COME ! ! 3 The Latest Arrivals at ; Brown CTILL THEY The Celebrated "Ideal Brand" of WORK SHIRTS- double all over. A heavy, black DUCK OVERCOAT, blanket lined, for teamsters. New and neat line of OUTINGS, FLEECE GOODS, and CALICOS, CHEVIOTS and DRESS GOODS. UR GOODS and PRICES Blankets from - An A No. 1 Rubber Overcoat Full line of Winter GLOVES and MITTENS. - 50c up $1.85 0 iVre Doing tlio Business. , . . We are not to be undersold. Come and look through our stock before buying elsewhere. Our MADE-TO-ORDER SUITS&. Come from the Highest Class Tailoring Establishment in the United States at prices within the reach of all. FROM FOOT TO KNEE Ohio Woman Suffered Great" Agony From a Terrible Sore Her Story of the Case, and Her Cure. " For many years I was afflicted with a milk leg, and a few yeara ago it broke out in a sore and spread from my foot to my knee. I suffered great agony. It would burn and itch all the time and discharge c great deal. My health was good with the exception of this sore. I tried a great many kinds of salve, but some would Irritate the sore so that I could hardly stand the pain. I could not go near the fire without Buffering intensely. Someone sent me papers containing testimonials of cures by Hood's Sarsaparilla, and I told my husband I would like to try this med icine. He got me a bottle and I found it helped me. I kept on taking it until my limb was completely healed. I cannot praise HoocTs Sarsaparilla enough for the great benefit it has been to me. It cleanses the blood of all impurities and leaves it rich and pure." Mrs. Anna E. Eaken, Whittlesey, Ohio. You can buy Hood's Sarsaparilla of all druggists. Be sure to get only Hood's. wl rsii are the liwu o i-iiis cathartic favorite family Price 26C. WATCH THIS SPACE! In It If you catch on. - $3 given away for the best core this week' at the i Gallery -SCORE TO DATE- Highest possible score 120. Prize Merrltt and Galloway tied on lO.'i Ladles' prizes: Emma, Welch tut, Lena Rhea 2d. Red, White and Blue lights In front. 5 tKtiK)tllMiytlt AOVhKriSKI) LKTTErW. LETTERS ADVERTISED AT HEPPNEB Or., October 17, lmej. Allison, o n Mednkler, John M H tint, William Miller, UK Brown, Myrtle Miillinlx. L P Cormlchael, Vlda Murphy, M H Crousa. J L Purclluil, T D hnrman, Tom Hmlth, D C OlIMlln.Thn J K Oreer, LpmC Htlekler, William Hanson. W Thompson, Mm Mathews, Arthur T Thomson, William McArtjr, Howard When caltlnf for thraw letters pleas say advertised. R. F. Vaouiiam, P. M Local Notes. Choice fruit at The Maine. Bee M. Liclitentbal k Go. for shoes. For cboioe coufeotiooary go to Tlie Maine. Bny your tobscooe of Geo. C. Rome, at Tbe Maine. Albert W. Norton it io to make Anal proof today. A girl baby U reported at the home of Wm. Cos am. Wbere ceo yon teat yoor tnarktman blpT At Tbe Milne. Wbere oeo yon bny tbe beet elgtr on sertbT At The Maine. Frominent officers of tbe Salvation Army ere visiting Heppnsr, Tbe lower warehouse bat to unlimit ed eoppy rf seed rye for tale. 85 1m Llohteolbal A On. forthoet, F.ictuaive shoe store. Iltndles lbs besl. Mtf Dr. A. C 0 resoles, corner Orand eve ooe end Fast Morrlaoo l, Portland, tf The Oasttte'e tnbeoriptlno price of $1.60 U Hating tnbecribert every day. Dr. MeFtnl wae called to tbe ranch of Milt Morgan, wboae wife It teriotialy ill "On'o jaioV U ell right but taw Tll lard haa a brand of 14-year-old sfondt that It bard to beat. Co3 If Dr. J. W. Yogd, tpeclalttt f.r Mrec tins end defeote of tfe eye, will be here every three