O. R.& N. Denver & Rio Grande! WAS IS THE FIGHT. Dxpabt TIME SCHEDULES ARRive fob From Heppner. FROM 9:30 p.m. Salt Lake, Denver, 4:50 a, m. Kt. Worth, Omaha, Kansas City, 8t. Louis, Chicago, Portland, Walla Walla, Spokane, Minneapoliii, Bt. Paul, Duluth, Mil waukee, and the Kant. $ 8.00p.m, Ocean Steamships 4:00 p.m. From Portland. All sailing dates subject to change. For Wan Francisco Sail Oct. 2, 5,8,11, 14, 17. '., 23, 26, 29. 7:00 p.m. To Alaska - 5:00 p.m. September 17 8:00 p.m. Columbia Rivf.r 4:00 p.m. Ex. Sunday Stbamkbs. Ex. Sunday Saturday 10:00 p. m. To Astoria and Way Laudlngs. 8:00 a.m. Willamkttb River 4:30p.m. Ex. Sunday Ex. Sunday Oregon City, New berg, Halem and ay Landings. 7:00 a.m. Willamette: and 8:30 p.m. Tues., Thur, Yamhill Kivees. Mon., Wed. and Sat. , and Frt. Orogon City, Day ton & Way Land ings. 6:00a.m. Willamette Riveb 4:30p.m. Tues. Thurs. , Tues.. Thar, and Sat. Portland to Corval. and Sat. lis & Way Land lugs. Bnakb River. Lv. Rlparla Lv. Lewiston ally except Rlparla to Lewiston dally except Saturday Friday Mlnaesota Officer VFrlu of Ibe Battle of Maalla. Spokesman Review. Albert Bauter, of Medical Lake, ha received an interesting letter from bis brother. Lieuten ant Frank C. Sauter, of company B, Thirteenth Minnesota volunteers, now at Manila. The let ter follows: "Manila, Aug. 18,. 1898. My Dear Brother: This is the first opportunity I have bad to write you a few lines, as we fought our way Into the city of Manila, and it was a terrible fight, too. On the morning of the 13th of August we marched from our camp, called Camp Dewey, at 6:30 and proceeded toward Manila to about three miles fiorn the town, where were our SLE EPERSllenchel or breastworks, as we called them we all lay In the trenches, then signaled to Ad- In cbarpe of experienced oouduotors and I niiral Dewey, whereupon he started his bom- nnriflr(l Ibardment at 9:45 a. m. It lasted 45 minutes. r I 1. I . .. H ... - IA.Mt 1 . U nltn proceeding to a point about two miles from it Boston without change via Salt Lake, my company In the lead. Bullets were Missouri Pacific and Chicago and Alton Rys. I whistling In the air all around our heads. My , To Omaha, Chicago, Buffalo and company lay down In one street and fired at the "i Boston without change via Salt Lake SoanlardB at ahnut 75 varda distance, where ana jmcago, nuca ibihuu oi raciuc ivy. RAILROAD SCENIC LINE OF THE WORLD Weekly Excursions TO THE EASTi Id through touriat cars without change. MODERN UPHOLSTERED TOURIST HT.l 1. To Bt. Joseph. Kansas City and CUIIDUll) S, Ht. Louis without change via Salt Lake and Burlington Koute. Thiipal'irs To Ko""119 Cly ar"1 st- Lo"'" with- iiiuiouujj, out change via suit uue aua Mis souri Pacilic railway. Salt Lake and Denver. they had advanced on us from 400 yards. "My captain took a gun from one of the boys who was wounded and lying down in the place where the wounded man lay, fired about SO rounds. Then he got up, and, as he was passing me, he was shot and fell Just to the left of me, and at the same moment another man fell to the ground on the right side of me. When I went A dav stop-over arranged at lu amon8 tlie buiietsisaid, -wen, here goes- touched at all. It was an awful excitement there for about 30 minutes, then all shooting ceased on both sldos. We then got our regiment together, or what was left of it, there being 36 wounded or killed, and marched into the city, where we are quartered in the armory, where the Spanish troops were up to the night before the Spanish surrendered, and now we are in possession of all their arms and everything thay had. I was through their arsenal and of all arms there are about 12,000 lying about in the mud and water, with our troops guarding them A ride through the Famous Colorado Scenery. For rates and all all information, inquire of O. R, & N. and 8. V. agents, or address, R. C. NICHOL, S. K. HOOPER, General