Image provided by: Morrow County Museum; Heppner, OR
About Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 14, 1898)
The Gazette. Fkiday, Oct. 14, 1893. The bill introduced by Repre rentative Freeland to reduce the salaries of the county officials was referred to its respective commit tee, since which time it has not been heard from. The bill to change the time for holding circuit court in Morrow and Umatilla counties, introduced in the senate by Senator Morrow, passed the senate, and carried to the house by Representative Free land passed that body. As we un derstand, the law goes into effect at once, the following session will convene the third Monday in No vember, and the second term to convene the third Monday in May, thereby avoiding the busy season with the stockmen and farmers. LATEST TELEGRAPH. Brief War News, Tele graphic News Notes, Etc., Etc. Wi wan hw Seceetaby Long pooh-poohs the story that the battle-ships Oregon and Iowa are being held at New York until it is known whether the Spanish peace commissioners will refuse to accept our terms of peace, in order that they may, in that event, be available to accompany a fleet to the coast of Spain, to do Borne more fighting, and says that the battle-ships will start during the present week for Honolula, just as they were ordered to do as soon as they could get ready. As a matter of fact, no member of the administration has the slightest doubt as to the acceptance of our terms and the negotiating of a treaty of peace by the peace com mission, now Bitting at Paris, al though they expect the Spanish commissioners to splutter and de lay doing so as long as they con sider it Bafe to do bo. The Span ish commissioners are not fools; they can see the inevitable as well as all the rest of the world can. The whipped nation always has to bow before the conquering nation. London, Oct 11 A diipatth to the Exchange Telegraph company from Paris says the United States and Spanish commissioners are at entire variance on the question involving the dis position of the Philippines and have referred the matter to their respective governments. Washington, Oct. 11. The American com missioners have notified the Spanish authori ties at Havana that the United States will assume entire control of the military and governmental departments of Cuba on Decem ber 1st. The same control will be exercised in Porto Rico on October 18th. Hunthvili.b, Ala , Oct. 11. One soldier was killed, two fatally wounded and two seriously wounded at Camp Wheeler yesterday. Soon after the arrival of the Tenth cavalry one of the members was arrested by a provost guard for disorderly conduct and an attempt was mado by his comrades to release him. One was shot, whereupon the negroes seized their arms and shooting became general. Port Townkenu, Oct. 8 A belated Alaskan expedition arrived here today from the Colum bia river. During the early Yukon excitement a company was organized in St. Louis, known as the Missouri & Alaska Mining and Dredging company, with K. S. Lucas president, for the purpose of dredging the Yukon river for gold. A large steam dredge was built and equipped on the Columbia. Through the numerous de lays the expedition did not get started until a few days ago. It was the original intention to go to 8t. iMchael and thence up the Yukon, but owing to the lateness of the season the plans have been changed and now the Stick ine river is the objective point. Vancouvkr, B. C, Oct. 8. Royal Mail steam