Dion the. GtVlyr I'eioleet iedy fr eilrecltng testb. If sot M ttatsxt. no ebargt-a. TI Ir. Vangbae's pew pea. M if. If yoo nd something for yoor t)taro all at the Tbiae The Telephone tt looa, City hotel tf Joel what oo btva looked for eft', where. Dr. lntoae sleeping garment for eblldrea el Prow A Plewert's. Mr. Cobeo, tapenaleedeet ef the Ileppntt weraboaea, reportt ptliog up of grata, aod f ir tale et fr) a-cls Tbe congregation of the M. E. South church, are quite enthusiastic over their new piis or, who proves himself a very bright, interesting talker. 8too that ooughl Take warning. It may lead to consumption. A 25c bot tle of Bhiloh's Cure may save your life. Sold b Oouser & Warreo. x Catarrh oared. A clear bead and sweet breath secured with Hhiloh's Catarrh Remedy; sold on a guarantee. Nasal injector free. Sold by Conser A Warren. x Karl's Clover Root Tea, for Constipa tion it's tbe beet and it after osing it you don't say so, return package and get your money. Sold by Conser & Warren. x Old fushiona in dress may be revived, but no old-fashioned medioiue oan re place Cuauibriuiu'tt Oolio, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. For sale by Oouser & Warreu. H. V. Gates, president of the Heppoer Water & Liut Co., has been in Heppuer tor tbe pant few days inspecting; tun pi not abd sunn K the nued i of the tou. He leaves ou tuiiu'ji't truiu. Fur CouBlipatioa take Karl's Clover Tea, tbe grout lilood Purifier, cures hettd acuta, Nervousness, Eruptions ou tbe face, and makes tlu head us oiear as a bell. Sold by CuuserA rVutren. x W. P. Su.vder, the livery stable pro prictot, buys uuiy tLbbcSihuy uu.l giaiu. Large Corrals and acoommodatioDs for freighters. Hacks und buggies furnished reason able. rJtock well Oured for. tt The Morrow Couuty Land & Trust company have decided to go into the wheat buying business extensively this tall, and it is important that growers in terview tbem before dipoeiug of their orops, Sbilob't Consumption Cure oureg wbere others fail. It is tbe leading Conga Core, end no borne should be without it. FleaBant to take and gone right to tbe spot. Bold by Conser A Warren, x Otto Fredericks of the City bakery keepe a oomplete hue ot oauned goods, staple grooeries, oonteoiiouiry, vege- tablet, switet potatoes, cto Bread, pie aud cakes bsked efh diy. Wedding cakes a speoialty. tf Richardson's bicycle store on Main street will be converted into a Halvation Army barraokt thU week, Mr. Rich- ardson will oconpy tbe room temporar ily Id n by Brown A Beymer, when their new tbop it finished Now, that tbe warm rent' n ie aliou over, fretb candies are in order, end James II art will devote his time to lb maonfsotore ol the choicest delicacies in tbe line of oreamt, taffy, eto. Io f sot, all kinds ot oonfeotiooary are to be foood there. 80-tf Frank H. Johnson returned Saturday from bis harried trip to Cbioago, where he went iu o:Dsaltation with his firm, Silbermao Bros. He reports on bis ar rival thero tbe failure of one of tbe larg est mills in tbe United States, which was a serious shock not only to his oonoorn but to tbe wool buyers iu general. He is unable to predial tbe tendency of tbe market for tbe present. W. W. Smead, a delegate to tbe K, of P. oonventlon at Portland, hits returned. He reports a "royal" time. The idea of economy was introduced in the conven tion, reducing the number of delegates one half, which was met with almost nnanimons opposition. He prononnoet the fair a decided suooeea, and tbe life and business activity ot Portland her alds tbe advent of prosperity In tbe Northwest. Nioe mischievous boys were arranged before Recorder Riohardson yesterday oo a very serious charge, and had tbe parties making the complaint been die posed to precipitate trouble for tbem by demanding their prosecution they would have b.