OFFICIAL s1-5. PAPER Advertisers If you have bargains to offer, announce it through the columns of the GAZETTE. I Subscribers The Gazette will contain the latest telegraphic news From the Seat of wjar. SIXTEENTH YEAR HEPPNER, MORROW COUNTY, OREGON, FRIDAY, OCTOBER U. 1898. NO. 692 TEE HEPPHER GAZETTE Published every Tuesday and Friday BY CORLIES MEKRITT, Editor SL33.3. Uuiagn. SUBSCRIPTION - RATES On Year - Six Months Three Months Sl.BO 7B 80 Aduertiaing Rates Made Known on Application. Entered at the Postofflce at Heppner, Oregon, - aa second-class matter. THIS PAPER is kept on file at E. C. Dake's Advertising Agonoy, 84 and 65 Merchants GxohanRs, San Franoisoo, California, where oou tact for advertising ean be made fur it. IP. FISHER. NEWSPAPER ADVEBTIB Jt ing agent, 21 Merchants' Ezohangn Build inn, San Francisco, Is our authorized agent. This paper is kept on file at bis office. 0. R. & N.-LOCAL CARD. Train leaves Heppner 8:80 p . m. daily except Sunday arriving at Heppner Junction 12:05 a. ni. Leaves Heppner Junotion 8:30 a, m. and ar rives at Heppner 6:00 a in Spokane Express No. 1 leaves Portland at 2:00 p, in. and arrives at Heppner Junction J:S0 p. in. and Uma'illa 8:51) p. in. FoiUhiuI Express No. 8, from Spokane, arrives at Umatilla 6Ma. in. and Heppner Junction 7:00 .ra. aid arrives at Portland 12:50 a. m. Fast Mail No. 2 leaves Portland 9:25 p. m, anil arrivns at Heppner Janction 8:25 a. m. and at Umatilla 4:80 a. in. Fast Mail No. 1 leaves TJmoti'la 11:10 p. in. and M-rivoeat leppner Junotion 12:25 a. m. and at Portland 7:2C a. m. For further information inquire of J. C Hart, Agent U. It & N., Heppner, Ore. JegetablePreparationfor As similating theroodandRegula ting the Stomachs andBoweis of United States Official. Pieairtenr. William McKinley V-mi President (iarret A. Hoburt Secretary of rltato W. Li. imy i jcrvtary of Treasury Lyman J, Oage fwcmtary of lntorior Cornelius N. Hint" ;:epriary of War Kutvtell . Aliter .ioorotary of Navy John 1). Long HoHltnaoter-General Charles Knierjr Smith Attorney-General John W. Griggs Suoretury . f Agrioultnre James Wilson State of Oregon. Governor W. P. Lord Seortaryof State H. ft. Kincald Troasnrer Phil. Metechan Bnpt.. Publio Instruction i. M. Irwin AUornttjr General C. M. Idleraan Senator. McUrid. Congressmen 1 W 5" KilS"" Printer .'.W. H. Leeds ( K. S. Bean, inpreioe Judges I F. A. Moore, ( C. E. Wolverton filxth J s atrial District. Circuit Judge Stephen . Lownll Proeeouting Attorney.,... 11. J. bean Morrow County Officials. Joint Henator J. W.Morrow Itepmeantativa, K. L. Vrtwland 'ounty JoiIks A. G. Bartholomew ' (nuuiinsinners J. It Howard J. W. Beckett. " I'lerlr Vawter Crawford ' hhoriH K. L. .Tiatlw k ' TnMnrr M. Lieritantlial Awvor A C. l"ettr ' Hiirj(ir. Julius Knitlily (Vliooi Sup't Jay W. Shipley ' Coroner Dr. K. 11. Muniook riffxkb tow orncc as, Mtiot Ihna. Morgan IWuiw-iliaan..., K. J. Hifmm, M. I.irhtanthal. J. K. Hlmona, I. i. Huberts, J. W. Hasraoa and K. G. Sparry. KWv W. A. Ill lniMmrti rrv-uarw L. W. Brign Maroiaai John ilagn Precise! O0J cere. Jnstfxoof the Faao W. K. Kictienlaon uastable. U. B. Gray I'sltel Htates m& Ofttear. TBI ItUBLOL Isy P I.aeaa Rritr Oua i'allersoa Koa. LA Bklllll. OB. IE. W. TtaiM tWIatar J, U, Mwarkhwiner h4t xaxurr aoczarrxxa. KAWUN8 PiihT, NO. IL O. A. B. sale el, Or., the third HatortUy of e- mooih. 