Agent, Gen. Pass. & Tkt. Agt. DEPIW THE MPEAKEK. Exercise oa New Tork Day at the Big Kxpoeitloa in Omaba- By the Associated frees. Omaha, Oct. 8. Today wm New Tork da; at the exposition. Tbe day ii flue and a large crowd greeted the New Yorkers, bennior Warner Miller pre sided over the exercises at ths auditor ium, where Obaunoey M. Depew was the prinoipal speaker. Mr. Depew spoke of the far-reselling benefits the nation received from the world's fair, and said: "Tbe great benefit which the world's fair at Chioaao conferred noon the United btatea iu acquisition, from foreign oonutriea and information, to foreign governments this trans-Mississippi expo eition at Omaha is to vastly enbnnoed in bringing nearer together in better understanding of eaoh other the differ ent seotiooB of our own country. "New York hss been too oontent with beiug the Empire state and with having its ohief oity the metropolis of the conti nent; the west too eager for empire inde pendence of the east; the south living too mnob upon its traditions and in its past, and the Paoifio slope, resting too seonrely upon its boundless possibilities and great expectations. The war with Spain has superbly restored the senti ment of nationality and eliminated seo tional jealousies. "But this exposition is a healthy eda ostor for nnion. The concentrated capi tal of the east is the fruit of 390 years of settlement and trade. It is needed in the west to build railroads and mills. Capital is both selQsh and intelligent Try Again I Before getting your money back (if you don't like ScAif lings Ucst ten) try another flavor. I f you don't like that, try another. Keep on trying until you have tried rive. Then's thy lime lor money-back, ONB SOLOIEU BOY RETURN J To Kind 251 Washington St., Portland, uregnn. J. 0. Hart, Local Agt.. Hoppner.Or. Denver. Col. Dewey did not do much. He only destroyed U nBVer degerts a territory because the investment has failed through bad judg- Passenger booked for all Foreign Countries. J, 0. HART, Agent, Heppner, W. H. HURLBURT, General Passenger Agent, Portland, Or. ORE YOU G01 ERST ? If bo, be sure and see that your ticket reads via He floittwestem Linn ,.,.1'HR.... OniOAOO, 8T. PAUL, MINNEAPOLIS, AND OMAHA RAILWAY THIS IS THB Great Short LiQe BETWEEN DULUTH, St. PAUL, CQICAGO AND ALL POINTS EAST AND SOUTH. Their Magnificent Track, Peerless Vestlbulod Dining ami ttici'piiig uar Trains, and Motto: il NORTHERN NELSON 4 FORT S1IEPPARD RED MOUNTAIN RAILWAYS m a. m. U:10 A.M.. . Kntwlaiid. .Nelson. ALWAYS ON TIMK linn Hi en this road a national reputation. All i-lama ol paMMignr carried nil the vttatlliulmt trains without extra charge. Hhlp your Irelght ami travel over this famous lino. All agouts have tli'seU. W. I1.MKAD. r. C. RAVAGE, Hen. Agent 'J'rav. f. A I. Agt. liia Washington Ht., Portland, Or, one fortification, and did that up brown, want t.hrnnph it. It lflAnnmnlete wreck. "I have been through the city twice. I don't menl. It seeKS otuer sources tor prom think much of it. it is a filthy place. I would able employment and flndj it rernarvra- not live here for any amount. We have all tjon other BQ j nee je(j work fot the kinds of rain here. 11 is always raining, but we . are getting soused to It that we do not mind it. development of the country. For three or four days I had not had my shoes "The honest investor balieves iu leis- off at all, and they were wet all the time. A nation whioh extends the supervision of I 1.1,..,...!. I- Af l.Au. ha tnA I The Only All-Rail Route Without u T " " ... ..' .I;.. K. 'fc. Bovemmeot over the corporation Change of Oars Between Spokane, L ' ' throuh a ,levB. but we have rub- nd the trust. He knows that his soMy, Uosslauil and iNelsoD. Also betweer ber blllllket, . They are the be.t, we officer, as well as the publio interests, requires l(eiBiiu aui ivoHBinuu. uauy crapi ,,,.,. w..u.ninn,iv.ihnnl ui..:. v.: i ,.,ni . u.. . v, .. . . . u. . ... , . . . I UUUIIUliy. II ID UUi; wucu a ouiuuiimii; na nave cow to Sleep in. mere u wik auum . . 