Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, October 14, 1898, Image 3

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The Latest Arrivals at
The Celebrated "Ideal Brand" of WORK SHIRTS- double all over.
A heavy, black DUCK OVERCOAT, blanket lined, for teamsters.
New and neat line of OUTINGS, FLEECE GOODS, and CALICOS, CHEVIOTS and
Blankets from -
An A No. 1 Rubber Overcoat
Full line of Winter GLOVES and MITTENS.
50c up
Are Doing tle Jfetasltiess.
" "s.
We are not to be undersold. Come and look through our stock before
buying elsewhere. Our
Come from the Highest Class Tailoring Establishment in the United States at
prices within the reach of all.
Oil, How Thankful
Pain Was Maddening and Hope
Had Been Abandoned-Wonderful
Results of Purifying the Blood.
" A very severe pain came in my loft
knee, which grew worse and worse, and
finally a sore broke out above the knee.
It discharged a great deal and the pain
from my thigh down was maddening.
Large, hard, purple spots appeared on my
leg. I suffered In this way lor years,
and gave up all hope of ever being cured.
My wife was reading of a case like mine
cured by Hood's Sarsaparllla, and she
advised me to try it. I began taking it
and when I had used a few bottles I
found relief from my Buffering. Oh,
how thankful I am for this relief I I am
stronger than I have ever been in my life.
I am in the best of health, have a good
appetite and am a new man altogether."
J. P. Moors, Lisbon Falls, Maine.
Is the best In fact the One True Blood Purifier.
Hood's Pills cure all liver ills. 25 cents.
In It if you catch on.
given sway for th best
cor this week at the
Highest possible acore 120.
M. B. Galloway wlus prize of ."
with wore of V
Ed Drlscoll, second with score of . . Ill
This week It Ladle context.
First prize, Ave pound box ol candy,
Hecoud prize, 75 cents.
Red, White and Blue lights In front
Local Notes.
Choice fruits at Tbe Maine.
Pee M. Lichtrntbal & Go. for ehoea.
For cboioa confectionary a to Tbe
Bay yonr tobaccos of Geo. 0. Rome, at
Tbe Maioo
J. L. Swift is bailing bit grain to tbe
warehouse this week
Wbnr can yon teat yonr marksman
blp? At Tbe Maine.
Where oan yen bay tbe beet cigar on
earth? At Tbe Maioe.
What la Hop uoldT Host twer on
eaiih. tiae ad. eUewbere.
The lower warehouse ba an unlimit
ed euppy nf seed rye for sala. 861m
Liclitenlhal k On. for shoes. Eiolnaivt
shoe store. Handles tbe beet. &3tt
Dr. A. O. Oreeoles, eoroer Orand stre
nas sod East Morrleoo el, Tort land, tt
The Uatette'a eabecriptlon pries of
$1.60 ie listing subscriber every day.
Jim Dogbee ia moving bis sheep from
lbs uonntaius to aimer qoarters on lbs
Go's juice" W all right but Low Til-
lard bas a brand of 14-year-old sonde
that la bard to beat. 0o3 If.
Dr. J. W. Vogel, specialist fur refreo-
tioo and dfot of tbe eye, will he ber
very three month. tHX-lyr
I'ainle remedy for ettraotieg teetb.
If oot as elated, no ebargee. Try lr,
Vaiigbeo'e sew plan. f4-if,
It yoo nd something for yonr system
sail at lb Pbon The Telephone as
Imis. Oil hotel building, tf
O f. Tb"B ! dre Is a hand i f
Salt's from Bnl'eV ttttk tt shipment 10
tnatk'l Wednaelay.
J ot what yon bare looked for sery
where. Dr. IVmiIou' sleeping garment
ior obildrea st I'.roes A Hewatt'
IW-at aoonminiftatloq sad eoorteoo
treatment al the Iatell lloUt.KeveMb
sod Waah. fit., fortland, Orm.
Brine loor lidee. tlls sad fnrs to
lies. Mathewe, al lbs LlWif Meal
Market. He pays blgheet market prtee.
til-1 1.
Marshal TbJ0tt), tsd ti le weak a
thorough Inepectlne of Ilia bydrante sed
raaervolre, and placing these is lb woo, b
work log order.