ship Warrimoo arrived today from New South Wales and New Zealand. She brirgs news of a South Sea massacre. The Sea Ghost, a 16-ton cutter in charge of Captain Kolshorn and a crow of six natives, was attacked by natives of the German Solomon islands at Buka. Captain Kolshorn was mortally wounded and four of the crew were cut to pieces with hatchets and spears. The remaining two escaped. After tho vessel had been looted the captain's body was thrown overboard and tho remains of the four natives were tsken to the village for a cannibal istic feast. The German government will send a punitive expedition to the island. The Latest Production of Eastern Looms, The Swellest fabrics of the Season, Now that the schools arc commencing All should know that- P. C. Thompson Co. Have the nicest assortment of WRITING TABLETS The most fashionable shades and colors, in the larg est and most varied assortments right here on our S We have given particular attention to the requirements of the ladies of Heppner and vicinity and believe our efforts in this direction will be stamped with your approval. In town Tablets at 4c, 5c, 7c, 8c, 9c, 10c, 15c, 20c, and 25c each Rubber-tipped Lead Pencils lc, 2c and 5c each Don't forget the place. Cash talks P. C. Thompson Co. Heppner. Or. NOVELTIES IN BLACK A fancy Crepon, black, beautifully designed, one pattern only, 40 inches wide, all wool, 6 yards I COLORED GOODS 8.00' State News. Only one pattern of 7 yards in a black wool, 40 inches, Pierole, the latest thing in brocaded goods $13.00 A very swell fancy imported Crepon, exclu sive design, 40 inches wide, 1 yards in a pattern, the choicest thing in black we have $15.00 An exclusive pattern in black Ottorcan, 7 yards to the pattern, a beautiful design. 40 inches wide 7.00 , Then there is besides all these a good line of Justone navy bine Bayadere, 7 yards, 40 inches wide Black and navy blue Poplins, 7 yard lengths', 4U incnes wide Kersey cloth in blue, grey and tan, 6 yard lengths, 44 inches wide, makes a beautiful winter suit Storm Serges, brown and navy blue, 44 in ches wide, extra heavy, 6 yards to the pattern $ 7.50 And maby more of equal value in Silk and Wool, Plaid and Striped, and plain Mixed Novelties at prices ranging from 4.00 up to $10.00 PreDared With Great Care MMPHMMilssHMHMHsHsM The 10 Wonders Slocum's Pectoral Expectorant Perfection Witch Hazel Cream Perfection Odonto Slocum's Carbolated Arnica Salve Slocum's English Confectio Sampson's Sure Shot Corn and Bunion Cure Slocum's Perfection Headache Cur Dr. Budd's Golden Oil Slocum's Little Liver Tablets EVERY PACKAGE FULLY GUARANTEED SLOCUM DRUG COMPANY. .... m mr 4.50 MS z Good Goods.... Fair Prices.L T. R. BRILLIANTINES, - GRENADINES, - HENRIETTAS and SERGES in Black,' And an elegant Assortment of AT HOWARD'S. Groceries, Provisions, Glassware, Tinware and Furnishing Goods. THE KED MEN DOOMKI). (irioiiiiiio, Apache Chief, on the Passing of Mm Indians. OMiiiA, Neb., Oct. 10. "The Minus loln Indians will sue that they have made a great mistake in Knui? on the warpath," aya OitodIiiio, the (iimnns Apaobe chinf, who la one of the Indians now In oamp at the Indian oonurrea. "I have uevnr been io Minnesota, but I biir thBt np there and for hundreds of miles bnynnd the white men are aa many as the blinks of urass. If that in 10 what can a few poor Indians do in a fight 'r Tbey are making a great mistake and are fool. For yeara I fonght the white men, tbinkinn that with my (ew braves I Oimld