4i veterans are Invitad In J. .in. O W. Ha. W. W.Hmith. Adjauul, t'ommaswW. D. J. McFaul, M. D. UEPPSEli, OUEQOS. Offtre noun, tn 10 a re., and 1J to 1 p. tn., at rnUlctire, and to lo 111 m . and 1 lo 1 p m., at la the rear ul Itorg's Jeaslry sUira. C E- Redfleld ATTOIiSEY AT LAW. OltlfW a rtisl Xeilanal Dsns hnll.ting llclpi.ef ttf"n. Ellis a Phelps ATTORSEYS AT LAW. Alt tuinmsHntit to In mm4 in. .iii!vtnif unMf. Hotarlt I'oU Ite and luttertura. Ote I sllf S il.tliif. Ht r'. D. E Gllman (IKSKkAL COLLECTOR. rt ftit !4 hnnt sn4 tue la ku M st fnt autr mil al IKt l,m Hum a tpm ta.i y M ka4 w Vm la I W. ptawa smlMlnf, .(... Or i.SJrfirftssUWi?iiliis7aA I PromotcsDigestion.Chcetful ness andlfestContains neither SjninT.Morphine nor Mineral. OT NABCOTIC. fyupeefOldn-SAMEELEnTmil Fumptm Stti jltx.Scnfia Seed Jhjpernunt - Ih CarlonabSaJmi ftirmJted - Ctanfied Jktprr If iuevjmw n norm A perfect Remedy for Constipa tion, Sour Stomach.Diarrhoea, Worms .Convulsions .Feverish ticss and Loss OF SLIER Tac Simile Signature of NEW YORK. EXACT COPrOP WHAPPEB. For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears Signati The Kind You Have Always Bought. 1 BLOODY BATT Fifteen Hundred Miners Conflict With Railroad Police IMPORTED NEGRO MINERS THE CAUSE Final Reports Confirm the Killing of Eighty and Wounding of Twenty-Three-The Wildest Kind of Excite- , ment Prevails. TM OCNTAUH COMPANY, NEW YORK CITY. flltST fATIONAL JANK OF HEPPNER. O. A. RHE..... T. A. KHEA.... T I 1 a, I n r rf-k r tin . . . rreaicieut it, w . i .yjx ncu UBMlier ..Vio PrraitJeDt E. L. FUEELAND. . AneistaDt Uasbisr Transact a General Banking Business. EXCHANGE ON ALL PARTS Of THE WORLDBOUGHT AND BOLD Collections msde on ill points on reasonable terms. Burplus and undivided profits ;.i,ro. A. Mallory, U. S. COMMISSIONER Is authorized to tk nil Irlmta r t IVIl PUtMiKS and UMI rll.lMirf I oiiM'tlons nisilc on rcnMinalile terms. Ollice at reslilunue on t hese street. i-imcurv mahkict THE OLD SHOP! Is Hie p'soe to go to get your fine pork and laiu i chops, steaks and roasts. Flah Every Friday. Klne sngsrK-ured hams and haron I'ura Inst lard. kt-ttle reiuUTtHl. old style. Highest tajin price paid for at stock. Btnj. Mathawa. A, Abrahamsick Merchant Tailor Pioneer Tailor of Heppner. Jim work Iirt-clasd and satisfactory. Give him a rail Mav Street. NEW NAME I Wm. (Jordon has re-nanied his stand the old Jonea livery stable; Tlio Control. tsM hay for sale, f'hsrsr r.iiuit.a ( .11 on him and hate vnur hum atll run! .ir. IIEPPSDtOTOS CI IT! Lino Stag B. f. MILLCR, Proa ('drapMt and m,mt lih( r..'il In J.(i ay aUT. I .nlnn f It aitutoa dltrl.-t Huim Hrr tntfrt.r rtota. Uava lUfpnar liallv. H'lndsf r. rB.., ( ai a. m. Arrt.s al I snf.. 4 lit la Jt kuyr 'ata I I'r al I p m . srtta al Happ jaf la 24 kwin al'h trains. TOCK1BT HOTMi BCKNED. vusuy oirnoiara in lonme or, r.rrrtlon ( Tsrnmn. Ta(:dm4, Oct. 11 -.The Tuiirikt hotfl, iitidor oouatrm-tion bv the Taooma Lho1 toitijiHiiy waa burned Inst uthf. TIutb in! bi-rn ipeutle(! on (ha structure op to date S125.00O, upon wbiob there i no iosarsnoe. It wag the purpose f the land oompany to make tMf oue ft the fineet bntela io the 0"tinlry and it would Lav oust coinplote over 81,000,000. Tiie hotel eommaod4 one of the finest ailre to the city overlooking Puitl onnd. Heptember 20th, the exposition btiihi tog burned with loae ot $120,000; October 23, the woolen mill burned with a loae of $30 OOO. These, is well at the botel, were erected and fostered by the laud eonipaty. The cuir.oidenoe of their demtrtiutioo oo sticb olorely allied date baa oaneod mai b cotnuicot aud is believed to ha the work of an iuoendiary The laud oompaoy nnoy frieud end few cnmlei and tba work ia be lieved to ba