O. R. & N. Depart TIMK SCHEDULES ABRive rox From Ueppner. taou 9:30 p. m. Salt Lake. Denver, 4:50 a. m. Ft. Worth, Omaha, "Kansas City, Bt. IxiuiB, Chicago, Portland, Walla Walla, Spokane, Minneapolis, Ht. Paul, Duluth, Mil waukee, and the East. 8.00 p.m. Ocran Btkamhhips 4:00 p.m. From Portland. All sailing dates subject to change. For Han Francisco Sail Oct. 2, 5,8,11, 14, 17. 20, 23, 26, 29. 8:00 p.m. Columbia Rivkb 4:00 p.m. Ex. Sunday Btkambrs. Ex. Sunday Saturday 10:00 p. m. To Astoria and Way Landings. 9:00 a.m. Willambttb River 4:80p.m. Ex. Sunday Ex. Sunday Oregon City, Now berg, ralem and ft ay Landings. 7:00 a.m. Wulamkttk and 8:30 p.m. Tues., Thur, Yamhill Rivkrs. Mon., Wed. and Sat. and Fri. Oregon City, Day ton & Way Land ings. 6:00a.m. Willamette River 30p.m. Tues. Thurs. , Tues., Thur. and Sat. Portland to Corval. and Sat. lis & Way Land ings. . Snake River. Lv. Riparia Lv. Lewlstoii aily except Riparia to Lewiston dally except Saturday Friday Denver & Rio Grande RAILROAD SCENIC LINE OF THE WOULD Weekly Excursions TO THE EAST, Id through tourist cars without cbaoge. MODERN UPHOLSTERED TOURIST SLEEPERS In charge of experienced couductors and porters. To Kansas City, Chiengo, Buffalo and Boston without chance via Salt Lake, Missouri Pacilicaud Chicago and Alton Rys. Tiineikiro To Omaha, Chicago, Buffalo and I UlMlap, Boston without change via Salt Lake and Chicago, Hock Island iSt Pacilic Ky, Wpnlipdir? 8t JTn- Kansai City and It CUUebUdJf S, Ht- ,)! without change via Salt Lake ana Burlington Kouie. Tl,...J To Kansas Cltv ami St. Louis with lUUIMlim, oi t change via SaH Lake and Mis souri Pacilic railway. A day stop-over arranged at Salt Lake and Denver. top drinkim colore test. Schilling, s Be Try st. H. W. Fall, PROPRIETOR Ot the Old Reliabls Gault House, CHICAGO. ILL.. Half block west of the TJnion Depot of C. B. A Q.. C. M. St. P., C. b A., P. Ft. W. A C. and the C. St. L. & P. Railroads. HATES a.oo PKH DAY Cor. W. Madison and Clinton Sts., OHIOAaO, XLX. HEPPNER TRANSFER CO.'S Belled express is coming, Does deliver work on short order, 10 centB and up wards. This wagon is No. 4, and leave your order with it, or at "Central" tele phone office. We Move Anything!. A ride through the Famous Colorado Scenery. For rates and all all information, inquire of O. R, & N. and 8. V. agents, or address, R. C. NIOHOL, S. K. HOOPER, General Agent, Gen. Pass. & Tkt. Agt. 251 Washington St., Denver, Col. Portland, Oregon. J. C. II art, Local Agt., Heppner.Or. Passengers booked for all Foreign Countries. J. O. HART, Agent, Heppoer, W. H. HURLBURT, General Passenger Agent, Portland, Or. USE TOO GOING ERST ? If bo, be Bare and see that yonr ticket reads via Tim Honnwesterfi Line ....THE.... OHIOAOO, 8T. PAUL, MINNEAPOLIS, AND OMAHA RAILWAY THIS IB THB Great Short LiQe BETWEEN DULUTFI, St. PAUL, CHICAGO AND ALL POINTS EAST AND SOUTH. Their Magnificent Track, Peerless Vestlbuled Dining and HUsiing Car Trains, and Motto: ALWAYS ON TIME hasgl en this road a national reputation. All if tHutarmaitra c-arnt-ii on me TMiiniiisti trains without utra charge. Hhlp your freight Ail agents i' lame of I SPOKANE FALLS 4 NORTHERN NELSON 4 FORT SREPPARD RED MOUNTAIN RAILWAYS The Only All-Rail Route Witbont Obanae of Cars Between Spokane, Konoland and Nelson. Also between Nelson ani Roaalaod, daily except Sunday: Leave. Mill A. M.... II Ml A. M.... U:lU A.M Arrive, Hpokane... .....;40 P. M. Itimsland 8:40 P. M. Nelson 645 P. M. Close connections at Nelson with steamers for Kaslo, and all Kootenai