A. It. (tens MM been ala bam
tsar teg Iroa at bis old eUed os we
Mais etraet after ss abaene f mm Ike
Sitf of three y. tf
tits. KohlaA To. sre mellaS fr
Be not deceived! A cough, boaranees
or cronp are not to be trilled with. A
dose in time of hhiloh's Cure will save
yon much trouble. Sold by Gonser &
V'arren. v
Old fashions iu drees mav be revived,
but no old-fashioned medicine oan re
place ChBmberlain'e Colio, Cholera and
Diarrhoea Kennedy. For sale by Conser
& Warren.
Dyspepsia cured, rjhiloh'e Vitalizer
immediately relieved sour stomach, oom
iog up of food distress, and is the great
kidney aud liver remedy. Sold by Con
ser & Warreu. v
Care that couku with Shilob's Cure
The best oousb cure. Relieves orouo
promptly. One million bottles sold last
year. 40 doses tor 25cts. Sold by Con
ser & Warren. v
LMones, lube tbe best, it you me
troubled with coustipation, sallow skin.
Bud a tired feeling, tkke Karl's Clover
Tea, it ie pleaBuut t j take. Sold by
Oouser & Warren, v
Tliere are lmprovointtuta mads every
lay in our little oily, nud the last one
noticed is tbe laviDg nt Lt-w oro.-B vmiks
Now, get some one after those c.uil bends,
mid one O.iu o.J y a stroll.
Mr. Wbltuey, proprietor of the Hepp
oer house, is txperienoing a prolonged
siege of rbenmatiHu), which eoufl ies blm
to hi. bed most of the time. Hi a wif.-
arrived here on Sunday's train.
W. P. Sayder. tbe livery stable pro
prietor, bays ouly tbe beet bey and grain.
Large oorrala and aeoommodutiooe for
freighters. Elaoks and buggies furnished
reasonable, ritock well oared for. tt
The Morrow County Land & Trust
company have decided to go into the
wheat buying business extensively this
fall, and it ie Important that growers in
terview them before deposing if their
Brown A Deynier announce Ihe open
ing of their butchering establishment in
a display "ad" id another oolnmu. Tbey
solioit s osll from our oilizeun, gaaraa
teeiug a eervioe lb it will pleaee their
Dr. M. B. Mez!er, the doutiet, now
that hie newly tarnished parlor sre in
readiness for tbe receptiouof bispatienta,
annonuoee hie prmsuerey with s stand
ing sdveriiaHQipnt in out column of pio
feseional cards.
Olto Fredericks of the City baker)
krf ps s Oompleltt liuS of O iuued gooJa,
staple gro0Hris, coufeo ionory, vege
tables, sweet potatoes, eta Bread, pies
snd cakes baked each diy. WedJing
oakes a peoielty. tf
Joe Enos, of John Day, was In town this week,
A. Beard, of Fossil, visited Heppner this week.
Ed Day, t he Butter creek sheep owuer, was in
Mr. Frank Clark, the wool buyer, came In on
yesterday's train.
J. J. McOee, of Hardrnan, was in Heppner a
few days this week.
John H. Hayes, of I one Rock, spent the first
of the week in town.
Claud Johnson, of Eight Mile, registered at
the Palace Thursday.
Mrs. Brock and Miss Rhea returned from
Portland this morning.
P. C. Thompson, the sheepman waB trading
with our merchants Thursday.
W. F. White, county surveyor of Grant, passed
through on his return from Portland.
Ed Rood, one of our county's most prominent
ranchers and business men, was in Heppner
this week on business.
Bruce Haynes and wife returned from Port
land, and while there adopted a bright little
boy to brighten their lives.
Mr. R. Harper and wife, of John Dav. were
registered at the Palace hotel, Wednesday, on
their way to Portland, where they will spend
their honeymoon.
W. F. Matloek brought In a baud of cattle for
John MeCarty, who was here In the interests of
the l!nlon Meat company, Wednesday, when
they were shipped.
M. W. Orton, representing the Oregon Fire
Kellef Association of McMlnnville passed
through Heppner from Pendleton to The Dalles
astride a wheel last Saturday.
Mrs. Cooley, of Brownsville, uee Miss Ethel
Sperry, sister of Mrs. Vawter Crawford and Will
Spencer la visiting her relatives here, and
welcomed by her former associates.