that of ao Inaane person. Dnrlurf Ibe Dre lost bight W. F. Fen more of Hook and Ladder No. 5 thrown from a Ind l-r and two ruen fell upon Lira. He w-.e iuUrually trjorml tod he may not livr. The fire occurred lu the bull lies mala rial carefully stored la Ibe Interior and : when Ilia flrat engine arrived it le assert . . ... j ny uniooiere itisi the hy. Irani a as HOfcftf I with earth. OlTlxale of the land roitipany esld last niifht that the boildmg v.t as it slood 47:i.n(K) aoJ ao ptsee thaloee al fiW), II wit rr)'iire an ripart eisioiaation to ascer tain aLulber li e waile ran b nraj anatn or not. tlsirssa to ttsMmaa . ifii,tf.l llalnlllua lot ( na . fnt Vs.. ay ,, a Imt , , I sn.oe i Hr miiis n.i ft :s A Ml 4 fl V e ib a iu W. A Richardson JV.HTtVE (r THE PEACE nml CI TY kHtHittHL lf -a si amaarll K.ial. Sails sat iv Wl aata'a f. Iwim. 4-M'Mi-i a til a4. ya la aaf asf I Uue. a4 f.a.aa'.a G. B. Hall TuSsuHlAL AliTiiT. fthavi, IS Ceia Hate CHif , 39 " Tsi.aa lv, l.fMa a. Mf t ftM. I ltd trains al tUfber. Mstr.( e..M a a Ms Una ana ti ,i sn -! ! in 1 hn fits ! sank tn Ilia '.ilc ARLINGTON-FOSSIL STAGE LINE Beat the Klondike Mr. A O. Tliooia, i.f Marysvilb.Tei baa foiol a mora valuable llPoVar than has )e U. o ma. la in the Kloi.d ka Ytt ra be i T-trd nr.toid u" frmn eoosutrpilun afco pama I by btn rib as, ai abetilutaiy rured bv Dr 4 n. King's Naw Uiaerrr f -f diliaubltlUb f . . vo'ikbe ao i tid, Le darUrae that e-.ld I of litlU value le r.ii.pafi.oa in (Li uiarvaloue eora, wunl I II f.D if II m hnndrwldnila'ca bottle. Asthma bfobrhiit ao I all throat an I ur affw lim e are pitily eured l.t l)r. Kins! Sae Ihae.iV.rj fur fiuw, loo,. Trll ta ttles rea al K. J. rllnfnrn ' dra i-a It ulaf aiga fel ft I llu .f.ut. to dire r Jf he rfuadd. H. I.r.t t A I i ts Iair..u4! U.II IllN'IVl.O. 1,U.IL.I I J ESSE JAMES, JR., IN JAIL. Associated Press Dispatches. Virden, III., Oct.' 114. The arrival of tho imported negroes from the houth at 12:30 today wna followed by a desperate battle. Five hundred shots were exchanged between the strikers ou one side and Sheriff Davenport aud his deputies and the railroad polioe on the other side. It is thought that at leaBt 50 on both sideB were killed and wounded. The best iufoimation is that 30 were killed, 10 fatally wounded and 10 seriously wouodtd. When the Chicago & Alton train bearing the negroea arrived, it waB met by fully 1,500 armed miners who were lined up on each side of the track between the telegraph ollice and the mine of the Chicago Virden Coal company.' lhe train was stopped immediately in fiout of the east end of the stockade and the trouble began. Dozens of shots were hred from the f tockade at the white men, while the strikers were half a mile away, and oue Chicago & Alton policeman was undoubtedly killed by a shot from the tower. The wildest rumors are afloat, oue being that as many aa 50 miners have been killed. The town is in greatest excitement, and men are securing whatever aims they oan get hold of, expecting to use them for their own protection if the trouble spreads. Mayor Hall has sent messengers to Giiard fordootors and nurses. Shortly before 1:30 Manager Lukena tried to make his escape from the shaft. The attempt was a signal for another f usilade from a body of men said to be minersri. 