l-ake point. Passengers for Kettle illver and Houndary reek connect at Hiirous with stage daily. THROUGH TICKETS -TO THE East and Southeast VIA THE rICTOr- ONION PACIFIC R. R. THE THROUGH OAR LINE. PULLMAN PALACK HLKKPKRH. PULLM AN TOUHlsT HLKKPEKH. fim KKCUNINO CHAllt CAI18. Portland tn Eastern Citif Change, Without and travel over tills lainuus hue. have tickets. W. H. MEAD, t. O. 8AVAQK, Oen. At-fiit 'I'rav. t. A P. Agt 'its Washington St., Portland, Or. CIIICAGQ mnvvaukea & St. Paul in This Railway Co. Operates ita traina on the famona bio ok system; Lights ita traina by eleotriolly through out; Uses tbe onlnbrettdl eltotrio berth read ing lamp; Hons speedily equipped passenger train rerr day and night between Ht. Paul and tUuoego, and Omaha and Chicago; th Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul A I no operates steam-heated veetibnled traina, carrying Ilia latest private eoropartmeot oara, library bnffet amok ing cere, and palace drawiug room elerpere. Parlor eara, frea reclining chair oara. aod tha vary beet dining ohalr oar aervico. For lowest rates to any point io tbe United Maine or Canada, apply to agent or address O. J. EDDT. ff XV PtUVf fl...! Aa..nl Trav. .'ess. Agent, l'ortlaod, Or, (liflc Time. I nil id I) i iu. IVrwnhiilly C'lnductml Kscnrsinns. Hatf iKH ( li H'ki'tl to Jjiisiiiiiitiun. L'lW lint HM. Iiiri't-l line to Tmn-MiHMiiiii atnl Inter nati'iiml hx pi, 1 1 ion imld at Oinulia, NubraHka, line to oi-iimer, Writs iinili'iiiuuixl fur mtea. time tnliliui and iillinr uifiiriiix. iiu iisriiiiuiiig to Union Pacifio H. It J. II. U) I H mil', or J. . H A.tT At., (inn. A i.l ht., . it AN. In , rnrtliii.il, Or. lliiiier. Or. o Jill fallow Stone Park Lino .HEOII.Y hmmi an noitu rM inHtt.AMi hi inn tuar 1UK I'M V I'lliH T ltK TO TltK YRU iwstiiK M(II!AI. I'AHK. The Itaiilaior line" Tlie PiiHis, rrtlaiid & Astoria Navipition Co. UTXJLVCJCXlti iinilico rir" t km liorltl imb" Corumi-oclng Monday, May 2nd. lb aleaturra of the Ki-irnlaior Line will leave l'ortlaod at t)JW) a. m. and Tbe Dallea atH10a.ra. When ynq go to I'nrtlanil, atop off at Th Dallca aod take a trip down the dilniubia; yoa will enjoy it, and oara money. W. O. AI.LAWAT, Ueoaral Agent, IN SHORT LlNEIi IMJI LIVE STOCK. A General Ileyiew of the Western Btock Interests. Bulletin Issued by National Lire Btock Assn. Hoattered reports received from van- one sections of tbe range ooaotry and tbe different markets lndioate that tbe ratber oonfused oonditions that existed np to a few weeks ago are rapidly be coming clearer, and it ia now possible to speak witb some degree of certainty as to tbe fall movement. Tbe movement of both cattle and sheep baa been late this eeason, due principally to dry weather and nnfavorable oooditiona on tbe ranges. Tbe oopioas rains of tbe early season in nearly all sections were followed by a long period of dry weath er. In tbe far West tbe drouth injured the feed ia some sections, wbile in others the grass bad advanced to a point where the sun and dry weather only made it better. Scarcity ot water for tbe cattle was another drawback, bnt aa far as can be learned the aotnal losses from this oanse were but trifling and confined to a few Isolated sections. In the moootain rangea the cattle have toond good feed in tbe high pastnrea where timber is plentiful, but some seotions report a soaroity of bay aod will market tbeir cattle wben finished rather than carry them through tbe winter. Tbe greatly dieoussed shortage of range cattle baa manifested itself beyond doubt, principally