F. J. McCallum.accompanined by his mother,
returned from tortlaud yesterday morning, and
left this altemoon for their home at John Day,
Mr. McCalluni reports the city crowded, and the
business bouses doing a vast amount of business.
Our Line of
We are prepared to offer you the BEST VALUES of any house in the city
CLOAKS and CAPES is complete, comprising all the latest styles in
Infants' Children's Ladies' and Misses'
WFflPS from $1.50 to $25.00
Now, that Ihe warm season is about
over, fresh oandies ars in order, and
James Hart will dtvote ti lims to lbs
manufacture o( the eboioat dt-lioacieeia
tbe lins of orrama, tatTy, eto. Io faot, sll
kinds of conlrotionsry are to be found
there. fW-tf
Our Stock of
In fine Silk and Plush.
Is perfect in style and finish and guaranteed to fit and give entire
In Shoes
We are the only house in town that sells the Celebrated
"Kant Wear Out" Boys' and Youths' Clothing, the
reputation of which is world-wide and sold by all the
leading houses.
We lead them all. The Kellejr-Goodfellow Shoe is so well and favorably known that we need
only to mention that we sell their line of Shoes to insure us a large and increasing Shoe trade.
In Dress Goods
We are up to date in all the latest novelties in patterns. Silks, Satins, Velvets, Braids, Ruffl
ings in all the latest shades and styles to match our dress goods.
4 . . . ! . .
tSIOaa. TlefU eMIa sa t ' I b-na. ah ,
t.mm Is be f mihJ Is Ii '
ad ts Ibw iMaa, If.
U.I laii It
...... a,
Wbare oan yoq grt a gooj treeb and
boteupof pars Java and Mocbs eoflVe
for be? At The Mam, Open day and
nlahl. Alao, bam sandwich, fc; quarter
of pie (home made), fa; piece of cake
(borne mad), fte; two boilod rgt, f;
chM, eracknre and lunrb goods.
Is the morning by ll.s bright light,"
Io tbe tvoning at tb "IUIIigbt,"
where John Kaatnn soatioa to dol lo
bie patron those sparkling beverage,
bleb "lianiab malaneholly and drive
doll eare away." Drop iu; warmth
grntyoalhM fall and inlrevatii.g.
P.M. Coortor callad on o and report
that tbe warshooas at It.e I nk i f lihea
ertavk, thres uIIhi Ibis aids of Iune, ie
wrll dr way, snd today a trk m
pany la blng t rmr, in at. lob nnrtivron
protnlnaol fatujor as Inrlsdad, and
llinir hiralioD will ba drlgatd a
Dalai elallus.
Mike Roberta, al lb lUlvdr, bav
li g raniodalnt lb pqUr old lima ear
car, eiUtid lo l a pubUs a erdial wl
ew Tba bvtagS bs dUpali
will b kapt up tt lbs hlfbaa) eiandard.
bd tbe enlargottjaal snd samfoftabls
qati nl of b billiard parlor and
c!ub-hia s drssing fvlur, W if
Minor A Co apptarlat Ihe advasl nf
a pt a.r fall b'laiu' by aanostte
Ir g lo aibreliatiitf It.e (Mite lbir
irpMtinn for ihe e In bp of a
frl d gU aaaonacatnast witb
a M -I priiw which will b riily ep
pr, i.tJ by lt is patrua. Tli flia
bliil if II pl-l.r flrS M fatulliaf lo
all, alx"'! In .! atl'nt.on Iu lh4r
tpanal abSfSarati aut.
TU l) lr d bt bete eraatad
o aabj ttiltBDt f WIbi f
j ata making If t br a Vtail and givlag
I In I'i i'it
Th. 1,'iat-t L
UMitUJ tS 1'irfl anl Ibair
txanali d aifiltilng i T W U) po
t,l a r.!t I ck r af t
b tjikr r,. iasgHst tt
oMUl. !.- l.f la lfnl
! ! f 'f IUi t J. Il
r. f.'i l-ru' B IfeieVlaitSl
rift rk't. "
Kolatlres Believe Hhs Was Orowned in the
Wednesday John McCarty, who reaehed here
011 th morning train, was called to the tele
phone and requetted to return on the night's
train to Portland, as his mother-in-law, Mrs. E.