1 ue manager and a small force of detent ives ran into the alley behind the postoflioe. The attacking parties, lowever continued to fire away. It is not known whether any of the shots took nfl'ect. The city marshal telegraphed the chief of police of opnngheld to send a special traiu with doctors. Sheriff Davenport has sent a telogram to uovernor launer asking that troops be Bent immediately. The sheriff thinks possibly 100 men have killed and wounded, but others deem this estimate too largo. There is the greaU eet indignation against the initio operators. Manager Lukens is held responsible for the tragedy. Chicago, Oct. 12. Ofliciala of the Chicago A Alton road at 2:45 this afternoon, madd the following statement to the Associated Press: We have just received a teport that 50 miners and six oflicors were killed in the riot at Virden, III. D. II. Kiley, oue of the watchman sent from here yoeterday to guard the e Pitches of our road was killed. Carunville, III., Out. 12, A report says every deputy in the stockade at Virdun is killed. Another report guys there are three killed and two wou tided. From Mouut Olive raessagfs were received seeding for doctors. The operator at Yirdn is afraid to stick is hoad out of the door on accouut of the dying bullets, but he s tw two or three wagon loads of wounded pass. SruixoriELD, Oct 12. A train riddled with bullets pulled into the Chicago it Alton depot here this afteruooc from Virdoii. One deputy is datL He was ridiuu d the front car with his Winchester and the miners tired ou him. lie discharged his Winchester and was shot almost to pieces. Engineer Bttrt Kig"r, of Blotniugton, who was drawing the train, was nhot in the arm. There wore about 250 armed idloera in Virden. The train was lomli-d with negroon, who say they catne here uuder falsa repreeeutations from tli i ottcrutora. (l )vernor Tttuuer hmj int receive I a tolopbone tnesssge from Sheriff Duvenp irt, of Vrd u, st4tiu tutt ?r 10) tuna had beeu killed in riots at Vird-n an I t Ia litttle c utiuu m. The governor iin Dirtdiatuiy oi Jort-d the tuiiioa from I'ana t pnxvtihl to the sceue of the ttagndy. CttlvAOi), Dot 12 (Jviriinr T-uhut, hi an iutrviw over the long diatuu telopliourt, aiy: ") htve b.wn I3U'hI for troop to go to Virdxn. I think the of killol it (xaiMratml. Frotn itfn Hint ion received by po;Ib who cntn.i hnre from Virden on the trtio cirryiu th rgrm, I d not thibk m rs than Hi were killed, but h go xl many warn aouu l vL Tint killing mm to htve Iwitu done by deputies t a th traiu, a iimirly all .f tho, killed and wournlrxl were atnkinu ruiuors." VliiLitv, III , O.'t. V.I. Yi t jq i a qaiut as a o lUotr ch urch. )rd UUy. Two fiatling gutit of tht Ualoaburg batter oo the public 'I gate and a bltn-capp I infaotrymaa at each oornnr io the business diatric htn alxiut the only evi hum of terday's riot, otiUide of the O Neil (V)lla.v lu the. frotityard of this htitnlitu Lome stand five blm-k-oovere I c f!in, u et"!i of wliifh ie aaimpte plate with the wor.U "At ll"t'' l'o lr the lid are the mortal remains of five vi"tiiu of jeat-rdiy's Imtlln at the st k .t of the ChicagVirdea C al cxtuipauy. ('roiir llait iinj-aritiKt I a jury ao I will iu .-avor ti Uri this ra- ep mobility f ir tn e i -nitm. Uoloutd Mcknight, of the g it e,mor' Accused of Complicity In Bome Recent Tralu Robberies. Kansas Orrt, Oot. 11. Jesse James, Jr., eon of the notorious bandit, Jesse James, Missouri's pioneer train robber, was taken from bis oigar stand in tba county court house by the polioe thia evening nud is being seoreted by the po lioe authorities. Two other men, whoei) names are not known, and whom the po lioe refuse to talk about, were arrested soon after the polioe took young James into oustody. Jesse James, Jr , has been nnder the surveillance of the