4VliriW. uu k hnvma nnn IjnrtVW. .navo. uui KUHIK DUUli. iUtiniit Batmug , , Bi A.M Hpokane ?! !! of this dirtv country. It is good and hot. too. nSOBled loaay nonreBluoni p0rinn.5iiv .. M II I f.ns - I . . ... . . ...6-45 P. M I I don't mind the heat very much. There are inveBlmeot, It DftS (HiDea WHUOiU etrori I a f..iu nf tl.n mAn rlrl nm ntT mm voltnrrlaO snrl 1L fl.. A U.kt IhA In. Close connections at Nelson with steamers for " '"s lue capnai lot i iu.irr, .u.v .u. .u- Kalo, and all Kootenai Lake poiuU. one today. I have been in command ol tne etor wljbdraw8 and Stays away. rmiHBnirB for Kettle rt ver an.l nonnaarv I uuiiiuany oinuo uio loumiu .... , . ., ...... . i. T rook oonnect at ilarous with stage daily. will be around again iu about a week. The "money IS DOtn limia aua ujoa-t. is bullet that struck him went right through him. seeks 10 keep out of eight; It bides in It entereil his chost and came out of his shoul-1 stockings and nitobes in the wall or der. Captain Heebach, of the Red Wing com- bnrfowi in tbe Kromid. It requires high pany, was also shot. He Is in bad condition. , . . The bullet wontstralghtthroughhlm justabove OtvilliBtion and great guarantees to bring hlsstoiuach. One of the Red Wing men who it out, pnt it in circulation and make it was shot died yesterday. useful. In times and in plaoes of panlo "The only time that 1 winhed that I was home d diB,rna, i disappears and increases was when the bullets were whistling by our . , . a ears, but all we have to do now i. guard duty the distress. With tbe return of oonfl- about one day a week. If that keeps up 1 would dence it moves tbe machinery ol society just as soon stay here another year or two and B0( makes possible varied industries make my vs per month. We do not have ( prosperity. The state which so much time to spend our money. I buy Mexican ....... ,. dollars for 50 cents and loan them to the com- legislates as to take away all earning pany boys, and pay day they pay me an Amer- power from the money it has invited or lcai dollar for every Mexican dollar, so I make borrowed soon learns tbit it has gained 11 on every American dollar I loan out, and have temporllry advantage and lost its a sure thing of getting It on pay day, which will . , be August nut. for two months-July and Au- oredil. which is the most fruitful sourOf gust. or prout aua prosperity. "I have a lot of Hue sea shells that I picked up I "Edtioatinn is the remedy for onr on the shores of Manila bay, and also other odd iiiiiikr. i win nave iu uny aiiuiiier vruna hi i .... ,. i ... i rr, .ii i ii n.,m. department of our oollege and tbe onl 'The natives hero arc a filthy set ol people, leg Qts boys for the greater univoraty The muii do really know enough to keep away of (be world. The school and the 0l from them as thero are some awful diseases p8 teHch( ,hey 0Rn Dot eJUCBfe. Tbe i.t ti... .r I .M.,-.t..irJ.,,.,i. w J 0' gin "n become as narrow as bi may have to fight the natives after a while, but village playmate who graduated at the THROUGH TICKETS -TO TIIE- East and Southeast 'PCT0 VIA THE ONION PACIFIC 11. 11 TIIE TUKOUGII OAK LINE. PULLMAN PALACK BLUEPKRH. PULLMAN TOUHIST HLKKPEHS. HtKli ItKCl.lNlNIJ CHAIlt CAHH. I Portland to OHIO AGO Kantvrn Change Vit ten Without ()uirk Titno. I'urHtiiifitly 'tiniiiirttl KicnrHiuiiii, Hiukmhm t'li'M-ktwl to DitmiiiHtioii. tW ItatHH. hiiect linn to Triui.MifwiHHlpiii ntiil lntnr- n itt i tint I KxiMMiiion titjltl nt iltiiulift, lSobrHka, Jlllitf Ul lNoVHtithor, imiwaules & SI. Paul B'y This Railway Co. Operates its trains on the famous blook system; Lights its trains by eleotrlolly through out; Uses the o'lbratod elotrio berth read ing lamp; linns spnodily equipped paesengnr trains vnrv dav and tight twtwaen Ht. Taul and (Uuoago, aud Omaha and Chicago; ths Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Also orate stwam-heatsd vsslilmled trains, carrying the lateat private compartment ears, library bufTet smok ing tare, and palace drawing room sleepers. 