,-eou. K '"" ktiair. Notice of Intention. Laud Orric i y UOahe. natnon, votk k ia ikkhy anXWTli . .''""n iian.r.1 rtiUr has Bird Itotlre of 'J lntiitloii to maaa Dual pns.t n ...poort r-for ih ouniy flsa-k of Morrow t'outiiy irr rem, at ll-''iir. Orra,,n, lm0 tu, JolIM W. m oTT, of Frho. Orvrort, h'tniralmd Jn. tiia fr tha NW i, r, l i, 1 p s k. tx W M ' ' "' H. nam th ("ll.,.,. ltnavi In prn hla ronlliiii..i.a mai.i. au . . ... Iri,k KlHS.iihy.nl M.pnr i,mi ir ami tirant nu W-1 Hrnunrf; Jin,. Srf ..! Bui liaii.il, both ol r.i ho, ttre a, W. Baayistr. stiatr. SOTICE OF ISTESTIOS7. I.a Orru aTTMBptue Oatnoe voii;;k h NrMrar .rmT''aVrHt f..ll..l,, .laml mlut haa fllnl fc,V j i.i..w,ii',.,im.k, ., Jz.XX .si hi. ,1.1m. ...d II.., a.,., ,.5 11,. t-l,.r t r,,H , ' , k "J tavu aiu.un . r!t.,t ,.MU,lhf,i ll...ia.t AppHratinri s. iM ,. . ... ".. Ipl k,i( s h ' M ,h "'a ' . . an u l .hii V, Mill wiifil on, I'rg.i,,, ai-. ir p. if ra. laBf n unc las i hai.e. Ta.,t,( I ittn eviv.a .ar, , la n. i., ?, , "" t- il.aa.IM, ;-a ! . . . . . a !.,.. I.. l,.l. I..,t X " vi- sir-am I. Ml 1 I, , , l ( ; ...'''."'F U, u. Italic 111 N V ' "' II"-' t'Lhaaf,.,.! , , l,J JL.. .r'' " ! " laV svt "" !' iBtvi. to, ,. H,.,. P ,. ,.,, ,.., , , ".r ., '!' i.i..a,7 sl llt,, V la. h.,m-s,t is ll.i'M , on nl I U' nl klor., I ,.l, hi. Si ' u d In . l S r u a a Ins II.. a U Ipt. aw M ll.,pr. I., r-tla. th. h n., ( 1 !T1.. 1 P 1 . It M . fimt .,7.,f. It Hs son,. II, - I !.,-.l' i i i,,.. I.. , , Noi l-f l. nrt ltmlt , nil,. an II atl, a i a hi.v...,H.,. . , , r ,w. ... . ,,.(,., . s V- f,.f ti . a .... . . . . '! r-'-' .;ai I- !.., Ik- a-.,, I a h . ....d .,hl M......i...b U) Ma i-aa-s a -S....JL. m , VI . , 11"' - !..i I H P l-t. iii Vasr ,- i . a,,,.,.'. 1 i i-i -.i.',ri i .. i " - .- ... ; ' t .. 1