polioe sinoe the last of tbe many . train robberies In the out skirts ot Kbdbss City. This was tbe rob bery of the Missouri express near Leede on September 24th. William Lowe, u Santa Fe Bwitcbman, has been in ous tody sinoe five days after the hold up. Lowe is a native of the Oracketneck dis trict, just east of tbe city, which was made notorious as tbe hiding plaoe of the first James gang. ; When oloso pressed the James boys, the Youugars, the Tyam and others ot the old gang always found shelter in the Oraokerneok. John Kennedy, the locomotive engineer who baa been twioe arrested in connec tion with the more recent train robberiee in Jackson county, is also a native of tbe Oraokerneok. ' Kennedy, Lowe and youug JeBse James are friends and though young James bas always borne a good reputation he has lately been under snrveillmice with the others. Tbe polioe maiotuin there has been a purification of the Orackerneck district and all their work sinoe tbe last robbery seems to have been in tbisdireo-tioa. Late tonight it became known that tbe police also have in ouHtody Bill Ryan, one of the most notorious ot the old J Bines gang. Ryan, like the others, was reared in tbe Oraokerneok district. It was not generally known that Bill Ryan was in tbe vicinity of Kansas Oity at tbe tiraeot tbe robbery or sinoe. The polioe do not state where Ryan was arrested, but he is reported to have been caught In Oklahoma. Bill Ryan is about 67 years old. In 18(11 be was arrested in Tennessee and brought to Jaokson oountr and con victed here of complicity in the robbery ot a Chicago & Alton train at Qlendale. He was aentenoed to two years' impris onment, but soon after his incarceration tbe robber's friends in Jackson oonnty began vtorkioa to seoure bis release, pleading that he whs a broken down man and could live but a few years. Finally, In 18H8, these representations bad tbe effect of inducing Governor Morehouse to pardon Ryan and restore bim to citi zenship. Ryan at once on me baok to Riiosas City, but afterwards ha went to the Paoiflo otMst, aud about a year ago be was reported to be iu Japan. BUICIDKH. Two Lovers-Ont Shoots, Vt hUe the Other Hans. Midfohd, Ore., Oot. 10 Miss Dnois Worlow, daughter of Mrs. M, E. Worlow, residing 13 miloa from bare, committed suiolde yesterday by hinging. The young lady was engaged to be married October Isl to J times Wy land, whose sui- eide by abootlng was reported about two weeks ago. It la now known that bolb had agreed to end their live, and thai they bad en engagement to meet thf evening on which Wyland killed himself for that purpose, be having told bar ba would bring s bottle of laudanum. Tni deaths are enshrouded la mystery Ilotb were of reaptotahle and well to-do parents. HAMI'IONB Til Kilt I'AI'SR. J IUs..nia.a f hu.i fj kJ staff, ovmpiiiid by A Ij'iUnt-U.'tieral K-K', at midnight viaitn I lhe w!lUi.'. t beia dtstiii,t.l. our i.i,f. at ickad f t he 'Uhft- Vir I d-d compa, ant served formal Mathews I Gentry inr.HEKi e4a 1 C MeleCaWet II " as,w e-e -! af t - . MMC mOM AsHINGTON TO ai iw aal.aai I ItntiM Ota st,ti 4'ja'.i. ... f. It, s'a f. u f ate i fira't tlat '""'-' " tw, l ,tll,,,f );..!, ft, fr,.,,a a 1 labt lalTi'r."' Z .( li,. .,,kal, MI til St as ) 1 S'HSlWiS I W .. . ll a, ff.a, a n.atlar ail ! ! I lk(a leave Al..l..i avaff fsj-tft. t i,l.t. I In. ss I a 'il l ltl .'.ir'f ,'''"1' " '' ') I. aa I..I....I .....,. ail al ? m ' tW. II. II it !, (ia. i Cn.t -rs,a M t.r. I roMt.-e t ear. ' ra,- Aaa, tt H, M t'.., fa'. (ri.aa. J -, 1'vtUtu 1. 