(1. 8 lonn, iu siipKned to have fallen Into the
Willamette river, at tbe Madison street bridge,
and drowned. In conversation with Mr. Mo
Carty he could give no particulars.
Thursday morning Mr. P. t. McCulliim, of
John Day, arrived, and relates that he happened
on th Morrison street bridge, during tlia day,
when, on looklnT Into th water, h saw the
body of a woman drifting alowly toward Ihe
weat end of th bridge. At th aame time th
biidg tender discovered and rushed for a boat
below, succeeding In overtaking it, and, while
attempting tosecuie tt witb a rope. It suddenly
disappeared beneath th water, after hlch ao
trace of It could I found. As a rap obscured
the features Mr. McCulliim waa unable to iden
tify It, but noticed particularly that It waa th
body of a large woman, whoae wearing apparel
answers the description of Mr. Hloan.
Thursday evening's Telegram confirm th
theory that It was Mr. Sloans remains, and ao
count for Ita Boating ao oon after drowning,
which, under ordinary circumstance, doe not
occur iuald ol thre day 'I me, that th clothe
buoyed ber up until th air etrapad from ber
dreaa by being disturbed when It sank Immedi
ately. tr. Vaughao with member of th family
spent Thursday al Hi renof the disappear.
ancs hoping for th recovery of th body, by
which It could b Identified.
Th startling new baa baen th eourrs of
eonatanl Inquiry In Heppner, over which It bat
eaatagloom of sorrow, owing lo MraHloan'i
long aaenrlatlon with our Iowa and realdanU.
where ah waa held la th hlxhaat ealeein. Th
Hloan brother, of Butter creek, ara two anna,
and Iwo daughter, Mr. John Mct'arty, o( Port
land, and Mr. Knbrt Hhaw.nf l-eilngtnn, hav
ing been raised hera, have th aympathy of all
It I th (uppiialtlon of ber family and others
that, aa ah at time ba been aiiblcct lorartaln
pells wblrh mora or lea aSertad her mind, ah
(cam temporarily cniilueed and unfortun
ately w aodered la lb direction of th river nd
fell In.
In Ladies' and Children's
Underwear we can sup
ply your wants, and our
prices are right,.
We carry a large stock of
Blankets from the Salem
Mills, from 50c up.
Staple Goods
In Staple Goods we carry
everything needed in
in the house.
Also carry a full stock of
Groceries, and guarantee to
meet all legitimate competition.
Call and examine our Stock and get our Prices when in the city.
First National Bank Building
Heppner, Oregon.
Successors to E. W. Rhea & Co.
Ml I " vmW
VJ fei .1,,
Mil ( -v55K
MW W Iff filbM1 '
J T I K .1 I Kt !
h W1 m urn
vjnv . hi is. jiii k I VI 'h.vtt '
pt '!." '
Quaker Doctors
CanciTs have lost their terror; are
killed in one day without pain and
without knife. Tapeworms removed
often in twenty minutes.
Free CoQSultation Nightly
At the Opera House.
Quaker Doctors' Offloe at Palaoe Hotel. Heore from 10 to 12, Weak Deye.
Rev- W. Claire s Keeeatlaa.
Ttio rMNpllrQ lender! Ita. P. f, Ht.
Clair Wletiv vvonla prov4 a
ino etijoyaliU affair. Tb Ineal preaott
r, ltQ Ja U Harlholom, f aye bins
greeting Willi warm srord nf weloiin.
Tb (ariab eljeei to tbe M K. eburch.
Montb, bia fui or (, ba baa uleely
furntabel bf Woll II -others, anl Ih
eomfotl of Hv, Ht. Olalr air.1. II
i(reM biruaelf Very onion plee
lib lb Inealilr an I bopfllil f Le
The Jeka iHif l4t.
Mr. M;lum, of John t)af, Inform
n tbal upn bi retoro bom ba eipaela
o bai lb blf dr ! at ork nn Ibe
of lb river. Tb leU'iti m of tue
Company la H begin ahnat .t mile l
o the to. wot kn up I It, an I ltio
doa lb rif. for grl many )ar
placer raining be lri etfll on ei.
teealvtly ol wilri mi ih i ) a tb
bank r( IM Jobn lf la Hit ttmaity,
S.beael!y II la aio"!! iQal tb t
perlmeolof Ihla rivr itreta!i aar alt prove
anaaaketiiag la I l-r a miuUg,
a Iba lie I i.( IU ritef nual U Veil
il4e vtlb lli preeixaa nsl.