1'arlor ears, fres reclining chair oars. anil the very best diuiug chair oar srvtc. Fr lowoet rates to ny point to lbs t'nlted Htats or Cauixla, kpply to agent or a ldreee C. J. F.DDT, J. W. OAMET, (leneral Agit, L'.ti. ...i...u:......l ... t . ... a t.l.l... ..l oih.'rinfuriiiali.m iriiiiuiiig to Uuiou Paoitte I '"'P ,,""'t sniount to much. We can scare common lohool, if both remtin for their "j"ii uvrmioi. .,r j r iu:iTAf thorn off tlie Ui.na lu short Ume. iife w ,tk i tb. isolated environment of . ... suppose wncn me news reai'iieu inc i mieu . , , ... ... , (on. A'tt.. 1:0 .1.1 H O. it AN. u, I . . . It ioae local conditions. Droi'tdioes and i ii i 1 1. ii r ii. i males nan aia una nail lauen Lnere was a nur i - - - ... .... U"'UT... V. - - , ran and a whoop. Well, at we do not get any mmcouccpiiuna. umuiu news here, I win have to nose, hoping you will this exposition. The enciroling horizon write toon a id often. I have not received a whioh m((ja 0oD0ije0, u.f physical letter from you since I was In Hail Krauclsco. i ..t. y love to all n1 intellectual vision expands with "from your loving brother. their minds and embraoes stales and Fsahi." cities, arts and lodnstnet. They see tbe vastness and inlerdepe ndonoe ol cur in- HU Home and Love Hud Passed From Him Together." Cleveland Plain Dealer. As Harrington tnnrohed slowly up tbe street bstweeu the dunse swaying orowds that olapped aud oii'Vred ad aln-ist oried as the reaiment weat by, hd realiz ed t hut he wis h tppier than ha b 1 1 ever , bei'ii in all his life before. He was worn and tirstl with tho long, hardjmrney in the ornw ld train, and from the months of hat iH orivation hioh hd goue bef irs, but whst w is all that to him nov, f ir h was at home home borae nud tha ward swm'J to sing itself over and over auain iu bis brain, fitting it to lha rattle and ror of the drums, tho shrill runsio of th Hf ?s. the oheers of tho exaitad orowil, a d even tbe steady trump tramp tramp of his comrades' ffet along thft hard, rough pavement. The very smoke and dirt of tlm city were welcome to him tin. He had thought th it it would siera almst pitiful this homrward tn irnh, whiob might ba ths lust the regiment would ever miika tognthtr, lint b f nind himself forgetting ovarythitirf but tin fact that tlat before long he wotiid pe two faces again that hud boe'i with liiin evet siDoe that other march, !h(injh tl'igs and obwia; cn.via, fu. (i'iis when he had gme iwuy. One face was his in h.-iV, au', th other oh, fh it wai youog.-r, and -v, even dearnr, th-mjjh ha had nit o -viii that till aftr som- of th d;?4ry southern nights, whn hi hai thoarbt that he would nver live to so them any more. Where where thny now? Ht ha.l 'oi!t ed for thsra at the train it th station up the hill Hnd now here be ws mi oh log uowu Superior tree!, soinui u every flgure that liutd tho oui-Ih, inn smiles of welo m ev -r' wh'i e, but not from those he 1 ivd. When the gray walh of the armory rose bi'tore him lie was nlui it iu d-ttpvi! and bfcsu to real zi ho ill d tiro. I h really wiw, until o sud-li-u Inp- o tii to him thy were there of onus th would be inei-le to weieo e him, aid I presspd forward apxiorrdy, w'je-i sad ilenW hj felt a hind on his Htm, and turned t meet his ild oburo f ice to f..oe The two iuti smil.'d n bit ntintadi' as tbPir hiitids me. Th l ii g linos of blue had stopped a morunt as th fur most men surged slowly thr. i!i;l, the door, and Ashley ouroe cinder ns b whispered: "Look here. Onrlif, yon dmi't care for all this, do you? Y..U te, your ro'itber g'iol heavens, man, d;n't look like ttirt nothing only the dootorsaid she'd bi'ttsr not