Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, October 18, 1898, Image 1

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If you have bargains to
offer, announce it through
the columns of the
The Gazette will contain
the latest telegraphic news
From the Seat of
NO. 693
Published every Taesday and Friday
Editor gal l&aja.m&ax.
On Year
Six Month
Three Months
Advertising Rates Made Known on
Entered at the Postofllce at Heppner, Oregon,
as gecoud-clara matter.
THIS PAPER is kept on file at E. G. Dake'e
Advertising Agency, 64 and 85 Merchants
Exchange, San Francisco, California, where oou
raota for advertising oan be made for it.
ing agent, 21 Merchante' Exchange Build
ing, San Francisco, Is oar Bathorfzyd agent.
This papar ia kept on file at hie office.
0. R. & N. -LOCAL CARD.
V4 V V,. W J Vt OS; M.M.KJ 1
rf i - and has been mad
The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been
in use for over 30 years, has borne the signature of
made under his per-
since its infancy.
Allow no one to deceive you in this.
AH Counterfeits, Imitations and Substitutes are but Ex
periments that trifle with and endanger the health of
Infants and Children Experience against Experiment.
Castoria is a substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops
and Soothing Syrups. It is Harmless and Pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, , Morphine nor other Narcotic
substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms
and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind
Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the
Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep.
The. Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend.
Bears the Signature of
The Administration Opposes Pay
ing Any Money to Spain.
(J. W. CONSER Cashie
E. L. FREELAND. .Assistant Oasbier
Tram leaves Heppner 9:30 p. m. daily exoept
Sunday arriving at HeDDner Jnnetion 12:0i a. in.
Leaves Heppner Junouoa 8:30 a, m. and ar
rives at Hen oner 6:00 a m
HpoKane Express no. t leaves i'ortiana at Z;UU
p. m. and arrives at Heppner Junction 1:50 p. m.
and TJ ma ilia 8:50 d. m.
. Portland Express No. t. from Spokane, arrives
at Umatilla 6110 a. m. and Heppner Junction 74X1
.m. ana arrives at rortiana l-:5U a. m.
Fast Mail No. 2 leaves Portland 9:25 p. m. and
arrives at Heppner Jnnetion ; a. m, and at
Umatilla 1:30 a. m.
tost Mail No. 1 leaves Umatilla 11:10 d. m. and
arrives at ieppner Junction 12:25 a, m. and at
Portland 7 :2t a. m.
For further information inquire of J. C, Hart,
Agent O. H & N., Heppner, Ore.
Tha Finn Vaii Uqtta AItitqttci BniiriT..1
OFFICIALDIEECTOET. I 111) 1X11111 1 1111 I 1(1.1 ll H I II II I 11 IJ1MIIII
w d -0
united Btatet offld.1.. in iige Cqh Over an YfiAI-e
u . u.' ; 1 1 : MTf:i . . . a w "
a ' 'wi'itiuw. .,.......... i uiittiu iui;n.iiiiuy I
V President Uarret A. Hobart vr crwro commmv, tt Muaaav strict, mcwvoxx citv
secretary of state - W. U. nay
momtary or 1 reasury Lyman J, Unge
cemtary of Interior Cornelius N. HI ins
eormary of War..... Huatwll A. Alger
Sooretary of Navv John I). Lnnir
i'oatmaster-Oaneral Charles Emery Smith
Alt.,l-Maw.r4anufal 1 r,U W 'I;.....
Snoretarir f Agriculture James Wilson I M II B
SteteofOron. L US' 1 UAT . A U i U
liovernor W. P. Lord I Js.J.WK7 JL I1X X XJJ I1XLX1JL.
Hecretary of State H. It. Kinoald . 1 f II
. imtiuiic .. uii. ajaiauuau
u .. ... Lj.. k.i: - i..,.t:An i j m
Attorney Ueneral C. M. Idleman KJ f rl "., h- H Nl r.
Senator. .
.h::'Wm'i: u. a. it hi, a president
Oohgroasmen i w k. iii. T. A. KHEA Vio President
Printer W. H. Leeds
prem. judge. a. Transact a General Banking Business.