I'.imaater Vaea-ba") rlit'Oi. Ibia
itKirali'at Iroia rorllanl. aal ipNle
baifaf aa t.uelinal Ht la tb tt
Ifuf'lia. Iietl.g Rtet aa'f lief .r
ilea tbeea ado era alr etly "la lie
(." TeaUflay aiit ft o'ben froaa
ter pni the d ixj It. Vlt rteia
iret I.H Ig akila II, titer b leg
areh B via -f lb lliain t H'.
Tb Uaaker.
Kalanlar oltfbt will ba given Ilia fare
well entertainment by tba Quaker doct
or, r.aob evcnitiK ttiia week pteoediog
and fullowina! Ibe diapenaation of Ibelr
fsmeilie. tbey bav given more tbao an
ordinary entertainment. The oornedi-
an aeem e-ioaxilnwly popular witb tbe
townaprripa,from Ibe fact tbat tlandieg
rNim In Ida ball ie at premium every
(iia-bt. Wbil KdJie Yonng, Ibe mnsloal
Kenin i all riitbl, I'at Kalley, tbe Irlsb
Cimrdlo,and Harry Holme b"blaok
man," ara "on! of iatit.H Mrs, Kelley,
I'al'e wife ie lifhl wllb Liu. Ia feci,
tbey am world reuowne.l epMialtlaeio
tbeir ehararter. Malntday night tbey
will Inlrodnoa a buri.tier of loeal panpl
and lb I adit a' wood aaaing eobleel, fur
t piiu, and lb rixe to stor for lb
U.ys. will jost aUtut li. kl tba "andi-
eaea Into flts," We pr1iot a crowded
ktorraw ( vaaty a Hbunkoraa Has a I'leaa
Mweey al Nnrtk Yaklwa.
Mr. N. 0. Maria nnr enterprising
Hborlborn ralll raleer and t bsn.pion,
ratnrned from th Waaliinglon stale fair
Wedneaday morning Ladeektd ailb blue
ribbon, Li champion berd of Hborl
born baving awepl tba bonor from all
eompatiior, among wbirb were Ibe
fatnoo Ladd herd nf I'orlland. In
eonnei Mr. Maria ia blgbly elated,
and baa prorwded to 1 be Dalle agrl
emlural fair wllb bia prua wlneaia.
Kolloaing are a liat of bi bonor:
Hri pnt on ball, 3 year and over.
Kir I prit no now, 5 year and over,
H-cotd pf la on 2 year old Laifer.
Hrt and rnnd riatee oa betferi un
der 2-yar old.
Firl aad aeoond prite of aaietak
prise on beat lemala of any age.
Tbrea berd pntaa.
la all bi ptlea ootnanberad Iboea
received by lb Iji 1 1 berd w to one.
Mr. Man' intelligent effort and ne
t's bring Vctrow rviQnly pmininaiilly
Iu tl a Iri-rit, td it tbonld I lb die
poellkilt i-f oar Ineal l.,r kralaer la lead
bias all II neiargi ment pibl.
tleyoad any donb tl.rr i ilaan ol
prorny aaakertli'sT lur cur curiiy,
ai.d Ibrunsb Ibaeffrl f enter reit g
l- k rai-ei at d sgrknlturM tan nnr
popalali.a lner'ed, Ihersbr in
baeeirt latd, t"k an-1 l,'iie inter
ee.. n an a. r ...ir .e-,ie. m w.. ,M f. , V rttm,itmtm mv4
oirruoo I re..r(iT)ii l II K-anei it never fall lo
h 1 1 If-ct ei ee.li and perma-enl ! Ir
llesenn arn'i1-! ferotafi.n I haeaa II
W ara tnnalanlly ad lit. g new gn d' prepare I im aeietitiflo prlnatflea, aed
aad H bav ready f lr.t.eii..a a fine ' "' natu'e'e ptan la rHng II.
aa rtraeal of
Jverwaia, tevU
A N.ie nettlee. I
Mr. L. W. Hill, reoeotly.of Oarney
vMy, and formerly a egrienllorlat and
mining man of Californlan baa pn rob se
ed lb Foclar Adam plana at Ibe bead
of Hand Hollow, embraniotf 200 arraa
of agricultural and 2H0 ecrae of grating
land. Mr. Hill ba epeai tba peat fw
moDlb travelling llironghout California
and Oregon io eearob of a looalioo , and
cmoludea tbal Marrow ronaty bold onl
tba beat Indnoemeet for eueo. Mr.