in tbe northern aod western sections, where shipments will show falling off from last year's reoord of from 10 to 15 per oent. Tbe heavieet decrease is in aged oattle, three years old and over, of wnioh olaaa there is an aotual famine in some sections. Yoong oattle are also not as plentiful in tbe range seotlon as last year, but tbe terri tory covered by Kaosaa, Nebraska and South Dakota report a large inoreaae, hardly enough, however, to make op tor the deoreaaeio tbe West and North. Tbe percentage of range cattle that ill go for feeders tbia year is oousider- ably lesa than usual, owlog to tbe good feed that baa prevailed on the rauge and the strong demand for beef cattle. Moat ot the markets repoit a good percentage f arrivuls fit for beef, and for Iba first itne in some mouths the range steer is orth more for beef than aa a (eeder to be Oulabed on ooru. The demand for uedera in tbe West, iuoludiog the terri tory went of tbe Missouri river, baa bean far leaa than last year op to tbe preaent time; but in tbs territory east ot tbs river tbs demand ia larger tbao it has been before io years. Tbls is believed to be due largely to the oooditiona ear roaodiog tbe oorn orop. Owing to the drouth and hot winds at a critioal lima. no orop a eat o( uiaa iort river aa a wbolo ia below tha average, wbilo east of tha river a fairly good orop la aasorad. Faelera ot Kansas aud Nebraska have beon waiting aod holding book, demand ing lower prion on feeders Witbio the last two wetks there baa beo developed mora ot a demaod, bat it la largely filled t home, tbeee two atalaa having ban. well filled with yoong rattle aod breed ing cattle laat year. The movement of cattle from Montana, Wyoming aod Colorado promises to be tbe heaviest in October. Hblpmeots tor Idaho will bo light, bat the oattle are lo tilt II A M. Prfll Fifth Ita I SU . s Wall ..f Twnnia.l I lttr, AtM.t"i NtMtl! I'MI, M,fe,M, M.trtia. Hull, la. i I" l A. M. I l I, IM', Yi.tk (.i..n. l all Iwitiiia I at4 fmih I Ml. K 1 lt.nl.nl Town a1 .i!! r li ,,f tis lllml! I I'. II, mm I c.i. mI,.i. mala tl P. M U . ,)., 1 t till, in l la I. Mlinw.i Ha. ''i . itf an I lt. ll tlr, ! " Vk l a. I"'.t. MllaaukM a4 M .. I4 PATS I" ''. I Mlnl . .'.. ai.-l iHI, lat at I u.i,.-.lr..ai. l, 'I., ill ail -lw ll lll ikta'l 1 1' 4ilwUo vl li I iitm 4i't. I .i'-! t. ! atufc (. ,! a. It. , ") I I. ,m.it..fc, tad mu ft l.'t I T . Qt'lt'K KhT AM) MOKT MRr.CT USg TO UTAH, COLOhADO, XE 11KASKA, KANSAS, MIS SOURI RIVER awl al Vomh KAS1 ami SOUTH- LOOK AT THK TIMK. NhW H)K.. IJ day CHICAGO, :tj - 1 SI. l.(H'l. :'.J - OMAHA. : S.M.Tl-AKI.lJ - Vi ltclitiiig ("tiatr Catra I'jlii.l.ira.l T'oriat hlavpitit t'-r l'Mllluan I'alaM Htrrplug Car Knf full larllrulara regarding ral, time if Iralna, el., rati on or slIfMs J. tl IIAUT, Agani 11,1: A N. lti firr. Ofrgoo O.O. Tihmv, W. Com. Tr.v. I " Akt. Il.a'l A.I KM 11. ' I ft., IV.iUi-1. O'. QUlUtiTIMMI Sttii Irtinolnoo QACooolliMoJ rt( a t ivf i ti. A. It. t lUUl.TOV, South -rn Pnc fie Co to-.. a, l,.M,ti I . !