kill lhm all, and that we would again he th' land that oar Great Father guve us and whioh be Oovered with ginjfl. I thought that the (Irout Hpirit would be with us, and that Iter we had killed the white men, the buffalo, deer and antelope would oome baok. After I fought and lost, and after I traveled over the oonntry in whioh the white man lives and saw bia oities and the work be bad done, my bear! waa ready to bunt. I knew that tbe race of Indians wai done." Aaked what he thought would eventu ally become of the Iudiann, (leroniino (imitated and pointed to the Went laid: "The tuu riant ami shinee for awhile, then It B"t dn, ninking out of eight, and it lout. Ho it will be wittj tbe Indians. "When Inn boy my father told me that the Iodiana were as many ae tbe leaves oo the tree, and that oil' in the North they bad many hornet aud fields I never saw tbem. bat 1 know that if they wers there then, thoy hive goue now, and the white man ha taken all they bad. It will bs only a few yeara more nntil the Indiana will bs beard of no mors eirept in the b tokt that the white man bs written. Thev are not tbe iMile that the (Ireat Father love, for If tbey wers he would protect them They have tried to pleats him, bat they do Dt know bow, "There will be no m ire big Indian wart. The Indian's tWhtmg days are over, and there It nothing left for tbera to do but be a beggr aud live on charity sronoJ tbe egeoey." Bumptcr now claims to bo tho ''Denver of Ore gon." Hhe generously allows Baker to keep the title of "(jneen City." But Smnpter is growing Very rapidly and has a bright future, Union Republican. Cons bay is full of fish, as one of the flshor mcn cz pressed it. The boats came in last Mon day morning well loaded down, the catch rang ing Ironi 100 to 230 to tho boat. There wore comparatively few chlmmks caught on the lower bay, tho great hulk of the salmon taken being silvorniilcs, hut they wore large and In prime condition. News. The legislative comirlittee of the state board of agricultural held a meeting Friday. It was found that the board's deficit Is $7,139, which, with accrued interest, amounts to $,1;!9. The numbers went before tho ways and means com mittee of the legislature, and asked for an ap propriation to cover tho deficit and Interest, in addition to tho regular appropriation of 110,000. Mnrriud, at Independence, Ore., on October tli, 1 s-.i7, Mr. Carl Koo, editor of tho Wallowa Cl'lcltalo, and Hurtle Whltcakor, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. B. V. Whlteaker, of Independence. The ceremony was performed by Kov. I'ratt, of rWlrm. These lovers llrst met at school In Mon mouth four years ago, and there and then forged the chains that ultimately sealed their fate. Tho (la.etle extends heartiest congratulations. At VI M p. in., Sunday, w hile a westbound truth on tho VVanhltigtnu & Columbia Klver rail road was coining around a curve at a point about five milt east of I'eiulleton, it ran over a H j car-old boy, tho son nl I). II. Watson, a farmer living at Mission. The child had wandered aw ay from home, aud In attempting to cross the railroad truck, got caught in a cattle guard. The engineer did not see the boy until too close to stop the train In time to prevent an accident. A part of the train passed over the leg of tho boy, severing It from his body. The train was Illicitly stopped and the child picked up, Ths Utile fellow lived only !" minutes after being run over. Italics Chronicle, A Pendleton dlapatch