Hill baa tba appearance and intelligence
of one who will prove ft nl daeirable
ami protnlnaol mambar of oar eoanty.
Will be paid for informatioa leading
to tb erreat and eoavntioa of any per
son atealing Oalll branded " WH" aoo-
oeoted on lb left eida. Waddl on lb
boa. ram I Ilrona.
ruu NAI.k.
three linelar la raaaaliallua
fhiia tli,inlrl flsnkllo.
"Wlienyoa ara lok, what yon like
beat i lo Olinaen for Baadirin In the
firal i lane; a-hel eirienoa lella yon la
uer, to ba rb-xen la tbe aeoond plac ;
anal reaaoo (I. . Ibeory ) say I ImI
I'I li rboaen la lha laat plana, lint tf
yot eao srel lr. Inrliaation. lt. Kipari
ac ao i Ileaaoa lo bold a e'Ueiilla-
lioa tillier, I Ley will glva yoj lha
beel alyin tbat ran ba taken. "
U beat yoo bav a badevtld tr. Italia
lion woold rrnniniea l Chamtierlaln'
I'tingh Iteme.ly (eaiiM It la pleaaant
walcbee, !.. la..rr. ! ' t -" ' .rrelw t,e endrxi'.r
.. , . ... if eia'e o i e na'nrel ar.d Reality
vltiaa o 1 mi..eJ l.lr. to),,,j,.. r, t- v,ni0, wr.
I'. 0. 1 1 t, JaaeJef, (fU,
llaaeb, VMS aflrea, good land, 4 milae of
llappnar, all fenra.l, plenty of water,
bona aad barn, Hi ecrae of tummer
fallow, ell ready for fall rmp, Kaey
term. Uall at tb f laseiu omn.
tun Ml.1 WH HIHT.
A g'xd (beep ranch cornprieing a early
l.Ut) acraa, eoalrolling tb largest tad
lil wioler raeg In Oilllam eonoty.
flood dwelling baaa and large bar,
alao oorntdet nnlfil for raanlag ebaap,
fj too of new bay aad plettty of gn4
water on the pier, for partienlar
Ibl-ilraal NrNb !! ,
K If Arliagton, Or.
Iireaafally liervaaa.
Ovale:-! wa dreadfelly nvoaa,ead
fr relief oik yonr Carl' Clover Um
Tea, it jlted siyaef?ea andeireagik).
eb1 my wool narvoo iii'am. I a a
troubled witb ofiallpali, kidney and
lma Ironlil. If our Te o -a elened
my evttn ao Iborongbly tbat 1 rapidly
re email health aad '! b. Mre
A. Hnaet, llarlfurd, I'oOS, ft-il i hy
lt bale.
Twenty aere of land, near n good
eebool. Will trade for boraea, farming
out Bta, eto. For further information l
dr, V. WiRcniLL,
Ti If Uoud Ibver, Or.
at! MKItkt
1 want noma bore, and if yon waat
piao of land lo Hood lllvef valley font
mil from Ihe town of Hood lUver.
4') rod from good school. Kor further
iaformallun, addraa V. Wiacnau.,
Hood lUver.Or.
Baekleae Ara lea BaJva,
Tbe Ileal Halve In II. world foe C,
Ilrnaaea, More, Clear. Hall Hheora,
rm Korea, Tatter, Cbappad llaade,
Cbllblalna, Uaroa, nil Hk Erp-
lion, and poaiiiviy rare Tile or
pey rair-L li I gaarailel lo gtv
itfM aalMfaetsno or manay reTaade.!.
I'rloa i& eaata par Imi, rr eal by
Hloaani lHg Co, K. , DtoMej, manager
For lafaoU av&d CbiUxia.
Ill Kind Yen Km Alwijt Eosfit
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