8 li ti'tite on Maua'T l.ukens that ti e aol liera woul l to-liy disarm all the ia'.ia,t. a. Oi'nn A McKniyht tprnas.'sj the opinion that thre will I iio farther ouibrek on t Is art f cither the uui itAttnt or the I'tiard at the tK ka l , Tr til).tl,r tn -ti ' f v.ogu l-1, 4 iiuiuWr of whoni arn iu rhu4 en.diin. ,l-veti of ttj, ar rutuer. tt,e rnnain lr l-eing u,Af up (bpttliu, g'laiJ. iiiitm tiLuaoy rtsplajsj, etc. MIUs Takes tka Part of the Rrsvs Velaa Uera. CnioAito, Oct. 11. The !e!y News Washington speolal says that Oeoeral Mile, at the reoaption gives at his bona last eight to bi '.mradaa ot the Medal of Honor tgioo, denonneed aa falsa tba claim that volunteer tiffloeirs and soldiers era Ihaotaelvts responsible for tba sick naas in the ramps. "Tba Volunteer Inx.p of , t'tntad HiaU In the war wtlb Hpaln," said ba, "were as brava and aa patrMin a body of aohllers sa ever lor.k the Bald 0 say campaign the world baa ever seen. Tba battla they fooitht were woo as gallantly aa any reoorded la history. And tat tba peril whit b our soldiers bal most causa to dread was not bIUta but disease which swept over oar camps and da stroyed bundrsda wbsra ballets killed one. Our soldiers eot-red Into tba fever sM. keB aarupa aa they waul ap tba bill in the fan of I ha enemywith s aoarege and devotion that tntiatopea bm Iba g.'irious pages of bletorp. "Tb a wha aay thai lhea man slab net ail died b4Hee they wisha- those who blame tba soldiers sad mTiara of our array for dieas and death that devastated the ratspa and Ihlened Iba ranks; Itoaa wha eeeerl Ibal our soldier snffaiel Ibfoagh ll.air ewa fanlt, Inaiill IVI.nm trf the bravest men vver ear. rle 1 arms Ueaaib Iba oa "Tbaaa fcati did tot tfiftVr sod dia t aaua they liked II. aril ihisiMM Ibey di I Insult oar array aid Iba man wIk effaved It. tt la aa effmat to reason. 1 bava thing to aay i.f Iba Mem f ir Iba daetb if lbua brave tn." iMa.ia wna raaaaeata. '. I r S CIECUIT COCBT. Forcible Address to the Grand Jury by Judge Lowell. East Oregoutan. Judge Lowell convened the circuit oourt for tbe October seaeion Monday morning Tbe ouees that will attraot tbe most attention are those of 0. C. Cunningham and J. W, Willis, Cunningham being ' charged with the murder of Oliver Young, and the shooting of Mrs. J.J. Worcester, and Willis with an assault with a dangerous weapon on O. 0. Cunningham. There bas probably been no case in tbe history of court procedure iu Umatilla oounty, if, indeed, io Ore woo, possession such tragio interest. Various theories have been formed ac counting for tbe action of Cunningham, and the trial will attraot hundreds to ' tbe court room. The only oase ot recent . years which compares with this one iu trsgio features was tbe one in whiob Frank Fletcher and Peter Qaskell were oharged with tbe murder of Charles Peter six years ago thia fall. Judge Lowell's charge to the grand jury was a very foroible address and will be read with deep interest. lis said. Gentlemen : I band you oopies of newspapers containing assertions whiob, it trne, indioate a oondition of things In Ibis oonnty requiring oareful and thorough investigation by your body. These artioles appearing in tbe Pen dleton Tribune and as a Pendleton dis patch In the Portland Oregoniau declare that there exist within our midst organ ized bands ot stock thieves, whose de predations are so bold and so extensive that stook men have found it necessary to organize for self-prnteotion; that these robbers have intimidated wit nesses, terrorized jurors, tampered with officers aud bribed judges. Such