says: Saturday after noon some children were at play In a barn o ned by Jim Hutchinson, a farmer living near this city. Among them was the little 3 year-old laughter of Mr, Hutchinson. The children had some matches, which they Ignited. Home straw caught fire, and this was communicated to the In it. All the children except the little Hutch litsuii girl tied. Hhe was left at ths mercy of tha II sines. A neighbor, Drown by name, riiahwl in and found the child hanging by her hands to a piece of burning scantling. Her clothing was on fire. He grpl her In his arms ami rushed out Into the open air, rolling her on the ground an I eiltiigulshlng the ttames. It was found that her legs, Imi k, arms and head were fright fully burned. I'ri. Cole and Vincent wers called, and succeeded In allaying her pain. Blown, w ho so heroically rescued llieehlld, waa bally homed on hli hands and arms. Today the child died of her Injuries. s Goods At Prices Witliin Your Reach JSvery weave, every shade, every style in colored goods can be found here in profusion. MINOR & CO., Heppner, Or, Staple and Fancy Groceries Fine Teas and Coffees. it T. R. HOWARD 9 Heppner. IJ00TS AND SHOES' THE PLACE TO GET THEM IS OF JVX. IvICHTENTIIAIv Ss CO. Tbey have any thing in this line that you may desire and you can depend on it you get ft goou arucxe wnen uiey guarantee u SHOES IN ALL THE LATEST STYLES. Old Stand, Main Street Repairing a Specialty A foaieioa F.tperlrar. Hcene I. Mr. Jolmeon la tili-.l to give up work, remain in the hou an.l take care of liitnsall on a-v.iunt uf a ilr.-ej-fill eorotula t tin one tf liia limits. Hoe tie II Mr. Jnbiieon real a (wtltno- nl el which tells of acrofoloni t'nittilf nrtretl Vj llood'e Hareaparilla. He re olv lo try It, swo.l I r a bottle auj ben i tie taking it. Hcene III. Mr, Ji.iina.iu lias takrn ail tmttlra t( U'MHl'e Hafsaparilla. Hie ecrofula aora li purl. He ie feeling etronger. Lea a g'xnl appetite and ie t.ble I t elUtiJ to li'e work. 1U write a testimonial telling of tiii nperimee wild Hani's Hareiparilla, an J reeotn luroile it to oilier. ins MIIMum a War. I, n -...le Imv, tr, eiol luv .it In. to 1, 1. 1. I be .. l,. ,, the I ! Mii ate mi I hi ii't fax m-! ( .. . rltiltic t the ( lno ruiHi'iii I.,.. . n tr-r anil it wnl l-e ll.tie milium I f te , w lull It minis (tut it fli t ( ,nnmi are li e lie -I il light fill l-v . I M i,1 ,i..f I ,f rtrrvt-'lv It.r mr room! A I hMUIIH Or IV Till All OI,s I'nttrrana Hnreeedeil as llraait ( haurcl lor by Jadgc W. M Cso. The graml lodge of Oregon, Knlghte of I'llitae, pouveiie I iu 1'ortlaDj lat 1' evening-, auj after bearing the reiHirla ol olll.'er elected new o filter witu the gi fittest dispatch io tbe history ol the order. Tlioae t l' etc I were aa follow: Judge William M ( .ike, graml chancellor; J 1'. Ketmeilv, grand TI0e-ehai)ilor; Jtlda-e W. Itradsliaw, of Tbe Pallee, grau I prelate; ;. II. Attain, uf Hunt. ipgtoD, grand in aster at arm: U H Stintoii, of HaliMii, grand keeper of rro- orl and seal; E. M Maruent. of Tort land, grand master of the rii'lieiner: I). K Yoren , of t'.ogene, grand inner gnard; (V It. Fellows, grand outer gnard; (Ml I'rft lrre. iti, i f lleppuer, trustee for three rear. Alionl Vt"i,li Wate frumtarlon l arla of the atate were In atteodanee, and I'A look the grand lodge ilrgree. The re port of the i. libers showml all Imliie III I'lendhl eon litmn, and the nietiittrrshlp rsiiilly Ini'reaslng. Mueli intereet waa mMfe-lf I In the rfporle, aed