-en taught a severe lesson. Fun is all right for boys, but when it de velopes into malioaons destruction of property it will surely wind up dis astrously for the ones who fail to stop to figure r,nt the result. , J M. Hnnsford presented the Gazette nffiue for inipeotioa a handsome pin made from a nugget brnngbl from the Klondike by Sam Eueley, from bit brother Levi, who is now at work oo EoBley'a claim. Levi experienced several hardships in getting over tbe pass, and in the great slide, where to many lives were lost, he lost a greater portion ot his outfit, whiob necessitated bis pnoking over tbe summit iu order to earn enough for another oatfit. He bad thestnyiog qaalities and now is in tbe lsnd of gold, but compelled to work for what be gets. J. M. Hansford Is making arrangements to Join bit brother in tbe spring. HERE WE ARE WE WANT YOUR PATRONAGE! Our Line of We are prepared to offer you the BEST VALUES of any house in the city CLOAKS and CAPES is complete, comprising all the latest styles in Infants' Children's Ladies' and Misses' WlpPS from $1.50 to $25.00: Our Stock of lilErS CLOTHING Is perfect in satisfaction. In fine Silk and Plush. stylo and finish and guaranteed to fit and give entire In Shoes We are the only house in town that sells the Celebrated "Kant Wear Out" Boys' and Youths' Clothing, the reputation of which is world-wide and sold by all the leading houses. We lead them all. The Kelley-Goodfellow Shoe is so well and favorably known that we need only to mention that we sell their line of Shoes to insure us a large and increasing Shoe trade. In Dress Goods We are up to date in all the latest novelties in patterns. Silks, Satins, Velvets, Braids, Ruffl ings in all the latest shades and styles to match our dress goods. MKB. HLOAN'B DKATH. Particular of ths UofoMnnata Trrmloatloa of Rrr Mr. This morning's train brought the re miiitie of Mrs. Hatcj E. Hloan bere for luteitnei.f, seoompenied by the bereaved mrroliert of ber fi.uiily. On every band oan be lu trd expressions ot sympathy, and the unfortunate cironmblHooet of her death bare brought a feeling of tad nest to tbe li'arta of tbt entire oomma nily.the partioolart of whiob were recited to nt by bfr too Frank, at follows: Oo tbe evening ot tbe lltb, aooompa- nled by ber tiater, Mre. D. A. tUrrin, the attended tbe exposition, and at tbe ooo clntino of the program left the building aud took tbe Morrlaoo ttreet oar. while Oo tun Crane, who If ft Milt Bounty io July, aitli bit family, ripretingto locate permanently in California, retnrned to Lexington, bit former bnme, and It teri onaly inclined to give np bit California ambition. Hit family a ill rftna'n there notil l .ter. Owing to tbe testes of mioors to the nlokle-ln-lht tlot machines, Marshal Tbnrntoo ordered thm all removed yet terdty, which cauaa.l demtralixstloo lib ant only tbe daiera, bat many ot oor eitiint, wbobavt devolved a fond tfTrOtion f r them Wbert eto yon gt a gond frb and hot sop of pars Java aod Mocha oofT-t for 60? At Ths Mama. Opra day and nUbt. Also, ham ttodwleb, 60; quarter of a pit (home made), Be; pieesofcakt (hnmt made), fie; two txnlM