- I I ,Ml I'Sl 'x-tj tw ftU At . t , I I , t t I sa.i.4 - aataji ' psfw4 jgfcaaksioatf I t wv.fc I 0s O-aVlJ aa. i t ! M I Ua't much trim tile a rrallv htalthv mss lo b I'mm kumra loll it r anil fihunrtanl nr. ita at a r- vrttitat cnttnattirti Th tiartv man ho u ! Uiiahina dor.n t an? Itimhl Ith hia fltirrtln II ha. Iml aalil that laufhin( m.kr. woilr brallhT Tb tl'ttk a Dial bralth mat peotilf Uufk It a imMiliia ! taiimai that trav Ktrml m turtii.nr nl hrallh arw human rhatai trf A man wllh a h will iH he ia a haiiv. rinir4 lum of niint A man ho anrt (n-m a ak Mumartl ami an lmaitrl dif.iina will ail nil fiumlil Ihrnnth tba ws mrai mf i.v.i,i K tulimia man wtta a km. I il-iiti nf filar In a ax.mi. man Hn anal -lnlrnt ami liutl finilipf taacuitiMilv Ad !! mn ilm.ma lal la t'a iliaeawa. oh.n lb vti tim Vt urn. .i4 bwIt li,.1'". tnl !rnUnl aa wrtl A n mil al t. Ikal whll IH nlt aatlRg Ibal a " man liraM ta In hia atom, k." tltrfallv tu II la a tart Ihal hta h alna t4 .., kM fh'1 yclit a M kralltiv niballhv t" I'lt a ill Wr.lu at lawwil lfc l matin lh rilitt'Ma aar,if"t tl ma h wrak " k af"Ht lh lm ir4 1."4i.m lr.l ni(,.im ha lit. t-Hiifira ai4 tnlia lha tl-t amt lha tl !' t-a kail tta4. a4 !.! thm " IM Stan n ! liaaica n( ta)i ll -ar.-la n.l S.aillit nfv atnf Wain lla ll Ii.im ,,..aa al m.WtMk"!y ..I imi-i'li m.nlal .' itf ! ri. ta I Nnl a I kaxiwa matin ina a fca? mm itiatrtiUta ti-Mft akH'M law t S". fmt a ' O'tt 1 M " , S i..l. I ..ai. . ' 9in4 M a... i S4 ,lwT '! I aa al . tmum S41 lnnn'if I mmt .a m4 f it at. k ..tt la t"at'a d It- 4 a I t k4 o. M.j very good condition. The drouth in Oalifornia and the early shipment ot tbe herds to more favored localities has left the western coast witb a scant supply of oattle tor borne consumption, and while tha movement ot atook oattle from Ore- gan and Nevada baa been fairly aotive, too demand from the coast ia strong enongh to bold many of tbo oattle on that aide ot the monntaioa. In Arizona conditions have averaged ratber better than nsoal and the oattle to be moved this tall will mostly go west lo tbe coast, tbe movement eaet being lighter than nsnal for tbe year. New Mexico will have fewer oattle to send out than last year, and tbe movement will be late, owing to the good condition of the ranges and tbs consequent im provement in the cattle. Texas will have fewer oattle to move than last tall, bnt oonditions are most favorable. Tbe orop ot coro and cotton seed bss been annsually large and efforts are being made to bave a larger nomber ot the oattle fed at home. Tbe bulk ot tbe feedera to be moved north will be of younger oattle than last year, bnt with present prices cattlemen are well satisfied with results, though tbe movement np to date has been slow owing to tbe high prioea asked. The oattle oomlng from the Indian leeritory and Oklahoma are in good oondition , and the movement will be nearly if not quite as large as laat season. Tba orop of rough feed baa been large in nearly all seotions of the country, and indications ars fav treble tor tbe roogh feeding of ao unusually large number ot oattle duriLg tbe winter. While it is generally conceded that the number of cattle going into the dry lots for winter feeding will be larger this aeaaon tnao last, tuts ib considered a favorable aign for the maiutenanoe of tbe preaent aatisfaotory prioea for fat oattle. Packers report tbe beet demand for home and foreign consumption most satisfactory , and the demaud for good cattle well finished is unusually slroog It ia expeoted that while tbe number of 0'ittls oo dry feed for tha wiotei will be less than laat year, tbe quality will aver aue better, another factor towards msin laining the good prions. Wbile tbe movement ot abeep tboa far bas been ratber lighter than laat year up to Ibis time, the decrease in tbe move ment being about 10 to 15 per sent., flockmaatera art feeling independent and are holding prioea pretty firm. Io Boms seotions lbs high prioes bave bald tha movement dowo to a very low point. Moataoa aod Wyoming sheep bave been moving very slowly. The