oonn, nod it hurl h-r so not lu he th' first to meet you tnut I proiuHel lo b.itig you as yon could nonrm " iltrriiiiton aurted, and thfU a blonds girl lit tho crowd rotdi him thinii of lw, aoj f ir a tirAtlj h uvsred 11 kun DEPEW'S B1NUINQ AUUEEH3. Predict the Paclfle Coast sutoe Will Be Among the Richest of the Union. Chicago, Oct. 10. Cbaunoey M. De pew addressed an immense andienoe at tbe auditorium today. He said in part: M We became masters of the Philippines aud have a harbor for our men of war and oar merooant vessels at Manila within striking distanoa of China at a moment when that old empire is crumb ling to pieces. The open market of Ja pan and the opening mnrketsnf China will absorb not only all tbe wheat grown upon theJPaoifk coast, but nil it can possibly pJodooe. Its markets will be so grent for our steel rails, our machin ery, our eleotrical appliances and our agricultural implements that with a merobant marineon tho PuoiQa, Oregon, Washington and California will in a few years be among the richest and most productive st-ites ia the Union. The heal of the PnoiSi: coast will go to the Orient instead of to Liverpool." Both Speed and Comfort. The business man compelled to travel at this season of the year, as well us the tourist traveling for pleasure, demands comfort as well as rapid transit. The Rio Grande Western and its connections furnish both. From the Paoifio North west, passengers are landed in Chicago n three days and a half, and in New York in less than five day. Further more, the passenger is given his oboioe of three routes through Colorado, and tour east thereof. Tickets are sold via Sioux City, OmahB; Kansas City, St. Louie or Chioago. From the time the passenger leaves Suit Lake City until he reaches Denver there is one everohang panorama of tbe beauties of nature, whether tbe Rockies are orossed via the Tennessee, Hagerman or Marshall passes. Those who desire it, are given, without extra cost, a day's stopover in Salt Lake City, affording bu opportunity of seeing the beauties of the Mormon capital, and also ensuring a daylight ride through Colorado, justly termed, because of its scenery, "Tho Switzerland of Amenoa", Via the Kio Grande Western rates are always the lowest end HCOommodutiouB tbe best. Through tourist and chair ORrai as well a standard Pullm.ius, iipm all trains For descriptive phnmplets or the fam ous mountain ecHiery, rait.'s, reserva tions and other information, address, J. D. Mansfield, Gen. Agent, Kb Grande Western Railway, 112 Third St., Portland, Or. HOBfaUBLG FDNldHMENT. Guillotining the Host Prolonged of AU Forms. London, Oot. 11. The MedicalJour nal publishes tbe report of Dr. lcenel, of Paris, asserting that guillotining dots not immediately affect the brain. Tbs French doctor says tbe blood first comes from tbe larger vessels of the neok, and there is h; rdly any drainage of tbe oran iura. Tbe braiu, he a ids, fioJs nourish metit for au b nr after decapitation, dar ing whiob time tbe person decapitated retains bis or her saoses of haaring, see ing and smelling. Absolute death, Dr, Ioenel claims, does not ensue for three hours. Thiiii it is pointed out that guil lotining, instead of being speedy, is one of the most prolonged aud horrible forms of oapital punishment. HEPPNER TRANSFER CO.'S Belled express is coming. Does deliver work on short order, 10 cents and up wards. This wagon is No. 4, and leave your order with It, or at "Central" tele phone ollice. We Move Anything! H. W. Fall, PROPRIETOR Of the Old Reliable Gault House, CHICAGO, ILL.. Half block west of the Union Depot of C. B. & Q., C. M. St Bt. P., C. & A., r. Ft. W. & U.. and the C. Bt. L. & P. Railroads. RATES 6&oo PBH 13 AY Cor. W. Madison and Clinton 8ts., 03XXCA.OO. XXkLi. 