gg; bo; cbeeet, erarkxrt and Inneb gooda. "Is lbs mortiioc by Its bright light," Is tbe evKsIng at lb HlUd light," wbers Jaibo Hasmoa toatiaaea ti dolt to bit pet rone thoas tparkllnif baveraget, which "tiaoieh rnflaooh'illjr and drtvt dull ears away." lrrnp le; warmth greatt oO IheM fall and winUr enli g. Now thai the Qiakr dcWs have moved to (he sett pfolifli Bld oitr ta will retunte lit normal frndilma sad ths tsorcbaatt will Ire Jut In reaBi'tg their tv-oln at'ei laiie el th-ir plare of balaat, while the social et-aant of iht tomu trill arraeg i't ei'.o-atrr p' Items of ei jmrt Mike Is. at the tiftve.tor, l lag renexleM lb p'pnlar olMirne e f ber, eltet.'lt to t' p'ili'10 e rd,al Some Tb" l vr att l 4ipsr-s will be kept up 1 1 the bit-'t t'ai,lard. aod tte etilafgnnei.l and t-ttuf iftahle Underwear In Ladies' and Children's Underwear we can sup ply your wants, and our prices are right. Blankets We carry a large stock of Blankets from the Salem Mills, from 50c up. Staple Goods In Staple Goods we carry everything needed in in the house. Groceries Also carry a full stock of Groceries, and guarantee to meet all legitimate competition. Call and examine our StocK and get our Prices when in the city. First National Bank Building Heppner, Oregon. Successors to E. W. Khea & Co. Personal. not a tkuk bill. Mr a, Llerrio took ths Washington ttreet. UKD reaching Its Morrison street brnias Mre. Hloau realized that ahs bad pasted Third tlreet, wherS tbe intended transferring, and, request lug ths con ductor to ttop lbs ear, got oot to wtlk back. J net ibeo tbe draw of the bridgs wat tiuging open, and it bat d veloped that io tha intents darkoeea the walked ofT, and, falling a dietance ot 30 feet eirnrk a pr ji-otion which iotttnlly killed her, flushing ber breaet. It It now anp pard tbt Lrr body lodged there, and 11 ul until the rite of tbe tide at 1 o'olook tbe ii it day was it carried off, end while II itUbg wat diecovered by tbe bridg laud, r, at related in onr leal Issue. Ths rivir was grappled oiaataully Oolil II JO o'clock, Hon. Uy, whan It wat recovered. Mre. Hloen was turn io lliatonri, M .roh I, IHM, abd lbs fcllowlug ysar parents oamt acro the plaint, eet- tliug at flrtl in Oregon, after which, until 14 rears ago, Ibey lived at variant point on tb n el. Togeiber with ber bat bai.d end family tbey ome to llepposr, bars he bat lived OBtil after the dettb i f her btiehatid over two years ago. Mrs. Hlnao leases two aorit, Prank sod Olaad, aod two danghtert, U't. J.C. McCarty and Hit. U. U Hbfw. The laet tad nee over its remain a of Mr. HUmio were performed at ths Chris list rboreb, andar tbe anepices ot ths F.eleio Ktar, K-v. BLelUy flioiatiug. Tna ihiiieb wae crowded eiltitbe frleadt of the deotaeej. Tbe fsberel bnSeeaioO front lis ebsreh to cetaeteey was made on of n,l at onr rltitent, aed evert li' h"Qs In the tnaa rhed Mt il'f-ra daring lh t'lro'"n la et-ni I fa'i a f the eiera In wbleb Mr. Mo-aa and ber family art hld o-'Bwiiaiiy. Jim Grace and ln Keislns; vame In from Monument yesterday, Oeo. Perry, ol L0110 Rouk, has returned Irom tbe Tortlaud eipoaltlon. Mrs. Isaao limit went to the (arm of her mother' on Balm Kork for a visit. Will H. Cohoe, of Monument, made the Gasette a pleasant call yesterday. Lee Paine, a prominent sheepman from Cot tonwood district, le In town on business. Ju. Cochran, the Monument merchant, ac companied by hi wife, wa In town yesterday. Councilman Hlinon experienced a pleasant visit to Portland as a