high prios asked for lambs bss beld many buvers back, bat tbo movement bat tboa far been fairly good. Kansas aod Nebraska promise to take lolly as maoy as laat year, and Missouri aod wa are doubling laat year's reoord Colorado will sot taks to exooed 60 per eaotottho nomber fad laat year,b anaa of tbo bigh prioea asked. Tbs ds a and tboa far lo New Mexico and Colorado bavt been remarkably aotive, bat tredst bavt hardly beeo as ootner oat aa a year ago, thoogb at to advenes over last year's flgaree of tally 33 oeote per b tad. Tbo gooJ prioo being received for wool baa made tlockmeaUrt ratber indifferent and tbo largo omnaot of roaga foeJ to tbe euro elates Is said to be largely responsible tor tbo looreaaed demand from these seotlooa. If present oooditloas cootloaa, lbs anmtr of lambs and abeep moved from western raoges tbia fall will fall lolly 2U per etui. below last fall's movement. Tbs scarcity of taills oa lbs raogs ot lbs Weal baa ras.1t good grating dtiHug tM su miliar, and both sup eu.l larutx ars o-imitig ant ta bniier oo liitt a itiau nsnal. Tbo tnct4 demand fro a Nsw Pnglaal aoJ Eaalfto farms f.'f stork sbnep baa Oil tana aa baevy m rt.iaxii.! tliMkl o,tMo lambs an. I ye.riloiia esufUral wort freely than o yr ago Ibaagn M.Mtkmtalef still ebon a lai...s Iowa'. U kfilns lbs broetliag ahawp tbs rang a, Arllma, N Mat it I and TlaSt port ginvl ranges tut Iba infer, a foadlltooo toft gnud wleWer era b't' Ibaa lby bave be ia a long lima i Stllaa few atallerej IncaUHM Tbl fa is eatil lo ake ahMt OfQ lra OtilroOS 14 ll lhair laaatM II, ai aaal. ftif with O fatr wiOMf lh fl kniM'ar raa tal . In 5 Stitt worth i I from bit lamb Is the spring aa I anil r4 at ajaesi ot . (of I animal aa Ibis fall,WMU vt t litlla addilioaal .ipnnas i l a tart lag Ibrnnga ( All tfcmogsi tha tango ean'iy I'm l Ut l M etirT bil f! U t. a-lvaas f 4ttber are lkalallf f ll I by drool ing p(T io lrattag, a bile a J".p ia pkwa ta loiiana-i bi mitve ssaikatt en a livaime SjiVse Htix-k mn are m', la g shapn finaoiaily aa I kMfiy all etnt fpot the simtl tr9oe to IM Sitaaito sit sU uv to mti las s iaU ,it,ai f.,( , GKANT COUNTY NEWS. Notes of intereat From Our Melshborlng Conuty. Grant County News Oct. 13th. John Eaton, aged 75, and Mrs. Matilda Keller, aged "0, were married at Baker City Wednesday last. JoeShafer departed for Portland last Satur day. He is a delegate to the K. ot F. grand lodge which convenod in Portland on the 11th inst. Rodney McHalcy and Annie McHaley went over to Ueppner last Friday. From thore they will go ou to Portland to witnesses the tights at the exposition. Mr. Fix drove out of Grant county a band of 12,000 lambs Instead of 1.2U0 as stated in last weeks' issue. Judge Maxcey and sister, Mrs. Potter, Mrs. Hachney, Mrs. J. D. Coombs and George Mc Haley returned from Portland on Bun day's stage. During the trip the stage was tipped off the grade throwing out the occupants. Mrs. Potter and Georgo McHaley came out of the pile with sprained ankles. The remainder of the party received slight bruises. Tbe printer has no coraplaiut to make in Dawson City. Letter heads are paid for at tbe rate of $20 per 1,000; envelopes and billheads tbe same. Business cards, 115 per 100. This shows that volume of business, alone, is report ed to make Dawson the paradise for printers. But the field is well filled and the demand ior newspapers and printing is not lu proportion with the population. P. F. Chandler and W. K. Overholt bave pur chased the real estate, building, type, presses, printing material, subscription