all were fontl oii ii ,1 the future of tbe older In Oregon i I r alitor than ever. UUEUON'H NEW WENATOK. Sketch or Hi Interesting Career In Pol It If and Business. Joseph Simon, the new United States senator from Oregon, wai born io Qer- mnny in 1851. Tbe family moved to Cal ifornia when Joseph waa but one year old, and, after five year' realdenoe there, came to Oregon, in 1857. Hiooe llu.t time Mr, Himoo baa oootiouoaaly resided io tbe oily of Portland. He ob tained bis education in tbe pnblio aohonla of Portland. Io 1872 be waa ad mitted to tbe bar, and i now and aor many year peat baa been a member of the law firm of iKilpb, Mallory & Himoo. In 1877 Mr. Hininn wae elected to tbe oity ooonoil of Purtlaud, tod aerved aa a 0 lunoilman for three yearn. In 1878 be a a elected aecretary of tbe republican tate oeUral commltte, and managed the atate campaign of tbat year. In 1880, lHKt aud 1886 be waa chosen chair man of ll.e repoblioan atate central oomroittee of Oregon, and bad charge of tha na il mal and atate campaign of tho year in Oregon. In l&tt he waa oboeen delegate Io the republican oatirjal con vention, which met at Mtnoeapolia, aod a a there aeleoted aa tha member of tht national committee for Oregon. Ia 1880, 1881. 1888, 18',l and 18! 18 Mr. Hiroon waa elected to Iba elate aeuate from Moltoo mab oonnty. At tbe rxpiratmn of Iba preaeot term, lo wbiob he ba jnat been re elected, be will bare aer?ad 20 yeara a a member of tbat body. At tha eoeaiooa of th (tale aenal of 1KK!1. 1891, 181)5 and 17, and Iba epeoial eossion thia year, Mr. Himoo wae eboeeo preeldeat of tha aenate, and, tbe ttata bavinf no lientenant goferoor, ba pra aided oter Iba aenate anJ over Iba Joint Ooofentton ol both home. During Mr. Himnn'a loog aerviea In Iba etata eenats be baa been inatrameotal in frainiog oiueb luiporlanl legislation for tbe bana- 111 of tha atate, and particularly fur Mull- oomab oouoty and Iba oily of I'orllaod As a lawyer, Mr. Hiroon lakes bigb rank, and bs has loog enjoyed a luera live prartlos. lis is a tireless worker, and ons who does not often retrace bis steps to Correct for got tea details. lis doesn't forget Iba details, lie Is aa ItilereattDg aod ffollfe speaker, with oul in Iba least going Into tUmboyeal oratory. Kiobange. Stimulate the stomach, m. rouse the liver, cure tiillous- Bl I I lies, heailaclie, dlrzlness, k' III sour stomaeh, ennntliutinn, III ete. lrlr V ernis. Hold br all itruaalnts. Tlia only I'tlla lo Uks with IIohI's Hsraairlll CAN HANU Ol'f A HHINGLK. Reaator Morrow Joins lb Legal I'raleraity Wklle la Haleat. East Orenoulsn. Hen a tor J. W. Morrow, representing Morrow, Orant an I Uaroey coantie In tbe present legislators as joint senator, ba been before the oart. It will bs an announcement at first oaaaiug sums sor- prlss, as be bas never before oondartied himself iu a manner lo justify any each experience. He bat dons nothing mors nor leas tbm apply fur admiaaion to tbs bar, go before tba supreua oi'irt of tbs stats of Oregon at 8ilsm, pass tbs ri.d eiaminatioo imposed on law ata.lenta, and tbea ba seotsnoed by tbs sapreras eourt joslic to speo l tbs rmiadr of bis Ufa practicing Isw. It was last Taetday Haoator ilirrow stool for tba siamiastion, ao 1 tha su preme 000 r I at ones dsolersd bin enti tled to sign blmsslf "J. W. Morrow, at torney at Isw." Henator Morrow bas been heartily congratulated. IN waa county clerk of Morrow coaoty, as long aa bs wasted lo ba, soms five, ten or fifteen