delegate to the K. of p. convention. Ueue Noble and wife, who btve bveu vlsllli ( at Monmoutb, Polk county, returned houiv Sunday morning. Dr, Returning friend of Congressman Kills, from Portland report him there and that ou the ailb be will start East Dr. Bunlork and family returned Hunday morning alter a week' itar at the metropolis Tbe pleasure of their visit wa considerably marred owing to the eerlou Illness of their two little boy. Dr. Swinburne returned from a few day so Journ In Portland, where be went In attend aneeto the convention of Knight of Pythlae. While there be ieiit considerable of his time at tbt rsrtou huapaala. Among those In etteudaiine at the funeral of Mrs. tloan were Mr. A. B. Thouipeon and wile, Mr. () t. Theinpson and wile, and Meeare. U. C. L M. and P. A. Thompson, also Mr. U Ibompeon, of Usinlltun, and ( bsrlrs and Ma k Thotnwon, ol Monument, Berry, tbt Qaaksr Doctor, Discharged by tbe Conrt. Tbt East Oregonian aayt: One oaae brought to the attiitinn of lbs grand jury, portettiog oiiotlderable iutereet, wat that Bgniost John B. Berry, ths (Junker duotor, who at charged with the orini of "itineraotly vending roedi oine aod publicly profetaiog lo cart tlieeatet by the nee of tnoh medioinet without a licenae therefor," The charge tel forth Ibat John L, Berry 00 Heptem ber 10th, "being then and tbers ao itin erant vender ot drug, oottramt, medl does, ointment and otber tppliaooet intended for tbt treatment of diteatand iojnry, did wroogfnlly end unlawfully vend to 1 sell snob good, etc., for ths treatment ot diaentet and Injary and did then and there, by writing and printing aad orally, pnblioly profett to enre die ettet.ets., without Ortt having obtained a lineoie therefor at reijuir I by law." The case having been folly Inquired Into by tbe grand jury, tbs not true bill wat returned Friday nr rolog. Brtof yoor bi les, p.jlt aed fare n , ,,,,, ul bU btllier I parlort aot a. Mtthewa, at the IJbriy Met r , , , , eTket. He pays bUb-t taark.t peios elab-r.-. are a draemg featn.e. fee. Market. CIV-IT. A. M,fln af I ean egaia kaire nertng iiua at lilt l I elaaJ l Mm street tftr aa theae Imm tlv of s f r. TJ l.-.t nM Li Im (Ma. CJ LJ Bart ef.e !.. t res ri rj s . rl Ths Meq ) '!. "ii xl rx etre'l In lb" Hni .a' l.i-if. Is le eIlel 11. 1 til I'n $,l'lt sill bs Mal'.r sMirltit this wir'-r Jlew e tnpa.l) ar t w f a III af pr ffrtsj lia I1 trr ai Iht fripa'af. fl'et rises Iheatr nt I'lland. aa I whet la Portland t deeiieht tbeal t aot fall tu Uts l-i . f f fir dftrr.eS tfcal Agsla la rlaslanes. Mr. Iltory Blaokmaa it tgtio repre tentative butiaeal man of Heppoer, hav ing scurtl eouiin liooi oKi is Iht lower brirk bnilditg 00 Main ttrst, where bt will sogagt Is a general lotur. tost, Lito and O xntnissino bueiueet. fit has received lbs eppolotmaat at pecial agent for lbs Mutual Lift loetir aoos Cutupaoy of Nsw York, wbicti la 00a of I'je great Ktw York oompaaiiS, somtttrses tpokta of at lbs Ihra giaott," and It Iba ohl.-el end largeel of Iht Ihra. It atett fur Iht j tar eo ling Deoe.iiher 8I.1U7, war i.'J,7hr,,4 n Ol. Us will bs pleaaed to Beet bit ol I f need and clhaet at bit reni, N . 