list and good will thereto, aud will continue the publication of the paper on the lines where the present edi tor quits off. Marked improvements will be made lu the News, because the youug meu are energetic and ambitious, and no pains or ex pense will be considered too great wben the welfare ol the paper it the issue. At noon on Saturday word came to the fore man of the Great Northern mine from their headquarters at tlalt Lae City to pay off t lie men and suspend operations Indefinitely. No reason Is kuowu for the shut down. Work may be resumed In a few days, but in all probabilliy the mine will remain closed until spring. Home miscreant lately burned the tent and herder's outfit belonging to M. M. Brlerly, of Northern Grant. Depredations against home sheepmen have been frequent this summer. . CIKI.'l'lT COURT CRIMINAL DOCK IT. Htate vs. Klchard Illnlclo. Demurrer to the Indictment abstained in accordance with su preme court mandate. Case resubmitted to preaent grand Jury in furtherance of Justice, and defendant held without ball to await the action of the present grand Jury. Htate vs. Miles Harper, trespass on a mining claim. Jury returns verdict of not guilty aud defendant dlcharged. State vs. Fred Ik' ford, larceny by stealings elding. Jury returns verdict of guilty. De- ledant sentenced to pay a line of li'iO and Judg ment for costs. Htate vs. Frank Harrison, larceny by stealing one gelding and one mare. Duiendant pleads guilty. Huutenre not yet passed. Htate vs. U. K. Dlusdale, obtaining money under false pretenses. Defendant pleads guilty and sentenced to two years lu tlm ieiilteutlary, and Judgment for coals. Htate vs. Harry Cruliititon, forgery. Psfen dant pleads guilty and It sentenced to two years in tha peulteutiary and Judgment fur coats. A NEW FIRM E. .G Noble & Successors to Noble & Co., Are in this field at the old stand with Harness, Saddles, Whips, Spurs, anJ an endless lof of everything in their line. E. G. Noble and Mrs. Geo. Noble comprise the new firm who will pay all bills of the old firm aa well at collect what is one. K. O. & CO. . Are out to do business and plenty of It. Don't overlook this. Repair work a specialty. A BEAUTIFUL DISPLAY Is that of plain and decorated Chinaware & Queensware At Gilliam I Bisbee's And by the way they have anything you can call for in the line of . , Hardware, Stoves and Tinware. 60 WHERE YOU CAN GET WHAT YOU WANT. THE ART OF BREWING And now the entire world Knows this verfect product As the Star Brewery beer Was Pert ct d by th Production of.... HCMP GOIDD On draught at all popular saloons STAR BREWERY CO., 203 Waehlnoton St., Portland, Or That 14-Year Old Stuff, 'Kohn's Best." On Tap Down at The Telephone Saloon A New Way to llaks Ice. A modest chemist, liviog io Los An galea, Cal , baa JtsroTereil a salt which may kill all eiiatioa' meibxls of supply log Ice, ssys the Near Yrk Press, tbitnbloful is beraHiielly sealed lo oickel-silrer reosptiols abiol three- igbths of ao inob in diameter aod two laches loriM, which tbs soldier may carry by tbedoinnlohisbaverS'M'k. It velxhs about as moch as a cartridge. Dropped Into eaoWeo of water it eouvorta tbs oooteots into Ice in ao looreJibly short time. A larger oos kill frevie a backet of 8aoligj (or any other water, aod a still larger a lab. As the atlte d j ool eme in cootset with tbe water lbs let- lr remains tpolluivd. A lawyer 0 o trolliug (tie iliao.it.