80 YEARS EXPERIENCE. TRADE MARKS, rC DESIGNS '''" cenvsiniiTB ... Anyone sending a sketch and description may quickly ascertain, free, wlietber an invention ia probably patentable. Communications strictly confidential. Oldest agency for securing pat ene in America. We hare a Wasblnntou ollice. - Patents taken through Muna A Co. receive special notice tn the SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, beautifully Illustrated, lnrsrest circulation of nny scientlflo Journal, weekly, tenns3.00 a year; f 1.50 six months. Hpecimen copies and MAMO Boon ON Patents sent free. Address MUNN & CO., 361 Broadway, New York. THE ART OF BREWING. Was Perfected by the Production of.... HOP OOEI Ami now the entire world Knows this verfect product As the Star Brewer beer On draught at all popular saloons STAR BREWERY CO., 203 WasMnoton St., Portland, Or C It Tie Dalits, Parlhd & Astoria Navigation Co. OTEaMEEO "DALLES CITi" AV0 "REGULATOR" A Kolillrr's rlu. teroel cummeroi. Thejr learn that the UnoU Sum it my Hhcpherd, I iIimII more iutelllgeotly ielflib n Imsiuess oot waut; be meketb rue to li down oo be the more pattlolioally it encourages tbe bar J groaod ; be letJetb u earosi every other iodaitry eod oootribatet to tba pirnle ground; he reetoretb tnj the geueral weal. Cuniineiiriou Mooday, Mny '.'ml, lbs-1 brealb with abort reel tod then Uketu I "Toa aoliitioo of tha oeatary-vexiug itleroeri .f the Keirnlator Lloa will iooiber whirl tbrougb tba timber, problem of eapital and labor growe aim- M fnrbi. ... aaka. Yea. Ibonoh I walk I oler. Tber aaa that av.n railroad I'Aiira ai oiu a. iu. i - - . . U h... .,. t l'n,.u.l .ma ..rr "'" tha ahadow of praehleai may ba a pnbllo apiriled cltl The Dalh a and take a trip down the I death, I will (ear no Hpaoiard, for thoa ten without betraying tba iotereata or doluinhia; yon will enjoy it, and aave art with tu. I boa aeeet me for a breaet- I aaenlog tba baaioaaa ol bia oompaoy ; niotiey. I work in tha Dreienoa of mine anemv that tha moLer Dower ia tba oonoeutra- tboa fllleil ma with hardtack and a tino of the capital of tbe many at coo W.O. AI.LAWAT. tlroeral Agaut. Tra. 1'aaa. Agent. l'ortlaa.l, Or. uiujUimoiiuiu um) cheap grade of bacooimy onp rnnnatb Ivenlenl eeotera ot Soaoolal operation. abort. Hnrely bnoger and tblrst aball laud eootaot with tba world, wnre it Ilea follow ma all the daya of my euliatraanl, useless lo lime of distrust, but i easily and I aball dwell iu tbia dam p tent for drawn to tbe benefloetl purpoeee and . the uil two yaie.-Ei. r"'i Yelleo Stane Park Line tHIOHtr I'lMUlt A HOI tK rii yhi r iik t i ir th iiiK vru U(TnM Mtl"l. rkk gri(KrT AND tMT HKKtT II M TO UTAH. COLORADO, SE JlliASKA, h'ASSAS, MIS SOURI RIVER nil Vvint EAS1 SOUTH- i.Asr.eszar LOOK AT Till: TIM H. NliW V0KK, Jays CHICAGO, :5J -ST. LOUS. :!J " OMAHA. :i SALT LAKL, 1J " illln. )ln lul W. I I II A kt IM'I. .... M.t.ts. I.-. It., .-.... I. M W IU I fa I. i ) ..S a ' i ml tH-its Iwi ai.-t fci.ttt j tin I ii r. kt Me $ lnf-.il 7ma .1 M .. S l"f I i r. m. ... i..i. .--i. .i. 'i I, ... fi.f .ii. i l' a i" l. x i . s. t m i 4 l'tS I" l l. . I. m, I t I.. . 1 1 -I, -. I nui lt ImI fKl..n dt-r.. 'I ' ' "l"ll IUe a.t.e (kc bi i t t( .. t. f.til .1 H. M f..u W e4 mhH n !' ', f I M ' i.. .! r s mum m ,(' ii 1HM '!. t't"a productive rnergiee of tba anmruanity blob oaa give iU profitable am ploy men. "When Nebraaka aball have r--bed the age ot New York, thora wilt ba a population of oval 2X1.0HU.0J0 in tba United Htatea. Oar dumeia Will be Ieuffloient for tbir eapporl and oor io atilntiotia elastic eomgb for tbir order ly government and their liberty, Intel ligenee will ba kea aaJ bia-ti ant tht ' It isn't much troohla vary oloee lo tha dily l.fa f.i a ttally hrnlthv man I and the inditatrial aollvltie of tbe ... i i t i li.tlitv and hiiKriiit h.slth ere a t.f. I P'P'a. nl.i.l rom'Hnatmn The tirarty man wha I MC-oral.ia will ba wnrkiog ! an I i..L.. I.vh.nd.r.n ;t ba any trnt.le I .Kntlahl rhlm.rw.l. There llh hi. Ii. .tl.i II I,., hr. la .i.l thai I " Uushm makes o.l bralthv Tbe Mnth I will alwaya le dilTreoee ot Ootid ill 0 r-(,ooDwTn I Hist brallb m.kra pvotil Uugb. Ii la intMilile l r.iimai the Ire. nirn.tous liiBu.n of hraltb apnn human rlnixtn A msn with a fcra.lixbe will B"t la a bspiiy. tiinlrsifil flame v aiinil. A man kn altrr ftnm k (.mark I an luiiMirtl di.