yesrs, several eooseeullve Isrms, aoj tbe sipeneooe in tbat position bas been valaahls to Lira bits bs wm parsaiog bis law tlodiea. Us will rilurs to lltppoet as eooo as Iba legislators adj mrns, and bang oul a painted ehiogla, as bs It bow entitled to do. With a keen baalaeee Insight, long siperieooe and alawtlalety nejaelion I steading, HVnstnr Morrow willssbl snocees la hi new prufessioa. rli is Psi'ts., I.', rurvfi,!i;,. (i f. J. uin, ini'agr. Frss fills. H-11.I ur a llrr.s t It. 11. Ilm klen A On , t'liieago, and s (tr eaniila l of I'r King' N. w I.ife I'tlla. A trial ill convince voti 1 f their merit. Thee pl'.l are ear in art ...a and are partieo lar l elTi fiiii In the sure of ronatlpa ll 111 in I en k headache, lur malaria and Iim r tiuiilili-a !,e have lie-u roved liiVi.loi.1 It.. Tin v ate guaranlwd In I erfecl fn-e fn iu rvrry ilelrtrrl.oi nil. la' Iff an f t I Ihi unrvle t.tila Tin y do Ii-.t jckn by I heir a.t(.n, toil liekete for th IVrtlaad li lost'tel Ii giving t i I t stoina. li and tale p.en..a at lb rat of ! ' It e n ling gr il Hii,..i'.ta th evaiitu. It ("liar lev a. 1 14 In itxlsn. ' '.' K ir c i. Kild tie Ml.n iiro Irng .Mane'e MU'Miif i! ! IU '"I A Cow I taeMieee, Mr. Peter It irg'e familr cow bas Mima to light. Tli a lverllaeutnttt leeerled in I-el lasue of the O I'll broogul young In) ! tbe frmit, who eld oa Mr Ut4 foluaiiieriag bl eerviews la d'lecttiig ber whereat) ml, la eooidf l.n ol the reward in eture. A tr miuulee later tbe was brought lo th prreruca of tl oeser, and ! bis dis may ths elswk fat, Urniard pnl. wa bol a ruer halnw of heelf, lb reenlt uf having bxrn fiol la aa old de sorted l.arn of Mr. Hsaggart's tt ot week tilmiit lout or water. Ilw shs managed to set la there sod lot k the d.Mir afti r mm a Oiit-r. t' niirueuoitig H- leojlir 214 wa every We lne lav S'tht. inaso liag tK tWr I' l(.AN.lU,w.leelrvad trip i j rep g M Via gt)t. lMHHNMINttl Modern Treatment of f Consumption 1 The utut work on the trtAtmcnt of iiuutt, written if forty eminent AmcricAn phyiiciinx, uytt ti-Iivrr oii ft At done more for the con sumptive thAO all other rtme- iiti put together." It Im a?ii "Tbe hypophotpl.lui J of lime AnJ kJa Are jrdJ v by miny Enjliih oburvrri ai ipectfki lor consumption. Scolfs Emulsion I con taint the but eml-Lvr r chI w i . .!. j. t . in a paniauy oirjiua iorm t comUnei with the Ilvpcrt- remedy, a iUrdirl for A qu.rUr of A century, It in J (i ct toori with the Utcit iwiol therneiicAlrifritiiwv. J Be lure you rtt 500TTS Z EmwUion. 2 Dr. M. B. Atctzlcr DENTIST Drugs Medicines Toilet Articles school books Stationery PaiQts Oils -Glass c i o A R S Teeth Kxtractod and Filled. Bridging a specialty Painless Extraction. . . . Heppner - - Oregon. Conser & Warren, Dmggists. OlWEIi TO SHOW CAUSE S THK fOI STV t iit'KT OK Till! HTATK 1 of tlri'tf.lll. fur lllll ( iillntv ,.f Vl.trr.. in tlm maitt-r of tha Kiiitr.lUnslilii of Walter Ul l I . t. , iniiii, iiiiiiiir. Ort-r In siiiiw raiix- mi si. all.m of Uuanllan lur onti'r in aalr ol .pal iviativ It nlilrarllia to tilts niurr from ll, tlnsita) .r.-vi,lr. m. I iiIihI ,y n K. st.H.r.-. Ilia nantlaii of Ilia utn ol Vtalti-r M. I lianas, a iiiiimr, tiravine lr an or.liT 1,1 ui i rral iai uei.ii.lii l.iui.l anl. and Iu ur.lrr unii.nrt aim iiiai .ialn II la uoct H (Hal sui'h ri-al paisiv .1111111,1 l it I. n rvii) ur.lpri.l that lha nrsl uf kin nf His hI.I Haul ami all .immis lul, rr.l,-.t in Ilia sant nUtn, s.)H-f lfurv Ihlsmurt an MinIiim ilajr, Hi IIIIU dar nf ,Vn imii lT, A. II. "'M, at Iu or lurk. a. tn.. al tin ruiirt ruoinnf I hi. ruurt, al the Miurl liuua In llfunncr. In ihsruunK ol Murroar. ami stale of ortnruii, thp.i ami thiire Hi slin rauw hr an oM.