I . m. nuiiarvni RYf H A NnE flM ill. PA UT. rB TUB Vl-nui n uni'nin i vin oM r
,. , , ... . . ........... h .- . .j VK . nvnbi' u vv u ii - n .t rrv l.
nim annual vnuni. I flolWtlnn. marl fin .11 t.nlnt.nn hl a.-1. ... ,11.... o.. .o nr.
.!.mnit J-,rl Ht,.rin . T-o.-ll " r " ,v ' 1"
froMcuMag Attorney 11. J. Bean
f . im..:l
J lint Henator a.... J, W. Morrow I t liailOry,
l.AlirAfinnttivfi. r. . i KrM.llirl I
nuty Judge .A. U. Martliolomew U. H. UUAi M ISS1UJ EK
i :oiiiuuiiinners J. 11. Uowuro I
J. W. Ueckett. I
"T T ?.T.."w authorized to take all klu.is ol LAND
VI II I 111. ... -....'.' i uufu I t. . t I .VI. - I l.i.
Trmaurer M. Liohtmithal i!l,ii.n. ,.,. ,, r...,i,.i,li. t.rm.
? ili...' Sr.; v.1. OIUc. at residence on C'bas. street.
School bup't Jay W. rlhiplny
Maior In"-. Morgan TK n 7) XIH)P!
-..ut.f-tmn R. J. Hlocnm. M.l
l.irhUrtithal, J. II. Mirnons, J. J. Huberts, . w- tne pi are in go to get your nne pork
Kumu ami t U. nuerry. I aim minu cnois, sieaks aim roasts.
KM-unior W. A. Klrhanlwm I ri.h Ew-rw rvldaw
T1 I 1 1 . - - -
1 rfwy-ur f m ... 1 ipr. - . . . . , . , .
l .h-l John HuMf I r mi-iinwi-viii ii ,iiii. iiu INK.UII. iirv mi
. .... .... .... .... . .... , , ....... ......I ..11 -,.. 1 1 I . . V. . . ..
u nm . I " .ciM-i-iiii-iiii wiu iit, uiftui-. vw.li
iminii'ianir, I prif. DSIU lor SI SIIICI.
'nsticof the .mo. W. K. Kir harden B.nl. Math.wa
I (instable u. o. uray
Vt.lt. A hi.im Ilb DKhh.
tmi dallu. Ok. I A AhrnrtimpiA
i,, p ui ni.t-ti ni nui ai lai i toivrv
Otis PaltenHio Kecsivnr
aobau.o. I MorfiVinnt To ilni.
W ...!,. ' II -(. I iUVlWllUll. A UA.WA
I i n- I.M. ivar
vr. I ... n il
rioncer laiior ot lieppner.
I 1 . ..! A: A -I.
acoauBX ooxjcnx-B. ins wurK ursi-ciass
and satinfactorv.
mil mi whit tin t I
O.A.B. uivo mm ai'aii iMav&truot.
liMUSI iiMMnr, rr., vm mirq wwiu oi
rh irmnlh. AU TWSnkosar. tnntaa In ymn.
W. W , nmiin, i w. nm. i . . kir mm v-a .
Adjutant, if lnn.r. IN f IAI IN Ll fVl - I
a m I ll nil tmm I
See how we all look for the man that makes
Other Troops Will Sail Next Week-Gen
eral Gomez Opposed to Further
American Intervention.
Associated .rest Dispatches.
Paris, Oct 17. Spain has put in a bill of $600,000,000 damages
against the United States.
Cuba and Porto Rico are lost to her, and the Philippines are in
such a condition that it might be better to give the islands all up than
to undertake to retain the group without Manila.
It seems to have occurred to the Spanish government, therefore,
that it would be profitable to stand out for possession of everything
still in reach in order to get as much compensation as possible for
what would have to be given up eventually anyhow.
C. W. PMUiirs.
D. J. McFaul, M. D-
nerrsEtu orkoos.
Offir. hours, I In 16 a m., and 1 to 1
p. in., at Klilci.rs, and u to 12 a. m .
soft JtnAp m , at .the la liie roar of
Borg't Jewelry suns.
C E- ncd field
Offir. In rirst Dsttobal Bank bulldln..
Ilcfptitr, Orvfoa.