-.n.ni srill ait l'( I.- I.lf. T .iiri.l H)ii.if,g ('rt" l 'uml.i tk..uli ih lrl m'l err iiirffvi iHiiiist snan won ia ns l-.i.. is itrviving ( lre In a niuM-uia I .. man nho ! nt tM'lulcnt and A.I lhr I uiluian i'aitre hlii tt-g Care Yu full itei!are r(tf lii( falee, lilue ol trail., !) , r.ll ra ir a-l lr J, f iitnr. AtfoHt . It. 4 N.t'-i, ll(t "'. rMe I'. O Trwn, W. I;. C.,ki4, liav. l'se Ai. (Lul At l: Ti. '.t ei.. r.. ii.i,. th: ' guicic 'rxntn i "" Sf 111 It llllOlNOO 14 all ! I I '' . tke Hi VHmWm Southern Pucif.c Co W f! k v. ttd i t , Im am ..Mr I i Vi'k IW kvS nl .. f tt l I ( Sk-eaS S.Mw SWw .4 mtmm i tmmn 4i.-4 Im mivmm .ra a. . mmtrm sr-' f..wl -.. ,4m. 1 "t I. SI ('i!tK, I' N ktskaM'M i t t Ihi ai.4 t lrt kn'liiif is cnttiMitf i!ii .ns u I 4 ftve iU-. stk.n Ibe i. tim Iiiii x-4 tmly tli.r !, tl tl'Mfi.lifii a. ll A wtf sill I si l lli.l hr lb . t . 1 ..ting thai a " man h'sil ! In ht Munii h." n.4 tiirially asDolba eadnwel hi children ntttl drgreea if gift, but Ibe m ion abtsd d.K'Inee that the worl J owe every man a living will be la general v ocue an ptaetlne. Tha laf, the ahifilea and th Imi'tovidenl will grnoibln and offer ibeaaentw. bnl there will te a plae for all aeo. fling to the Wienie tmtnwnj noon inrta. and wlaely tele.l wan- lr lie eara aad eM.rrt t i ine ag-u ll.e h.lilree. "The Frglteh Ubgnea will Ih lreh rf diploweey and the kirins m be wmld he looking waiting fir him undo, ao l evening aera 'd a.i lo.ig to ait. And then u Ide'ily n grit wava of atiuiue ewe.il over him. hat he ennid eitale, and a few eeiumd Inter he a winging don ii the street with Albley, musket, knapitiicX mil all, a he a - V i J mlii'u af'er lti )ii ot lha fricbil that be h d not eon (or m intba. All but one he ou'l not mention brr, tlniitfh the failing atrnine ol "The O.rl I L ft l)-hlnd Me" that floated alntly ar'er them hnnght her mote vividly Ihtn ever h-forn his mind. lie would o hla mi'her, and tlu ha sjiile i In lutDnif h they wniie I fur a liua and esuk euldiuly dan on tb Hut Harrington did tiut a:iecr. He only aruilf-1, a enile that enroebow made Ashl-y slnvcr and K'tep hi friend' hatid doe- r "IjtI me take your thirst-. h id, in an attempt at sumpsUn, but Harring ton throw nlm . IT. Then waaonle ooa lell In tim now, an I m eif I" 1 ,er all lha more, he Mi, as ha wnird for a long line i.f csrrt4 to pus li f rn tiji-y eniesnil I hi etrret lo hla lio.e. Iu .1 la th fl at, he rargM a ifl im-ai ..f lnl.UI tin end afil.ny vi', aal i' I'on.M t.e. (ore hie oio I ihi v i m i.f an-vl.er edd ug he hop'.l mil I I .'ii eo n', and lha thougM male turn at l'l7 that ha Ihatikt the b-io.l put) fr aondmg It t hi u, end wnd.iel who Hiey were. '!) )"' ki 'f b aeked ovrr ht aimnlUer, a iin np tba atie. "their reinrol Aehley, with a eara l.ee a. d. 'Oli, I ! that ae MImI Sle.lroao- '-e wnn lo hsve l-en married today, anyhow hnrrid old ehp aha got, bnl rub-io nJ to be rather gioe on bee osae, didn't yon? Charlie, il i. a (- ih.i his tln H iwlim 1 a ajnarlee "f Ifce ho man f tha l'a KUU anJ Ureal lntam batiog wora ha'mnnion.lf tcelher fo l? petWid 111 damliial I he watl.l Ilir ml and eta'tiple will ta fur the .rom..H. irf emrce. aad lha eifel i t ein linn wiib lie Iwesliia In Asia and Aftiea tear I y year a ill ene nsarer the reell attiifl ut the ri.tlM whsib twan end haa laered il.e t tiHn era l 'IVeee oa eartb and g! will asnm n."' i-i ..if hi. f ! lit a.oi.lm( e II l k'.lniv i siihri'Oil T 'u Ir I .olitvn M.iIk .1 I i . Ih I l n nirtlit iw l-i th t ..fi.lot.ms ct.f!ir.l It make lh .S M..i.l M.m Ihe ltljlfd ii--..ii.mi if,t la.tr I i ve, I . ... si,4 ,niuk. ib l.i.l end I") I itt. II I. ait it n hail il.a.1. inptt I ! fi - ih.es nh i e tim . ut 1'hmi t.l hi. ik II Inii'.U ik.w 1 hi alike mnw !.'