-r alnniM mil be (ranliM lur the aala of am h rral ratatu, it s rll In saM IM-Iiilun a lulloas lunmli.f Iu the uil.l.lia uf lha t in ki.iuuia rlr ai. IJ rbalns nurili ami 21 . rtialua ral nf auiilhiirat rutiirf ii rUalaml i hsmiara a. I. rlalio Sn i in ma ii. i, in 10 smith raiisa Oral nl Mills mvtta Rirrhhan. Ihriu- auulli nV, itrfrt-.. IT Ml rhaliia, llwu- nurtli unr rhalu, last 4 . ".i i halna, HoiiU al .) rhauis. ! a.ti rhalna. Imrtii 1 1. .n.. w aluii Ilia bank uf l.u klaiout ni s ,s iialii. llu-i.r liunri a tl,-,nva, n. li (l.ali... south ai ,rt r., mi isrhelua, ei.Hh i,'rnr. (nl ill , ualtia. aoiilh i. OosM-ra. Hist l.ii.,wul IIiiiiii. niutainli.g I; .. a. tr ul l.t.,1 i.n.t,. f rmm, tll..U M lh K iu.- a.ln ri.Miilii. Win immi. Ah'I II la f.ifthrr ui.l. i.. thai a iuf)r uf this Of'lt-r u IMil.ll.lir.1 as rmnllml l. In II. H .l.rl l. .(!. s l,r.,r ),..!,! 1.1,1 Mint- xait in llv-.iwr, In Muriu uui , slat of laiol Uil 1st day ol A. I) A.U, BAUtlliiMiUai', I oil u I J J ml(. Notlct of Intention. Ud (Urn s at Uusism tnt.i..t. VOTIi R AV The Central Market BEOWN & BEYMEE Dealers in Fresii, Salt and SmoKed Meats - rfircl, - Poultry, Fish and Oysters Every Friday. In opening thin market we solicit the patronage of the public assuring them the best of meats, and gentle manly and considerate treatment. THE CENTRAL MARKET, H eppner, Or. V SI TED STATES LASD OFFICE. Tm t)l.t t, Orrentt. la tntirr , 'OTM K la HKHr.HY IM II AT. T I shin iUtrm 1 1) south nf ranni IwentT ntis 'jlleaat uf Hi tMi!aini-tl Mi-riillan, (in' has Iwn siirvvrr.1, ami an a.irurpi rial nf th s.iriar thrrfol mil Imi tlH-.l In tills iil)i.- on tho lutti ilsr nl NnYrmtirr. last, at u rlia k a. m. on ami e'ti-r Mi l .1st. a.. sll.ins fur entry thrrxif III bp rrrrivr.1 at this i.rtu . Mnr4 III day ana year !' rlll.-n. Jar I'. I i r. Ort l'TtJ-'. krgl.lrr. uniitr. til 2 IIKKKflV .,! IsAt 1. K Ina i.... I artiirt ! 1 1- n..iiia t4 fci. Ii.ii.ii..b i.i kMl .ik. in ... t-.ft .A his rlim. ami th.l Ml I I r .1 .1.1 tm u.. t ih. i i i..,s ..( M.rfr.. i u.ii i. i,r. H 'iir. tarra-on. en lai i; i., iu: j. mi m urr. rih.. ffon. ti,,ml4, .,, fc-:ia, fr III f " 1 1. i p i j . . a ai Ha ia.i.a it.p I , .g nii.,r.4 In r,f Rii n...iii,wi. rw...M u.n ai-i riiittisit.a 'i sail l" l. lit t . ,. , ... . n. , Jt,,, r'' S III l.i.M l H. ... JM 1 ! a i. .J O'aul aHaai'i, lH . ho, lite- ,n a t. ej-1 sbreiaof. rVDLIC LASD SALE. l anso ertTis Liap orrtt a. Th tiallra r . Vt IV. Il NtiTUt H iinirav i.tvem that it liiriianr u lii.triH tl.ina Irnm tba rum. almirt ul lha aalu.ral L'.'l liHm, llli.lrf a.ill...rl'T tratnl n tilia Uf an tlnn .'tl', IK.-. Wat. aa amrli.p. I,, th a t uf rn.crra at'i.o. rrhruary jn. 1,,. ; i,riB-wi in unr al ri''ll' aala an Iba 17th .1st uf V,..,.,i-r nail, at l.i.rl.,li m si II... ..'1. tl . Mm a In trail nf lan.. I., alt f I,. S n i a a V, a .i, lia, H ; t M, runUlnli . i.f aa-l all lMa rlalmlnf a-Hrrartr th. a- ll"t Ian. la ai In m, ik.ii ri.ims In this nA. nn ur twlnrv 4.