Ellis & Phelps
All bmtiwss stlMwtwt la I. . pmmtH
and .n.i nisouvr, )intarl4 I'ulj
ll mn4 tiliw Wifa.
Win. Gonlon has re-named
his .tantl the old Jones
livery stahk
'Xlio Contrnl.
BaM hay for as Is. ChsrtHi rnumnalila. fall
a Dim aim ban. Tour biim well farad lor.
Dr. M. B. Jnetzler
Teeth Kxtracted and Filled,
liridging a specialty
Painless Extraction. . . .
Heppner - - Oregon.
Washington, Oct. 17. The administration is opposed to paying
any money to Spain as compensation for lost territory.
The precedent to be followed is the one which has ruled Bince
nations first made war that the defeated nation shall suffer. The
conquered country has always been compelled to pay roundly for the
privilege either in money or territory, and sometines in both. "So
much of vour territory and so much of your money," has been the
motto. '
The heaviest war indemmty paid in modern times was that of
France to Germany. Hostilities lasted only eight months, and the
cobt of the war was estimated at $1,580,000,000. In addition to the
cession of Alsace-Lorraine France was compelled to pay $1,000,000,000
in installments extending oyer three years. The original demaud of
Germany was for $200,000,000, more, but the diplomacy of M. Thien
modified it.
The terms dictate to Franca by the allied powers of Europe in
the Napoleon wars were oonnideru the severest of auy. JN'ot only
were her frontier posts taken, but it was provided that they should be
held by an army of occupation for five years at the expense of Franco.
As a result of the three wars bnhveou Great Britain and China
840, 1857, 1800 the Chinese government, in addition to ceding Hong
ong to the British government, was made to pny an annual in-
demnity of $25,000,000. .
Stage Lino
B. r. MILLER, Pr
ChMiMl sod mmt rlirwt twit tf John fM?
llr. toh i lly milling diatrtrt. Hum aim
I tlK-f Interior Hiits.
Il"MK Ilvi.pnvr tHll. aimdaf s-
iwiinl.ai i a. m. Amu al lanyou City
lu li bimrm.
Offic la Ssltrt'i talbting. Hf iBf, Orrfon. I nn
l anynn fliy al t p m . afrl'S at H p-
in At noun r tniMwuiii ana trmllia.
Joaq.la Miller Has Oxtrscted III Owa
l iaeral I'jr.
Josqaio Miller, the poet of tb. Hiorrmi,
bai perfected all -rr.Dgameot. fur bla
0o f UDeral, and lb. iaoiu.r.tioa (if hi.
mortal remaiD. wbea bit de.tb otnet.
II bi. wiabe are oarriod oat bu body
will be baroed upon a funeral pyre ol
bia owa bail-log. Oa lh. top of au
mloeooa in tba bills b.ok of Fr on vale
tba quaint man of letter, ha. built bia
bier. It la solid mas f tnascioary
eoveriog a apaoaot 10x10 feet aod UoJ-
log 8 feet big-. It la composed of 6-0
graolta bouldera aet ia cement.
Tba queer straclure if approaobeJ by
tbrea Immense atepi laid aor.a tba en
lira weet frontage, and of ealTioi.ot
belgbt to permit bearer to ploe a bij
od tba top of tb. beap. The upper ear
face la hollowed ont ti a dipib of two
feet to tba abapa of a e iffl i. Tji. ap.ee
will be filled Willi win J end Ibe bolt ol
tba poet will b pl.oil oa t..p ol tt.
Tba atraotore bsebisa built tbt a
good draft wilt fan tba tlva- wb.a Ibe
torob ia applied an I at nr. tba ere
matioo of Ibe budy . Tt. mIi. of ibe
poet will ram jle witb tba uIih of ib
f-ggota to be eo.tiri t tb . 3 J punt
of toe eorop.M br ' wiid tri.i pl.y
aboot "Tba lleigtil." Tbia I. Ih. ad
tbepiietot Ibe bieriM ba. driud lot
Ui oi wit ,
D. L Gilman
Pxii yiHtr oil fames and M In Vila
hamts and rl ymtr m.nry fnl of ih.nt
lli-ia. MaM aiw IiUiy el bar4 euilaw
OBWe le I. K. Km a bnlldlrf, Raftwr, Or
W. A Rkhartison
nn4 CITY RtXVHltklL
IMAo. at aaaiartl rbamt"
alls and b'iT fMl mim'm, rant bniMM. frs
taM A pi'iiti tog id will ara y u is
.tty wsy la bis llna, at raaiiatl (isur.