. aft.l ln. e rH l i!-..if.i.. stitut-nM an no lam hiy a-t nt1 m. t.f.1 .!.llt H y sin.! i Mff II I. . la . i.l all kriomn an. ) it lot 1 1 . ... rti' M l.Mat I m mum Smim. . i Hi.. .o J M . t mt 4 ..i. I..tal .. I e4 s -- -.. e4 . .i i iiiiftii..-. l'S"-S , m l... W tltmi 1mmv i e .. m t m a ,..'.1 i. ... 4 i. fmm0 s4 i.i.irt.4 ui ii. -... al !... .ii, .ai..4, .i ln bs sei ii s r-M--M owe " - That 14-Year Old Stuff, Kohn's Best." On Tap Down at The Telephone Saloon a IT IM HAHIC QOUDM New Stand, Oity Hotel Building, -FEST'TBBIH SERVICE TO THE EAST 1 DIW 101 IV I I DAILY iUUV n T Fast Express I)KNVKII, . i i r iu.', I HMI. Hl'HIMii A'ni- llll'KK' AniMt AiMTY Arrl'w I.IN I'l.S " IMH ' lit- e MolMCri " I ir on I a tHUAUO -en p. m. t "S p. m. ei ! I ' m. a)n p ni i 1 1 pn 4 ." p. m. "si p. m. II .' a m. em a. in. Thrtineh Hlts rt ' hair Cum fiilnrwli) In I I. !-. WiiU iMlihule tlinnmliirtit. Tba tnHl Imin In the Vliwl. MV II Colorado Flyer Lvi IlKSVUt " inln hTltlSfiU ArrleTii.KA ' KA.N'AH CITY t p. ra J jfl p. tn. 1 i a. m. la a. an . Ar. KT. I III 1H. (W.li. H f) t il p. ns. Arrlnna HT- JlshKI'H . lu Ml a. m Arritaa I.INi'dl.N (I i Hon) 4 19 a.m. " HAM it inoi.) . :.m. " (U. Ul.tKih. . , t.lia.m. TliMugh Hltrper ( .il.m.l., Hirititra la M. Looie vie vi al.Mli U'y. foe particnUr and (olilar aitm lime u( thr-v train rtl t. C. M'LCOO. A. II. I. A . Ttil'r K . j.t. ocacvoitc. Hitl.AM. OKK JNO SEBASTIAN, CI. I'. A.. Hit AliU. Wieeenem Cintesfi Lime (1 KNF.lt A L rASSKNOKH PKl'AKTMENT. MilwaTKEC, Not. 5, 1K)7. Heiy le WIh4 !. (1,.n t.Ul invane a rU-ae Vm N tMtr mlhoul It t aatrta.t al t alh.t I IMS) ie l.i.an-4 end k'p it I -I i tt.. ,p ih Ur lf el atimiia ail im ni ftntn th ll. Ile n t.. .lv h I .l r. l.l l., I.Imi..-. . m1 Ihst hl, hi .t.4 utii-n tt ' S I ! - i.4l) I l la. A.I i-w 11 a, aaiswesone w re.,lbiem't.ihe.U.glgli.l.iatn''jr J. tl-y m ttl bum te feel e.iu- t'-cl and l.nrd i gu,J fht i lteiril in thie ye an eiaily Nnie. Hi lti add le . , .. . . ,. p . . bal paleej l-m Um l,.g.lbrf. 1 "feet Itl ll.P . TVU of tllO I nlirM at ib llrao l li'titral raeaiT.U'T i.-i iiki. Siati.in, wtio Lave r !'" tlly txou wee a efffr tft ledi;'"n and u tn fornix I with Irowo auit atitl re.l ronld eat eeeif aeythtef liH.nl TIn'T will 1 in WaitirK at q!tliir aft ilii'a, I we aU , ,. , . . . ....nl.t-l wilb trateela. I l-aa l.k , H tl alha tr htn It aeelet pea. Int ll.-I. Kaianpaoine ar i it i-ee a..,l;. i. and it ia h'U'. tliAt our wbalie itraabie ehnmt.tg'dat.d . , . , . f If wC? 1 KnH 1 1 fl, ruehrd blindly op ta thenrB where all. I'ATUONS of tL U UCoOelD l I K I M I lsent r til U2. bi.) .y. andeor,,,. had l-a "'J , CcDtral Linna io paeeir K through I VVeT"sT"V ear. . v miinfMiJ,,j -..w.,,, Hal ai Ihe dvr Ih'y Ut-A In et..p ' . UlC ngu tiiay ri'ijnira iKin aeeiet- . . k...i,.iii., i hlm-h. lea.4 II,. J W. 5 U Ml . I , U nf f Uvitlii tMf lT"- wmai. a f l il"g haul; t.. esoett, , J-r.i.i..ri.- .i,.i n giiitif" il a figure that rilhr ; baial ontAtf taken form or to ,;?""" U 1 r,,"""- " av.vo.lwr ep.,k. Ii ntltoin hiw, ai d; . : -.1 ,.r l,- or l f ?,,iZ, , l.'" 1,'.'. MLlJf you can IIlLll i be curci W (? tnm ft tt 1' I 1-4 id SHU, (ran In I ol 1ms kpKwiul a o. IVui UM, f umi i a . , . . i . r, m-.n P f Ht . I ... .'.. ii , I , f j i, A f'f k. .li. Ur'n ua . '- in 1 i . .. .. fc , , , , ' "' " MI-H-lw r lr. a 9 t ;,4i 1 1-1 l il i e ..- k 1-. , . . U.,M ,. f . I . f - Tbe I'bllnMpbr mt tt mi.-. I . a. . lot m. , l.e" Ma 4ne Kal.,, rjle, "I Ibia e.1 Iiliiu.nl oiMtiainn f.ir f "- - k.- k , Weebiaatnn. tieir Oinifoft. ) VTTtT A ' ' ' . . i jas. r. rostt . '-"'i"'iii. II.MMl'e Puts are lt,..fi faoiiy t. i t. ' , ' MiNiMMM,vi,.,, 4 Ikeftl. Ceyk,er b..-sfw Uau i I ar, AtiU mmmm0 as..