-'Si.ala. lur lha ,( aall sal .naiaia. n'.u ns'iia will n iri,ii, Jilt. tin.. Otis f. Its a... a, I ksJr, karalicr. A UMIMH THA TOH'H SALE HFAL ItmVF.UTY. or Meaj,M K Til a ), I l.ama. . la H a aan Ult. sumo Ja-.Mj J.Mjnaoai, Ml hr1 s Iti.l Mi..lf 4 t, IIHw4.. nr-l.. at aa a. fnlar. lawlnl iM IH. rm.,i.t m.ia M II.. a.ala 4 lir..a) ii t.i.i rtilmik. aaia 4 ih. rxl t-'1, M aa I aa).l, I I,. ,. aaloMar, (...; -h al lha o 1 ,.,,. i. a. ,4 "iM.r a. I ,1,.' k M n. ki. l...l 1. .aH In I t'! m I t. r...Swall..a; M a.. I r',.l a. I IH it . l-t.a a I l I Hal a I a. I al hm I. ,.f a I. 4a,( a i i'i ..i i .. .'. wi,,, a ae l- a-.'a.-, at '! ta a.. V. tba 14- Mali( I. a. .1' F.; yt i' i'l.. la M.rf. ta ,.-( 14 I at at l. ,4 ta .-( a ? 1 i -a I a"l t a "IS"" I Ili.rllSi.a'k. 1 a- s i, J aw a . i, T- . ..,,a fmf 7 aaaa M SI a-4 a., I mi.i - -t tm t. ant an.ia a l . i a as l l..uo..i,4i fmrVr Cu'turt, .final hoof. I ,!. ,tas .aii.i' tl. la I : a.,, i. Nut ii i a 1 1 1 it i;i t it r isi'i 4 l - .4 1,1 St. a I aa S 4 h'otlct of Intention. tirru a at Tas luu . .,.. .M.mM 11 ! 0rTti t hiarpr t.itr. mar im 4,( nam aattl.r baa r!l. n .llr. ..I hi. Iiai It.Mi Iu mala nl p4 In ..-t i, ai.riaiia, an I thai aai'V .r. a ill Ua mala twtura a. J Mala, t a I nmmlaal. ar. al lull if.fM, oa aiurlaf, at.riar H, la) $ ALTf aVITH. nt .., (1 -aaiaa l t t ' !... sa ". f .r It , .a a il Ma aa I , w .1. I b t I, 1 J R a M ll.nawa Ih M!.liif allnmr. I.i ff... ht .-. l 'a. was rai.a ,,fu,n a-, r ultl t attmi M aai lai.'l, l rai I i.f ir a ' II. v. I, ai. t t hilt.. a ll.a..a. a.Sul ), a. )kx r. htm Timbtr Cu'turt .Fwal Proof. SOTICE OF 1STESTIOS. Lkt Orrit i at Ths Pali s. Osanow, reliant bar, I, 1ki. VOTfrg t nr.REBY il'K.N THAT THB ii . ttlrr has fllrd uotlr of i s Intrtitlnn to malt final proof In support of tils rial in. and Hint a I.I nr,f ill i .:.i. lr N. J. Halo, I'nttml MaU rumml.iur at lima, Orrson, on rrt.tay Ui.olr H, Ikjh t- FKANK M. BMITH. of lnrloin bomntmrl piratlon Ko. iSM fur ih. hK'i Urr. 1, 1 p. a a. k Ji K, W. at. II liaiiii-a th fmloarin, t,tr,M to prnr hi run liMiotia rr..1rti, upon aint cil.tivalloa h!T,i,ul,: K"'r'h, " lavld Brown, Thnmaa Bi.lht.y, C baric Juhnsnn, all ol Us' luftun, OrvKuit. Jar r. I ii .s. Rrstahsr. SOTICE OF ISTESTIOS. t iao Orrit a at LatiaAana. Oiiws, VoTirr h tiEnritr t.n'T-.UVIrii ul hi. t'l' "". .,"",, hM "' . Ms Intrntiun ,, , .lipmrt nl Ins, lalm. .tut that aal.t pm., will ba Ina.l Z'"" "". ,.'.,"n''' """ ""'r! .MtU "'I'l-'iar, Urrson, oo October IS. ' Al.ttrKT -VM.r N'tRTnH, ol Oiir.tana, nrraun. Ill No i,.. ,k. Ii. 1M a. k n I, m. " M. ha. nr. th billowing wltnraaaf to prov olaal.l l..,..l, An.rwJ I J.m of ll.pp,,.,. ,,rr,..n. Ul lllatl. Wllit.m H later. SOTICE OF ISTESTIOS. Uantiiriia at Tn lutia. onon VOTlr U rlRrlPRY ..WiT'T'b 'ATtif of hla lt.t,., u. m.k. a.i.l Vt f of h-rlalas. iM that ,. -III hrlur. I .,, , ,,, ' , imtk ' WIU.UJI A MKiit .. U.ln,,.;,,; Il.wam.t .ppli,,tn x lM . ".i.iMikaisii II I.. .., ii,. iioal( -.ri-,., , , . iT r. It raa. ILfLWr, M WV SOTIVE OF ISTESTIOS. firm s arias tun . !....,.. I llll. Illlll .,, , i X. .... I l.W i rj la..." I 4 I-- ;": ""'"-I ''W.IIM-,Xh ...II. f Hiatal ..Mia tHAT i I vul v ' ' .....', , .7 mTJ? , i a. .... .4)r,r..t a., s.l rrti. ""S"ii. a . I. -a fca aas. ai ,al fcl 4m lana M. .a.a a -al tl...a Ifca i. a mi i.,. ai aia a. t,M"' i iu i4 '""'t ai a ." ti rt 1 I. m ii. a'. I. -.t . ... art a-'- i " ' l"a ' :' Itf I Im ,,' w t I . ii.. . I ,..!,. m ft. . tsi j - I' a W t . ,! , m. AaiaaaaMt at Ha -.-.. as it ii"t"' 'iin1 I "iss ...I.,. ..( ,,! s., , a. - a . " - - - . .., Wi. a. i u t , w. . I 1'IUw A M ihn. fc.t1 .1.,, tiirt, .. .. ' la Sar , . . . ""! Wllnaaato ar J M liitao. . iaaaa U kial! r Mr. a tajaaf . s a4 ...a a.'!i.!M,ft, .