G. B. Matt
6rvif, " 18 CeMs
tlarraaa t
Mnni.matil . .
II am i Hon
ltf.fi. ( raak .
fnl Vailr ..
I J..faa Kay
I "," I llf
iws r.ss
M 4 l
4 n
H t w
H t 1(1
li-l a m
Ma4 rttioarl with train, al llal jiiiaf
"i - Ms' 1n. !.-.. J tia this IIm wllh aaw
I Mttiai l.a gimmi Imm I am fra4
in ia prai r laas vf m iit j.f-iir ,
ll. itr.Kit i
Mllllona Olv.n Away,
It U e.flsiuly gratifying in the pub
lie to know of one oono.ro to the Ian
who hi out afraid to be uitoo tu lb
i)Mty and o(TfiD. 1'bm proprlrtof.
of Dr. Kin.'. New I)iavivf . for Oe
.dmpttuo. logh. and (1 Is. hate g
en away over tro 0)lllli"0 trial bollla.
of Ibis arret malli lii. and bae Ida .al
. ! rrli.ii ill -imamg Lu atiuilnl
eoraa ll.oijaaoi. m iu(Mia. Ca
Asm,, iri.nptitia, ll'iar.vneaa and al
fttaae t Ida Ttirna', ('tiat and Iiina
aia qray .arad by II. Cl an K. i.
Hufnm. lni.git, and H a trial hottl.
fi. ralM ! ' and . Kry
b-it I la una' MiUi or Rrnay ra(nndKi.
The La Grande Chroncle of the 4th Hurrah for old "hayseed," the kint of the sod,
says: Today is the beginning of a new Heve. close to Nature, and Nature' partGodj
Apa f fir T,o CXrartAa TTan Arfath f hia nitv
..vw... .Ui.., mav.
will be tbe fourth, if not the third, in Nature' In love with the manthat makes hay.
importanoe to the state. Today the Or- Ho dfm,t cut rauch flure 00(Jfl8h or dre8S.
egon Sugar oompany began the manu- is scant of the bunoomb that loois do possess,
facture of beet engar, at their Immense But If we want friendship, the kind that will
fantnrv hern and will oivn Amnlnvmnnt VW,
to bnndreds of men at the works, and
many hundreds more will h kent hnav
, ji- . The merchant, the banker, all seek for hi aid ,
on the ranches and haohng beets to tbe For he the ,iIlew and H(e of M
aotory. It has been a prosperous year He prosper we prosper;he fails-woe the day,
tor La Grande, bat this is t oly a begin- For life even bangs on the man that makes hay.
niug. It is merely tbe opening of the Then throw wide your door, and yr eloome him
gates of the city to what, it is not diffl- here;
onlt to believe, will be a long season of "r best eartllly Mend-the one to hold dear-
., i t. .... And give all of honor and good will today,
growth ana greatness. It Ibemanutaot- ,. ,..,fc, v.i. .. .u ,
Ld Earth noblest worker, the man that make
are of sugar bere is sucoessf al, and there hay.
Is small reason to doubt it will be, tht
oapaoity of tbe faotory will be doubled
next year. The year following tbe oom
pany will build another faotory. Other
oompsnies will come. Then the woolen Ex-Benator King to Appear In On. In San
mill, will hn hnilr. tha Irnn fmindrv will FrancllOO.