-rr is sit in Nsw York la eorrP'in.lii(tt witb tbs seere tary u( war, ao I bis bopes era higo that ll will b adopted ly lbs army. IT I as kahic uuuiisi see Nsw Stand, City Hotel Baildiog, low rirrivrr, Prop. F!ST TRAIN SERVICE DAILY TO THE EAST VIA fl mm Fast Express flUUo, t'liMI, Hl'HIN(iS A-t,,.. lurt.Ka. . ' niMl Art CITY Arrl.aaMS IJt UMAIU l MoINKH I'KOt'la . " ClllCAltO an p. m. T p. as. "iMp m. Snu piti 1 H p m. 19 p, a, S ai p. m. II'AI aa. sin a. ia. A Clever Triok. Itrril.iiniy Italia liki ll , but ll ere Is rsll no liltk alh ni ll. Ai)tMHlyeea tiy II who liaa lama hack aud weak kid HP) a, niaiarm ir ieffitia tfitih1pe. We man ha ran rn'f lii nai .f rghl awar by taking t.lioirn- llnlrra. Tina rullriui loneai up ti wli..lt atatnn. acta aa a al ruilrnl In Id livr and kitlneta, l a IIiih! Iiqnflrf ati.l fieie l-.l.m. It urs rtiaU(ali.n l.alli-, fatnling Slle, lelMai'MS ami nnlitfhn, II la port-It g -lah'.a toil I ! and hlir Id atal.-m In II Statural tlgnr. Tr l'iteifia lmr an t t eavtad hai hy ore a luirania rkr h lila 0raalrvt Only 60 a N.itla al riliteout .Hog iVa, K. J Hlo coin, mooeajwr Colorado Flyer Lmtm Ht'SVKR . IJM p. ((HO hl'IUNOtJ lift p. m. ArrttaoTDI'r KA . 7 an a. m. KA.NttA.rt CITY . 15 a.m. Ar. KT. lOl IH. (Wab. K S 11 p. ArrWaa BT. JUrlKI'H W W a. m. Ttimnik Hla1-a aott I'hair Cmrm ri.lara.ln la tht. -v Wi.la t Mtiituis idnmchtrtiU Tba On'M tn-in In tha Waat. For psrtlcalare and fnlilan atlTinc tlrns nf lhaae trains writs i. L. DC tVOISC. C. t. M LCOO. l-t.KIL.NU. UME. A. H. 1'. A . TOrKK. Arntas I.INt'llLN It s Hon) S IS a. m. - OMAHA iKiboi.) . S.'a-m. I O. liLty.lt. . , .Ula,a. Tkmosb Hlavpara Colors tu Rpriflcs lo Bt Loais U Wabaab K . a. (AtTIAN, IV A t ill A(IO. Wieceasia tiats 9 vtaas tariajiiejcl. TtAOt MARKS, 9 W m m -ww. iila, fV s l fXM - as) f 9 f-M- 4a t Tmm S W aa. S4, ' t-a9 aWt ' wa- Ba ,') a M .ftftMia. m tlissi lasAa a I Ml SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN. -itbaa mw - a ,a r a4 U 4. AaWaa wMSsasjat lfwitW tt mA Wawa i w s t PVM vm I ra OENEKAL PASHENOKIl DEPARTMENT. Milwackek, Not. 5, 1807. l'ATUONS f tbn WiaooDain Ootral Liiiw io invasion tbroogh Chicago uiay rtqair) sxima MeisU Anr io tb way of Laving their hatnl hsLcac takfo form or to train nrnl carriato fr hn, ot in many other waja, ad4 thry will fioJ all that ia tlcsim! io this rf sjioct io lb iwnrtcw of thw Uabwra t the UraoJ Central pAoaoogfr jKtati.n, who r'atu ricnt1y Inx-n nnif'tf tni-il with tmo aoit ml rrl cap. Tbry will U ia waiting ( all traiM frt trrJ to Aaaist pa.. a''oh'fia, anJ it ia bnJ that ottr ptrtiia will fully avail thmlva 'of tbia allititital provision fur ILfir c'ft'tt ! m r. roND, 9 "-a-v-Sav-av-s I PlCMfYcu can ItlLMibe cured If aaffar froai antr at ika I f M mt tKmm, cm ia iha pl.Ual I fJ a I fctaualtai aa tha M tout, II I IOIIaiWM. lSISSt 1 I '" aaeaiadaUJIe . a"al atra al wa .uilr-.rf Staaai lU tftfli at ywbl.tl annaoia,!. atn m ma i-wr Ht'h . ,m l k...l m mu it. - .n.i a.Mriaalrrhara. rraa.aMir.aa-, UnmlHra, .I'S. , raja ar I rlaau, . It, a ' vnaiwi.M, m rMhlMM.4 $rmmt iratia po9 I'M I ". Paaa tn WaJ U l.l a) ..! 4 mly mil 4 mmt- u ... L-t IK llnh.JMMrlulii V ttm aiira. aa. taa ia a-.l..i... a. 1 . I. .. I hr. mm4 Sa-c " r taioa4 '"'t-T-IHaaaUaMi af H.a ra Hla Ihnrwch'r arafvtra tloaS law m w"u--1 a.rmrti A a,ra)ar'fc ir;i, r .V f lkaaaaa4 allar J a SI'.,. , r CiiAkit tmr n 'r t .1- .ia. l4M.Vi;, lr i a- "' tar- i I, ar KT Uttm lJ L I . iiT sl fmm-n I RrestM liattltr tif Attikfrtti.it -a aavlai K ,r ,M mA t , f IOI INrWSaM SW.at... fj .liai'rfi I aa) f "'I P ka Saa) amn1lS MUNI A CO., (t INwasaan Pew fail, ! 4-. I i' , 1 I , , I' : . I t ..... I It