6, lo Iht lower btWb ia Mala tlrewt. Was Kayiag Happlhw. V. F. Hmyer, of Deep Creek, oo the Mid lis Fork of the Jobo Day, wtt in Iht city hnying winter supplies yeeler day, tayt the Pendleton Tribune. Mr Hmyer baa coma placer mines 00 Dtp Creek, bat lid thert tevertl yetrt aod hit ton owot tbt hotel at Hustovllla. tie ttyt thtt lbs llaskxll k Hloao group of mines on Klk ork La rereolly bees told lo tha Badger company of Hutto villa. Mr. Hmyer gives lbs soeoartglog infortuatloa that a large araosat of Iba trade ot the cmolry it tending toward rtndletoo, xilh aa a purchaalog plans and a shipping point. lit would, bo ever, liks to ses better wsg'io rot I coa neclione. lie wat acviiiipatoel by Wm Bice, of the eatut plant, who was alao bating a largt supply nf winter fro vlai'tn aad dryg'xi l. Bald Nothlag, Bat Hawed Wood. Tha wood-tswiog ooutett at to Sat urday night'a tbo wat a fanny tbiog. Tbt five lady participant "bad all beeo there before," aad ou u? reoe track io tba world did the fiery aletdt aver ex hibit more auatiitioa tj ''gel off in tbe letd." When the word "go" wat tuunded, the old fatbiootd rlppiug beet wtrs not io it. Ous yoaog lady, who bad in hand a saw and buok familiar to almott avtry man, womaa aud child In Heppoer, tbs owoer ot which It a noted wood aawyer aod something ot a tool racer, tinder wboae 0 jaobiog tbe wtt tx- peoled to carry off tbt "platnb," tail ber bead aod commeuced oo tbe wrong sod of tbs iliok, itarted oat with a Jightaiog stroke, bat, like sums old h r, tbs faitbfal old taw woulJ oot work oo lb it off aids. Uad tbt jatl ran roaod to tbt otbtr aids aod pat bar fojl oa it, she would sorely bare wo 1 tbs medal. Have Iba girl io tba oeoler, tbe other failed t ots tbs baooo nod on the aaw, aod j Jtt as tbty got uiotly startsJ tua tawt balked aod tbey oould sot budge tbem. Bat tbs wlootr clstrly demoattrtted tbe result of praotics, aod ths woo "btndt down," to lbs tatiefaclioo ot all eavt to sellout yonog men in the aodltooe, bote an 1 let y was ooiioad by many ot I butt near tbem. A Boslaes Cbanra Io Deppner. A oios olsao ttook ot olotblng, fornitbicg good 1, eto, oartfully aeleoted, aod bought for easb. Owner determined to sell, A rsrs opportaoitf tor tbtt fall trads. Writs or ioqoirs (Jazbtti Oppiok, Ileppoer, Or. New Uoed. Wt are oonttantly adding new goods aud now have ready for inspeolioo a Has ateorlmtntot watobrt, olookt, jewelry, tllvtrware, novelties aod moeloai lnttm Bents. P. O. Buhu, Jeweler. What Dr. A. B. Halter Bays. Buffalo, N. Y. Otntsj From my pertooal knowledge, gained io obeerviuf tbs effect of yoor Bhiloh's Curs lo oases ot advanced oontomptioo, I am prepared to tty it la lbs moal remarkable remedy tbat hat tver beeo brought to my stteo tiou. It bat oerttioly saved many from ontomplioo. Sold by Coottr k Wtrieo. B Seep f-Heeetteg It'P'rl J'l'l S'.ni m the Baiter treek'lrf tbl IV0 bead at tleep bli,.glng t M. H Colia-e I .he I yee-er. tier fitHtt .MnHg l ie .d t "l rtdi whether ll U If ..m I !. . ff- ol t'tati or frou diUilatd t"te-S. As atalyaia will he a to lar. If It prve tt U enalifM-.n p- l Otog t will mesa trouble li t partlrat , tf k tea ts ,J.i.-t4 f 1 very l ar I In -liet Ibal t B an will -ert '0 t1!l ,' I tfVr- lt ill I vari lb etealniti ol all Iboee Intefeete l it Salted le lbs fee! thai the Heptatnber term ut Iht eirtqil S ari lt M r rus cHiuly, wbuh wa edj mroed ttutli l ue day, lbs Diet da; ut Nvemir, Km, will eev'bs a eir edj lufneseui. The law sbteglsg lbs lira of holding rxmrt la Marrow s.oel selaioed bo enter- geney elat, heure the flia.ite will ! lake sflert setelsl Mm, int It titled la Ibt last laeile tf the it e Ibal IU law wueil J a lai fft tl ooae, ta 1 Ibit iiy h M mis Is tbttk thai I be a.j mreel es!..ii wuid al b Mlefnrtaae af Jwka Allea Join Allen, of Mnumal, w bile 