1 F a r i v
be reared, there will be a knitting and wm R Ring, of Baker City, .enator from
broom faotory. Baker county In the last two legislature, and
Tbe fruit Industry in tbe Qrande candidate for governor on the fusion ticket last
Rondeyalley is yetio its infanoy. These "PrlnK' WM Been ln by an East Ore-
apples, pears, plums, prunes, peaohe way to 8an FrMlcllK.0 to gue lor the doend.
and grapes are merely samples aod are ant m " the case of Eastern Oregon Land .
seut forth to show to tbe ooontry the Company vs. Emory Cole and J. L. and J. T.
wonderful fertility of this last best spot Cole' The case come up in the United State
... itjt5 tii court of appeal at San Francisco, Judge Gil-
ot the great Indaod Empire. In texture, Ro,.nd Mom)w m th9 it ln-
flavor, size and appearaooe tha valley yolve land granted to the "road company," a
trait leads. Tbe wonderful fertility cf the Eastern Oregon Land Company 1 popularly
Ibis soil must be observed to be believed known ln Eastern Oregon, about 200 acre being
a i,L . . j ln question n this particular case, which is in
Tbe fame of the sugar faotory will draw theqnsture of a test ePM9 for the ,ett;ers It WM
the eyes of tbe oounlry toward La won by the settler before Judge Bellinger tn
Qrande. and tbe unparaleled and boun- the federal court at Portland and appealed by
tiful resources of tbe valley, heretofore the cmPny-
i. .u u i ,,, The settlers ln Harney and Malheur eountie
almost unknown bevond tbe crest of the , . ,
hare always fought the road company, which,
mnuutains, wbiob serve to shield this under the grants procured by the late United
Edeo from the freezing gales ot winter state Senator Dolph, had extensive tract ot
and the torrid beat of summer, will be u,ld 8lven thom ,or the building of road
Kn nn t iu . th, .. - which they never built. The company had
,-ji.ii.iiu.ii.vUiii Lhnlu r.f l.fl. ,A m.. t,.-ta that
W..v..UV - J ' "
Uenl. I anttlnra harl alraarlv o-nna linnn and lmnrnved.
Union ooanty owes muoh to tbe sugar but from which the company ha for year in-
faotory; tbe engar faotory owes some- I elated on ejecting the settler ln possession.
thing to Union county. Eighty thous. '"V ,,,,,, 7 P P
" .. ii .. of th. statute of llmlutlon
and dollars is a big subsidy, but it was Mr Klng wlU vlllt Mttm be!or4 golng b,
cheerfully given, and it in boped it will Francisco. He ha a an opponent United
be bread oast upon tbe waters. When 8tlel Senator-elect Joe Simon, who appear for
the happy time comes when La Grande """P"1''; . ...
" I whalnvar- tiia tc-nhnloBl riflitlailnnal fit Ilia
is a city of 12,000 or 15,000 people, with oourt 0 appeal, may be, It ha been clear to
its public park, its sobool bouses, its city most unprejudiced person that th. road corn
ball and Ibe thousand and one things pany ha no right to hold these land, lnc.th.
... ... i . . . . company never did th. work for the doing of
that go to make a people bappy, oon- .J. ' beamen.
tented and good, it will be seen tbut tbe ,atou. Settler lu th. counties mentioned
money was well spent. Ihave stated personally to the East Oregonlan
that they have bsen compelled to move from
lands they had Improved and Died on, the land
company having constructed and maintained
no roads as they were supposed to hav. duu. to
Ontcom. ot th. Aalcm Eluctloa Frand of Last make good title to the lands granted.
Tbe grand jury of tbe present term of
oironit oourt fur Marion onnnty reported
San Fbascihco, Out. 17. Troops fro n Gimp Mirrirutu to the num
ber of 800 marched through the strtt.st. tbi m irnicu to embark on the
teamer Senator tor Mauila. Tliny comprise the Third battalion of
the Twenty-third infantry, recruits for Ihe Hecoud Oregon, and Mattery
V of California heavy artillery. U-iuip wai broken early and the men
took up the march to the dock where they arrived at 11 o'clock. The
Senator is scheduled to nail at 1 o'clock this afternoon. There am
now .even United States transports ia port and it is possible all the
remaining troops at the Preaidio will be on their way Imforenfit week
OroQud will soon be brokeu for tha new hospital at the Preaido.
Preparations are being hurried f r tbe aocoramixlition of the sick who
will ootne from the Philippines and Honolulu. The plaos providn for
nine buildiugs arranged for all possible oontingencies. They will be
of wood but the host of foundations will be laid and the buildings will
be substantially built.