a state of affairs, it true, would indioate that this fair section, ot whtoo every oitimo baa beeu proud and wbeis it was supposed that lawlessness was at a minimum and law and order supreme, where it has been the belief that the rights of persoo and property were pro tected by oompetentand faithful officers, and the law administered by oourts honestly, fearlessly and impartially, is io fuol little better than the wild regions where tbo bardy pioneer administered stern justice tbrongb vigilantes and a hempen rope. Civilization never yet has reached per fection, and until human nature is demised in lhe divine atmosphere ot lha millennium, some crime will exist, but I cannot believe that these statements ot wholesale criminality are mora than lha lurid vanorioss ot a oewsnauer sen- atioualiel, hut the assertions are of a diameter wbiob demand investigation by a competent tribunal, because, it true, tba law breakera must ba brought to jnstioe aud tba righta of person and property protected. It they ara not true, a cruel libel has been spread abroad artVotiug the good name of tba Oonnty and its people. Not only this, but if corruption exists in oourts of justice every tie of humanity and every safeguard ot our institotiona, is tone-bed and in danger. Courts must ba kept, like Caesar's wife, beyond sus picion, Ibat every man entering their precincts for lha protection or determi nation ot bis righta, may bava his sause ailjudieated by publia servanta unin fluenced by fear, favor or hope of re ward. I charge yon to eiatnioe these matters fearlessly, candidly and fully, with a view lo establishing tba truth or falsity of tbrae serious sorueatlona, regarding neither lha position or Ititluence of those who may be guilty (if you bsva reason lo believe from tba evidence Ibat any sra guilty) of the erlinea wbiob these srtloloa charge, either id larceny, or neglect or rorruilioo of those whose duty It ia to enforce Iba law and ad- minister jnstioe. Tbre ia no limit to tba aonpe of your iovestigatioua. Do your duty and sea I hat Justine ia done. Should you flud lha allegations of these artmlea baseless, and naly Iba na- errnpiilone nlterannea of aenaatioual journalism, I deem it your duty to re port, In order that aa far as possible lha if. cid reputation of lhe community which ba Buffered from their pnl.lioalion may ba restored, and Ibe distent poblta who la luipreaaions eolely from Iba praae, may know Ida alataaeot ara false, sod onderstand that ordar and good govern stent ara not strangers la ue. C. C Cunelngbam was brought Mo eourl Wadaeaday, Ootobaf li b on Iba tbaige of morder Is Iba Brat degree. Tba IndMmeal was returned tbte moru las', and lha jrlsoaer brought lo Iba court room at 1-10 p.m. Cunningham Sara In aeaompaoled by hharlff flleklay. lie bad no adores. It bad so fund, or Irtan.le whoenutd foretell I hero, and Thome Filsgarald wee appointed to de fend, lie Ml tba ronrt room lu Mr. Frigaf aM's compaoy to confer witb rf-ranra N what plea ba sloi il I mak. The linliolmavil auni'lr rente Ibal on Hetitamttar 17th h killed, faloi.loae f an I malirl njalr, (Jlner Young, la lha langnag nsosllf aniploted la orb ss-s. A rs ll.laf f ... A i' i'fc i mi i mm a " i ',. U a i Su.a .. iii..o'Ka. a I I r r U -r . o -a ami a ooai 4 "I -.'t i I e.a. . a-i. ,! If iH.a'(a ..M B a. I.,- I, li i r a ( .! r I ..U'M i , v u. oi ti, i i.r .'ot'iU'tt a.t i M U i, ,-f r to-,, .tag ' 11 " - ' a a in .'$? I'aiasnta, ae ai 'I M t f 1. 1. . II. ns I'V a I I . C I . igt, I'r Nsetl lwail aa4 sevsM ll ba VAtf kag aak