10 bit rMtra with a load of freight for Jet Corhren, of that pi are, bed tha Dilator lane ti break b'.e leg batweea the ankle and itie in a paoaliar manner. He bad j lt reached Iht tumirilt Ibit lids of "perry's when bit lealert twang oat of llm r al. ae t, en l-at irlng lo eaicb Iht lt lise, Ihe t'l.til whel Sanghl bis let la turn t shape that it was brokta, lit ir-e e Iu ttppitg tba team aad f- aiained there aatil prte tarts along who brnngbl hire to towa, aad b la aow uud"f Ir. Me twr,rj'rar at Iba llepp nr hn. Jae. lUmUfn and Will II. Oboe, auio being aotified of Iba bjvI dnt,rm in 'e,,,r, laiaudlng lo lake Mr Alien kyima, bil ih dr etnr ca tl l'ed II It.tdvltstile, to he Will rtSJtla im tiin et tha boieL Hsary i'ttereoe leeaae. Last Haturday Uat Hloao, Win. Bed ford aad Albert Ballauoe arreeted Utary I'elertou, wbo resides oo ths Middle Fork below Hataaviilt, oa ebargs of lutioily, and brooghl bim to Ixiug Creek. Meeen Hloao and Kedlord departed wilb blu tba followiug morning tor Caayoa Cit.wbef bs wat adjudged ot ootuuod miod. lie will at oaos Is Itkto to tl say lam, wheis II Is hoped that madlsal treetmtet will restore bis Impaired meo tal sooditloo. At Utiles bs Is psrfretly rational, bat very ollet bit oouduloo it taob that It was ootaft for atf oas Ut pass bis pi ao.-1)1 us Moaetalo Cagls. fUH HALE. Itauob, 'SJO acres, ginid laud, 4 mile of Heppoer, all fencaj, plenty of water, bnuae aad barn, 140 acres of summer fallow, all ready If fall crop. Katy terms. Call at Iba Oaxctts offlos. Krl-U Haw II Hart! Kbto) 1 atltra, with its shtrp twinge, sobtt sad ptint. IXi yoa know tbo ototef Acid to Ibt blood bat tooamo. Itled Is yoor j.riuU. Tbssarslt foood 1 1 flood's Harstptrills, whiob Ototral- its Ibis acid. Tbooaaods writs tbat they bavs bean evimnletely cared of rbta mslUm by H eod't fttrtaptrUla ll.Kvl't lMl are the oely pill to ttks wlibllidMrpr1lla 2V. too I A hlil tallet, iK.aefW, lf.f gatl0 received f"i-aj.)g Instil tonoqe(t ht eisrt! W hat is H ip Hold? Beet t-w r-i t Ik re tWlert la Caweellalte. rrM BeeaMlB rraaklla. 1 "Whew leu are atek, wbal ysq liks best It 0 bs Shasta fr tosdtClltS lo lbs Bret 1 lava j wbal etporieaos Mis yoi Is tel, to bs tbuaea ta lbs sasoad ttlaes; a tal reaeoa (1. a. theory) taya Is lt is to bs cboees Is lbs laet plaes. Bat tf yoa Sea gel Ir. laeliaalloo, Lr. Eipert eaos and l. Iteeaoa la bold 0 s ben Ha llos together, tbey Will gltS oS Ilk beet adytaa tbal ses bs lekee." Wbee yoa bavs bad avid tf. lasliaa Ikia would remmmead Cbamberlako't Otagb lUioedy leeraaes M Is pleeeael aad ta'e la lake. lf. would rernaeod II beeauea II Sever fails lo effect a epewlr aad par aaeeeol ears. Dr Iteaeoti Would rnxattt It beetass II IS prepared oa aeiealtfle prtatlplaa, ti 4 sois rn baiore's plea la raltvta lte lettt. siing Iht aerretioas and rettot tag Ut a atiaral aad kts'tt y t'tndfw'ei, f n f 0MkV Will bs paid for laformatloB Isadlng to lbs arrest and eoavk I 00 of aay par sua stealing tatlls braadad M WU" Sow bssted oo lbs left (id. Waddls 00 lb aoea. PbskI llraaa. t5-Bof 3 Bartlea A rate Bale. Tbs Best ftslvs lo ths w.wt.l for Cats, Broiasst, Moras, Clsers, Halt ftasaa. Fsvar rVee, Tetter. Cbappe4 Uaads, CbUblsina. Onras, aatl all Hk'a Erp Uooa, aad poaiiivtiy ear) flies or bs psy rsairs-L It Is guaranteed Is gtts trleol sellsfacthio or mar Maad4. 'rts "l& seals p bnt. Far il by Blosaai Itu Oo f J. Wowb, Bttaag CASTOR I A Tor XfaoU Bsd Cbildita. Hi ibi In Hits Alujt Bosttl Hsar ths '4-v-t af n