Hks Fbancihco, Oct 15. Next weok will witneas the departure of
more troops for the rhilippines, and the transports Henator aud Valeu
cia will probably hail ToHadny afternoon, both vossola being reaif? to
tagfl aoiairs on ooani. i tie jum ami lo nana win un ready to sail by
t a . t a. . .. a "
t ne eu oi M'U wim k, aim tno Newport tun loiiowiug wmk. The lUo
d Jaiifiro and I'l'DiicylvHuis areeinct l to arrive from Manila to
morrow or Monday, the former having 200aii'k monon Uiard, who w ill
bn carfHi for at tha Presidio diviHioo hospital.
Iu addition to tb' aliovr-tneiitiouH. transports, which will convev
a a as r i .rm a a'iIa. a a
aDotii .),UUJ men, it is pHiiruatii mm .our more vessi-ls will bo rcjui
ed to acoommotlate the remainder of tha troots ordered to Manila.
Orders bavs U'ori rrrmved from the war depart raent directintr
mat me aaiiing vfsm i laeoma un again prepared fur a trip to tht
Philippiiii'S. Hha will take a load of mules to Honolulu, afllJ tf)
ship at Honolulu a lorn! of burs' for Manila.
Rs Bur That It I of th. Latest 1HDH Pat
There Is an "lwis walk" for woman, and all
th. girl In New Yoik who pride themselves on
being abreast of lh. time ar. learning IL It I
quite the "rage on th. "avenue," according to
lb. Herald, and the adjacent side St reals, and I
being Imitated on leas fashlonabl. promenade.
In esseno the new fomliilii. walking phlloso.
Olerk L.V. Kbl-D. W. J.D'arcy, H.mu.l " V" IZ'
during th. spring, stepping on th. lull foot and
nut the ball of lh. fnotaloii. and with your
arm held down by your aid. and not awluglng.
Th. new walk Is far mors graceful and affect
It. than any of th. faahlonabl. walk for th.
last half dmen year previous to till spring.
Th. "'V walk" combines athlatle vigor wllh
repose of manner, and has not th. rash and s-
aggeralad energy of th. adetrlan .i.relse
Joint indiotment to Jadge George fl
Burnett, at 5:35 o'clock last Friday eveo-
ng, in which II oharges seven prominent
ti"tis hereabout, says tbe Hnlem Htates.
man, witb tbe orime of altering tbe pnb-
ic records. Tbnse to whom tha aocnsH-
tion ia directed are:
Ex-Mayor P. II. D'Arcy, ex-Coonty
T. ItioLard.on, John A. Carson, William
. IWter and II. T. Dayes.
Following tbe preeentaliun of the In-
diotijeot Jadge Iinroett directed that
becob warrants for tbe arreat ol tba
above named gentlemen be issued, and
before V o'clock bis order had been com-
lied witb aodaohof Ihe .even Indictee
Mal C.Hi-. 38 i
.. WslWI &ftaf. M- .naf. Owa. 1
Mathews ! Gentry
thavlaf tS C.
H.lfCtta J5 "
r.fi tf-ff 4 f-.rv
Ar. Vaa l.lraU4!
Tba O It A N (V. mw book oa lbs
'.a(tifa i,f (IrrgM., Waabing'oa and
I lalit It I itg snlii-l. Our raa-Ur.
F'atl iwi nliaai . . , h.r-,. 1 trip ptm
i,tiia u i m .mnH Ifii. n
tnt-.n i aii ) I" ,, k.'.'-dli'i. tin
ris i miiaai . !' ... aw-iiwltria I fajit.!d to forward tba addr.eaaw
Ota o smui , I' ... lu..it i-i. m if tbir Ka.t.ra Irl-n Is atd .rv)'iibt.
ana, an 1 a e..pv nf Ibe work wllll
, 'arf ..v,. A''tr a, rf m ir, a. t It.arn fra.. bl a WiaMar all sboal
(o d ath-l) al V!.lt; I. An- ta r,laald In, r,d Would that
nas a iia .i t a. a
a r..d . at 3 p m. arm., at rof .vryiia. take a. M-tt ad ..rwar. . ,,,r '"""r i invr
' 1 P " ad U I.. v. u. Haibn'i. . , vans trntnUr alxiat a wwk
f'. f . - I. .-I . . i . i f . . a . . . . a r
. . . , -..a 4 arai i aavitgay ni'WI, . , . At.t r I tl . il it... .Ia I . .
',IP'iw "wi, 'i,rtil, ia.tf M-- Uj"!!. lii'-tli U rwilt r.f nui..ii. f.f?
New YoitK, Oct 15. A diapatrh from Havana says:
It ia oonnralltf ImiIihvh.I a anri.ma lirnafli liaa I L ,. .. . I .
- ' 7 t'lWW IWlWt-vtl
tb" necntivw il -ptrtmitil of tba Uuban ropublio aod the leaders of lh
a m itr t ' I a. .
mi i nary rorc-s. or t was ri'tvivmi nre that Ufor-ral V(hh baa ra
n-ivrn an.-iuiuiuiiiiia.ii.iii unui i ri-Bntu jj.!, a iviainj that not hi no
IkmIoii by tha Ain"rion that cau Cnatrii-1 as rrKViyuuirjg tha
Cuban govt riun'-iit. SU has Ik sii joined by his oolleairnxa In -l
ciarmg njai in urn iia. arrival tor uiantn liri Ihs Culiao forcs.
1 bis oourae will !) tig irou.iy oombntti y (iin rl (loinng.
(Iioral Jltan llucnaan, OIIH of lias rloM S) I risers of (1 Xiliiy ,M
arrivr-l io llavaua t nmauH lh opfooi,la of Ma.ao ')aJ tlHltt WM,
favor a t .iiiwi rrpioiii so l oyirmi furl ha.r Amrifan lob-rvention
tlt-ral ua.-aa." iirH-ir th .1 u .tn. will Ioil tli ih.ijri;nta mr
inbi lh. liHl l.ff r lii mil a ihinit ti di-arinlng tl.,a m,Ha (
American an I Hpaniah avildmr remain in Cuba.
I t Minn. ! W arm,, a fir.! in.tio i l nty niTO f0 i(jr
ptiam. t.n lillona ar tnac-li wor than r. fipnrlf.L Kvertl,!i
11 normal timrva dnalha !n Ha.
aiiy now average fu! - ifp-l
lately lnslsiwl iiiMin br tb. mixlern tlrl. Tha
had Imwd taken into custody and placed keymit. of th. popular walk of th. last wlut.r
nniler bund, in the an in of 11.000 to was In tb. long step and th. .winging of the
rait tbe further action of tba ooarl. """' " M
. ., i , . I poasllil. Irom th. Ilttl. sbiii and iiulrt nntluiis
The public io general is cnr.rs.nl h- ....,,.,. ,h. ..,...., to u,. on-
with Iba faota of the elen'ion ballots and MMlt lr.in.. They bav. now returned to the
tally sheets of a f.w of tba Marion gidn mean.
onnnty precincts, for tbe election last The spring amt siiinmar girl oUa-si. tops out
, . , , . ..... Hh .toiw that ar. neither hurt or long, firmly
Juoe, having been tampered wilb at ,nrt ,..,, , htr , ,m,t ll-r.m,.
SOUS time daring His fee" lak.O by bang naturally down, lh. wrists tea tin ea-alnat
Iba Canvassing board which made tha I her fmrk and the harp ol haf hands toward Ihe
Oflloial count of Ibe return, uf aald eleO- V"nt- Th'" "n.ar.wrnM inw.ni.ina
., .. .. , nnaar. -ai" suguiiy iir-au nara is n
Hon. hi-M.yor U Arcy, then one of ,,, oJ ih. body d.a,. u.k ...y
tha fu.ioo e.ndidate. fur Otrcnil judge ol and th. only motion Is that ill lli. hip.. Her
tbia Judicial district, is Ibe central flgurs I"' ' forward sllg hily, and both chia
in tbia affair and bis aeeuoiates, alth tbe n'1 """" 01
., ..... .... moni.nl. In a word, I aulai and dainura.
.inaplioo of Mr. llae. are rudots n( s,,,,, u , ,., mtt r.n tw ,nnA ,t
Halera; Mr, Il.ya dlls in the city ol iy new faaliioii, and th. raumi oflhedmp-
Woodboro, where healVl in thec.pao. dn tornaid of lh. h.-ad and th. lowering of
lly Of JualkK of Ibe peace tr .atU e M". ey ran n. n.a-v.f iaii...u.in..H m. ny
v I ..f S !. Walkln. aSl nf lliaa 4al w asraall nara lliafe
prl.Hl. lie sat witb Ja.tios ol lh- ,trn, au ii mur th. w.iidrnio.t.
IWe IL A. J'lbnaun a the caovaaalog labgin threw bar head ii ik, and bar
board. I honldara, ttai. War. Start, and slis took long,
Me-ra. 1 Aroys. Rlehardaon and Car- " -''"
' .... k.f aa aaaa t jaa. 1 1 It I W SB litas Siiakia Sltlfl
sun are timler. among the leading ..... .,., ,lir.,n.
lawyers bf Wewtero Ureg'in, aod Mr. I B it ll.a romlng Imrf lh. Illllnt hsl.. illa4
K.fler I. a .I'l lent ia Iba fTlral of Ibw I "OO Miir owr thw law l-r (!. hai
llil. mannaiiaia qili. out of lli.qur.tioa.nS
linni.hl aletul a eomplaUly haw fashion of
aaal dameaiiof Whathar sli. Ilia. 11 or Bui,
o nr. arreted In on. uf the new ha th. glr
that would ta III S'fls Most tip bar haad lor
ward loalaavl ot thrualng II bay S. lmatr4,
II anay to) an .1 o, do aid gn well wllh Ihl
iaa, IX if .aln.ltig aims.
ftoaaar .f Baker f'o.sly Die. al Mi. kllsa
balk . Hoasllal
Ueorg W. Hall, tba wall known eel
rprL l pionr, who baa been ia HI
Elliebalb'e bosplt.1 for tbrM Buoib.
from so sbaeaws labia left lag, wbleb
Tbsr. Was Sal Oa
A sues wbi wsot away Iron, borne
was amputated bta) tbe knee and I soma lime ag t t-t att. I a eoov.atlna of
bp oa W.Joa.ly, tiplr.l st 9 S 1 1 eharrh pav.pl. wm .Irni I with th. Iaiiiy
o'elmk yewtardaf n rei ig, says tb.
Il.ker Ciiy UeroMral.
Mr. 11.11 was 7 years of age sad
leava to m'Hira hi. Inee s wif. aad I lira.
ot tb. little Iowa io wlilib. the g.lh.rlag
wee bell. Il be I pUoly of H-ss, enl
while wanlerlng abtst w.lk.l Intt the
village sem.l.ry. Il was a b'.ulilil
SfNiS and !wt daug'it.r., all growa to plsea, and the daUgete walkl armta I
menhovi ani umauUirfd, to alias a
large elrole of Irieo Is.
Th. Jaaa. I waa th. flmt sb.rlfjof
llaker sosnty, erviog in ah ml Ibe year
1171, wbw tbe imiw small tows of As
bars waa Ibe em oly east and tb h.al
jn.ri.re fr Ih rnsta ls of ssiaieg
Ft almnt lb past eight year l. ba.
Ieaw 9gagd IS th b'ltel bapa al
lb thrivlag mNing tow a of It ar...
among the grevaa. II. sw a ta rtiniant,
one of tha lar.aal ia the ixmaUry, anl
r. willi S'irpriM Ihe !orlptiia os Its
"A Lawyer a I an II nt Man." tbe
delegate eeral 'bad hi. a. aellol4
al the ntiaS'nenl a.U. II. real lbs
netititi qvar aii'l mm. Tho b
walk a. I i a'onnt Iba wmtimnl asd
l.muei lhsgra.eialf Anr ini
la lb rerairy appraaeh.J and aakl
blm: "ll at fmin I lh. grave nl as
Mr. Hall hal laaea) a fa thfsl tnntlar I id I fn.adr "No, eald IU dl.sata
of iba Mxai frat.rnity f ir aim! 'A b.t I was wWig bow ! nmM
iMfs a I was act b m.mlief f I brr Un llhit 'B "t g'f "v
U t;y it 4f A. f. A A. M I t.myit